Chapter 22

Say You Won’t Let Me Go

The Capital Library...

It has been around midnight so there is no one at the Library. The guard of the gate is almost falling asleep on the chair he is sitting. The huge building is standing lonely in the city lights.

Sana and Tzuyu are now in front of the Library and they are ready to go inside. Tzuyu scans the whole place with her eyes as she is checking any guard system around here.

" It's clear. Let's go inside."

Tzuyu said and the two make invisible of themselves. They walk to the gate and Tzuyu waves her hand, unlocking the door. The two walk inside and the door behind them closes back by itself.

Tzuyu and Sana look up and there are plenty of huge bookshelves which are higher than the reach they can see. The Library is a huge place but there is no one here so it feels lonely.

" I wonder why there is no guard system here."

" Because destructive people do not come here. They have not enough knowledge to find facts here."

Suddenly, they hear a voice from their back and both Sana and Tzuyu jump up in surprise. They are high skilled warriors but they didn't notice the presence of that person. So they can say that she is not an ordinary God.

" Sorry to bother you. And we didn't notice that you are here."

Tzuyu said and she bows as a greeting in a respectful way. That person walks out into the light and they find that she is a God woman who is wearing a suit.

" You are the Librarian."

" Yeah, I'm the Librarian, Kim Yeri."

" Nae, nice to meet you."

Tzuyu said but Kim Yeri's gaze is only on Sana. She is checking her with suspicious eyes and Tzuyu quickly said.

" This is the Soul Master. She is here to help me to do my mission."

" A master is helping a God for the mission? This is non-sense. Your Emperor let you to do this? "

" Well, actually, she was gone. And we have to unite to stop the Destroyer."

" What did you say? "

Yeri seems she has heard something terrible. Her face becomes pale and she seems she is shocked. Tzuyu sighs and she explains for the Librarian.

" The Emperor was killed by the Destroyer. And she didn't even have a chance to tell us how to stop the Destroyer. All we know is that we have to slay him with the BloodyMoon saber. But we still do not know how to activate the saber."

Yeri walks to the window like a lifeless person and she looks outside by the window. Tzuyu and Sana look at each other and Sana leans to her.

" I think she has something to do with the Emperor. She seems she is sad? I'm not sure but she must be really close to the Emperor."

" You are right, Sana unnie."

Tzuyu whispers back as she too, is suspicious with the Librarian's manner. If she is really close to the Emperor, then why she is here as a unknown Librarian? Is there something they didn't know?

" Well- "

Tzuyu's thoughts are cut off when Yeri turns to them and finally speaks. She sighs and signals them to follow her.

" I can't believe that it has been 1000 years. It's been a really long time."

Yeri is talking to herself while she is leading them to one side of the Library. She then stops in front of a shelf and waves her hand.

The books on the shelf fall backward and new ones with Golden leather covers appear. Tzuyu and Sana now realizes how the Gods' books are hidden in the Library. Yeri sighs and she looks at Tzuyu.

" They are the books you need. I can't exactly point out which book you should read but it is here. The solution to your problem is here. Try hard, young God."

She said and Tzuyu whispers Thank you with a bow. Yeri is staring at her for a few seconds and she is about to ask something but she just sighs and walks away from them while shaking her head.

" She is weird."

" Yeah, I think she really has something with the Emperor. My sixth sense is telling me."

" Ok, this is not the current problem. Let's find out how to activate the Saber here."

" Alright. But I hate reading."

Sana said with a pout and Tzuyu laughs. But she takes out two thick books from the shelf, one for Sana and one for herself as they start reading them.





xxx                                      xxx                                        xxx





* knock knock knock *

Eunbi looks at the window where the knock comes but they are now currently in the 12th floor of the 5* hotel so there will be no one who is knocking on the window at this hour. Plus, it will not be a normal person who can knock on the window at this height.

Eunbi is staying at her own room that her uncle and aunty have rented for her. And the three Gods are staying at the other rooms beside her room with the reason that they are worried for Eunbi's safety though Sakura insisted that it is unnecessary.

Eunbi has just finished showering and she is wearing her pajama and drying her hair when she hears the knock. Eunbi stops what she is doing and she stares at the window.

* knock knock knock *

" Ahhhhhh."

Eunbi screams in fear and she hears a familiar voice immediately.

" Kwon Eunbi, it's just me."

" Hyewon? Kang Hyewon? "

" Yeah, open the window."

Eunbi runs to the window and she sees that Hyewon is grinning at her like a fool while flying in the air. Eunbi sighs and she opesn the window for the playful God who jumps inside.

" What are you doing at this hour? "

" I- I was worried for you so I decided to check on you."

Hyewon said nervously as she is rubbing her nape, avoiding Eunbi's gaze. Eunbi crosses her arms and she looks at Hyewon with suspicious eyes. Hyewon takes a secret glance at her and their eyes meet. Eunbi realizes that they are alone in the hotel room and it makes her blush. 

" Ummmmm, Kwon Eunbi, you have showered."

" Yeah."

Eunbi said with a low tone. Hyewon bites her lip and she nods. She then walks closer to Eunbi and holds her hand.

" You must be scared because of the battle. Do you want me to sleepover tonight? "

" I- "

* knock knock knock *

Suddenly, they both hear a knock on the door and both of them jump away in surprise. The knock continues and they hear Chaeyeon's voice.

" Eunbi-ah, are you ok? I heard your scream."

Chaeyeon said and Hyewon and Eunbi look at each other. Eunbi pushes Hyewon towards the corner which is behind the door. Hyewon is surprised but she understands when Eunbi opens the door for Chaeyeon. Now, Hyewon is hid behind the door.

" Chaeyeon-ah."

" I heard your scream. I thought you are in trouble so- "

" No, no, I'm fine. I just saw my own shadow and it scared me."

Eunbi said nervously. Chaeyeon notices that something is wrong with Eunbi so she arches her eyebrows.

" Should I scan the room for you? "

Chaeyeon said and she enters the room. Eunbi widens her eyes and she covers the place where Hyewon is hiding with her body so that Chaeyeon will not see the playful God.

" It's really fine, Chaeyeon-ah."

" You sure? You want me to sleepover? "

Hyewon quickly grabs Eunbi's hand and pinches, signaling her to refuse the offer. Eunbi doesn't know what to do and she is just standing with sweats on her forehead.

" Umm, I- "

" Jjaeyeon? What are you doing? "

To Eunbi's relief, Sakura suddenly appears and she walks inside the room, too. Chaeyeon seems she is disappointed when Sakura links her arm with hers. Sakura looks at Eunbi and the later tries to smile at her.

" I screamed by mistake and Chaeyeon is just checking that I'm safe."

" Oh, really? It seems you are safe. Jjaeyeon-ah, let's go. Human needs a good night sleep. We shouldn't disturb her."

" Ummm, ok."

Chaeyeon seems she doesn't want to go but Sakura pulls her out from the room. She looks at Eunbi and worriedly tells her to shout immediately if something happens. Eunbi nods and she said Goodnight to both of them. 

Eunbi watches till the two Gods enter Sakura's room and she sighs before she closes the door. She rolls her eyes when she sees that Hyewon is leaning on the door while crossing her arms, with a huge smile on her face.

" What? "

" Nothing. I'm just thankful to Sakura."

" You are crazy."

Eunbi said and she walks to the bedroom to sit on the bed. Hyewon follows her and joins her on the bed, sitting close. Eunbi notices the small distance between them and her heartbeat becomes faster. It is racing loudly at a high speed that she is afraid of Hyewon notice it.

Hyewon is playing her fingers on her thighs and she moves closer to Eunbi, reducing the distance between them to 0cm. Eunbi tries to move away but Hyewon is fast enough to grab her hand.

" Yah, Kang Hyewon, what are you doing? "

" Eunbi, Kwon Eunbi, look at me."

Hyewon knows that she will never have a chance like this next time. She puts Eunbi's hand on her chest and she stares at the human girl with passionate eyes.

" We may be different kinds but I think you can see my feelings for you."

Eunbi knows her face is turning red. She knows it will happen but her heart is still not ready for this. She doesn't dare to stare back at the God.

" Kwon Eunbi, let me protect you from now on."

Hyewon whispers as she moves closer to Eunbi. Eunbi tries to hide her face so she uses her hand to pull up the face. Eunbi accidenly looks into the God's eyes and she has lost her control as she has drowned inside the gaze of the longing God.

" Kwon Eunbi, saranghae."

Hyewon said and she leans forward to capture Eunbi's lips. The human girl is surprised and she forgets to response the kiss but the God never gives up. She continues the work as she is now leading to the passionate stage to which Eunbi accidently follows.

" Ahhh."

" Shhhh, Chaeyeon might hear us."

Hyewon jokes and Eunbi laughs along. Hyewon resumes what she is doing with more passion. Their hands are intertwined over each other's bodies and exploring the new lands that they just found.

" Come."

Eunbi puts her arms around Hyewon's neck as a support as the God pulls her over the lap as they continue making out. They both know they are going to next level but none of them really cares.

" Hmmm, Kang Hyewon, can you promise me that you will protect me? "

" Of course, no matter what."

Hyewon smiles at Eunbi who is now lying on her back. She touches their foreheads together and Eunbi smiles back. Hyewon tucks Eunbi's hair behind her back.

" You are beautiful."

" Stop. It's not like you."

Eunbi said with shy tone. Hyewon's hands are moving to the pajama that Eunbi is wearing and she is now playing with the buttons. Eunbi knows what Hyewon is up to and she dares herself to look at the God who is just staring at her with a smile.

Eunbi gulps and she nods as a signal. Hyewon's smile slowly fades away and she closes their distance again but this time, her hands are doing their jobs too while her lips fall on the soft milky white neck of the human girl.

They don't know but the 3realms start shaking and the moon is turning bloody red as they drew the night with soft kisses, gentle touches and melody.





xxx                                       xxx                                         xxx





" Sana unnie, I think I found the solution."

Tzuyu suddenly shouts and Sana runs to her. Tzuyu points on the page she is reading and she reads out loud for the Soul Master.

" The BloodyMoon Saber. It is a legendary Saber that the chosen warrior will hold to slay the Destroyer. But it has to be activated to use its full power. Here is the Legend.

On one tired night, the moon will be hiding behind the clouds. Only the stars are shining and they are helping the secret lovers to hide inside the darkness. The God will make love with a Human. The 3 realms will be shaken when they are successful and the moon will come out with Bloody Red color.

The human girl is the sacrifice. She will become the Weapon. The Warrior who will hold the BloodyMoon Saber has to take the blood of the Sacrifice to activate the Saber."

Tzuyu stops what she is reading in terror.

" This is not the God way."

" Yeah, why we have to kill an innocent human to activate the Saber? "

" That's why we have the Forbidden rule that the Gods can't fall in love with a human. The Human will turn into a sacrifice. This is prevention."

At that time, a strong earthquake happens and Sana and Tzuyu look at each other in surprise. Sana runs to the window and she looks outside. Then she shouts in surpris.

" TzuTzu-ah, the moon!! "

Tzuyu also runs to the window and ahe looks up the sky. The moon is shining in the sky as usual but this time, the bloody red rays are taking place in the slivery light.

" This- this is- "

" How? I mean how a God fell in love with a human? How can it be? "

Tzuyu sighs.

" This is not the question now. The problem is where is the God and the Girl. We have to find them immediately. The Destroyer will follow them for sure. We have to make a quick move before him."

Tzuyu and Sana look at each other. They know that it will be difficult for everyone from now on. Sana holds Tzuyu's hand and she tries to encourage her. Tzuyu tries to smile too but she knows that it will come out as a frown instead.

How can she smile at this situation? The mess is getting deeper and deeper.

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Chapter 22: Woahhh
KpopTrash666 #2
Chapter 22: I like this story a lot so far, hope you update it soon
GoldenXal1225 #3
Chapter 6: This story is like 'the untamed' or 'Mo Dao Zu Shi'

This story is beautiful🥺....
Ztklinyl #4
Chapter 22: Eunbi is sacrificed now ... Oh No !!!!!
lola222 #5
Chapter 22: seriously is this the only way to activate the saber? I want to believe that there is another way but human sacrifice is the "easiest" and fastest
Sokheangkk #6
Chapter 22: Next part please
1761 streak #7
Chapter 22: getting good! liking the flow of the story!
You’re back!
lola222 #9
Chapter 21: the narration of the battles is great, you are a great author.
Sounds amazing