Sungjong’s Nightmare

Infinite Paradise


Title: Sungjong’s Nightmare

Pairings: WooJong

Summary: Sungjong was clinging to Woohyun a lot lately and keep his eyes always on him. He is afraid something terrible might happen to Woohyun if he take his eyes away, just like in his nightmare.



Sungjong wake up with a start. His heart beat crazily he feel like the organ want to jump out from his chest. Beads of sweat filled around his forehead, rolling down his cheeks. The back of his t-shirt wet with cold sweat. He was panting heavily, trying to find his regular breath.


He cup his face. “What a nightmare…”


Startled, Sungjong quickly throw the blanket away and runs out of his room. His feet went to the way of the closet room but when he crossed the kitchen, he saw the subject of his nightmare cooking happily by the stove. Sungjong spin to the kitchen, he take one step, two steps, slowly to the kitchen.


It’s Woohyun right? It is Woohyun hyung, right?


Sungjong shakes his head. Indeed, it is the main vocal of Infinite.


Sungjong close his eyes, then open them back. Yes, it is Nam Woohyun, still standing at his spot unaware of Sungjong’s slow march neared him.


Sungjong sneaked his arms around Woohyun's waist, surprising the elder.


“What?” Woohyun peek behind his shoulder before a sigh escape his lips. “Sungjong, you shocked me. Good morning.”


Sungjong didn’t replies back, instead he lean his forehead against Woohyun’s shoulder, tightening his arms around the elder’s waist, locking him.


“Are you hungry?” Woohyun asks, turning back to his cooking. “Please wait a minute, I’m almost done.”


Woohyun stir the food with spatula in hand. Sungjong stick to his back like a koala, moving with him when Woohyun has to move to pick salt and soy sauce. It’s hard. As clingy as Myungsoo is, he never glued to Woohyun when he is cooking in the kitchen. This is the first time. Sungjong is not the clingy type. He even hate a skinship if he had to do so between members. He never hold their hands except they initiate them in shows, on stage or for a cheer. He is fine if the members want to lean their head on his shoulder or chest or lap. But he won’t do that. Never.


So it surprise Woohyun when Sungjong willed himself to hug him securely in his arms, following wherever he goes around the kitchen. He wants to loosen the arms, or ask Sungjong to let him go. But since this is the first time and Sungjong stick to him like a baby to his mother, he let this slide. Furthermore, he wants to savour this moment. Who knows when he can get the chance to have Sungjong hugs him willingly?


“I’m done. Go wash your face then we can eat together,” Woohyun says after he set the table.


Sungjong shakes his head behind his shoulder, still not saying a word.




“I don’t want to,” he mumbled childishly.


“Go wash your face first. I won’t eat. I will wait for you.”


That does the trick. For the first time since Sungjong engulf him in his arms, he lift his head to look at the elder’s face.


“Really? You will wait for me?”


Woohyun glance behind his shoulder, meeting Sungjong’s face just an inch from him.


“What are you guys doing?” Sunggyu asks, half shout.


Woohyun jump slightly, turning to the other side. Sunggyu is standing by the kitchen entrance. He look at the two members with horror on his face. It was the usual and unusual morning. Woohyun is smiling as always and Sungjong is leaning against Woohyun’s back and shoulder.


“Sunggyu hyung, good morning,” Woohyun greets him happily.


“Woohyun-ah…” Sunggyu point to them. “What…what did you do?”


Woohyun tilted his head. “Huh? Nothing.” He peek at the younger behind him. “Go wash up, Sungjong. We will wait for you then we can eat together.”


It was faint, but Woohyun caught the soft mumbles of don’t want from Sungjong.


“Sungjong-ah. I have a schedule after this. I need to eat breakfast to get ready.”


Half-heartedly, Sungjong loosen his arms and slowly ever so painfully, he step back from Woohyun. The elder turns around and frowning when he see Sungjong’s sad face and teary eyes. Sunggyu walk closer and stand beside him, watching their youngest step backwards before he leave the kitchen.


“What was that?” Sunggyu asks.


“Don’t know.” Woohyun clicked his tongue.


Sunggyu turns to face him. “And what were you two doing hugging in the kitchen? Are you going to kiss? Or had you kissed already?”


Woohyun look at the leader, baffled. “What? No. Sungjong suddenly came to me and hug me when I was cooking. He won’t let me go, not until just now,”


“Yeah, right.” Sunggyu accused him, not believing him as he went around the dining table and take a seat.


“It’s true.” Woohyun followed after him.




“Welcome home,” Dongwoo greets him as soon as he shows his face at the dining area.


“I’m home,” Woohyun replies tiredly. “What are you eating?”


“Jajangmyun. You want some?”


“Can I? I’m tired but I really am hungry,” Woohyun says, sitting in a chair across from the elder.


Dongwoo laughs. “Then you should eat. You can’t sleep with empty stomach.”


Dongwoo stands up and went to the counter. He pick up a bowl and scoop some jajangmyun from the pot.


“Just a little, Dongwoo. I can’t sleep with full stomach. Just enough to fill my hunger,”


“Yes. Yes.” Dongwoo laugh again as he turns around, put the bowl in front of the younger and sits back on his seat.


“What? This is too much,”


“It is not. It’s just half of the bowl,”


“It’s still too much.” Anyhow, woohyun pick up the chopstick and start eating. “Did you cook?”


Dongwoo nods as an answer as his mouth full with noodle.


“Thank you for the food.” Woohyun scoop his second chopstick.


“Woohyun hyung, you’re back,” the voice of the youngest member greets him. “What are you doing?” He gasp as he runs to Woohyun’s side.


“Eating. You want some?” Woohyun replies.


“Hyung, you shouldn’t be eating. We will have dinner in a couple hours,” Sungjong says, looking at Woohyun with horror.


“Let the man eat, Sungjong. He is hungry,” Dongwoo says.


“I will have a late dinner then.” Woohyun shrugged as he scoop his third when Sungjong’s hand grab his wrist. “What?”


“Hyung, stop, please. Late dinner will make you fat,”


“What’s wrong, Sungjong? Woohyun is hungry, let him eat,” Dongwoo warns.


Sungjong look at Dongwoo. “No, he can’t, Dongwoo hyung. Even though he is hungry, he shouldn’t eat when we will have dinner later. It’s not good for his health.”


Dongwoo raise his eyebrow. “Only him? Why you didn’t stop me too then? Will I not eating dinner?”


Sungjong turns toward Woohyun, not responding to Dongwoo. He grab Woohyun’s bowl with his free hand.


“You eat a lot, hyung,”


“No. This is only my third scoop.”


Sungjong shows the half empty bowl to the elder. “Don’t lie, hyung. It left only this in your bowl, this must mean you have eaten a lot of it,”


“What’s wrong with you, Sungjong?” Woohyun asks frustratedly.


“Sungjong, the bowl is half full from the start. I only get him that much, just enough to filled in his hunger before dinner,” Dongwoo says.


“I’m going to sleep,” Woohyun announce, pulling his hand from Sungjong’s grasp, put his chopstick on the table, stand up and left the dining area.


“Sungjong, Woohyun just got back from schedule, he is hungry. You shouldn’t stop him from eating,” Dongwoo says.


“Whatever it is, Woohyun hyung shouldn’t eat before dinner time,” Sungjong replies then he runs after the main vocal. “Woohyun hyung…”


Dongwoo frowns as he shakes his head. He doesn’t understand their youngest. He stop Woohyun from eating with an excuse they will eat dinner later. But why he didn’t stop Dongwoo too? Dongwoo pity Woohyun. The man is tired from his work but he is also famish. Usually, Woohyun choose sleep over eating. If he choose to eat despite being exhausted, that means he really is hungry.


“Woohyun hyung, please listen to me. This is for your own good.”


Dongwoo watch Woohyun walk to the shower room with Sungjong trailed behind him. Woohyun ignore him as he step inside the shower and lock the door. Sungjong stand beside the door with his back on the wall. He keep chanting he is sorry and he just thinking for Woohyun’s own good.


“What is wrong with him?” Dongwoo can only ask the unanswered question.




Infinite members scatter around in the waiting room for Music Bank recording this evening. They had done their makeup and clad in their sparkling outfits. Myungsoo and Sungyeol are sitting by the island table, talking and eating some snacks. Sunggyu is standing by the door talking with one of the coordi noona. Hoya sits by the mirror, playing with his hand phone and checking his hair once in a while. Dongwoo play by himself at one side of the room. Sungjong lean his back on the wall, watching Dongwoo. Every few seconds, his eyes would travel to Woohyun, sitting by the side wall playing and charging his hand phone.


Sungjong was alert when Woohyun discord his hand phone and leave the chair. He sneak a crisp from Myungsoo when he past by the table. Myungsoo offer the bag of crisp to the elder. Sungjong was ready to snatch the bag if Woohyun not refuse the offer. Woohyun take a water bottle next then walk to the sofa opposite of Sungjong and Dongwoo’s spot. Woohyun take a sip from his bottle, put them on the table then lean his back on the sofa, continuing playing with his hand phone.


“Yah, why are you not looking at me?” Dongwoo pouts when he realize Sungjong is not giving him attention.


“Sorry, hyung,” Sungjong says, turning to Dongwoo slightly then he is back looking at Woohyun.


Dongwoo turns around to the subject of Sungjong’s eyes. He frowns seeing the lone figure of Woohyun manage to steal the attention of Sungjong from his interesting moves. He turns back to his position and continue his dance practise, doesn’t care if Sungjong watch him or not. Dongwoo can find his own entertainment playing by himself.


Not long after, Sunggyu walk past by them and went to pick a bag of snack from the table. He open the bag as he walks back to the sofa. Sungjong frowns, clearly annoyed when Sunggyu choose to sit beside Woohyun. Sungjong had push his body from the wall when Sunggyu offer the bag to Woohyun. The lead singer shakes his head before he lean his head on Sunggyu’s shoulder. They talk with low voices and laughing.


“You know, I start to think you might have feeling for Woohyun and jealous of Sunggyu hyung and Woohyun’s close relationship,”


“Huh? What?” Sungjong asks, switching his attention back to Dongwoo.


The elder grins. “You keep staring at Woohyun a lot lately.” He throw his arm around Sungjong’s shoulder. “Do you like Woohyun?”


“Of…of course I like Woohyun hyung. I like all Infinite hyung-dul,” Sungjong stuttered.


Dongwoo tsk. He reach his other hand to Sungjong’s, unwind his clenched fist he didn’t realize he did. “You look mad and stress. Does Woohyun and Sunggyu hyung bothering you so much?”


“No. No. They can do whatever they want. It just…”


“Lunch box is here. Better eat when it still warm,” manager hyung says as soon as he step inside the waiting room, bringing a big box of their lunch boxes.


Manager hyung walk past by the members to put the big box on the island table where Myungsoo and Sungyeol are at. Dongwoo runs to him, leaving Sungjong all by himself. Hoya dash to the table as well to grab his share. Sungjong look between the table and the main vocals by the sofa.


“Let’s go eat,” Sunggyu says.


Woohyun shakes his head. “You go first, hyung. I’m not hungry yet,”


“Are you sure?”


He nods. “Yeah. I think of taking a nap for a while. I will eat in half an hour I guess,”


“Okay. I will save one for you,” Sunggyu says as he get up and went to the table.


Sungjong watch Woohyun play with his hand phone for a moment before he pocketed the gadget, lean his head on the headrest and shut his eyes. The youngest turns to the hungry hyungs at the table, all Infinite members, except Woohyun and himself are getting ready to eat their lunch.


Sungjong make a move to the sofa and sit at Sunggyu’s previous seat.


Woohyun open an eye a little when he sense a presence beside him. “You’re not eating?”


Sungjong shakes his head. “Later. How about you?”


“Later. I can’t open my eyes,” he replies, shutting his eye.


Sungjong scan Woohyun’s face. The elder had full make up on his face but it still can’t hide the paleness of his skin. Sungjong feels his palm sweaty and his nervousness kick in. The image of whitey pale Woohyun in his nightmares crossed his mind. The present is not as bad as the dream but it still worried him.


Sungjong shakes his head. No. Nightmare is nightmare. He has to protect his Woohyun hyung no matter where, either in his dream or in this reality.


Sungjong scoot closer. He pulls Woohyun’s body to lean on his chest.


Woohyun’s eyelids stuttered. But he must be really sleepy he can’t even open his eyes.


“Sleep, hyung.” Sungjong pat Woohyun’s arm. “Go to sleep. I will wake you up when it is time.”


Woohyun hummed. He move his body to get a comfortable position in Sunjong’s arms as the youngest pat his arm and hum him a soft lullaby.


“Does Sungjong doesn’t want to eat too?” Myungsoo asks at the table.


“I forgot,” Dongwoo says sheepishly as he lift his head and turns to look at the spot where he left the younger.




“What is wrong with him?” Sungyeol asks.


“Is that really Sungjong?” Hoya asks.


“Sungjong has been really clingy to Woohyun hyung lately. I wonder why,” Myungsoo says.


Dongwoo glance at Sunggyu as the leader had line of frowns on his forehead watching the famous Tom and Jerry being too close to each other. No one in their group mind Woohyun being snuggly and clingy to any of the member, but it is Sungjong they are curious about.


What the hell is wrong with him?




This is ridiculous. Woohyun thought as he eat his cream puff in the darkness. He is sitting crossed legs, hiding beside the table and wardrobe of Hoya and Dongwoo’s shared bedroom. He is not that hungry but it’s been long since he meet cream puff, he wants to savour the moment without a certain someone snatch them away from him.


He was startled, a piece of the bread stuck in his mouth as he was unable to swallow them, when the door to the room opens. He can only bite them little by little when he realize it is one of the owner of the room.


Hoya steps inside the room, talking with someone over the phone. He didn’t seem to see the other creature in the room as he walk past by the sitting Woohyun to his bed. He sits on his bed, lay his back on the headboard, and continue talking.


Woohyun didn’t mean to eavesdrop. He swear. It just happen his spot was facing Hoya and the younger talk with a loud voice. He guess Hoya is calling home judging by the sudden aegyo and baby talk. This is a perfect chance to take a video and use them to blackmail him later. But Woohyun is too busy with his own problem at hand, moreover, he can’t give away his hiding. He is afraid that certain someone will caught him even before he finish his bread.


Woohyun cough, surprise by the sudden scream. “What? What?” He looks around the room.


“What…what are you doing here, Woohyun hyung?” Hoya asks, pointing at the member.


“Uh…eating?” he replies, showing his half eaten cream puff.


“Huh?” Hoya scoot to the other side of the bed, closer to Woohyun. “Why not eating in your own room?”


“Shhh…” Woohyun put his finger over his lips. “Sungjong will find me,”


“What did this have to do with Sungjong?” Hoya tilted his head.


“He will confiscate my foods.” Woohyun pouts, lowered his head.


Hoya copying him. He saw a bread, a couple of sausages, a can of soda and a couple of triangle kimbab in a white plastic. Hoya take the offered sausage from the elder. “Why would he confiscate your foods?”


“Don’t know. He did a lot lately. I have to eat in hiding.”


Hoya tear the wrap and take a bite of his sausage. “But don’t you think he will find you sooner or later?”


“Later I hope. Let me finish my cream puff at least.”


It easier said than done. Before Woohyun can open his mouth to take another bite of his bread, the door to the room open once again. Both Woohyun and Hoya freeze when they heard the voice of the youngest.


“Woohyun hyung! I found you!”


Woohyun quickly eat the remaining bread in one go as Sungjong march toward him. He cough when he feels it choke him in his throat.


“Waa…I told you, you can’t eat, hyung,” Sungjong nags worriedly. He pats Woohyun’s back to help him clear the way.


Hoya take the soda, open them and shove them to Woohyun. “Drink this.”


But Sungjong quickly snatch them before Woohyun can move his hand.


“Yah, Lee Sungjong!” Hoya half shouts. “Woohyun hyung is chocking.”


Sungjong ignored him as he continue patting his back. He heave out a relief breath when Woohyun had swallow his food. “Woohyun hyung!”




“That’s why I told you, you can’t eat these foods,”


“He can eat whatever he wants, Sungjong,”


“We will eat dinner later, you shouldn’t eat before dinner. I’m taking these,” Sungjong says, ignoring Hoya. With the same hand holding the soda can, he fish the plastic bag with his fingers, the other hand grab Woohyun’s, pulling him to stand up.


Hoya just watch as the youngest pulling the main vocal out of the room, growing confused than ever.




Sungjong wake up with a start. His heart beat loudly in his chest he is sure the members can hear them. Sweat covered his forehead. He feel the back of his t-shirt wet with cold sweat.


“Wha…what’s wrong, Sungjong?” Myungsoo asks, surprise.


Sungjong turns around quickly, as if he didn’t hear Myungsoo’s voice nor he realize even Sunggyu had turns to look at him. He heave out a sigh of relief when he found Woohyun sleep in his seat at the back.


“Are you okay, Sungjong?” Sunggyu asks.


Again, it was ignored. Sungjong climb on his seat and reach out his hand to touch Woohyun’s arm.


“Yah, Lee Sungjong! Sit properly,” Sunggyu orders.


“Woohyun hyung?” Sungjong calls softly.


Woohyun stirred and moans as an answer.


Myungsoo turns to look between Sungjong and Woohyun. Then he turns to face Sunggyu. They exchange confused glance by the youngest strange behaviour.


“Stop bothering him, Sungjong. Sit properly. Let him sleep longer,” Sungyeol nags him.


Sungjong peek at the taller beside Woohyun, then he stare at the main vocal’s face. He looks pale. As pale as he is in his nightmare. Sungjong grows worried. He is really really worried.


“Lee Sungjong, if you are not sit properly, I will go back there and make you,” Sunggyu warns him.


Sungjong quickly corrected his position on the seat. He glance one last time at Woohyun before he sits facing up front. “What?”


“You dare to ask? What is wrong with you?” Sunggyu asks.


“Nothing…” Sungjong whispers, unable to throw out what he feels in his chest.


The van drive for another half an hour before they reach the airport. Infinite is on their way home from a tour in Japan. Five days in the land of the rising sun, Sungjong had a calm days where he didn’t had a nightmare even once. He thought it had stop completely and he can take a relief breath of not worrying over Woohyun. But never crossed his mind that the nightmare would hunt him again as soon as they were on the road home.


Arriving at the airport, Sungjong had stick to Woohyun all the time. No matter what the elder does or goes, Sungjong glued to him like a toddler to his mother. He sometimes cling to Woohyun’s arm or hold his hand. He is aware fans are taking their photos and gossip will burst on the Internet about the possibility of WooJong. But Sungjong would care less.


He didn’t care at all.


What he know is the safety of Woohyun and he wants the elder in front of his eyes all the time. Except when Woohyun needs time in the privacy of the toilet. Even so, Sungjong is standing by the sink, waiting with crossed arms patiently.


“Hyung, don’t you think Sungjong looks strange lately?” Sunggyu caught Hoya asks Dongwoo.


“I am aware, much earlier than you, I think.” Dongwoo giggles, then he turns serious. “I don’t know what is wrong with him,”


“Do you think he is sick?” Hoya gasp worriedly.


“What? So he was clingy to Woohyun like a baby chick because he is sick?” Dongwoo shakes his head at the theory.


“It makes sense don’t you think, hyung? Look.” Hoya pointed at the side.


Sunggyu turns his body around to look behind his seat. Woohyun and Sungjong. They sit beside each other on the first class seat. Woohyun once again had close his eyes to catch himself some sleep. Sungjong cling to his arm and lean his head on Woohyun’s shoulder, even though it must hurt and very uncomfortable. Sunggyu straightens his position, with line of frowns on his forehead.


Very strange, indeed. If he remembers correctly, Myungsoo is the owner of the seat beside Woohyun, and Sungjong is supposed to sit with Sungyeol. Since when did Sungjong and Myungsoo exchange seat? And without his knowledge too.




“What time did you finish today?” Sunggyu asks when Woohyun is getting ready for his individual schedule with Sungyeol.


“Before midnight I hope.” Woohyun shrugged.


“Okay. Be careful.”




Woohyun keep his mouth shut as he concentrate on buttoning his shirt but Sunggyu knows he heard him well and clear. But Woohyun frowns seeing Sunggyu’s silhouette from the mirror. The leader just stare at him as if he is thinking of something and contemplating if he should voice out or not.


“Are you okay, hyung?” Woohyun asks, turning around to face him.


Sunggyu shakes his head. “Yeah, I’m fine,”


“Are you sure?”




Woohyun turns back to the mirror, checking his shirt and hair.




Sunggyu continue staring at Woohyun as he dolled himself.


“I know you want to say something, Sunggyu hyung.”


Sunggyu chuckles. “You know me too well, Woohyun-ah.”


Woohyun smirk.


“I hope you know your dongsaeng as well as you know me too.”


Woohyun turns around. “Huh? What do you mean?”


Sunggyu sighs. “Sungjong.”


Woohyun groans. He went to the bed where Sunggyu had sit but he reach for his jacket beside him. “I don’t know what’s wrong with him, if that what you mean,”


“You never asks?”


Woohyun just stare at the elder, making Sunggyu know instantly that the younger never question Sungjong’s strange behaviour.


“Can you ask? He really worries me, everyone too. I asked him before but he said everything is fine and nothing is weird.”




“Can you ask him, Woohyun-ah?”




‘Hyung, where are you? You should be home by now.’


‘Hyung, did you eat your dinner? What did you eat? I hope you just eat dinner and no extravagant dessert.’


‘Woohyun Hyung, I saw a post on SNS, there was a coffee truck at the station. You didn’t drink coffee there, right?’


‘Woohyun Hyung, you can only drink coffee but you can’t eat anything.’


‘Hyung, where are you now? Are you home yet?’


Woohyun groans as he pocketed his hand phone, ignoring another incoming message from the youngest member.


“Who is it? Sunggyu hyung or Sungjong?” Sungyeol asks beside him.


“Sungjong.” Woohyun replies as he lean his head on the headrest.


“Is he okay? What’s wrong with him? He had been chummy with you lately,”


“Why don’t you ask him yourself because I really don’t know.”




Sungyeol scan Woohyun’s tired face in the dark of their van. Woohyun looks like he didn’t care but Sungyeol knows, the slightly elder man is curious himself. “Myungsoo told me before, Sungjong had been clingy to you. I found it hard to believe at first.”


Woohyun snort. “No one would believe, Sunjong had turn to be a baby koala all of a sudden,”


“You must like it I believe?”


Woohyun chuckles. “At first. Who won’t? Sungjong is just like you and Hoya. You guys are not someone who would initiate skinship. To have Sungjong suddenly hugging me and clingy with me was a surprise but I enjoy them of course. It’s not easy to have him offer himself to be hold.” He sighs. “But if it only skinship, I would be more than happy,”


“Huh?” Sungyeol tilted his head. “What do you mean? Did he do something else?”


“He start to control my meal too.” Woohyun groans.


“Huh? He did?” Sungyeol found it hard to believe. He look at Woohyun as if the elder had grows another head.


“Yeah. He only let me eats the usual. But he will confiscate my snacks if I tried to have one,”


“Good for you. Aren’t you on a diet? You shouldn’t eat junk food.” Sungyeol laughs.


Woohyun hit him on the arm. “It’s not junk food. Just cream puff or sausages or triangle kimbab. I can’t even drink in front of him.”




“Myungsoo told me, he bought chicken the other day and Sungjong warns him to not let you know there was chicken,” Sungyeol says. “He was confused but he let it slide. Then the other day he had to sneakily give you a cream puff because you ask him to?”


Woohyun nods his head. He throws his eyes outside the window and realize they are half an hour home. “I had to eat in hiding too you know. But he caught me and confiscate them as well.” He sighs. “There were days when I didn’t eat lunch and I was too hungry but Sungjong won’t let me eat even a bite of triangle kimbab.”


He sounds sad. Sungyeol pity him.


“He must have a reason?” Sungyeol guess.


“I don’t know what get into his head. I just hope he stop this instant. I don’t mind him being clingy, just…don’t take away my food,” Woohyun whines.


Silence again.


“Do you think he had a nightmare or something?”


Woohyun turns to the taller beside him. “Huh? Why do you say so?”


Sungyeol shrugged. “The other day, when we were on the way to the airport. You were napping, Sungjong too. We were surprise when Sungjong woke up suddenly. He looks shock and scared. He look at you and tried to wake you up. His face at that time…” Sungyeol clicked his tongue. “He look terrified, as if something happen to you.”


Woohyun gulp his saliva. Sungjong had a nightmare? Because of him?


“And there were times when I woke up at night, I saw Sungjong went to your room. You didn’t know?”


Woohyun shakes his head.


“Weird. You’re a light sleeper, hyung. I thought you woke up as soon as he open your door,”


“I didn’t. But there were times I woke up with him hugging me. I thought he were just got in and tried to steal some sleep before Sunggyu hyung woke us up,” he explains.


Woohyun sighs as he throw his eyes back on the road outside the window. He starts to worry about their youngest Lee Sungjong. Of course he found it strange for Sungjong to open up and clingy to him. It was weirder because Sungjong only stick to him and no one else. But like he said, he enjoys the moment while it last. Who knows when Sungjong will be back with the skinship allergy?


But the controlling Sungjong gets on his nerves too. He can’t eat freely as before and he was always hungry. He miss cream puff and he didn’t remember when the last time he drink. All because Sungjong snatch them away from him.


Sunggyu demand him to ask Sungjong. Sungyeol told him Sungjong might have a nightmare. If it is true…Woohyun has a huge task he need to take care of. He just hope everything is okay. Because they all are worried.




Woohyun and Sungyeol are still on the road home. Myungsoo had lock himself in his shared bedroom playing video games or watching you know what videos. Sunggyu, Dongwoo and Hoya are watching a movie in the living room. Sungjong is in his room after the elders shooed him when he can’t fight his drowsiness. He was stubborn. He wants to wait for Woohyun but Sunggyu said Woohyun won’t be back for another two to three hours. Sungjong had an early schedule tomorrow so the leader had to kick him to his room to get some sleep. He promise he will tell Woohyun to check in on him when he is home.


They watch the movie without making a word. Only the sounds from the home theatre and munching of popcorn and slurping drinks are heard in the room. The men are too engrossed in their film. That’s why, can you imagine how surprise they are when the youngest Lee Sungjong barged from his room?


Dongwoo had spilled the popcorn in his hand. Hoya feels his heart want to jump out of his chest. Sunggyu fake a calm face as he watch the frantic Sungjong crossed the living room and runs to the closet room.


“Yah, Lee Sungjong!” Sunggyu shouts at him.


Ignoring the leader, Sungjong slide open the door of Woohyun’s room, only to find it dark and empty. Sungjong runs back to the living room.


“Where’s Woohyun hyung? He is not back yet?” he asks, panting.


“No. Not yet,” Sunggyu replies. “I told you, I will tell Woohyun to check on you when he arrived,”


“Are you okay, Sungjong?” Dongwoo jumps from his seat, worriedly scanning Sungjong’s sweaty face. “You look pale. Are you sick?”


“You’re sick?” Sunggyu asks.


Sungjong quickly shakes his head. “No. No. I’m not sick. I’m just…”


“We’re home.” The door to the apartment open and revealed Woohyun and Sungyeol stepping inside taking off their shoes.


Sungjong turns around and runs to the door, engulfing Woohyun in a hug. “Woohyun hyung…” he cries.


“Yah, Lee Sungjong!” Sungyeol scold him as he was startled by the welcome hug.


Woohyun pats Sungjong’s back, calming him down. He exchange glances with Sunggyu on the settee. The leader shrugged but hold a concern look on his face as well.


“There. There. I’m here now. It’s okay now,” he says softly.


They stay like that for a few minutes until Sungjong had calm himself. Sungyeol had left them at the doorway and go clean up first. Sunggyu had to break Woohyun and Sungjong apart. He orders Woohyun to clean up and Sungjong to go back to sleep since he should be content now that Woohyun is back.


But no. Sungjong waits behind the closed door of the bathroom while Woohyun is showering. Dongwoo ask him to sit with them but he decline. He is afraid Woohyun will disappear before his own eyes.


“This kid is really sick.” Hoya shakes his head.


They look at the youngest with pity and worry. But Sungjong would care less.


“What are you doing here?” Woohyun asks as soon as he opens the door and find Sungjong sitting in front of it.


Sungjong jump to his feet. “Waiting for you.”


Woohyun sighs. “I’m not going anywhere and I’m not going to eat a late night snack,”


“I…I know you won’t.”


Woohyun grab Sungjong’s hand and pulls him toward Sungjong’s own room. He close the door and push the younger slowly to his bed.


“Sleep, Sungjong,”


“What about you, hyung?”


“The schedule start at noon and I’m free for the morning. I can wake up late. But you, you have to sleep now or you might be late tomorrow.”


Sungjong pouts. Woohyun readied his pillow and help Sungjong to lay down. He pulls the blanket to Sungjong’s chest. He sits at the edge of the bed, patting Sungjong’s arm. He hums a melody to lull the younger. But Sungjong keep his eyes open, staring still at the elder.


“Sleep, Sungjong. I will be here until you falls asleep,”


“I’m sorry, Woohyun hyung.”


Woohyun smiles. He looks tired. His eyes red and his voice hoarse. Sungjong feels sorry for the elder yet he is elated that the elder would do so much for him. He knows he had troubled Woohyun for the past month with his ridiculous possessiveness. But he can’t help it. His nightmare haunting him that he was so scared for Woohyun’s life. He swear he will protect the elder. In his dream and in his reality.


“Sungjong-ah,” Woohyun calls softly. Sungjong hum as an answer. “Do you…have a nightmare?”




“You can tell me, Sungjong-ah.” Woohyun comb Sungjong’s hair with his fingers. “Are you scared?”


Sungjong nods his head.


“What was it about? Was it have anything to do with me?”


Sungjong pulls the blanket to his eyes, hiding from Woohyun’s concern orbs. Woohyun just brushing his hair calmly while humming the melody. Be patient. Be patient. He told himself. He is exhausted and he is sleepy. There’s nothing he wants right now other than the fluffy pillows on his bed. But Sungjong needs him. He is a tease and he love to pick on their youngest. But when Sungjong is in trouble, he should do his duty as a hyung.


Sungjong is the bravest in Infinite and his favourite genre of movie is horror. Nothing can scare him and surprise him. Except…this nightmare that seems to haunt him. Infinite hyungs is worried. And Woohyun wants his cream puff back. He has to do something to ease the younger of this nightmare.


“You can tell me, Sungjong-ah,” Woohyun says softly. “What is this nightmare is about?”


Sungjong pulls the blanket lowly revealing his eyes, watching the elder. “Hyung…”




“I saw Woohyun hyung,”


“You saw me? What did I do?”


Sungjong gulp his saliva as he pulls the blanket lower to his chin. “Woohyun is always the same dream. It’s not every day but it is always the same,”


“You know it’s only a dream, right? It’s not real, right?”


Sungjong nods his head weakly. “I know. But it seems real, and I’m…scared.”


Woohyun smiles. “What is it about? What did I do? What happen to me?”


“Woohyun hyung, there always a spread of food on the table in front of you,”


“Uh-huh.” Woohyun is confused. He thought it has something to do with death, killing, zombies, ghosts or earthquake. But food? “What happen? What makes you scared of the food in front of me?”


“There is a lot of food; Korean, Western, Japanese, Mexican, pizzas, chickens, ice creams, cakes and a lot of cakes,” Sungjong says. “You eat a lot, Woohyun hyung. One after the other. It seems like you eat them all but the food keep coming. No matter how much you eat, the food won’t disappear,”


“Uh-huh.” Woohyun urged him calmly. “Did I get food poisoning?” 


It must be it, right? Sungjong was scared of the food because he dream of Woohyun got food poisoning, right?


Sungjong shakes his head. “You eat a lot, and you got bigger and bigger.”


Woohyun’s eyes widen, flabbergasted. “Wh…what?”


“You didn’t stop eating, and I can’t stop you. I fail to stop you,” Sungjong cries. “You got big, hyung. Very big, you can’t even move except your hands to reach for more food,”


“Sungjong…” Woohyun feels a headache coming. “You got a nightmare about me eating a lot of food until I got bigger?” Sungjong nods his head. “How big I become? Like Kang Hodong hyung? Moon Seyoon hyung?”


Sungjong shakes his head again. “Like sumo athletes.”




Woohyun stare at the younger. In the pitch dark room, he can see the glassy eyes and terrified look Sungjong throw at him. He must be really scared, so scared that Woohyun think it was ridiculous.


“So…you snatch my food and deprived me from any snacks aside from the main meals, no matter how hungry I was at the time, is because you’re afraid I will eat a lot and become big like a sumo athlete?” Woohyun asks through gritted teeth.


Sungjong nods his head. “I have to protect you, hyung. I fail to do so in those nightmares. I have to save you from eating a lot. You can’t be like that, hyung. I don’t want you to be like that,”


“Are you insane?” Woohyun jumps from the bed, startling the younger. “I was starved and you won’t let me eat just because we will eat lunch or dinner later. Do you think eating a lot will make me fat?”


“Hyung…” Sungjong sat up on his elbows.


“I can’t be fat. No matter how much I eat, I can’t be fat because I exercise regularly. And you, stop thinking too much and go to sleep. Don’t you dare telling me what I can’t eat after this.”


Sungjong gasp, terrified. “Hyung…”


“Stop this nonsense, Lee Sungjong. I don’t care anymore. You better stop this rubbish. Go to sleep!” Woohyun says angrily as he turns around and stomp out of the room.


Five Infinite members, including Sungyeol and Myungsoo, at the living room watching television are surprise by the sudden appearance of the main vocal, walking furiously past them to his room. They just watch as Sungjong crying and runs after him. Sungjong is just in time to have Woohyun close the door on his face.


“Woohyun hyung. Woohyun hyung, open the door. Don’t be like this, please. I was scared. I am scared,” Sungjong pleaded, knocking on the door with his palm.


“What is he doing?” Dongwoo asks.


“What happen?” Myungsoo asks.


“Did they talk?” Sungyeol asks.


“Is he stupid?” Hoya asks.


“It must be,” Sunggyu concluded. “How scared he is that he forgot the room has no lock?”


They choose to pay no attention to their youngest as they continue watching the movie. Sungjong’s crying and knocking mix with the sound of the movie but they would care less. They’re curious of Sungjong’s cause of protectiveness and possessiveness and clinginess of Woohyun. But if Woohyun himself run away and ignore him, that means Sungjong’s worry is not as big as they think it is.


They will leave the two as is for the moment. Let Sungjong cries behind the closed door and Woohyun safe in his sleep. They will just confront the two later tomorrow.


For now, Sungjong is still crying and begging for Woohyun to open the door, forgetting he can do so himself.




How is it?

Is it bad?

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I want to write a sweet clingy Sungjong with Woohyun and a bit of fluff and humour. Not sure if I succeeded.




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YasuharaNiwa #1
Chapter 12: Chapter 12. A i never know i needed until i read you fic. I love the way the members are jealous everytime Woohyun mentioned Sunggyu in their y time lol. I wonder what would be their reaction if leader Gyu doing Woohyun in front of all the members to assert his dominance
YasuharaNiwa #2
Chapter 4 this is so adorable💕💕💕 the way Sunggyu immediately go to Woohyun is cute and heartwarming
703 streak #3
Chapter 7: bold sunggyu is 🔥
703 streak #4
Chapter 6: Woohyun 😅
703 streak #5
Chapter 5: I questioned that example too 😅
703 streak #6
Chapter 4: adorable woogyu ☺️
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 8: why i don't get who is they first love😬
703 streak #8
Chapter 1: i just read this now. i love how sunggyu spoiled woohyun 😁
Chapter 1: This chapter was cute. Loved reading this. Started reading this again❤️❤️
Chapter 11: Sequel😁😁😁

Also it was amazing,keep going author-nim😍