Vodka and Soju

Here and There

Disclaimer: I only own this fanfic.

"Wendy, did you know that dukbokki actually doesn't have any duck in it?" 


"What even?!"


Seulgi put her cheap beer bottle down, patting the back of her friend, who was choking on the bar counter at her absurd drunk talk.


Well, Seulgi isn't really drunk. This is just her first beer bottle. Joohyun had strictly told her she has to be sober for dinner. 


The lawyer truly has a mother in the guise of a roommate, but not that she is complaining. It's nice to be fussed after. People often think Seulgi Kang is too high and mighty to be taken care of, so it's nice for Joohyun to treat her like some spoiled brat who just wants fried chicken for dinner. 


She grinned. Tonight Joohyun is cooking fried chicken!


"Oye, Wendy. Don't vomit on me. Joohyun will scold me for getting my clothes dirty." Seulgi grumbled, shifting back as Wendy now started to choke even harder on her beer.


"Seriously, Wendy! You're acting like you're drinking alcohol for the first time."


Wendy glared up through her half empty beer bottle, pointing a finger at Seulgi with accusation.


"And you're acting more married then I am, and I am not even married!" 


Wendy's point completely went over Seulgi's head. She only heard the whining of her friend's voice.


"Aww, it's okay, Wannie." Seulgi soothed her friend, patting the shorter girl patronisingly on her head, "I am sure Sooyoung will propose to you soon."


The chef slammed her beer bottle on the counter, earning a few stray looks from the small bar. But the two women were two busy bickering with each other.


"Excuse me?!" Wendy slammed her fist on her chest proudly, "I would be the one doing the proposing! I am the older one, for food's sake!" 


"Wendy, are you drunk? You are swearing by the food." Seulgi asked cautiously, shifting another inch away. She is wearing a white shirt and she'll be damned if it gets vomited on. 


Wendy slammed her hand on the counter, glaring accusingly at the confused lawyer. "Well maybe because I am hungry, Seulgi! I didn't even have lunch and you had to drag me here for drinks!" 


The hungry woman poked her finger on Seulgi's chest, finger-punching the amused lawyer again and again. 


"And then you had to mention dukbokki! Do you know how much I am craving it right now! It's my favourite food!" 


Seulgi wondered just what weird berserk button she had pushed. Who thought Wendy is so in love with food? That explains why Wendy is a chef. 


She remembered that they had one time argued whether noodles can be cold or not. In the end, Seulgi had to kowtow in apology and grow to love cold noodles. 


C'mon, Wendy, please shut up! She'll eat the damn ducks! What's up with people getting offended by ducks?


She tried to push in a word, but the passionate chef rambled on. 


"And then you had to say dukbokki has ing DUCKS in it, what the hell, that's disgusting--!"


"I SAID THEY DON'T HAVE DUCKS!" Seulgi finally yelled out, not caring at this point if they get kicked out of the bar. Damn, there goes her surprise for Wendy. 


"How did you even think that it has ducks!?" 


Seulgi raised her hands in defence, her beer now forgotten. "The name had duck in it!"


"It's duk! Not duck!"


"It sounds same . . .?" Seulgi felt ashamed at her own argument now. No wonder Joohyun didn't even bother correcting her. No, she just took her to a dukbokki shop and dumped a bowl of it in front of her to eat it and find any duck in it for herself.


Wendy gave her an exasperated look, shaking her head as she sipped back on her beer. 


"English and Korean are two different languages, Seulgi."


"I know!" The lawyer vehemently agreed, wanting to defend her IQ of 165.


"Really, I think going to London has loosened a few screws of common sense in your head." Wendy rolled her eyes at the cringing lawyer, tipping her head back to take a heavy gulp of her beer.


"Anyway, how did you even eat dukbokki? You don't like anything spicy."


"Oh." Seulgi blinked, trying to control the big smile that is threatening to break into her face. "Umm, Joohyun took me to a place. It was very good there. Not too spicy."


She could feel the laser eyes of her inquisitive best friend on her head.


Seulgi just stared at the bar counter as if it has a painting of Joohyun in a bikini on it. 


Hmmm, she will ask Joohyun to go to the beach with her sometime. Maybe even bikini shopping together. 


Seulgi was completely zoned out of the bar now, her mind now roaming the beach with a very y Joohyun running with her hand-in-hand. And then Wendy smacked her on the head.


"Ouch! What the hell was that for!?"


Wendy flicked her forehead, earning one more ouch from Seulgi.


"For smiling like a creep watching in public. Just what was going on in your head. Or better--" Wendy pulled in closer and whispered in her conspiracy voice, "How did your date go with Miss hottest woman in Korea, hmm?"


Excuse me, Wendy, but that's Miss hottest woman in the world. Seulgi miffed at Wendy's mistake. 


Also the other mistake.


"It wasn't a date, Wan." Seulgi said with a neutral voice, not wanting to give anything away. That night was special to her. Very special. "It was just two roommates who are now friends having dinner together. No big deal." 


Only, it was a big deal because of what went down just before that. Her blood still boils over it. Her leg still twitches in anger, wanting to taekwondo kick any man that comes across her. 


Who among all these men had been a creep? Hmm? She'll ing kick them all!


She sighed, drinking her beer with sad eyes. She should be angry, but she's just sad.


"We just talked about her job. That's all." 


By which she means her grilling Joohyun for all her past years as air hostess and the other woman skipping all over her interrogation like a seasoned conwoman.


God, she hopes Joohyun never becomes a conwoman. She'd really con the whole country. The woman is as slippery as a wet soap bar.


But if you hold it tight enough, look close enough, you'll see the small cracks.


"Hey, Seulgi." Wendy quietly said, noticing the dip in the lawyer's mood. "We don't need to talk about this. Let's talk about something else."


Seulgi wanted to talk about it. She wanted to scream how wrong the world is about Joohyun the Goddess of Peace Irene Bae. The Miss Perfection who's so angelic that the angels of heaven should come down to earth and resign in front of her.


But that's the thing! Joohyun is all those things, and that's her flaw!


Why, just why does Joohyun have to smile every second? Why does she have to help everyone? Why does she have to be so compassionate? So kind?


Why does she have to listen to everyone's complaints but never say hers?


Seulgi kept shut, keeping all her own complaints about her Mother Teresa of a roommate inside. It's not in her place to discuss Joohyun like she's some criminal she has to decode.


This time Seulgi can't just scream and shout to get the person to speak. She has to keep quiet and smile. Like Joohyun does it all the point. 


Hard, but she'll do it. She'll try.


She smiled at Wendy, promptly changing their topic. 


So she told all about her latest client whom she is milking like a golden cow right now. Really, the man is rolling in cash and she's not least ashamed to say that she dragged on the divorce proceedings just a little to get more cash from him.


Such a good cow, really. Markiplier would be proud of him.


Wendy immediately demanded a celebration for netting such an idiot client. 


"This calls for celebration! You are no longer poor! Feed me for all the times I fed you!" 


Seulgi grinned like a bad Bond villain. Hohoho, just what she was waiting for. 


Poor innocent Wendy. Did she really think a week would be enough for her to forget what she did?


Seulgi smiled courteously, hailing up the barkeeper. She showed him two fingers, held just a little apart. A secret sign to get the poison ready for her best friend. 


Yes, she totally planned this out. With her neighbour's help of finding a cheap but good enough bar. 


"You need to try the shots they serve here." Seulgi coaxed, as the barkeeper presented two shot glasses containing brimful of colourless alcohol. "My journalist neighbor said it's the best in Seoul." 


Her friend, being the gullible friend she is, immediately believed her plan.


"This is the best shot? Haah! Seoul is way too big to just say anything is the best!" 


Seulgi grinned, picking up her shot glass. She picked only the one that was to the left. "Well, let's test it then, hmm? I'll feed you fried calamari if I am right. They serve it good here."


The prospect of food was enough for Wendy to throw caution into the wind and throw back the shotglass's contents into . 


But out of the two women one shotting their glass, only one coughed and cursed like a sailor.


"W-WHAT THE--" *Cough* "WHAT IS THIS--" *Cough* "WHAT IS THIS ?"


Seulgi leisurely kept her empty shot glass down.


"Well, mine had sprite. Yummy." 


The lawyer was immediately accosted by her collar, before being jerked around like a beef jerky by a very pissed off best friend.


"Are you trying to kill me?! That was poison! My throat still burns!"


Seulgi winced. Okay, maybe she went a little overboard in her revenge. "Wendy, chill. That was just some high grade vodka and soju mixed together!"


Wendy was immediately disgusted, letting go of her and barfing at what she just drank.


"Soju and vodka together?! Yuck!"


Seulgi harrumphed in victory and spite. Take that, you snitch! 


"Consider this a payback for outing me to Joohyun." She casually remarked, continuing on, "And also for deliberately cooking those black noodles for me and Joohyun." 


"Seulgi, I swear I made them because they are easy to make. And good comfort f-food! I thought you both needed comforting after such a long week!" 


The lawyer hummed, not believing a word. "And you just avoided me for a week for nothing, hmm?" 


Wendy groaned, banging her head against the counter. "Seul, my girlfriend was doing redecoration of our apartment and I was stuck with her! Speaking of home, how will I get home?! I am feeling tipsy!" 


The woman whined against the counter as Seulgi watched her best friend with a mix of glee and sympathy. From outside, the bar visitors must be wondering if they are seeing a scene from some melodramatic k-drama.


Hmm, not too far from the truth.


"Okay, okay, enough whining, Wan. Stop, you won't die." Seulgi rolled her eyes, looking down at her wristwatch, "I called up your girlfriend beforehand, she should be here any moment now---There she is!"


A tall woman with reddish dyed hair thundered down towards them, immediately taking her poor girlfriend in her arms, and straightaway glaring at Seulgi.


The lawyer winced at the uncalled accusation. There's no escaping Sooyoung. Which is what makes her such a good computer specialist. Or coder. Or hacker. Or whatever the job description of Sooyoung is. 


"Joooooy, look!" Wendy whined loudly to her younger girlfriend, "Look what Seulgi did to me! She tricked me into drinking soju-vodka poison!"


The redhead blinked her coffee eyes in confusion. "Soju-vodka what?" 


Seulgi sighed at her own created mess. "It's just your girlfriend being a lightweight crybaby." 


Sooyoung tucked her girl's head beneath her chin, keeping her glare firmly on the culprit lawyer. "Seulgi unnie, if anyone should be getting drunk, it's you. You are the single person here pining away for the hottest woman in Korea."


Seulgi's mouth dropped open in betrayal. Et tu Sooyoung?! 


And that's the hottest woman in the world for you! No, no, not for Sooyoung! For her! Joohyun is for her! 


Wait, what is Sooyoung doing? Why is the barkeeper bringing a bottle of vodka to her?! Why is Sooyoung turning towards her with that evil grin! 


With that bottle of lethal alcohol in her hand?!


Sooyoung shared a look with her girlfriend, both giggling together like conspiring teenagers about to spike the party punch.


Seulgi gulped. Oh, . They are about to spike her.


"Alright, that's enough celebration, I have to go now! Joohyun must be waiting for me---AAAH, GOD, PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!"


Seulgi was tackled to the floor by a tipsy Wendy, as a cackling Sooyoung unscrewed the vodka and straddled a struggling Seulgi's chest.


The whole bar watched this free entertaining with much interest meanwhile.


"Say aaah, Seulgi unnie!"




Suffice to say, Seulgi won't be getting any chicken dinner.


Or any dinner, for that matter.




"You should've told me this before, Yong. It's been a week! A week of all this!"


Joohyun patted down her skinny pink sweatpants as she stood up, giving her neighbour a good hard stare. She was really not impressed with her journalist neighbor. She knows Yongsun is a troublemaker, it comes with the description of being a journalist, but still! 


What Yongsun told her was potentially life endangering.


"I by the way still think we should be going to the police."


Yongsun immediately shot her sensible idea down. Again.


"Joohyun, you and I both know how useless Korean laws are when it comes to stalking laws."


The air hostess threw her arms up in the air in frustration. "And you want to approach a lawyer knowing how useless the justice is!"


The journalist grinned, not really bothered by her angry neighbor. They both, despite not knowing each for long, still have an easy camaraderie between them.


"You don't know, Joohyun, but Seulgi is kind of getting famous for playing around with law books. It's what makes her shut those draggy cases so quickly." The journalist waved her hand in confidence. "Unless she just wants to drag the case for a quick buck." 


Joohyun felt a spark of green inside her. Yongsun knows about her roommate's professional life way too much.


"How do you know this much?"


Yongsun definitely has a quick eye for recognising trouble, for she immediately raised her hands in peace. 


Even the Goddess of Peace gets angry sometimes. Or just plain irritated.


"Joohyun, I don't have hots for your Seulgi, I swear! It's just that I am a journalist!" Yongsun rushed out as Joohyun's left eyebrow kept ticking, "The quickest way to a scoop is knowing your lawyers!"


Joohyun's blood pressure spiked. She has always been a dormant possessive woman, and it is showing. She never had many things or people to latch onto in her life.


But when she gets one, she ing brands it as hers.


"She's not your lawyer! You're not coming after her for your scoops!" Joohyun snapped, her black eyes flashing in challenge. "And she's definitely mine, Yong." The woman paused for a moment, getting her emotions under control, before speaking slowly. "My roommate, that is." 


Yongsun knows enough journalism to keep shut when required. She quickly flapped her head like an obedient puppy, even doing a scout's honour to her neighbour.


"I promise I will not stalk---I mean follow Seulgi Just get me to talk with her! You can even be there to supervise!" The journalist stammered out, catching herself as Joohyun looked like she would knife her right there. "


Joohyun slumped her shoulders, smiling at the poor puppy of her neighbour. Seriously, what claim does she have on Seulgi? She's just her roommate, maybe now a friend. 


They both are in the end from two different worlds. She's Cambridge educated erudite. A Kang. She's an air hostess with not even a college degree to her ordinary name. 


And somehow, they both are living under the same leaky roof, Joohyun amusingly thought. That has to mean for something, right? 


Well, good for Yongsun that they both are living together. She'll at least get her stalker nabbed this way. 


Joohyun sometimes cursed her own charitable nature. 


"Alright, Yongsun. I'll help you out. But I swear, if this stalker is some highshot man you've been chasing after, I'll call the police." 


Like hell she'll put Seulgi's life at risk. 


Yongsun agreed to that with some reluctance, and Joohyun decided that's settled. She invited the journalist over for dinner, thinking that maybe fried chicken would make the lawyer more agreeable to playing detective for their careless neighbor.


As both the women were about to step out of the journalist's apartment, they heard a loud commotion from outside.




"Wendy! Keep quiet! You're making a scene!"


What? Did something happen to Seulgi that she has to be carried home!?


The air hostess slammed the door open, making a louder noise then both of them. Yongsun screamed in worry for her door.


"Joohyun! That's my door you'll break!"


The air hostess ignored her panicking neighbor. She focused on the scene in front of her. 


Namely, two women carrying her roommate over their shoulder. A very drunk roommate. Who seemed to be mumbling something about eating chickens right now. 


Like hell Seulgi will now ever get to eat a chicken! 


Joohyun's left eyebrow ticked. She had clearly asked Seulgi to come home sober. 


This. Is. Not. Sober. 


She folded her arms over her chest, a very slow and cold smile curling on her innocent pink lips. 


"You have thirty seconds to explain why my roommate is in this state, ladies." Joohyun paused for a second, adding. "And also to tell me your names."


So that I can add them in my little black notebook. 


The short-heighted woman opened to speak but the taller dumped a wobbly Seulgi completely onto her, stepping forward to do the talking.


"I am Sooyoung, this is my idiot girlfriend Wendy. We are your girl--I mean your roommate's friends." The redhead gave a friendly smile, obviously the only person who's not drunk in this trio.


Joohyun arched her eyebrow for the explanation. Sooyoung gulped, folding her hands in apology.


Oh, so it wasn't Seulgi's fault, hmm?


"This is all our fault, Joohyun unnie. Me and Wendy just got too carried away and got Seulgi unnie drunk. Please don't be mad on her, unnie!"


Joohyun heaved an amused sigh. Well, at least Seulgi has good, honest friends in life. She could use one as well, honestly.


Her eyes softened as they drifted onto the drunk lawyer. She couldn't help but smile at her adorable roommate.


Well, she too now has an honest and good friend. 


Suddenly, as if Seulgi has some Joohyun-detector inbuilt inside her, she jerked her head up straight at Joohyun, her goofy face grinning at her roommate. 


"Joohyunnie! Hyunie! There's my favourite Hyunie!"


The air hostess wondered how many Hyunie does Seulgi have in her life for her to be her favourite


Seulgi didn't really know what she was blabbering though. She just wanted to get close to her favourite Hyunie. She shoved herself away from Wendy, stumbling towards a slightly worried Joohyun.


"Oyee, Joohyun! Look! I am back, not drunk!" *Hiccup!* "Where's my fried chicken!?" 


Oh my. Look at what attitude this woman has. Joohyun narrowed her eyes at her drunk roommate. Drunk or not, she doesn't like bad manners. 


"I don't know if you'd get chicken dinner in your current state, Seulgi."


The blubbering lawyer gasped, offended at this. She pointed a shaking finger at her two sheepish friends who really just wanted to run away from there. 


"Are you angry at me? Huh?!" Seulgi loudly asked. "Well, you should be angry at these two liars!"


Joohyun agreed to that. She glared at the two women, who hung their heads in shame. 




Joohyun very serenely switched her glare to Seulgi. With a very serene smile, she asked why is it so wrong? 


"And why is it wrong, dear Seulgi?" 


If Seulgi answers wrong, Joohyun will not let her eat even raw chicken for the entirety of her life. 


With a very honest smile, Seulgi loudly demonstrated her honesty. 




Joohyun's face burst into shades of red at that loud proclamation. Even the two women behind Seulgi seemed awestruck.


Yongsun was just trying to fix her door back to its hinge.


"W-Well, I suppose you can get your fried chicken." Joohyun mumbled quietly, although she has no idea how she'll feed it to an almost on verge of vomiting Seulgi--Wait, what?!


Seulgi was dangerously close to Joohyun, her face screwed up in a painful expression, as if she's going . . .


Quick! This is what you were trained for, Joohyun! Look at your surroundings for tools you can use to dodge the incoming projectile! 


Her eyes landed on Yongsun, who was still trying to fix her door. With quick reflexes trained into her, she grabbed her neighbour and planted her right in front of herself and Seulgi.


Just in time for the lawyer to do her oral attack.






Ughh, it stinks. Joohyun let go of her vomit covered shield to cover her nose. Yuck, just what crap does Seulgi eat for her vomit to stink this bad!? Cafeteria food?!


Joohyun decided she'll now try to pack Seulgi her lunches as well.


"What the hell, Joohyun! You broke my door, and now you--!" Yongsun screamed, just as Seulgi fell down on the dirty corridor floor, her energy finally gone.


All the ladies watched/glared at the lawyer peacefully snoring in her own vomit.


Joohyun laughed, turning towards her fuming neighbor with a convincing smile.


"Well, there's no way Seulgi can say no now."




Seulgi blearily looked up at the ty ceiling above her. Not even a ceiling fan is there. How will they survive Korean summer? 


Speaking of them, how will she face Joohyun after last night?


That's the question she's been asking herself for the last twenty minutes she's been awake, pretending to sleep while Joohyun worked in the kitchen, her humming reverberating all around their tiny home. 


And is that fried chicken she smells? 


Seulgi teared up. Joohyun is really too good for this sinful earth. After all the she did last night, she is still feeding her food. Her favourite food even! 




Seulgi looked up. Joohyun was standing over her, with a glass of something in her hand. 


The Kang woman decided that she'll die happily if this gorgeous specimen of female hotness steps over her body right this second.


Joohyun though was having none of it. 


"Seulgi, get up! I know you've been pretending to be asleep for the last twenty minutes!"


The lawyer winced. Where does all her deception skills go in front of this woman? Or maybe she should just give up law. She's not made for this profession if she can't even act asleep. 


"Seulgi, if you don't wake up this second, I will dump this lemonade on your pretty face." 


Seulgi grinned dreamily. "You think my face is pretty?"


The air hostess huffed a laugh, before scowling back. "Do you want me to make it ugly? I am very good with knives."


Seulgi was immediately up. She doesn't want to know if her roommate is a closet serial killer. Or if she has a for knives. 


Hmm, though she's not averse to try it with Joohyun.


Seulgi immediately sat up, taking the lemonade and drinking it in two gulps, breathing heavily as she tried to get her blush to go down. , does she still have alcohol in her system?!


"I will kill them." She muttered under her breath. "I'll ing sue their asses so hard they'll die." 


Joohyun patted her back in sympathy, giving her a pseudo-sympathetic smile. "It's okay, champ. They are sorry too for their behaviour. They apologized on your behalf too."


Seulgi was agitated at this. Those brats! Now she knows Joohyun knows her reason for coming home drunk, all her guilt over her broken promise is gone. 


"Why apologize on my behalf! I didn't even do anything wrong?!"


Joohyun coughed, sitting down beside Seulgi. Oh, . What did she do for the always merry air hostess to make such a face?! 


"Seulgi, I have to correct you on that." Joohyun broke it very slowly to her. "You kind of vomited all over Yongsun." The woman paused here for a second, as if coming to a decision as to whether to speak the rest or not. "And you kind of broke her door too."


The lawyer rightfully looked at her roommate if she had gone mad. What was she trying to do last night to break Yongsun's door?! 


To be fair, the doors here are kind of made of matchsticks too. She must have tripped or something. Whatever. She rather not ask. Even Joohyun seemed not wanting to say the details, for whatever reason. 


Seulgi groaned, rubbing her pounding head. , she hoped Joohyun has some aspirins. "Alright, I'll get her new clothes and a door." 


Hmm, she is doing pretty okay financially too thanks to her current golden cow. 


"I'll get our door replaced too on that note."


Joohyun grinned, breathing a sigh of relief. What, did her roommate really think she is so broke she can't pay for a door?


Well, she was previously, but she's not saying that. She has to save some face after her last night shenanigans. God, she needs to apologize to Yongsun asap. Just when they both were starting to get along, she doesn't want her to become all bitter and stop giving her juice boxes. Even if they are Joohyun's juice boxes. 


"Where is Yongsun, by the way? I should probably apologize to her for everything."


Joohyun smiled a little nervously. "Ah, about that." 


Seulgi sat up straighter on the mattress, scrutinizing her roommate very carefully who seemed to be struggling for words right now. 


"Seulgi, I think you should talk with Yongsun."


Duh? She was planning to. But this seems like it's different. Wait, is Yongsun trying to take advantage of her?! Hey, hey, sure she vomited on her and broke her door, but she can't share inside stories from the courtroom to her!


"Hmm? Why? Don't tell me she wants a scoop from me!" 


Joohyun winced a little at Seulgi's panicking voice. "Well, that too, but she really just needs your help."


Well, sure she'll help Yongsun. It must be what, legal advice? She can do that. She owes it to her. But just one free legal advice! She doesn't run a charity here like Joohyun does!


Seulgi sighed. She feels so exhausted. Today was supposed to be her Sunday. Her holiday. She was supposed to enjoy it with Joohyun. But now, she is so hungover that she can't even enjoy her fried chicken.


Knock. Knock.


Seulgi closed her eyes at the loud knocking. Jeez, don't be so loud in---what, eleven in the morning.


"Who is it so late in the morning?" She asked, grumpily, closing her ears as Joohyun got up to get the door.


"That must be Yongsun. She is joining us for breakfast."


Seulgi slumped back into her breakfast, scowling into her thin pillow. She wanted to tear it with her teeth, but then she'll have to buy a new pillow.


There goes her time with Joohyun too.


this Sunday. Why do her Sundays with Joohyun always bring drama?




"Wait, wait a second. Just hold up."


Seulgi raised her chicken wing, making sure that she has heard everything correctly from her roommate and their neighbor.


"So, you're saying that you feel you're being stalked for a week now. Since last Sunday to be exact." 




Seulgi nodded, biting off another chunk of fried chicken meat. Mmm, she loves the oregano seasoning Joohyun has given them.


Anyway, back to questioning.


"And you want me to catch him or her in the act."


"I am sure it's a man. Why would a woman follow me?" Yongsun asked, to which Seulgi shook her head, still chewing the down on her late breakfast. 


She thought back to that Saturday night, when Yongsun had been dropped back home by a woman in Mercedes. 


There's a possibility, a very high possibility that it's her. But Seulgi still wants to be sure. And most of all . . .


This isn't her job! 


"You do know that you should be going to the police right now."


Yongsun clapped right back. "Korean laws have no concept of stalking or restricting orders. And I don't even know the person I am supposed to report." 


"And you think I can help you?! I am a lawyer! Not a detective!" Seulgi argued, looking at Joohyun for help.


Who was in her quiet corner eating her breakfast. Her whole aura said sort your own . 




"You're a lawyer. So you know how to sneak around for evidence, right?" Yongsun shrugged. "Sneak around for a stalker too."


"That's all in television shows and movies!" 


The nerve of this woman! She isn't putting her head on line for vomiting and breaking a door! Who knows what kind of psycho that stalker is!? 


Joohyun set her fork down, getting Seulgi and Yongsun's attention. 


"Seulgi and I will do what we can, Yong. But if the risk seems too much, we'll call the police. Alright?" 


Seulgi stood up to protest. Like hell Joohyun is getting involved in this! 


One petrifying glare from Joohyun and she obediently sat back on the folding table. 


"Okay, I'll try." Seulgi mumbled, directing her eyes to Joohyun. "But only I'll try to sneak grab him. You stay put, Joohyun. Only then will I help Yongsun."


She knows this ultimatum will work. This way, Joohyun stays out and her Mother Teresa complex won't be hurt and she won't be going out playing vigilante Teresa. 


It's a win-win for Joohyun's safety. Loss-loss for Seulgi's safety. 


And Joohyun knew this. She narrowed her eyes at Seulgi, but kept quiet. 


With this matter solved, wish her own cases solved this fast, Seulgi turned towards their troublesome neighbor.


"Okay, so tell me how you feel you are being stalked."


Yongsun chewed on her chicken neck slowly. Ughh, Seulgi will never get used to how Korea cuts up it's chicken. She went for a safe piece, noting down mentally everything Yongsun was narrating.


"Hmm, I just have a sixth sense I guess. I feel eyes on me sometimes on my way to work and on the way back home. But it's inconsistent. Some days, it was just in the morning. Some days, just in the evening."


Yongsun clicked her finger then, and Seulgi knew this would be an important detail. 


"But on Sunday, I felt eyes on me whenever I went out. And came back." 


Hmm, that means just the day after that woman had dropped Yongsun home.


So, this person had a week job, and was free on Sunday.


Just like her. Very interesting.


She decided to tell all the details of Saturday night as well, although she's sure Joohyun must have already informed her.


Yongsun though wasn't too sold out on her idea. 


"I don't think it's her, Seulgi. Whoever she is. She just dropped my drunk home. Like any good woman should do to another woman. Joohyun unnie would have done the same to save a stranger from any, well--"


", Yongsun. Say the word." Joohyun glared at the ashamed looking journalist. "I hope you've learned your lesson."


"Yeah, I have. Won't happen again." Yongsun mumbled in short words. 


Good thing Joohyun did the lecturing already. Seulgi wouldn't want to lecture Yongsun. And it doesn't seem like she takes her seriously anyway. 


"Continuing on." Seulgi urged, still fixated on her idea. "Did you see any Mercedes Benz car around you?" 


Yongsun shook her head no. Seulgi asked her traveling method next.


By bus, train and cabs. Like most ordinary Koreans.


Alright, Seulgi is pretty lost now. She thought that maybe it was her, but it seems unlikely. Very unlikely. 


And she didn't see any change in Moonbyul's behaviour over the week anyway. Although to be fair, she didn't pay that much attention either. She herself was busy in her own case. Also, Moonbyul surely must not be the only woman in Seoul who has a Mercedes Benz, and has her Sundays off to stalk pretty journalists? Well, sure, Moonbyul has gay rumours running around the gossip circles of the Court and she does keep her nails too trimmed for a straight girl, but seriously, what are the chances that straight-laced Moonbyul is lovesick over some girl she met at a club? 


Maybe it's just some creepy man. Yeah, that should be it.


Still, what's the harm in poking the tiger, hmm?


Or tigress, in this case. And she just needs an excuse to poke at her rival. Hohoho, she really hopes that her rival is the stalker! The things she can blackmail Moonbyul for!


Seulgi was so lost in her daydream of blackmailing her rival to hand over all her clients to her, that she didn't notice Yongsun stealing a chicken piece from her plate.


Even Joohyun stole one from her, and she doesn't even like chicken that much! 






"Wait! I can explain! Don't call the police!"


"Oh, no you don't. I've been waiting for two weeks for this!"


"I can't believe that you've been right under our nose all along." 

Author's Notes:


Well, you won't get any brownie points for guessing the stalker, but do leave your guess in the comment section! :)


Please comment and give me your feedback! It's very valuable for me and motivates me to write more! :D


See ya in the next chapter!


Psssst. Follow me on twitter @Blackfeather_2

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okay54321 #1
i miss this story
pls update this story i really love the plot a lot 🥹🥹🥹
1059 streak #3
Chapter 11: come back pls authornim🤧
Chapter 11: i can't wait for the next chapter
ramborambo #5
Chapter 11: authooorr this is so goood i ready it in one sitting please update! i love ur story!
tuesidiot #6
Chapter 11: Author please update! I like Seulgi's team, they work together to conquer this case. They're a great team!
brdfillet #8
Chapter 11: just the first chapter and the atmosphere you created for this, im craving, it's fantastic all the way! hoping for an update soon, authornim!
runner300 #9
Chapter 11: Hi author, I love this story. I just found it recently. Will you be updating soon? Its really good
Zabrinax #10
Chapter 11: This is soo good, i hope it updates soon :'< Btw congrats on the feature authornim! <3