Let's Say Goodbye

Infinite Paradise

Title: Let’s Say Goodbye

Pairings: WooSoo, WooGyu

Summary: Woohyun attend a wedding and meet with his ex.



Woohyun is dolling himself in front of the mirror when a pair of arms sneak around his waist and pulls his back to fall on a hard chest. He smiles when the owner’s head rest on his shoulder.


“You’re beautiful,” the other says.


“Aren’t I handsome?” Woohyun replies.


“No. You’re beautiful, hyung.”


Woohyun pouts. The younger chuckles as he peck Woohyun’s cheek.


“Myungsoo…” he whine. “You will ruin my bb cream.”


The younger whom he calls Myungsoo chuckles again as he look at the elder in the mirror. “Do you wear bb cream? I can’t tell. You’re as beautiful as always.”


Woohyun click his tongue as he pats Myungsoo’s hand in his waist. “I’m done. Let’s go.”


Myungsoo spin Woohyun around to face him. He grab Woohyun’s cheeks and kiss him on the lips, taking the elder by surprise. But it took second for Woohyun to react and kiss him back before they break apart.


“I love you,” Myungsoo confessed for the nth time.


Woohyun smiles. “I love you too. Come, let’s go.”


Woohyun grab Myungsoo’s hands on his cheeks to lower them down and start walking, holding Myungsoo’s hand in his. They leave the house, climb on their car and drive to the wedding hall.


“What should we eat for dinner?” Myungsoo asks behind the steering wheel.


Woohyun laughs. “We’re not having lunch yet but you already asks for dinner?”


Myungsoo smiles, showing his dimple. “I’m not worrying about lunch since we will eat at the reception.”


“Hurm…” Woohyun put a finger on his lips. “How about we go on a date after the reception?”


“A date?” Myungsoo half shout.




“In this suits?”


“Why? There’s nothing wrong with the suits.”


Myungsoo turns to face the passenger. “I love it. It would be romantic to wear a suit on a date.”


Woohyun laughs. “Yah, eyes on the road.”


Myungsoo turns to the front, hand grabs Woohyun’s. “Where should we go?”


“Let’s think after the wedding,”


“Should we go to Han River? We can have a romantic dinner there.”


Woohyun laughs again. “Sure.”


Myungsoo smiles ever so happily as he tightens his hold. A romantic date with his beloved Nam Woohyun hyung. He can’t wait. He wish for the wedding ceremony to go faster so he can spend the remaining of the day with his lover.


And he forgot who would be there at the wedding.


Of course.


It is a wedding of their friend, Kim Minseok whom they had met in college. A lot of their university friends come to the wedding to give the couple a blessing. Woohyun and Myungsoo meet with their other friends. Lee Sungyeol and Lee Sungjong are Myungsoo’s best friends. There are Woohyun’s best friend too, Jang Dongwoo and Lee Howon. They were in a group of friends, all six of them. And they are seated in a round table, chairs closed with each other for the ceremony.


At first, Myungsoo forgot about this one man.




The thought of this man never crossed his mind. Until the said man walk with the groom to the altar. Woohyun’s eyes following after the man. Myungsoo can’t help to notice the twinkling in his lover’s eyes and the trembling in his hands. And Myungsoo can’t stop the burning of jealousy in his chest.


He had to calm himself and chant numbers to control his emotion. He was hurt by Woohyun’s surprise when he grab the elder’s hand. Myungsoo had to force a smile at him and Woohyun smiles back. They were drawn into each other’s eyes and Myungsoo almost, almost lean over to capture the elder’s lips. They had to break apart when the MC announced the arrival of the bride and start the wedding ceremony.


It was beautiful.


The couple make their vow, they were announced as husband and wife, they give their respect to the parents and elderly, they take pictures, they dance a silly move, and the food is served.


And Myungsoo forgot about the man once again. Because his Woohyun hyung engaged with a full talk with Dongwoo while they enjoy their meal. Myungsoo is talking with Sungyeol himself, while glancing every so often to the man beside him. He really forgot about that man. He really did. But he keep peeking at Woohyun just to see if his lover want anything. He will surely be the first to stands up and get anything for him.   


“The dessert is outside, want to go get them?” Hoya says, pointing to the garden outside of the hall.


“Why they put them outside?” Dongwoo asks.


“Because the garden is pretty?” Hoya shrugged, not sure of himself.


Woohyun pouts, looking at his empty plate. “Why they put them outside? I was looking forward to eat the wedding cake,”


“The wedding cake is still here, Woohyun,” Hoya says, stretching his neck to look at the still standing white cake at the front of the hall. “But it didn’t seems like they want to distribute the cake anytime soon.” He look at his friends. “You can have something else for dessert if you want,”


“Let’s go and look. We can take photos and pester Minseok to cut the cake for us,” Dongwoo suggest.


Woohyun turns to Myungsoo. “I will go out with them, okay?”


Myungsoo nods his head as he had food in his mouth to answer properly. Woohyun smiles and pat the younger’s shoulder before he stands up and following after his friends to the garden.


The garden is beautiful. There are flowers and bushes everywhere but the clearing is wide enough for them to put tables with desserts and drinks and benches to sit. Hoya shakes his head when the Double Woo, a term he likes to call the two elders, attacked the desserts table first. Well, he had guess as much. Woohyun loves cakes and he eats cakes everyday like it is his staple food. He do wonder though where the sugar disappears since Woohyun still had his figure as he was in his college days. No. If he look closely, Woohyun is thinner than the first time they met years ago. May be he was this thin in high school?


Something tickled in Hoya’s head. Was Myungsoo make Woohyun happy? Was Woohyun unhappy in his relationship, that’s why he is thinner than the last time they met? Because usually you would be eating a lot and grow big when you’re happy in your relationship, right? If Hoya remembers correctly, Woohyun was in his most glory and bask in happiness when he was in relationship with…


“Hey, long time no see.”


Hoya startled when he heard that voice greets his friend at the dessert table.


Kim Sunggyu.


Woohyun was as surprise as him when the said man’s voice near his ear. He turns his head just to meet with Sunggyu’s smiling and still handsome face.


“Sunggyu hyung, hey,” he replies, a bit nervous. “Yeah, it’s been so long,”


“How are you?” Sunggyu asks.


“I’m fine. How about you, hyung?”


“Same.” Sunggyu shrugged then he pointed to Woohyun’s still empty plate. “Not taking anything? Not to your liking?”


Woohyun look at his plate then at Sunggyu. “Ah, no. I’m still thinking of what to take.”


Sunggyu furrowed his eyebrow. “Strange. Aren’t you usually take all type of dessert?”


“Ah…” Woohyun scratch his head with his other free hand. “Not anymore. I have to look at what I’m eating now,”


“Huh? Are you okay?” Sunggyu asks, worried. “Are you sick?”


Woohyun quickly shakes his head. “No. No. I’m fine. I just need to watch my diet now. I’m getting old so I have to take care of my health,”


“Nonsense. You’re healthy as a bull and you’re still young.” Sunggyu scans the other’s body from head to toe, making Woohyun shudder. “But you do look skinnier. Are you sure you’re okay?”


“I’m fine, hyung. Healthy. May be because I do exercise and watch my diet.”


He likes talking with Kim Sunggyu. The elder man was their friend in university as well but in different major. They only shared a class each semester. Sunggyu is older than Woohyun and his friends so he is more matured and fun to talk to. Sunggyu is wise and know how to give good advice. It makes him forget about his worries and time always flew quickly whenever they talk, just the two of them.


“Just leave them alone, hyung,” Hoya urged Dongwoo.


“But…” Dongwoo look uncertainty at his friend and his former boyfriend. “I don’t think we should leave Woohyun alone,”


“Woohyun is not alone, hyung. He is with Sunggyu hyung,”




Dongwoo was cut off with Hoya dragging him back to the wedding hall, leaving the two men alone at the dessert table, with other guests, of course. They come back to their table, with Myungsoo welcoming them with questioning eyes and frowns.


“Where Woohyun hyung?” he asks before Dongwoo can put his dessert plate down.


“Still outside,” Dongwoo replies honestly.


Myungsoo’s frowns doubled. “You left him alone?”


“He is not alone, Myungsoo. Calm down,” Hoya response nonchalantly.


The phrase sounds innocent as it was but it tickled Myungsoo’s heart. He doesn’t feel good about this. He doesn’t feel good at all. His gut feeling tells him he should go and look for his boyfriend.


And that is what he do.


Myungsoo stands up, announcing he want to take some dessert himself and leave their table. Hoya wants to stop him but Dongwoo quickly elbowed him, making Sungyeol and Sungjong look at them curiously.


Myungsoo stops walking near the door to the garden when he see the newlywed. He wish them happiness and jokingly ask them to cut and distribute the cake since Woohyun looking forward to eat them. Minseok back of babying his elder lover so much that he will turns into a glutton if he was to be feed with cakes all the time.


Myungsoo laughs and shakes his head. Woohyun is a better eater than he was known of. He is healthy inside out, he doesn’t need anyone to pester him about his diet. He knows how to take care of himself. True, his love for cake and dessert was excessive and it’s worrisome. But as long as he is healthy and happy, Myungsoo wouldn’t care much. He would do anything just to make sure of Woohyun’s happiness.




And will there including of the existence of Kim Sunggyu?


Myungsoo halt in his step as soon as he was out in the garden. His beloved older boyfriend is talking happily and laughing with Sunggyu, his ex-boyfriend in university.


Myungsoo start liking Woohyun in the second semester but it was just an innocent feeling, not more than friend type of like. But he feels his heart shattered into pieces when the news of Woohyun and Sunggyu dating reached his ears. They start dating in semester break and Myungsoo was the last person to know in their group of friends. It’s hurt and Myungsoo found himself had to force a smiles whenever Woohyun talk about his boyfriend or when he see them together.


Just like right now.


“Hey,” Myungsoo says to announce his present.


Both Woohyun and Sunggyu startled at his voice. They turn around and smile at him but with different kind of smile. Woohyun had this sweet loving smile while Sunggyu seems forced, just like he was when he saw them together back in the university.


“Sunggyu hyung, long time no see,” Myungsoo greets the eldest as he bows his head a little then look at Woohyun. “What’s taking you so long? Can’t make up your mind?”


Woohyun pouts, looking at the table. “Yeah…everything looks beautiful, I don’t know what to choose,”


Myungsoo laughs as he put a hand behind Woohyun’s back. The gesture seems harmless. Myungsoo didn’t have any ill thought and Woohyun didn’t care. But it give a hard pang to Sunggyu. The elder clear his throat and excuse himself. Woohyun and Myungsoo just glance at his retrieving figure and ignore him as they focus back on choosing the dessert.


“What was that?” Myungsoo asks as he grab a tong to pick up a tart.


“What was what?” Woohyun asks back, reaching out his plate to let Myungsoo put the tart on.


“You and Sunggyu hyung,”


“Nothing.” Woohyun tilted his head. “He came when I was thinking. He just ask how I am doing. That’s all,”


“Are you sure?”




Myungsoo eyed his boyfriend. He didn’t have the heart to mention how he found it hard to believe when he saw them laughing happily. Because Woohyun look up at him with his innocent eyes and his jutted lower lip.


Myungsoo sighs then he smiles, picking another desserts to fill Woohyun’s plate.


“Ah, no, not pink. I want the yellow one,” Woohyun says quickly when Myungsoo pick a macaroon next. “They don’t have shaved ice…” he says, pouting.


Myungsoo laughs. “I don’t see any traditional dessert,”


“Minseok likes western food.” Woohyun clicked his tongue, obviously showing his displeasure.


The couple finish choosing their dessert and each had a plate in hand as they walking back inside the hall.


“I know I shouldn’t say this and I might sound possessive. But hyung, I don’t like seeing you alone with Sunggyu hyung, just the two of you,” Myungsoo says with a hint of hurt in his voice.


“I understand.” Woohyun pats Myungsoo’s arm with his free hand. “We just say hi and ask how we’re doing, that’s all. And I’m not alone. I was with Dongwoo and Hoya, and I didn’t realize they had gone and then you came.”


Myungsoo hummed as they continue their walk to the table. Dongwoo smiles at them while Hoya had an unreadable expression on his face that Myungsoo’s mind scream at him to be careful of that man. Hoya was Woohyun and Sunggyu’s number one supporter. And if Myungsoo remember correctly, Hoya was devastated when they heard the couple had broken up. He even tried to patch things in hope they get back together.


They tried, Woohyun and Sunggyu. But at the end, they can’t seems to work out and they better off as friends. Even though Woohyun really love Sunggyu.


Myungsoo knows because Woohyun can’t stop crying since the breakup. Woohyun didn’t came to Myungsoo to seek comfort and Myungsoo didn’t try to use the chance to make a move either. Myungsoo was there like usual and it makes Woohyun forget about Sunggyu. They just start dating after they graduated university when Myungsoo can’t hide his feeling anymore and Woohyun is ready to start fresh.


It takes time for Woohyun to accept Myungsoo because he didn’t share the same feeling. But he slowly fall for the younger when Myungsoo shows him love and care, and after three years, they still love each other and keep getting stronger.


Since Sunggyu was in different major, he was not in their group of friends but he befriended Woohyun’s friends when they were dating. They were still friend after the break up but Sunggyu didn’t join the group as much as before, they rarely see him even. They just met coincidently and for a short pleasantry exchange. And they never see him after the graduation, until today.


Myungsoo didn’t doubt Woohyun’s feeling for him but he knows Woohyun still had that small feeling left for his ex-boyfriend. Sunggyu is his first love though, his first kiss and his first . It’s hard to compete with the first and Myungsoo guilty of feeling insecure. He didn’t know what to feel when he saw them together after years of breakup.


Was he mad?


Was he sad?


Was he hurt?


Hurt. Yeah. He didn’t doubt of Woohyun’s feeling but if the elder want to leave him to go back to Sunggyu, he didn’t know if he want to fight or to let him go. Because he love Woohyun so much and Woohyun’s happiness is his top priority. If Woohyun is happier with Sunggyu…he might have to loosen his hand and say goodbye to his own first love.


Myungsoo jump slightly when he feels a poke on his cheek. He turns to face Woohyun smiling cheekily at him.


“Are you okay? Are you sleepy? Should we leave?” he asks with a hint of worry.


Myungsoo smiles, shaking his head. “No, just thinking of something,”


“They are cutting the cake, I want to go get them,” Woohyun says excitedly.


Myungsoo laughs. Woohyun won’t leave the chance to be the first in line for the wedding cake even though his plate is still full with dessert. “No, you stay. I will go get them,”


“Are you sure?”


Myungsoo nods. “Just eat your dessert and I will go get your cake.”


Woohyun smiles happily. “Thank you.”


They are together for three years but Myungsoo still feel butterfly in his stomach when Woohyun genuinely smile that sweet loving smile of his. Together with Sungyeol and Sungjong, they went to get the cake, because both of his friends want to end their meal with the wedding cake rather than the other desserts prepared at the garden.


They lined up behind other guests for the wedding cake. From his spot, he can’t see their table. Not because it was far from the cake but because of the people standing in between his line of vision. He is not worried. No. He is not. He just want to look at Woohyun because he never can get enough of his boyfriend.


“You look creepy sometimes,” Sungyeol .


“No. I’m not,”


“You are,” Sungjong joined in. “You look obsessed and possessive sometimes,”


“No. He does look creepy sometimes but he is always possessive,” Sungyeol corrected. “Control yourself, you don’t want Woohyun to get tired of you, right?”




Myungsoo didn’t know why but that comment hit the target like a bullet. He agree he would be obsessed sometimes and Woohyun admit to it. But Woohyun never say anything or never shows any discomfort of his possessiveness.


Did Woohyun never say a thing because he do feels suffocated but he didn’t want to hurt Myungsoo?


Did Woohyun grow tired of him and would use this as an excuse to break up with him?


Myungsoo shakes his head, kicking that negative thought far far away. He quickly put on a smiles and shows his dimple when the married couple give him two pieces of cake on a plate. Lucky. He didn’t want the cake but one piece is not enough for Woohyun. It won’t look good for him to get two plates so the couple give him two pieces. Woohyun will feed him some anyway if he ask.


His heart beat louder with every step he take to their table, with Sungyeol and Sungjong close behind him. He didn’t know why but he has this nervousness inside him and is scared as the table come into view.


And his heart never wrong.


His beloved Nam Woohyun is not at his seat, as well as Dongwoo and Hoya. Woohyun’s dessert plate is empty and Myungsoo’s almost as well except for a lonely cheese tart. He put the cake plate near Woohyun’s empty plate as he look around the hall.


“Where did they go?” Sungjong asks.


“May be they get more dessert?” Sungyeol suggest.


“I will go look,” Myungsoo says.


“Myungsoo, don’t,” Sungyeol stop him. Myungsoo turns to look at him with a raised eyebrow. “Like we said, you’re too possessive. It’s been long since Woohyun see Dongwoo and Hoya, let them spend time together. There must be a lot to talk to,”


“And so does Sunggyu hyung,” he says, turning around and move his feet to go out to the garden, leaving the confused friends.


“Huh? What? Did he said Sunggyu hyung?” Sungjong asks.


“Yeah…” Sungyeol turns to the younger. “You have seen him, right? Sunggyu hyung?”


“Uh…huh…” Sungjong says, uncertainty. “Was Myungsoo hyung feels insecure?”


“I guess…” Sungyeol sighs as he pulls his chair and lowered his bottom.


Myungsoo walk quickly but carefully from the table to the door. He saw Hoya and Dongwoo coming in from the door, again, without Woohyun. He turns his head to hide his face, making sure the two friends didn’t see him. The beating in his heart grow louder and Myungsoo hate it so, so much.


When he make sure Hoya and Dongwoo had walk pass him, he continue walking and step out to the garden, only to, once again, stop on his track when he see Woohyun and Sunggyu sitting on a bench, talking. He move his feet, one after another, slowly and calmly. He clench and unclench his fist. At least they sit with a gap between them that even Myungsoo can sit in the middle.


What is this feeling? Jealous? Anxious? Insecure? Hurt? Betrayed?


He had caught them talking together a while ago and he had voiced his discomfort to his elder lover and Woohyun understand him fully. But why Woohyun repeated them again in not more than half an hour later?


Were there coincidence? Were there planned?


Woohyun never sit alone together with Sunggyu after the breakup, not that Myungsoo know of. And just like he said, they didn’t see Sunggyu since graduation. And as far as Myungsoo know, they had lost contact too.




He didn’t know if Woohyun did contact Sunggyu or meet Sunggyu behind his back.


It pain him to just think about it.


May be…


May be that little feeling left in Woohyun’s heart had cultivated and outgrown his love for Myungsoo.


May be…Woohyun is better off with Sunggyu.


It’s hurt so much, but Woohyun’s happiness is the things that matter to him.


As long as Woohyun hyung is happy.


But what about your own? Would you be happy seeing Woohyun hyung in other man’s arms?


Myungsoo shakes his head, unaware that his feet had brought him close to the bench.


“Hey, Woohyun hyung, Sunggyu hyung,” he greets them with a very forced calm tone.


Woohyun and Sunggyu lift their head, surprise at yet being disturbed by the younger.


“Hey, Myungsoo.” Woohyun smiles. “Sorry, I saw the line for the cake is long so Hoya suggest we came back here to get another dessert.”


Hoya, right. That traitor. He must have planned this. Myungsoo smiles back, shaking his head. “It’s okay, hyung. I’ve got your cake,”


“Excuse me,” Sunggyu whispers and start to stands up but Woohyun quickly grabs his wrist, startling him and Myungsoo, and hurt his lover deeply in his heart.


“Wait, hyung. Don’t run away,” Woohyun plead.


“I’m not…” Sunggyu fix his posture to sit properly.


Woohyun sighs. He lift his head to look at Myungsoo. It pains him to see the hurt in Myungsoo’s eyes. He understand fully. Myungsoo is insecure whenever Sunggyu come into picture. Woohyun had declare his love and even shout to the world of his profound feeling for his lover. Yet, Myungsoo is anxious and afraid of the possibility of breaking up.


It’s his fault. He knows. Myungsoo had told him about his discomfort of seeing them together, but Woohyun dare to sit with Sunggyu and hurt Myungsoo again. 


“It’s not what you think it is,” Woohyun says.


“It’s not?” Myungsoo asks, hurt clearly evidence in his tone as he refused to see the hand still holding on the ex.


Woohyun shakes his head. He turns to Sunggyu and let go of his wrist. “Sunggyu hyung, it’s really a pleasure to see you today. I miss you, as well as I miss Dongwoo and Hoya, and Minseok.”




Woohyun miss Sunggyu. Woohyun miss his ex-lover.


Myungsoo wants to turns around and run away but his feet glued to the ground. His devil side tell him to just leave and never turn back but his angel side tell him to stay and listen to what Woohyun want to say. He shouldn’t regret this and he should believe in his beloved. But it’s hurt just to be there.


“It’s nice to see you doing well. As myself, I am fine, really. I am happy and Myungsoo take good care of me.” He smiles looking at his still standing boyfriend but Myungsoo keep his quiet unable to say or think anything. “Congratulations on your promotion. We all know you deserved it. But sorry, I can’t celebrate it with you. In fact, I don’t think we can see or contact each other. Let’s keep what we had done all this time,”


“But…we promise to stay as friends,” Sunggyu tries to break the speech.


Woohyun shakes his head. “I don’t think we can even be friends, hyung. I don’t want to hurt Myungsoo.”


Myungsoo’s lips twitch and he forced to control his smiles from making an appearance on his face. He shouldn’t smile. He shouldn’t show how happy he is for Woohyun to choose to think about him.


Sunggyu glance at Myungsoo slightly. “I’m sure Myungsoo don’t mind.”


Oh, I do mind.


“Even if Myungsoo is fine with it, I’m not,” Woohyun says, surprising both his boyfriend and Sunggyu. “I don’t think it is wise for us to be friend either. I’m sorry, Sunggyu hyung. But this is goodbye.” Woohyun stands up from his seat.


“But…but…you said I was your first love,” Sunggyu quickly stop him from leaving even though Woohyun didn’t move his foot yet.


Woohyun smiles sadly at him. “Yes, you were my first love but first love didn’t mean we will be together forever. You said so yourself when you ask to break up with me.”




“You’re my past now, Sunggyu hyung. Right now, Myungsoo is my present and my future. I love him and I want to be with him forever. Thank you for everything, Sunggyu hyung. If we do meet again, I will greet you the same. But I won’t make the first step of calling you or plan on seeing you. Goodbye, hyung.” He bows his head, grab Myungsoo’s hand and turn around, pulling his lover with him.


“What was that?” Myungsoo asks after he had found his voice from the nervousness.




“Hyung.” Myungsoo stop moving, forcing Woohyun to halt as well.


Woohyun sighs. They are still in the garden, close from the still seated Sunggyu on the bench but far enough for him to hear them if they talk in low voice. Woohyun look at Myungsoo. He let go of Myungsoo’s hand only to raise them to cup Myungsoo’s cheeks and brush Myungsoo’s closed eyelids with his thumb.


“I’m sorry if I hurt you,” he says. Myungsoo open his eyes to meet with Woohyun’s worried eyes. “Sunggyu hyung ask about my life and he told his. He got promoted at work and invite us for a drink,”




“He said you guys but I’m not sure who else he mean.” Woohyun shrugged. “I told him I won’t go,”


“That’s it?” Myungsoo asks, he didn’t know why he find it hard to believe. No. No. Don’t get him wrong. He believe in his beloved, he just didn’t believe in Sunggyu.


“Yeah…” Woohyun nods.


“But why did Sunggyu hyung want to leave as soon as I came? And what do you mean don’t run away?”


“Because he was indeed running away as soon as you came, that’s what I mean.” He sighs, lowering his hands to his side but keep his eyes to Myungsoo’s. “He keep running away without clearing between us. Just like when I went to get the dessert for the first time. He left when you came so I thought that’s it. But when I went for the second time just now, he want to talk. We’re not finish yet when you came and I said don’t run because I don’t want him to go without finishing what he want to say only to come and want to talk again.”


Myungsoo keep his mouth shut, letting his minds absorb Woohyun’s words. It makes sense. And he understand what Woohyun mean. If Sunggyu left hanging, he will make an excuse to talk again with Woohyun later. And Myungsoo’s heart would broke if he caught them alone for the third time.


“Hyung ask why when I said I won’t come to the invitation,” Woohyun added. “I was about to answer him when you came,”


“What would you say?” Myungsoo whispers.


“The same of what you heard. I would say the same thing either you’re there or not. I don’t think it is wise to see hyung again,” Woohyun says sincerely.




“Because I love you?” Woohyun replies cheekily. He reach for Myungsoo’s hand and hold them. “Because it will hurt you and I hate seeing you hurt,”


“Woohyun hyung…” Myungsoo gasp.


Yes, he is hurt seeing them together. Yes, he had doubt Woohyun will leave him to go back to Sunggyu. Yes, he is ready to let him go as long as Woohyun is happy. But no, he never thought of how Woohyun think so highly of him. He had never imagine Woohyun would declare of his love in front of his ex-boyfriend.


Woohyun was so happy and so proud when he said Myungsoo is his present and his future.


“You’re okay now? You’re not sulking anymore?” Woohyun teased.


“I’m not sulking,” Myungsoo says, pinching the elder’s side.


Woohyun laughs. “What do you think if we leave now?”


“Now?” Myungsoo asks, lifting his eyebrow.


“Eung!” Woohyun nods. “We have a date, aren’t we?”


Myungsoo’s smiles turn into a grin. “Yeah, I can’t wait to go on a date with my Woohyun hyung.”


He laughs again. “Let’s go say goodbye to Minseok and his wife, and the others. And then we can…” He gasp. “No, let’s go back to the table. I want to eat my cake first.”


Myungsoo laughs. “I thought you had forgotten about your cake.”


Woohyun pouts as he drag Myungsoo inside the wedding hall, with a clear answer, never, I love you but I love my cake more.


Myungsoo followed after the other, intertwining their fingers and tightening his hold. He can’t say how elated he is to have Woohyun as his lover, even though he falls second after his cakes.




How is it?

Is it bad?

Please leave some comment.



My beloved Nam Woohyun, welcome home 🎉🎉🎉. I miss you so much and I can’t wait for your new project 😍😍​​​​​​​😍.


For my beloved readers who request for WooSoo, this is for you 🤗​​​​​​​



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YasuharaNiwa #1
Chapter 12: Chapter 12. A i never know i needed until i read you fic. I love the way the members are jealous everytime Woohyun mentioned Sunggyu in their y time lol. I wonder what would be their reaction if leader Gyu doing Woohyun in front of all the members to assert his dominance
YasuharaNiwa #2
Chapter 4 this is so adorable💕💕💕 the way Sunggyu immediately go to Woohyun is cute and heartwarming
694 streak #3
Chapter 7: bold sunggyu is 🔥
694 streak #4
Chapter 6: Woohyun 😅
694 streak #5
Chapter 5: I questioned that example too 😅
694 streak #6
Chapter 4: adorable woogyu ☺️
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 8: why i don't get who is they first love😬
694 streak #8
Chapter 1: i just read this now. i love how sunggyu spoiled woohyun 😁
Chapter 1: This chapter was cute. Loved reading this. Started reading this again❤️❤️
Chapter 11: Sequel😁😁😁

Also it was amazing,keep going author-nim😍