After Christmas Live

Infinite Paradise

Title: After Christmas Live

Pairings: WooGyu

Summary: Sunggyu runs as quick as he can after Youtube Live for Christmas. Inspired by Infinite Christmas Live



“What? Now? As in right now?” Sungyeol asks to make sure his ears didn’t make a fun of him.


“Yes, right now,” Sunggyu replies anxiously as he taking off the red robe.


“Are you sure, Sunggyu hyung?” Sungyeol peek at the clock on the wall. “It’s already midnight. I’m sure Woohyun hyung is sleeping,”


Sunggyu didn’t reply as he is busying himself to change to a casual clothes. Sungyeol can only watch how jittery and rushing their leader is. After they’re done with their YouTube Live, as soon as the camera off, Sunggyu sprang from his seat and runs to the changing room without saying anything to anyone. Being the second older, Dongwoo take the task to properly thank everyone and apologize for their leader’s rude behaviour. He ask for their understanding and make an excuse of Sunggyu is not feeling well and need to take care of some personal business.


That…is what he thought, until he walk into the room to see Sunggyu is done changing and Sungyeol fidgety at the side, slowly taking off his mic.


“What…? You’re done, hyung?”


“I’m going now. Thank you for your hard work. I will see you guys later, okay?” Sunggyu says, bowing one last time to everyone in the room and runs out of the building.


“What…was that?” Dongwoo asks, puzzled.


“Sunggyu hyung,” Sungyeol answer as he taking off his red Santa robe. “He is going to check on Woohyun hyung,”


“Ahh…” Dongwoo nods in understanding. “I thought he is sick but it is his heart that is sick,”


“Huh? What?”


Dongwoo taking off his mic and give them to one of the staff. “Woohyun is having a fever, right? Of course Sunggyu hyung is worried. He said over the call that his heart ache when Woohyun is sick. So…”


“Ahh…” Sungyeol mumbled, suddenly feeling so stupid for forgetting the obvious reason.


Of course, it is Nam Woohyun. Sunggyu hyung’s closest member in Infinite, Sunggyu hyung’s best friend in Infinite, Sunggyu hyung’s right hand man in Infinite, and most importantly, Sunggyu hyung’s favourite member in Infinite.


This is not the first time Sunggyu runs to Woohyun’s side when he heard the other is sick. Sungyeol had lost count and it became a common things that no one question anymore. Sunggyu make a fuss whenever Woohyun is sick. He will go and nursing him like a personal doctor. And kicking everyone out from coming in near them with an excuse of doesn’t want anyone infected. But Sungyeol knows, Sunggyu actually doesn’t want anyone bothering Woohyun and making him sicker.


Woohyun is weak in winter and prone to get cold. So it was not a surprise if he falls sick in this year too. It just frustrating that he got a fever in Christmas where it should be a happy holiday for everyone.


“I hope Woohyun is fine,” Dongwoo says, now discarded of his red robe.


“It’s 39 degrees.” Sungyeol sighs. “It’s pretty high,”


“It is. No wonder his voice is raspy,”




“And you for deepening his voice,”


“What? Not me. It’s Sunggyu hyung.”


Dongwoo laughs when Sungyeol look at him scandalously. Then his laugh died.


“I’m worried though,” Sungyeol admits. “I know something is wrong when he groans over the phone call.”


Dongwoo nods. “Imagine how worried Sunggyu hyung must feel.”


Sungyeol glance over the door where Sunggyu had left minutes ago. “But it’s already midnight. Woohyun hyung can’t be awake by this time, right?”


“Lee Sungyeol,” Dongwoo scold him. “It is Sunggyu hyung. And it is Woohyun. He must know the password to Woohyun’s house,”






It is easy, the password. Woohyun use the same password as Infinite’s dorm. Four sevens. He always say the members are welcome to his house anytime because they know of his password. But they of only bluffing and keeping the secret and won’t let them come to his house, just because they’re too ignorant to think of how simple Woohyun is. Even after Hoya’s departure, Woohyun refuse to change his password. He said he is lazy to change. But Sunggyu knows, Woohyun still regard Hoya as one of and hope of reunite on one stage.


It’s already past midnight.


Sunggyu open the door and enters the house without announcing his arrival. It was dark. Woohyun must had retreat to his bedroom. The leader walk slowly as silently as he could. He went to the kitchen first, scanning the sink, bin and refrigerator to analyse what the younger had for dinner. The sink is clean and the bin had only little trash. His worries double when he see a leftover food in the refrigerator. The food look untouched and just starting to cool. Meaning Woohyun didn’t eat his dinner, or only eat a little just to take his medication. Because you shouldn’t take your medicine in empty stomach.


Sunggyu turns to the bedroom. He opens the door slowly, and paddling to the bed. In the pitch dark room, he can see Woohyun is sleeping on the bed. His blanket over his chest and both of his arms out. Sunggyu tsk and shaking his head. His eyes caught the sight of the things on the bedside table. He sits beside Woohyun at the edge of the bed as he switch on the night lamp and peek to see Woohyun is not disturbed by the low light. There are a bottle of half full water and a couple of medicines, for sore throat, for fever, for cold, antibiotic and vitamins. Sunggyu pick a digital thermometer lying with the medication. With his other free hand, he cup Woohyun’s cheeks near his lips and help to open his mouth to put the device in. He put his palm on the younger’s forehead, warm. Sunggyu take out the thermometer after it beep and look at the digit.


“You’re not so hot but your temperature still 39 degrees,” Sunggyu whispers worriedly.


He put the thermometer back on the table and left the room.


The leader come back to the room with a small basin and clean towel. He first wipe Woohyun’s face and neck. He take off Woohyun’s t-shirt before he wipe the younger’s body, starting with his chest to his stomach then his hands. He change Woohyun to a new t-shirt since the previous is a little damp from the sweat. Sunggyu left the room once again with the basin and come back later with new water and new clean towel.


He went to the other side, put the basin on the bare bedside table before he sits on the empty side of the bed, scooting closer to Woohyun. He wet the towel, squeeze them and place them on top of Woohyun’s forehead. He pulls the blanket to Woohyun’s chin, keeping him warm and making sure his arms inside the blanket this time.


“Get well soon, Woohyun-ah. It hurts me when you’re sick,” Sunggyu whispers, tucking Woohyun’s bang out of the towel.


Woohyun is a light sleeper. The only time hard to wake him up is when he is exhausted to open his eyes and when he is sick. Sunggyu even can lift him up and carry him to the hospital and Woohyun won’t stir, ever.


Sunggyu switch off the night lamp, lying down to make himself comfortable, sneaking an arm below Woohyun’s neck and an arm over Woohyun’s torso. He plant a soft kiss on Woohyun’s cheek.


“Get well soon. Good night,” he whispers before he close his eyes.


Woohyun stir in his arms. “Uh…Sunggyu hyung?”


“Sleep, Woohyun-ah, sleep.” Without opening his eyes, Sunggyu rubs Woohyun’s arm and pulls the smaller man closer, securing him in his warmth.


“…love you, hyung,”


“I love you too.” Sunggyu smiles before he peck Woohyun’s cheek once again, rubbing and patting Woohyun’s arm to lull him back to sleep.




Woohyun move his hand to his forehead as soon as he wake up. He was confuse when he touch the damp towel, as if it was just placed there not long ago. Weird. He didn’t remember he put a towel on his forehead. He slowly sat up and scan his room. There was nothing different before he went to sleep last night.


Oh, there it is.


Woohyun thought when he caught the sight of a small basin on the table on the other side and the wrinkles on the empty side of the bed.


Sunggyu hyung?


Just when the name crossed his thought, the owner of the name open the door to his bedroom.


“Woohyun-ah, you’re awake,” Sunggyu says happily as he jumps to his side.


“Sunggyu hyung,” Woohyun greets him in his hoarse voice, his waking up voice mixing with the sore throat of his cold.


Sunggyu sits on the edge of the bed beside him. “How are you feeling?” He touch Woohyun’s damp forehead, his cheeks and his neck. “Your fever seem to tone down. But we need to check first.” He pick up the thermometer. “Say ahhh…”


Woohyun open his mouth to let Sunggyu put the thermometer in. Sunggyu went to the other side to take the basin and come back to Woohyun’s side, the basin on his lap. He take the towel from Woohyun’s hand and soak them in the basin. The thermometer beep. Sunggyu left the towel to take the device out.


He smiles. “38.” He put the thermometer on the table. “Let’s lower down your fever today, okay?”


“Sunggyu hyung…” Woohyun calls.


“Hurm?” Sunggyu response without looking at the younger as he is back to focus on the towel.


“You don’t have schedule today?”


Sunggyu’s hand stop moving.


“You have, aren’t you?” Woohyun sighs. “You should go, hyung. You can’t be late,”


“No, we don’t,” he replies, lifting his head to look at the younger. “We are free for today,”


“You’re lying.” Woohyun pouts.


Sunggyu put the basin down on the floor as he wipes Woohyun’s face with the towel. “Aigoo…you’re such a baby,”




“Come, let’s go the living room. You have to eat breakfast and take your medication,”


“What time is it?” Woohyun asks as Sunggyu help him out of the bed.


“7.30. Do you still need to go to work? Even though you’re sick?”


Woohyun shakes his head as he stand up on his wobbly legs. Sunggyu circle his arms around Woohyun’s body, securing him. They paddled slowly to go out of the room.


“I have a night shift today. I hope I will get better before noon,”


“You’re still going to work? You’re sick, Woohyun-ah,” Sunggyu says worriedly.


“Hyung, the guy is in the army. Unless he is bedridden, he has to go to work,” the voice of Lee Sungyeol says, surprising the owner of the house.


Woohyun lift his head and saw Sungyeol coming out of his kitchen with a tray of coffee cups.


“What? Since when you’re here?” Woohyun asks, alarmed.


“I just arrived.” He pointed to the couch with his chin. “That kid arrived an hour earlier after shooting.”


Woohyun turns his head and see Kim Myungsoo nodding off on his couch. His heart swell with undescribed happiness. Myungsoo is busy with the shooting of his drama that he has to celebrate Christmas with the crew on the site. But he is running to his side when he learn about Woohyun’s sickness over the live video even though he watch them recorded. Woohyun, still in the arms of the leader, walk to the sitting area, followed by Sungyeol from behind. Woohyun sits at the middle of the long couch, Sunggyu beside him and Sungyeol at his other side, beside the sleeping Myungsoo.


“This is for Sunggyu hyung.” Sungyeol give a cup of coffee to the leader. “And this is for you.” He give a cup to the patient.


“Why I don’t get coffee too?” Woohyun whine.


“Yah, how can a sick person drink coffee?” Sungyeol scold him.


The main vocal pouts as he blow his cup to cool it down. Because of the cold, his nose fail him but he is sure he get a ginger tea. Sunggyu would always give him ginger tea whenever he is sick. He said it’s good for his sore throat. Sunggyu must had ask Sungyeol to make him some while he was making coffee.


Woohyun is sipping his tea when the doorbell ring. Sungyeol jump to open the door. Myungsoo stir up before he opens his eyes. The younger greets the Infinite Vocal happily showing his dimple. Sunggyu is nagging and tries to pry Myungsoo off when the actor throwing his arms around Woohyun to lock him in a hug when Sungyeol comes back with Dongwoo and Sungjong trailed behind him.


“You guys are noisy so early in the morning.” Sungjong tsk.


“Yah. Yah. Yah. Woohyun is sick. What are you guys doing?” Dongwoo remind them.


Myungsoo let go of the hug and Sunggyu quickly circling his arm around Woohyun’s waist, pulling him away from Myungsoo.


“This is why I lock you guys out whenever Woohyun is sick,” Sunggyu says, looking at the members sternly.


Woohyun smiles and wave happily at the newcomers. They walk in the sitting area and sit on the floor facing the couch. Dongwoo put down the plastic bag he had been holding.


“We bought breakfast,” Sungjong says, opening a big box of egg toast.


“This is for Woohyun,” Dongwoo says, giving a bowl to Sunggyu and taking Sunggyu’s coffee cup from his hand. “How are you feeling?”


“I’m better now that everyone is here,” Woohyun says cheekily.


“You mean you’re better when Sunggyu hyung is here taking care of you,” Sungyeol replies.


Woohyun turns to Sunggyu as the leader open the lid of the bowl to reveal chicken porridge. “When did you arrive, hyung?”


“Last night,” Sunggyu replies as he scoop a spoon of porridge. “Say ahh…”


“You didn’t realize hyung is coming?” Dongwoo asks.


Woohyun shakes his head as he swallow the food. “I already slept then I guess.” He turns to the leader. “What time did you came?”


“After the live. As soon as the camera shut off, Sunggyu hyung runs here,” Sungyeol reported.


“Sunggyu hyung…” Woohyun says, feeling touched.


“I was just worried,” Sunggyu mumbled, ignoring the embarrassment creep in his cheeks as he feed another spoon to Woohyun.


“I thought I was dreaming. But you’re really here last night,”


“How can I left you alone, Woohyun-ah? My heart ache when you told us over the phone that you’re sick,”


“That’s why I don’t want to tell at first,”


“We all know you like to bluff and lying around but didn’t I told you, Woohyun-ah, you shouldn’t lie or keep a secret about your health from me,” Sunggyu scold the younger.


“Yes. Yes. I remember, hyung.” Woohyun says. “Ahh…” He opens his mouth cutely asking to be feed.


“If hyung know Woohyun was sick when he was at the army…” Sungyeol whispers to Dongwoo.


“That’s why Woohyun warn us to not tell Sunggyu hyung,” Dongwoo whispers back. “Can you imagine Sunggyu hyung drive six hours from the camp to take care of the sick Woohyun?”


“And I can imagine Sunggyu hyung got a warning or detention for leaving and not coming back within the time frame,” Sungjong joining in the gossip.


“Yes, I can imagine it all…” Sungyeol sighs as he watch the two main vocal on the couch.


“Maybe its true hyung is worried but I think hyung just want an excuse to babying Woohyun hyung,” Sungjong says.


Dongwoo turns his head. He smiles behind his egg toast watching Woohyun has his head lean on Sunggyu’s shoulder and the porridge bowl in one hand. Sunggyu had his left arm circling on Woohyun’s shoulder while his right scooping the porridge to spoon feed the patient. Myungsoo is being ignored and ignoring both of them as he focus on his breakfast.


It’s been two years since they last celebrate Christmas together, following Sunggyu’s enlistment in 2018 and the other four in 2019. Even though 2020 is a worst year because of the no one knows the ending of the pandemic, they can still be together, the six of them, celebrating a late Christmas. It was a non-planning. Both Woohyun and Sungjong are still serving even though they got a day off on Christmas. Myungsoo is busy with his drama and had to celebrate on the shooting ground. Sunggyu, Dongwoo and Sungyeol were scheduled for a YouTube Live. So they had plan to have a gathering on new year eve, just like the last two years, just like the last three years, where they had celebrate the new year with Inspirit, this year they plan to have it within Infinite, just the six of them.


But it looks like Woohyun is really missing s till he got sick. Being the responsible leader and the let me nurse Woohyun and pampering him, Sunggyu rush to his side as soon as he can. Sungyeol ditch his play date plan with Daeyeol just to get in between the main vocals, only to have the idea crash when Myungsoo opens the door for him when he arrived. Sunggyu wake up to Dongwoo’s phone call, informing him he will come with the maknae since Sungjong’s shift start later in the evening, and they will buy breakfast.


He knows he shouldn’t have this thought but Dongwoo is thankful that Woohyun got a fever. Because if he didn’t, they won’t be together this morning, being the nosy Infinite and dissing each other and teasing their leader.


“Just admit you don’t want us to see you’re spoiling Woohyun hyung,” Sungjong says.


“I don’t want you guys to be loud like this. Woohyun is sick,”


“Oh yeah? Then why don’t you treat us the same? I was sick last month but you just call me to check in on me,” Sungyeol retort.


“Because you were in your parents’ house, they can take care of you. Woohyun is alone,”


“Why you push me away? I want to take care of Woohyun hyung too,” Myungsoo pinch in.


“You look tired. You should rest and prepare for the shooting.”


The four bickering members turn their head to the second older when he suddenly laugh his famous signature laugh.


“What?” Sunggyu asks angrily.


“Just admit Woohyun is your favourite,” Dongwoo says between his laugh.


The three members turn to look at the leader.


“Yeah. Yeah. I love Woohyunie the most. Now shut up and eat your breakfast. If Woohyun’s fever worsen, I will punch all of you,” Sunggyu threatens.


The members quickly shut their mouth and continue eating the breakfast, mumbling and gossiping among themselves about how unfair their leader is. Myungsoo had joining in on the floor, leaving the main vocals on the couch. The actor feels a poke on his shoulder and the four of them lift their heads to look. Sunggyu pass the half empty porridge bowl to Myungsoo with a look of warning in his small orbs.


Woohyun had his eyes close as he snuggle in Sunggyu’s arms. Sunggyu pats him and whispering soft comforting words. Woohyun shakes his head when Sunggyu offer to bring him to his room to rest. He wants to be here, with s, even though they’re noisy and making his head thumping loudly.


Woohyun is glad he told the staff they can call him last night on the video live. He didn’t want to let Sunggyu knows he is sick. But he is glad he did. Because of it, he can be together earlier with s, and he can be pampered by Sunggyu hyung. And what he like to most is when Sunggyu whispers I love you and I miss you in his ears. No one can take his Sunggyu hyung from him, not when Sunggyu hyung love him the most and he can use this chance to be a baby in front of s.


The year is but Woohyun love his life to even care.




How is it?

Is it bad?

Please leave some comment.



I watch Infinite Christmas Day Live, only for a few minutes, because I don’t understand a thing and Woohyun is not there. I watch when someone make a subtitles with Woohyun’s phone call.


I can’t stop smiling by the WooGyu vibe and the teasing and the care. Sunggyu is so sweet yet funny when he keep calling Woohyun’s attention to say I miss you. This is what I think would happen after the Live, Sunggyu runs to Woohyun’s side to take care of him.


I hope everyone is doing well and taking care of themselves.


Happy New Year dearies. Let’s pray for a better year this year.


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YasuharaNiwa #1
Chapter 12: Chapter 12. A i never know i needed until i read you fic. I love the way the members are jealous everytime Woohyun mentioned Sunggyu in their y time lol. I wonder what would be their reaction if leader Gyu doing Woohyun in front of all the members to assert his dominance
YasuharaNiwa #2
Chapter 4 this is so adorable💕💕💕 the way Sunggyu immediately go to Woohyun is cute and heartwarming
702 streak #3
Chapter 7: bold sunggyu is 🔥
702 streak #4
Chapter 6: Woohyun 😅
702 streak #5
Chapter 5: I questioned that example too 😅
702 streak #6
Chapter 4: adorable woogyu ☺️
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 8: why i don't get who is they first love😬
702 streak #8
Chapter 1: i just read this now. i love how sunggyu spoiled woohyun 😁
Chapter 1: This chapter was cute. Loved reading this. Started reading this again❤️❤️
Chapter 11: Sequel😁😁😁

Also it was amazing,keep going author-nim😍