Leader’s Favourite

Infinite Paradise

Title: Leader’s Favourite

Pairings: WooGyu

Summary: It was obvious to Infinite members who is the leader’s favourite.




Sunggyu was lazing around on the couch in the living room watching a variety show when Sungyeol plop himself beside him.


“What are you watching?” he asks. “Ei, this is boring. Let’s watch a movie instead.” He went to reach for the remote beside Sunggyu.


“Shh. I’m watching this,” Sunggyu says quickly grabbing the remote.


“This is boring, hyung,”


“Shut up. I’m watching this. You can watch your movie after this end,” he says without moving his eyes from the screen.


Sungyeol pouts as he straightens his position and tries to watch the show. Half minute pass, he groans, facing Sunggyu.


“I’m hungry, hyung. Let’s go eat,”


“Eh, I’m lazy…”


“Then, let’s order chicken. You buy,”


“Suit yourself,”


“Yeay!” Sungyeol jump from his seat and make a move to search for his phone when the other half of the main vocal coming out from his room, rubbing his eyes.


“You’re awake?” Sunggyu ask, for the first time, turning his eyes away from the screen.


Sungyeol wonders how the eldest know of his presence if neither Woohyun nor Sungyeol say a word of his coming.


“Hurm…” Woohyun replies as he blinks the sleepiness from his eyes. “I’m hungry, hyung,”


“You’re hungry?” Sunggyu stands up and quickly went to Woohyun’s side. “Let’s go out and eat,”


“Really? Hyung will buy?” Woohyun asks excitedly, fully awake now at the mention of eating out.


Sunggyu laughs as he pats Woohyun’s hair. “Of course. Of course. Go get ready. What do you want to eat?”


“Chicken? But my tummy feels funny lately…”


“So no chicken. The oil will upset your stomach more. Pasta? Should we have a pasta soup? It can comfort your tummy.”


And before Sungyeol knows it, the two main vocals had left the house and leaving him all alone in the living room, standing still like how he was excited to the thought of ordering chicken. Sungyeol grumble as he plops back down on the couch, cursing the two for leaving him hungry.


“I ask to go out, he said he was lazy. But he jumps first when Woohyun hyung said he was hungry.” Sungyeol snorts. “Of course. What can you say? Woohyun hyung is his favourite.”




Woohyun celebrate seven birthdays in a year, including his own born day. Why? How can this be possible when a human being should have one and only one birth date? Kim Sunggyu, that’s why.


Infinite start the year with celebrating Woohyun’s birthday on 8th February. Where and how they will throw the party depends on their schedule. Usually it happen with just a simple cake and balloons and few pranks here and there and giving gifts. Next month, they celebrate both Myungsoo and Hoya’s birthday. Sunggyu jokingly say he spend a lot of money in March. Of course, everyone can relate, since they had to prepare two gifts.


No, Sunggyu said. He prepared four.


It left Infinite members puzzled. But when Sungjong saw Woohyun use a laptop, exactly the same like Myungsoo’s new laptop, a gift he receive from Sunggyu as his birthday present, they know why. Sunggyu give the same laptop to Woohyun.


“Woohyunie need a new laptop, I crash his with virus the other day.” Is Sunggyu’s excuses.


Dongwoo ask if Hoya borrow Woohyun’s shoes since he saw the main vocal wear them a couple of days back. Hoya show off the shoes, saying it was the shoes he really wanted and it was a birthday present from Sunggyu.


“Hoya want the purple one but I saw the pink is prettier. So I bought the pink too. It was the last pair and it’s not my size, I gave them to Woohyun.”


A month later, Infinite celebrate the leader’s birthday. They were in Japan and they had an early schedule the next day so Sunggyu just want a simple cake and drinks, in the premise of their hotel suite. After their schedule the next day, both the main vocal went missing and only come back before the sundown. Both have a few bags in hands.


“I was buying myself presents.”




But why the five of them only got snacks and t-shirts but Woohyun got a pair of sunglasses and a watch?


Woohyun bought it himself of course. Following Sunggyu shopping, he must caught his eyes something interesting to buy.


“I bought them since Woohyunie accompanying me,” Sunggyu said to no one particular.


“No fair. I didn’t know you’re going shopping,” Dongwoo whine.


“If I go with you, will you bought me something too?” Myungsoo asks.


Sunggyu shrugged. “Of course,”


“Next time, you should tell us first where you’re going, not leaving on your own,” Hoya complain.


They have calm months until the next member’s birthday, Sungyeol on 21st August. They are preparing for an album so it kind of busy to celebrate. Sungyeol doesn’t want a party since he know the members will throw a prank on him. So they opt to just a cake and party poppers, in the practise room. Sunggyu give him a drone, since he thought a remote car controller was too childish for him and Sunggyu wants their choding to grow up.


When Sungyeol went to Woohyun’s room the next two days, he saw a Star Wars Stormtrooper robot beside his bed. It was the new and expensive robot the fans would die to buy. Woohyun is not much of a fan so it was weird if he waste money to buy the merchandise. When he go tell Myungsoo, the young actor said he saw Sunggyu brought the robot to their home. He thought it was a gift for Sungyeol’s birthday.


“No, I got a drone,”


“So it must be for Woohyun hyung all along.”


Less than 15 days later, they celebrate their youngest birthday. Woohyun bake a special cake for Sungjong as a birthday gift. It was obvious to everyone how tired he looks and he explain he had sleepless nights for a week.


“Why do you buy essential oil diffuser set for Woohyun?” Hoya asks.


“You’re insensitive, Hoya,” Sunggyu scold him. “Woohyun can’t sleep lately so essential oil can help him have a good sleep.”


Hoya clicked his tongue. “So what did you get for Sungjong’s birthday?”


“The same set.” Sunggyu shrugged. “It was perfect for Sungjong who cares about his skin a lot.”


The last birthday for the year in Infinite calendar is their smiling angel, Jung Dongwoo in November. Sunggyu and Woohyun went to shop for the present together since they didn’t have any idea what to give him. Sunggyu wants to give accessories but Woohyun reject the idea since Dongwoo has too many of them and it won’t feel special. They walk around the shopping mall before Woohyun pulls Sunggyu to a coat shop. He thought of buying a long coat, for himself. Sunggyu steal the idea to buy one for Dongwoo.


“So did Woohyun hyung buy for himself this time?” Sungjong asks.


“Of course not.” Woohyun laughs. “I ask hyung to buy for me,”


“What?” Voices of shock from the four Infinite members, aside from the birthday boy, bloom.


“It was cheaper to buy two, so I did.” Sunggyu shrugged.


It was a main topic to gossip among the five members, without the main vocals.


“Why would he buy one for Woohyun hyung?” Sungjong pouts.


“What can you say? Sunggyu hyung is weak against Woohyun,” Dongwoo replies.


“It might be true. But he doesn’t need to buy the same things for Woohyun hyung as our gift too,” Sungyeol whine.


“Let’s recall back what we get this year,” Hoya suggest. “I got shoes and hyung bought one for Woohyun too,”


“Because it is not his size so he give to Woohyun hyung,” Sungjong added, remembering the excuses. “I got essential oil diffuser and Woohyun hyung got one too because he can’t sleep,”


“I bet you, Sunggyu hyung bought one for Woohyun first and just bought another when he remember it’s your birthday,” Dongwoo says.


Sungjong pouts. “That’s mean.”


Myungsoo pats his back. “Woohyun hyung got a laptop as same as mine,”


“Woohyun’s laptop crash because of the virus, so it is understandable Sunggyu hyung give him a new one as a compensation,” Hoya says.


“But how did you explain mine?” Sungyeol asks. “I got a drone but Woohyun hyung got a Star Wars robot. I mean, what his excuse to buy a robot? And it is more expensive than my birthday gift,”


“That…what I don’t understand.” Hoya sighs. “Remember Woohyun got a watch when it’s Sunggyu hyung’s birthday?”


“And sunglasses,” Sungjong added. “Do you hyung-dul think we can get the same if any of us follow Sunggyu hyung that day?”


“May be. Sunggyu hyung would buy if we ask,” Myungsoo replies.


“But…” Sungyeol interject. “What about Dongwoo hyung’s?”


“True.” Hoya says as everyone look at Dongwoo. “Why did he bought a long coat for Woohyun too?”


“It was cheaper to buy two, why can’t he just buy for himself?” Sungjong asks.


“Because Woohyun hyung ask Sunggyu hyung to buy for him?” Myungsoo guess. “Woohyun hyung said he want to buy one for himself but when Sunggyu hyung want to buy for Dongwoo hyung too, he ask Sunggyu hyung to pay for him. Woohyun hyung just use the chance, don’t you think?”


Sungyeol, Hoya and Sungjong look at each other before a sigh escape their lips.


“I know it’s late but I wonder what Sunggyu hyung got for Woohyun hyung’s birthday,” Sungjong says.


“Yeah, now you mention it, Woohyun hyung didn’t brag anything about what he get this year,” Sungyeol replies.


“Do you think Sunggyu hyung give Woohyun the same things as us because he feel bad the gift he gave Woohyun is cheap?” Hoya suggest.


“Or may be Woohyun hyung dislike the gift so Sunggyu hyung bought him our gifts as a replacement?” Sungyeol guess.


“It can’t be.” Myungsoo shakes his head. “Woohyun hyung is not that cruel to reject the gift anyone give him, moreover from Sunggyu hyung,”


“True,” Sungjong says. “Woohyun hyung is a tease and joke around but he would never hurt anyone’s feelings by rejecting the gift.”


Dongwoo laughs at the clueless younger members. Four heads turn to look at him, confused why the quiet Dongwoo in this discussion suddenly laugh his heart out.


“You guys are idiot, aren’t you?”


“Hyung!” The boys whine.


“That’s mean.” Hoya poke Dongwoo’s side.


Dongwoo laugh again. “You guys didn’t know? I mean, not one of you realize anything?”


“What? What?” The four boys look at each other, more puzzled than ever. Then they look at Dongwoo. “What?”


“Woohyun is Sunggyu hyung’s favourite, that’s why,”


“No way…”




Infinite was practising their songs in the practise room for the upcoming road show for the new album. They want everything to be perfect so they practice from rise to set with no time to waste.


“Hyung, let’s take a break,” Hoya plead. Even the dance machine go wobbly by the constant practise.


“We can’t Hoya. Our dance is still crooked,” Sunggyu dismissed the idea. “Now, let’s start again,”


“Hyung…” Every member cried.


“We can’t waste time. Come on, let’s continue. Play the music, Sungyeol,”


“Hyung, just five minutes, please,” Dongwoo says.


“No. Play the music, Sungyeol.”


Dejectedly Sungyeol went to the music player and punch in the play button.


“Come on, everyone, get ready,” Sunggyu orders.


But Infinite members didn’t move to their supposedly spot even though the music to the song began playing.


“Everyone…” Sunggyu calls.


“Sunggyu hyung…”


Sunggyu spin around. “What’s wrong, Woohyun? Are you okay?”


“Can we take a break? Just five minutes,” Woohyun beg.


“Okay, let’s take a break, everyone,” Sunggyu says and run to Woohyun’s side. “Are you okay? Are you sick?”


Woohyun shakes his head. “I’m tired,”


“Come.” Sunggyu pulls Woohyun’s hand to the side of the practise room.


The members gawk at them as they passing by. Woohyun sits on the floor with his legs sprawled and his back on the wall, still panting hard. Sunggyu left him and runs to the back.


“Why…” Hoya groans. He didn’t understand why Sunggyu refuse to take a break when the dance line ask but when Woohyun calls his name, Sunggyu stop immediately.


“I told you, Woohyun is hyung’s favourite,” Dongwoo whispers, watching Sunggyu come back to Woohyun’s side with water bottles.


“Whatever. I’m going to the toilet,” Sungjong cries as he walk out of the practise room.


Dongwoo and Hoya sits down at the exact same spot, while Myungsoo went to Sungyeol’s side at the back of the room. The two best friend take a seat as well, but Myungsoo later lying on the floor.


“This is so unfair…” Sungyeol says, glancing at the two main vocals.


Myungsoo peek at the two from his lying position. He saw Woohyun and Sunggyu talking with a very quiet voice so no one of them can listen. But they hear Sunggyu laugh at something Woohyun had said, and later the younger pouts when Sunggyu shakes his head.


“I wonder if Woohyun hyung wants something,” Myungsoo says.


“I bet Sunggyu hyung decline,” Sungyeol replies.


“Want to bet?”


Sungyeol turns to Myungsoo. “Sure. What is it?”


“I bet Woohyun hyung suggest a food to eat after this but Sunggyu hyung wants to eat something else,” Myungsoo says.


“I bet Woohyun hyung wants to stop practise and go home after this,” Sungyeol says.


“I bet Woohyun hyung plan on doing some pranks but Sunggyu hyung won’t let him,” Sungjong says, all of a sudden.


The two turns to the youngest as he sits down beside the still lying Myungsoo.


“You and your pranks,” Myungsoo tsk.


“What? If it’s Woohyun hyung, he always had crazy idea to play around.”


The three turns their heads to watch the main vocals. Woohyun is doing aegyo and Sunggyu tries to brush him off.


“I think five minutes had pass,” Hoya says, his eyes never leave their leader and his so called favourite.


“Shh…don’t remind him. Let’s rest a little longer,” Dongwoo replies.


“Heh, are you tired, hyung? It’s strange of you. Usually you’re the most energetic of us all,”


“I just want to watch the show,”


“What show?” Hoya tilted his head.


Dongwoo pointed to the two by the wall with his chin. Woohyun is snuggling to Sunggyu’s shoulder as the eldest pat his hair.


“I still can’t believe him,” Hoya says and quickly straightens up when Sunggyu stands up, Woohyun followed.


“Everyone, let’s go one more round then we can stop,” Sunggyu says.


“What? Really?” Sungjong asks.


“Yes, now come on. Faster we move, faster we end.” Sunggyu claps his hands to order the youngsters to move.


The members went to their position.


“What did you said to Sunggyu hyung?” Sungyeol asks.


“Huh? Nothing,”


“Don’t lie. Why hyung suddenly want to stop after a round?”


Woohyun shrugged. “No matter how it went for rock-paper-scissor later, Sunggyu hyung should let me shower first because I am so exhausted I want to die,”


“Shower? You’re talking about shower and not food?”


“Nah, I don’t want to eat, I just want to sleep,”


“Lee Sungyeol, what are you doing?” Sunggyu scold him from the mirror.


“Yes, yes, sorry, hyung,” Sungyeol went to the player. “And why am I the only one got scolded?”


“Because Sunggyu hyung won’t scold his favourite, right?” Myungsoo whisper.


“What…?” Sungyeol gawk at him.


“Lee Sungyeol!”


Sungyeol punch in the play button and quickly went to position. They move to their dance routine. It was horrible. Better than before the break but it still bad. Knowing Sunggyu, the members thought the leader would make a U-turn and orders them for another round of practise. But Sunggyu stick to his word, call it a day and they should go back home.


They play rock-paper-scissor for shower. As the king of bet, Woohyun had lost to the fifth place and Sunggyu to last. Sungyeol quickly give his first spot to Woohyun when he feels Sunggyu throw daggers with his small eyes.


“Why would you do that, hyung?” Sungjong asks on their walk to the van.


“Woohyun is tired, let’s let him shower first then he can go to sleep quickly,” Sungyeol whispers.


Sungjong glance at the back. “Where?” he asks as he saw Woohyun looks energetic enough to joke around with Dongwoo. “He look fine enough to me. Ouch,” he whine, rubbing his head.


“Insensitive brat,” Sunggyu mutter through gritted teeth.


Sungjong pouts as he watch Sunggyu went beside Woohyun and unconsciously stealing Woohyun’s attention from Dongwoo. Automatically, Woohyun went weak and lean his head on Sunggyu’s shoulder as Sunggyu circle his arm around Woohyun’s waist.




“Hyung, can I go out? My friends are coming from Busan,” Hoya asks, entering Sunggyu’s room.


“When?” Sunggyu asks back without turning his eyes from the laptop.


“In 30 minutes,”


“Make sure you’re back before midnight. We have an early schedule tomorrow,”


“Okay,” Hoya grins as he jumps happily leaving the room.


Sungyeol gawk at the leader from his bed. “What…hyung!”


“Sunggyu hyung,” Woohyun calls this time, entering the room and sneaking beside Sunggyu.


The leader pulls his attention from the screen and look at Woohyun, smiling. “What’s wrong, Woohyunie?”


“Can I go out? There are 91-liners gathering,”


“Sure,” Sunggyu replies, tucking Woohyun’s bang behind his ear. “Don’t drink too much, we have an early schedule tomorrow,”


“Yeay, love you, hyung!” Woohyun jumps from the bed, excited. He was ready to step out when he caught sight of the sulking Sungyeol. “What are you doing? Not going?”


“Hyung won’t let me go,” Sungyeol says dejectedly.


“You didn’t say its 91-liners gathering. You just said you want to go out and drink,” Sunggyu reason out.


“Why can’t I just go out? Why you let Hoya go?”


“His friends are coming. I can’t not let him when they came all the way from Busan.”


Sungyeol pouts as he circle his arms in front of his chest.


“If you don’t want to go, then don’t. Only Woohyun can go,” Sunggyu says, returning to his laptop.


Without say anything, Sungyeol jumps from his bed to get ready. Woohyun just watch the exchange before he walks out from the room to get ready himself.


“Hyung was so not fair,” Sungyeol mumbles to himself.


“What? What was that, Sungyeol?”






Sunggyu take Sungjong to shop, to buy him a new t-shirt prior to him tearing a t-shirt in a show. Being a leader, he wants to cheer Sungjong up and to replace the coordi noona’s closet. The t-shirt is not that expensive but still, it’s from a sponsor. Sunggyu doesn’t want to put the coordi noona in a bad situation with the sponsor. That’s why he take Sungjong to shop in the same brand as the t-shirt he ruined.


“Do you remember the design of the shirt?” Sunggyu asks.


“I have the picture. Myungsoo hyung took a picture at the waiting room,” Sungjong replies, pulling out his phone to search for the photo and shows them to Sunggyu.


“Hurm…” Sunggyu scan the photo thoroughly to remember the design. “Okay, we both will look for the shirt. And you can find one too that you like. Hyung will buy you one,”


“Okay!” Sungjong says happily looking around the designer store to look for the t-shirt.


Sunggyu start looking as well. He scan the t-shirt hanging on the rack one by one, searching for the exact same t-shirt. He pulls one, looking at the design and put them back. He take another, staring.


“This will look good on Woohyun.” He click his tongue, thinking.


Then he take another t-shirt. “This is cute, Woohyun sure will like this,”


Then he take another one. “Woohyunie doesn’t have an orange t-shirt, does he?”


Then he take another. “Isn’t this the same design Woohyun wear when we were trainees? This will bring memory.”


Sungjong went to the counter with a few t-shirts in hand. Sunggyu already by the counter, waiting.


“Did you find it?”


“I do.” Sungjong shows the t-shirt to return to the coordi noona, then he put the t-shirt on the counter. He hold up two t-shirts, showing to Sunggyu. “Which one is better?”


Sunggyu tilted his head. “The red one, but the stripe is nice too,”


“Right? I don’t know which to choose.” He look at the t-shirts sadly making decision.


“Just take both. I don’t mind,”


“Really?” Sungjoong look at the elder happily hopeful.


Sunggyu laugh. “Just take both,”


“Yeay!” Sungjong put both t-shirts on the counter.


Sunggyu pay for the clothes. Sungjong frowns seeing the amount on the register. His three pieces of t-shirts won’t cost that much, unless Sunggyu buy another too. His lines double when the shop assistant giving two paper bags to Sunggyu, and one for himself.


“You bought clothes too?”




“Wow, you bought a lot,”


“This is for everyone. Just one each,” Sunggyu says, showing the bag on his left hand.


“The other one is yours?” Sungjong asks, happy that other members got one but he got two. One means just like everyone and another one is to cheer him up. No wonder Sunggyu didn’t mind him pick two t-shirts.


“Nah, this is for Woohyunie.” He smiles happily, oblivious to Sungjong gawk behind his head.




“Let’s order out. What should we eat?” Sunggyu asks.








“Let’s order pizza,” Sunggyu says.


The members look at each other.


“Okay, pizza,” Dongwoo says.


“Why, pizza? I want chicken,” Myungsoo whine.


“We can add on chicken with pizza,” Hoya replies, patting Myungsoo’s shoulder.


“But…I want the cheese chicken, pizza doesn’t have those,”


“I will buy you chicken tomorrow. Tonight we will order pizza,” Sunggyu decide, turning around when the other side pick up the call.


“Why would he asks us if he already choose pizza?” Sungjong pouts, he is craving a jajangmyung lately.


The H sub shrugged, leaving the topic as it is. Sungjong went to his room, telling the members to calls him if the pizza arrive. Myungsoo turns to his hand phone, lamenting his frustration in his games.


About half an hour later, their order of pizza arrive. Sunggyu save some for Woohyun and Sungyeol, both are still out with their individual schedule. The other members eat their pizza while watching whatever show on the television. Myungsoo happily eat his chicken that comes with the pizza.


“Are you happy now? Still want to eat your cheese chicken?” Hoya asks.


“Depends,” Myungsoo answers with his mouth full.


“We got chicken as well, Myungsoo hyung. We should have jajangmyung tomorrow,” Sungjong says.


“We will have chicken tomorrow. We can eat jajangmyung the day after, okay?” Sunggyu suggest.


“Yeay, chicken,” Myungsoo cheers, as if he is not enough with chicken in hands.


“Okay…” Sungjoong replies lowly.


The five men eat their dinner while watching television. When they had finish eating and cleaning up and Sunggyu worry the pizza turning cold, the absent members announce their presence. Sunggyu order them to clean up first while he warm up their dinner.


“Wow, pizza?” Woohyun asks as soon as he come back from the shower, drying his hair with a towel.


“You will catch a cold like that,” Sunggyu tsk.


Woohyun smiles cheekily as he went to sit in front of Sunggyu. The leader smiles, reaching for the towel and drying his hair for him. The other members watch the scene unfolded before their eyes with open mouths.


“Did you tell Sunggyu hyung to buy pizza?” Sungyeol asks, he had done showering before Woohyun and eat his second slice of pizza.


“No, I didn’t,” he replies.


“Then…” Sungyeol turns to the other members.


“Sunggyu hyung ask us what we want to eat but then he decide to order pizza,” Myungsoo complains to the tallest.


“You still have your chicken, Myungsoo,” Dongwoo remind him.


“Why ask if he already decide what to eat?” Sungjong pouts.


“Yeay, pizza,” Woohyun moan, eating his first slice of pizza after Sunggyu was done drying his hair. “Sunggyu hyung is the best,”


“Huh, what? Why?” the other members ask.


“I told Sunggyu hyung, Sungyeol and I saw a new pizza place near the junction and we definitely should try them one day,” Woohyun answer.


“One day, it doesn’t mean we should try them today,” Sungyeol says.


Woohyun shrugged. “Who cares. This is tasty.” He caught sight of Sunggyu coming out of Woohyun’s room after he hang the towel to dry. “Hyung, thank you for the food.”


Sunggyu smiles as he went to Woohyun’s side. “Eat slowly. No one will steal your pizza,”


“Hyung, we have radio interview tomorrow right?”


“Yes, we are,”


“Can we eat kimchi jigae? Kimchi jigae there is the best,”


“Yes, sure. Let’s eat kimchi jigae,”


“Yeay, hyung is the best,”


“What? Sunggyu hyung…” Myungsoo whine. Even though kimchi jigae is his favourite, he still wants to eat cheese chicken tomorrow and Sunggyu had promise him.


The other boys watch the main vocals, with mouth hanging open. Dongwoo laughs at the side. His younger members know the fact Woohyun is the leader’s favourite and he will do anything to pamper him, yet their shock expression is hilarious. And how Woohyun snuggled in Sunggyu’s shoulder and the leader rubs his head and shoulder is too sweet to miss out.




Sunggyu stand with his arms crossed on his chest, staring at the two members standing with their heads low in front of him. The other members watching from the kitchen, too afraid to get close. Sunggyu used to get angry. His mood is like roller coaster and he is easily mad when the members . But when he is furious, no one dare to say a word.


“Did you have anything to say?” Sunggyu asks, clearly disappointed and mad at the members.


“I’m sorry,” both Woohyun and Hoya mumble.


“Sorry? You think it is fine with just sorry?”


Woohyun lift up his head, his eyes watery and his lips quiver. “Hyung, Sunggyu hyung.” He take a step, two step, closer to Sunggyu as he touch Sunggyu’s crossed arm. “I am…we are…sorry. Please forgive us,”


“Woohyun, you know this could turn out bad,” Sunggyu’s voice had turn down a pic.


“I…I know. Please forgive us,” Woohyun whispers as he circled his arms around Sunggyu’s waist and put his head on Sunggyu’s shoulder. “We’re sorry, hyung.”


Infinite has a schedule at night but only Woohyun, Hoya and Dongwoo free in the day. Dongwoo use the free time to play video games and sleep while the soccer maniacs, Woohyun and Hoya went to the sport café to watch some soccer game. Everything is fine if they just watch, eat and drink and go back home to get ready for their schedule.


But no. The wicked bartender use the opportunity to pull crowds to the café, saying some idol group is inside and would take pictures with everyone. They can’t go out, not when fans after fans came up to them and demand a photos and signature. The fans and the café even post pictures on SNS, pulling more crowds than Woohyun and Hoya can handle by themselves. They are late to go home and their phones keep ringing but no one can answer. Everyone is worried, managers are furious and Sunggyu is anguish. Not until Myungsoo found the tagged pictures of Woohyun and Hoya at the café that they can sigh in relief, for a minute.


One manager went to send the remaining members to their schedule while other managers went to save the two members. They are late to the schedule so they were sent home instead. Hoya was silent the entire time but Woohyun is crying worriedly. He was more anxious when he sent text messages to Sunggyu but it only left as read. He understand Sunggyu is in the middle of schedule and won’t be free to reply. But the messages left as it is till the moment Sunggyu and other members step their feet to the apartment. Sunggyu is furious, they know.


Sunggyu sighs. He pulls his hands in between their bodies as he pat Woohyun’s head. “You make us worry. I told you to stay home and don’t go anywhere. Thank God nothing happen to you but what if you got ambush and hurt? We don’t want any injury to happen at this time,”


“I’m sorry, it’s my fault. I was the one who suggest to Hoya to go out,”


“Shh…don’t cry, hyung is not mad anymore.” He push Woohyun slightly to look at his wet cheeks. “Now go to your room, and reflex what you’ve done, okay?”


Woohyun sniffed back the tears and nods his head. “Don’t be mad at Hoya. It was my fault,”


“I won’t. Now go.”


Woohyun turns around and walk to his room, peeking at the still stoned Hoya from his shoulder. It’s silence, both in the living room and in the kitchen. Only when the door to Woohyun’s closet room closed that Sunggyu turns his attention to Hoya.


“What were you thinking, Hoya?” Sunggyu asks, too calm to the liking of the members.


“I’m sorry,” Hoya says, head went lower.


“You know Woohyunie is not feeling well yet you still take him out. Doesn’t matter if it was his idea but you should know better. Why you didn’t contact me first before you go?” Sunggyu says, turning to an angry leader mode.


“I…I’m sorry,” Hoya didn’t know what to say than pleading for forgiveness.


Sunggyu balls his fists and gritted his teeth. “I want to scold you but I can’t. Before I change my mind, you better go to your room and reflex what you have done. You’re grounded for a week, you can’t go out except for schedule.”


Hoya lift his head, surprise. He want to protest but seeing Sunggyu’s small dagger eyes stop him from saying anything. “Yes, hyung.”


Sunggyu turns around and left the living room. Hoya heave out a breath he didn’t know he hold and slump down on the couch, feeling all his energy drained from his body. The other members quickly run to his side.


“Are you okay, Hoya?” Sungyeol asks.


Hoya can only nods his head.


“Sunggyu hyung was scary,” Myungsoo whispers, feeling terrified himself.


“Yeah, I never see Sunggyu hyung that mad,” Sungjong says.


“You’re lucky Woohyun got your back. Imagine if I was the one who went with you?” Dongwoo asks.


“Yeah…” Hoya says, looking at the direction of Woohyun’s room. “It was unfair I was the only one got grounded but Woohyun is not. But…”


Dongwoo hit his head with the back of his knuckle. “Yah!”


“But it was your idea at first,” Sungyeol remind him. “If Woohyun told the truth, you will get scolded and punish for sure,”


“I know. Even though I feel unfair, I still feel grateful to Woohyun,”


“But I think Sunggyu hyung knows Woohyun hyung lied to him. Hyung only let you go just because he promise Woohyun hyung to not get mad at you,” Sungjong guess.


“I suppose.” Hoya sighs.


It was unfair only he got grounded but it was better, because Woohyun had save him from Sunggyu’s wrath. Doing a crime with the leader’s favourite sure had it perks.




Five members of Infinite take their break from practise when the leader left to go check up on Woohyun. The main vocal is sleeping with a cold in his room in their apartment, alone, while the other members practise dancing for the coming TV show.


“Woohyun hyung is fine, right? Sunggyu hyung doesn’t need to be so fussing all day,” Sungjong grumbles.


“It is Sunggyu hyung, of course he is worried if anyone of us is sick,” Dongwoo says.


“No, I don’t think so. Of course hyung is worried but not too worried like this. When I was sick, Sunggyu hyung only calls me to check on me,” Sungyeol replies.


“Let me reprise my word, it is Woohyun, of course Sunggyu hyung worry more,” Dongwoo says.


The other members groans, unconsciously agreeing the fact.


“That reminds me, Dongwoo hyung,” Hoya says. “How did you know?”


“Know what?”


“That Woohyun hyung is the favourite?” Myungsoo asks.


“I mean, we all know they are close. They used to be roommates and share secrets we didn’t know. But it doesn’t mean he is the favourite,” Sungyeol says.


“What? Are you jealous, Sungyeol?” Hoya .


“What? No. Why would I be? So, Dongwoo hyung, how would you know?” Sungyeol quickly divert the question before they start to pick on him.


“It’s so obvious. Yes, they are close. Yes, they are best friend. But a lot happens showing Sunggyu hyung playing favourite. You guys saw it yourself,” Dongwoo answers.


“Yes, but not until you told us, hyung,” Myungsoo says.


“Yeah. If you didn’t say anything, I would not realize it myself,” Sungjoong add.


Dongwoo sighs but then he laugh, feeling happy he was the first to catch the main vocals. He look at the young members’ faces staring at him, waiting not patiently.


“Hyung!” the members whine.


Dongwoo laugh again. “It was obvious, that’s all. From the start, Sunggyu hyung always keep Woohyunie as his top priority. If you guys think about what happen before, I’m sure you can see it too.”


The members look at each other.


“When did this happen, hyung?” Hoya asks.


Dongwoo shrugged. “I’m not sure. Well, we all know Sunggyu hyung like Woohyun a lot,”


“They are like kite and string, spoon and chopstick, ramyeon and MSG,” Sungyeol says. “They are close. But it still hard to imagine Sunggyu hyung playing favourite,”


“It’s unfair, don’t you think?” Sungjong asks. “As a leader, he should treat us all the same,”


“Are you guys bad mouthing me?”


A scream of shock erupt in Infinite practise room. Sungjong and Dongwoo jump backward, Sungyeol quickly stands up as if he was caught doing something terrible, Hoya put a hand on his chest while Myungsoo looks calmly at the door even though only he knows how terrified he was.




“Nothing, it was nothing,”


“That was quick,”


“We were just talking while taking a break,”


“What are you doing here, Woohyun hyung? Are you healthy enough to get out of your bed?”


Then the members just realize the sick member beside their leader, standing with Sunggyu’s arm on his shoulder.


Woohyun wave at the members, smiling happily even though they can’t see them through his face mask. “The doctor said I’m fine,”


“You’re still sick, don’t change what the doctor said,” Sunggyu accused him.


The members can guess Woohyun pouts behind the face mask. “Doctor said I’m getting better, so it means I am fine,”


“Getting better and fine is two different things.” Sunggyu shakes his head. “Literally you’re still sick but better than this morning,”


“And the doctor said I can move to get some sweat out.” Woohyun look at the stunned members. “That’s why I’m here. May be practise a little,”


“You’re still sick.” Sunggyu pulls Woohyun to the side and push him to sit down on the bench. “Sit here and don’t you dare leaving this chair,”


“But how can I get out some sweat if I don’t move?”


Sunggyu put both hands on Woohyun’s shoulder, staring deep into Woohyun’s eyes, warning him with eyes only or with a very low voice, no one know.


“He is still the leader and won’t give in to his favourite,” Sungyeol says.


“Nah, I guess because it is Woohyun hyung, he is worried if Woohyun hyung get worse.” Myungsoo brush him off.


“Want to bet?”




“Lee Sungyeol!”


“Yes, hyung!”


“Are you talking bad about me?”


“No, hyung.” The tallest quickly went to the music player. “Why it is always me?”




Christmas is coming and Infinite has a busy schedule all day and the day after. They can only celebrate Christmas Eve, just for two hours before Sunggyu kick them to their room to sleep. They enjoy their Christmas Dinner and drinking while exchanging gifts.


Their presents varies of sizes and shapes under the tree so no one know what the other get before the time to open the gifts. The biggest present is Myungsoo to Sungyeol, an Iron Man robot the size of a kindergartener. And the smallest present is in a pink paper bag, sealed with cellophane tape so no one can peek what is in it.


Sunggyu got everyone the same thing, a box of ginseng extract and a bottle of wine. He got tease by the youngsters, giving a gift for health and for ruining health. Woohyun give the same things to everyone too, a hand knitted thermal jacket. Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo and Sungjong’s present to everyone differs to their style and needs.


After they’re done exchanging gifts, they start collecting the wrapping paper and to clean up when a thought crossed their minds.


“Wait, wait, wait,” Dongwoo says.


“Where is the bag?” Sungyeol asks.


“What bag?” Myungsoo return the question.


“The paper bag,” Sungjong remind.


“Where is it? Who got the bag?” Hoya look around them.


It is small but they caught sight of the pink paper bag on top of a mountain of presents. They scan the presents, trying to remember who the owner of them is.


“Do you think…” Sungjong look at the older members.


“Woohyun hyung got two?” Sungyeol asks.


“But from who?” Myungsoo question.


“Must you ask?” Hoya ask back.


“No. No. Look, there is no ginseng and wine,” Dongwoo pointed out.


They scans the lot of presents. Indeed. There is no box of ginseng and wine in the pile.


“I start to feel left out when you guys gossiping without me,” Woohyun says from behind, making the other members scream and jump in shock.


“You know, you had spending time with Sunggyu hyung so much that you turn like him, suddenly appear and surprise us,” Sungyeol nags.


“Hehe.” Woohyun rubs his hair. “Sorry. What are you guys doing? Hurry, we have to clean this up and go to sleep. We have an early schedule tomorrow.” He went to his stack of presents.


“Woohyun hyung,” Sungjong calls.




“Where is your ginseng and wine?”


Woohyun turns to look at the youngest. “I didn’t get one,”


“What?” The members look at each other, then back at the main vocal. “Why?”


Woohyun shrugged sadly. “Who knows? Ask Sunggyu hyung,”


“But hyung give you a gift too right?” Dongwoo asks.


“Yeah, knowing Sunggyu hyung, he must give you the expensive one out of all,” Sungyeol says.


Woohyun chuckles. “No way. He give me the smallest present of them all.” He pick up the paper back and shows them to the members.


“What is it, hyung?” Myungsoo asks excitedly.


“Open up,” Dongwoo urged him.


“Yeah, you didn’t open the bag when we open our presents just now,” Hoya says.


“Uh…” Woohyun look at the side, to where Sunggyu coming out from the kitchen. “Hyung asks me to open this secretly,”




“It’s okay, Woohyunie. You can open them here. I don’t mind,” Sunggu says.


“Really?” Woohyun asks and the leader nods. “Okay, then.”


Woohyun tear the cellophane tape, putting the members in tense as they wait not patiently for the secret present only Woohyun get and should see in the vicinity of his room. They want to get closer, to peek inside the bag when Woohyun open them, to see it first-hand. But they are too stunned to move and too scared to see it by Woohyun’s side. From what or whom, only they know.


Woohyun lift his head. His eyes glassy looking at Sunggyu. “Hyung…”


Sunggyu smiles. “It was the same as we look at the other day,”


“Sunggyu hyung…” Woohyun cries as he runs to Sunggyu’s arms, the bag fall from his hands.


The members quickly rush to the bag. Hoya pick up the pink paper bag but the items fall to the floor. Once again, the members stood frozen, looking at the black item that looks like a…


Sungjong pick it up. “A key?”


“Woah, this is a car key,” Sungyeol claims.


Dongwoo snatch the key from Sungjong’s hand to examine it. “This is not just any car key, this is a Bentley car key,”




The members turn to look at the main vocals. Woohyun had thrown himself in Sunggyu’s arms while the eldest had his arm wrap around Woohyun’s back and other hand brushing Woohyun’s hair. They can hear Woohyun’s thank you chant over and over again in his cracking voice.


“Wow…” Myungsoo can only gape.


“This is…” Hoya is at a loss of word.


“Woohyun hyung is really special,” Sungjong says.


“The favouritism showing itself,” Sungyeol replies.


“I don’t know about you guys, but…” Dongwoo didn’t know how to continue.


It’s not that hard to see, because Sunggyu keep spoiling his favourite member anywhere anytime he can. For some, they see it as an act from an elder brother to his younger brother, or from the leader to , or from a man to his very close friend.


But to Infinite members, they start to doubt, whether this is just an act of favouritism, or there is more to Sunggyu and Woohyun’s relationship that no one of them knows. Because…who would give a brand new expensive car to just a friend, if they didn’t have that special relationship.




Only Sunggyu and Woohyun know.


And a mission Infinite members swear to find out.




How is it?

Is it bad?

Please leave some comment.



Originally, I want to write a fic about how Sunggyu play favourite to other members and neglecting Woohyun. But it sound exactly just like my Still I Remember fanfic. I think this idea come from watching some Infinite old videos, and another fic about Sunggyu’s favourite member as well.


If anyone of you knows other fic about Sunggyu playing favourite or Woohyun is Sunggyu’s favourite member, please let me know. I thirst for Sunggyu spoiling Woohyun kind of fanfic lately.



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YasuharaNiwa #1
Chapter 12: Chapter 12. A i never know i needed until i read you fic. I love the way the members are jealous everytime Woohyun mentioned Sunggyu in their y time lol. I wonder what would be their reaction if leader Gyu doing Woohyun in front of all the members to assert his dominance
YasuharaNiwa #2
Chapter 4 this is so adorable💕💕💕 the way Sunggyu immediately go to Woohyun is cute and heartwarming
702 streak #3
Chapter 7: bold sunggyu is 🔥
702 streak #4
Chapter 6: Woohyun 😅
702 streak #5
Chapter 5: I questioned that example too 😅
702 streak #6
Chapter 4: adorable woogyu ☺️
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 8: why i don't get who is they first love😬
702 streak #8
Chapter 1: i just read this now. i love how sunggyu spoiled woohyun 😁
Chapter 1: This chapter was cute. Loved reading this. Started reading this again❤️❤️
Chapter 11: Sequel😁😁😁

Also it was amazing,keep going author-nim😍