
Here and There

Disclaimer: I only own this fanfic.

This is so wrong. 


This whole thing is so wrong. 


Joohyun watched with a bad taste in as the two lawyers were busy making a fool of her neighbour.


"So, what you are saying is that the stalker was a man who was coming onto me at that club that night?" Yongsun asked, looking at Seulgi and Moonbyul for confirmation who nodded in sync.


Joohyun snorted to herself. These two would definitely make a good team. She hopes though that they would use their brains to deliver justice from now on, and not dupe innocent neighbors into going out with their stalker. 


"And that this lawyer friend of yours had intervened, slapping him off me. Which by the way I am thankful for. You even dropped me off home safely without even leaving a note! I feel so bad for not even remembering you."


Yongsun beamed brightly at her own stalker, not that she knows her saviour is her actual stalker.


Joohyun closed her eyes, giving herself a peace talk. Keep cool, Joohyun. Keep cool. Remember, Moonbyul promised she'll be honest with Yongsun if for some God forsaken reason she does get a chance with her.


Just look at how squeaky clean Moonbyul is being with that smile. Joohyun wanted to stand up and applaud at her Oscar worthy performance.


"Oh, no. If anyone should feel bad, it should be me Miss Kim." The smitten lawyer squirmed just a little in her floor-seat. "For letting this go on for three week, I really apologize for that. I swear, if Seulgi here had told me of this before, this ordeal wouldn't have stretched out for three weeks."


Joohyun squinted her eyes at this non-apology apology and the indirect blaming of everything on Seulgi. And to be truthful, her roommate did know since the beginning that it's her rival lawyer.


The sheer things lawyers do to get one over the other, the air hostess unamusingly thought.


Seulgi too wasn't much amused over her fellow lawyer's words. She turned to her, with her right eyebrow twitching in indignation.


"I am sorry, Byulyi, but I just thought you were so busy for the past three weeks. I just didn't want to disturb you." 


Joohyun flicked off a sweatdrop rolling down her forehead. Is it just her or this room a tiny percent hotter now. 


She gave a furtive glance to her neighbour, who too seemed to be feeling the hotness of this room. But then she followed Yongsun's gaze and knew the journalist was feeling hot for completely another reason. 


Joohyun wanted to grab her idiot neighbor by her collar and shake her around for ing on her stalker. Damn it, Yongsun! At least you be on her morally correct side! 


But hey, if drunk Yongsun was all over Moonbyul, then sober Yongsun would be ing all over Moonbyul too. What the lawyer had claimed before has now just been confirmed.


"How do you even know that Yongsun can be into you? Or even into women?! She's a legit budhhist!" 


"Yongsun was giving me a drunk while I was driving her home, saying how wetting hot  she thinks I am. So I think I have a good chance. And what does her being a Buddhist have to do with her uality anyway?"


Alright, you win, Moonbyul. 


But then, Lord Buddha somehow gave common sense to the journalist, as Yongsun finally used that journalist brain of hers.


"So, after you both caught the stalker in that hotel room, you both handed him to the police, right? Can I go to the station and meet him now?"


Joohyun snickered behind her palm. Hohoho, Yongsun is asking the correct questions! Just look how the daylights have gone out of the two lawyers' faces.


"Uhh," Moonbyul started, but Seulgi immediately took over, her Cambridge education and terrific lying skills saving the day.


"The stalker was mentally ill, Yongsun. Suicidal!" Seulgi said with all seriousness, ignoring the subtle elbow jab her fellow lawyer (The actual stalker) gave her. "He threatened to jump out of the window if we called the police, so Moonbyul and I decided to instead call the psychiatric hospital to take him away. He is now undergoing treatment."


Seulgi turned to her glaring rival with a too friendly smile. "Isn't that so, Moonbyul?"


The said lawyer in question blinked. She was now presented the option to either lie out of her or to be a honest person and tell Yongsun the truth.


Guess which one the lawyer chose?


"Seulgi is totally right!" Moonbyul loudly exclaimed, her face contorting in an overly concerned expression. "That man really needed more help than getting beaten in the police station. So we made sure he got the treatment he needed! Also!" 


Moonbyul gave the skeptical journalist a charming smile, and Joohyun is sure that smile must have charmed the pants off of many people.


It surely works on Yongsun, Joohyun thought with a deadpan expression. 


Moonbyul can say anything with that smile and she'll believe her. 


"I believe you shouldn't meet him, Miss Kim. He's undergoing treatment for his dangerous obsession with you, and seeing you can make him relapse." The lawyer so easily said the lies about this imaginary stalker. Although Joohyun thinks they are half truth.


This woman is dangerous. 


"And don't worry, with me around, you are completely safe, Miss Kim!" 


Is she though, Joohyun thought. Oh, and look! Yongsun actually totally believed this load of bulli!


"I am glad you committed him to the hospital, Miss Byulyi. I myself believe in rehabilitation of criminals rather than punishing them. It only makes them more dangerous when they come out."


Joohyun's left eye twitched in disbelief while Seulgi glared at her rival for getting all the credit for her genius lie. 


Good Lord, this idiot journalist will really even eat if it comes out of Moonbyul's mouth!


Infatuation makes people dumb, Joohyun lamented. 


But isn't that also the reason she is keeping quiet in all this, huh, Joohyun? 


Her eyes strayed a little towards Seulgi at this. 


"So, now that all this is settled, can I please throw away that location chip that has been clipped in my bra for two weeks now?"


And all the common sense drained away from Joohyun's mind. 


Moonbyul slowly craned her neck towards a sweating Seulgi, her eyes screaming murder at the younger lawyer.


"A location chip? Really, Seulgi? Are we sure you aren't the actual stalker?" 


Seulgi tilted her face to her rival, an ever calm smile present on her face, "I just wanted to keep her safe! You saw how dangerous that stalker was!"


"Why you--!?" 


"Yongsun!" Joohyun cutter through the two lawyers bickering, extending her open palm to her. "Can I now please have that chip please?"


The room immediately felt like it's in the arctic zone as the journalist without any question shoved her hand in her T-shirt, unclipped the chip and gave it to the very quiet air hostess.


With the much loathed chip in her hand, Joohyun looked Seulgi straight into the eye, as she smashed the detested tracker in her palm into smithereens. 


The lawyer whimpered in her seat. "That thing cost me a hundred dollars, Joohyun!"


The air hostess harrumphed, dusting her hand off the filthy thing, "If I ever get a wind that you're using this thing for anything that is not in professional capacity, Seulgi, I'll crush you just like this chip here."


Joohyun smiled at the quaking lawyer. "Is that clear, Seulgi?"


"Crystal." The deathly white lawyer choked out, standing up with shaking legs from the floor table.


"I think we should leave now. Have a nice day, Yongsun! Please don't attract any stalkers from now on!"


And please don't come rushing to us when you do, Joohyun mentally added.


"Oh, don't worry, Miss Kim is now completely safe from any stalkers in the future." Moonbyul proudly said with her chest puffed up. Joohyun assumed that it takes one stalker to keep all the stalkers away. 


Hmm, nice. 


Joohyun stood up from the folding table, but then she noticed that Moonbyul was still seated, stealing small ogling stares at Yongsun. And the journalist was not any better. She too was stealthily glancing at the lawyer.


She groaned. Oh, God. Here goes her Mother Teresa complex again. 


"Yongsun, how about you feed our good lawyer here some food? She had been out looking for your stalker since morning."


Stalking you from the hotel room through her telescope that is. 


"And it's near evening now. Have an early dinner together or something."


Seulgi pointed a finger towards herself in confusion. "But Joohyun, you'll feed me, right? Why should Yongsun feed me? Her cooking is not that good anyway."


"Hey, that's rude!"


Joohyun glared at Seulgi, pointing her chin at the other lawyer, who was still seated and had her eyes fixed on the fuming journalist.


"Miss Kim, I am sure that everything you cook is very lovely."


Actually, their neighbour is a very decent cook. Just don't eat anything that has mushrooms in it though. For some reason, Yongsun really s up with mushrooms. The last time Joohyun ate it, she hallucinated sparkling pink butterflies for a whole hour.


And of course, it's Yongsun's favourite thing to cook.


"Of course, Miss Byulyi! In fact, please stay over for dinner! I am making mushroom quiche today!"


Both Seulgi and Joohyun cringed hearing that. 


"I hope it's not aphrodisiac mushrooms this time." The lawyer muttered, Joohyun nodding along with her.


"I have a early flight tomorrow, and I really want to get good sleep tonight."


Moonbyul turned around, giving them a questioning look as to why they are still here. In return, Joohyun pointed at her own eyes, then pointed it right back to her.


She completed the silent communication with her hand making a slashing motion. 


I have my eyes on you. Try anything creepy and I'll saw your neck off with my kitchen knife. 


The reaction Moonbyul gave to her had Joohyun laughing all the way to her and Seulgi's shared apartment.




"Oooh, we are getting chicken tikka masala today!?"


Seulgi's sneaking hand got swatted by Joohyun, keeping her away from all the grilled chicken pieces that are about to go in the creamy red gravy. 


"If you behave yourself." The designated cook demanded, pointing outside of the kitchen, and Seulgi stomped out, slumping down on the couch that is in the direct line of their kitchen. 


The lawyer had repositioned it some time ago so that she could watch Joohyun work in the kitchen. It's just so fascinating to watch Joohyun work her magic with simple ingredients. Joohyun is especially enamouring with the knife. Not that she'll ever tell her any of this. That one stalking incident is enough for both of them. 


Seulgi turned around on the couch, until she could directly see Joohyun chopping up the many herbs that'll go into the gravy. Cilantro, basil, and even just a little mint. But that's just Joohyun's own touch, she has realised as she daily watched her roommate cook. Joohyun is very much into herbs in general. She'll put them even in kimbaps. 


The lawyer pouted, feeling a little useless now. She has already done the paperwork she brought from work. And with Moonbyul and her very good assistant (damn she wants her) on her team now, her workload is a lot less. 


And it's just been what, two days of their working together. 


The lawyer is obviously happy about this, but it also makes her feel a little useless. She's used to working alone, so having a team to rely on now is . . . weird.


Damn it, she wants to feel useful! 


"Can I help?" Seulgi finally asked, making Joohyun look up at her with a suspicious glare.


"Do you remember the chilli dust cloud you had created the last time you helped me, Seulgi?" 


The said woman winced, curling into a whimpering ball at that reminder of her utter failure. Joohyun had asked her the very simple task of putting two spoons of chilli powder in the frying onions. They were making some delicious sauce for the fried chicken. 


Of course, Seulgi had to it up. 


Instead of using a spoon to put the chilli powder like normal people do, she just lifted the whole bottle and tilted it over the heating pan. Which had hot oil on it. She intended to just drop a little powder, but the red powder had its own mind and it ing flooded down the hot oil like the red Niagara falls.


They had to sleep on the rooftop because their room was filled with chilli smoke. 


Seulgi peeked quietly at Joohyun from her couch, using her puppy eyes to melt the Ice Goddess that is her roommate.


"I promise I'll use a spoon from now on."


"Actually, I am just going to keep you away from spices, Seulgi. They clearly hate you as well." Joohyun said, giving Seulgi a come hither motion. "C'mon, I'll teach you how to make rice instead. At least then I'll know you won't starve yourself when I am not here."


Seulgi pouted, heading into the kitchen and glomping Joohyun from behind. "No, unnie is not going anywhere!" 


That's it, Seulgi. Appeal to your roommate's mothering complex so that you can distract her! 


And it worked. Joohyun placed the plate of grilling chicken down, combing their hands together, resting them on the air hostess's abdomen. 


Seulgi gulped. This was not the part of her plan. How will she steal chicken if her hands aren't free!?


Not that she minds it! Even if she and Joohyun are now getting a lot more comfortable in skinship, this is the first time they held hands together.


It almost feels like they are two lovers, swaying together to their own music.


"Nice try, Seulgi. You still won't get any chicken before it's done."


The lawyer pouted, stomping over to the corner while her roommate laughed at her. 


"Although, you honestly surprised me there. Didn't expect the lawyer who had stuttered on the first day is now giving away back hugs." Joohyun said, winding down from her laughs.


Seulgi rolled her eyes, even if a blush was now creeping over her face. And so that same awkward lawyer was back. One smile and she becomes a bumbling fool!


"It's been more than a month of us living together, unnie. I don't think I can make any more of a fool of myself."


Joohyun at this held up the rice-cooker. "You want to bet?"


Surprisingly, Seulgi did not this up. But then, what use is her 165IQ if she can't even make rice?


Alright, to be fair, Joohyun had to hold her hands and guide her during the whole washing the rice things. Seulgi doesn't understand why they had to do that three times, one time should be enough, really. But Joohyun said it's important so it must be important.


With the rice now cooking, and the curry simmering on low heat, both the women settled down on the couch, with Seulgi stretching her arms as if she was the one who did all the cooking.


Joohyun meanwhile just relaxed with a serene expression, as if she hasn't moved a finger since morning.


For a while, they just looked at the small LCD television in front of them, enjoying the wonderful smell that is going around their apartment. The deep, flavourful aroma of the curry and the coconut milk of the rice wasn't something Seulgi thought she'd had the honour to witness in her home. 


The place she used to call home had professional chefs with professional kitchens where she wasn't allowed to even step in. And she didn't even bother to because that home was so big it would take her half a day to go to the kitchen. And they had many kitchens.


She's really such a cliché lonely rich girl, she thought as she looked around her current home with a content smile.


"So, it has been a month, hmm?" Joohyun softly broke the peaceful silence, a smile in her voice. "Should we celebrate the anniversary?"


Seulgi looked sideways at her roommate with a grimacing smile. "It'll be a belated anniversary though."


Her roommate shrugged. "I am a pretty low maintenance girl."


Seulgi mocks glared at her. "You better not wish me happy belated birthday, Joohyun. For I am very high maintenance."


Her roommate snorted, looking at her with amusement. "Believe me, I know how high maintenance you are, Seulgi. I am your unofficial babysitter after all."


Seulgi sputtered in offence. "H-Hey! Take that back!"


Joohyun was on a roll though. She now started to count her many roles at the Cambridge educated Seulgi on her fingers. 


"I am also your laundry woman, your cook, your caretaker, your ironing lady, your bedmate--"


Seulgi's blush was rising by the second, especially at that last role. Oh hell, she really feels like a child now for her dependence on Joohyun. How exactly has she been surviving without this woman till now?


"At this point, I am your overworked wife Seulgi. And you're the deadbeat wife who can't even buy me pretty things!" 


The lawyer yelped. Ouch, that really burned. She knows she's a deadbeat in many things, but she at least wants to be a good wife---Hey!


"We're not even married!" Seulgi shrieked, which immediately got Joohyun to let out peals of laughter. 


Great. She has been played again. Even the rice cooker beeped exactly this time, as if it too is laughing at Seulgi and her deadbeat . 


Still chuckling, Joohyun got up to get their dinner, while Seulgi set about to clear the room for their folding table. She placed their floor cushions on their places, brought the water jug and their glasses. She then helped Joohyun to place the plates and pots on the table.


But today there was just a little difference in their usual routine. Instead of Joohyun serving their food on plates, Seulgi made her roommate sit down and took her plate, trying to be really careful to not spill a drop or a grain of rice as she filled up Joohyun's plate. She wants to prove that she isn't a deadbeat wife---roommate! Yes, she's not a deadbeat roommate! 


Her roommate held her hand to stop her when she was going for one more spatula of curry. "Seulgi, that's enough! Save some for yourself!"


The lawyer grinned, shaking her head and dropped in more gravy on the rice anyway. "I know you really don't like chicken, Joohyun. So I am giving you most of the gravy. I am more interested in the pieces anyway."


She placed the full plate in front of her roommate, setting her a warning glare. "And you should eat more. You eat way too less."


Joohyun said nothing, just nodded with a cheerful smile. 


Seulgi decided that from now on she'll be serving Joohyun her food and keep an actual eye on how much she eats.


The lawyer filled up her own plate, practically overflowing with succulent pieces of grilled chicken dripping with thick gravy. 


Both the working women dug in, and Seulgi immediately let out a long moan at the first taste of the very mildly spicy curry. It was the perfect spot between tingling your spice buds and being full of flavour.


"God, this is better than the Indian food I ate in London! And they have authentic food there! Just how did you learn to cook curry so good?!"


Joohyun smiled a bit at the compliment. It was almost sad, if Seulgi looked carefully.


"A friend taught me." 


Okay, Seulgi. This is a sensitive subject. Tread carefully.


"Don't talk much these days?" She quietly asked, to which the air hostess shrugged nonchalantly. 


"We went our separate ways." 


And now the table is awkwardly silent. Seulgi for a moment wondered if this friend was Joohyun's ex. 


Abort subject! Just the thought of it makes Seulgi grit her teeth. She has no desire to know of Joohyun's exes. And she has a hunch there are many of them.


Just the way Joohyun carries herself so confidently, with so much sensuality, the way she is so confident in her uality, she knows her roommate had her days. 


She wondered how all those exes compared to her. They probably must be from all over the world, exotic and much more experienced than her. Isn't it said that air hostesses have lovers in every country? 


She did notice so many things in Joohyun's cupboard that were too expensive for the cautious air hostess to buy. 


They must be gifts from her exes. 


Her grip on her spoon tightened. 


"You know, if you want pretty things," Seulgi started, not knowing what the expression on her face must be like, but from seeing Joohyun's surprised one, it must be something.


"You know, about that earlier thing you said? Me not buying you pretty things?" Seulgi coughed, her brain not functioning any more, "If you want pretty things, all you have to do is ask. I can bring you the Kohinoor diamond, if you just ask." 


Okay, that was a bit of a brag. But hey, Joohyun seemed impressed by it. Maybe even emotional.


Seulgi gulped, feeling a little humble now after her bragging.


"I--I mean that---I can try breaking into the Tower of London and stealing it-!"


Joohyun cut her rambling with a teary laugh, her black eyes wet with emotions. 


"Thank you, Seulgi. Just you saying that is enough." 


Seulgi was now worried. Does Joohyun not believe her? Why is she on the verge of crying? Did she up again?!


God, why is she such a up? Maybe her father was right.


"I didn't lie this time you know." The lawyer insisted, "I would really do it-!"


Joohyun shook her head with a softer laugh, her black eyes now in their usual amused state. "Seulgi, I just want you to get $165 ready." 


The lawyer tilted her head in confusion. She knows Joohyun just said she is low maintenance, but $165 is too low maintenance. Seulgi can afford a more pricey gift for her!


"Joohyun," She said gently, "I know my financial status is not good, but I am not that cheap."


Her roommate dropped her spoon on the half-eaten plate to facepalm herself.


"Seulgi, tomorrow is the day."


The lawyer wracked her brain around. She thought she was good with dates, considering she's a lawyer and everything, but then she realised she never actually asked for Joohyun's birthday.


Isn't she just the best roommate ever? 


Seulgi panicked. "Huh, what day? Wait, is it your birthday? I am so sorry-!"


Joohyun this time facepalmed with both her hands. 


"No it's in March! Tomorrow the landlord is coming to collect the rent." 


Seulgi heaved a sigh of relief. Thank God it's not Joohyun's birthday---Wait what?! 


"Who's coming tomorrow?!"


The lawyer immediately wondered if she had enough cash in her wallet. She uses cards all the time! Oh God, she needs to rush to the nearest ATM tomorrow morning!.


Joohyun was completely unaware of the bomb she had just dropped upon her roommate. She tapped her chin as if it's just Yongsun visiting them tomorrow.


"Well, you can say it's actually a landlady, although I am not sure if she counts as a lady too. She's too--"


Too what? Nevermind! She has other things to worry about!


"Does this landlady know about me?!"


Joohyun gave her an assuring smile, resuming her dinner. How can she be so calm when Seulgi is losing her marbles here?!


 "Oh, no. I had just informed her that I have a roommate now that's it. You can leave your share of rent with me and leave for the time she comes here. That way, you don't have to introduce yourself." 


Seulgi chewed on her lip. Joohyun is being completely understanding of her reputation---She means her situation! She should be grateful and say yes to the idea.


Instead, she could only think of how Joohyun had called her deadbeat. 


And so, she did the opposite of what her brain was telling her to do.


"Absolutely not! I am your roommate! We swim together, we sink together! I will not leave you alone in front of that landlady!"


Joohyun blinked owlishly at her, her hand pausing with the spoon in it. "Seulgi, it's really okay. I've met her many times before, I can do it again on my own tomorrow too--"


"No." Seulgi said, her eyes burning with determination that made her roommate silent.


"You don't have to do things on your own anymore, Joohyun. Not if I can help it."


Joohyun shrugged, but her eyes showed she was thankful for her roommate's support, however unneeded it might be.


The air hostess swallowed her mouthful, her smile bright and sparkly as she grabbed what Seulgi offered to her. 


"So now you can help me in cooking too, right Seulgi? From now on, cooking rice is your duty."


The lawyer groaned. She really dropped the axe on her foot this time, huh? 




Seulgi really did drop the axe on her foot.


The lawyer was sitting cross-legged before the folding table, her fingers tapping insistently on the scratched wooden surface. She cracked her knuckles too, but heard no satisfying bone popping sound. Probably because this is the fourth time she is doing it within the last ten minutes.


She felt a small hand on her bigger, twitchy hands, and she looked up to a very amused looking Joohyun. 


She has heard that some people have a resting face. But Joohyun has a resting amused face. 


Seulgi tsked, taking her hands back, them on the table to control them. Oh God, she's so---




The proud lawyer scoffed. "Of course not! I have faced hardened criminals in Court! A puny little landlady doesn't scare me!"


Joohyun seated herself in front of Seulgi, an empathetic expression on her face.


"You probably thought about this the whole day at work, didn't you? I bet you didn't even sleep properly because of this."


At this, Seulgi looked down, pretty much caught red-handed in her false bravado.


"I didn't move around too much last night, did?"


Joohyun smirked, her eyes taking a mischievous light. "You did smack me in my s once."


Seulgi can't tell if Joohyun is actually saying the truth or is fibbing. Damn, how can an air hostess be better at lying then a lawyer? 


She apologized anyway. "I am sorry. I am just worried. What if she, you know--gossips about me everywhere?"


Joohyun nodded, as if she has already thought of this before. Again, why didn't this woman join the law instead?


"You don't have to introduce yourself with your full name, Seulgi. As long as you keep your family name to yourself, you should be fine."


Joohyun waved her hand towards their adjacent wall, "And come to think of it, Yongsun knows who you are as well. And she's a journalist, on top of being a big snitch herself. So your identity is as precarious as it is." 


Seulgi hung her head down. Just how realistic is she being in trying to keep her secret a secret? Moonbyul knows it too. She's sure her assistant knows it too.


She had left the Kang name to build her own name, so why does it feel like she is clinging to her family name more than ever before?


Yes, she's scared her family will take her away if they get to know, but is she idiot enough to think her father doesn't know it already?


He's Daesuk Kang. He knows even the birth of the latest Korean baby in Korea. Nothing stays hidden.


And, she already had taken that promise from him. 


She should be safe.


"Seulgi?" Joohyun broke her thoughts, her voice sounding genuinely concerned, "Maybe you should really not meet her---?"


"No." Seulgi shook her head, her shoulders now proud and her chin standing tall. "I am who I am, and this is who I am." She spotted off like some philosopher. "If everyone knows it, good for them." 


Joohyun still looked worried, but she gave a small smile, reaching her hand to hold Seulgi's. "I am also with you, Seulgi. If anyone makes fun of you, I'll come after them with my kitchen knife." 


Seulgi shivered a little at that. She doesn't know if it's because of Joohyun's knife threat to all the poor twats who'll dare to mock her, or because now she is imagining Joohyun straddling her tied up self with a y knife in her hand.


The lawyer smacked her head down on the table, groaning out a thank you to her roommate.


"Thank you so much, Joohyun. But I think we should keep the knife away."


Please, for my own sanity. 


Her roommate shrugged, changing the topic. "You have your share of rent with you?"


Seulgi nodded, sitting up properly. "I can pay your share too, if you want." 


The air hostess chuckled, shaking her head in a no. "Naah. I rather want that Kohinoor diamond you promised me." 


The lawyer wanted to facepalm herself. She is still embarrassed over that. Really, what was she thinking?! Sure, go ahead trying to impress a girl by bragging she'll steal the biggest diamond in the world for her! 


"But really, you being here is already more than enough for me." Joohyun continued, "That girl can be too much for me sometimes."


Seulgi was confused now. "Girl? What girl--?"




"Here she comes! Get ready, Seulgi!"


Seulgi was left flapping like a goldfish as Joohyun stood up to get their door.


"W---What, hey! Give me a second to process this?!"


All the processing of Seulgi's Cambridge educated brain short circuited the moment their landlady stepped into their room.


It was not a lady by any look. It was a girl who seemed to be in her late teens. Or barely into twenties. 


The girl had bright blonde hair, obviously dyed, and your run of the mill common dark brown eyes. She was pretty short, even shorter than Joohyun. 


And she had a smile that reminded her of a smiling crocodile she had seen during that one time her parents took her to the zoo.


There was an alarm bell going off in her Cambridge educated brain right now. This girl looks even more of a troublemaker then their neighbour Yongsun. 


"And this is the roommate I told you about, Yeri." 


Seulgi stood up hurriedly at Joohyun's introduction. She wondered for a moment if she should bow to this girl. She's technically, for some reason, their landlady or landgirl, whatever it is. But she's also younger then her! 


Ah, well. Make a good impression, Seulgi. Use your greasy law skills. 


So she bowed low to her waist, introducing herself. 


"Good evening, Miss Yeri. I am Seulgi, your new tenant and Joohyun's roommate. I shall be under your care from now on." 


She's actually under Joohyun's care (not that she'll admit it) but she hopes this much greasing is enough. How hard can teenagers be to please?


Apparently, a lot.


"Oh my God, is that Seulgi Kang?! The latest big name lawyer in the Seoul justice scene!"


Huh? Wait, what?! Since when did lawyers become celebrities? And the justice scene? Really? What is this, Hollywood? 


"I am your biggest fan, Seulgi unnie!"


The lawyer subtly rolled her eyes. This is Hollywood. Actually, let's call it the Lawwood.


Seulgi wanted to snicker at her own lame joke, but she straightened up, clearing . She has a fan now, she has to now act like some snob. That's what the rules of being a celebrity lawyer are. 


Wait. What if this kiddo is a stalker?! Like those kpop idols have? Do lawyers have saesangs?! 


"H-How do you know me?" Seulgi laughed nervously, all her snobbery gone, as her face paled, "I am just a new lawyer here, you know."


Joohyun crossed her arms over her chest, a smug smile on her face. "Yeri is a law student at Seoul University." 


Seulgi gritted her teeth at her very amused roommate."You should've told me before." 


In return, Joohyun smirked back, "You never asked."


And the lawyer was checkmated by the skills she herself used. The you never asked or the hiding essential information to save your client's skill. 


Seulgi pouted. She'll get back at Joohyun for this! She'll burn the rice today! Deliberately! Or--Or she'll put sugar instead of salt!


"Although, I really didn't know Yeri is, well, your fan." Joohyun scrunched her face together as if she was trying to hold her laugh in, "I didn't know lawyers had them." 


Yeri harrumphed, stopping both the women from their banter. 


"Joohyun unnie, I never thought that Seulgi Kang would even breath in this neighborhood, speaking of which, why is a Kang in this trashcan?"


Seulgi's eyebrows jumped in panic. "Hey, now, this place isn't that bad. It has great---great rooftop view!"


Crickets chirped as both Joohyun and Yeri stared at her.


Great, Seulgi is digging herself a bigger hole, isn't she? Oh, look. Yeri is coming after her again. She's as persistent as a damn lawyer! 


"Seulgi unnie, as the landlady, I need to know why you are--"


"You need to know nothing, Yerim Kim. And you also don't need to tell anyone anything."


Seulgi's perpetual saviour, Joohyun stepped in, hovering behind the inquisitive youngster with a smiling death face. 


"You have seen how good I am with a knife, haven't you, dear? I am sure you don't want your blonde head to be peeled like a mango, do you?"


Yeri bobbed her head obediently, making a zipping motion over . Seulgi heaved a sigh of relief. She decided she'll make rice everyday without a single complaint. Heck, she'll even clean the toilet! 


Still, now she's curious how Yeri knows about her. Sure, she is a law student, but Seulgi isn't honestly that big of a name in the law field yet. She only has one thing she can say she's known for--


"Unnie, I know you are thinking I am your stalker, but I am not. I actually did a project assignment based on your thesis titled Falsehoods against crime against women."


The lawyer looked at the law student, her interest now definitely satisfied as well as piqued. She had done that research thesis in her final year of law school, aiming for it to debunk all those men who scream "Women file false charges against men!".


It had taken her six months to go through both the sides, using a sample size of 2000 individuals strong and then noting her results and observations down. It is considered to be one of the seminal works in Women Law during these times, and yes, Seulgi is quite proud of it. 


She felt her heart soften down for this girl in front of her. She spoke her gratitude from the bottom of her heart. She's glad that her work has influenced Yeri to pursue law with honesty. 


"I am happy to know that you found my work useful, Yeri. Thank you for giving me this honour."


Joohyun looked surprised at her sudden change of heart, but Seulgi knows to recognise a sincere heart when she sees one. And Yeri really seems to be sincere in her law education.


She used to be like this as well. It's almost as if she is meeting her younger self.


"I followed your cases and writings for three years, Seulgi unnie! I followed your way of studying to get into the law schools too!"


Seulgi grinned. She used to write for the Varsity magazine in her Cambridge days. Yeri must have followed it to read her articles. 


She remembered she had once written an article on her own experiences with law school and how she got in. 


The fact that Yeri took it to heart, it made her happy. She always wanted to be a good role model, to not be like her father who was so inaccessible to his own daughter.


She looked at the girl who is now a law student at Seoul university. It's no joke to get in there, but this girl is now crediting her for her own hard work.


Seulgi patted the law student on her shoulder, a proud smile on her face. "You got in because of your own perseverance. I was just a guiding template for you."


"No, Seulgi unnie! I've always looked up to you, always wanted to be like you! It's my dream to one day join your firm and work for you!" 


Alright, maybe this is a bit too much---Wait. If Yeri is giving herself so much credit after all, maybe she should use it.


Seulgi smirked, and Joohyun gave her a worried look.


She can milk this.


"I have to say though, I am impressed you followed my methods so closely. I feel like we could work well together as a team. I'll love to have you in my firm someday."


Joohyun glared at her, as if she knew where she was going with this. 


Seulgi gulped. She isn't doing anything wrong! 


Then why is her voice all scared now? 


"--- But right now, would you like to intern for me?" She quietly asked, her eyes nervously fidgeting towards her angry looking roommate.


Yeri looked like she has hit the million dollar lottery, even if Seulgi has full intentions to make Yeri work for free. 


Look, it's a win-win! Yeri gets real law experience and she gets a free assistant!


Joohyun doesn't seem to agree with it though. She placed her hands on the young girl's shoulders, looming over Seulgi like an overprotective mother who is protecting her child from being scammed.


"Yeri is a law student, Seulgi." Joohyun stressed with a sweet smile, her left eye twitching, as if daring Seulgi to backtalk to her. "She can't work for you, she has her own education to handle."


Yeri kept quiet in all this bickering, letting the two women have it. 


Seulgi stumbled back, raising her hands up in defence. "The working hours will be very flexible! And Yeri will get very useful practical experience under me! She'll get to see the inner workings of the Korean Court, Joohyun! Even the Supreme Court!"


Yeri's eyes practically gleamed at the prospect of getting inside the Supreme Court, but Joohyun still arched her eyebrow.


"And? What else should she get for working as your part-time assistant, hmm Seulgi?"


The lawyer raised her hands up higher, her voice coming out high pitched. 


"I'll pay her! I'll pay her, I swear!"


Joohyun let Yeri go, her motherly instinct now satisfied. "Deal. Yeri can work with you."


The law student clasped her hands, looking up at the disappointed lawyer with a big smile.


"I won't let you down, Seulgi unnie! Together we'll put so many criminals behind the bars!"


Seulgi sighed, before smiling back. God, this girl's cheerfulness is surely very infectious.


"Yeah, we'll be great together, Yeri!"


Maybe she made the right choice in meeting her landlady. Yeri seems to be like a sweet, hardworking girl. And hey, now that she knows Yeri is her fan, maybe she can score a discount! 


And she did get those two doors fixed! She should get a rent-cut for that! 


The law student straightened up, clapping her hands together just on cue. 


"Enough chit chat, unnies! It's time to collect rent! I hope both have it prepared in cash. It's $165 each!"


Seulgi was just mildly surprised at the business tone Yeri has. She wondered just why it's Yeri who looks after the apartment building and not some old grumpy aunty or a ert old uncle. 


Did something happen to Yeri's parents?


She looked at Joohyun, not saying anything but her concern must have given away on her face, because her roommate shook her head, as she took out her rent money.


Seulgi too followed her roommate's lead, pulling out her wallet from her jeans. She counted the Won bills, thinking how she should get that rent-cut.


Yeri must have noticed the new door, right? 


"So, Miss landlady, I am sure you must have noticed the new doors--"


"Sorry, unnie. But the lease contract Joohyun unnie signed clearly said that any refurbishment or repair in the apartment building or the apartment itself shall not incur a rent cut." 


Seulgi gave a scathing look to her fidgeting roommate, who was looking anywhere but at the lawyer in the room.


"It wasn't written clearly, as you say, Yeri. I would have to get a microscope to read the terms and conditions on that contract." Joohyun mumbled under her breath.


"It was still written there, so it's valid! Now, please hand over your share, Seulgi unnie!"


The lawyer wondered if she should be worried about this potential future rival. God, Yeri will be one hell of a lawyer in the coming years. She'll put all Korean lawyers out of business!


Seulgi still tried one last ditch attempt.


"Since you're my fan, don't I get a discount--?"


"Nope!" Yeri said with a smile that just refused to budge.


The lawyer groaned, taking out the money and handing it over to the smiling landlady. 


Or landgirl. Seulgi at this point doesn't care.


Yeri tucker the cash away, bowing to both the ladies and went on her way, but not before waving back to her tenants.


"Seulgi unnie, I'll be here tomorrow morning with your coffee! I look forward to working under you! And Joohyun unnie!"


The said woman looked up. "Yes?"


Yeri grinned, her eyes glinting as if she had just duped them all.


"Thank you for your support! Okay, bye!"


The door shut with a soft click, as both the roommates were left standing awkwardly.


"So that whole act was just a act, huh?" Seulgi sighed. Obviously Yeri was wanting for her mommy dearest Joohyun unnie to save her from her scamming ways. 


Joohyun snorted, as if knowing what Seulgi is thinking.


"You were planning to rip her off, Seulgi."


The lawyer grinned, folding her hands behind her back smugly.


"Joohyun, I am a lawyer, that's what I do."






"There's a huge spider in my cupboard."




"Time to burn this place to the ground. Can't live here anymore." 


"Joohyun, we can solve this---PUT THAT LIGHTER DOWN!"

Author notes: 


Hey! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also, we are now 100+ upvotes! Thank you for all your support! :D


Please keep commenting and upvoting! Every single one of them motivates me to write! :D


Share the fic and spread smiles! See ya in the next chapter!


Psssst . . . Follow me on @Blackfeather_2

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okay54321 #1
i miss this story
pls update this story i really love the plot a lot 🥹🥹🥹
1059 streak #3
Chapter 11: come back pls authornim🤧
Chapter 11: i can't wait for the next chapter
ramborambo #5
Chapter 11: authooorr this is so goood i ready it in one sitting please update! i love ur story!
tuesidiot #6
Chapter 11: Author please update! I like Seulgi's team, they work together to conquer this case. They're a great team!
brdfillet #8
Chapter 11: just the first chapter and the atmosphere you created for this, im craving, it's fantastic all the way! hoping for an update soon, authornim!
runner300 #9
Chapter 11: Hi author, I love this story. I just found it recently. Will you be updating soon? Its really good
Zabrinax #10
Chapter 11: This is soo good, i hope it updates soon :'< Btw congrats on the feature authornim! <3