The Partner Game

Infinite Paradise

Title: The Partner Game

Pairings: WooGyu, MyungYeol

Summary: Let’s play some game to test their love and knowledge for each other.



In an apartment shared between friends, five young men sit around a dining table, with the youngest name Lee Sungjong sits at the head of the table. A bunch of small cards bind with a ring filled with sentences and questions, and an A4 size white board with a marker are in front of him. At his left side are Lee Sungyeol and Nam Woohyun while at his right side are Kim Myungsoo and Kim Sunggyu. The four of them sit opposite of their partner, with a white board the same size as Sungjong’s, a marker pen and a duster in front of each of them.


“Okay, we have the WooGyu couple who had been together for two years and MyungYeol couple who had been together for six months,” Sungjong says. “Do you guys have anything to say to your partner before we start?”


“Let’s just be honest, okay?” Sunggyu says.


Woohyun nods, grinning. “We know each other perfectly well, hyung. We could win with flying colours,”


“Don’t get over confident,” Sungyeol warn the man beside him before he glance at his lover. “Myungsoo and I could win this easily since we are new and know everything about each other,”


“You know me well. Let’s be honest too,” Myungsoo replies.


Sungjong look at his right side and left side, he sighs when the couples had lock themselves in their lover dovey bubbles and forget he is there. He clear his throat. “Okay, let’s start shall we?”


The couples broke their eating each other with their eyes to look at the head table, nodding their heads and mumbled an okay and I’m ready.


“Remember, you guys wrote these questions yourself knowing it might bring disaster or…” Sungjong shrugged. “More lovey dovey in your love life. But I want to warn you guys for not using this game to argue or fight with each other, okay? This is just a game after all,”


Sunggyu snort. “Yah, What do you think we are?”


“Yeah, you think we are too shallow to let these stupid questions to get in between us?” Sungyeol added.


Sungjong shrugged again. “Just a reminder won’t hurt,”


“But you had wrote the question yourself too, Sungjong,” Myungsoo says. “Does anyone had ask the same questions as the other?”


Sungjong nods. “There are. That’s why I ask we all write three questions each so if there are repeated questions, I will choose the other two. But surprise, surprise, there was one question all of us had written in our cards.”


The couples widen their eyes and look at their partner then at their competitor, wondering which questions they share the interest of digging out of their partner, or their challenger.


“Okay, let’s start,” Sungjong says. “The rules are simple, the couple just need to have the same answer for the question or almost similar answer. The couple with the most same answer is the winner. No cheating, no looking at each other’s answer and no hints. Okay, first.” Sungjong pick the card and flip to the first written question. “What is the Kim’s favourite food?”


Sunggyu and Sungyeol snort.


“Yah, who ask this question?” Sunggyu asks.


“It’s way too simple,” Sungyeol says, leaning his back on his chair to write his answer on his board close to his chest.


“That’s mine,” Sungjong tsk. “Let’s just start with an easy and simple question. Don’t feel full of yourself. Who knows you didn’t know each other’s favourite?”


Woohyun chuckles. “That’s way too easy, everyone know what Myungsoo’s favourite food is,”


“Yeah, you should ask what Lee-Nam’s is since we all know Sungyeol keep changing his for every month,” Sunggyu says, agreeing with his boyfriend.


Sungyeol groans as a warning and Myungsoo just laugh.


“Okay, ready?” Sungjong says. “Show your answer. One, two, three.”


The men flip their white board to show their answers.


Sunggyu – Meat

Woohyun – Meat

Myungsoo – Kimchi Jigae

Sungyeol – Kimchi Jigae


“Yeah!” Sunggyu and Woohyun cheer as they bump their fist.


Myungsoo and Sungyeol grin looking at each other.


“See, it’s an easy question,” Sungyeol says.


Sungjong clicked his tongue as he jotted down one point for each of the couple on his own white board. “Okay, you all know you favourite food. Congratulations.” He flip the card to the second question. “This is not mine but it has the same vibe as before. What is Lee-Nam’s favourite colour?”


“Are you serious?” Woohyun says as he write down his answer.


“Who ask this if it’s not you?” Sungyeol asks, peeking at Sungjong as he write his.


Sungjong shrugged. “Not telling you.”


“May be Sunggyu hyung,” Myungsoo replies, capping his marker pen.


“No. Why you think it’s me?” Sunggyu asks. 


“Judging by how Woohyun hyung and Sungyeol react to the question, it’s obvious it’s not them. And since I was not the one who wrote the question, it should be you,” Myungsoo give his theory.


Sunggyu snorted. “You think so?” He turns to look at the men in front of him, both looking back at him with their board close to their chest. “They could be lying to not give themselves away.” He look at Myungsoo. “And so does you.”


Woohyun chuckles. “What? Why should I ask this question? As if I’m not trust you enough to know about my favourite colour,”


“Who knows…?” Sungyeol snort.


“Yah!” Woohyun hit Sungyeol on his arm, laughing. He turns to look at Sungjong. “Let’s show the answer,”


“Okay, one, two, three,” Sungjong announce.


Sunggyu – Red

Woohyun – Red

Myungsoo – Black

Sungyeol – Pink


“Yeah!” Sunggyu and Woohyun cheer as they bump their fist for the second time.


“Yah!” Sungyeol scold his boyfriend. “That’s yours.”


Myungsoo rubs his hair as he look at his white board. “But I never saw you wear pink.” He lift his head to look at the other, realizing his boyfriend wear a pink t-shirt out of all day. “Well, you did but very rarely. How could I know if I almost never see you with pink colour?”


“Talk,” Woohyun replies.


“Seriously, you guys never talk about things like this?” Sunggyu asks.


Myungsoo and Sungyeol look at their competitor couple.


“I guess…” Sungyeol says dejectedly.


“May be we did but I forgot.” He look at his boyfriend. “I’m sorry for not knowing.”


Sungyeol’s lips turn upward. “It’s okay,”


“I bet its Sungyeol’s question, he want to know if Myungsoo know his favourite colour,” Woohyun whisper to his elder lover.


“Yah, I heard you!” Sungyeol hit Woohyun on his arm, grumbling.


Sungjong laughs, finished jotted down a point for WooGyu couple. “Okay, next question.” He flip the card, read them silently before he lift his eyes to look at the waiting and curious faces of the couples.


“What?” Sunggyu asks.


“Come on. Spill the question already,” Sungyeol urged.


“It’s not that hard, right?” Myungsoo asks worriedly.


“Will this question make us fight like you said earlier?” Woohyun chewed his lower lip.


Sungjong clear his throat. “May be. I know whose handwriting is this but please, after this, just answer the question without asking who wrote these down.”


The men before him look at each other worriedly. This is just a game, right? And they just reach the third question. Was the question so hard that Sungjong afraid they will get into a fight? Sungjong had line the cards according to its difficulty level, or interesting question. If the third question already hard, how would it be for the seven upcoming cards?


Sungjong clear his throat again. “Okay, the question is, who had more exes?”


Woohyun stunned, Sunggyu blink his small eyes, Sungyeol snort as he lean his back to write his answer, Myungsoo shakes his head as he write his as well. Aside for the owner of the question, his partner also know he was the one who wrote them down, and he knows perfectly well why he ask this despite they had talked about it before.


“Show your answer, one, two, three,” Sungjong says.


Sunggyu – Woohyun

Woohyun – Sunggyu hyung

Myungsoo – Me

Sungyeol – Me


Sungjong snort at all four boards. Funny how could all of them got a wrong answer for different reason.


“You have more exes? Really?” Myungsoo asks, wiping his board clean.


“What does that mean? I know you are popular but I had date before too,” Sungyeol asks back, hurt.


“I don’t have exes,” Woohyun says.


“So do I.”


Myungsoo and Sungyeol turn to their competitors, and laugh at their answers. “Liar!” Both of them accuse at the same time.


“It’s true,” Woohyun says, looking at the youngsters. “I don’t have anyone before Sunggyu hyung,”


“You think I know you just yesterday?” Sungyeol click his tongue. “How do you explain the girls trailed behind you every day?”


Woohyun lean his body backward, looking at Sungyeol as if he had grow another head. “What? They’re just girls.” He glance at Myungsoo. “Just as same as Myungsoo, I’m popular, they were my fans,”


“That’s why I thought you had more exes, because you had more fans. You still do,” Sunggyu replies dejectedly.


Woohyun turns to Sunggyu. “Hyung! Fans are not my exes, I’m not dating them, there are two different things. And furthermore, you have more fans than me,”


“Is that why you answer I had more exes than you?” Sunggyu quirk his eyebrow. “Your reason was as same as me.”


Woohyun shakes his head. “No. You indeed had more exes than me, you had date before, right?”


Quiet. Sunggyu shut his mouth from making any reply.


“Okay, that’s enough.” Sungjong chuckles. “So…neither couple win this question. Let’s move on.” He flip the card next. “This is tricky, it’s a yes no question, so I guess we need the same point as before,”


“Huh? What do you mean?” Myungsoo asks.


“If the couple have the same answer, they got a point, if not…” Sungjong shrugged.


“Okay,” Sunggyu and Woohyun replies at the same time.


“Okay, the question is…am I his first love?”


The contestants draw their marker pen on the board for the answer, all not looking at either their boyfriend or their seat mate, or the MC.


“Why so silent?” Sungjong whispers to himself. “Ready? Show your answer, one, two, three.”


Sunggyu – Yes

Woohyun – Yes

Myungsoo – No

Sungyeol – No


Sunggyu and Woohyun smile stupidly annoyingly in love to each other. Myungsoo shrugged as he wipe his white board clean. Sungyeol look at his answer dejectedly before he too pick the duster to clean his board.


“You guys got a point in this,” Sungjong snicker. “Interesting answer,”


“Why I feel like they are cheating?” Myungsoo whine.


“No,” both Sunggyu and Woohyun says.


“But how come you guys are each other first love?” Sungyeol asks. “We all know Sunggyu hyung had girlfriends before and Woohyun…” He look at the man beside him.


“They were just fans, I never date before.” Woohyun look at his boyfriend. “Sunggyu hyung is my first love and the only one I have date.”


Sunggyu smiles lovingly at the man opposite him. “You’re my first love too, baby.” He look at Sungyeol then at Myungsoo. “I do had girlfriends before but no one I can call my lover.” He shrugged. “It feels like girl friend than girlfriend,”


“But you still had more exes then,” Woohyun accused.


“Okay, moving on,” Sunggyu throw the word to the youngest.


Sungjong grins as he look at the other couple. “You guys were not?”


“No…” Myungsoo replies.


“We know about this and it’s not hurt anymore,” Sungyeol shrugged.


“I’m sorry…” Woohyun whisper, lowering his eyes.


“Huh?” Sungjong quirk his eyebrow.


“The three of us had the same first love,” Myungsoo explain.


“What? Wow…I never know this,”


“Okay, next question,” Sungyeol demand.


But the MC didn’t move his card to the next question or did he pick up his marker pen to jot down the point to the couples. He look at the elders at his right then at his left, wondering who the lucky guy who claim the first love of the other men was.


“Are we still playing?” Sunggyu asks, looking worriedly at the youngest then at his lover who shrugged as a response.


“Sorry,” Sungjong says, giving a point to each couple on his board before he flip his card. By each of their reaction, he can guess who the first love is. Surprisingly, he had his share of first love as them as well. “Next question, what the Kim hates the most?”


Woohyun grins at the question as he look at his boyfriend for some kind of hint. “What should I write…?”


“You know me, baby.” Sunggyu smiles, writing his own answer.


“What you hate the most?” Sungyeol tilted his head. “This is tricky…”


“It’s hate, right?” Myungsoo asks Sungjong. “Not scared?”


“Hate,” Sungjong replies. “Ready? Show your answer, one, two, three.”


Sunggyu – Morning

Woohyun – Wake up in the morning

Myungsoo – Alone

Sungyeol – Being alone


The couples cheer at their significant other. One couple bump their fist, one couple giving high five.


Sungjong snicker at their answer as he mark each couple a point on his white board. “Very funny,”


“Again, this question should be about Lee-Nam,” Sunggyu says.


“Yeah, everyone know how much you hate waking up in the morning, hyung,” Sungyeol tease the eldest.


“Okay, next question.” Sungjong flip to next card. “The thing the Kim did to their partner that make them very sorry and promise to not doing again?”


“But he keep doing it again?” Woohyun added.


“And promise to not doing it again?” Sungyeol joined it.


Both Kim Sunggyu and Kim Myungsoo groans and clicked their tongue at the accusation.


“What? There’s a lot if I need to list here,” Sungyeol joke.


“I can say the same about you,” Myungsoo retort.


“But the question is about Kim, so…” Sungyeol stick out his tongue to mock his boyfriend.


Woohyun eyed Sunggyu, his white board close to his face up to his nose, showing only his eyes to his boyfriend. “I know what I want to write but…”


Sunggyu chuckles. “Just write it down, baby. We promise to be honest, aren’t we?” He capped his marker pen after he finish putting his answer.


“Are you answering that?” Woohyun asks.


Sunggyu grins. “I think that’s the most reasonable answer,”


“Yah!” Both Myungsoo and Sungyeol shout, turning to the other couple.


“No hint!” Sungyeol reminds them.


“It’s not a hint.” Woohyun pouts as he write down his answer, hoping it match with his lover’s because that’s what make Sunggyu always feel sorry about and Woohyun would sulk anytime it happen.


“Okay? Are guys ready? Show your answer, one, two, three,” Sungjong says after he got conformation nods from the couples.


Sunggyu – When I’m late and make him wait

Woohyun – When hyung is late and make me wait

Myungsoo – Being obsessive

Sungyeol – Adding plaid shirt to his already mountain collection.


“Yeah!” Sunggyu and Woohyun fist bump again, cheering happily at their correct answer.


“One point to WooGyu couple but…” Sungjong clicked his tongue at Myungsoo and Sungyeol’s board. “I’m not sure about the two of you,”


“What? Come on, it’s the same,” Sungyeol says.


“No, it’s totally different,” Woohyun .


“One answer was being obsessive and the other was elaborating the obsession.” Sunggyu shrugged. “This is tricky,”


“It’s the same,” both Myungsoo and Sungyeol says.


“No, it’s not,” Woohyun replies. “Myungsoo had a lot of obsession and his answer was general. While Sungyeol pick one of the obsession as an example. It look the same but it was not,”


“I agree with Woohyun hyung,” Sungjong says. “One was the base answer and one was the elaboration.” He clicked his tongue. “It look the same but for this game, we need a definite same answer. So…you got no point in here. Sorry.”


Sungyeol’s lips twitch while his boyfriend pouts. They wipe their white board clean with the duster.


“How many questions left?” Woohyun asks. “If it’s continue like this, we could win, hyung,” he added without waiting for reply.


Sunggyu grins. “We know each other too well,”


“Don’t be too happy. We can overtake you easily,” Sungyeol hiss at his seat mate.


“Okay, next question.” Sungjong flip the card. He tilted his head after he read the question. “This is obvious. It’s like a bonus point,”




“What is it?”


“What’s the question?”


“Come on, Sungjong. Spill it out,”


Sungjong tsk, ignoring the bombarded words thrown at him. He brush off who saying which as he announce the seventh question. “Who show the most love?”


“Really?” Sungyeol snicker. “Why would we ask the obvious?”


“Was it yours?” Sunggyu asks the youngest after he was done writing on his board.


Sungjong shrugged. “Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t,”


“The answer would be obvious, don’t you think?” Myungsoo asks looking at his boyfriend.


“You would never know.” Woohyun grins.


“Ready? Show your answer, one, two, three.”


Sunggyu – Me

Woohyun – Sunggyu hyung

Myungsoo – Me

Sungyeol – Myungsoo


“Huh? What?” Sungyeol widen his eyes, ignoring the fact that he got a point this round to ask the man beside him.


“You shows more love than Woohyun hyung?” Myungsoo asks the elder Kim.


“What? I can’t show my love to Woohyun?” Sunggyu fake a hurt expression.


“No, I didn’t mean that.” Myungsoo look at Sungyeol uncertainly.


“Shouldn’t the answer be Woohyun instead? I mean…” Sungyeol glance at Myungsoo slightly before looking at the other couple. “We know how clingy Woohyun is,”


“Yeah, Woohyun hyung is as clingy as Myungsoo hyung.” Sungjong tilted his head.


“And greasy,” Sungyeol added.


“Are you sure you didn’t lie just to win this game?” Sungjong continue.


“What’s there to lie? How could we even lied?” Woohyun grins as he wipe his white board clean.


“Yes, Woohyun is clingy and yes, Woohyun is greasy. But I can be over the moon pampering him,” Sunggyu copying his boyfriend on erasing his answer to prepare for the next question.


“I told you, you would never know.” Woohyun says, glancing at his elder boyfriend.


“Okay, I don’t want to know,” Sungyeol announce as he lift up his hands to surrender.


They had known each other for years and he had seen how Sunggyu and Woohyun act around each other. One is clingy like a koala, and one is an idiot in love. Woohyun was not shy in showing his love but Sunggyu was, at first. He slowly adapt to Woohyun’s way of showing his feeling and later he was the one who shows PDA the most.


But he still can’t accept the fact that the answer to the question is Sunggyu rather than Woohyun. 


Did he…? Did they mean Sunggyu’s love behind the closed door?


Sungyeol shudder at the thought.


“Are we done?” Sunggyu asks.


“We win then, aren’t we?” Woohyun says.


“No!” Both Sungyeol and Myungsoo quickly protest. They straightens their position on the chair and turn to the man at the head table. “Let’s continue.”


Sungjong blink his eyes, stunned. Realizing all eyes are on him, he clear his throat, mark a point each on the couple and turn the card to the next question. “I love this question. Will Lee-Nam choose their partner again when they reincarnated?”


“This is tricky.” Sungyeol clicked his tongue, his eyes bore holes on his white board.


“Yah! What was that mean?” Sunggyu laughs.


“Yeah, you hurt Myungsoo’s feeling, Sungyeol,” Woohyun scold him.


Sungyeol look at the man opposite of him, at the same time Myungsoo lift his head to look at him as well. “Were you?”


Myungsoo shrugged, laughing as well. “Yeah, you hurt me.”


Sungyeol grins. “Let’s be honest then,”


“Ready? Show your answer, one, two, three,” Sungjong announce.


Sunggyu – No

Woohyun – No

Myungsoo – Yes

Sungyeol – Yes


“What!?” The three men beside the no answering couple shout at the same time, surprise.


Sungyeol even stand up from his seat, looking at Woohyun and Sunggyu one after another.


“Hyung-dul…” Myungsoo whispers, feeling hurt rather than confused. “What…what do you mean?”


“What…what do you guys mean?” Sungjong gulp his saliva. “You guys love each other a lot,”


“I never see this coming. You guys doesn’t wish to be together when you reincarnated?” Myungsoo bit his lower lip.


“Calm down, sheesh,” Sunggyu groans.


Woohyun pulls Sungyeol’s hand to make him sit back on his chair. “No,”


“Why?” The three asks again.


Woohyun and Sunggyu look at each other. The other three thought they would throw insults or pouting or sulking or hurt or crying, but they never thought the couple would share those annoying loving eyes that make them want to throw up.


“Because I don’t want to be reincarnated again,” Sunggyu says, his eyes still on Woohyun.


“I don’t want to live in this world again no matter how that life will be.” Woohyun smiles at his lover then turn his head to the other three, Sunggyu copying him. “After I die, I want to go straight to heaven and meet Sunggyu hyung there,”


“Did you guys know, we will meet with our partner we love the most in heaven?” Sunggyu glance at Woohyun. “We thought the world is too scary to be living in even if we reincarnated. That’s why we want to meet in heaven and live happily without caring so much what would happen down here.”


Woohyun pats Sungyeol’s shoulder, grinning. “I will watch you from heaven. I will be your cupid and help you find Myungsoo.”


Sungyeol shudder. “Stop talking about heaven,”


“Yeah, you sounds like you will die soon,” Myungsoo warns.


Sungjong sighs. “These idiot in love. I was too stupid to feel worried just then.”


Sunggyu and Woohyun grin and chuckle at them.


“You guys really match made in heaven, you guys are out of our league,” Myungsoo says.


“Let’s move on, shall we?” Sungjong shakes his head as he jotted down a point for each couple before flipping the card. “Okay, I guess everyone know of this question. Who had fallen in love first?”


The four men look at each other with raised brow, knowing smirk and curios eyes. Just like Sungjong said, they know perfectly well about this question. Because it was the one the five of them shared the same question is.


“The answer is obvious, right?” Myungsoo says, writing down on his board.


“My first intention was to know about you guys.” Woohyun grins.


“What a surprise. I want to know about you too,” Sungyeol mocked .


“How should I answer this…” Sunggyu trailed off, eyes looking up.


“Waa…hyung, we both know the answer,” Woohyun whine.


Sunggyu smiles looking at his young boyfriend. “I know. I mean how I should write the answer.”


Woohyun tilted his head. “We talked about this, hyung,”




“Just write what we always talk about.”


Sunggyu grins. “You’re going to answer that?”


Woohyun nods, capped his marker pen happily. “Eung! That’s the obvious answer,”


“Okay!” Sunggyu quickly write on his white board after making sure he and his beloved are in the same boat.


“I really hate them sometimes,” Sungyeol whispers.


“But aren’t they cute?” Myungsoo look at the competitor couple with dreamy eyes. “Make people jealous.”


Sungyeol look at Myungsoo who still looking at the couple. The taller touch Myungsoo’s hand, startling him and pulling his eyes to look at his boyfriend. “We can be like them.”


Myungsoo grins. “We better.”


Sungjong clear his throat, glad that the game will reach its end soon to save him from the idiot couples. He cursed his earlier self to propose to play this game. Why, oh why did he landed his sane mind in the middle of the lovey dovey couple? “You guys ready? Show your answer, one, two, three.”


Sunggyu – Together

Woohyun – Together

Myungsoo – Sungyeol

Sungyeol – Me


“You cheat!” Sungyeol laughs.


“What? How could we cheat?” Woohyun chuckles.


“It should be either one of you. What do you mean together?” Myungsoo asks.


Sunggyu shrugged. “The rules are the couple should have the same answer. And we did. It doesn’t matter which either of us,”


“But…” Myungsoo turns to look at Sungjong then at Sungyeol then at the couple. “What do you mean together?”


“You guys don’t want to know,” Woohyun replies in between giggles.


“Oh, yes, we would definitely like to know,” Sungyeol says.


Sungjong sighs. “The reason I ask this question was because I want to know, between Sunggyu hyung and Woohyun hyung, who fall in love first.” He sighs again. “So you’re going to be like this eh?”


The four elder men turn to look at him. “What do you mean?” they asks at the same time.


Sungjong look at the men at his right then at his left. “This idiot couple keep arguing between themselves, saying I was loving you first, no, I was first, no, it was me.” He groans. “They end up saying they fell in love at the same time to avoid the argument further.”


Sunggyu brush his hair sheepishly. “Hehe. You hear that?”


“I did.” Sungjong tsk. “I lost count on how many times I heard you quarrel about this,”


“So did you ask this question because you want to see us argue again?” Woohyun pouts disbelievingly at the youngest.


Sungjong stick out his tongue. “Put the game aside, who really fall in love first between you two?”


Woohyun and Sunggyu look at each other, Myungsoo and Sungyeol turn their heads to the couple beside them.


“It was me,” Sunggyu says, grinning.


“No, hyung. I love you first,” Woohyun reiterated.


“See. They were like this,” Sungjong pointed out.


“They are cute.” Myungsoo smiles.


“Okay, let’s move on,” Sungyeol announced.


“Okay.” Sungjong mark down their points. He eyed the O and X on his white board and count in his head. The points are obvious, they already have the winner in this game. But Sungjong chose to continue just to have some fun with his hyung-dul. “This is the last question.” He eyed the anticipated couple at the sides. “The best gift Lee-Nam give to the Kim?”


Sungyeol tilted his head. “This is tricky.”


Woohyun snort. “All questions sounds tricky to you,”


“Not all,” Sungyeol hit the other on his arm.


Woohyun laughs. He clicked his tongue. “But true, this is tricky,”


“See?” Sungyeol throw it back. “There’s a lot of gifts but the best…” He eyed his lover from his white board.


“It’s hard to choose one,” Myungsoo admit.


Sunggyu capped his marker pen and put them down on the table. “You know the answer to that, baby,”


“Huh?” Woohyun says. “Which one?”


Sunggyu smiles lovingly. “That one.”


Woohyun gasp, his eyes widen. “Hyung! You can’t be serious,”


“It’s the best gift you gave me. I told you over and over again,”


“Wait. Wait. Wait,” Sungjong and Myungsoo says.


“It can’t be…” Sungyeol look at Sunggyu then at Woohyun then at Sunggyu. “You can’t mean…”


“Shut up. What do you guys think we are?” Woohyun groans, writing his answer down. If Sunggyu says so, he better following him. It’s embarrassing, in front of these youngsters. But Sunggyu said it was the best gift he received from him, so…


“It’s not what you guys think,” Sunggyu laughs.


“If not then…what?” Myungsoo asks.


Sunggyu shrugged. “Just wait until we show you.” He pointed to the white board in Myungsoo’s hand. “Did you have the answer?”


“Ah…” Myungsoo look at his still clean white board. He turns to Sungyeol. “What should we write?”


“I’m not sure. There’s a lot,” Sungyeol sighs.


“Well, you need to think of one quick,” Sungjong urged them.


The couple took some time to choose an answer, not that long, it’s not even two minutes. And it doesn’t matter what answer they write. Because they will still lose.


“Ready? Show your answer, one, two, three.”


Sunggyu – Woohyun is the best gift

Woohyun – Me

Myungsoo – The food

Sungyeol – Meal


“Yah, that’s cheesy!” Sungyeol accused.


“What?” Woohyun grins then he pointed to Sungyeol’s answer. “Yours are too basic,”


“As long as we write the same answer.” Sungyeol stick out his tongue.


“Who would have thought Sunggyu hyung is too corny?” Myungsoo shakes his head disbelievingly.


“I guess Woohyun hyung’s greasiness rubs in on him,” Sungjong says. “Well, that’s how a couple of two years would be like,”


Myungsoo turns to Sungjong. “I know we lose, but what was the score?”


“Yah! How could you say that?” Sungyeol shot at his lover.


“Because we lose, aren’t we? I think Sunggyu hyung and Woohyun hyung only had one wrong answer.”


Sungyeol look at Sungjong, waiting for clarification.


Sungjong nods his head. “Yeah. As you hyung-dul already know, the winner of this game is WooGyu couple.” He clap his hands. “They only had one wrong answer while MyungYeol had three,”


“Yeah, we win, hyung!” Woohyun cheer, clapping his hands with Sunggyu.


“We could never be wrong about each other, baby.” Sunggyu smiles happily.


“Only three?” Sungyeol look at Myungsoo. “It’s not bad. We should talk and learn about each other more,”


“Yeah, you should,” Woohyun says.


“It’s okay. You guys will learn in time. But well…you need to talk,” Sunggyu added.


“We do talk.” Myungsoo pouts.


“Talk about each other likes and dislikes, preference….See, you didn’t know Sungyeol’s favourite colour because you didn’t see his pink belongings so much,” Sunggyu says.


“Because the pink is so random.” Myungsoo sighs. “Yeah, we should talk. There’s a lot I need to know about you.”


Sungyeol smiles lovingly. “It’s okay. We will go slowly.”


Woohyun clap his hands. “I know!” And earning the eyes of the men on the table. “Why don’t you two play a game with each other? You know, the 30 questions about me or something,”


“Was that what you did so you know so much?” Sungyeol grins.


“No.” Woohyun hit his arm. “We talk.”


Sungyeol laughs. “We will do that later. Anyway, congratulations, you win the game,”


“Yeah. You guys really match made in heaven.” Myungsoo clap his hands.


Sungjong clap his hands again. “Congratulations for winning this game,”


“I told you we could win easily.” Woohyun make a peace sign with his fingers.


“Hey, wants to continue this?” Sungjong asks, earning attention from the elder men.


“Continue what?” Myungsoo asks.


“This.” He pointed to the white boards with his chin. “Let’s play 30 questions this time.”


Sunggyu and Sungyeol groans. Sunggyu stands up and went to Woohyun’s side. “Maybe next time. I’m tired already. Come on, baby. Let’s go eat.”


Woohyun grins and jump out of his seat. “Let’s go. Let’s go. I’m starving.”


Sungyeol pick up all the white boards and marker pens, stacking them with Sungjong’s at the side.


Myungsoo sighs. “Yeah, maybe next time. It was fun but I’m tired.” He stands up and move to the kitchen.


Sungyeol stands up next. “Thanks for the game, it was brilliant and teach me more about my love life.” He pats Sungjong’s shoulder and follow after his lover.


Sungjong pouts, feeling lonely at being left alone all of a sudden. He cursed his earlier self for planning this game and stuck himself in the middle of the annoying lovey dovey couples. But it was fun. He enjoy every moment spend with his hyung-dul even though they make him gag and feel like a third, or fifth wheel. And now everyone had left, he feels lonely and bored. He fish his hand phone from his pocket to search for food delivery.


The door to Woohyun’s room open and out both the owner and his boyfriend, surprising the youngest at the table. “I thought you already gone?” he asks.


“We’re getting ready,” Woohyun says. “Where Sungyeol and Myungsoo?”




“Let’s go, Sungjong,” Sunggyu invite.


“Huh? Where?”


“Eat. Let’s go out and eat. We’re starving,” Sunggyu says.


“You invite me? Really?” He was surprise but he can’t help the big smiles on his face.


Woohyun nods. “Yeah, let’s go.”


Sungjong jump from his seat. “Thank you, hyung-dul. I was looking for some delivery myself.” He walk following the couple to the main door.


“No, thanks to you,” Sunggyu says, wearing his shoes.


“What do you mean?”


“You will pay, since we win the game, it should be our present,” Sunggyu says nonchalantly.


“What? Hyung!” Sungjong gawk at the back of Sunggyu’s head. Now he was thinking of plans to back out of it.


Woohyun laughs. He pats Sungjong’s back. “Hyung was just joking. How could we let you pay? Sunggyu hyung will buy.”


Sungjong stay still, unmoving. He is not sure if Sunggyu was just teasing him but he can trust Woohyun. If he said Sunggyu will pay, it means he will. But he had a second doubt of following after them. Would he really want to land himself to sit on the front row and watch the couple act lovingly with each other? Had he prepare his mind to keep his sanity after just an annoying game?


“What’s wrong, Sungjong? Not coming?” Woohyun asks from the door. Both he and Sunggyu had step out of the house and waiting for Sungjong to wear his shoes next.


“Are you afraid I will make you pay?” Sunggyu chuckles.


Sungjong shakes his head. “I’m coming.”


Ah, whatever. The WooGyu couple, as what they likes to call Sunggyu and Woohyun’s relationship, is too cute to miss and too sweet to ignore. He can focus on his meal and pretend the couple is not there, like always.




How is it?

Is it bad?

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I got this idea from a Facebook video and thought, why not doing some WooGyu’s version? And who was their competitor if not Sungyeol? And Myungsoo. Obviously.


Our leader-nim, I wish you health and recover from the virus quick. Take care of yourself, Inspirit and Infinite members always praying for you.



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YasuharaNiwa #1
Chapter 12: Chapter 12. A i never know i needed until i read you fic. I love the way the members are jealous everytime Woohyun mentioned Sunggyu in their y time lol. I wonder what would be their reaction if leader Gyu doing Woohyun in front of all the members to assert his dominance
YasuharaNiwa #2
Chapter 4 this is so adorable💕💕💕 the way Sunggyu immediately go to Woohyun is cute and heartwarming
703 streak #3
Chapter 7: bold sunggyu is 🔥
703 streak #4
Chapter 6: Woohyun 😅
703 streak #5
Chapter 5: I questioned that example too 😅
703 streak #6
Chapter 4: adorable woogyu ☺️
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 8: why i don't get who is they first love😬
703 streak #8
Chapter 1: i just read this now. i love how sunggyu spoiled woohyun 😁
Chapter 1: This chapter was cute. Loved reading this. Started reading this again❤️❤️
Chapter 11: Sequel😁😁😁

Also it was amazing,keep going author-nim😍