Chapter 10

Say You Won’t Let Me Go

Tzuyu knocks on the door and she hears 'Come in' from Princess Jihyo. She gently pushes the library door of Jihyo and enters the room. She bows her and Jihyo waves her hand signaling her to sit.

Tzuyu takes her seat in front of the table and Jihyo gives her a roll of paper. Tzuyu opens it and she reads in rough. Jihyo starts explaining about it while Tzuyu is busy checking the complaints with her arching eyebrows.

" There is another case. This village is situated at the East Wing of the country. It is a really isolated village and not too much visitors know that place. It seems it has situated by itself."

" The villagers are born in that village, work in that village, and die in that village. Their world is a small and peaceful one until it appeared."

Jihyo sighs and she leans back on her chair.

" It was reported that there was a wild boar in the forest around the village. And it started attacking the villagers who went inside the forest for work. It killed 5 people, made injured 32, and 12 of them lost their important body parts due to the attack. It happened in 6 months."

" It's a tragic."

" Yes, they tried to hire hunters and kill it but no one is succeed. And the news reached to us."

Tzuyu nods. She checks the photos of the victims and she shakes her head.

" The injuries are too bad. I think a normal wild boar can't do this."

" This is exactly what I mean. I think it can be a boar monster."

Jihyo said and Tzuyu nods in agreement. 

" And you want me to go? "

" Yeah, it is a serial killer and it is a powerful one. I think you should go by yourself."

" Nae, I have a new trainee under me. Can I take them too? "

" Oh, it will be the best, Tzuyu-ah. When will you go? I want you to go as soon as possible."

" I will go this afternoon, Princess."

" Thank you. I'll count on you for this case, then."

" Nae."

Tzuyu smiles and she stands up from her seat. She then bows the Princess and comes back to her mansion for her new mission. Chaeyeon and Hyewon run to her as soon as she enters the house.

" Ms.Chou, are you going down for work? "

" Yes, I have to go to xxx village."

" Can we come with you? "

The new assistants are too excited but Tzuyu shakes her head.

" No, I'll take the students with me. You two have to stay here and work for me while I am out."

" But- "

Tzuyu takes a glance at them and they don't dare to complain more. Tzuyu calls her new trainee Semi-gods and she explains them about their mission. Then they all prepare to go down to the Human World.

" Wow, you are transforming into your male form."

Hyewon and Chaeyeon said in unison while they are helping Tzuyu with her stuffs. Tzuyu has changed herself into a man of 30. She is wearing a leather jacket and a denim, with a riffle on her back. She has transformed herself into a hunter.

" We will go to this village as a hunter group."

The new Semi-gods, Chaewon, Nako, Hitomi and Yujin are too excited for their first lesson and they all have also transformed into men too. Chaeyeon and Hyewon feel envious just by looking at them.

" I wanna go too."

" Me too."

Tzuyu sighs.

"I want to take you, too but you have to stay here. As my assistants, you have to cover my duties and take responsibility when I am away. Understand? "

" Nae."

" Good. Now, we are going. Call me if you need something."

" Nae."

Tzuyu then comes down to the Human World with the gang and they directly teleport to the outside of the village. The gate of the village is closed with the bamboo sticks and they can see two men guarding the gate. Tzuyu walks there and the men stop them.

" Where are you going? "

" I am a hunter and this is my team. We have heard that there is a wild boar attacking people. So, we want to give a try if you allow."

The two men look at each other then to Tzuyu again. They check the 30 years old handsome man from head to toe and they whisper something to each other. Then they open the door for them.

" Ok, we will take you to the Village Head. Talk with him first and if he says Yes, you can hunt down that monster."

Tzuyu smiles at him.

" Thank you."





xxx                                       xxx                                      xxx





Sana is flipping the magazine in her hand in boredom. She has been checking all the magazines that Momo gave her and she has no idea why the Hell Master wanted her to read them.

She has been waking up for a week and she finds that Momo is a nice one. Yes, she is the King of Hell but she is a nice and kind-hearted who is also helpful to her. They became friends easily after talking for an evening.

And Sana told Momo that she wanted to go out of hell as she has things to do. Momo said nothing but she gave her the books called Magazines and made her check there by force.

" I don't understand why I have to read them."

" Because if you want to go out, you can't wear these things or talk in this way. It has been 100 years, Sana. Everything has changed already."

Momo said coldly and Sana looks at her innocently. Momo sighs and she points at the magazines in her hand.

" At least, you have to learn how to be normal in this morden world. If not, they will feel weird with you."

" Hmmm, I don't know when I can master them. I'm used to with my own style."

" Sana-chan, I'm the King in Hell but when you are out, you are not under my protection. That Shotaru guy is a wicked kid. He never listens to others. That's why I am worried for you. You can mess up things easily and get into trouble. And he will not save you."

" I'll tell your name if he does like this."

Sana said and Momo rolls her eyes.

" He will chop your head off as soon as he hears my name."

Sana laughs. She doesn't know how is the relation going on between the Kings of the Dark World but it seems Momo and Shotaru are not get along well.

" I think you are not ready yet."

" Ready what? "

" To go out. I mean you don't know the outside world. You can't go back to your Light World. You will be alone in the Human World and Dark World. What if the Gods know that you are up again? They will follow you. This is too dangerous."

" Momoring, I know you are worried for me but I need to go. I have to go and find that person who gave me that flute and the skill book. I wanna ask him what I had done to him so that he made me into a Demon. I want to know the reason."

" I know I can't stop you."

Momo smiles at her new bestfriend.

" Me and Boo will miss you a lot."

" I'll be back soon. I have nowhere to go, you know."

Sana jokes and Momo laughs. Then she shows the way out of Hell and Sana leaves Hell. She follows the narrow tunnel that Momo showed her and she finally reaches in front of a cave.

Sana looks at herself and she remembers one of the outfits she saw in the magazine. She makes a snap with her fingers and changes her outfits into a denim and a tee with an oversize hoodie. She pulls up the zip of the hoodie and puts the hood over her head before she walks along the path.

Sana walks for almost an hour and she finally sees a small town in front of her. She walks along the road and finds a small inn in front.

" I think I can get some informations here."

She thinks and she enters the shop though she is not hungry. Well, they really don't have to eat. They can stay long without food and water. Sana sits at the table in front of the inn and a waiter runs to her.

" Hi, Miss. What can i help you? "

" Ummm, what do you sell? "

" Ah, menu is here. Please take a look."

Sana awkwardly smiles and she checks the menu that he shows her. She tries to read the names but they are written in a foreign language and Sana can't read. And she has never seen any one of the dishes inside.

She finally closes the menu and smiles at him.

" Take me the best dish here."

" Ahhh, nae. Please wait a few minutes."

Sana nods and he jogs his way to the back of the inn. Sana looks around and she finds a few people walking on the road. Sometimes, she can see cars which are different from the ones she has seen 100 years ago.

Sana puts her chin on her palm and she is dozing off while being curious to the outside world. But at that time, she sees a couple running as fast as they can as if they are running for their lives, come out from the forest that she had left just now.

Sana becomes curious when she notices the wounds and bruises on their bodies. They are covered with sweats and their facial expressions show that they are really scared.

" What happened? "

Sana decides to check on them as her inner self is still the same as her God form. She is so helpful to others. Sana stands up from her table and she runs to them. The couple fall inside her arms as she closes their way.

" Waeyo? What happened? "

Sana asks and they still can't talk properly. They are breathing heavily and catching their breathe to talk. Sana has been waiting patiently and they finally look at her with their wide open eyes.

" There- there is a monster inside."

" What? What monster? "

" A monster. I think it is a boar. But it is much bigger. And it walks on his legs like we do."

" Yes. He attacked us. He is- he is- "

" Arasso. Arasso. I'll go check it."

" No, don't go. A lot of people have died because of him. Don't go, Miss."

Sana sighs and she lets go of the two. They start running away as soon as she removes her hand. And Sana comes back to her table.

Well,she left Hell to find the man who gave her the flute and the skill book but she still has no clue. She doesn't know where to start either. 

" I can help people on my way to find that man. Then I have a goal to live."

Sana thinks and she smiles happily as she has a job now. She will go and find that monster, then kick his . Sana searches in her pocket and the money that Momo gave her comes out. She doesn't know how much she has to pay so she just puts some cash on the table and starts walking back to the forest again to look for the monster.

And when the waiter comes back with the dish, he is surprised that there is no one at the table and a large amount of money is waiting for him.

" Haha, our plan really works."

" Yeah, she is too easy to trick. She is easy to trust."

The couple who were running out from the forest is hiding behind a big tree and they are watching Sana. Then the two change their bodies back to their real self, revealing Nayeon and Jeongyeon.

" Now, the plot is getting better."

" Yeah. Let's go finish our next mission."

Jeongyeon said and she asks for Nayeon's hand. The other girl smirks and she takes Jeongyeon's hand then they both disapper to teleport to their next work.






xxx                                       xxx                                      xxx





" Order from the Emperor!!!!! "

The announcement of the Guard is echoing in the house and Chaeyeon and Hyewon run out from their respective rooms. They look at each other with wide eyes and run outside to meet a group of Guards in front of their mansion.

" Yes, we are here."

" Where is your teacher? "

" She is out for her mission. You can talk to us. We are in charge here."

The leader of the Guards nods and he gives the paper roll to them.

" The tree Monster that you arrested had escaped from the prison today. And the Emperor wants your house to take care of this case again. She is a dangerous monster so we must get her back as fast as we can. The Emperor wants you to start working now."

" What?! "

After he has gone, Chaeyeon and Hyewon are now in the living room and discussing what to do. They have been thinking many ways but none of them is good.

" There's only one way. Let's go find her by ourselves."

" But- "

" Listen, Hyewon-ah. Ms.Chou is not here. And she can't think about it at this time, too. It is good for everyone that we go down first and find some clues. Then when we find the monster, let's inform her and get help. Hmm?? "

Hyewon looks at her friend. And she remembers one thing.

" Wait, why she has to run away? Because she hates too much. Whom she hates? Of course, the No.1 student, Kwon Eunbi."

" What?! "

Chaeyeon's worries become double now. Hyewon is also worried and she agrees with her friend.

" We should go now, I think."

" Ok, let's go."

Hyewon immediately calls Minju from the telepathy circle.

" Minju-sshi, are you here? "

" Hyewon-sshi, hello. What can I help you? "

" Ummm, our tree monster has escaped again. Do you know in what mountain she has been locked? "

" Ah, that is? She was arrested under the Cho-San mountain. She must be around there."

" Thank you."

Hyewon disconnects the connection and the two Gods come down to the Human World immediately with their weapons. They teleported around the Cho-san mountain which is just located outside Eunbi's town making their worries become bigger.

They walk around the mountains but there is no sign of the monster. 

" She must be hiding somewhere."

" Chaeyeon-ah, look."

Suddenly, Hyewon sees something and she points at there. Chaeyeon follows her finger and her eyes widen too when she sees a radiating circle from somewhere.

" The protection spell."

" This is the Light spell. Not a demon can make it. But who made this spell? "

" Let's go have a look."

Hyewon and Chaeyeon follow the light and they finally reach in front of an old mansion. It is a huge one with old walls and painting. Hyewon and Chaeyeon transform theirselves with some causal outfits so that they will not look weird in broad daylight.

" Excuse me, does anyone live here? "

Chaeyeon asks someone they find on the road and the man nods.

" Yes, Mr.Kwon and his family live here."

" Ah, Nae. Thank you."

They look up the mansion, the spell is strongly covering the mansion above. Even they can't go inside unless someone opens the door for them. This is really weird. Who else can make spell except the Gods on this World?

Hyewon points to the bell in the fence and Chaeyeon nods. She then presses the doorbell and wait for someone to get the door.

" Huh? Why it is taking too long? I'll press again."

Hyewon said and she is about to ring the doorbell again when the door is suddenly opened. And there is someone appeared at the door and they both look at each other with wide eyes in shock.

" Kang Hyewon? "

" Hyewon-ah, wae? Huh? "

Chaeyeon also walks to the door and she is also in shock shen she sees the person who gets the door for them. Chaeyeon and Hyewon said in unison with wide eyes.

" Kwon Eunbi? "

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Chapter 22: Woahhh
KpopTrash666 #2
Chapter 22: I like this story a lot so far, hope you update it soon
GoldenXal1225 #3
Chapter 6: This story is like 'the untamed' or 'Mo Dao Zu Shi'

This story is beautiful🥺....
Ztklinyl #4
Chapter 22: Eunbi is sacrificed now ... Oh No !!!!!
lola222 #5
Chapter 22: seriously is this the only way to activate the saber? I want to believe that there is another way but human sacrifice is the "easiest" and fastest
Sokheangkk #6
Chapter 22: Next part please
1762 streak #7
Chapter 22: getting good! liking the flow of the story!
You’re back!
lola222 #9
Chapter 21: the narration of the battles is great, you are a great author.
Sounds amazing