Chapter 7

Say You Won’t Let Me Go

Princess Mina looked up the Myrtle tree in the middle of Royal Garden. This tree was blooming all seasons since their new Gardener reached. Even if she had left their country for 6 months already, the tree was still beautiful with the blooming flowers.

Mina was never close to the Gardener but she loved the flowers that the tiny girl sent to her from her Bodyguards everyday. It seemed she knew how to grow plants and trees well. And Mina felt a little sad when she found out that the Gardener left the job one day.

Many things had changed in their country after she had left. There was a gang of robbers appeared and they tried to separate their own land from the country. The King tried to talk to them nicely but they never listened to them.

And finally, after they had successfully gathered enough men for an army, they started attacking with the Royal Army. You could see Battlefields everywhere in thr country and no place was as peaceful as in the Past.

The people were angry because the King couldn't control the situations and they decided to find another King who was obviously the Leader of the robbers. And they became stronger and stronger after each battle.

Now, they even reached outside the Capital and they surrounded them. The King and Queen knew that they lost this game so they made Mina to hide in the Royal Garden. 

Princess Mina never wanted to leave her parents' side but they forced the Royal Guards to take her away so Mina had to leave. She was worried for her parents and the only thing she could do was to sit down and pray for them.

" Ahhhhh "

At that time, she heard a scream and her heart skipped fast. She saw that the Royal Guards were fighting with a group of their enemies who were coming for her. Though the Royal Guards were skillful and brave men, fhe enemies were too many and they couldn't stop them anymore.

They fell down on the ground one by one and gave their lives for their Crown Princess. Mina bit her lip and she took out her sword from the case, ready to fight them.

But there were too many of them so she lost at the end. They arrested her and dragged her in the middle of the city where there was a huge stage. The enemies might build it.

The men pulled her to the top of the stage and threw her in the middle. Mina fell on it and she looked up to see a man staring at her. His face was ugly with scars and as hard as a rock. His lips were pressing against each other tightly and he seemed he had no mercy.

Mina looked behind him and she saw that their Royal Palace was on fire. Mina didn't dare to think about her parents' fate now. They might have been killed by this robbers.

Mina was angry and she looked up the man. He raised his eyebrows.

" Why did you do this to us? "

Princess Mina asked and he smirked.

" Why did I do this? Why we became robbers from the start? Because your father increased the tax and people were starving. All they earned were forced to give to your family. While your family was sleeping peacefully in that Palace, people were dying on the streets like stray dogs. You will never know how we feel."

He said non-stop and the citizens around them cheered in agree with him. He stood up from his seat and walked around the stage while shouting his speech.

" Now, I had destroyed the Royal Family. I will make this country in peace again. Are you with me? "

" YES!!!!!! "

The people cheered and Mina never understood this. She thought that her father was a good King. And she thought that the people loved the Royal Family. But now, it was telling the opposite.

Mina stood up and she ran to him.

" No!! It can't be. My father is a good King."

" Huh? Don't you see the people's reactions? It was enough for us. And it was not us who destroyed you. It was your own father."

" Liar! "

Mina said and she tried to attack him but he slapped her hard, making her fall on the stage again. He then pulled her from her hair and dragged her to the edge of the stage.

" Listen, my people. This is the last blood of the Royal Family. Do as you like with her. It's all up to you."

He said and he pushed her from the stage, making her fall on the market road in between the crowd. The people moved to backwards and there was a cricle around her appeared.

It was Mina's first time to that much close to people so she was very scared. She didn't know what to do. And her chest was tight with the sadness she was holding so she was just crying without making any sound.

" Let's kill her by throwing stones."

" Yes. Good."

One of the man from the crowd shouted and the people agreed with him. They started finding stones and Mina knew that her life was done now.

* Stone flying *

Someone started throw a stone and Mina closed her eyes, expecting the pain but instead she felt nothing. 

" Stop now."

She heard a voice and opened her eyes to see someone standing in front of her. The people around her became angry more.

" Who are you? Where did you appear? "

" How dare you to stop us? Do you want to die with her, too? "

But she never cares them and turns to Mina. Mina looked up her with tear-stained face and she was surprised when she noticed that it was her ex-Gardener. She was still wearing the same Snowy White dress with the Banboo Helmet on her back.

She is staring at Mina with gentle and soft gaze and whispered something which kept echoing in Mina's ears.

" Don't worry. I'm here. I'll protect you."

" Huh? How dare a tiny girl can say this?! "

" Kill them both!!!! "

The man shouted and people started throwing them with stones. Chaeyoung quickly jumps into the air and her legs moved fast, kicking every stone away from them like a lightening. She then stands back on the ground like a feather.

" Huh? "

People start to panic and Chaeyoung raises her eyebrows. Them she tightens her grip on her stick, and flowers started blooming along it like magic.

" Wow, this is- "

" This is magic."

" No, she must be a God."

People were confusing and they kept saying things non-stop. They moved backwards more in fear and the circle around them bigger. Chaeyoung raised her hand and she was now playing with the stick in her hand.

" You are right. I am the Flowery God. And this Princess is under my protection. I'll take her with me. Who dares to stop us? "

Chaeyoung asked and no one dared to move. They all had heard about the infamous Flowery God and her battles so they didn't dare to move an inch.

Chaeyoung bent her body and helped Mina to stand up. The tired and broken Princess was nearly fallen down and so she had to put her arms around the Princess as a support. The people around them moved to the side so there was a path appeared in the crowd.

Chaeyoung didn't care anyone and she kept guiding Mina on the way and took her away from the furious crowd who wanted to take this poor girl's life. And on the way, she kept saying one thing into Mina's ear.

" Don't worry. I'm here." I'll protect you."




" Don't worry. I'm here. I'll protect you."

Chaeyoung even feels the goosebumps on her arms. Her eyes are covered by a hand and her shoulder is also held by that person. She feels so helpless now. But it is strange that she feels safe,too at the same time.

" Move away or get killed."

" Aigooo, this Beauty is too hot-headed."

" Yes, we only wanted to play with you."

" How dare- "

Chaeyoung feels that someone tries to touch her hand and she hears some bumping sound. The Nymphs are now screaming due to something but Chaeyoung never knows why.

" Move."

" ... "

All the Nymphs seem they are scared. No one dares to make a sound and the person starts guiding Chaeyoung to walk. She leads the steps and Chaeyoung follows. And it seems they are now at the top of the stairs.

" Be careful. There are staircases in front."

She whispers gently again. Chaeyoung doesn't dare to breathe hard but she just follows her lead and they can successfully reach to the ground. The two keep walking and Chaeyoung can feel the cold from the outside. It seems that they are now in front of the building.

During the whole time, Chaeyoung is hearing a funny sparkling sound around them. She can't guess what it is. And finally, the person removes her palm from her eyes.

Chaeyoung tries to open her eyes but the light is too intense and she has to close her eyes quickly. But she wants to see who saved her so she quickly opens them again. And she sees that person standing in front of her.

That person is with Ash Grey hair which reaches till her waist, wearing a long white dress. She is turning her back to Chaeyoung so the Flowery God can't see her face.

Chaeyoung finds that the funny sparkling sounds comes from the butterflies which are flying around her. They are even glowing in silvery white light and Chaeyoung finds it beautiful. 

That person seems she is waiting for Chaeyoung so the tiny God starts walking to her. She stops just beside her and tries to feel her identity. She is obviously not a Human but she doesn't sure that she is a God or a Demon. She can't feel anything from her.

" You should not help others when you can't help yourself."

That person finally speaks. Chaeyoung laughs.

" You are right. I shouldn't get into this mess. I can't even protect myself."

" This is not what I mean. You can fight them by yourself even if I didn't show up."

She said and Chaeyoung is trying her best to think who she is. Her voice is familiar but she can't think of where she had heard this voice. It is a low deep voice in a foreign accent. It feels so close yet so far.

" Whatever, thank you."

Chaeyoung said and she looks at the person beside her. The shadows are falling on her so Chaeyoung can't see her face clearly. The only thing she sees are a sharp pointed nose with a high nasal bridge on which a mole exists and her beautifully packed lips.

That person smirks when she notices that Chaeyoung is staring at her. Chaeyoung raises her hand and she tries to touch the person in reflex but as soon as her hand touches her, the person turnes into thousands of butterflies and fy away from her.

" Wow."

Chaeyoung looks up the sky and she is staring at the glowing butterflies in awe. There is only one butterfly left with her and it flies around Chaeyoung for three times before it follows his fellow members too.

* dugun dugun dugun *

Chaeyoung puts her hand on the left side of her chest to calm down her heart which is now beating fast due to what happened. Hmmmm, what is it? She is left there in confusion, too many thoughts in her head and with a skipping fast heartbeat.






xxx                                       xxx                                        xxx





Hyewon ran as fast as she could to their dorm back and she sees a figure running towards her at the same speed as hers on the way. 

" Hyewon-ah."

Chaeyeon stops her and Hyewon is surprised to see her friend here.

" Chaeyeon? We have said that you will stay to protect Kwon Eunbi."

" Yes, but we heard your scream for help so I made the protection circle around her before I followed you."

" No, I didn't screm for help."

Hyewon said and Chaeyeon became confused. Hyewon frowns and she facepalms herself.

" Damn, he has tricked us. Do you know what I saw in that building? The Nymph-flo with y Nymphs."

" What?! "

" Yes, Chaeyoung Sambae left to fight them and told me to check on you because we found that our dorm has turned into an old building when we see it from there."

" What does it mean? "

" it means he is at our dorm all the time and never leaves. And his plan is to make us leave the dorm."

" Damn, Eunbi-ah."

" Let's go."

The two Gods run back to their dorm and to their horror, it is not the same dorm as theirs before. Well, it is the same building at the same place but the building is turned into an old one with broken doors and dusty dirty things.

" The Reality Spell."

" Wow, Kang Hyewon, you knew things too much. You are a pro."

" No, Chaeyoung sambae told me."

Chaeyeon looks at her with 'Are you serious' look but they really don't have time for this so the two enter the building with their weapons making ready.

When they reach inside, there was nothing but narrow corridor and dusty rooms. The two Gods look at each other and they nod in agreement before they run back to Eunbi's room.

" Kwon Eunbi! "

" Kang Hyewon!! Chaeyeon-ah."

When they open the door, they see Eunbi inside. Her face lights up when she sees them. But she doesn't walk to them. Something is wrong with her.

" Eunbi-ah, what is happening? "

Chaeyeon asks and Eunbi doesn't answer. At that time, they heard giggles from here and there around them.

" They are here."

Hyewon whispers to Chaeyeon and they put their back against each other, preparing to face anything that can jump upon them.

" Hello, pretty ones."

" Huh? "

Chaeyeon is surprised and her face turns red immediately when she sees the Nymphs. Hyewon quickly covers her nose and mouth with her palm.

" Careful."

" There is no need for this. This little one is turning into one of us and you will follow her soon."

One of them said and Hyewon and Chaeyeon look at Eunbi in fear. They find that her feet are inside the floor like the roots under the ground.

" Kwon Eunbi."

Eunbi is looking at them with nearly fainted expression. She is turning into the Nymph-flo.

" We' re coming."

Hyewon and Chaeyeon raise their weapons in their hands and they run to Eunbi to rescue before she turns into the plant completly but before they can reach to her, the floor under them becomes a hole and they both fall inside.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh."





A/N: For those who is confused with the timeline...

It started with Son Seungwan, the Emperor, 1000 years ago. She killed the Destroyer and became the Emperor.

500 years ago, there was the story of Princess Mina and the Flowery God Chaeyoung. Yes, Chaeyoung was the God already at that time when she met Mina.

Many things happened in between (that you will find out later in the story) and 200 years ago, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu and Dahyun became friends when they became the Semi-Gods and took their lessons together. For Chaeyoung, there is still a trick left so please take a note in your mind. You will find out more soon.

And 100 years ago, the Trinity met with Sana and they became friends. Sana was given a flute and a skill book by an annonymous and she started learning it without telling anybody. And she became a Demon. Chaeyoung got the Sending Punishment as she let Sana go. And everyone thought that Sana was dead because she fell down into the Dark Abyss. Tzuyu has been thinking about her all days and nights starting from that time.

Present time takes place in 2020. Hyewon and Chaeyeon were sent for their mission and they met Kwon Eunbi aka a human girl. Chaeyoung can't use her power because she is under the Sending Punishment. She wants to go back to the Light World and takes her powers back so she decided to help KwangChaeng duo. And Sana woke up from her coma and she is now in Hell. 

This is how the story is going. Ask me again if you have any confusion. Thanks for reading <3

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Chapter 22: Woahhh
KpopTrash666 #2
Chapter 22: I like this story a lot so far, hope you update it soon
GoldenXal1225 #3
Chapter 6: This story is like 'the untamed' or 'Mo Dao Zu Shi'

This story is beautiful🥺....
Ztklinyl #4
Chapter 22: Eunbi is sacrificed now ... Oh No !!!!!
lola222 #5
Chapter 22: seriously is this the only way to activate the saber? I want to believe that there is another way but human sacrifice is the "easiest" and fastest
Sokheangkk #6
Chapter 22: Next part please
1762 streak #7
Chapter 22: getting good! liking the flow of the story!
You’re back!
lola222 #9
Chapter 21: the narration of the battles is great, you are a great author.
Sounds amazing