That's Life

Here and There

Disclaimer: I only own this fanfic. 




Seulgi groaned, slapping her hand over her exposed ear as she curled over to her side of the mattress, determinedly keeping her eyes shut, desperate to preserve her sleep. It's still too chilly to be morning!


She wished she had an extra pillow to press it over her ears, damn this alarm will otherwise blow her ear off!


The thin bedsheet draped on her slipped down to her waist from her chest, as if someone beside her has woken up and is getting up.


Huh? There is someone beside her? Who? And why is she sleeping on the floor in the first place? And what's up with this thin as a paper pillow beneath her head?!


She groaned, digging herself deeper into the warm, cuddly mattress. At least this is comfortable. Probably the best one she ever slept on. Not too hard that her spine breaks, and not too soft that her spine bends. Just perfect straight.


Hahahaha, straight. Good joke.


She snickered in her half-sleepy state at her own joke, missing out the soft feminine voice that is laughing softly along with her.


"Find something very funny, hmm Seulgi?"


The alarm finally shut off, but the sleepy brunette lawyer now focused on this very beautiful new voice that is inside her bed. 


Huh? In her bed?!


Her expression morphed into a terrified one, and just as she was about to open to let out the loudest shriek of her life, she felt a soft, small hand on the tangled brown tassels of her drowsy head. 


"Shhh, Seulgi it's okay. Go back to sleep. It's just four in the morning right now. You don't have to wake up until eight."


Four in the what?! That's not morning! That's practically nighttime! And what is this lady doing so early up in the morning with her damn alarm clock!? 


She grunted in annoyance, trying to work to speak civilized words, but she was still too sleepy to even recognize her new roommate. And that hand in her hair is not really helping. It was very gingerly combing her tangled hair, petting her head in between as if lulling her back into sleep. 


And then she started to hum a Korean song. Something her childhood nanny used to sing to her. 


"Sweet child O mine, go to sleep, go to sleep-"


Seulgi fell right back into sleep, her mind overcome with gratitude for this woman. It's been so long since someone was so kind to her, without wanting anything in return.


Even Wendy would have just kicked her awake for her and giggles. 


"Thank you, Joohyun." Seulgi whispered unconsciously, finally going back into a peaceful sleep. 


She felt a ghost of touch on her forehead, before the woman in her bed got up to get set for her day.


But not before making sure Seulgi was warmly tucked under the bedsheet.






Really, this is twice now.


Seulgi groaned, this time just taking the pillow underneath her head and shoving it over her ear, again curling into her side sleeping pose. The pose that clearly says she doesn't want to be woken up and wants to be left alone.


But that wouldn't get the alarm to shut up. And she had set her alarm on her phone to not have an automatic snooze. So it'll just keep on blaring until she gets up and shuts it off.


Ah, wait. 


Her alarm! She needs to get up!


With a harsh jerk, she sat up on her bed, her eyes spinning in their eye sockets from waking up with such a head-jerking force. She tiredly massaged her temples, her other hand blearily searching for her phone to shut it off.


Finding the death machine beside the mattress, she brought it in front of her grainy eyes, unlocked it with her fingerprint and dismissed the alarm. She then took another two minutes to just admire her phone. The high-end smartphone is the only reminiscent of her very comfortable past lifestyle.


And she just missed it, okay? Don't judge her! 


She sighed, dropping the phone back into her lap. She wants to put on Frank Sinatra's That's Life to make her feel better about her morning.


Don't get her wrong, she is very happy that she finally has a shelter over her head. But still, she can complain about the view she is getting.


Well, it's actually cleaner than yesterday. The creeky floor seemed to be vacuumed as well. Who did this, she needs to thank them---Wait!




She looked around, searching for her new roommate. She had moved to this place yesterday itself, because the kind older woman insisted she move out of the hotel immediately to save money. 


Joohyun even helped her haul all her bags and cases to the sixth floor. Even though she had spent most of their very delicious dinner (which Joohyun had cooked) thanking the woman, she still felt bad.


Joohyun is already doing so much for her. 

She even shared her mattress with her, and actually kept to her side of the bed. Seulgi thought she'd be too uncomfortable to sleep with this gorgeous specimen of a female species, but Joohyun had smilingly turned to the opposite side, keeping a friendly conversation about her air hostess job until Seulgi fell asleep.


The least she can do is cook a one time meal for her. She decided she'd be the one to cook breakfast, but it seems like the air hostess isn't in the room.


Ah, yeah! Joohyun did mention last night that she has to wake up early to catch her early morning flight. It was some four in the morning---Oh .


All the sleepy memories of her very early wake up call hit her brain, making her want to facepalm herself.


Can I be more embarrassing?!


God, Joohyun actually sang a lullaby to make her go back to sleep! 


Joohyun now must really think she is some spoiled brat who can't wake up to at least lock the door and say a ing goodbye to her roommate when she's leaving for work.


It was four in the morning though. Can you blame her? 


She rubbed tiredly at her eyes, deciding she'd buy something on her way from home to make it up to her very kind roommate. Really, Joohyun is just too good to be true--


Huh? What's the crinkling paper sound?


She looked down from where it is coming from, and found a sticky note stuck right in between her s. 


Seulgi knows this would get repetitive, but her face bursts into flames of shame. 


Oh my God, she touched me there!?


Alright, you're overreacting, Seulgi, she reminded herself. It's not like she's , or even in her bra. Although she prefers to sleep in her bras and , but she was polite, more like shameful enough, to sleep in her tank top and shorts. 


Like normal people like Joohyun do. 


Hmm, maybe Joohyun is not that much of a goody-goody afterall. As if she couldn't find any other place on her body to stick a note.


Or better, just leave a text?


Wait, did she even give Joohyun her number? 


She exhaled, irritated at herself. Great. Joohyun has Wendy's number, but not her number. 


She felt just a little jealous over this. 


Anyway! Let's see what instructions Joohyun left. Probably about not setting the kitchen on fire. 


She blushed a little as she plucked the note from her s, blinking her sleepy eyes to read the small yellow paper. 


Morning, Seulgi! Hope you had a good sleep! Looking at your drool, seems like you did!


Seulgi gasped in horror. Joohyun saw that?! This is worse than seeing her ! 


Because that'll be actually good---Nevermind!


When you wake up, go get a shower and then head to the kitchen. I'll be back in the evening, probably before you.


Have a good day, Seulgi! ;-)


Seulgi smiled. This is so much like the woman she is slowly getting to know. Mischievous, but ultimately one of the kindest individuals she has met. 


She checked the time. She cringed seeing the screen. She has already wasted ten minutes and she needs to reach the courtroom by nine. She has a deciding day today for the current case she is handling.


The lawyer hoped she'd at least get a lukewarm shower as she stood up and stretched out the kinks from her body. God, she'll have to get used to sleeping on the floor soon. Although, she'll probably never get used to that floral scented woman just half feet from her. 


Eh, last night she slept okay. She can keep doing this until she gets a better place. 


She became sad at that thought. New place means no Joohyun.


She shook her head, deciding to get her moving instead. She yawned on her way to the shower, which was just a few steps away. And just as she expected, it was cramped.


There was a small washbasin with an accompanying small wall mirror. There was a small, barely able to fit two people shower stall, and a thankfully squeaky clean toilet seat in one corner of this whole crampy set-up.


Haah, she had blushed at the mention of Netflixing and shower on weekends for no reason. That shower can never fit two people together. 


She rubbed at her eyes, deciding to brush her teeth first, then take a dump before heading into shower. She smiled when she saw Joohyun already had a separate brush set for her in her own cup holder. 


And it was black in colour! Aww, that's so cute. Joohyun must have bought it when she went out to buy groceries for dinner. 


Speaking of which, she should help Joohyun in grocery shopping. That's being a decent roommate, she hurriedly added. 


She was immediately glad at the choice of her new roommate's toothpaste. A simple peppermint one. She quickly gargled and spit, just missing a good mouthwash. But hey, Joohyun also left some fresh floss for her, so that's really good. 


With hygiene done, she quickly headed to the toilet. She'll be honest, it was really weird to be pooping right where the shower is, where she is supposed to clean herself and smell all fresh. But surprisingly, it wasn't so stinky in the small bath/toilet room after doing her morning ritual. So she can ignore it.


And there was a bottle of room freshener top the bathroom shelf. So even Joohyun knew how bad this design is. Thankfully, Seulgi didn't need that bottle today.


Hmm, lavender scented though, hmm? Joohyun does seem to like that scent. She herself smells like it.


Seulgi left that thought behind. Although, she was a little curious to check out the soap and shampoo her roommate uses. 


Alright, time to shower. She wondered where she's supposed to strip. She looked around, and noticed two baskets underneath the wash basin. One was already full of clothes, probably Joohyun's. She spotted the tank and shorts her roommate was wearing last night.


And *cough* and bra too. 


Joohyun really likes pink, huh? And displaying her underwear to everyone, apparently.


She looked away, and focused on the empty basket. She again thanked her roommate for her considering nature. She really is trying to make Seulgi as comfortable as possible in this apartment.


She decided that she probably would have to get her laundry done in those public ones. She'll ask Joohyun more about it, she decided as she stripped off her clothes to get for her shower.


Just for a moment, the thought that Joohyun too got and and showered exactly here crossed her mind.


Seulgi wondered if she's crossing some boundary right now. Is this like those indirect kissing ? 


Hey, Joohyun said to shower. So it must be okay. 


She entered the showering stall, pleased to find the floor dry and clean. Joohyun really is the best roommate ever, isn't she? 


She looked up, her hand going to the knob to get the shower going, but then spotted another sticky note stuck on top of a shampoo bottle placed on the second small shelf in this tiny stall.


Her eyes watered up when she read the note. 


Hey, sleepyhead. I got you some lemon scented shampoo, conditioner and soap. Thought I'd buy body wash, but trust me, soap is cheaper and better actually.


Also, you just seemed like a lemony person. The sweet lemon kind, of course! ^_^


Best roommate ever. Not that Seulgi had many of them. But c'mon, who does this for a person you just met? Sure, they went to the same school, but they never met there!


Even Wendy isn't this good to her, she weeped to herself. 


Then she read the last line of the note.


Also, only five minutes for shower. :-|


Okay, maybe not the best roommate ever. How can she take a five minute shower?! That's the time taken just for her hair! 


Okay, you can do this Seulgi. Let's divide this up. Two minutes for hair, no make that one. Then two minutes to soap the body. Two minutes to wash it all down. 


Wait, I can just keep the shampoo in my hair while I soap up. Then, I can wash all of it together! Brilliant! I am a genius!


Seulgi managed to get everything done in six minutes and eleven seconds. A minute and eleven seconds extra, but Joohyun isn't here and what she doesn't know won't hurt. 


She'll give a little extra in the water bills, okay? That's fair enough! 


Wiping her hair with a small towel (really she needs to buy a bigger one) she walked towards the kitchen just as Joohyun instructed. Hmm, now what can she make without burning this whole building down. Korea doesn't have canned baked beans--Oh.


There, on the small kitchen top was a covered plate along with a small guava juice box, with a sticky note on it. Seulgi again felt her eyes watering up as she read it.


Your breakfast! I made sure to keep it less spicy for your portion. Eat up and serve those criminals justice, champ! 


Seulgi lifted the lid off. A plate of fried rice made from last night's leftover cabbage and pork stew. With a side of two fried eggs.


A teardrop slid from her lonely eye. How long has it been since she got a home cooked meal just for her? 


Not even her own mother did it. And no, Wendy's doesn't count. She is a professional chef.


Now she knows why Joohyun had fanclubs dedicated to her in school. Why she was called  Irene, The Goddess of peace. 


She's that good of a person. 


Best. Roommate. Ever. 



"Damn, slow down, Seulgi! That sandwich is not going anywhere!"


"But," *chomp* "I am hungry!"


Seulgi let go of all her years of drilled-in high-class manners at the sight of a delicious pulled pork sandwich Wendy brought her for lunch. She just ran out of the Courtroom and sat on any random car in the parking lot, scarfing down the whole thing in two minutes flat.


She didn't even care when she burped after her very satisfying late lunch.


Wendy winced, sitting on the car parked in front of Seulgi. "How long were you in the Court to become this much of an animal?"


Seulgi scoffed. That's a rhetorical question. She could answer the moment she entered the Courtroom for her first case she became an animal, but she wanted to keep today's lunch light-hearted. Her best friend did take the pains to drop her food when she herself had her restaurant to run. 


"Since nine in the morning, and it's what, four now? So yeah, I was famished." Seulgi rotated her neck, groaning in relief hearing her stuff neck bones crack. "But I won the case, so I am not too upset." 


"What was it about, again? Oh, that guy assaulted his ex-girlfriend over their breakup, right?" Wendy shook her head in disappointment, "Seriously, why is that so common in South Korea."


"It's common everywhere." Seulgi factually commented, although she has to agree here it's a little too bad. Their rating of violence against women isn't too good among developed nations. 


But to be truthful, South Korea is like a developed nation with a 19th century nation's society. 


Which is why she loves it when she takes down cocky male lawyers down their high horses. ist s. They think they can compete with her Cambridge education just because they have . 


"Don't worry, I made sure that the asshat would be rotting in jail for the longest time." 


Seulgi paused, taking that back. She remembered how unfair Korean laws can be. 


"Well, let's hope two years are good enough to set his brain right."


Wendy scoffed in disbelief. "Really? Just two years for traumatising that poor girl for life?" 


"If I could have got that man hanged, I would have." Seulgi grumbled, relaxing back on the car hood. Her best friend nodded glumly at her, before another concerned expression shrouded her face.


"He--He won't come after you, right? Considering you got him jailed?" 


Seulgi laughed, waving the concern off. Yes, it's a very legitimate one, but c'mon! She is very careful with what cases she accepts. She will never take on someone that can even remotely get her dead.


She's more useful to society when alive, and not dead in a ditch. 


"I am careful not to take any high profile cases, Wendy. And that's fine by me." Seulgi shrugged when she spotted the sad face of Wendy. Yeah, her uselessness stings, but she gets it. She gets the world she is trying to fight.


"It's the normal people who commit the most crimes anyway, unlike what general people think." 


"But it's the powerful ones that walk away from them more often." Wendy gently refuted.


Seulgi closed her eyes, nodding. She can't hope to go against billionaires and criminal overlords. She'll not only endanger herself but her loved ones as well.


And now, even Joohyun would be at risk. 


She can't afford that. 


"I can only slip evidence to the right people. Leak information. But I can't show my face. I have to do everything behind anonymity." Seulgi quietly said, crumbling the sandwich wrapper in a ball. "At least, not until the old man dies and I can take over his evil corporation."


Wendy looked surprised at that admission. "I thought you're building your own firm?" 


Seulgi nodded, taking out her phone to check out the site she had asked Wendy's girlfriend to create for her law firm. She saw another new request. Today's win must have impressed someone. Hopefully a person in need, and not one who just wants to cover up their crime.


She gets those cases a lot more than what she wants.


"Only something like Kang Law firm can dare to take on the powerful names, Wendy. At most, my law firm can put small-time celebrities in jail. They are little threats."


Seulgi sighed, seeing that she just got another request from a middle aged man who wants to file a defamation case. Nope, she never does those cases. They are often to cover up crimes. 


She hates Korea's libel laws so much. You just can't sue a person for their criticism! For speaking the truth! 


"How about you first get an office to take on the celebrities, huh, Seulgi? You can't just work from a website!" 


Seulgi looked up from her phone with a raised brow. "And why can't I? Is Korea's digital infrastructure just for things like watching ?"


Her arrangement for meeting the clients online is working just fine. In fact, they have praised it for being so accessible and easy. So much unlike the evil corporation she was previously at. 


She wants to be accessible to even the most oppressed person of South Korea. And she'll damn do it. She needs no fancy oak wood office for it.


She heard her friend's sigh of defeat, and she knows a topic change is coming.


Uh-oh. I know what, or rather "who" is coming.


"So, how's your roommate?"


It took all her experience of Courtroom to keep her face levelled and not break into a giddy smile. 


"She's good."


Wendy obviously didn't believe her. She gave the lawyer a are you kidding me expression.


"Just good? C'mon, Seulgi! She's the hottest woman in all of Korea!"


Actually, she's the hottest woman in all of the world, Seulgi corrected her friend mentally. But of course, she didn't say this.


Instead, she got annoyed. "You have a girlfriend, Wendy!"


"I have eyes too! Which maybe you don't have!"


Seulgi wished she didn't have them. The image of those innocent pink is still haunting her.


"She's seriously good though. And by that, I mean a really good person." Seulgi softly praised, thinking Joohyun deserved to be known more than just their hot unnie from high school. 


"She made sure I got proper sleep when her alarm went off at four in the morning. She got me lemon scented shampoo-conditioner and soap, and she even left breakfast. With guava juice. So yeah."


Seulgi gave her best friend a heartfelt expression. "She's a really good person, and I am very fortunate to have her."


Wendy's mouth dropped open after hearing the small speech. "No wonder she always had a string of admirers hounding her."


Seulgi smiled at that, understanding it finally too. "Yeah. No wonder."


Wendy looked at her trimmed nails casually, speaking the next statement in a uber casual way. 


Even if it was actually a bomb dropped on Seulgi.


"You know, she's totally single. And maybe very much into women."


The crumbled paper ball fell from Seulgi's hand. She sputtered a barely reprehensible response to this attack to her hopeful heart.


"W---What?! She's what?!" 


"Single." Wendy stressed. "And possibly gay."


Damn, does that mean she has a chance?


Seulgi immediately kicked the paper ball away, along with this absurd thought. 


"We just met, Wendy. She's my roommate. Our schedules are too different. I have a law firm to build up. I need more lawyers there to be even taken seriously." She listed off all the reasons why Joohyun Bae is off limits. 


"And even if I am not inviting trouble, I can be a troublemaker." Seulgi looked at her friend meaningfully, "You know that the best, Wan. Joohyun doesn't deserve someone with baggage like me."


Wendy looked down a moment, before decisively looking up. 


"You underestimate her, Seulgi. Did you ever wonder why she's living there, when she can afford an apartment in even the posh Gangnam district?" 


Seulgi looked away. Of course she wondered that. But it's not bher business. And it's definitely not Wendy's business. 


Wendy already has Joohyun's number anyway, she miffingly thought. And how does she even know Joohyun is single?! Have they been talking to each other?! 


She got up from the hood, dusting her work pants. Enough chit-chat. This is getting too personal.


"C'mon, I need to go now. Next hearing is of Moonbyul and I want to hear it."


She could hear Wendy's eyerolling. "Really, what's up with your rivalry with her? Aren't lawyers supposed to get along? Bring the criminals to justice together and ?"


Seulgi laughed at that. All these years of friendship and Wendy is as clueless as ever.


"Law is business, Wan. And like any business, it's cutthroat."


Seulgi grinned. 


"You gotta keep your enemies close."




Almost---Almost there!


Seulgi finally crossed the final step to the sixth floor, her hand clutching onto the railing as she gasped for breath. She really doesn't need any workout as long as she lives in this horror/gymn house of a building. 


She looked up, hoping that Joohyun would be there with a carton of juice. The air hostess seemed to have a never ending supply of it. But no, instead there was another woman, about the same age as Joohyun, holding a small juice box. Her hair was pinkish in colour, with very dark brown eyes. 


Seulgi just stared at the juice box with an expression of a starved dog. 


It was litchi juice, but for Seulgi it might as well be fountain of youth from heaven.


"Hey, Joohyun said I need to give this to a lady in black making loud noise---"


Seulgi didn't bother to hear anymore. She snatched the box, drinking it all in one go.


The woman in front of her shrugged at the rude response. "Guess I got the lady in black." She waved to Seulgi, and the lawyer waved back, still mouthing down the juice as the woman took her leave.


"Gotta go now. I have a scoop to write. See ya, new neighbor." 


The woman went to her door and got in, closing it shut carefully. Aah, so she just lives beside Joohyun and her.


Seulgi felt a little bad for not even saying thank you. She decided she'll next time get a extra cup cake for her neighbour. 


Jeez, is everyone kind here? Just waiting to offer juice to anyone? 


Well, they deserve it for climbing six floors without falling, Seulgi grumbled to herself as she carefully opened her door, the empty juice box still clutched in her hand. As the creaky old door shut in, Joohyun peeked from their tiny kitchen to welcome her home. 


Home. For the first time, Seulgi actually felt home. Especially when Joohyun gave her that bright smile.


"Hey, look who's home! How was your day, miss lawyer?"


The older woman spotted the juice box in her hand, and she immediately went to the awkwardly standing lawyer to take it from her.


"So, you met our neighbor Yongsun, huh?" Joohyun cheerfully asked as she disposed off the juice box, while Seulgi nodded as she dropped her suit jacket and bag on the couch. She'll place them in their proper places later.


"Yeah, she's a journalist?"


"A newbie one. She's always searching for a scoop for her great breakthrough."


"That explains why she is living here." Seulgi whispered to herself, crashing down on the couch. She doesn't care if the suit gets crushed underneath her bum. God, she's so tired. She can just sleep right here. 


Joohyun wasn't having any of it though. She pulled Seulgi up by her arm, pushing the whining woman to the bathroom.


"W--What the hell, Joohyun?!"


"You're going and getting a shower, Seulgi. You reek of sweat. And I am not allowing you in bed until you smell like lemons."


Seulgi burst into flames. God, she is doing a lot around this woman. 


"Okay, okay fine! Just let me get my change of clothes!" 


Joohyun let her go, but not without a bossy put down stare and a pointed finger towards the bathroom, before marching off to the kitchen.


"Just five minutes, Seulgi! No more than that!" 


Seulgi was so tempted to yell "Yes, mom."  but she feared for her life too. The kitchen has a rolling pin and she's sure Joohyun will not hesitate to use it.


So she quietly grabbed the first set of clothes she saw in her cupboard, and rushed to the bathroom.


She saw that her morning's clothes were still in the basket. She had hidden the and bra underneath her tank and shorts, so she's not too bothered about Joohyun seeing her dirty clothes. 


She saw that Joohyun's clothes are still in the basket too. Although now Joohyun's air hostess uniform is there as well.


Ooh, so Joohyun does wear a skirt----Look away, Seulgi! 


She stripped, dumped her work clothes too in her own basket and got into the shower. 


As soon as the lukewarm water hit her sweaty skin, she groaned in relief. Oh God, this feels so good--


"Oye, Seulgi! No funny business in the shower!"


The lawyer blushed to the roots of her hair at the implication of her in their shared shower.


"No! I am not doing anything like that!" 


She heard the other woman laugh, and she knew that Joohyun just said it to get a rise out of her. 


Humph. Sneaky fox, that woman. 


"It's okay, you can do it on the weekend, Seulgi!" Joohyun chortled at her, much to Seulgi's growing horror, "I won't mind it! Just clean the shower though!" 


Oh God, does Joohyun actually do it in this shower on the weekends? 


Now she actually wants to do it--No! Distract yourself! 


Seulgi closed her eyes, and sang the first song that came to her mind. 


Which is obviously Frank Sinatra's That's Life. 


She was so lost in singing out all her melancholy at this up and down loop of her life through the song, that she didn't notice Joohyun approaching towards the bathroom door.


"Seulgi, is that you singing in the shower?"


The lawyer clamped up, being reminded of her current situation. And oh my God, is that Joohyun right against the bathroom door! The woman could practically hear every sound she makes in this bathroom!


She's living in the same tiny room! And Joohyun is standing right outta the door! 


"Uhh, yeah?"


With a panicking breath, she replied back. God, please Joohyun don't make fun of her singing. Anything but that. She'll actually cry if Joohyun does that. 


"Sing louder! This is better than my morning radio!"


Seulgi almost cried, but in relief this time. Listen, singing matters a lot to her, okay? Only her passion for law can maybe challenge it.


With her good mood regained, Seulgi fired back, shouting louder over the sound of her running shower.


"Just letting you know, I am not waking up at four in the morning to be your morning radio!"


"Then be my evening radio!" Joohyun fired right back, breaking into humming the tune of Frank Sinatra's That's Life, which was so ridiculous to her ears that Seulgi had to sing along to make it sound good. 


Still, they created the most beautiful tune together, at least for Seulgi, who was now carelessly singing in the shower as Joohyun hummed along loudly, providing instrumentals to her singing as she worked in the kitchen for their dinner.


Seulgi has a feeling this song will soon become their song. 


"That's life , that's what all the people say

You're riding high in April, shot down in May

But I know I'm gonna change that tune

When I'm back on top, back on top in June

I said, that's life, and as funny as it may seem

Some people get their kicks, stompin' on a dream

But I don't let it, let it get me down

'Cause this fine old world it keeps spinning around."


As soon as Seulgi finished the last stanza, Joohyun clapped loudly, bravoing loudly at her singing skills. It made Seulgi want to just keep singing forever for this woman.


But then Joohyun demanded she get out of the shower because her five minutes were up.


Her roommate is such a showerpooper.






"Seulgi, I hope you are free on Sunday."


"I am, what is it? Anything planned that day?"


"Well, beside a good sleep, yep. We need to get our laundry and groceries shopping done. I also want to show you my favourite dukbokki place."


"Duk--What? What is that thing? A food made out of ducks? Sorry, I don't like ducks . . ."

Author's Notes:


Another quick update! Am pretty proud of myself. :^)


Lemme know how you are finding the chapters! Please comment and let me know! I'll try to reply to anything ya all ask! :)


Also, any law person here? Law student? Please PM me! I want to discuss things about law because I want to be faithful in representing Seulgi as a lawyer!


Also, I am pretty excited for Monster's debut! :) 

And yeah, it has HnD vibes, hahahaha! (^^)


See ya on the next chapter, peeps! 


P.S: Frank Sinatra is an awesome singer. Check him out.



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okay54321 #1
i miss this story
pls update this story i really love the plot a lot 🥹🥹🥹
1059 streak #3
Chapter 11: come back pls authornim🤧
Chapter 11: i can't wait for the next chapter
ramborambo #5
Chapter 11: authooorr this is so goood i ready it in one sitting please update! i love ur story!
tuesidiot #6
Chapter 11: Author please update! I like Seulgi's team, they work together to conquer this case. They're a great team!
brdfillet #8
Chapter 11: just the first chapter and the atmosphere you created for this, im craving, it's fantastic all the way! hoping for an update soon, authornim!
runner300 #9
Chapter 11: Hi author, I love this story. I just found it recently. Will you be updating soon? Its really good
Zabrinax #10
Chapter 11: This is soo good, i hope it updates soon :'< Btw congrats on the feature authornim! <3