Every action has a equal and opposite reaction

Here and There

Disclaimer: I only own this fanfic.

"Six more women have come forward with allegations against the GM of Seoul Air Korea branch. This makes the total of women who have come forward as ten. We will although like to remind our viewers that it has been found the number of his victims run up to at least thirty six women if the sources are to be believed." 


Moonbyul exhaled through her nose in irritation at this vague news reporting. Yes, yes. She knows it's innocent until declared guilty, but that! The police has already revealed that dozens worth of blackmail -tapes were found in his apartment. 


There's no way this fact can be hidden now, no matter how much his daddy dearest tries to feed bribe money to the authorities. And even if for some godforsaken reason they manage to hide the tapes, Seulgi had made sure to transfer all of them to a hard drive. They are keeping it as a last chip to throw in if they try to protect the nepotism brat even now. 


Speaking of that infiltration, they really need to talk about it. 


"On other hand, the netizens have now taken to posting pictures of their brooms on social media to protest against him. We cannot show you the posts as the captions in them are not family friendly."


Moonbyul cringed a little at that. Oh, don't get her wrong. She absolutely has no pity for such a disgusting piece for work. Hell, she probably would have shoved that broom up his herself. He deserved whatever hell Seulgi put him through.


She's just worried that Seulgi has assigned herself a place in hell too for what she did. 


She sighed. Well, only one way to find out. 


She turned to her side, finding her junior in that same position in the corner of her couch. Curled up into a broken, sad ball. A glass of half drunk whiskey in her hand. 


Yep, Seulgi is definitely in hell right now. She's not even enjoying drinking. And that's some good whiskey Moonbyul gave her. She knows her alcohol. 


Okay, enough. It's been four days now. Two days since that son of a er woke up. Four days since Seulgi shoved a broom up his . 


Two days since that whole broom thing came out. But thankfully, Yongsun immediately took charge, publishing an op-ed, spinning a make-believe rumour that the bastard was so up in drugs that he did it on himself. And the media lapped it up. Make the depraved even more depraved in the public's eyes. There's not even any evidence to prove otherwise. The man remembers nothing of the night. And Seulgi was clean in her infiltration. She even made sure she took off her wet boots and worked in her socks after she was done overdosing the man. Then cleanly made her escape through the kitchen window, which is usually always open. 


They are, as far as Moonbyul can ascertain, safe from even a glimmer of suspicion. The man was so overdosed on drugs that it will take years for it all to trickle back. And Seulgi gave him such an added trauma that she doubts his mind even wants to remember it. 


Karma, . Karma. 


Nevertheless, at this point the whole media circus has spun out of control. Even Yongsun is amazed how much this has blown up. The whole nation is now up in arms. 


But then, why shouldn't they be? 


This man represents everything that's ed up about their nation. The world, actually.  


Privileged individuals taking advantage of their nepotism privilege (so much privilege) to drug women and girls, even minors, and them in their unconscious state, and record the whole thing. 


Date . It's an epidemic at this point. 


And she's not even starting on the work harassment. 


Moonbyul exhaled, regarding her junior who was going through a heroic bsod with sympathetic eyes. 


She has a faint idea of what is going through Seulgi's guilt tripping head.


"You and him, you both aren't the same. I hope you know that."


Seulgi shuddered, taking a pitiful sip at her alcohol. 


"He people. I him. What's the difference?"


Moonbyul kept a straight face. Technically, Seulgi's right. In the eyes of the penal code, both are the same. 


But even the justice system, as ty as it is, understands intentions. 


Because if not, then a person who killed a person in self defense, would be a murderer too. 


"Tell me how you did it." She asked quietly, no judgement whatsoever. If she wants Seulgi to open up, she needs to get her relaxed with her. Make her understand Moonbyul is the last person to judge her. 


She knows she has a good chance to get Seulgi to fess up. Because immediately after the infiltration, the young lawyer had barged into her apartment and taken permanent residence at her couch. 


Moonbyul knew something had happened. At that time, she didn't ask anything. She just let the woman be, and took charge of the situation instead, guiding their small team in tying up any loose ends.


Although, it was hard to keep Joohyun away. Really hard. 




And that must be another of many Joohyun's messages demanding to talk to Seulgi.


She spied Seulgi looking at her vibrating phone on the coffee table. Those empty bronze eyes were filled with longing for the woman calling for her, but also filled with fear of rejection. 


Moonbyul massaged her temple. , she should be paid a counsellor's salary as well along with a lawyer's salary. She doesn't get paid enough for this.


"Seulgi." She again lightly called out, albeit with more stress, "If you can open up to me, I am sure you'll be able to say it to her as well. You do want to tell her the truth, don't you?"


The young lawyer sniffed, turning her gaze away from the phone. 




"So, can we please start from somewhere?" She gently prodded, and Seulgi finally gave in. 


It all came tumbling out in a rush of words.


"When I had rang the door, I really did have full intentions to just beat him up a little. At most, I'll humiliate him. Roughen him up, but nothing that gives away too much evidence. And I would be overdosing him anyway, so what's the harm? Anything that would be left behind could easily be blamed on his overdose. People do crazy when they are high." 


Moonbyul nodded in agreement. It is why thankfully no one has suspected that a random stranger just waltzed in, overdosed the man, ed him with a broom, broke his nose, and left him in the bathtub. 


There was no camera footage or prints to prove it. Seulgi that night had the full power to do whatever she wished. 


And as it's said, when a person can get away with something, their demons come out. 


"But then I saw him lead me to his bedroom. I saw the CCTV cameras all around. I saw another camera in his bedroom, mounted on a tripod. And I wondered how many girls he had recorded. And then--then--"


Seulgi gasped, lifting up her whiskey glass to for a sip with a shaking hand.


"I saw him drug the wine. It was enough to knock me out. Just the thought of how many girls this happened to, of how this is what he was planning to do with Joohyun, I--"


The Kang woman took a deep breath, her voice settling down with an eerily calm.


"I. ing. Snapped."


Moonbyul winced, nodding in understanding again. How can she blame Seulgi for what she did? The man has wronged so many women. Isn't it fair for a woman to dole out her own brand of justice on him? 


Then why the hell does Seulgi still think she is guilty of some crime?


Moonbyul started to speak, to somehow justify what Seulgi did. 


"One of the females who have stepped forward is just sixteen year old. She said it happened to her a year ago. He had been invited to her birthday party. And he---"


Seulgi held up her hand, her face going slightly green at the implications of what was just said.


"Do you still think you're the same as him?" Moonbyul asked her junior quietly. 


Seulgi didn't say anything, but the older woman didn't prode any further. She can see that the other woman was trying to gather her thoughts.


It's a lot to take in. And it takes a lot to confess everything.


"Growing up in my family means growing up with criminals." The Kang woman began softly, "I would see my father, uncles and aunts, basically anyone who is a Kang fighting cases on a daily basis."


Both the women chuckled at that accidental rhyming. 


"Growing up, I wanted to be just like them. My father, especially. He had made debating a ing art form, you know? But unlike him, I could never keep my emotions down. Whenever I saw another innocent person being violated in the news, I'd throw a tantrum. Because that's all I could do. I was helpless as a child, as a teenager. I could do nothing to bring them justice." 


Moonbyul cleared quietly. "While your family has their share of shady dealings, I admire them for always standing up against ual offenders. They are said to be the most reliable and honourable when it came to those legal fights." 


Seulgi laughed at that, throwing her head back. But it was a sad, broken sound. As if the person laughing doesn't believe it.


"I used to believe that too, Moonbyul." The woman laughed again. "I used to believe that too, before my father decided to finally dirty himself in this rotten world."


The older woman's eyes widened at that. Just what is Seulgi talking about? The Kang firm has never publicly fought for a accused offender, no matter how many millions offered. 


And that's the thing. It's just publicly. Many legal dealings take place behind the doors. 


Is this why Seulgi is all on her own now? A Kang who has left her family firm? 


She didn't have much time to ponder on it though, for Seulgi again started talking.


"But you know, Moonbyul? Now even being a lawyer, I still feel so ing helpess! Because the justice system is ing blind! In its bid to not discriminate, it just denies justice because ing lack of evidence! What the hell?! And what about that innocent child who was violated?!" 


Moonbyul scrunched her eyebrows. Seulgi is now talking about something else. She wanted to ask more about this child, but she needs to take care of her junior.


She's going into a panic attack.


"So--So when I had the opportunity to punish a ing myself, I took it! I pointed a gun at him, and commanded he ing shove that broom in! Because I wanted him to feel the pain he put those women and girls to, by his own filthy hands! And I have no regrets for doing it!" 


Moonbyul leapt forward, taking the trembling woman in her arms, cradling the lawyer as she rocked her, shushing the woman who is now crying loudly, clutching onto her tightly.


Seulgi just needs someone who will not judge her for what she did. But the thing is, even the person who thinks what Seulgi did was right, would be a little disturbed.


But not her. Not a fellow lawyer who feels the same helplessness when she sees criminals of the worst order being declared not guilty because there was no evidence. Or because the judge was bribed. Or because the whole bloody system is corrupt!


"I don't regret it, I really don't. I know he ing deserved it. Hell, he deserved to die from that overdose!" Seulgi hiccuped, her tearstained face buried in the crook of Moonbyul's neck, "But what face will I show Joohyun now? I am no better than the men in her past!" 


Ah, so this is what it is. She is afraid Joohyun will be disgusted at her? Reject her? 


From what she knows of that woman, Joohyun would probably slit her own wrist before not even giving Seulgi a chance to explain. 


And the woman is so freaking empathetic. She's sure she would understand.


"Seulgi, tell me. Would you ever do that to an innocent person?" 


The lawyer immediately shoved herself away, her face aghast with offence.


"What?! Absolutely not! No, never!" 


Moonbyul exhaled. That's the whole damn point, you Cambridge educated idiot!


"Then pray tell me why Joohyun will have an iota of fear towards you? Heck, she'll probably be thankful you gave that nincompoop his compenance." 


"Not to mention," A new voice spoke up, "That old lady has been worried sick for you for four days, you ."


Moonbyul immediately perked up at the sight of her forever crush. Thank God she didn't come a minute ago when Seulgi was in her arms!


Not that they were doing anything!


"Yongsun! What are you doing here? Not that I am happy to see you here--" The lawyer rambled off, being stopped by the journalist holding up her hand.


"I am very happy to see you too, Byul. You've been holed up here for four days and I got worried. Sorry I used the key you gave me." Yongsun said with a small smile, but her eyes were clearly affectionate towards the lawyer.


But then those eyes turned to the colour of being pissed off when they landed on the younger lawyer.


"And I wanted to catch this stupid idiot red-handed. Really, Seulgi. You can infiltrate a house, get all the evidence we need, overdose a drug- and shove a broom up his , but cannot face your angry roommate?"


Moonbyul coughed, quietly whispering girlfriend to herself. 


Seulgi was not paying attention though. Her face was getting paler by the second.


"E-Everyone knows?! Does Joohyun too--? And wait, I actually didn't do it myself! I just made him do it at gunpoint!"


"With that fake gun of yours? I am impressed. But whatever, Seulgi. The point is that you should stop beating yourself over it. It's definitely something I wouldn't do myself, but I've seen too much of the world to know that the whole 'treat every criminal as a human being' is bulli. Some should just be electrocuted on the electric chair." 


The journalist rolls her eyes, stomping inside the living room, towards one idiot lawyer. 


"And yes, the moment the news leaked that he reamed himself on a broom over the internet, we all guessed that you had to do something with it. And no, stop making that face. We are happy you did it. The er deserved it. Wendy actually threw a party!" 


Moonbyul side-lanced at her junior. Great, both of them missed that! 


Yongsun still flicked the sheepish lawyer's forehead, with a  well placed warning.


"But don't make it a habit, Seulgi. I don't want you to become a monster in your quest of putting down all the monsters, okay?" 


The lawyer nodded like an obedient child, rubbing at her slightly red forehead. Moonbyul fawned at how easily Yongsun subdued this woman who was having a life crisis just moments ago.


Yongsun would really be a good mom.


The lawyer started to cough. God, no! First you ask her out on a date, woman! 


Seulgi meanwhile stood up, stretching herself and popping all her stiff bones.


Both Yongsun and Moonbyul winced at the sounds, especially when Seulgi's hip bone popped. Seriously, at this point the woman should go see some bone doctor. 


"I guess I should head home. Face the music. I should call Wendy too." Seulgi mused, to which Moonbyul eagerly agreed. Yes! Finally! Sha can have some alone time with Yongsun!


But then Seulgi sniffed at her armpits, wincing at the smell. 


Uhh, yeah, Seulgi, Moonbyul thought to herself. You haven't bathed in the last four days. What are you expecting yourself to smell like? 


Sure, Seulgi. You might be farting rainbows at the sight of Joohyun, but you really do smell like a fart right now.


The older woman stood up with a sigh. Jeez, the things she does for this kiddo.


"C'mon, get in my shower and clean yourself. I'll have a change of clothes for you." 


Yongsun chipped in too, "Burn the old clothes, by the way. We should take no risks. Oh, and the boots and gloves too. Oh, and the mask!"


"Yes, yes. I'll burn Seulgi itself." Moonbyul grumbled to herself. Now where will she burn all this ? In her apartment?!


The things she does for this clueless kiddo. 




Joohyun turned around on the mattress again.


Did she get so used to Seulgi's warm presence in the bed that now without it she can't sleep? 


The Air Hostess shook her head, staring up at the ceiling. No, that's not it. Of course, Seulgi's body heat is very much welcomed, but what she misses the most is her lack of presence.


Even when she was out abroad during her flight assignments, Seulgi would dedicatedly wish her good night, with that silly smiley emoji. And that was enough to put her to sleep with a smile on her face.


But now, since the last four days, it's as if Seulgi was never there in her life. Sometimes Joohyun just opens her roommate's closet and stares at all her work suits to remind herself that yes, Seulgi used to stay with her. She will come back someday too.


At least to get her work suits back, if Seulgi really does decide to leave her. 


Joohyun groaned, sitting up in the bed. Why would the lawyer even do that?! Stop with the insecure thoughts, Joohyun!


Maybe she finally realised how much of a burden I am? I mean, just look what Seulgi did for you! 


Joohyun closed her eyes shut, not willing to go back to that revelation. Why, just why, Seulgi? Why make her feel so satisfied and guilty at the same time?!


And worse, why make both of them suffer all alone, Seulgi? Can't that dumb dumb lawyer see that they just need to talk about this!? 


Talking always helps, even if Joohyun does so little of it herself. But now that she's finally willing to, Seulgi ups and hides in Moonbyul's apartment! 


They both---There isn't something between them, is there?! 


Joohyun gritted her teeth, her natural possessiveness mixing in with all her pent up frustration. What does she have that she doesn't have?! 


That's it! She's going there and dragging Seulgi back! Even if she has to do it by her collar! And no Moonbyul is stopping her from it!


She threw aside the covers on her, stomped to her closet, picked out a hoodie and jeans, threw it on herself, grabbed her phone and mask (Coronavirus, people) and headed towards the door. 


Just as she placed her hand on the door knob, she heard a shuffling sound from the other side.


Hmm? Is someone trying to break in her room?


She gulped, wishing that Seulgi was here with her spider killing broom. No! Joohyun, don't be an overdependent woman! You lived your life without Seulgi too, no matter how miserable it was.


Just grab your phone tightly, ready it for a good throw, and press your ear against the ear to find out who it is. 


She did exactly that, and within ten seconds of hearing the quick, scared husky feminine breaths, she knew it's Seulgi on the other side.


Seulgi is home! Yes! Finally! Wait, where is she going?! 


With a sinking heart, she heard the fading footsteps of her roommate. Please don't tell her she's going back to that Moonbyul?! 


If she knew how much close these two would get, she would have never helped Yongsun! 


Oh, hold up. The footsteps are going upstairs. Seulgi is going to the roof. 


So, this means that Seulgi doesn't want to leave her, but doesn't want to face her either.


Joohyun knocked her forehead against the door, her frustration now giving away to exasperation. Really, Seulgi?! She gave her four days of space! How much space does this woman want?


And it's not like they have a lot of space in their room either! 


Joohyun stepped away from the door, thinking over all the options. There are just two, really. 


She can sit here and wail in misery like she always does, or she can woman up and wear her big girl . Something that she also always does. 


The air hostess sighed, and made her decision. She went back to her closet, got back into her sleeping shorts and oversized white shirt, and headed towards their small fridge in the kitchen to get some milk. 


She has no idea what she's trying to accomplish here. Seduce Seulgi by showing her thighs?


Huh, it might actually work. The woman does stare at them a lot. 


Joohyun doesn't mind it though. She knows she's an attractive woman. And Seulgi is very respectful in her admiration of her thighs. 


Now armed fully with a carton of chilled pineapple flavoured milk, (Seulgi's favourite fruit) she opened her apartment door, locked it firmly with the keys, and started to make the trip upstairs. 


She heard her roommate's hushed whispers as she stepped over the last staircase.


"Yes, yes, Wendy! I get it, I am not sorry, okay! But that doesn't mean it was right--Okay! I did no wrong, yes, Roger! Can we please move on now? You've been lecturing me for hours now. And shouldn't you be sleeping now? It's late! Let's talk later, please? I'll call you tomorrow, I swear!,"


Joohyun nodded with approval. Good, Wendy talking sense into this dense woman.


She continued eavesdropping on the conversation.


"Yeah, I'll go to sleep too. Although I don't know if I'll be able to. It'll haunt me for a while. I don't know how these people can live with what they do to others. I am feeling so ed up and I did it to a person who deserved it." 


Joohyun frowned at that. Oh, Seulgi. Of course it'll haunt you. Evil shall with evil be expelled, she had read that in one of her favourite books. 


And she also read how it took a toll on the protagonist. Seulgi is a good person, which is why it is eating her good soul away. 


Good doesn't want to do evil, even to those who deserve it. 


She heard Seulgi say her finally goodnight, and she stepped forward, making her presence known loudly with her footsteps.


The lawyer glanced over her shoulder, her bronze eyes widening by just a fraction before she looked away, going back to her gazing of the Seoul night sky. 


Joohyun came up to stand beside her, keeping a comfortable distance. Not too close to crowd Seulgi, and neither too far to give the impression that she's in any way repulsed by her.


Having worked with people for so many years in the aviation industry, she knows to read them now. She has a good idea why Seulgi had been avoiding her so much. 


She tapped Seulgi's arm with the chilled carton, making sure her voice is gentle, not demanding.


"Drink this milk, Seulgi. It'll help you sleep."


The lawyer scoffed at that, but begrudgingly took the carton. Tearing the opening off, she took a big gulp, sighing in relief. 


Joohyun giggled to herself when Seulgi turned towards her. There was a milk mustache above the silky lawyer's mouth.


Seulgi raised an eyebrow in question, to which she laughingly pointed towards the yellow mustache. With a loud curse, the lawyer wiped it off, before starting to chuckle at their silly antics herself.


They both just enjoyed this shared moment of carefree bliss, not wanting to address the issue hanging between them. Joohyun especially didn't know how to breach the topic. What if she just pushes Seulgi even more? 


From what she has seen, the lawyer bolts at the first sight of judgement. And that too being a lawyer.




"I don't even understand how you can share a bed with me after what I did."


It took effort for Joohyun to not react to this statement. Seulgi is so obviously torn about her own actions. She doesn't need Joohyun's own conflicts about it as well.


So, what do you do when the air is too heavy?


You try to cut it. Through humour.


"Well, I kind of like your small s?"


The lawyer's eyes bugged out, coughing out the yellow milk in embarrassment. Aah, Joohyun loves the return of this old dynamic. It's basically her making Seulgi choke on anything.


Alright, hold that thought. She detects double meaning right there at anything.


Joohyun started to laugh, annoying the lawyer even more. 


"Joohyun, be serious!" Seulgi screamed in exasperation, even if now there's a tiny smile on her more relaxed face. 


But Joohyun wasn't so relaxed anymore. She inched closer, as her gaze changed from easy one to more stern.


Seulgi staggered just a little back, but that didn't stop Joohyun.


"I am quite serious when it comes to your well-being, Seulgi."


The lawyer chuckled nervously, fanning her arms around nervously, "C'mon, I am completely fine!"


Joohyun kept quiet at that, but let her deathglare™ speak for herself.


It took a minute for the supposedly stoic lawyer to crack.


"I am sorry." Seulgi mumbled under her breath, shuffling her feet like a guilty child.


"Huh? I didn't quite hear it, Seulgi!"


The lawyer growled, took a deep breath, and yelled it out of her system. 




Joohyun smiled in approval. Nothing feels better than screaming when you have so much repressed feelings inside you. 


She crossed her arms, and kept her cool as she pushed more words out of the pent up lawyer.


"What for?"


Seulgi paused, looking lost at words. Awww, she is so much like the cute little bambi deer lost in the woods. Joohyun almost stepped forward to take this poor little baby in her arms.


No, Joohyun! Control your mama bear instincts! Quick! Think y thoughts of Seulgi!


One image of Seulgi in her tight bra and bubble shorts, and all the mama bear instincts ran away.


Now, Joohyun just has to focus on not lunging at Seulgi like some cat in heat. 


Jeez, isn't this supposed to be serious here? 


Oh, look. Seulgi is about to say something. Alright, get serious, Joohyun!


"I am sorry," The lawyer halted in her words, scrunching her eyebrows in a way Joohyun found so adorable.


Serious, Joohyun!


"I am sorry about doing an act that is so reprehensible. And yes, I know he deserved it, but I still did something you fight against everyday in your life. Well, in some meaning. And for that, I am so sorry, Joohyun." 


Joohyun's eyes teared up. Oh, Seulgi. That's the last thing you should be apologetic about.


"I still want to assure you, Joohyun. I will never do anything to harm you. Or any other innocent person for that matter." The earnest lawyer continued on. Joohyun noticed her roommate's fists tightening. 


"I just---What happened was all on me. I was just--"


Seulgi threw up her hands in the air, frustration finally getting the better of her.


"I was angry! Pissed off at this whole ing unfair world! I wanted for once for those sickos to feel the same! To ing put themselves in their shoes for once!"


Joohyun stepped forward, taking Seulgi's one hand in her own, gently rubbing her fingers in a circular motion to relax those stiff tendons in the tense fingers and wrist.


Seulgi has a beautiful hand, with such delicate veins running through the lightly tanned skin. 


Joohyun decided she'll  hold this beautiful hand more from now on. 


"Seulgi, you aren't the only one who feels like this, let me tell you." Joohyun said, keeping it in present tense. Because this pain of unfairness is there in every innocent woman's life. Why is everything twice, no, thrice the times difficult for them? 


And better, why are  women themselves their worst enemies? Because Joohyun is definitely her own enemy. 


"I have wished for worse things to happen to that man. The difference is, only you had the guts to do it. I wasn't even able to lodge a complaint."


Seulgi scoffed again in disagreement, taking her hand back. 


"Because only I have this monstrosity inside them."


"Well, you're a lawyer. I thought all lawyers were empty little monsters." Joohyun fired right back, half serious and half joking. And it immediately got Seulgi laughing.


"I suppose that's fair. Greedy little monsters, yes, we are that. Believe me, I know that better than anyone." The lawyer humorously admitted. But Joohyun noticed a hint of pain in these words.


She let that go for now, instead letting the lawyer speak her heart out. 


 "Half the reason why people don't trust the justice system, myself included, is because of this whole lot. Sometimes I wonder if this whole profession is worth all the bitterness in my life."


Seulgi hung her head down, and Joohyun immediately wanted to take this forlorn woman in her arms. 


Instead, she again took Seulgi's flexing hand, soothing it with her fingers, pressing at the pressure points, just like how she was taught in her Air Hostess training to calm down the anxious passengers. 


And Joohyun considers anger as just another form of anxiety. Both screw with your decision making and thinking.


"Believe me, I think the same of my job too. Is it worth facing the harassment? And in the end, I decided that if I give up, they'll win. And I will never let that happen."


Seulgi's expression changed subtly at that, her eyes becoming more thoughtful. She took Joohyun's hand in her own this time, a slow smile curving on .


"You're right. We can't let them win. Giving up would mean all we fought for, was in the end for nothing." 


That's my girl, Joohyun triumphantly thought. That's the fighter Seulgi she knows. Woman who'll kick a man in the chest in a public space because he was harassing her.


Seulgi who'll go to any lengths to get justice. To deliver karma to those who deserve it.


And also the Seulgi who'll learn from it. But it's for the first time she is seeing this always arrogant, awkward lawyer to be so vulnerable. 


It's a heady experience. Makes Joohyun feel so special. But she reminded herself that Seulgi still doesn't trust her. Why else would she have otherwise gone to her more trustworthy lawyer firm-mate first?


But it's okay. Because Joohyun definitely trusts Seulgi. 


"So, will you come with me to the police station tomorrow?"


The soft mood immediately changed. Seulgi's face immediately lost all colour, her hands going lax.


"P-Police?! Oh my God, don't tell me we got caught!"


Wait, what? 


", we need to run away, Joohyun! Okay, don't panic. I have friends in London, they can help us. We both just have to go underground for a few years."


Wow. Thank God Seulgi is on the right side of morality. Because this woman would be a brilliant criminal mastermind otherwise!




Joohyun clasped both her hands on the lawyer's face, making the slightly chubby face puffy between her small hands.


The air hostess snickered at the scene. Seulgi looks like a puffer fish!


"Police just want my statement, alright? You told me about this, remember? That because police will search his phone records, they'll find my records as well in there."


Seulgi immediately stood up straight, coughing loudly as if she had just not made a fool of herself. Even if she's still red with embarrassment. 


"Of course! I'll--I'll be there! You have nothing to worry about! Your personal lawyer will handle everything!"


Joohyun bit her lip at the word personal. She knows that these personal feelings of hers are heading towards the dangerous territory. And strangely, she doesn't find herself scared to feel this way for Seulgi.


Even when she's falling, Seulgi makes her feel safe.


But now's not the time to even think about it. At least not when they have a police visit tomorrow! 


Maybe when everything settles, she can sit down and think about everything in a more stable state of mind. What if right now she is falling for the lawyer only because of what Seulgi has done for her? 


When you give a starved person even a single shred of attention, they easily get attached. What if it's the same now? 


Seulgi deserves to be liked for her own self, and not because she is so generous with her loyalty. And Seulgi is a kind of person who will stand up for everyone, whether or not it's just Joohyun. 


Still, it's nice to feel that she's in some way special for Seulgi Kang. 


"You'll not leave me this time, will you?" Joohyun sternly asked, even if an undertone of fear slid in her voice. Seulgi must have heard it, because she squeezed her hand in assurance with a trusting smile on her beautiful face. 


"No, Joohyun. No more running away. We're together in this. In every step of the way."


Joohyun looked away, her pale cheeks tinting with a blush. Oh, thank God it's dark here! The one thing she prides herself in is for always keeping her face! But it's so easy for Seulgi to uncover her.


"Well, I can probably be fired by the airlines for submitting my statement, so yes. You better take responsibility, Seulgi!" 


Seulgi grinned, slamming her fist on her chest with confidence.


"Don't worry! If that happens I'll support you in all the ways! From rent to everything, you don't need to worry about a single penny!"


Joohyun arched an eyebrow at this, very much amused by her goofy roommate.


"Is that a marriage proposal, Seulgi?"


"W--What?! No!"


Joohyun just started to laugh as the lawyer tried to explain herself that she's just being a good friend and roommate.


Really, Seulgi. You can't take a single clue, huh?




"That went easier than I thought." 


Seulgi nodded at Wendy's remark, too busy shoving another mandu in . Oh, ing Lord, she's so hungry! She's practically starving after that long enquiry!


She heard Joohyun snickering beside her, as she passed her a glass of water. Seulgi thanked her with a mouthful of a grin, gulping down the cool water to get all the mandu down. 


Okay, maybe downing two big kimchi dumplings at the same time was a bad idea.


Sooyoung chuckled in her corner, pointing her chopsticks at the struggling lawyer.


"Are you sure Wendy that those police officers took this chipmunk seriously?"


Seulgi swallowed down her food with a few thumps to her chest, glaring at the techie in offence. 


"Hey! I'll let you know, I--"


"That I was there just as a moral support while the great Joohyun unnie did all the talking." 


Seulgi pouted, feeling utterly betrayed at her roommate's expose. You didn't have to say it out loud, Joohyun!? 


Well, sure, Joohyun was way good at handling those cops then she thought. Hell, all Joohyun had to do was smile and recite the script Seulgi had already prepared for her beforehand. 


But of course, Joohyun won't mention that scriptwriting she did, huh?! 


"C'mon, it's not my fault if they were only questioning you! And I did provide alibi for you! And the whole script for you!" 


Joohyun humphed, reaching over and stealing one of Seulgi's fried dumplings--Wait, hey?! What the heck, that's her favourite!


"Consider this as payback for your uselessness." Joohyun harrumphed, but then just a second later she slid her own chive dumpling in Seulgi's plate. 


Seulgi sniffed. Joohyun is so sweet! Nevermind that she stole her better and bigger dumpling and gave a little vegetarian dumpling in return, but she's still so sweet!


As the lawyer chewed on the gifted dumpling with a big happy smile, Wendy and her girlfriend were getting onto their own antics, with the chef feeding the redhead with her own chopsticks.


Ughh, alright. It's way too sweet now. Not that she's jealous or anything, no! 


The chives were suddenly very green in . 


Seulgi swallowed her food, glaring at the two committed women in front of her.


"Seriously now, it's been more than two years of you two dating and you're still stuck in the newlywed face!"


Wendy, as expected, was easily embarrassed, quickly snatching back her chopsticks, but her girlfriend wasn't so impressed at the lawyer's attack. 


"Oh, look who's talking. You have been staying with Joohyun unnie just for three months and are already behaving like a old married couple!" 


Old married what?! 


Seulgi put down her chopsticks, lunging for a glass of cold water to cool her face down. Is stealing food off someone's plate old married couple behaviour?!


She has never seen her parents do that. But then, her father is such a hardass man. She wonders if he even smiles at her mother.


She promises herself that if she ever gets married to Joohyun, she'll smile at her every minute! 


Seulgi choked on her glass of water, coughing loudly as Joohyun patted on her back in sympathy, passing a napkin to her.


"Sooyoung, you need to be careful with your words!"


That's right, Joohyun! Let that bully techie hear it from you!


"Old deadbeat wives like Seulgi are very sensitive, you know?"


The lawyer just gave up. She forfeited her case. She's probably stuck with that deadbeat tag for life now, isn't it? 


"To be fair," Wendy started, and Seulgi has never felt more grateful at her best friend. 


"Just Seulgi being there must be enough to subdue those officers though. The Kang name gets around in the law enforcement."


Seulgi's jaw clenched, her eyes narrowing in threat at her nonplussed best friend. She was not even offended for her own sake, but for Joohyun as well at what Wendy is trying to insinuate.




"I think that Seulgi stands on her own, Wendy." Joohyun gently cut her angry voice, cleverly deflecting an argument as she tackled the question with much more tact, "And she definitely doesn't need any mega corporation to back her up. Seulgi is her own person without any Kang in it."


Well, she is still a Kang, but yes, she does get Joohyun's point. That's all she wants to be. 


Just Seulgi. That's it.


The lawyer cleared , not wanting to be left behind in the sentimental train. 


"And it would be unfair to take away credit from Joohyun. Even if she knew what to say, it's damn hard to face three police officers questioning you for six hours straight. With a damn fine smile on your face!"


"And an empty stomach. Don't forget we didn't even get to eat breakfast." 


Joohyun grinned smugly at that, with just a little pinkness around her ears. Awww, Joohyun can be so cute sometimes!


Wendy still didn't seem as convinced, but one shake of head from her girlfriend and she let it go, a small smile coming on her face. 


"Well, I am just glad this whole thing is finally over."


Seulgi's face turned grim at that. She pushed her plate away, shaking her head in denial. 


"No, Wan. It's not over until we get the legal case. Moonbyul is desperately trying right now to get contact with the survivors for the lawsuit appeal."


Joohyun seemed interested in this, and just as she was about to ask something, the lawyer's phone rang. 


Seulgi excused herself, checking the caller ID. Her face broke out in a smile at seeing Moonbyul's name flashing on the screen. 


"Hahahaha, and look! Speaking of the devil, Moonbyul has gotten some good news for us!"


She eagerly picked up the phone, but was not even able to get a word in as the other lawyer splurged the big words onto her.


"Seulgi, your family has taken up the survivors's lawsuit. They'll be representing the plaintiff now."


The young lawyer blinked rapidly, her big smile frozen on her face. It would have been a comical scene, if not for the fact that Seulgi's brain is short-circuiting right now. 


She didn't even notice Joohyun's concerned gaze on her. And she always notices her roommate.


"Wh--What did you say?" Seulgi asked, bobbing with anxiety. Oh ing God, please tell her that her family is not--


"Heegun Kang will be representing the survivor side, Seulgi. Heegun Kang."


Seulgi's mouth fell open, a small whimper coming out of her shrivelled mouth.


"U-Uncle Heegun will be representing the survivors?!"


Multiple chopsticks clattered on the plates. 


Wendy immediately gave her a I told you so face, while Sooyoung just looked plain horrified at what she heard just now. 


"Oh my God, Seulgi. I pity you so much right now. He's the most overbearing man ever. And don't get me started on how judgemental he is! I swear, he should be a judge instead of a lawyer!" 


As a matter of face, all Seulgi can hear his booming, judging voice inside her head right now. She had heard this one line every single time whenever she ed up. 




The phone slid down from her hand, as she slumped down on her chair with a helpless long groan. Well, at least it's not her father taking the case. She knows Uncle Heegun is a tad bit more honourable than his more shady elder brother.


But still! 


Meanwhile, Joohyun just looked around confused like a headless little chicken. 






"You went to all these lengths for that girl, huh?"


"She has a name, Uncle."


"Yes, I know. Joohyun Bae. Age: twenty-eight. Occupation: Chief Air Hostess. Although that can be at risk now." 

Author's Notes: 


Hey! Was a little late in updating this, but that's because life got in the way again. And I also was busy in streaming and voting. I hope you have done your part in supporting our girls as well! :D


I also prepared a little surprise for you all. Just keep an eye, on my stories. ;) Something new is about to come. ;)


I tried to get lots of emotions across in this chapter, to explain why Seulgi did what she did. I am not too sure if I was successful in communicating that, so please let me know if my efforts got to you! 


Comments will be much appreciated! I read all of them and it really motivates me to write for ya all! So please leave a comment! :)


Also, shout-out to YK for helping with the typos. (Although I am sure some must be still there =_=)


That's all for now. See ya! 

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okay54321 #1
i miss this story
pls update this story i really love the plot a lot 🥹🥹🥹
1059 streak #3
Chapter 11: come back pls authornim🤧
Chapter 11: i can't wait for the next chapter
ramborambo #5
Chapter 11: authooorr this is so goood i ready it in one sitting please update! i love ur story!
tuesidiot #6
Chapter 11: Author please update! I like Seulgi's team, they work together to conquer this case. They're a great team!
brdfillet #8
Chapter 11: just the first chapter and the atmosphere you created for this, im craving, it's fantastic all the way! hoping for an update soon, authornim!
runner300 #9
Chapter 11: Hi author, I love this story. I just found it recently. Will you be updating soon? Its really good
Zabrinax #10
Chapter 11: This is soo good, i hope it updates soon :'< Btw congrats on the feature authornim! <3