Annyeongz: Wish You Were Sober (by Conan Gray)

Siren’s Collection

A/N: Hey there! It's been a while since I've updated this so I'm not sure if anyone is still reading...I've been busy with life (finally have some free time now for a little bit!) so here's a little something before I finish redoing the Zombie AU and the other chapters for all my works! It's been a while since I've written anything that isn't related to my projects, I hope that people who are reading this will understand what I was trying to convey...and of course, enjoy this OS! This one might be a bit of a long read but I hope those who are reading, won't mind it! Sorry for any gramatical errors and stuff! In case anyone's wondering, everyone is in college so they are supposedly all adults in this OS. Feel free to leave any questions, comments and suggestions on here or on my cc (which can be found on the foreword)!




Cheerleaders and the stereotypes that come with being one is definitely something that you’ve hated since you could remember. Stereotypically, cheerleaders were not athletic, super skinny, crazy popular, confident and kept to their own group - with the exception of the jocks, of course. Oh, and did you mention real dumb?


You honestly hated that stereotype because you knew you were more than that. Arguably popular? You’re not too sure because you don’t even pay attention to those things. Super skinny? Well, you guess you were pretty skinny - but you know you didn’t try to be skinny, seeing as you love going to those Korean BBQ buffets and eating your heart out. Not athletic? That was pretty rude. You definitely CAN keep on beat with the music for cheerleading. In fact you loved dancing so much that you had even become part of the school’s dance group. Definitely not confident and you do kinda keep to your group though. While you were civil with the cheerleaders and are friends with some of them (definitely not all - god, Heejung was the worst), you definitely kept to the dance team and the friends you made in your classes a little more. 


And the most offensive was definitely the dumb part. You were pretty proud of the fact that despite being busy with cheerleading and dancing, you still had the time to diligently study and had aced all your exams with 100% on all of them so far.


It was your regular Monday morning. Stopping by the cafe that was close to your college, you picked up your regular Iced Americano. It was strange how the lady at the counter had told you that it had already been paid for but you thanked her and made your way to class. Even though it’s late September and the cool autumn weather had made you put on an extra layer for warmth, you still insisted on drinking Iced Americanos. Surprisingly, the hot ones tasted worse than the cold ones. Walking down the clean and not-so-packed hallway, you were met with one of your friends from your statistics class. 


‘Morning Princess!’ 


Giggling at the cutie who had joined in walking next to you, you couldn’t help but reply with the same energy. ‘Morning Rei-yah!’ 


‘I like the beige jacket by the way! Did you study for the stats quiz for today? I swear Professor Oh really doesn’t know what he’s doing. Who notifies their students the night before by email anyway!?’ 


‘Thank you,’ you replied, a shy smile on your face. ‘I haven’t actually studied - but if it’s on the concepts from last Friday, I think I’ll be okay.’


‘Ahhhh I wished I had your brain! I swear I can’t fit that many numbers and concepts in mine’ whined Rei as she followed you into the classroom. Rei was still frowning when she walked in but as soon as she spotted the head of blonde hair in the corner of the classroom, you watched as a fond smile that screamed ‘I love them so damn much’ spread across her face. Of course, only Jiwon would have that effect on Rei. 


‘Morning love!’ chirped Rei - a full 180 from her whining. 


Jiwon looked up from the text books with a frown on her face. But her expression quickly changed and mirrored Rei’s when she spotted her girlfriend. ‘Love! Good morning to you too! Have you eaten anything yet? I bought some extras on my way here so if you’re hungry, I have food.’ 


You watched as the two fretted over each other as you settled in the seat in front of Rei’s (who sat next to Jiwon) and couldn’t help but smile at their exchange. Sometimes, you wish you had someone as caring as Jiwon, to fret over you too. 


‘Ah, sorry Wonyoung. Feel free to grab something if you’re hungry as well and good morning to you too!’ 


‘No worries, Jiwon-ah! I’m good and good morning to you. I hope we all do well with the stats quiz that Rei told me about this morning!’   


‘God, tell me about it! Professor Oh has worse organizing skills than me and that’s saying something!’




By the time the quiz was over, you breathed out a sigh of relief. It’s lunch time now so you can wash away any of your concerns with the food that was waiting for you. You’re pretty sure meat was on the menu today so you couldn’t help but look forward to it. The three of you were going to stop by your locker, before heading to the cafeteria. It wasn’t as bad as you thought and you really only had one question that you weren’t sure if you were right or not. Jiwon seemed okay but Rei on the other hand…


‘HOW DO THEY EXPECT THE JAPANESE EXCHANGE KID TO KNOW ANYTHING OF THAT WORDING!?!?’ complained Rei as she latched herself onto Jiwon. Normally, Jiwon would’ve turned into a tomato by now. But it seemed that she was concerned about her girlfriend enough that her body naturally forgot about the whole deal with reacting to being embarrassed.


‘Love, I’m sure you passed and you did really well! Let’s go and watch the movie you wanted to see after classes today, hm?’ comforted Jiwon as she rubbed Rei’s arm up and down in a way to show that she was there for her. 


Ah, these two are absolutely adorable and you couldn’t help but again, wish to have someone like Jiwon. Maybe a certain childhood friend would be good. But then again, you remembered you have absolutely no time for that sort of thing. Shaking your head to rid yourself of those thoughts, you decided to speak up.  


‘Rei, your Korean is almost as good as your Japanese! You literally speak like you’ve lived here all your life so I’m sure you did fine.’ you added, not wanting Rei to feel too down about the possibility of bombing the quiz. 


The three of you stopped when you reached your locker. You giggled a bit at the two behind you as you put in your password and opened the locker up. The tiny space that somehow managed to hold a surprising amount of things was neatly arranged. All except the few envelopes were stacked up awkwardly and sticking out - all hanging dangerously on the edge of the flat surface that your books were stacked on. Any further and the envelopes would have landed with your sneakers that you used for cheerleading and dance - all the way at the bottom of the locker. 


‘Oh? How many is it this time?’ piped up Jiwon as she looked at the envelopes in your hand. 


‘I’m telling you, Princess is literally the perfect package - nice, humble, smart and not to mention, pretty! Of course she’d get a lot of admirers!’ said Rei who seemed to have gotten over the whole statistics quiz fiasco. ‘God, I feel like a proud mom,’ she added while making a motion to wipe her ‘tears’. 


Giggling at the dramatic display, you couldn’t help but feel a warmth in you as you watched Jiwon give Rei a quick kiss on the cheek in an uncharacteristic display of affection. God, your friends are so cute and you honestly love them both so much. 


‘Quick Princess, see if ‘they’ wrote to you again today!’ ushered Rei as she wiggled her eyebrows. 


‘I’ll check while we eat at the cafeteria. I can’t keep the meat that they are serving today waiting any longer!’ 


The three of you made it to the bustling cafeteria. The smell of food and the loud sounds of chattering students filled your senses as Rei and yourself went to look for a table. Finding the perfect spot at the corner of the cafeteria - empty and the loud chattering a little more muted from how far you guys were, you guys settled down. A struggling Jiwon who had kindly offered to buy food for the three of you, made it back to the two of you in one piece after multiple trips.


Now that everyone was seated, it was the big moment that Rei had been waiting for. 


Opening the letters, you scanned through each one briefly. A confession letter, a confession letter, another confession letter. 


Oh wait, there was an invitation to Megan‘s house party scheduled for next Friday. You like her - she was that loud and funny senior who has an amazing voice! Putting the invitation to the side, you kept going with the last few letters.


As you went through the last few, Jiwon piped up from her side. 


‘Oh? Are you going to Jiwon senior’s house party? She actually invited the whole singing team too and I was thinking of going with Rei!’


Interesting. But contrary to popular belief, you’re one of THE biggest homebodies you know. ‘Jiwon-ah, I hope you didn’t forget that crowded parties aren’t really my thing…’


‘But Megan is super cool and you do go if you have to, right?’


Squinting, you looked at Jiwon with confusion. ‘I mean, yeah I guess…doesn’t mean I enjoy them though. I personally prefer being wrapped up in a fluffy blanket and watching movies all night with a hot chocolate in hand.’ 


Humming, Jiwon and Rei both watched as you opened the last envelope - a baby blue one that stuck out like a sore thumb in the pile of white and pink. 


‘Oh my god, Princess! It’s ‘them’ isn’t it!’ Rei excitedly points out as she watches you with sparkles in her eyes. 


Ignoring the comment, you opened it. It was strange how you seem to look forward to these blue envelopes ever since you started receiving them. 


Dear Princess Bunny, 


It’s Monday again! Isn’t it strange how I have a love-hate relationship with the weekends? Love that everyone can finally rest from the hectic week but hate that I can’t really see you…Anyways, it’s late autumn and I hope you are dressed warmly! I know you prefer Iced Americanos no matter what the temperature is, so I hope you enjoyed the drink this morning :) I know you’ll ace your stats quiz too so don’t feel down if you don’t feel like you didn’t do well! I also know you don’t usually look at the weather, so pick up the baby blue umbrella by the umbrella rack before you leave! Make sure you don’t get wet on your way home!





P.S. The beige cardigan you’re wearing looks really good on you :D


By the time you finished reading the note, you couldn’t help but feel the slight warmth on your cheeks. How dare a single baby blue note make your heart beat like this?! This had been going on for the past few months already and you honestly couldn’t believe that there was such a kind hearted admirer. 


‘Oh. My. God!’ squealed Rei. ‘Princess, you’re pink!!!!’


‘You should totally let us see the note!’ Jiwon joined in. 


You were about to protest when the note in question had suddenly disappeared from your grip. Alarmed, you looked up, only to see Gaeul munching on bread before plopping herself down next to you. Sighing, you knew you couldn’t escape but you hoped Gaeul, another close friend of the three of you from a different class, would react maturely unlike the excited two.   


‘Wonyo, are you sure this admirer isn’t a stalker?’ was the first thing that Gaeul had asked when she handed the paper back to you. 






‘Please guys, quiet down!’ you said as you tried to quiet your other friend’s down. Turning to face Gaeul, who had settled on the seat next to yours, you answered her. ‘I’m pretty sure they aren’t…’


‘But they know where you go for your daily dose of caffeine AND what your order is?’


‘They might work at the cafe for all I know?’


‘And what you were wearing?’


‘Maybe they saw me on my way?’


‘Fine. How about your habits? They HAVE to know you well enough - I’m pretty sure no one really knew about the fact that you don’t check the weather regularly.’ 


Well that you couldn’t really argue. Just as you were about to protest or make any sort of excuse, everyone’s attention was suddenly taken by the loud voices and laughter that were heard from the entrance of the cafeteria.


‘Omo! It’s the girl’s basketball team!’


Right. The jocks were here. 


That also meant that she was there with them too.   


Ahn Yujin. Your childhood friend. The girl’s basketball team ace. Miss popular. You name it. Also the person that you might have a very, very soft spot for.  


Except she definitely doesn’t know about this soft spot nor does she seem to care at all. The two of you had drifted and suddenly spoke less and less since the beginning of the last two years of high school. When college hit, she acted as if she didn’t really know you, so you thought you’d mirror that because she might not have wanted to associate herself with a nerd like yourself. 


The squeals that came from their fans were definitely loud enough for you to go deaf for a moment. You could only blink awkwardly in their direction before looking back at the paper in your hand. 


Nah. No way that this is her. It’s all wishful thinking on your end.




True to the admirer’s words, the weather did make a turn for the worst towards the end of the day.  An hour into your Law Class with Professor Jung, you noticed some of the gray clouds rolling in. Not long after, rain started pouring from the skies. You were going to start fretting about how you were going to get home when you remembered the note.

As soon as class was over, you walked to the nearest exit - surprised to see that true to PPJ’s word, there was a baby blue umbrella waiting for you at the rack. There was also a little post-it note stuck to the handle. 


Please get home dry! - PPJ


Smiling, you tucked the note into your cardigan’s pocket. Silently, you thanked your admirer for being so sweet, hoping that they in turn will be able to get home safe and dry. Walking through your way out of the campus, you couldn’t help but wish that you had someone to walk home with too. While Jiwon and Rei were busy on their date, Gaeul was busy with picking up her sister Hyunseo, and her friends Eunchae and Garam from the highschool just a few stations away. Perks of being able to drive. 


The loud (and boisterous) laughter caught your attention as you paused to watch two familiar figures in your line of vision rushing towards the exits under the heavy rain. 


‘YAH, WHY ARE WE LEAVING FROM HERE AND WHERE’S YOUR UMBRELLA YUJIN?!?’ screamed Yena as she kicked the puddle towards Yujin, soaking the other girl’s socks in muddy water. 




Huh? That’s strange. Although the two of you don’t really talk anymore, you’re almost 95% sure that Ahn Yujin is the only person you know who would always (and you really do mean always) had an umbrella with her. Maybe it was a one time thing?


‘I swear to god the two of you better be quiet and keep running before we get sick,’ said Chaewon calmly before rushing past them. 


‘Yes, Mommy Pupu!’ teased Yena as she stuck her tongue out towards Chaewon’s disappearing figure, earning loud laughters from the basketballer next to her. 


‘Shut up Choi, before I tell my sister about the things you do!’


‘YES MA'AM. SORRY MA'AM!’ Yena said, quickly saluting and pausing in the rain before running after Chaewon. Yujin ran after her not long after. 


Shrugging, you continued your way back. The moment you got home, you placed the umbrella by the door to let it dry, while you made your way upstairs to take a hot shower. After changing in some comfortable clothes and drying your hair, you made yourself comfortable at your neatly arranged study desk. Pulling open the drawer on the side, you pulled out all the similar looking blue envelopes that you’ve been collecting and opened some to read through. Somehow, they never failed to put a smile on your face.  


Dear Princess Bunny, 


It’s Thursday today and guess what this means? That’s right - they’re serving jajangmyeon today! I know it’s one of your favorites so remember to go up to the cafeteria lady with the crazy red hair! Tell her that you were told to get your noodles from her and she’ll know what to do ;) I hope you enjoy your day and don’t stress out too much about the assignment that Professor Jung gave out! You got this! :D 





P.S. You look stunning (as always), but the two clips that you have in your hair made you look adorable today :D 


You found it a little strange how this admirer seemed to know about your assignments. But you were also thankful that this secret admirer had paid that much attention to you - even noticing the two clips that you had bought the day before the note was left in your locker. Sometimes you wished it was Yujin - but then again you’re not too sure why. Was it because the two of you just suddenly stopped talking all together? Plus, you know she didn’t take a double degree of Law and Finance like you did. Wishful thinking aside, you were curious as to who in the class the admirer might be. 


Dear Princess Bunny, 


It’s Tuesday and I know that the cheerleaders have their competition soon. Please be careful not to hurt yourself when you’re practising! I know it might sound insincere but I really do think you and your team will do amazing and that you don’t need to stress yourself out too much! You’re already perfect :) Eat some more of the meat that they are serving today at the cafeteria! I’ve already got you sorted for a slightly bigger portion than everyone else :P Oh! Apparently calcium is good for the bones so you’ll get a complimentary strawberry milk - just the way you like it! :D    





P.S. I’m being really, really serious about the don’t get hurt part! It hurts me to see you hurt or injured :( 


You put the notes with the others before returning them to where you had got them out from. Continuing with your assignments and studies, you proceeded to ignore the world until your sister Gyuri, came into your room and told you it was time for dinner. 




You don’t really know how it happened, but you knew you were screwed. 


Friday had rolled around and you found yourself standing in the doorway of Park Jiwon’s humble home. Well, as humble a mansion could be anyway. 


‘Hey Wonyo! Nice to see that you can make it! Come and enjoy yourself!!!’ yelled the older Jiwon from somewhere above you, on the second floor.


You looked up and gave the friendly senior a wave and a smile to thank her. However, you couldn’t tell whether she got your message or not, seeing as she was dragged somewhere by Seoyeon who you vaguely remember was from the animal shelter volunteering club.  


Okay. So maybe you lied a bit back there. Maybe the reason as to your sudden decision to show up wasn’t ONLY because of your friends, but because there was something that riled you up. Namely stupid Ahn Yujin and the moments when your gazes would meet across the cafeteria - causing you to feel a little self conscious. You’re not sure if it was just you, but you could feel the way your heartbeat sped up a little and it suddenly felt like she was acknowledging your presence. Remembering that you existed. And mayhaps, even going as far as giving you the feeling that she was watching you secretly. But then again, she had also given you some mixed signals seeing that she seemed to flirt with every. Goddamn. Thing. That. Breathed.  


So maybe it wasn’t just you and that thought alone didn’t sit well with you. The more you thought about it, the more annoyed you got. You’ve been brushing it off for a while now. But when you really did take the time to think about it, perhaps you weren’t happy at the fact that she was actually willing to talk to strangers, rather than speaking with the kid she had been friends with since they moved next door, back in your first grade. Perhaps, it was time to confront her about what her whole goddamn deal was.  


As you walked further into the house, you spotted Jiwon, Gaeul and Rei by the drinks table. You made a beeline for them, not before you were stopped by a warm grip on your wrist. Turning around, you recognized Eunbi with Chaeyeon by her side - the two dance captains whom you admire a lot. They treated you like you were their daughter and would always make sure you were okay. 


They're part of your dance team family. 


‘Hi moms!’ you greeted them with a smile. 


‘Baby, aren’t you the type to not like parties? Why are you here at Megan’s?’ Eunbi questioned with a tilt of her head. Beside her, Chaeyeon had a kind smile painted on her face as she shook her head a little at Eunbi’s display. 


‘O-oh…I uh, kinda got forced to come by Jiwon and Rei,’ you replied, deciding to give them half the truth. The other half, they didn’t really need to know about. Afterall, no one knew that Yujin and you were acquainted, let alone childhood friends.  


‘Make sure you stay safe and stick with someone tonight Wonyo. If you want to go home, you can leave anytime. If you need a ride, you can give Minjoo or I a call and we’ll drive you home okay?’ piped up Chaewon as she made her way over to you with an arm wrapped around Minjoo’s waist.  


‘I will keep that in mind. Thank you, Chaewon!’ you thanked her, grateful that she was like another older sister figure to you and would willingly go the extra mile for her friends. 


‘Go enjoy yourself, baby. Just make sure you stay safe!’ With those final words from Chaeyeon, the others all retreated back into the couch by the corner where you could see the rest of the dance team and some others mingling and socializing. 


This party’s sh*t, wish we could dip - go anywhere but here 


Okay. So the party isn’t all that bad - in fact, Megan throws some of the best parties out there. But the problem wasn’t her. It was you. You just didn’t like parties no matter how many times you tried to go and enjoy one. Did you also mention that every time you attended one, you wouldn’t stay past ten? Apart from not liking parties, it seems like your social battery just drains too quickly sometimes. Hot chocolates, a movie and a fluffy blanket is all you really ask for. 


When you joined Rei, Jiwon and Gaeul by the drinks table, you were given a red cup. You cautiously looked at the brown liquid inside, before taking a quick sniff. Jiwon and Rei giggled at your behaviour but Gaeul only gave the couple a light smack on their arms. 


‘Stop teasing Wonyo! We all know she doesn’t like to drink.’ turning to face you, sweet, sweet Gaeul gave you a gentle smile and urged you to take a sip. ‘I poured coke into the red cup so you wouldn’t feel left out of the whole ‘party’ theme thing. But we all know you don’t like drinking so it's soft drink for you.’  


Thanking Gaeul for her thoughtfulness, you took a sip. The fizzy, sugary drink slid down your throat and you couldn’t help but wince. You’re not great with carbonated drinks, but that’s better than the alcoholic options that were available in front of you. While your friends got lost in another chat amongst themselves, you took this moment to have a look at your surroundings.  


Don’t take a hit, don’t kiss my lips and please don’t drink more beer


The cheerleaders whom you’re acquainted with were seated on the right corner furthest away from where you were, while the footballers were going from one side of the living room to the other, talking to both the cheerleaders and the other sport teams. You think you even spot your cousin Sunghoon and his boyfriend Jake, amongst the football players. But that’s another thing for another day. 


Turning, you could see the popular bunch dancing in the middle of the room - suddenly making the middle, the new dance floor. It didn’t take long for more people to join the crowd. You could also see some of the partygoers who were smoking indoors by the opposite corner - closest to the doorway that led to the front yard.  


God, it stinks here and you just want to leave. 


Out of the corner of your eyes, you spotted the tall figure who happened to be the other half of the reason as to why you were here in the first place. 


Stupid Ahn Yujin looking stupidly good in those acid-washed, ripped denim jeans, the clean white t-shirt that outlined her athletic frame and the leather jacket that you handed to Mrs Ahn last year for her birthday. She didn’t know it was a present from you, but you were glad that she liked it and that it suited her so well. She also happened to just downed whatever she had in the red cup in her hand. You seriously pray that it wasn’t beer or any alcohol. 


Trade drinks, but you don’t even know her 


As you took another sip of the coke in your cup, you unconsciously kept your eyes trained on Yujin. Watching as she had somehow started talking to one of the ballerinas whom you’re pretty sure she didn’t know. Kazuha was her name and you knew her only because she was dating Yunjin from Theater and you were close with Yunjin. But you can bet Yujin didn’t know who she was, seeing as she’s not the type to be into dance - let alone ballet. You watched as they even swapped their cups before clinking their plastic cups together and downing the whole thing in one go. 


You couldn’t help but ask out loud - assuming no one could hear you as you continued to look at Yujin’s general direction. 


‘How did you guys know you liked each other?’


‘Huh?’ was the only thing you heard, before Jiwon tapped your shoulder to get your attention. You turned to face the blonde girl, an eyebrow raised in a silent question to her.


‘You were talking to us right?’ asked Jiwon. You honestly didn’t think she would hear you but you nodded anyway, curious about her answer. 


‘I mean, there were a lot of things - blushing easily and feeling butterflies around Rei, caring about everything she liked and disliked, remembering her class schedules, messaging her, wanting to surprise her with gifts and other gestures…and even more after that,’ replied Liz helpfully before raising an eyebrow. ‘Why are you suddenly interested? Did someone catch your eye?’


‘No, I was just thinking because I don’t have anything to do here.’ you replied flatly, before taking another sip. Jiwon shrugged before facing Rei again to continue whatever conversation they were in before she answered you. Funny how life works huh? The things Jiwon had just told you - mayhaps you did manage to tick some of them off when it came to Yujin. 


Hold up. 




‘Stop frowning, Wonyo! You’re gonna grow old faster,’ teased Gaeul as she put down her cup. ‘Come on, what’s got you frowning like that anyway?’


‘I just…I think…I realized something?’ you replied unsurely. 


She hummed, before leaning back to stretch her arms a little. Assuming she was probably trying to gather her thoughts, she took a moment before standing back up and looked you in the eyes. Gaeul, being the oldest one in your friend group, is definitely the wisest. So, although you weren’t so sure why exactly you were doing it, you held your breath in anticipation. 


‘Wonyo, it’s okay to be scared and confused. But I think you can tell that you probably just realized you liked someone, hm?’ Gaeul must have seen the way your eyes widened, looking like a deer caught in headlights. ‘It’s okay. I expect you to spill some tea later but in the meantime, your secret is safe with me and I’ll make sure the other two don't know.’


Imma crawl through the window now, ‘cause I don’t like anyone around 


Thankful to Gaeul, you decided to make your way out of the mansion. While the place was huge, it somehow still felt very stuffy and awfully hot with the amount of people packed in here. Plus, it was 9:45pm - almost your usual time to leave anyway. As you tried to map out your way through the crowd for the safest route, you seem to have accidentally made eye contact with Yujin. Seemed to - because you weren’t too sure if she was looking at you or your general direction under those dim lights. 


Kinda hope you’re following me out - but this is definitely not my crowd  


Ignoring whatever had transpired, you decided to not think too much and take the safest route that you had mapped out. Which coincidentally meant you had to walk past where she was standing with the rest of the basketballers.  


Was it strange that you wanted - no. Hoped was probably the right word. Was it strange that you had hoped that Yujin would, for some odd reason or another, somehow follow you out? Maybe even tried to speak to you again? 


19 but you act 25 now, knees weak but you talk pretty proud, wow. Ripped jeans and a cup you just downed. Take me where the music ain’t too loud


But when you did walk past, all you heard was loud, boisterous laughter and words filled with pride being thrown around here and there. 


‘You dooooo…realize that I was…I was the oneeee…who threw the…the…buzz beater right!?’ yelled Yujin, her words slurring.


‘Damn Yujin, we know that - you don’t have to keep rubbing it in our face!’ replied someone in the group before another round of laughter could be heard. 


You couldn’t help but scoff in your mind. Since when the heck did Ahn Yujin become so cocky? And who knew she was more of a party animal than you thought? There was a weight on your chest - a weight you recognized as disappointment as you took in the way Yujin was behaving. You don’t remember Yujin being so arrogant before. While the two of you were younger, you remember her being the type to not only be humble, but definitely not the type to hang around crowds like this. She knew you hated people who were conceited. So full of themselves that they end up thinking that the world revolves around them. You wished she wasn’t like those people…but her behaviour tells you otherwise. It left you with a bitter taste in your mouth and more questions than anything. 


So where did the flower-eating child that lived next door go? Where was your childhood friend - the one who would swoop in and whisk you away like Prince Charming to a place less crowded and loud (or maybe, even take you home) back in middle school, go?


Save me ‘till the party is over, kiss me in the seat of your rover  


The following turn of events was a little strange, seeing as Yujin who had seemed to drink too much and tripped on her own feet. 


How ironic of the basketball ace. 


She tripped and had leaned most of her weight onto the innocent passerby who would’ve been accidentally crushed under the weight if they weren’t ready for it. The said innocent passerby just also happens to be you. But luckily, you were more prepared than you thought as you knew you were going through the crowd and drunk people are prone to many trip ups and accidents occurring.   


Yujin happened to fall into you - and in a spur of the moment, you held onto her waist and hugged her to your body as you stood your ground. You really need to commend yourself for not tripping and landing on the floor in a heap with Yujin. You probably would’ve died right then and there, seeing as Yujin was muscular and athletic while you resembled a twig. 


‘I wanna…wanna…go hooooommmmmeeeee,’ whined the drunk girl in your arms. You didn’t know what to do with her so you looked at the people she was with. You could see Kazuha looking at something on her phone and judging from the smile on her face that you could only describe as starstruck, you could only guess it was something that Yunjin had sent. You turned to look at Ryujin, who happened to watch on with interested eyes, trying to desperately hold her smile back by covering her face with the cup she was drinking from. 


Just to put it out there, she was doing a terrible job. 


You whipped around when you heard the sound of a whistle, only to see another familiar face who was looking on with a smirk on her face. It was Yena, returning with a drink in hand, as she watched the scene with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Yena’s part of the dance team - although she doesn’t show up all the time because she took up basketball, she was still somehow close with everyone; you included.  


‘Damn Yujin…you’re so bold sometimes,’ you hear Yena mutter before an amicable smile is painted on her face. 


‘Sorry about the dog! But uh, we still have some more basketball stuff to do. Do you mind accompanying this drunk kid home, Wonyoung-ah?’ Yena asked, putting her hands together in an almost praying motion, in front of her with her head down. 




‘I’ll treat you to Mint Chocolate ice cream after dance next week!’ 


Huffing at how easily you were sold with the idea of having your favorite ice cream, you agreed with a frown on your face. 


‘…Fine. I’ll remember what you say though!’ you called over your shoulder, as you tried to drag Yujin out with you. 


To say the least, it was refreshing to leave the packed space. As soon as you happened to get yourself out, you were met with the cool autumn wind, the stars twinkling brightly in the sky. The weight that was hanging onto you seemed to register that there was a change of scenery too. 


‘WOOOOHHHHH! We’re going….going…to spaaaaaacccceeeeee!’ shouted Yujin happily. She is awfully embarrassing, but you also couldn’t help but smile at her childish glee. Luckily there was no one on the street. Otherwise you’ll probably drop her and run off. Now, one may think it’s cruel but hey, that was just how your defence mechanism worked. 


‘We aren’t going to space. But let’s get you home Jinnie,’ you said calmly before returning to the task at hand - drag Yujin home. 


‘I waaannnntttt…to go…to go…get a staaaarrrr,’ Yujin slurred as she tried to keep up with your dragging. Props to the drunk Yujin in your grip - still as considerate as you remember. The drunk girl seemed to try and lift her weight off you as much as her drunk self could, making the dragging process a little easier than you thought.  


Amused, you decided to have a conversation with the drunk basketball ace. Not only would she not remember in the morning anyways, but this would be the first time you’ll have a conversation with her since ‘the drift’. 


‘Why is that?’ you asked with a smile on your lips, curious as to what the drunk girl would say. 


‘Myyyyy…Wonnnnnnieeeeee…likes…likes staaaarrrrrsssss! Get one…for…for…my Wonnieeee,’ 




You couldn’t help but pause in your steps. Why…did she have to say something like that out of nowhere? Your heart skipped a beat but there was also a slight…tug in your chest. It kind of hurt, but you weren’t too sure why. 


‘Wonnnnieeee…a-angryyyy…be…because…Jinnie…baaaaddddd,’ slurred the girl as she hung her head down, pouting sadly. 


You looked at the girl hanging by your side. Your heart softened at the sight of your childhood friend. A shaky sigh escaped you as you tried to sort out your feelings while dragging Yujin along. 


‘Hey, you don’t know that. Maybe Wonnie doesn’t want the stars anymore. Maybe…’ you lowered your gaze to the pavement too, as it suddenly became the most interesting thing in the world. ‘Maybe she just wants you to come back to her…’


Pausing, you took a deep breath.


‘Maybe she just wanted you to like her…’ you muttered before resuming the journey. You only managed to take another few steps and were probably at the bottom of the street that the two of you lived at, when you were suddenly pulled to a stop. 




Humming to let her know that you were listening, you tried to continue with dragging her heavier body slowly towards the direction of your house. You got this. This is it! No more gyming for you. No more complaints from Rei and you definitely have the biggest excuse to say that you’ve done enough exercise for the year.  


‘I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for ignoring you since…I promise I have a reason but I can’t tell it to you now…’ Yujin said, her voice suddenly losing the previous slurs. She had then heavily hung her head down. You looked at her in concern, hoping that her neck won't hurt the next day. 


It was under the blanket of stars, by the pavement. A single street light hung above your heads and a few cars were parked along the side of the road. The air around you was a little cold, seeing as it was already late autumn. Splashes of yellow, brown and red littered the pavement and the scattering of leaves could be heard when you were dragging Yujin through some patches. Nothing about the scenery was romantic. Yet it seems like the setting didn’t matter at all with the way Yujin was blinking slowly at you, eyes holding your gaze. She leaned a little closer into your space, forehead resting against yours.  


‘Wonyoung-ah, I love you.’


You could only look at her with wide eyes. The world suddenly stopped moving - everything around you went still. Hold up. You took a moment to process exactly what she just said.


Is she being serious right now?


Just as you were about to open your mouth to say something - anything, Yujin spoke up again.  


‘I’m sorry…I really just…want to be selfish for once…’


‘What do you-’


Before you could finish, you found yourself with your back against one of the parked car’s back doors. Awkwardly trying to balance yourself against it, you were still trying to catch your breath when a pair of soft lips landed on yours. 


It was nothing like you imagined in your life. You’ve always thought kisses were overrated - or maybe you’ve become numb to it with how many times you’ve witnessed Jiwon and Rei being sweet to each other. Or were you numb from the countless times you’ve caught Gyuri with her girlfriend Jisun forgetting about your existence and being diabetically sweet back at home? 


But it could be because it was Yujin - the girl you’ve come to realize that you love. You think you can understand why people are so addicted to kissing their significant other. A warmth had exploded and had spread itself inside you. Her lips were soft and you couldn’t help but tasted…alcohol - probably from her drink from before. You could hear the pounding heartbeat in your ears and there’s no doubt that you were feeling hot. But you couldn’t bring yourself to care about anything. Your mind was focused all on the soft sensation of her lips on yours. 


At that moment, it felt like there was no one in the world except the two of you.     


Real sweet but I wish you were sober 


The kiss broke off when your lungs screamed for air. Perhaps it was because you were suddenly transported back to reality and you were suddenly very self-conscious. Everything felt so hot - your ears, cheeks and the tingling sensation on your lips. You were clearly flustered. Seeing Yujin slowly blinking and rolling over, putting her weight against the car doors and leaning her head onto the roof felt like a pail of cold water was doused onto you. You were washed over by a wave of disappointment as you realized that Yujin was indeed, still quite drunk. 


‘...God, let’s just…get you home quickly.’ you muttered under your breath, as you wrapped your arm around her waist and shoulder again, before trying to move her back to her house. 


Don’t think too much about it Wonyoung-ah you told yourself. Yujin’s drunk and this would've happened to anyone else who was in your position anyway. 


Afterall, you’re not THAT special to her. 




God, what a tiring day and a turn of events. 


After dropping off a tipsy Yujin and…whatever transpired back after you left the party with her and trying to bring her back to her place, you were so, so tired. And drained (rightfully so). After finding the house keys in her jeans pocket, you quietly made your way to her room. Her room was still the same as you remembered it - her various film cameras on display, some polaroids were pinned up by her desk and the walls were still a cute baby blue. Tucking her in bed, you gave her one last look before another sigh escaped you. 


That was it. The moment you desperately tried to savor. Before you left, you did something uncharacteristic of yourself. You softly kissed her on the forehead and whispered words that you’ve been wanting to say all night. Words that helped convey your thoughts after your moment of epiphany. Words that just seemed…right


‘I love you and I miss you, Jinnie. But I just wish…all this happened when you’re sober…’ 


With that, you left Yujin’s keys on her study table and made your way out of the Ahn's residence. Locking the door behind you, you silently made your way home. You couldn’t help but let your mind wander back to the moment that Yujin had kissed you. She could be so sweet, yet you really wished she was sober or at least, knew what she was doing. She has to stop giving you mixed signals before you go crazy from all this. Deciding that there was no point thinking about it and that you should instead sleep it off (considering the fact that the basketball ace was probably drunk), you decided to take a quick shower before heading to bed. By the time you were done, you quickly went under the covers and left your phone charging by the stand on your bedside table.

You were about to fall asleep, when a loud ding came from your phone, signalling you that you had just received a message. Realistically speaking, it was probably anyone who was still at the party wanting to check up on you even though you’ve messaged them about leaving. Deciding to check it (and to let them know you were safe), you picked up the phone and looked at the screen. Your eyes nearly bulged out of its sockets in surprise when you read the name of the person who sent you the text. It wasn’t any of the dance team, nor was it your friends from class. And surprisingly, it was completely comprehensive. 


Ahn Yujin: 


Thanks for walking me home, Princess Bunny. I hope I wasn’t too heavy for you to bring back…I should probably consider acting as a future career, huh? Btw, we need to talk. I promise, I was (and still) am sober and I mean every single word I said to you on our way to my place. Yes, that includes the fact that I heard you too. 


I love you - but I want to say this to you again in person. Meet me tomorrow? 


Puppy Prince Jinnie (PPJ)



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ilovetakumiusui #1
Chapter 13: I just finished reading Wish You Were Sober and OH MY GOD A PART 2 IS A MUST
reigngrey #2
Chapter 13: Definitely need a part 2. I like this kind of stories for annyeongz
Chapter 13: AAAAAAAAA! Annyeongz their so fluffy and cute🤧🤧
I need part 2 of this. Thank you author!🥰
Chapter 11: awww annyeongz baby
Chapter 12: reading this in yuri's pov broke my heart so much more, my yulyen babies huhuhu thank you for this!!
hee_hor #6
Chapter 12: thank u for the update 🥲it’s Soo good
AlondraCmr #7
Chapter 10: will there be a second part?
hanonstar #8
Chapter 10: Wow,this storyline is unique. I enjoyed reading since I seriously have no clue what would happen next. This is so beautiful thank you so much!
Tzuunaa #9
Chapter 10: Oh myyyy this is sooo deym good thank youuu
yujinz_wonny0304 #10
Chapter 9: my heart is hurting. Nooo