Chapter 11

Say You Won’t Let Me Go

Hyewon and Chaeyeon look around the house and it is a normal one with ancient inner decoration which may worth thousands of dollars. It seems Kwon Eunbi is a rich kid. 

" Have a seat."

Eunbi said and Hyewon and Chaeyeon sit on the couch in the living room. The owner of the house sits across them and she crosses her arms.

" What are you doing here? "

" Ummm, we- "

" Are you stalking me? "

" No!!! Of course not. Why we have to do this? "

" Yes, we are on our mission."

They said and Eunbi is staring at them for a few seconds. Then she nods.

" Yeah, you must be busy."

" Imm, by the way, are you living alone? "

" No, I am living with my Uncle and Aunty."

Eunbi said and the two Gods look around in the house making Eunbi frowns.

" What? You two saw them on the day you sent me back."

" Umm? We sent you back? "

" Yes, when I woke up, I was already in my bed. My uncle and aunty told me that you two sent me back to the house."

" Huh? "

Hyewon and Chaeyeon look at each other. Hyewon immediately connects Chaeyeon from the telepathy circle.

" What is she talking about? "

" I don't know but just play along with her. She will suspect us if not."

The two Gods laugh together nervously and Chaeyeon said.

" Yeah, we did. Hehe. I was about to ask about them."

" Yeah, we thought they are your parents."

Eunbi is staring at them in suspect. Then she nods and stands up.

" I'll go make a drink for you. What do you want? Coffee? "

" Yeah, fine."

Eunbi nods and she walks into the kitchen. Hyewon and Chaeyeon move close to each other and whisper.

" This is weird. We never sent her home."

" Yes, this must be the ones who took her in that night."

" This house is also protected with the Protection Spell. Everything here is surpicious."

" Let's go find that spell."

Hyewon and Chaeyeon stand up from the couch and they look around the living room. Chaeyeon taps Hyewon's shoulder and she points to a statue on the shelf.

" Ahh, that is."

It is glowing faintly and no human will see it with eyes. The spell is radiating from there. Chaeyeon and Hyewon walk to there and they look at each other.

" Shall we? "

" Yes, we have to."

" What if the monster found her when the spell is gone."

" This is the point, Lee Chaeyeon. We can get the monster back by this. That's why we are doing this."

Hyewon said and she raises her hand to absorb the spell from the statue and removing the protection against the house.

" Huh? What about Eunbi? "

" What about me? What are you doing here? "

Eunbi suddenly comes back from the kitchen with a tray on which two cups of coffee are put. And she is now staring them with suspicious look.

" I have been thinking why you two are here? It seemed you are lying to me."

" No, no, no, we are not."

" We are just- "

" Don't tell me the monster is after me. That's why you are here, right? "

" Huh? "

Hyewon and Chaeyeon blink. Hyewon claps loudly and she  laughs.

" Aigoo, Kwon Eunbi, you are really smart. Yes, we are after that monster. And we are just worried for you. Right, Chaeyeon-ah? "

" Huh? Oh, right. Haha."

They are laughing nervously and Eunbi sighs. She walks back into the living room and puts the tray on the table. Chaeyeon and Hyewon follow her and they sit at the couch again.

" Umm, where is your Uncle and Aunty? "

" They went on a business trip to NewYork. They'll be back next month."

" Aww. Then, you are alone? This is dangerous."

Hyewon said and she looks at Eunbi.

" What about we stay here for a while and protect you? I mean the monster can come to you in any time."

" I- "

Eunbi is thinking for a few seconds as she doesn't know she should take strangers in the house. But she knows they are good people and they are Gods, too. She sighs and nods.

" Alright. You can stay here until you get the monster back."

" Thank you."

Hyewon said and Chaeyeon is smiling widely and nodding her head non-stop. Eunbi sighs and she stands up again.

" I'll go make the room for you. You can stay in the guest room."

" Thank you again."

" It's fine. You are here to protect me."

Eunbi whispers and Hyewon even feels sorry for her. She has made a lie but she is telling half truth. The monster will come for Eunbi no matter what. It will be the best if they stay here for a while since her uncle and aunty are out too.

" Yah, Hyewon-ah, you are really a master-brain. You solve things too well."

Chaeyeon said and Hyewon is just smiling. And the two Gods do not go back to the Light World and decide to stay at Eunbi's house for a while not only for waiting for the Monster but also for searching who put the protection spell in a normal Human house.





xxx                                        xxx                                        xxx






Chaeyoung looks up the sky and she frowns as the rays from the sun are too hot. She has been travelling to the place where they noticed a huge amount of Dark Power. It is a small town and the transportation is not good, too.

The bus station reaches to the nearest city but there is no direct bus to this small town. She has to find a car passing by if she wants a ride. She has been unlucky the whole morning and she has to go on foot to get to her destination. But Chaeyoung thinks of it as a positive sign that she can check the surroundings on her way.

Chaeyoung has been walking for about an hour. She has changed her snowy white dress into an oversized tee and a denim short. Her bamboo helmet is changed into a wollen hat that she has been wearing. She is carrying a backpack that she has drawn on it with her bare hands.

Chaeyoung has feeling so proud of herself as she can easily blend into the Human World unlike the other Gods. She prefers living here than in the Light World. She feels she can get more freedom and she can do what she likes in human world.

" Huh! I'm lucky! "

Chaeyoung extends her hand and she stops the truck that is coming from her back. The man stops the truck beside her.

" Yes, little girl? Did you run away from home? "

He said and Chaeyoung frowns.

" I'm not a little girl. I am 210... I mean I'm 21 already."

She said and he is looking at her with suspicious eyes. Chaeyoung glares him and he laughs.

" Ok, ok. What can I help you? "

" How many miles left to reach to the town? "

" Oh, it's a very long way. If you keep walking non-stop, you will reach around midnight."

" Huh! "

Chaeyoung is really disappointed. He sighs and offers a help.

" If you want a ride, you can come with me. There are only boxes in the back. You can sit here if you want."

" Really? Omo, thank you, ajjushi."

Chaeyoung bows him and he nods. She jumps on the truck and he starts driving to the town. Chaeyoung looks around the boxes and she sits on one while leaning on the side bars of the truck. 

" I should learn about this town."

Chaeyoung whispers as she takes out the map she has bought at the bus station. The town is not a big one. It has only one guest house in the whole town. And there is not so many places to visit.

" Emperor said that the Dark Power is from this town. And lucky to me, I can cover the whole town in a short time since it is a small one. But where should I start? "

" From the church. The demons love chruches. They think that they are powerful if they can stay in a church."

" Huh? "

Chaeyoung is surprised when she hears a voice behind the boxes. Ahh, may be there is another one riding in the truck too. How can I say Gods' things easily like this? 

Chaeyoung is blaming herself for her clumsiness and she talks back to the person. 

" Thank you for your advice. But how do you understand what I am talking about? "

She sees that a person comes out from behind the boxes. She crawls to Chaeyoung and sits in front. She is tying her black hair in a high ponytail, wearing an oversized hoodie and a pair of jean. When Chaeyoung takes a glance at her, she shows her gummy smile as a greeting.

" I'm from this town. Of course, I know it."

" No, I mean how do you understand the things I'm talking about? "

" Ah, nae. I'm a new Semi-god who is still looking for her mentor. That's why. By the way, I'm Mina, Myoui Mina."

" Son Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung gives her hand for a handshake. Well, indeed, this is a test. She can know what she really is when they hands will touch. Mina is staring at her hand for a few seconds then she smiles and takes it.

Chaeyoung is confused. Her skin is as warm as a human. She really is not a demon. But she doesn't see any God Light around her, too. This is strange. But Mina is smiling and she takes the map from her. 

" See, this is the church. It is situated on the top hill and the Dark Power is coming from there. We can go see it if you want."

" Umm? Did you say 'we'? "

" Of course, I want to be a student of Flowery God."

She said and Chaeyoung's face turns red. It has been a very long time that someone praises her.

" How do you know me? "

" Everyone knows you, Son Chaeyoung."

She clearly said and Chaeyoung looks at her. Mina smiles with her gummy smile again and Chaeyoung smiles along with her too. She is feeling like she has seen this smile somewhere but she doesn't know where.

Chaeyoung asks her several questions about the town and Mina answers every single question in details. Chaeyoung is really impressed by the girl and her knowledge.

" Wow, you really are a clever one."

" I have a curious mind so I read a lot. That's why."

" Whatever, I have to thank you. You gave me too much help."

" Glad to hear that."

Mina crawls back to the other side and she is also leaning on the side bars of the truck. She closes her eyes and takes a nap in a very relaxing way. Chaeyoung is staring at her for a very long time and she is thinking hard of where she had met her before.

Suddenly, the truck stops and both Chaeyoung and Mina are shaken due to the sudden brake.

" What happened? "

Chaeyoung whispers and she peeks to the front. wide open when she sees a group of low-class monsters stopping the truck. 

" Ah, the twilight time. It is the time where most of the monsters go out to find their food."

" Huh? So, we are surrounded by them? "

Mina said and she crawls towards Chaeyoung immediately. Then she is hiding herself behind Chaeyoung making the God feeling weird.

" Waeyo? "

" I'm scared."

Mina whispers while she moves closer to Chaeyoung more. Their bodies are touching and Chaeyoung can even feel the scent coming from Mina. The tiny God gulps and she coughs before she answers the scared girl in a proud tone.

" Don't worry. I'm here."

" Nae, I'm glad you are here."

" I'll go check them. Stay here."

" No, I'm coming with you."

Chaeyoung looks at Mina who is staring her back with her black eyes. Chaeyoung can't see any fear in her eyes instead they are filled with enthusiasm. Chaeyoung nods and she agrees to the girl.

" Alright. Let's go. But just remember to stay behind me."

" Nae."

The two jump down from the back and they find that the driver is already passed out because of the monsters. They are now preparing to take him out from the truck.

" Yah, put down him."

Chaeyoung shouts and the monsters look at their direction.

" More food. More food."

They are low-class monsters so they can't talk normally like the strong ones. But they are atmost 12 so Chaeyoung is a little worried. She extends her hand and calls a stick nearby which flies towards her.

" Wow, you are so cool."

Mina whispers into her ear as she is now putting her hands on Chaeyoung's shoulders and hiding behind her. Chaeyoung grins as Mina has just said her favourite line. She tightens her grip on the stick which makes the flowers start blooming.

The monsters are laughing at them and they run towards them to attack. Chaeyoung also takes ready to fight but-

" Oh! "

All the monsters suddenly stop right in front of them and they are looking at them with wide eyes. Chaeyoung becomes confused but the monsters start moving backwards.

" Yah, where are you going? "

" Please don't kill us."

" Forgive us."

" Sorry!!!! "

They shout in unison and run away immediately without turning back. Chaeyoung is still in shock and she is watching the monsters running away with wide open mouth.

" What happened? "

" They are scared because of you. You drove them away. You are so cool."

" Hehe. Thank you."

Chaeyoung becomes blushing and she is rubbing her neck with her palm in embarrassment while Mina is giving her thumb up. Then she remembers about the driver man and walks to him to check.

" He is under the sleeping spell. He will not wake up in two hours at least."

" What do we do? "

Chaeyoung sighs.

" I don't know. They can come back anytime. I think we should drive this. Do you know how to drive? "

Chaeyoung asks innocently and Mina laughs in an amusing way. Her gaze suddenly falls on Chaeyoung's short legs which makes the tiny God pouts.

" I know I'm small."

" C'm on, let's try this thing."

Mina and Chaeyoung take the man out of the truck together and put him at the back. Then they get into the front seats and Mina takes the drive role. She starts the engine and starts driving like a pro making Chaeyoung smiles again.

She turns to Mina and shows her dimple smile.

" Gald that I have you. If not, I have to sleep on the boxes tonight."

Mina replies nothing and she just focus on her driving. They finally reaches to the town around 8 and Mina stops the truck in front of the only one guest house in this town. They get out of the truck and Chaeyoung takes out some cash from her pocket.

" This is not much but I want to show my Thank you."

Chaeyoung whispers and she puts the cash in his pocket. Mina waits for her and the two come into the guest house together. The reception ajjuma greets them with a smile.

" What can I help you, young ladies? "

" Ummm, we want a room. I mean two rooms. Umm, I- "

Mina raises her eyebrows. Chaeyoung becomes uneasy and she pulls Mina to the corner to whisper something.

" I'm sorry Mina but do you have any money with you? I don't have much and I can only pay for one room."

" Oh, I'm fine with everything. I don't have money, too and I'm willing to share the same room with a famous God."

Mina whispers back and Chaeyoung nervously smiles at her. She then walks back to the Ajjuma and said confidently.

" One single room please. The smallest one is ok for us."

The woman look at them in suspicious look but she then laughs.

" Ok, I understand. Here's the key. It is at the 2nd floor at the leftmost. Have fun, ladies. Goodnight."

They bow her and walk to upstairs to get to their room. Chaeyoung opens the room and it is really a small one. 

" Haha, it is bigger than I think."

Chaeyoung said nervously while Mina is looking around the room. They have a bathroom and a small bed with a table beside it inside the room. Chaeyoung watches as Mina crawls onto the bed and lies down.

" This is comfortable."

" Really? "

" Yes, you should come and lie down, too. You must be tired today."

Chaeyoung remembers how many miles she had to walk today. She can't even feel her legs.

" Ok."

Chaeyoung slowly climbs on the bed and lies beside Mina. The bed is a small one but it fit the two of them well. Chaeyoung feels weird to sleep with a stranger but Mina has already closes her eyes and sleeping.

" This girl is weird."

Chaeyoung thinks. She doesn't know why she is familiar to her. She stares at the perfect face of the girl for a long time. Her face has no Beauty mark, she can't get any demon sign from her. So Chaeyoung can say that Mina is not the Nature Master who has been following her.

" Well, whoever she is, she is helpful to me. She must be a good person."

Chaeyoung finally concludes her thoughts and decides to forget about the true identity of the girl. It doesn't matter at all.For her, a good friend is all she needs. 

She thinks and a smile appears on her face as she closes her eyes, too, to join her new partner to the journey to the dreamland.

On the other hand, at the outside of them guest house on the truck, the driver man finally awake from his sleeping spell and he is surprised when he finds that he is already in the town.

And his surprise becomes double when he sees a lot of money in his pocket which is thrice the amout that Chaeyoung has put in his pocket.

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Chapter 22: Woahhh
KpopTrash666 #2
Chapter 22: I like this story a lot so far, hope you update it soon
GoldenXal1225 #3
Chapter 6: This story is like 'the untamed' or 'Mo Dao Zu Shi'

This story is beautiful🥺....
Ztklinyl #4
Chapter 22: Eunbi is sacrificed now ... Oh No !!!!!
lola222 #5
Chapter 22: seriously is this the only way to activate the saber? I want to believe that there is another way but human sacrifice is the "easiest" and fastest
Sokheangkk #6
Chapter 22: Next part please
1761 streak #7
Chapter 22: getting good! liking the flow of the story!
You’re back!
lola222 #9
Chapter 21: the narration of the battles is great, you are a great author.
Sounds amazing