Kangbi: Unnatural (by WJSN)

Siren’s Collection

A/N: Please give Unnatural a listen! I thought the lyrics would fit Eunbi's character of really having no time for love or crushes and somehow finding herself falling for a stranger. Just that awkward stage of hating what is happening to herself, yet can't stop it from happening. This time, I've tried to write this in third person as a challenge to myself and honestly, it was a lot harder than I thought. Maybe because I'm not used to it? Or maybe it's been a while since I last wrote in third person? Anyhow, I hope you will enjoy reading! Sorry for any grammatical errors and stuff!  

Feel free to leave any questions, comments and suggestions on here or on my cc (which could be found in the foreword)! 




Running a company can arguably be one of the biggest responsibilities a person could have. What’s more if that company was passed down from your parents, who had the company passed down from their parents, who had the company passed down from THEIR parents? 


Between juggling to be a good boss, running the company (and keeping the reputation up) and being the best sister, daughter and aunt means Eunbi really had no time. No time for anything trivial in her life. In fact, she didn’t even have time to even take a break. So one can imagine the surprise Eunbi had felt when she seemed to finish the never ending pile of paperworks. Idly sitting on her office chair and actually getting to breathe for once was...strange. Something seems to nag her in the back of her mind. Nagging her about missing something because being free of paperworks since she started working in the company has never happened before. 


Leaning forward, Eunbi pressed a button on the phone on her desk. She didn’t have to wait long before a woman’s voice sounded through the speaker.  


‘Ms Seo? Is there any meeting that’s scheduled for today?’


‘Not that I know of, Ms Kwon. The only thing I have here is that you’re going to have a meeting with K Corp to talk about a possible collaboration tomorrow at approximately 2 in the afternoon?’


Right. She knew it was too good to be true. There were definitely paperworks for that project. Sighing, Eunbi thanked her secretary and hung up before turning to look for the files for the project. If she was to be totally honest, Eunbi didn’t really want to deal with this. Afterall, she was only doing what her father thinks was the best choice for the company. He had stepped down and gave her the position of CEO but that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to look through the various projects and give his input about them. Eunbi had once complained about it - saying her father needs to rest and properly retire. But the old man himself had only responded with a sneer as he had told her that she will need to find a partner who can help handle the business. Eunbi was not even part way through rereading the documents when a knock resounded from her office door. 


Eunbi did not look up when she told the person to come in - simply too concentrated in dealing with the fine prints of the contract and proposal. But that was broken when a hand slammed down on her office table. Startled, Eunbi looked up only to see a frowning fairy stare back at her. 


‘It’s 1:30 in the afternoon Eunbi.’ said the fairy, voice laced with annoyance. 


Someone was clearly unhappy with the other. But for what?


‘...Uh...and?’ questioned Eunbi, clearly confused. 


‘You promised lunch with us today? Did you forget again?’


At that, Eunbi’s eyes widened. Damn. Seems like she forgot about her lunch date today. Or did she just forget about eating as a whole? Being busy can really make you forget even your basic necessities. 


‘Sorry Won, I totally forgot. Give me a moment and we can head over to the restaurant together?’


A hum of approval came from her sister as Eunbi scurried around her office for her purse, phone and jacket. Once she got herself ready, Eunbi could only see her sister shaking her head a little before opening the door of her office and walking out. Eunbi couldn’t help but feel bad for forgetting, causing her to pout while she was in the elevator with her sister. 


‘Ew, stop pouting. It doesn’t suit you. Plus it’s okay, it happens with how busy you are.’ said Chaewon as she eyed Eunbi, a smile playing on her lips. 


‘I’m sorry Won...being busy isn’t an excuse to not spend lunch with you...’


‘Hey, it’s fine. I understand. Though you might want to explain to our guest when we get to the venue why you were late.’


As the sisters made their way to the restaurant, Eunbi was looking at Chaewon in confusion. What guest? What is her sister talking about? As far as she’s concerned, it was just a cute sister lunch date at the restaurant that served some really nice pasta (in her opinion). What guests was Chaewon talking about? 


Upon arriving at the fancy looking italian restaurant, Eunbi scanned the area trying to look for a guest that she was not aware of. But she could only spot a pretty woman at the corner of the restaurant with a gentle smile on her face, waving them over.   


‘Won? Who’s the guest? I can only see Min here?’ said Eunbi, a little confused.  


‘Is my wife not enough to be a guest for you?’ Chaewon questioned, eyes narrowing as she stopped walking abruptly and faced Eunbi.


Taken aback by the sudden aggression laced in her voice, Eunbi’s eyes widened as she whipped her head to face her sister. Clearly, Chaewon was not happy with the way Eunbi had worded her confusion. Wanting to clear up any misunderstanding, Eunbi tried to explain herself. But a sudden pain shooting up her leg interrupted her. Looking down at the weight on her leg, she was met with the cutest pair of eyes staring back at her, a wide grin stretched on the other’s face. 


Immediately, Eunbi understood Chaewon’s ‘special guest’. Eunbi couldn’t stop the grin on her face mirroring the little girl’s as Eunbi bent down to pick her up. The little girl was dressed in a cute light pink dress, while holding the pink bunny plushie that Eunbi had gifted her one birthday in her hand. 


‘Hi Wonnie! How is my favorite little girl doing?’


‘Hi Auntwie Eunbwie! I mished you a lot! (Hi Auntie Eunbi! I missed you a lot!) Bunbun too!’ replied the little girl just as enthusiastically as her favorite aunt.   


‘Aw I missed Bunbun and you too! Now Wonnie, don’t you have day care today? Why are you visiting your aunt and your mom with mama?’ asked Eunbi as the trio made their way to the table occupied by Minjoo. 


‘Hey Min, how have you been?’ asked Eunbi as she got closer to Minjoo.


‘Hey Eunbi! It’s been a while. I’ve been great - though it can be a little tiring trying to balance taking care of Wonyoung and dealing with stuff in the company. Luckily I managed to sort it out so things are a little better. Wonyoung has been very well behaved too so that really helped,’ pipped Minjoo, enthusiastically sharing some information with the older lady. 


Eunbi watched as Chaewon made her way over to Minjoo and placed a tender kiss on the latter’s forehead before sharing a smile and sitting down in the chair opposite her. While Eunbi placed her adorable niece in the chair with a cushion block next to Minjoo. 


‘Have you guys ordered yet?’ asked Eunbi as she looked at the couple next to her. 


‘I’ve ordered for all of us. I hope you’re okay with your favorite alfredo pasta! Chae told me you haven’t had pasta in a long time and it’s your favorite food to eat when you crave for Italian,’ said Minjoo as she filled Eunbi in. 


Eunbi suddenly found herself filled with warmth as she faced her sister who was awkwardly drinking her cup of cold water. She knew her sister was quiet and observant but she never thought Chaewon would pay so much attention to her. It didn’t even occur to her till this moment, just how much Chaewon remembers her words. Seems like Chaewon cared about her more than she thought. 


‘Thanks Won, thanks Min,’ said Eunbi, grateful for her sister and Minjoo’s sweet gestures. 




Eunbi remembers the day that she was introduced to Chaewon’s girlfriend very vividly. 


‘Hey Eun? Did you manage to get the beef for today’s dinner? I have a guest with me...’ said Chaewon as she asked her sister who was cooking in the kitchen. 


‘Yeah, just as you insisted. Who’s this guest anyway? Why did you make sure I had to buy this exact cut of beef anyway?’ asked Eunbi, equally confused and curious. 


‘Uh, I’ll explain during dinner...Thanks Eun...’ trailed Chaewon as she made her way out of the kitchen to attend to her guest. 


Settling the boiling pot of kimchi stew on the dinner table, Eunbi looked up to call for her sister and this guest that she has yet to meet. Whoever created the saying ‘curiosity killed that cat’ must be onto something, because Eunbi is dying and could no longer keep her curiosity at bay. But before Eunbi could even voice out anything, she was met with the very person she was meaning to call out for and a very familiar face next to her.  


‘So...uh...this is Kim Minjoo...’ introduced Chaewon, cheeks flaming up as she tries to keep a calm facade. 


‘Hello, I’m Minjoo. Thank you for having me over for dinner,’ said the guest as she bowed down. 


Eunbi tried to catch the girl’s eyes but was unable to do so as the ever polite Minjoo was quick to bow down. She did not even bother to stand up until she heard Eunbi’s voice calling for her.  




‘Eunbi?’ asked Minjoo as she immediately stood back up. Eunbi could see the flash of confusion on Minjoo’s face before the latter tried to mask it.  


‘What are you doing-’ 


Eunbi couldn’t even finish her sentence as Chaewon had interrupted her by pushing her into her seat while mentioning how the food would get cold if they were to stand around any longer. Thinking that she had a point, Eunbi settled in her seat and waited for the other two to do so as well. Except the seating arrangement was a little...awkward to say the least. Chaewon and Minjoo were both sitting opposite her with the food separating them from Eunbi while she felt like a parent that was about to interrogate her daughter.


‘Anyway, before I was rudely interrupted by Won, I wanted to ask what you were doing here Min. How has school been? Is the student council still running okay?’ 


‘I hope it wasn’t a bother! I was actually invited to have dinner with Chaewon and her family. Though I am surprised to see you here Eunbi. The student council is doing okay, but you really left some big shoes to fill after your graduation!’ provided Minjoo, a smile on her face. 


Now, Eunbi has always been fond of the other girl, maybe even a bit more than her own sister. Minjoo was a junior in her school. During the time Eunbi was the student council president, Minjoo was a hardworking member who put 110 percent effort in everything she did. She never gave any trouble to Eunbi - the only trouble Minjoo had with Eunbi was when the president had to stop the girl from trying to take on even more work.


‘That’s good to hear. I’m sure the others are doing well! Wow, I didn’t think I’d be seeing you so soon seeing as Chaewon had only told me that she’s bringing home a special guest...’ trailed Eunbi as she eyed her sister who was stuffing her face with rice. 


Hearing her name, Chaewon froze mid chew with a mouth full of rice. Looking so much like a deer caught in headlights, Chaewon slowly chewed while looking between her sister and the girl sitting next to her. The atmosphere suddenly grew tense as the silence dragged on. Eunbi could do nothing but patiently wait as Chaewon finished chewing and watched as her sister reached under the table towards Minjoo. 


‘Uh...Eunbi…? I think I should’ve introduced her properly to you. This is...Kim Minjoo...’


‘Well, yeah I know that. You said it when you first showed up at the table after I brought food out. Plus she’s a junior from my school?’ said Eunbi, head cocking to the side, while looking at Chaewon with an eyebrow raised.   


‘....she’s my girlfriend...’




Now, you could imagine the surprise and joy Eunbi had felt when she first found out that the person her sister was dating was her dear junior from school. But also, you could imagine the disbelief on her face when she first found out because who in their right mind would want to date Chaewon?! 


‘...Why are you dating Chaewon? Min, you’re one of my favorite juniors. You could clearly do so much better,’ said Eunbi jokingly. Chaewon had made a face when she heard her sister say that but what Eunbi didn’t expect was just how fast Minjoo had responded to her. 


‘Thanks for the concern Eunbi. Although you are also one of my favorite seniors, I fell hard for your sister. It was something that happened over time and honestly, Chaewon is the sweetest and kindest person I’ve had the pleasure of meeting in my life. I have so many reasons as to why I love her but it would probably take more than just a single dinner for me to fill you in,’ Minjoo said gently, occasionally glancing at Chaewon. Eunbi could see the way Chaewon had looked at Minjoo as if she was her everything and how the two were holding hands under the table. 


Although she was only teasing her sister, Eunbi saw the way Minjoo had come to Chaewon’s defence. The way Minjoo had jumped in to clarify things with nothing but honesty. It was frankly quite cute and Eunbi was very glad that her sister had found someone like Minjoo as her soulmate. 


Deciding it was enough teasing for one day, Eunbi tried to move on to another topic. She loved Minjoo for her sister and honestly she prayed that the two would last forever. She wanted nothing but the two to be happy. 


‘Oh! Min, let me tell you about that one time when stupid 4 year old Chaewon had decided that crayons are the next best thing (because she’s not allowed to throw her porridge) to throw against the white walls of a hospital room!’


‘Oh? Please do tell me!’ replied Minjoo enthusiastically with eyes sparkling. 




One thing that Eunbi hated more than meetings, was when she herself was running late for one. Not only does that show that she was ‘insincere’ and reflects that she had poor time management, but she feels bad.


The cafe that she was supposed to meet the representative of K Corp was one of the more well known ones in the area. It was modern and stylish, complete with a view to the beach located just behind the cafe. It was definitely a cafe that Eunbi had on her ‘list of places to visit alone or with the rest of her family’. 


Eunbi was not panicking. She was just merely running late for an important meeting that could decide whether her first self-created collaboration will work out or not. Totally not a big deal. Which is why one could see a frantic Eunbi rushing towards a closed glass door, a thick manilla folder tucked under her left arm. Thinking this would finally put her out of her misery, Eunbi tried to desperately push the cafe doors open, only for the door to not budge at all. 


‘Why won’t this damn door open...I’m already running late,’ muttered a frustrated Eunbi as she looked up to see if the doors had been locked.  


The world seems to be mocking Eunbi for being late because to her left, Eunbi watched with wide eyes as a couple made their way out of the cafe while pushing the door open. Looking back to the door in front of her, Eunbi quickly surveyed the glass in front of her only to find a giant ‘pull’ sign staring back at her.     


‘Oh god, I hope no one saw that. That was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life...’


Eunbi tried to take in as much as she could of the cafe. The cafe itself was amazing in terms of decoration and design. Everything in the cafe seems to resemble the ideal cafe that Eunbi had in mind. 


‘Hello, welcome to Hello Stranger! How many guests would it be for you today, miss?’ 


‘I’m here for a business meeting with someone…?’ 


Funny how one question from a passing worker in the cafe could make Eunbi suddenly doubt everything she knows. What happens if she’s got the wrong address? What happens if she’s got the wrong cafe? Heck, what happens if the representative has already left!?  


Before Eunbi could have any sort of panic attack, the waitress smiled and told her to follow her. Eunbi wasn’t sure who she was expecting to meet. The waitress had directed her to sit in the small booth, hidden at the back of the cafe. It was a comfortable space hidden from the public’s view and there sat a lady in perfect posture, quietly sipping her coffee while looking through some sort of document. She was in an immaculate suit while her brown hair was tied in a neat ponytail. She was definitely pretty. The lady she was met with had also given off some sort of...vibe. Something about her screamed dangerous.  


‘Hello, I’m Kwon Eunbi. I’m here with my proposal and to discuss the possible collaboration with uh...K Corp?’  


The woman looked up from her coffee and motioned for Eunbi to take a seat. 


‘I work with K Corp. However, I am only here to listen to your proposal. Should there be any questions or further discussion, my superior will contact you.’ said the woman as she quickly flashed her work ID at Eunbi’s direction. 


To say Eunbi was taken aback would be an understatement. It was definitely off putting and Eunbi could do nothing but take everything in as it hits her. Who knew stating a proposal was this hard? Despite her current state of shock, Eunbi tried her best to mask her expression. She opened the manilla folder and proceeded to take out documents so that she could begin.


She was nowhere close to beginning when a single cup of coffee was suddenly placed in front of her. 


‘Sorry to interrupt, but here is your cappuccino. Please enjoy,’ said the waitress. 


‘But I didn’t order anything…?’ trailed Eunbi as she looked back and forth between the waitress and the innocent coffee sitting on the table. 


Sensing the confusion, the waitress took it upon herself to explain to the woman next to her. 


‘It’s okay. It’s on the house!’ pipped the waitress before she had disappeared to go back to work. 


After an excruciatingly slow hour had passed, Eunbi had watched as the lady had politely (and robotically) bid her farewell and took whatever notes and documents that she needed with her, out the door of the cafe. It was only after the representative had left, when she looked back at the coffee. The coffee that she didn’t get the chance to drink because she had to utilize her time well, in order to fit all the proposal content within the limited time that she had. 


The coffee still sat there innocently and Eunbi was contemplating on whether to down it cold or leave it on the table, when a hand reached out and grabbed it. 


Exhausted from the pressure of the meeting, Eunbi only had half a mind to register what was happening. Startled, she quickly reached out and grabbed onto whoever’s arm that was holding her coffee. 


‘H-huh? Excuse me, I wasn’t done with the coffee!’ 


‘I know. I’m giving you this one. This one’s hot and freshly made. You don’t want to down a coffee that is not meant to be drunk cold...’


The voice that answered her was soft and soothing. Everything that she was not feeling when she was rushing to the meeting. Eunbi couldn’t help it. Her eyes traveled up the arm she was holding onto, only to be met with a gorgeous blonde woman who had a small smile on her face. 




Snapping out of her stupor, Eunbi had let go of the arm she was unconsciously holding onto and muttered a sorry under her breath. The floor suddenly looked very interesting. Eunbi couldn’t bring herself to look up, too embarrassed to face the girl. She could feel her cheeks growing warm as a soft chuckle resounded from the pretty blonde beside her. 


It keeps getting on my nerves - every single one of my actions are awkward


Eunbi could feel the waitress? The barista? The manager? (At this point, Eunbi couldn’t tell what she was except for the fact that she’s gorgeous) had made her way back to the counter area. The plate and cup creating a soft clinking sound onto the table indicated that she had dropped off the cold coffee. Assuming the girl was making her way back to whatever she was previously doing, Eunbi previously tense shoulders began to relax from the awkward moment. 


Kwon Eunbi, what were you even doing? Being hung up on awkward encounters was definitely not on the list of things Eunbi has on her agenda. She’s a CEO for goodness sake! There are things that she should care more about, for example, if K Corp is happy with the proposal or not. 


Saying hello, all the smiles around my mouth, everything - oh no, oh what should I do?


‘Hey do you mind if I sit here?’


Looking up, Eunbi watched with wide eyes as the blonde girl shot her a smile and took her silence as a no. Making herself comfortable, the blonde girl took a sip of the drink in front of her and watched as Eunbi tried to regain her bearings.


‘I’m Hyewon. A barista here at Hello Stranger. You?’


‘Uh...Eunbi. I’m Eunbi? Hi! I work…?’


‘Hi ‘Uh Eunbi’ that ‘works’. Have you tried the coffee? Tell me what you think of it,’ giggled the pretty blonde girl (that Eunbi can now put a name to) as she cocked her head to the side.   


‘My name...it’s just Eunbi...and yeah, I’ll uh, try it now! Sorry?’ said Eunbi, hoping the smile on her face would come off as friendly and nothing like the grimace she could picture in her mind with how painfully awkward she is. 


‘You didn’t do anything wrong, so please, don’t apologize!’


‘Oh! Uh, yes. Okay.’ stuttered Eunbi as she fumbled with the cup in front of her and took a sip.


‘Is it good?’ pipped the eager barista who watched on, trying to observe every single detail that could show up on Eunbi’s face as she tasted the coffee.


‘Oh wow...this coffee...I’m definitely coming back to get more!’ 


‘It’s good right?’ grinned Hyewon, eyes crinkling adorably. 




Eunbi had intended the ‘definitely coming back to get more coffee’ to happen probably a week from her visit. However, this ‘definitely coming back’ has instead become a huge ‘what if’. It’s been a good two months since Eunbi’s first visit to Hello Stranger. She hasn’t been able to visit the cafe that left such a big impression on her. Being absolutely swamped with paperworks resulted in Eunbi locking herself in her office, not letting anything distract her. Honestly, Eunbi thinks she’s doing a great job at the whole ‘no distractions’ thing, only for that thought to crumble to dust when Chaewon burst into the office. 


‘Eunbi, it’s been a few weeks already and you’re STILL doing the same as before,’ said an unimpressed Chaewon scolded her sister. 


‘Won, I really need to try and finish these. These contracts and documents ain’t writing themselves and frankly, people don’t pay as much attention as I thought because I’m the one who needs to go through and edit everything. I really should’ve just wrote these contracts myself,’ Eunbi replied, eyes still focused on the documents in front of her and occasionally circling sections in a red pen.


‘I really think you need a break. Maybe grab a coffee or something?’


‘Won, I’m fine. I’ll live.’


‘No, you need a break. I’ll help you look through these documents. Maybe grab a coffee from a shop that is not in this area. You need a change of scenery.’


‘It’s alright, I need to fin-’


‘Hey, how about you go grab coffee at Hello Stranger again? You seem to really like that coffee shop from the way you came home after the first meeting.’


With that said, Eunbi’s mind immediately travelled back to that day - the day where she had to meet the K Corp Representative and probably did one of the most awkward and nerve wracking project proposals in her life. Oh, and meeting one attractive blonde barista that seems to occupy her thoughts more often than she wanted.    


Trying to look indifferent - I’m pretending nothing’s wrong


‘W-what do you mean?’


‘To be fair, you’ve never really explicitly SAID you really liked the coffee shop. But hey, I would like to think I know my sister well enough to know that having a skip in your steps and your unconscious humming indicates how much you liked something.’


But actually, actually, it’s obvious - I know 


Eunbi couldn’t help it. She felt a sudden cold rush travelling through her body, feeling almost bare when Chaewon hit her with facts. Sometimes she hates how observant her sister is. 


‘See? I swear, you’re like an open book to me. You’re fidgeting with the ring on your finger - you know I’m right Eunbi.’


What should I do, baby I don’t really know what to do, no no 


‘J-just...leave me Won. I’ll deal with the paperwork and you can come bother me again for dinner later!’


‘M’kay Eunbi, chill. You can just say no to the coffee and Hello stranger. With your reaction, I would’ve thought you liked the cafe not because of the cafe but because you’ll see some cute barista or something.’




‘Okay! I’m leaving already! I’ll come back at 5:30 to make sure you get out of the office and have dinner with Min and Wonyo.’


With that, Chaewon made her way out of her sister’s office, trying her best to keep her mumbles under her breath. God knows if Eunbi had heard her, she wouldn’t be seeing her wife later today.


You make me feel like I’m not me - love actually 


Eunbi was met with a silent office after Chaewon left. Returning back to her ‘no distraction’ bubble was something she really wished could do. But with what Chaewon had said, the distraction keeps lingering in her mind in one form of a beautiful blonde barista by the name of Hyewon. Damn it Eunbi. It’s been a good two months and you’re STILL hung up on a pretty girl who has probably forgotten about your awkward existence.  


Lock me up in expectation and anxiety, make me reasonably insane, you got me like woo


5:30 rolled by way quicker than expected and Eunbi had only realised she had barely done any work after Chaewon had left the office a good two hours ago. Chaewon should really change careers and not be COO of the company. Instead, Eunbi reckons she’d make an amazing alarm with how on time she is with bursting into her office at the time that was mentioned previously. Sometimes Eunbi really wonders whether Minjoo would be the alarm or Chaewon would be the alarm between the two - which usually leads to Eunbi pitying her poor niece. Poor Wonyoung will never get to experience how glorious sleeping in is with both parents being early wakers and alarms.      


‘Come on Eunbi, I’ll drive you. Wonyo called me earlier with Min’s phone and was being all adorable and asking for us to get home quick because she was ‘hungy’. We can’t have my child being hungry while waiting for us!’


‘Yeah, yeah, I’m coming. But Won, please, don’t drive like you're some F1 racer just because your baby is waiting. As much as I want a break, I don’t want to die yet...’




Dinner was as always - not super eventful, just the right amount of coziness and hominess. Nothing is better than spending time with your favorite people with delicious homemade meals prepared by an amazing cook (and no, your sister can’t cook to save her life so we all know who you’re pertaining to). 


‘How has work been Eunbi?’ 


Ah, sweet sweet Minjoo. Always one to be caring and taking the time out of her day to make sure the people she cares about knows that she’s paying attention. 


‘I’m good…? Er, I mean I guess it could be better? I don’t really know at this point. I have to make sure all the contracts are being written properly and that all the details are correct...’


‘And I’ve been telling you I can help you out so you can take a break!’ said Chaewon with a frown on her face, voice muffled and cheeks still full from the mouthful of rice and beef. 


‘Mom! Swallow the wice fwirst (rice first) or you will choke just like Yujinnie at school today!’


‘Honey, Wonyo’s right. Swallow first before you talk.’ said Minjoo soothingly, bringing a hand to pat her wife’s back who was struggling to swallow the mouthful of rice. 


‘Hm? Wonnie, who’s this Yujinnie? Is Yujinnie your friend?’ asked Eunbi, suddenly interested in what her niece had said. 


The little girl looked up from her bowl of rice and tried to answer her aunt. 


‘Yeah! Yujinnie is my fwiend! She’s weally cool and I wike her awot! (She’s really cool and I like her a lot)’ replied the little girl enthusiastically, rice still stuck on her face. 


‘Heh, even my child is going to have a love life before my own sister. Don’t blame me when mom and dad ask you about finding a partner again,’ said Chaewon as she finally finished swallowing and is ready to launch a full interrogation on her dear sister. 


Knowing how unpredictable Chaewon could be, Eunbi knew exactly what to expect and didn’t know exactly what to expect either. Eunbi could only do a quick prayer in hopes that Chaewon won’t be asking questions that would hit bulls eye like this earlier this afternoon.   


Sometimes I keep it cool but, it just doesn’t work 


‘Oh yeah, I was meaning to ask this for a long time now. Was there something we should know about your visit to Hello Stranger?’ questioned Chaewon with an annoying smirk on her face.


Eunbi could feel herself sweating a little at being asked about the same thing that has been bothering her for most of the past two months. Damn it Chaewon. Of all things you could’ve asked, you really chose to revisit the same thing from earlier this afternoon? 


The natural attitude, stupid look, dripping gold, what should I do more? 


Just mentioning Hello Stranger again caused Eunbi to have the stupidest smile on her face while thinking about all those ‘what if’ scenarios in her head. You can bet both Minjoo and Chaewon questioning the heck out of her for the rest of the dinner while Wonyoung having finished her dinner, played tea party with both her pink stuffed bunny and blue stuffed puppy.




Another good two months had passed and after communicating with the staff from K Corp the first time at Hello Stranger, Eunbi has communicated with the person who overlooks this collaboration via emails. She’s never seen nor heard of the other person. Heck, she doesn’t even know how to address them other than ‘To the Project Manager from K Corp’! 


So one can understand just how nervous Eunbi is feeling after being told out of the blue that she would be meeting the person she has been communicating with in regards to this project for the first time.  


At the same cafe as the first time this project was discussed. 


How can I breathe now now now - feels like I forgot how to breathe


All Eunbi knows is that she’s nervous. She’s not too sure whether it’s because she’s intimidated by the aspect of who this Project Manager could be or if it’s because of the gorgeous blond barista who works inside.  


‘You got this Eunbi. It’s just another meeting with some intimidating pretty lady - if it’s the same lady as last time? Wait what happens if her boss whom I’m meeting today is even more intimidating and pretty?! WAIT, WHAT HAPPENS IF IT’S A MAN AND I FORGET TO ADDRESS HIM AS MISTER BECAUSE I’VE ASSUMED SHE WAS A LADY THIS WHOLE TIME!?!?’ 


I’m holding my breath - it’s suffocating; everything is out of my control 


A loud ding signaled Eunbi that she had a message. Ah. Trust Chaewon to know just what to say during nerve wracking times like this. Mentally thanking her sister, Eunbi took another deep breath, before heading out of the car and towards the beautiful cafe. 


Pulling the door open this time, Eunbi was met with another waitress who asked the standard question.


‘Hello, welcome to Hello Stranger! How many guests would it be for you today, miss?’ 


‘Uh, a table for...maybe four people? I’m honestly not too sure...’


‘That’s alright! We can get you a bigger table later if you need. Please follow me this way,’ said the waitress, politely guiding Eunbi towards an outdoor four seater table with a beautiful view of the beach. 


With every minute passing, the more Eunbi could not help but get nervous. She unconsciously fiddled with the ring on her finger while trying to keep her stares to a minimum. When Eunbi said she tried, she really did. It’s just, with where she was sitting, it was a little hard to try and look for the blonde barista who works behind the counter. The barista could be covered by the giant, fancy-looking coffee machine for all she knows.  


Oh, I’m unnatural, I know I’m really really really unnatural - why?

Stop Eunbi! You’ve got to stop being creepy. You’re here for a meeting! 


Any sort of thoughts were broken when a presence was felt and Eunbi had turned her head to her right, only for her eyes to meet two dangerously beautiful women standing there. Both were dressed in an immaculate black suit, classy and elegant. The brunette who stood a little behind was the same intimidating K Corp Representative she had presented the project proposal in front of. The other was someone she was way more familiar with she would like to admit. 


Who was she kidding. Of course the other was more familiar. The same pretty blond hair was now let out of the pony tail that she had first seen. This was the same gorgeous barista that occupied her thoughts the past four months.


I keep creaking every time I stand in front of you - you blow my mind


‘Hi Eunbi, it’s been awhile hasn’t it?’




I don’t like it - how I look, how I speak. It’s not working


‘Surprise?’ answered Hyewon, a sheepish grin on her face as her hand went to scratch the back of her non-itchy neck. A bad habit she still hasn’t been able to get rid of, though Eunbi would argue otherwise as it does things to her heart. 


Seeing as the girl opposite her was frozen, Hyewon decided to speak up - hoping that it would somehow ease the awkward atmosphere. 


‘Maybe I should reintroduce myself...’ 


Standing up, Hyewon stuck her hand out to Eunbi, a charming smile stretched on her face. 


‘Hi Eunbi. I’m Kang Hyewon, CEO of K Corp and the person who is overlooking this collaboration from K Corp’s side.’




‘I still remember watching you panic and try your best to push open the cafe door when the sign clearly said pull’


‘Why can’t you let that go already?’ 


‘Because it’s literally my first impression of you in person!’


‘And?! Why are you hung up about seeing me failing to open a door?’


‘Hm...I guess it was because I’ve only ever seen you being charismatic and gorgeous? But you’re actually surprisingly adorable without knowing it’


Damn it. There it is. Hyewon and her smooth lines never fail to make Eunbi’s heart skip a beat, coupled with the growing warmth that she could feel on her face. It’s been a few months since they started dating, yet Eunbi still wonders how Hyewon can get so unknowingly cheesy. What’s worse was that Eunbi could feel herself reacting to it. Every. Single. Damn. Time.


Really really unnatural; why?



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ilovetakumiusui #1
Chapter 13: I just finished reading Wish You Were Sober and OH MY GOD A PART 2 IS A MUST
reigngrey #2
Chapter 13: Definitely need a part 2. I like this kind of stories for annyeongz
Chapter 13: AAAAAAAAA! Annyeongz their so fluffy and cute🤧🤧
I need part 2 of this. Thank you author!🥰
Chapter 11: awww annyeongz baby
Chapter 12: reading this in yuri's pov broke my heart so much more, my yulyen babies huhuhu thank you for this!!
hee_hor #6
Chapter 12: thank u for the update 🥲it’s Soo good
AlondraCmr #7
Chapter 10: will there be a second part?
hanonstar #8
Chapter 10: Wow,this storyline is unique. I enjoyed reading since I seriously have no clue what would happen next. This is so beautiful thank you so much!
Tzuunaa #9
Chapter 10: Oh myyyy this is sooo deym good thank youuu
yujinz_wonny0304 #10
Chapter 9: my heart is hurting. Nooo