Chapter 1

Say You Won’t Let Me Go

The Night...

The silvery moonlight is fallen upon the old school building, spreading out its shadow which makes it scarier than usual in the lonely night.

It seems the whole school is sleeping and no one is aware of the upcoming incidences. A light footsteps can be heard from a far and a small girl appears in the view.

She is the brand new graduated girl of the year and this is her last day at the school camp. But she seems she is following after something as she keeps taking glances from left to right.

" Chingu-ah, I'm here."

Her body becomes stiff when she hears the cold whispering voice of a mysterious girl. She has been hearing this voice for days and she decided to take a look before she leaves the school camping tomorrow.

The voice is only calling her and telling her to follow so the girl finally reaches to this abandoned building. She becomes scared all of a sudden and she can feel that she even has goosebumps now.

At that time, a giggle runs to her in the cold breeze which is driving her crazy now. She wants to run but her feet can't move anymore, she thinks. 

" Who- who are you? "

" Oh, you wanna know? Follow me. I'm right here."

The voice is coming from the abandoned building. The girl tries to look inside and she thinks she sees a light inside. Oh, then, there is someone inside. And this is obviously a girl.

The girl thinks and she feels less dangerous to the strange voice owner. What a normal girl of her age can do? She thinks and she decides to take a look first before she goes back to her room. 

She bends her body down to pick up a stick on the ground before she walks into the building. She slowly opens the door and the first thing she smells is the dust. She even coughes for a few times due to the dust.

" How the girl can stay inside? "

She thinks and tries to look inside. Her eyes becomes used to the darkness and the moonlight is entering the building from the window so she can see inside more clearly after a few seconds.

It seems there is no one in the building. There are many dust inside so she should find footprints on the floor if someone is inside but there is none.

May be I am dreaming? Or may be I am studying all the time so I am getting hallucinations? The girl becomes doubtful to herself.

" Kekekkeekkeke "

" Huh? "

Suddenly, she hears a giggle again from the upstairs and she notices that there is a stairs not very far. She gulps. Her instinct is telling her to go outside but her curiosity is telling her to go upstairs.

" Ok, let's find out till the end."

She decides and slowly goes to upstairs without making any noise. The upstairs is almost the same as the downstairs. The whole place is covered with dust and there is nothing.

Hmmm, so I am really having hallucinations. The girl thinks. Suddenly, she hears a sound from somewhere and she makes ready to fight with the stick in her hand.

" Is anyone here? "

She uses all her courage to ask but no one answers. The girl stays as a statue for a minute and waits for another sound but there is none.

" Huh. This is crazy."

She laughs and puts down the stick. She thinks she should go back to her bed and so she decides to go down. But when she turns around her body, there is someone behind her.

" What the- "

She can't see anything. She doesn't have time to react. That someone extends his hand to her face and the last thing she saw are the white bones of that person with very long nails.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "

A group of birds on the nearby trees fly away due to the shout. But after that, all the things are back to their usual self and everything is acting normal like nothing happened.

The night is as quiet as ever under the silvery moonlight.





xxx                                     xxx                                           xxx





" Princess, I heard that you were looking for me."

" Oh, Tzuyu. Yes, yes. Please come in."

Jihyo said as she puts down the feather pen in her hand. Chou Tzuyu is the Yellow level God who is also in charge of the Semi-Gods training. She is wearing a white long dress with yellow lines on the edges. There is a golden band tied on her forehead and it suits well with her sharp straight face.

She bows her as a greeting before she walks inside the Princess' library room. Jihyo waves her hand, signaling Tzuyu to sit in front of her.

" I have a problem."

As soon as Tzuyu sits on the chair, Jihyo starts without wasting any time. Tzuyu raises her eyebrows and she continues waiting for the older God to continue. Jihyo gives a folded paper in her pocket.

" We got a letter from anonymous. It is said that there is a problem in Human World. Have you ever heard of Emerald City, the ancient town in South Korea? "

" Yes, I do."

" Immm, there is a University in that town. Since 30 years ago, there were strange missing cases in that school. If someone is extremely excellent in school, and if that person is a she, she will disappear on the graduation party night without any clue. It has been 8 girls missing now."

" What kind of case is it? Is there any sign of Monsters? "

" No, the letter didn't say anything about it. The missing cases occured everytime there was an excellent girl student and the last case was 4 years ago."

" Oh, it has been a long time. It will be difficult to get any clue."

" Immm, but the intention of the letter is that there is a top excellent girl student right now and they are afraid of losing her so they are asking for help from us."

" Do you know who sent the letter? "

Jihyo sighs and she shakes her head.

" I'm afriad, there is no clue here."

" Then, do you think we should go and check? I mean what if this is a trap of the Monsters by themselves? "

" Tzuyu-ah, do you forget that Monsters can't enter the Light World? I'm doubting that it is sent by Yin-Yang."

" Yin-Yang? Why they have to do this? "

" Every action of them have meanings. We can never know. But if it is really sent by them, that poor girl really needs our help. We have to go and solve the problem."

Jihyo said and Tzuyu stands up from her seat. She bows the older God as a farewell.

" I understand. I'll take care of it."

Jihyo nods and Tzuyu leaves her library room. The God sighs looking at the walking fast Chou Tzuyu and she shakes her head before she resumes her writing.

Tzuyu comes back to her office and she thinks for a few minutes. People missing without any clues. What kind of Monster can be? Or did it really a Monster thing? If this is real, why Yin-Yang had to be involved?

Many questions are popping inside her head and she sighs. Well, she has to investigate the scene now. She can't let an innocent human to die without any protection.

Tzuyu sighs and she puts her index and middle fingers on her right temple, sending her will to contact her assistant.

" Send Kang and Lee to me please."

" Nae, I understand."





xxx                                      xxx                                         xxx





Kang Hyewon and Lee Chaeyeon...

They are the last members of the current Semi-Gods team. And they only need one last mission to pass their test and become the real Gods. They are told that their teacher wants to meet them and they know their last mission is coming.

The two students are now in front of their teacher's office, having dilemma of whether go in or wait. The melody from the Guqin is flowing in the air and it means Tzuyu is playing her instrument again.

" What do we do? "

Hyewon whispers and Chaeyeon shakes her head as she also doesn't know what to do. They don't dare to open the door so they are about to turn back when the door suddenly opens.

" Where are you going? Come in."

The two Semi-Gods gulp and they enter the office. Tzuyu is sitting on her place with her Guqin on the small table in front of her. And the two Semi-gods kneel down on the floor to sit (like Japanese do).

" So, you two only need to finish your last mission, right? "

" Nae."

" Okay. We have a case now. Go and solve the problem to become a true God. I have already sent the mission to the Communication tower. You have to take the mission, accept it and solve it."

" Nae, we understand."

Tzuyu nods and she resumes playing the Guqin. Hyewon and Chaeyeon look at each other and they slowly get up, leaving the office.

" Geez, I can't believe why she is our teacher. I mean why we can't get God Dahyun as our teacher? She is more friendly."

Hyewon said loudly and Chaeyeon is laughing at her silly friend. The two Semi-gods are now on their way to the communication tower to accept their mission. On their way, Hyewon is sharing her stories with her partner.

" You know, I'm quite close to Kim Dahyun Sambae-nim. Last week, we went for a drink and I asked her about Tzuyu Sambae-nim."

" Imm."

" She said Tzuyu Sambae-nim was not that kind of person before. But there was an incidence and she had lost everyone she loved. Plus, her lover was dead too. Starting from that time, she bacame quiet and played her Guqin all the time, missing her lover."

" That's too tragic."

" Yeah, but we can't believe everything Dahyun Sambae-nim said. She was drunken you know."

Hyewon stops her words in the middle as she sees someone in front of them. She is wearing a yellow dress with flowers printed on it with two gold chains on her forehead. Her hair is tied up in a bun with three hairpins inserted in.

Hyewon is staring at her with opens as she makes her way to them with her flying pen behind her.

" Hey, Kura."

" Hey, Kang chan. By the way, Jjaeyeon, why you didn't visit our tower? "

" Oh, we are quite busy, you know? "

Sakura leads them inside the tower and everywhere they can see are the Communication Gods working non-stop with pale faces. They must be really tiring.

" So you will be the Gods, soon. Huh? "

Sakura said when they are finally inside her office. Chaeyeon is just smiling while Hyewon nods her head for numerous times in agreement. Sakura laughs at her and she winks before she presses a button on her table.

" Hello."

They hear a tiny voice beside them and a blind girl enters the room. Chaeyeon quickly stands up to help her and Sakura shots a side glare to them but she clears like nothing happens.

" Thank you, Minju-ah."

Minju smiles and she gives the folded paper in her hand to Sakura. Sakura takes it and she turns to Chaeyeon and Hyewon who are waiting for their mission.

" Kang Hyewon-Lee Chaeyeon, the Semi-gods. Here is your last mission. Solve this and rise as the true Gods you are."

" Nae."

The two take the paper from Sakura and a power source runs out from the paper as soon as they touch it. They have been connected to the case now. Sakura smiles and said.

" Alright. Now, you have to go down the Human World. Take care. And contact Minju immediately if you need something or if you want to say something."

" Nae, thank you."

Minju is a pale tiny feminine God with a white dress and red lines on her dress. As she is blind, she tied her eyes with a silvery white silk cloth. Her long raven hair is falling freely on her shoulders and her tiny body is weak yet well built. Though she is blind, everyone can clearly see her eternal beauty.

Minju gives them a final bow and she leaves the room first as there is nothing to do for her. 

The two Semi-gods also stand up and they said Goodbye before they come out from the office. Hyewon leaves first and when Chaeyeon is about to leave, she feels that someone is pulling her sleeve back.

" Yes, Saku-chan? "

" Take care."

Sakura said with a worried tone. Chaeyeon smiles and she nods. 

" I will."

Then she runs after her partner leaving Sakura at the door alone.




xxx                                       xxx                                        xxx





Do you know how the sky looks like while you are looking it up from the Hell? It is all bloody and the firy clouds are sometimes covering it. There is no moon you can see. There is no star you can see.

And there is also no singing songs birds. The only sound you can hear are the screams from the prisoners of the Hell who are tortured by the Hell Demons.

But here is someone sitting on the highest part of the Hell and looking up the sky wondering if she can see something in the sky. She is wearing all white from head to toe and her Ash Grey hair makes her more paler than her usual self.

" Where are you? Are you still up there? Did they do something bad to you? "

She is talking to no one. She continues staring at the sky without blinking, a proof that she is not a normal human being. Finally, the screams coming from a far stops and she knows that the night in Hell is over.

The torturing will start again only at the morning. But she doesn't give a thing about it as this is not her work. Well, she didn't even want to come to Hell because the burning smells and the screams give her headache. The last time she visited here was 20 years ago? She doesn't really remember.

" Sorry, Mitang. I'm a little busy tonight. We got new prisoners."

Mina hears a voice from the ground and she sees her friend looking up to her. She sighs and forces a smile before she stands up. Her butterflies makes a path from the roof of the building she is sitting to the ground so that Mina can step on them and gets down. Momo raises her eyebrow.

" You dyed your hair."

" No, it changed by itself. I think I am closer to Nature more."

Mina said and Momo nods. She is as spacing out as ever and now she has cut her hair in a bob-cut. Hmmm, she is really suited with the title Hell Master.

Momo leads Mina to her Throne room and they sit down together. Momo looks at her friend's face and she shakes her head. Mina seems she is inpatient with her.

" Yah, stop making that face. I'm not wasting your time of staring at the sky and missing that small pretty God of yours. I have a good news for you. That's why I invited you to my place."

" What is it? Did she die? "

Mina asks and Momo facepalms herself. She shakes her head and feels hopeless for her friend.

" No, she is not dead yet. And she is not in the Light World anymore."

" What? "

Mina is taken aback by the news. 

" Yes, in my new prisoners, there is someone who knows her. He said she was one of his employees at his restaurant when he was alive."

" Umm? Are you asking everyone about her? "

" Of course. I don't want to see you in this mood so I have to help you in a way I can. i decided to ask everyone if they knew a girl named Ch- "

" Ok, thank you."

Mina quickly said. And she stands up from the seat making Momo raises her eyebrows. At that time, Momo's Demon Dog, Boo, runs into the room and he greets Mina by her leg.

" Where are you going, Mitang? "

" I- "

" We both know you can't just go and greet her, saying Hi. She will be panic."

" Yeah. I- "

" I have an advice. Don't you think it is strange to see her in Human World? You have to find out the reason before you go to her."

Momo said and Mina feels thankful to her friend. She is right. There is no reason that someone like her is in the Human World working at a restaurant. There must be something behind this.

" Thank you, Momo unnie."

Mina finally said and Momo smirks.

" No need. I just want to help you."

Mina smiles at her and she leaves the room. Momo picks up her dog and puts it on her lap, rubbing his back gently.

" Boo, let's make a bet. I'm sure that she is now on her way to go stalk that poor little God."

The dog makes a sound as if it understands his mother. Momo smirks and she asks her dog again.

" Wait. What about that annoying Sleeping Beauty? Haven't she woken up yet? "

Momo said and her gaze runs to the glass coffin which is put across her Throne. Inside, there is a girl lying as if she is sleeping peacefully.

Momo sighs as she can feel a strong Dark Aura from her. It is radiating and it is even filling the whole room. Momo stands up from her seat and she walks to the coffin, looking inside.

" Wake up, soon, Honey. I know you will be as great as we are. Let's play together, will ya? "

She whispers while her fingers are running on the sleeping girl's cheek. She then shakes her head and leaves the room with a smirk on her face.

" Boo, come quickly."

She said and her dog runs after her so both of them fails to notices that the sleeping girl's fingers move for a blink of second before a word comes out from her cracked throat as if she is sleep talking.

" Tzu..."

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Chapter 22: Woahhh
KpopTrash666 #2
Chapter 22: I like this story a lot so far, hope you update it soon
GoldenXal1225 #3
Chapter 6: This story is like 'the untamed' or 'Mo Dao Zu Shi'

This story is beautiful🥺....
Ztklinyl #4
Chapter 22: Eunbi is sacrificed now ... Oh No !!!!!
lola222 #5
Chapter 22: seriously is this the only way to activate the saber? I want to believe that there is another way but human sacrifice is the "easiest" and fastest
Sokheangkk #6
Chapter 22: Next part please
1761 streak #7
Chapter 22: getting good! liking the flow of the story!
You’re back!
lola222 #9
Chapter 21: the narration of the battles is great, you are a great author.
Sounds amazing