Annyeongz: Eyes Off You (by Prettymuch)

Siren’s Collection

A/N: Please have a listen to the song (especially when you're up to the dance bit)! I felt the mood and lyrics really fit with this idea that I had and even played the song on repeat as I was writing the last part of this OS haha I hope that people who are reading this will understand what I was trying to convey seeing as I feel like my idea was a little all over the place. This OS is also a bit of a long read - I hope those who are reading, won't mind it. I promise it's fluff though! Sorry for any gramatical errors and stuff! There are intended gaps in the timeline and story in case anyone was wondering...I wrote this for Annyeongz' birthdays and hopefully, all of us will hear good news about Yujin soon too! Feel free to leave any questions, comments and suggestions on here or on my cc (which can be found on the foreword)! 




New school year meant new students. Or really, possible transfers. 


...Who were you kidding? You live in a little town a good three hour drive away from Seoul. Most of the big kids who you grew up with had left for the big city either for jobs or for college. Chaewon’s older sister Eunbi was one of those who had left. But you can’t blame her. Eunbi is basically everyone’s older sister. And she was the previous school president and is super smart and talented. She had scored the highest in the school and was offered a scholarship to study medicine in the big city. No one in their right mind would turn down that offer. Most people stay in town and go to college here. They only tend to leave after college to get better paying jobs in the big city.    


Here in the little town, in the new school year, you were once again stuck with a few people you know. Although you didn’t have a lot of friends your age, you had your gang that consisted of Chaewon, Yena and Chaeyeon. Oh- and Eunbi. You definitely can’t forget about the founding mother of the little gang. Chaeyeon and Eunbi were the reasons why both Yena and you didn’t do anything too stupid that would result in the two of you finding yourselves at the police station. 


Being relatively smart and a hard worker also means you could skip grades. Oh, and your eyesight was the compromise. The reasons for skipping grades didn’t really start off because you wanted to skip, but it definitely became worth it when you could stick with the rest of the gang throughout your school life. It makes everything less lonely, you know? You don’t have many friends your age. 


Don’t ask why, I can paint a picture of you in my mind


But you do remember you had a childhood friend who was probably around your age. You were forever grateful for her, seeing as she was your first friend and the only person who didn’t find you annoying. She was always a little smaller than you and would always wear a pink cardigan and a nice dress whenever you saw her at the local playground. Perhaps it was because you were a little taller than bunny and that’s why you’d always felt the need to protect her from all the bad people in this world. She had a very cute, bunny-like smile whenever the two of you were spending time together. She had really cute cheeks too! Whenever she ate the snacks you would bring, her cheeks would puff out like a squirrel, while she looked at you with wide eyes and told you that the food was amazing. Seeing her happy made you happy too. She was someone that you would keep going to the park for. 


You used to spend most of your time with her. But during a fateful summer’s day just shortly after second grade had started, she disappeared without a trace. You would stupidly still go back to the park every afternoon and wait for her. You’re not very sure what had happened but you were determined to wait for your bunny until she came back. This had gone on for a while, before the rest of your gang had noticed the little kid who sat under the tree shade in the corner of the park. Yena had first come up to you and asked you to play with them. They were playing some treasure finding game and that they were a family of pirates. You were their latest recruit and honestly speaking, you had a lot of fun. They have grown to be your closest friends. But you’ve always thought about bunny in everything you do. Things like ‘ah, she would’ve enjoyed playing this too!’ and whenever the gang went to the nearby convenience store to buy ice cream ‘There's a new bunny shaped marshmallow! She would love this!’. But as the years went by and your hope of ever seeing bunny again kept diminishing. 


She was also the reason why you became how you are now. 


You studied hard to be in the same grade as the others. It was a little unfortunate that during the new school year, you were not placed in the same class as the others. You don’t like being left alone. You became a little wary of meeting new people because you were scared that they would leave you just like bunny did.


You still think about her even though it’s been so many years since you last saw her. 


‘Hey Jinnie! Are you excited!?’ shouted Yena as she leaned into your personal space, a wide grin stretched across her face. 


Breaking out of your trip down memory lane, you looked at Yena before shaking your head. 


‘What should I be excited about again?’ you asked, a little confused at what she was pertaining to. 


‘Your mom adopting me and giving me your room, duh?’ said Yena as she pulled herself back a little and dramatically rolled her eyes. ‘Of course it’s about the rumored new student! I heard she’s a rich girl from Seoul!’   


‘Jinnie, were you even listening???’ piped up Chaewon who was quietly eating her sandwich on the side. 


‘People still want to transfer to this dingy old town?’ you couldn’t help but ask. It didn’t really make sense, seeing as you could guess with the amount of people leaving this small town - no one really wanted to stay here. There’s nothing much to do here anyway.  


‘Why don’t we ask our dear president?’ said Yena as she turned to face Chaeyeon who was quiet this whole time. 


‘I can’t say anything even if I knew anything about this new student. I’m the school president and I can’t leak secrets,’ said Chaeyeon playfully as she gave the rest of you a cheeky wink. 


‘Damn. Sometimes Chaeyeon could be such a killjoy,’ sulked Yena as she pouted.  


‘You seem to forget about a very important piece of info, you dumb duck,’ Chaewon nonchalantly said as she slowly wrapped the other half of her neatly cut sandwich and placed it on the table in front of her. 


‘Uh and what might that be?’ 


You found yourself nodding along with Yena, seeing as you don’t really know another way for Yena to find out more information about this apparent transfer student. You didn’t have to wait long though. The answer to Yena’s question came when a very beautiful girl sat down next to Chaewon and placed her stack of books in front of her. 


‘Hey baby’ said a suddenly smiley Chaewon sweetly, as she wrapped an arm around the girl’s waist and placed a kiss on her cheek. 


‘Hey to you, my little cub,’ replied the girl in Chaewon’s arms with a gentle smile on her face. After settling down, she placed a kiss on Chaewon’s cheeks before happily taking out two bottles of yogurt and gave one to Chaewon. 


‘Baby, you should’ve told me you had a lot to carry! I would’ve ran to you and helped you!’ pouted Chaewon as she pushed the other half of her lunch to her girlfriend. 


Right. How could you forget that Kim Minjoo was part of the student council? You wanted to slap yourself in the face for forgetting. But it seems like you didn’t need to because a loud slap could be heard. You faced Yena who had her face buried in her hand. 


‘God, I sometimes forget about the fact that you’re not single. How can I forget that Minjoo is my other ticket to finding out more about this rich girl?’ mumbled Yena.  


‘We don't even know if we are really getting a transfer student or not anyway...’ you said as you picked at your half eaten bowl of fried rice. 


‘Oh yeah? You wanna bet?’ challenged Yena as she eyed you with a playful ‘you’re going down’ look. 


‘Bring it on duck!’ you replied. You know you’re most likely going to regret it but curse your competitive spirit you guess.  


‘One lunch on the loser coz I’m poor!’ 


‘You’re on!’




Well maybe you shouldn’t have betted. Eunbi would always scold you because ‘betting against Yena is probably not the smartest idea because you’re always betting about something dumb’. And honestly she’s always right. As expected of your other mom. 


When you went to class the next day, you settled on your usual seat - the one in the second last row, closest to the windows. You honestly love this seat and could not be any more thankful that although you couldn’t choose who you were sitting with, your teacher had managed to assign you a seat you actually liked for once. The window on your left provided great natural lighting and you especially loved how the cool breeze would come through during Spring, Autumn and Summer. It only a bit in Winter because of the cold. But it wasn’t all that bad either. The window provided the perfect second floor view to the outside world and perfect scenery for you to daydream to. 


You thought it was just any other day of school. You don’t know why you did it since you always kept to yourself, but you turned up relatively early. You had managed to even sneak a little bit of a nap in before good old Mr Son came in for homeroom. 


‘Good morning everyone.’ came Mr Son’s monotonous voice, greeting everyone with the usual straight face he had. Ah- there it is. Your alarm that tells you school is starting. You sat up, trying to blink away the sleepiness. You were still a little drowsy from your nap, but you sat up straighter. Straight enough to show that you were paying attention so grouchy old Mr Son wouldn’t punish you. His expressions and monotonous voice really makes you wonder if he wanted to be here. Maybe he unfortunately didn’t go to the city and was stuck teaching kids and didn’t enjoy it? 


‘Before I begin homeroom, I’ll need to introduce everyone to someone.’


Murmurs broke out in the classroom and suddenly the room seemed livelier than it has ever been. You could hear the boys snickering and praying that it would be a ‘hot new girl’ while the girls were praying for a ‘handsome new boy’. You didn’t really care. You were a little bored of the suspense and you had also thought about the bet that was made during lunch yesterday. Damn Yena and her correct bets, now your lunch money is gone. 


‘Please come in, new student.’


That sentence alone stole everyone’s attention. You also turned away from the window to look at the front of the classroom. Only to have your breath taken away from you. 


What the heck was happening? It’s just a new kid. A new girl to be exact. And god she’s gorgeous. Probably the prettiest girl you’ve seen and you’re not going to lie here, but you have some pretty damn gorgeous friends if you do say so yourself. The strangest thing about this new girl though, was not only that she was super tall. And gorgeous. And you don’t even know why you suddenly stopped breathing for a bit. But there seems to be a sense of familiarity to her. It almost feels like you probably know her from somewhere. 


‘Hello everyone. My name is Jang Wonyoung. Please take care of me.’ said the gorgeous girl at the front of the classroom. You watched as she bowed to the class before straightening up and looking around the class. Maybe she was trying to memorize who was in her class and who sat where?


The classroom suddenly became rowdy. Some of the boys could be heard shouting a loud ‘YES, IT’S A HOT GIRL!’ and ‘HI YOU’RE PRETTY, LET’S GO ON A DATE AFTER SCHOOL!’. On the other hand, some girls could be heard voicing out their disappointment that it wasn’t some hot new boy. But you could also hear the disappointment quickly changing to a ‘wow she’s so tall’ and ‘wow she’s so pretty’. You couldn’t help but scoff a little when you heard the various comments that the boys in the class made. May god give you patience to deal with these men. 


‘Kids. Shut up.’ said Mr Son with a scowl on his face. The whole class probably got the signal that grouchy Mr Son was ready to hand out detentions so they all proceeded to quiet down. ‘You lot of feral animals can go and ask the new student questions later. And by that, I mean after maths and NOT within my vicinity. Understand?’ A chorus of ‘Yes, Mr Son’ was heard before he turned back to face Wonyoung.   


‘Miss Jang, you can to Miss Ahn over there. Ahn, be useful and stick your hand up so that Miss Jang can find you.’ With that, you put your hand up in the air as you see Wonyoung locked eyes with you and gave you a small polite smile, letting you know she had seen you. You watched as Mr Son gave Wonyoung a nod to let her know that she can start making her way over to the vacant seat next to you.   


‘You’re also giving the kid a tour and whatever other things the kid needs,’ said Mr Son as Wonyoung made her way to you. 


Mr Son had then finished homeroom and broke out into the first class of the day. Maths was a subject you were relatively good at so normally, you would find yourself daydreaming a little while watching the little birds fly past the window. But today, with a new seatmate, you were definitely not in the mood to daydream. Your curiosity was eating at you a little. You wanted to see this girl a little better but felt a little awkward. After an awkward internal battle, you decided to sneak a little glance at the girl sitting next to you, only to be met with a pair of warm chocolate brown eyes looking at you already.  


‘Hey, I’m Wonyoung,’ she said quietly as she didn’t want Mr Son to catch her talking. 


‘Y-yujin’ you stuttered awkwardly as you were caught off guard by the fact that you would meet her eyes.  


‘I hope we get along,’ she said as she shot you a smile and pushed something to your desk. 


You look down, only to see a small pack of cookies and cream flavored pepero staring back at you. The wave of familiarity hits you harder this time. You’re not sure why this Wonyoung girl would be familiar to you, seeing as you’ve never met her before. But this new girl gave you the snack - the exact same pepero flavor that you’ve given your bunny when you first met her. 


It’s probably a coincidence and nothing more. Plus, this new girl is pretty smart to offer snacks as a peace offering to you.     




The sound of the bell ringing signalled the start of your favorite time in school. It’s lunch time and you quickly packed your stuff away and brought your wallet out. It must be Yena’s lucky day today, seeing as she would be eating what should be your lunch. 


‘Yujin? Where are you heading off to?’ asked Wonyoung as she looked up at you. 


You’re such a horrible person. You were busy cursing Yena and her sheer luck with the bets that you totally forgot about Wonyoung. It didn’t help that she was also quiet during the rest of the classes.  


‘Uh, it’s lunch time. I lost a bet. So I’m going to have to go and buy lunch for my friend.’ you said as you tried to fill her in about your situation. You’re not even sure why you were trying to explain your situation to her but you guess being a new girl, she has no friends. So you decided to be nice and extend an invitation to her as well. ‘You can join me if you’d like?’ 


‘Sure! I need a friend anyway’


With that, you started walking and you watched as Wonyoung made her way out of her seat, stuck close to you and held the back of your uniform as you pushed your way out of the crowd of people who were beginning to circle around the two of you. Probably trying to ask her questions but the poor girl didn’t want to entertain them. 


‘Excuse me! Coming through!’ you said as you pushed your way out with Wonyoung following close behind. However the crowd seems to be stronger today for whatever reason out there. You nearly managed to push out of the crowd when you suddenly felt the grip on your uniform loosen. When you turned your head back to see what happened, you could see Wonyoung slowly being pulled back into the crowd. Your eyes grew wide and suddenly you reacted on instinct. You reached out, grabbed her hand and pulled her close to you. You then pushed your way out of the crowd.    


‘Thanks so much…I honestly thought I was going to be eaten alive like those apocalyptic zombie movies,’ said Wonyoung as the two of you made your way to the cafeteria. 


‘ could say that again,’ you replied as you led the both of you to the cafeteria. 


After managing to buy Yena’s usual, you held the tray with one hand and walked towards your usual seat which was already occupied by Chaewon and Yena. 


‘See? Choi Yena is never wrong! Thanks Jinnie for bringing me my lunch!’ said Yena happily as she reached out to grab the tray off you. 


‘Could you stop being such a glutton sometimes? Why do you have to like the biggest menu in here anyway?’ 


‘Leave a growing girl alone, Jinnie! I have potential to be taller than you and your tall friend here! Anyways, since I’m right, who’s the new girl?’




‘You do realize the two of you are still holding hands right?’ Chaewon pointed out with a smirk on her face. 


‘W-we wh- h-huh?’ you stuttered as you looked down. Indeed, it seems that the two of you haven’t let go of each other’s hands just yet. It felt like you were electrocuted from that one time you fell for Yena’s shock pen prank. You let go quickly and turned away from everyone. You’re not very sure how to hide yourself or how to deal with such an awkward situation. 


You didn’t have to wait too long as your answers came in the form of the president and vice president of the school. Thank god Chaeyeon and Minjoo had interrupted the awkwardness. 


‘Oh hello again Miss Jang. I’m not sure if you caught my name from before but I’m Chaeyeon and I’m also the school president. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to come find me, okay?’


‘Sure, thank you so much. And please, call me Wonyoung.’ said Wonyoung as she quickly bowed to Chaeyeon. 


‘Now, now, Wonyoung-ah. How have classes been so far?’ asked Minjoo as she walked past and sat with her girlfriend. 


‘It was a little hectic, but I think I’ll survive. You should’ve given me a warning though haha,’ replied Wonyoung with a small giggle towards the end. 


Interesting. The new girl seems to know both Chaeyeon and Minjoo. Though you guess it was understandable that she knew Chaeyeon, seeing as she’s the school president and just somehow knows everything. Before you could question them, Chaeyeon’s voice cut through your thoughts.

‘The two of you, take a seat please. I hope you were not planning to eat lunch standing while we all sat down,’ said Chaeyeon as she gave the two of you a warm smile. 


You wanted to sit down but your body wasn’t listening. Maybe it was the overload of embarrassment that you felt? You’re not too sure what it was, but the next thing you know,  Wonyoung’s warm hand had held onto yours and she dragged you to sit next to her. You could feel your face heat up as you accidentally met Chaewon’s teasing gaze. She didn’t need to say anything. But you could tell Chaewon was teasing you with the way she wiggled her eyebrows while looking at you. She was purposely holding Minjoo closer to herself and placing soft kisses on her cheek and temple. 


You have never had an urge this strong of wanting to facepalm yourself. Except you couldn’t even do that because Wonyoung was holding your hand and you didn’t want to move. What’s wrong with you today? Why won’t your body listen to you? You watched on as Wonyoung introduced herself to the rest of the table and the others quickly adopted her into the little gang.  


‘Hello, my name’s Jang Wonyoung and I’m new to this school. I’m in the same class as Yujin. Please take care of me!’


You swear she’s got everyone wrapped around her little finger. But not you. Oh god. Definitely not you. Afterall, you’re just her babysitter for the next few days. 




Next few days? How wrong were you. It’s been a good six months since then and you somehow still find yourself stuck with her. Classes went by fine and you were surprised that the new girl was able to keep up with everything. She was probably super gifted or something seeing as she had no trouble with any of the class work and would even be able to beat you in some of the surprise quizzes and assessments that you had. But of course, because you were stuck with her, naturally everyone in the gang became close with her. Especially you. Did you want to be close with her though? That you’re not too sure.


You’ve also managed to find out a few more interesting facts about her. She is definitely smart, seeing as she was a whole year younger than you but had skipped grades to be in the same year as everyone else. Her birthday was also exactly one day before yours! Wonyoung had moved to this town because she’s currently having a hiatus from her modelling career back in Seoul. Apparently, she’s a teen model that was well sought after by big fashion brands like Miumiu and Chanel. But she was never given a chance to have proper rest. So after contemplating with her mother and manager, she decided to come to this little town to stay while she went on hiatus and maybe even complete her schooling while she’s at it. Perhaps that’s why she seemed familiar? Maybe you’ve seen her in one of those magazines that Uncle Lee had in his bookstore (that people rarely go to). 


Honestly when she first broke the news to the gang, Yena and you were surprised. Yena had even started (fake) crying and asked her for an autograph which Wonyoung happily gave. Though truth be told, you were not surprised that she was a model. Wonyoung is gorgeous and was probably one of the only girls who was around your height. To be fair, you were probably only surprised at the fact that she did modelling professionally. What surprised you though, was Chaeyeon and Chaewon’s lack of reaction. You supposed Chaeyeon somehow knows everything about everyone so she would’ve known about it already. Chaewon though...maybe Minjoo told her? Speaking of Minjoo, another interesting fact that you found out was that Wonyoung is Minjoo’s younger cousin. What a small world huh? And god, wow their family must have some amazingly beautiful genes or something because Wonyoung and Minjoo are both so pretty. When Minjoo first came to this school, she was arguably the most beautiful girl and would receive so many confessions. That was well…until Chaewon and her got together. The confessions still occasionally came but everyone in the gang could tell if that happened. Why? Because everyone would suddenly see a moody, grouchy little cub who looked like she would bite anyone’s hand off. The only person that could calm her down was Minjoo. 


You thought you wouldn’t be attached to people who weren’t part of your gang. But you should know you were wrong about that. With the amount of time you've spent with her, she seemed to have grown on you. Like a parasite. Wait- that’s a bad comparison. You suppose maybe she’s a bit like...a sticker. Or a cloud? You’re not really sure how to describe it but she has certainly become a constant in your otherwise mundane life. You thought you wouldn't enjoy her presence but you guess it was the little moments after sport classes that really opened your eyes and changed your mind.  


All my life, I never thought someone could make me feel so high but here you are


The first time it happened, the class had a game of football. The game was rough and the afternoon sun was unforgiving. You could’ve played a different sport but unfortunately, most of the boys in the class wanted football. So the class was stuck playing that. You don’t really care about football, so you didn’t really care much about winning or losing. You spent most of your time as a bench warmer anyway since another class joined. While you were benched, you spent your time looking at the scenery and daydreaming. It was more productive than trying to cheer for people you didn’t care too much about. The only ones you cared about was your gang who was unfortunately stuck in some science class. 


After the sport lesson was finished, there was still a good 10 minutes left before school finished. Usually to avoid the crowded, sweaty change rooms, you would quietly make your way to a nearby vending machine to grab yourself a cool drink. You’d sit there and relax before you went and changed. Most of the time though (mind you, you do feel rebellious at times), you’d just wait till school was over and leave in your sport uniform. That way, no teachers can say anything to you about changing back. 


You did your usual routine. You waited till most of the people were gone and quietly ducked out of line so that you could spend your time at the vending machines. Except you may have miscalculated because as you stood by the vending machine and contemplated, a voice piped up from your left. 


‘What do you want to drink?’ 


You swear you’ve never whipped your head to the side this fast before, but is this girl trying to give you a heart attack? Wonyoung stood there with a smile one her face, curiously looking between the vending machine and you. Your eyes had widened in surprise and for a second, you weren’t sure if she was real. If she had really asked you something. Maybe you were really drained or something, you know? 


‘Yujinnie? Hello?’


Okay. So maybe she is real and you were being rude by not answering her. 


‘Uh...yeah. I’m buying a drink.’ You looked at the choices that were available and picked the ice tea option. ‘I’m buying lemon flavored ice tea today. What would you like?’


‘I’ll have the same as you. I want to see why you get ice teas on Tuesdays in particular.’


‘What do you mean?’


‘Are you telling me you didn’t notice that you tend to buy different drinks on different days? Mondays are banana milk, Tuesdays are fruit ice teas. Wednesdays are juices and Thursdays are sprite. You usually end on Fridays with a small bottle of pepsi.’


Come to think of it, she’s right. You have absolutely no clue about your habits, yet Wonyoung here already knows? Wow. There’s definitely something wrong with you when you suddenly feel really warm. Way too warm for this weather. You tried to brush it off as the heat from playing but heck you were a bench warmer for a solid 90 minutes. Your heart sped up a little and you couldn’t help but feel a little self conscious.   


But strangely enough, you felt…happy. Happy that she noticed such little details about you that you’re 100 percent sure none of your gang really noticed. Heck, you yourself didn’t even notice it too! Your mood had suddenly gone ten times better than before and it’s only because she noticed something about you? There’s a smile threatening to show itself on your face and god, what’s wrong with you?


You grabbed the drinks and handed one to her. You opened the lid of your ice tea and took a swig from it. The cool tea washed down your throat and quenched your thirst, temporarily making you forget about everything. 




‘Hm?’ you answered her as you closed the lid of your bottle and faced the equally tall girl next to you. 


‘Uh…could you help me…?’ Wonyoung said with a sheepish smile on her face. 


‘God, I knew you were a baby’


‘Hey! I’m not a baby. I just...can’t open the lid of this thing, you know?’


‘Yeah, yeah miss model’ you said as you rolled your eyes and opened the bottle for her. You were definitely acting a little out of character because you couldn’t stop it. The smile that threatened to show itself on your face had spread as soon as you saw the little pout on her face. 


Don’t ask why, but every little thing you do just drives me wild 


‘Thanks Yujinnie!’ Wonyoung said gratefully as you passed the bottle back to her. 


You watched her as she took a sip out of the bottle. You’re not sure why you were standing there, anticipating her reaction to an ordinary lemon tea. Maybe it was the heat or maybe she just really liked ice tea. The way she reacted after the first sip was really just too cute. The way her eyebrows shot up. The way her eyes lit up. The way a big smile stretched across her face, her eyebrows doing that little frown and a shocked ‘Wow this is amazing?!’ could be heard. Wonyoung had even said wow with her whole chest.     


And damn. That was adorable and too much for your heart. You couldn’t stop the smile on your face from turning into an even wider smile. For once, an unrestricted, genuinely happy grin had made its way on your face. And maybe, you’re starting to not care about hiding the stupid smile that was on your face.




Thinking back, you probably had smiled more with Wonyoung around than you did before she was here. There was a weird routine between the two of you. The routine really meant that the gang would go somewhere after school - be it the library to attempt to study, or a nearby cafe to eat and talk. However, it always (and you really do mean always) ended with you walking home with Wonyoung. The girl lived close by and on the same street as you. You don’t really know how it happened, but you always found yourself walking her home. 


Take that one fine Thursday as an example. 


The weather was still relatively warm out and all of you were tired from school. Chaeyeon had suggested that since exams were over, it would be a good opportunity to go to Mrs Jo’s cafe for some desserts to treat ourselves. Who were you to turn down Miss School President’s suggestion? So all of six of you had piled into Mrs Jo’s cafe and made yourselves comfortable. Mrs Jo’s cafe was amazing - they had a beautiful piano in the corner of the cafe and Mrs Jo made amazing food. Especially her drinks and pastas. You’ve only really been there for the drinks and pastas and never the dessert menu so this was definitely a new experience.  


You noticed Chaeyeon who was on your left, trying to stop herself from giggling by putting her hand up and covering . Frowning, you looked to your right where you found Chaewon trying so hard not to smile by biting her lips. You could see Minjoo who was sitting opposite Chaewon was also trying to hide herself. Even the ever sweet Minjoo who always wore her heart on her sleeves was hiding herself…? She wasn’t the most subtle person out there, which resulted in Minjoo looking at her lap while trying to use her hair to cover her smiling face. Uh...Hello? Were you missing something here? 


You looked at Wonyoung who was sitting across from you. But you’re lucky she seemed to understand you because as soon as you looked at her, she gave you a shrug and went back to talk to Yena about what shaved ice to order. 


‘Hey, what can I get you guys today?’ came a husky voice. 


You looked up to see a girl with short ash gray hair tied into a ponytail. She was wearing a brown apron and had a notepad in front of her. She had a shy but friendly smile on her face. 


‘Hey Yul! I didn’t know you were working today?’ said Minjoo as she greeted the waitress. 


‘Oh? I didn’t see you there Min. Today’s Thursday, and the usual piano lesson I had was cancelled so I came to help mom out.’


‘Ah I see...well, Yena could you order? Yul already knows what Chaewon and I want.’


‘She does?’ piped up Chaewon from next to you, a teasing smile on her face. You looked at her with confusion written on your face. 


‘I do?’ came the waitress’ voice. You quickly whipped your head to look at the waitress and honestly the expression on her face probably mirrored what you imagine to be your own facial expression as well. 


‘Yuri, come on! Stop screwing around,’ whined Minjoo cutely as she ‘angrily’ frowned at her friend. 


‘I’m kidding! Chill. Mango shaved ice, a chocolate green tea smoothie with pearls and a green tea smoothie with pearls on the go?’ 


‘Yep!’ said Minjoo as she smiled at her friend and turned back to look at Chaewon who was smiling sweetly back at her girlfriend. 


You looked at Wonyoung, hoping she could lead the ordering because Yena seemed to be frozen. Well...she wasn’t frozen to say. More like she looked like a gaping fish with hung open and her eyes wide. For once, she wasn’t crazy loud and even Chaeyeon couldn’t get Yena to snap out of it. Giving up, Chaeyeon ordered for them while Chaewon and Minjoo were still snickering from next to you.  


‘Yuri-ah, I’ll get mango shaved ice to share with Yena, a black pearl milk tea and Yena will get the uh...chocolate pearl milk tea with milk foam thanks.’


‘Noted, president!’ said Yuri cutely with a smile on her face as she gave Chaeyeon a quick salute. ‘How about you, Miss?’ 


‘Oh? Please call me Wonyoung! I’d like uh...chocolate pearl milk tea with milk foam and extra pearls, a mango shaved ice and pearl milk tea with 70 percent sweetness’


Hearing the order that Wonyoung put in for you made your heart skip a beat. Since when did she know your go-to bubble tea order like that?


‘Ok Wonyoung! I’ll go and help prepare the orders for everyone. Enjoy!’ said Yuri before she disappeared to the kitchen again. 


‘Wow she’s so pretty...’ mumbled a pink cheeked Yena, a hand clutching the front of her shirt as she watched Yuri disappear. 


‘God, you’re so whipped for her, Yena. Maybe you should actually go up to her during music lessons and ask her for help so that you can both pass the subject AND get to know her properly!’ snickered Chaewon. 


‘Shut up radish. Not everyone has no shame and goes up to the girl they like, like you!’ said Yena as she stuck her tongue out. 


The bickering between the two was cut short when Yuri returned with some of the orders. The two mango shaved ice that Minjoo and Wonyoung ordered came first while the drinks that Chaeyeon ordered for her and Yena also arrived. The four of you quickly took a spoon to spoon some. Before Chaewon and you could dig into the dessert, a loud ‘Mmmh!’ could be heard from the two girls sitting opposite the two of you. The two of you quickly looked at them. Minjoo and Wonyoung were really cousins. Their reaction to the delicious shaved ice was exactly the same, even down to the way they both had cute frowns on their faces and both had their free hand in a little fist and shook it as they kept making pleased ‘mmhs’ as their reaction to the food. 


You couldn’t help but smile at their reaction. Both of them are just too cute. Chaewon must have found it cute too because she had such a fond smile on her face and she just...paused? You watched as she put her spoon down and reached out to Minjoo. Chaewon softly tucked a stray strand of Minjoo’s hair behind her ear as she smiled and softly spoke to her. 


‘Minmin, you’re such a messy eater. You’ve got some on the side of your mouth.’


‘Oh?’ said Minjoo as she quickly reached out for a tissue. She tried to wipe it off the side of her face, but unfortunately missed the spot in her usual Minjoo style self. 


Chuckling a little, Chaewon took the tissue from Minjoo and gently wiped it for her. ‘You’re such a baby sometimes. Here, I got it for you.’


‘Thanks little cub’


Nodding, Chaewon questioned Minjoo again. ‘Baby, is it really that good?’


‘It is! Chae Chae, you should totally try a bite!’ Minjoo quickly took another spoonful and put it in front of a smiling Chaewon’s mouth. ‘Here!’   


Chaewon looked at Minjoo before taking the spoonful of shaved ice. You could see the way Chaewon’s eyes also lit up and her eyebrows shooting up. 


‘Wow...this is as good as the first time we had it, hm?’


Don’t be shy, come a little closer - light my world on fire 


Your attention on the cute couple was broken when Wonyoung’s voice reached out to you. 


‘Yujinnie? Shouldn’t you be digging in too?’


‘Hm? I will. I was just...yeah a little distracted I guess?’


‘Stop looking at them like a lost puppy haha’ chuckled Wonyoung as she stuck her spoon out to you. ‘Say ah! The shaved ice is really good!’


‘O-oh sure,’ you said, before you leaned in and ate it. The mango flavor burst into your system and wow. You couldn’t help but look at Wonyoung with wide eyes, definitely taken aback by the mango shaved ice and how good it tasted.


‘See? It’s good isn’t it?’ grinned Wonyoung as she turned back to the food and took another bite. Your mind didn’t really register what had just happened. But when it did, your heart couldn’t stop pounding in your chest and you suddenly felt a tingling warmth. You shook your head, hoping it would stop the warmth and tingling feeling from spreading everywhere in your body.      


When the outing had finished and everyone started to make their way home, you found yourself walking with Wonyoung again. She did most of the talking, pointing out random shapes of clouds or talking about school and stuff. You didn’t have to talk much, seeing as you enjoyed listening to her talk. Your hands had unknowingly found hers and it seems like she’s gotten used to holding yours since that time at the cafeteria on her first day. Your heart skipped a beat when she gave you a smile and squeezed your hand a little, before letting go. You were about to reach out for her hand to hold again, when you suddenly realized that you’ve already reached her house. She smiled and gave you a peck on your cheek telling you that she will see you tomorrow. And boy was that bad for your heart. The warmth you tried to ignore back at the cafe, came back full force. Why did she randomly kiss your cheek? Did you do something? Or is she just being her usually touchy-feely self because at this point, you can’t tell anymore.  


Get a grip on yourself, Ahn Yujin. What the heck is going on?!  


You couldn’t shake off the weird feeling in your chest. So you quickly made your way home. People said that usually talking about the things that bother you could help you work out a solution to it. If not, at least you got it out in the open and hopefully, it would stop bothering you as much right? You decided to call the only one you trust. You picked up the phone and dialed a familiar number. It didn’t take long for her to pick up. 




‘Yes Jinnie?’


‘Are you busy at the moment?’


‘No...wait hold up. Give me a second.’ 


You could hear the tap on the other side turn off and the sound of some cutlery being put away. You weren’t sure what was happening - maybe college life is crazy? You could hear a quick but faint ‘babe, please finish putting them away? I need to check up on my daughter.’ and a ‘Hm, okay. I’ll finish up and tell her I said hi’ before you heard the sound of a door closing. 


‘Jinnie, are you still there?’


‘Yeah...I am...’


‘So what's up? How can I help my baby?’


‘Before I break into my own situation, what was THAT on your end?’ you questioned. Your curiosity was flying through the roof at the exchange you heard.


‘You heard that?’


A quick hum from you told her that you did. 


‘...You remember my roommate, Hyewon?’


‘Yeah…?’ you answered, not very sure where this was going. 


‘...She said hi.’


‘Well yeah, tell her I said hi too? When will she be free to play games with me and Yena again?’


‘Soon. Maybe when exams are over?’ 


‘Ohhhh okay..When are you visiting us again Eunbi? I miss you...’


‘Soon baby. Soon, yeah?...and Hyewon uh...may have become my girlfriend?’


‘Oh…Does Chaewon know?’


‘Well yeah. I mean, she told me about Minjoo so it’s only fair I told her about Hyewon right?’


‘Fair, I guess’


‘So...what’s bothering you, baby?’


You took a moment to gather your thoughts and to voice out what you think is happening. It was definitely hard to come to this conclusion. But after eating shaved ice at the cafe, it was almost as if Mrs Jo had put a spell on you. Or her food. Or the shaved ice just made your brain start working or something. But you do notice the little things that have been happening. So you told Eunbi exactly what you thought was happening to you. 


‘I think I’m falling...’ 


‘Oh sweetie, I’m sorry that happened. Who’s the unfortunate victim?’ 


‘What do you mean by that?!’ you exasperatedly said. 


‘I said what I said,’ chuckled Eunbi on the other side of the phone. 


‘I’m gonna hang up on you, you know that right?’ 


‘You won’t. I know you Jinnie.’


‘...You’re right. I don’t know anymore. Should I do anything about it? What happens if she doesn’t feel anything like that for me?’


‘Look, only do something about it if you want to. If I was you though, I would probably confess. You’d have that weight lifted off you and you would be able to move on if she didn’t feel the same way. If she did, that’s great! If she didn’t, you still have the rest of us to help you and put you back together, right?’


‘I guess so...’


‘Just go and ask Wonyoung out. You’ll never know until you try’


‘How do you know it was her?’


‘A mother knows everything, child. Now stop worrying and sleep on those thoughts, yeah? It’s getting late and I know you have school tomorrow.’




‘Well, good ni-’


‘By the way, can I tell everyone about you and Hyewon?’


‘I- God is that the only thing you took away from this conversation?’


‘No. But can I? Please mom?’


‘Chaewon’s gonna hate me.’


‘It’s okay! I’m your favorite anyway!’


‘Fine, fine. Do what you like. But please Jinnie, remember what we talked about today, yeah?’


‘Hm...okay. Good night mom’


‘Good night sweetie. Sweet dreams!’




After that conversation with Eunbi, you really did sleep on those thoughts. In fact, you probably slept on those thoughts for a week? Two weeks even?  


There’s no touch or feeling, pleasure or pain - anything like the way you’re runnin’ through my veins


You decided to do something stupid (though Chaewon would argue when were you not) and take Eunbi’s advise. You awkwardly pushed a slip of paper onto Wonyoung’s desk during the final class of the day. In the paper, the awkward writing had spelled out ‘Meet me after school at the back of the gym. I have something to give you’. You watched as she gave you a subtle nod and pushed the piece of paper back. On it, in blue pen was an okay with an awkward winky face drawing. When the end of classes rolled around, you made your way to the back of the gym. 


There was no one here so you tried to practice a little in your head. You didn’t have to wait long for the subject of your dilemma to appear in front of you. When she slowed down and gave you a reassuring smile, your heart skipped a beat. You suddenly felt a little less afraid, so you decided to quickly do it. As Yena would say: ‘Yolo and get that bread!’.  


‘Wonyoung. Please know that I’m being very serious here, okay? Like the ‘I'm not kidding’ kind of serious.’




‘Wonyoung...I-’ you hesitated. You paused and realized your voice seemed to choke up. You were nervous. You couldn’t stop your hands from being clammy and the sweat from dripping down your temples. Damn it Yujin. Come on! Just spill everything! The others will put you back together anyway so it’s okay. After your little prep talk to hype yourself up, you tried again. 


‘Wonyoung...I like you.’


You had your eyes closed after spilling out your confession. You were ready for her to yell in your face or to slap you. Or something really. But those never came. 


‘Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to hear that from you?’


With that your head shot up and you looked at her with confusion written all over our face. What did she mean? Has she liked you since she transferred? She walked closer to you and placed both of her arms on your shoulders. She looked you in the eye and gave you a sweet smile.  


‘Did you seriously forget me? You accidentally got this scar because of me, you know.’ Wonyoung said as she gently brushed her thumb against the faint scar on your forehead, near the end of your eyebrows. No one knows about this scar except your mother and her. Something seems to click itself into place in your head. And suddenly, everything made sense. Especially the mysterious feeling of familiarity with Wonyoung and the familiar reactions to food were the same as her.  


‘Are you...bunny? Princess bunny with the pink cardigan?’


‘I am, my puppy prince. You’re still the same as I remember you, except you’ve gotten even more handsome, hm?’ she said as she your cheek with her thumb, a fond smile on her face. 


‘Please, I’m still the same scrawny long thing from before.’ you said as you pulled her closer by the waist and snuggled into the crook of her neck. ‘I missed you so much. We have a lot of catching up to do bunny' 


‘That we do pup’ she replied happily, arms wrapping around you as you felt her rub her cheek against your head. ‘Let’s start off with something easy. Is your favorite color still blue?’


‘It’s never changed. Pink?’ 


‘You bet!’




‘You know prom day is gonna roll around soon right?’ said Yena with her mouthful of fries. Sometimes your best friend disgusted you a little but damn was it hard to ignore that ball of energy. 


Ah that’s right. Prom. A day that EVERYONE in the world cared about. When you mean everyone, you really do mean everyone - even the ‘bad’ kids in the grade too. This year, because of some special circumstances, prom was open to everyone in the school regardless of which year group. 


‘What are you going to do about prom?’ asked Yena to everyone. 


‘Minmin and I are going as a pair, of course.’ answered Chaewon as she gave Yena the side eye.  


‘No one asked you, radish!’


‘Then why did you ask!?’ 


To break up the fight that was about to start between the two again, Chaeyeon piped up from her spot. ‘My girlfriend came to visit so I’m going with her I guess...’


Everyone did a double take and poor Yena choked on her orange juice. Everyone’s eyes were on Chaeyeon as she took another bite out of her lunch. 




‘Since when did you have a girlfriend?!’


‘Uh, since like...a year ago?’


‘AND YOU NEVER BOTHERED TO TELL US!?!?’ said an exasperated Yena, suddenly dramatically falling onto the floor. 


‘Please, I knew her through Hyewon and got along really well. She was there when I spent my holidays with Eunbi and Hyewon and well...yeah. Wait. Yena, you know her though. You’ve played games with her before.’


‘I- what? Who is this gamer girl who happens to be your girlfriend that I apparently know?’


‘I think she played that shooting game with you and Hyewon. I think her username was 39chan?’




‘Maybe you just ?’ piped up Chaewon as she watched on in amusement. Although not much could be seen on Chaewon’s face, you could tell that she was having the time of her life learning about this new piece of information. Yena puffed her cheeks out at that and sulked a little. 


‘So Yena, when are you going to ask Yuri to-’


‘AHEM. How about you, Yujin?’ asked Yena as she diverted the attention to you. 


‘I’m going with Wonyoung.’


It has also been a few weeks since you could officially call Wonyoung yours and everyone has been nothing but supportive to the both of you. Of course in their big sister kind of way, they all threatened to ‘break’ you if you ever hurt their precious baby. Kind of unfair if someone asked you, because you’ve known them for longer. But couldn't complain because you would also beat yourself up if you ever hurt your precious bunny. 


‘Great! So do y’all have outfits yet?’


Everyone shook their heads. With that, a mischievous grin made its appearance on Yena’s face as she pulled out little sticks from god knows where. 


‘Great! We’re going to spice this up and basically play a game of russian roulette but with outfits for prom!’


‘Don’t tell me you threw in onesies and other questionable clothing choices in there...’


‘Chill! There’s only two options here - suits or dresses. Promise, it’s appropriate okay? It’s just, who knows maybe both Chaeyeon and her devil of a girlfriend would turn up in two dresses or something, you know?’


‘Hey, my girlfriend isn’t-’


‘Hush child. Play the game. And don’t you dare show anyone because it’s going to be a surprise! Colours of the outfits are decided by the colour that shows up at the end of the stick!’


With that, everyone went and grabbed a stick from Yena and turned around to look at what they got. You didn’t bother with listening to anyone’s reaction but you couldn’t deny that you were curious about what your girlfriend got. 


‘Hey bunny?’ you whispered. You could see Wonyoung looking at you, letting you know you had her attention. ‘What colour and type of outfit did you get?’


‘You’ll see on the day pup. I promise you’ll like it.’




When the day of the prom rolled around, you were nervous. You’ve never been one to dress fancy for any occasion in your life plus, this was the first time you attended something like this. You were definitely not used to these kinds of outfits but you thanked your lucky stars that you managed to draw a random that just so happens to be something you didn’t mind wearing. You’ve arrived at the venue earlier than you expected. Great. You had a whole 15 minutes to spare and just calm yourself down while you stayed in the car. 


‘You should get out of the car Yujin, so I can go and buy some stuff for dinner before your father goes home.’


‘U-uh yeah. Sorry mom. I’ll go now...’


‘Have fun sweetie! Bye!’ and with that said, as soon as you closed the door to the car, your mom drove off. Probably faster than you’ve ever seen her drive. It really made you wonder if she just wanted to kick you out of the car so she could do whatever she wanted. 


You awkwardly made your way inside the school hall. But when you walked in, you couldn’t help but gasp at the transformation. The school hall was usually just a dull space, but wow - there were tables set out and the way the hall was decorated really suited the mood. It also made the hall look surprisingly...expensive is the only word you could come up with to explain what you were seeing.    




You turned around to face whoever just called out your name. You were met with Yena, Chaeyeon, Chaewon and another girl you haven’t met before. You awkwardly bowed to them. The unknown girl is gorgeous and was dressed in a thigh length pale pink dress. She gave you a smile and bowed back in greeting. You smiled - she seems nice and not as chaotic as your other friends. And from the way she had her arm hooked around Chaeyeon’s arm, you could guess this was the so-called ‘devil’ that Yena was going off about the other day.


Taking a deep breath you faced Yena and let out an awkward smile (though you were sure it looked probably like a grimace) ‘Yes Yena, it’s me - your favorite nerd.’ 


A series of compliments came from the others as they commented on how dapper you looked in your outfit. Your hair was tied in a low ponytail and the outfit consisted of just your typical suit - a white button up tucked neatly into black slacks. You had a black tie fashioned around your neck and a complimentary silver chain pinned on both ends of your collar. The outfit was finished off with a charcoal blazer with grey stripes. A little embarrassed at how they kept complimenting you, you thanked them shyly - feeling your cheeks starting to heat up from the unexpected attention.    


‘Oh my god the world is ending! You ditched your glasses!’ 


‘ mom made me ditch them even though she knew I wouldn’t be able to see. She forced me to wear contacts though so I guess I’m not as blind as I thought I would be...’ Turning to face the girl who you were unfamiliar with, you smiled politely and said ‘Hi, I’m Yujin. Nice to meet you, Chaeyeon’s girlfriend!’   


Giggling a little, the girl in the pink dress introduced herself. ‘Hi Yujin. I’m Sakura, Chaeyeon’s girlfriend. It’s nice to meet you and I hope we can hang out sometime so I can properly get to know all of Chaeyeon’s friends soon!’


An announcement could be heard, signalling the start of the night. Music was played loudly and people started to pile onto the dancefloor. You watched Chaeyeon and Sakura make their way to the dancefloor as well, and Yena disappearing somewhere into the crowd. Yena had told you guys not to worry about her because she was on a mission. But that didn’t stop Chaewon from smirking and telling you that she was probably going to find Jo Yuri from music class. The two of you had leaned your backs on the walls near the back and looked on at the crowd in the middle of the hall. 


For the first time during that night, you looked at Chaewon properly to actually see what the latter wore. Afterall, Yena’s clothing roulette could have ended horribly for all you know. Chaewon was dressed in a dashing suit - though you’re not very sure if you can even call it a suit. She wore a sleeveless black top inside, while she wore a matching black with thin silver striped slacks and blazer top on the outside. It was all fashioned together with a matching belt that accented her thin waist. You stood properly next to her and looked down, noticing something a little different that night.   


‘You seem a little taller today hm?’ you said, a cheeky grin on your face.


‘Shut up, I’m wearing boots okay?’ She said as she slightly frowned and shoved your arm while you could do nothing but laugh at your friend. Deciding to not anymore, you turned back to look at the crowd of people.  


‘Seriously though, you look really good in the suit. I’m sure Minjoo would love it. Speaking of which, where’s your girl? Did she kidnap mine too?’


‘Thanks Jinnie. And no, I don’t know where she is. She only told me that she would surprise me today and that I need to turn up on time or something.’


No breath or beauty, no sound or sight - that ever made me feel the way you do tonight 


No sooner did Chaewon say that, the two of you spotted two figures walking through the side doors to the hall. And as soon as you saw them, you couldn’t breathe. Your eyes widened and you felt your jaw go slack. You suddenly forgot everything you know as you focused on the two figures walking closer and closer to both you and Chaewon.  


I just can’t take my eyes off of you. Tell me anything you wanna do


Your attention was definitely on them. You vaguely registered Minjoo and vaguely greeted her before your attention was all on Wonyoung again. She really isn’t a famous model for nothing. Wonyoung was wearing a long navy blue dress. The dress was a sleeveless, spaghetti strapped dress, dotted with a layer of silver glitter that sparkled like the night sky under the dim lights. It complemented her figure perfectly and you couldn’t help it. You couldn’t take your eyes off her.  


‘Pup, you’re going to catch flies in your mouth if you don’t close it up,’ giggled Wonyoung as she gently pushed your jaw up with a delicate finger. 


You swallowed thickly as you tried to snap yourself out of it. You desperately tried to clear your voice so that you could voice out your thoughts and tell her just how beautiful she looked tonight.  




You were interrupted when a slow song came on. You awkwardly blinked a bit and before you knew what you're doing, you found yourself sticking your hand out as you bowed a little. 


‘M-may I have this dance?’ you stuttered, still taken aback from your girlfriend’s outfit. Damn it Yujin, you didn’t get to compliment her like you wanted to.  


‘Of course’


I just can’t take my eyes off of you - Nothing I can do about it, nothing I can do about it


With that, you danced with her on the side, a little away from the people that were in the middle of the hall. You weren’t very sure if you were allowed to because you haven’t asked. 


‘You know you don’t have to ask, right?’ Wonyoung said as she giggled a little at your awkwardness. She placed her hands on yours and brought them to her waist. ‘You can hold me’


You delicately held her waist as she rested her arms on your shoulders. The two of you swayed to the music and honestly there’s really nothing you can do. Your eyes were glued onto the most beautiful girl in this hall. Wait - no. Sorry Minjoo (and Chaewon can fight you next time) but Wonyoung is the most beautiful girl in the world. There’s always moments of slipping up in which you would accidentally blurt out your thoughts. You’d always be so embarrassed by it because of the way both Chaewon and Yena would keep teasing you. This time though, you didn’t have the time to be embarrassed. You just wanted her to know. 


‘Bunny, you’re so beautiful’ you whispered as you drowned in her eyes. 


‘Thanks pup. You look handsome in your suit too and I’m so glad I’m your date today.’


‘I can be your forever date you know’


‘Since when were you so cheesy? giggled Wonyoung. She then started the back of your neck as she shared some of her thoughts with you. ‘I was a little worried about wearing the dress, especially since we will never know what Yena had put down. Plus, even though I said you would like it and your favorite color is blue, I suddenly had second thoughts...’


‘Since forever.’ You held her just a little bit tighter as you placed your forehead on hers. ‘You don’t look amazing in this blue dress...’   


You suddenly held her close as you felt overwhelmed with emotions. Did you also mention the embarrassment of being cheesy was finally catching up to you? She must’ve been a little startled as she stiffened for a second but you swear she could feel your hands shake a little. That would explain why she rested her head on your shoulder and you could feel her smiling.


‘Why are you shaking so much?’


‘You make me nervous,’ you breathed out.   


As expected, she had a warm smile on her face as she pulled back. Your eyes met warm chocolate ones and the world was hazy. You couldn’t look away at all. Her magnetic gaze was still locked onto yours while her hands slid down the front of your suit. You shakily let out your breath. You’re not too sure who leaned in first, but the next thing you know, soft lips met yours. As far as first kisses go, you’ve always thought that movies and people seemed to overhype them. Over dramaticized how magical they were. 


But god was it different with Wonyoung. Everything is different with her. You felt overwhelmed with the warmth that washed over you and you could feel the heat that was radiating off you. You couldn’t register anything except the liquid fire that was burning in you. You couldn’t hear the music anymore and heard nothing but the pounding of your heart. She seemed so fragile in your hands, like if you held her with any more force, she would break. But you couldn’t help but push yourself a little harder against her, wanting to feel more of those soft lips on yours. Wonyoung was the first one to pull back and honestly you wanted to smack yourself. How could you forget? Even if you didn’t want to break apart, the poor girl needed to breathe. YOU needed to breathe too! You stood there, stunned at what just happened, at your actions, as your mind turned into mush.  


‘Pink doesn’t look half bad on you pup,’ teased Wonyoung as she left another peck on the side of your lips and gave you a wink. 



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ilovetakumiusui #1
Chapter 13: I just finished reading Wish You Were Sober and OH MY GOD A PART 2 IS A MUST
reigngrey #2
Chapter 13: Definitely need a part 2. I like this kind of stories for annyeongz
Chapter 13: AAAAAAAAA! Annyeongz their so fluffy and cute🤧🤧
I need part 2 of this. Thank you author!🥰
Chapter 11: awww annyeongz baby
Chapter 12: reading this in yuri's pov broke my heart so much more, my yulyen babies huhuhu thank you for this!!
hee_hor #6
Chapter 12: thank u for the update 🥲it’s Soo good
AlondraCmr #7
Chapter 10: will there be a second part?
hanonstar #8
Chapter 10: Wow,this storyline is unique. I enjoyed reading since I seriously have no clue what would happen next. This is so beautiful thank you so much!
Tzuunaa #9
Chapter 10: Oh myyyy this is sooo deym good thank youuu
yujinz_wonny0304 #10
Chapter 9: my heart is hurting. Nooo