Meet My Boyfriend

Infinite Paradise

Title: Meet My Boyfriend

Pairings: WooGyu, MyungYeol

Summary: Woohyun is desperate to introduce his new boyfriend to his parents but he doesn’t have any at the moment.



Woohyun throw his hand phone on the table, ruffling his hair, frustrated.


“What’s wrong with you?” his friend and co-worker, Sungyeol, asks as he hit Woohyun’s head lightly with a file in his hands.


Woohyun lowered his hands, a sigh escaped his lips. “My parents…”


“What’s wrong with your parents?” Sungyeol asks again, pulling his chair beside the later and sit down.


“My parents want to come this weekend,”


“Uhuh. So?” he asks, flipping the file. Not more than seconds later, he gasp, looking at Woohyun. “You don’t like your parents come visiting you? What a horrible son you are,”


“What? No!” Woohyun look at Sungyeol, flabbergasted. “I love my parents and I’m elated they want to come, seeing I am too busy to go back home,”


“Uhuh. So?” Sungyeol repeated his question.


“They want to meet my boyfriend,”  


“Uhuh. So?”


“Lee Sungyeol!” Woohyun gasp, putting a hand on his heart. “Can’t you see I’m frustrated enough?”


Sungyeol shrugged. “I don’t see any problem here. Just invite your boyfriend over when your parents are here, introduce them. Simple,”


“It’s not that simple.” Woohyun sigh when Sungyeol tilted his head confusedly. “I don’t have a boyfriend, remember?”


“Ahhh…” Sungyeol says. “I forgot,”


“Ahhh indeed,” Woohyun mock him. He turns back to his table and ruffling his hair, groaning. “What should I do?”


“Just told them you had broken up,”


“I can’t…”




“Why are you chatting? Finish your work?” the voice of their team leader says behind them, startling both men.


Woohyun and Sungyeol turns around and apologize at the same time. The team leader, Kim Sunggyu click his tongue as he walk to his table at the head of the row. Woohyun and Sungyeol turn back to their table to continue with their work, Sungyeol especially. Woohyun wake his sleeping computer, moving his mouse around the pad and watching the cursor running around with nowhere to go. He slam his head on the table, startling Sungyeol at his side. His team leader just watch him with an amused smile on his face.




“Please help me, Myungsoo,” Woohyun beg the younger.


“I would love to but how do you think it would work?” Myungsoo sighs.


“What do you mean you love to help him? Never!” Sungyeol says, walking in on them.


Myungsoo stretch his neck over his shoulder. Sungyeol walk in the living room with a plastic bag in hand. He put the bag on the coffee table and take out the beers and snacks.


“Aww…please, Sungyeol. Let Myungsoo help me,” Woohyun change his target.


“No,” Sungyeol replies indifferently.


“You don’t know what Woohyun hyung ask to help with,” Myungsoo says.


“Fine. What did he ask you?” Sungyeol groans.


“Can I borrow Myungsoo to be my fake boyfriend when…”


“No,” Sungyeol cuts his friend off.


Woohyun pouts, sinking in his seat. Myungsoo reach for the beer, open the can and give them to the elder. Woohyun take the can but just holding them in his hands, sulking. He is currently in Sungyeol and Myungsoo’s apartment, sitting on the couch in their living room. Woohyun and Sungyeol went to university together and landed themselves work in the same department in the same company. They used to be housemate since university but Sungyeol move out three months ago to live with his boyfriend, who also their next door neighbour.


“Why can’t I? Poor Woohyun hyung,” Myungsoo says.


Sungyeol sighs. “Because you said so too, did you think it will work?”


“It will.” Woohyun lean his body forward. “Myungsoo will come to dinner with my parents and I will introduce him as my boyfriend. Just for one night. My parents will go back home on Sunday,”


“Then?” Sungyeol asks.


“Then?” Woohyun asks back, didn’t understand.


“Our house just next to each other. Where do you think Myungsoo would come from? From this door to yours? Did you think they won’t crossed each other? Should he hide from your parents until they go back home?”


Silent. Woohyun blink his eyes. Clearly it never crossed his mind.


Sungyeol sighs again. “It’s not going to work. Your parents will question why I move out and live with Myungsoo when Myungsoo supposed to be your boyfriend?”


Woohyun groans. He rubs his face with his free hand. “I didn’t think,”


“You’re desperate, hyung. Don’t blame yourself.” Myungsoo rubs his shoulder to comfort him.


“What should I do…? My parents will come on Friday…”


“You know, as much as I hate Sungjong and very much happy when you two broke up, it’s a shame you two broke up before this fiasco,” Sungyeol says.


“No. I don’t think so.” Woohyun shakes his head. “It will be a disaster to introduce Sungjong only to break up later,”


“True.” Myungsoo nods his head. “Your parents will be sad to know you two break up after they already meet Sungjong,”


“Then…just told your parents the truth, you guys broke up and there won’t be a boyfriend to introduce to,” Sungyeol suggest. Obviously he doesn’t understand how hard it is to be clear with your parents.


“I can’t…” Woohyun sighs.


“Why?” Myungsoo asks.


“If I said I’m single, umma will go on her quest to send me to blind dates. It’s tiring and I don’t think I got the time to go with every match making session she plan for me.”


Myungsoo and Sungyeol exchange look. Their slightly older friend neighbour is too pitiful but they didn’t know if they want to sympathize with him or laugh at him. Because the Nam Woohyun they know is someone with a cheerful personality and happy smiles. It’s funny to see him look miserable and lost, like right now.


“Want me to be a match maker for you, Woohyun hyung?” Myungsoo asks.


“No…” Woohyun replies dejectedly.


“No, listen to me first.” Woohyun look at him sideway. “Why don’t I introduce you to my cousin hyung? He can help you,”


“Ahh…” Sungyeol clap his hands excitedly but carefully not to spilled his drink. “The cousin hyung,”


“Who?” Woohyun look between Myungsoo and Sungyeol.


“You don’t know him but you remember right, I told you before my cousin hyung is interested in you?” Woohyun frowns, clearly he didn’t remember. Myungsoo sighs. “My cousin hyung want to date you but you reject, because you already dating Sungjong,”


“Ahhh…” Woohyun says. “I think I remember that happen, it’s at the back of my head,”


“So?” Myungsoo asks.


“So?” Woohyun return the question back.


“Would you be interested? I can call my cousin hyung right away,”


“I don’t know, Myungsoo.” He sighs. “I reject him before. I don’t think it’s a good idea to ask for his help. Who knows he had already has someone and would only help just to get back at me?


“Nonsense. I know my cousin hyung. He is still single and obviously, he still has the hot for you.”




His eyes stick to the computer screen and his fingers typing furiously on the keyboard. But his heart beating crazily in his chest as he chewed his lower lip anxiously. His eyes keep peeking at his hand phone every few seconds, hoping some miracle text would pop up. From who and what news, he is not sure himself.


The hand phone ding and Woohyun jump slightly. He snatch his hand phone to read the text, from his neighbour.


“What’s wrong?” Sungyeol asks, being a surprise victim of Woohyun’s outburst.




“Is everything okay?” he asks worriedly, seeing the widen eyes and frozen Woohyun like it was a stiff video recording. “Woohyun?” he calls, waving his hand in front of Woohyun’s eyes.


Still no reaction. Sungyeol snatch the hand phone, startling Woohyun and received a weak hey in protest. He read the message before giving back the device to the later. “I thought something bad happen,”


“It is bad.”


Sungyeol tilted his head. “How so? This is good, isn’t it?”


“But…but…” Woohyun’s eyes downcast. He is worried. He is anxious. He is scared.


Sungyeol sighs. “You need a boyfriend to introduce to your parents. And someone is interested in you. How bad could it be? Let’s go and just meet him. Who knows it will be a start for a new relationship?”


“I’m not ready for a new relationship,” Woohyun says, still with his head low.


“You can start with being friends, see if you guys compatible or not….” Sungyeol’s words slowed at the end, as if he is considering it itself.


Woohyun lift up his head. “Do you know this cousin hyung? Have you meet him?”




“Chitchatting again?” Kim Sunggyu the team leader asks, this time from opposite of their table.


Their unit consist of four work stations facing each other, with Sungyeol and Woohyun sit side by side, while Dongwoo and Hoya sits opposite of them, and Sunggyu’s desk is at the head of the station.


Woohyun and Sungyeol swift their heads and seeing Sunggyu with both hands on his waist, standing behind Dongwoo as if he has been there all this time. They mumbled a soft sorry before they straightening their body to continue with their work.


“Just go. It’s no harm to meet him. You need help with your parents and I tell you, I won’t let you borrow Myungsoo,” Sungyeol whispers, making sure the leader didn’t hear him.


“Would it be okay? He is not a creepy guy, is he?”


“He is a good guy,”


“Is he an ajusshi?”


“No, he is still young. Look, if he is agree to see you, that means he is still interested in you.”


Woohyun sighs. He pick up his hand phone that he discarded after Sunggyu interrupt them, to reply to Myungsoo’s text message, oblivious to Sungyeol and Sunggyu’s exchange look.




“I’m scared,”


“Yes. Yes. You will be fine.”


Sungyeol sighs. It has been the nth time his friend crying the same word and he keep repeating to comfort him. They are in a restaurant close to their apartment building, waiting for Myungsoo to arrive with his cousin hyung. Woohyun had a cold feet as soon as he reached home. Sungyeol had to help him get ready and almost drag him out to the designated place. He thought of changing the plan, asking Myungsoo to bring the cousin to a more comfortable place, like their house, or Woohyun’s house. But neither Woohyun nor him have enough food to feed a party of four and the time is not enough to prepare either. And it would be rude to order a takeout for a first time meeting, between Woohyun and the suitable partner, of course. So he had to stick with the plan, dragging Woohyun to the restaurant and nurse his bleeding ears of Woohyun’s constant whining.


“What kind of a man he is?”


“Great. He is cool once you know him,”


“Is he pretty?”




“How old is he? Wait, its Myungsoo’s cousin hyung so he should be older.” He pouts.


“What?” Sungyeol chuckles. “He is not that old. Just two years older than us I think,”


“You know my type is younger and pretty…”


“Oh, that’s why you reject me, because I am older and not pretty?”


Woohyun froze when he heard the voice he perfectly know of. He turns his head slowly, and gasp when the very Kim Sunggyu is standing behind his chair, smiling amusedly with Myungsoo beside him.




“Thank you for the ride and dinner, hyung,” Myungsoo says before he step out of the car.


“Sure. Call me later, okay,” Sunggyu says, looking behind his shoulder from the driver seat.


Myungsoo close the door and walking to the apartment with Sungyeol, leaving Woohyun in the car with Sunggyu. It’s quiet in the car. Neither Woohyun nor Sunggyu say a word. And no background music playing at all. He feel suffocated. His palm sweaty. His heart drumming. His throat drying.


“You’re awfully quiet,”


“Huh? Huh?” Woohyun turns to his head to the man but quickly turns to the front back when he realize the leader had staring at him with his sharp small eyes.


“I’m hurt,” he says.


“Huh? What…what do you mean, sir?”


“You’re a talkative and cheerful person. You even a mood maker in the lunch or dinner meeting. But tonight…you didn’t say a word to me at all,”


“You lying.” Woohyun pouts. “I do answer your question.” He turns to face Sunggyu, stunned and turns back to the front.


Sunggyu smiles, amused. “I thought you won’t be scared anymore since...well, it is me. Not some creepy weird ajusshi,”


“I’m…I’m not scared. It just…you’re my boss,”


“Uhuh. So?”


Woohyun look at the man, flabbergasted. “So, it’s weird to be in this situation. Who would have thought, Myungsoo’s cousin hyung is you. And…”




“And…” Woohyun at a loss of word. No. He knows what he want to say. But the word stuck in his throat and he refuse to let it slip out of his tongue.


“And you can’t believe I am the guy who had pestered Myungsoo to introduce us because I had fallen in love with you?”


Woohyun gasp. The beating in his heart grow louder and he feels his ears burning red. “How…how could you say like that, Mr Kim?”


“Why can’t I…?” Sunggyu lean in, invading Woohyun’s space, making the younger lean back against his seat. “It was love at first sight. I can’t stop thinking about you the first time I see you.”


Woohyun gulp his saliva. “At…at the company?”


Sunggyu shakes his head. “At the apartment.” Then he pouts. “Did you forget already? I told you at dinner just now,”


“Sorry.” Woohyun lowered his head, but gasp when Sunggyu hold his cheek and raise his head to meet the eyes. “Mr Kim…”


“You should stop calling me Mr Kim,” Sunggyu whispers, brushing Woohyun’s lower lip with his thumb.


“Then…how…how should I call you?”


“How about…jagiya?”


Sunggyu lean in to capture Woohyun’s lips in a kiss, without giving the younger a chance to collect his mind to response. Woohyun gasp, surprise. And Sunggyu take the advantage to shove his tongue and explore Woohyun’s sweet little cavern. Woohyun moans when their tongues meet, sending spark of electricity down his spine. He didn’t realize when did he close his eyes, but he like the kiss he shared with his boss. It’s sweet, gentle, a bit of rush and hungry, but lovely.


He never feel like this before. Not when he was dating Lee Sungjong.




“You lied to me,”


“I didn’t,”


“Why you never told me about the cousin hyung?”


“Because that cousin hyung want to meet you himself.”


Woohyun groans as he slump on his chair and ruffling his hair. “This is getting out of hand,”


“Huh? Why so?”


Woohyun swing his chair to face Sungyeol. “How can I told my parents that I am dating…”


“You guys date already?” Sungyeol gasp, but can’t hide the mischievous and the smirk on his face.


“Cut…cut it out,”


“You two…so loud in the morning,” Sunggyu says as soon as he reach their workstation unit.


“Morning, Mr Kim,” Sungyeol greets him happily.


Woohyun turns to his table, his head low and mumbled a soft good morning to his team leader.


“What the morning topic for today? Who is dating?” Sunggyu asks from his table at the head.


“I’m not sure, Mr Kim. But apparently Woohyun had found a suitable partner. Hopefully this will be his last love and live with him forever,” Sungyeol says, peeking at his friend.


Woohyun feels red climbing his neck to his cheeks to his ears. He refused to lift up his head, for sure he will see Sunggyu’s eyes on him with that cheeky and amused smile of his.


“Let’s us just pray together that Woohyun and his new lover will stay together for the rest of their life.”


Startled, Woohyun lift his head to look at the team leader. Wrong move. He knows his cheeks turn redder when he caught Sunggyu stare at him and his lower lip.




“Are you sure this is okay? Should we add more side dishes?”


Woohyun is helping his mother preparing the table when Mrs Nam ask. “This is more than enough, umma. Mist…Sunggyu hyung is not a fussy eater,”


“It’s no harm to have more, don’t you think?”


“I think this is enough,” Mr Nam says to his son’s rescue. “You cook enough for a royal meal. I’m afraid he can’t eat all of it,”


“Nonsense. We’re finally meeting our baby’s boyfriend. We should make sure everything would be perfect,” Mrs Nam says.


“This is more than perfect, umma,” Woohyun replies, seeing the full table that even put the royal meal to shame.


“Are you sure?” Mrs Nam asks.


“What time your boyfriend will come?” Mr Nam asks.


Before Woohyun can open his mouth to answer to both questions, his intercom ring, freezing him on his spot.


“Is it him? He is here already?” Mrs Nam asks excitedly.


“What are you doing, Woohyun? Go open the door,” Mr Nam urged his son.


Woohyun jerk out of his trance. He turns around and quickly went to the door. His ears ringing with nervousness with every step he took. He glance at the intercom, seeing his boss’ face showing on the screen. He gulp his saliva.


This is it. No turning back now.


With a shaking hand, he twist the door knob, greeting Sunggyu’s smiling face and handsome feature. He is holding a basket of flowers in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other.


“Hey,” he says as a greeting. He tilted his head when the owner of the house stood frozen at the doorframe. “Woohyun?”


Startled, Woohyun cursed himself inside his head for being stoned for the second time in less than a minute, just because of his team leader in front of him.


“Hi, Mr…Sunggyu hyung,” he change his greeting when Sunggyu shows his distress by the name calling.


Sunggyu smiles. “Hi.” He peek behind Woohyun’s shoulder. “Not inviting me in?”


“Come…come in,” he says, making way to let Sunggyu enter the house.


Sunggyu take off his shoes and slip on the indoor slipper Woohyun prepare for him. He follow after the younger into the inner part of the house, meeting with both Woohyun’s father and mother near the dining table.


“Appa, umma, this is Sunggyu hyung, my boyfriend,” Woohyun introduced.


Sunggyu bows his head. “Annyeonghaseyo, umonim, abunim, thank you for having me today.” He give the basket of flowers to Mrs Nam. “This is for you, umonim. I must say our Woohyun take after you, he is as beautiful as you.”


Mrs Nam smiles taking the basket from Sunggyu’s hand. Her heart swell with pride and unexplainable happiness. Both from the praise she is beautiful and from how Sunggyu boldly announce Woohyun as his. She knows in her heart, this gentleman in front of her love her child and would go as far as the moon to protect him.


They move to the dining table to start with the dinner and chit chatting. Woohyun and Sunggyu sit beside each other with the parents in front of them. Mrs Nam opposite of Woohyun while Mr Nam opposite of Sunggyu. The guest can’t stop praising the mother’s homemade dish as well, making the only woman in the house feeling giddy and giving more food into his bowl.


“How long have you known our Woohyun?” Mr Nam asks.


Woohyun’s hand stop moving. From the start of their dinner, the topic of their chat is just a common talk like the weather, current issue, Sunggyu’s family, work and school. He dreaded when his parents would start to ask about them. Woohyun had ask Sunggyu’s opinion about this, planning to make an answer sheet for tonight. But Sunggyu brush him off. He doesn’t need a piece of paper to help the meeting with the future parents-in-law. Woohyun’s already red cheeks turn a shade darker when Sunggyu boldly said he want to be honest and tell them the truth of his feeling.


Woohyun knows Sunggyu had told him something of his feeling back on the double date a couple nights before but he can’t remember any. He was too nervous to learn the cousin hyung is his team leader and everything Sunggyu said fall in deaf ears.


“It has been more than three years.”


Woohyun perk up by the response. He glance at the elder. Three years? And more? True, he had been working at the company at least for four years but he just move to Sunggyu’s unit not more than two. Did Sunggyu already know him before they work under the same team?


“How did you know our baby?” Mrs Nam asks.


Sunggyu smiles, obviously humoured by how the mother still refer as her son as baby no matter how old he is. “I am Myungsoo, the next door neighbour’s cousin. I first saw Woohyun when I help Myungsoo move in four years ago.”


Ahhh…that make sense. Woohyun mentally nods his head. Myungsoo move in next door not more than four years ago. Sungyeol and him went to give some food and say hello before they had to run to their university to submit the final report. There are a couple of men beside Myungsoo helping in the house and Sunggyu must be one of them.




It just a short while, not even half a minute when Myungsoo answer the door and they exchange name and greetings. Sunggyu caught him in that short seconds? And…it was first love at first sight? Really?


“When I first saw Woohyun, I know it, I had fallen in love with him.”




Woohyun focus his eyes on the dish in front of him, unable to raise his head to look at his parents and definitely not at Sunggyu. He can’t imagine how red his face is judging by how loud his heart beat.


“I didn’t see him anymore after that but I can’t stop thinking about him.” Sunggyu peek at the silent man beside him. “I didn’t see anyone either because he had stolen my heart and refused to give them back,”


“Huh? What?” Startled, Woohyun lift his head to look at Sunggyu.


“How romantic,” Mrs Nam says, clapping her hands dreamily.


“You never come to visit your cousin?” Mr Nam asks.


“I did, a lot of times, but I never saw him here. I guess our time miss each other.”


The parents nod their heads, understanding add with pity.


“So how did you meet again?” Mr Nam asks.


Sunggyu glance beside him, meeting with Woohyun’s eyes for a brief second. “I saw Woohyun at the company three years ago. I’m so elated when I know we work at the same place,”


“You ask him out then?” Mrs Nam asks.


Sunggyu shakes his head, smiling. “He reject me,”


“What? Baby?” Mrs Nam shot the question to her son.


Startled, Woohyun look at his mother, at a loss of word.


“It’s not Woohyun’s fault. May be I’m not attractive enough for him back then,” Sunggyu says.


“Nonsense. You’re handsome and a gentleman. Our Woohyun would be stupid to reject you,” Mrs Nam replies.


Sunggyu smiles bashfully. He boldly reach out his hand to hold Woohyun’s under the table, startling the younger. He look at his team leader when he feels Sunggyu’s thumb brush against his back hand.


“But I am happy now, Woohyun finally accept me.” Sunggyu healed out a breath. “Umonim.” He look at Mrs Nam. “Abunim.” He look at Mr Nam. “Please give us your blessing. I really love your son and I promise I will stay with him and protect him for the rest of my life.”




“You…you don’t have to be like that, Mr Kim,” Woohyun says shyly when he accompany Sunggyu to his car down at the basement.


“Like what?” Sunggyu asks, faking an oblivious of how he shamelessly hold Woohyun’s hand as soon as they walk out of the door and hold him still.


“What you said to my parents…”


“I told you I want to be honest, right? That’s what I do,”




Sunggyu pulls Woohyun and swing him to push him to his car door. He let go of Woohyun’s hand to circle them on his waist and one hand cup Woohyun’s cheek.


“Mister…Mr Kim…?” Woohyun stuttered.


Sunggyu’s thumb brush Woohyun’s full lower lip. “I told you to stop calling me Mr Kim,”


“Sung…Sunggyu hyung…” Woohyun give in, mesmerized by Sunggyu’s gaze and hand seducing.


Sunggyu smiles. “You don’t know how much I wait to have you in my arms,”


“Why…why don’t you ask me out at the office, Mr…hyung?” Woohyun asks, changing the honorific quickly when he sense Sunggyu’s eyes twitch.


“Because I am your boss? I’m sure you will definitely reject me if I ask you out,”




“And it’s more fun like this, aren’t we?” Sunggyu lean closer until his breath hit against Woohyun’s skin. “To be introduced by someone else and dating on the first night and meeting the parents…”


“Are we…are we dating now?” Woohyun whispers, he can’t help his eyes drawn low on Sunggyu’s lips.


“We can get married now if you want.”


Sunggyu push himself on Woohyun, locking the younger’s lips in his. The kiss is more passionate, more greedy, more heated, more loving. And Sunggyu can’t get enough of Woohyun’s sweet kissable lips. They break apart to get in some air. Just for seconds. Before Sunggyu dive in back to those plump lips that he had dream of kissing from the day Woohyun came to his unit.


“You know, as much as I am happy you two are together, but…shouldn’t you move this into a more secluded place?”


The kiss break for the second time. Both Sunggyu and Woohyun turns around just to meet with the devil couple smiling cheekily at them. Woohyun turns his head away from them, hiding his red face and embarrassed at being caught.


“What are young doing here?” Sunggyu groans.


“We live here.” Myungsoo shrugged.


“I see you had move on. How fast,” Sungyeol says.


“Shut…shut up,” Woohyun replies, still not looking at them.


“I take it went perfectly well with Woohyun’s parents?” Myungsoo asks.


“It was great. His parents love me,”


“That’s good to hear.” Sungyeol sighs. “Now how could I face you two at the office knowing you are dating?”




True to his word, Sungyeol was thinking of going to HR and ask to change department, or unit. The department they work at have at least 20 staff and divided into small units. Sunggyu is the team leader of one of the units and have four staff under him including Woohyun and Sungyeol himself.


Since they start going out, Sunggyu and Woohyun can’t stop teasing and seducing each other. Woohyun is still controlling himself since Sunggyu is their boss and he respect and shy around the elder. But Sunggyu is another case itself. He is bold and didn’t afraid to shows his affection, even in the eyes of others. Their unit mates just thought Woohyun had come back to his cheeky and happy self while Sunggyu play along with him. They are glad Sunggyu had loosen up from his stiff and stern bossy attitude and they silently thanking Woohyun for his help.


No. No. No.


Sungyeol shakes his head.


Of course. The atmosphere had change to a cheerful and happy work place, and he overheard some jealousy from the staff of the other units. He is happy and thankful for some change of air. But…


He sighs.


If only those two would stop with their PDA.


Last two days he caught them kissing in the toilet and yesterday at the emergency stairs. He doesn’t know if anyone had found out yet but he lectured them both of controlling themselves if they don’t want any trouble with the higher up.


“What are you doing tonight?” Woohyun asks when he went to Sunggyu’s table to hand over a file.


“I’m planning to have a dinner with my boyfriend. Do you have any suggestion?” Sunggyu replies.


“Hurm…why don’t you ask your boyfriend if he want to invite you over?”


Sunggyu can’t help his lips moving to a grin. “Oh, I never think that. I would love to. It’s been a week since I went to his house,”


“I’m sure he has something amazing prepared for you,”


“Oooo…I really can’t wait for tonight,”


“What is this? You are dating someone, Mr Kim?” Dongwoo asks.


Both Sunggyu and Woohyun lift their heads to look at the man standing near his desk with a cup of coffee in hand.


“Ah…that,” Sunggyu says. He turns to look at Hoya and then at Sungyeol, all of them at their respective table except Woohyun beside him. All three of them are watching him and waiting for his answer. Sunggyu stand up and clear his throat. “Everyone, even though you had known him, but meet my boyfriend, Nam Woohyun,” he says putting a hand behind Woohyun’s waist.


“What? Really?” Hoya asks, astonished.


“Finally eh?” Dongwoo grins.


“What? What?” Woohyun asks, startled. He is not done with Sunggyu’s bold announcement yet Dongwoo added to his surprise. “What do you mean?”


Dongwoo shrugged, putting his cup down on his table. “Everyone can see how Mr Kim look at you,”


“Yeah, his eyes full with hearts every time he look at you,” Hoya says. “He really can’t hide them despite the small eyes of his,”


“Yah…!” Sunggyu groans.


Woohyun look at Sunggyu but the elder is still facing the other staffs.


“Well…it took two to tango,” Sungyeol sighs. “One was too scared to make a first move and one is too stupid to see,”


“Sungyeol.” Woohyun pouts, looking at his friend.


Sunggyu shrugged. “Oh, well. Whatever.” He look at Woohyun and pulls the later closer to his, making Woohyun turns to face him. “Now they know about us. I hope you don’t mind to giving me a kiss.”


Woohyun feels his cheeks grow hot. “I don’t think…”


And Sunggyu lean in to give a peck on his lips, stopping whatever his boyfriend want to say. He grins seeing the red adorning Woohyun’s chubby cheeks.


“Get a room,” Sungyeol groans.


“Oh, I will.” Sunggyu grins looking at Sungyeol. “Tonight.”




How is it?

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I don’t know what I am doing. Originally I want to make it a 2Woo fic but I don’t know how to draw the story further. Will try to write a 2Woo fic later when I have a new idea.


Anyway. Happy Birthday to our great leader, Kim Sunggyu-nim. Wish you a happy life and constant health. Hope to see a good news from you and the boys.


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YasuharaNiwa #1
Chapter 12: Chapter 12. A i never know i needed until i read you fic. I love the way the members are jealous everytime Woohyun mentioned Sunggyu in their y time lol. I wonder what would be their reaction if leader Gyu doing Woohyun in front of all the members to assert his dominance
YasuharaNiwa #2
Chapter 4 this is so adorable💕💕💕 the way Sunggyu immediately go to Woohyun is cute and heartwarming
702 streak #3
Chapter 7: bold sunggyu is 🔥
702 streak #4
Chapter 6: Woohyun 😅
702 streak #5
Chapter 5: I questioned that example too 😅
702 streak #6
Chapter 4: adorable woogyu ☺️
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 8: why i don't get who is they first love😬
702 streak #8
Chapter 1: i just read this now. i love how sunggyu spoiled woohyun 😁
Chapter 1: This chapter was cute. Loved reading this. Started reading this again❤️❤️
Chapter 11: Sequel😁😁😁

Also it was amazing,keep going author-nim😍