Sweet Blackmail material!

Here and There

Disclaimer: I only own this fanfic.


"Alright, listen up carefully, Yongsun."


Seulgi held up two devices in her hands. One was a small dial with a big red button. The other was a small clip that had a chip attached to it. 


Yongsun obediently took the two devices, while Joohyun curiously stared at her roommate who really just wanted to get this all over with and leave for her office. She's getting late as it is. And she wants to spend a little time with Joohyun too. She has a long flight assignment today, she glumly though. 


The lawyer cleared , beginning her explanation. Let's hope Joohyun doesn't think of her any differently after it's over.


"The button there is an emergency SOS button. If you ever feel you are in a dangerous situation, you press it and it'll send a SOS to me, Joohyun, and your nearby police station." 


Joohyun and Yongsun both nodded with agreeing smiles. This one is smart and perfectly reasonable. Any woman should carry such SOS devices. 


Seulgi gulped. Let's see what the two ladies think of the next one. 


"The next device is a GPS chip. Attach it to your clothes, preferably your undergarments so that it doesn't unclip." Seulgi coughed, ignoring the shocked eyes on her. And for some reason, Joohyun is glaring dagger in her side.


Aah, there goes her positive impression on her. Well, hopefully her explanation will win her over.


"What the hell, Seulgi? How is this different from what that stalker is doing?!" 


Hasn't Yongsun ever heard of the phrase, cut diamond with diamond? That's exactly what she is doing! 


"We lawyers sometimes use this on our risky witnesses and clients. In case a kidnapping happens, it's quite a lifesaver." Seulgi waved a hand soothingly at Yongsun's panicking face, "Not that I think it will happen to you! But I would be at peace of mind to know your constant location during this whole stalking fiasco."


Joohyun gave a tight slap to Seulgi's shoulder, earning a loud ouch from the lawyer. The lawyer pouted at the irritated looking woman, who was now glaring lasers into Seulgi's soul.


"Peace of mind, hmmm, Seulgi?" The air hostess smiled coldly. "Are you sure you're not the actual stalker, hmm?"


The lawyer bobbed her head in confusion. Why would she waste her time like that? 


"Why would I even stalk Yongsun? There's nothing stalkworthy about her."


"Hey! That's rude!" Their neighbour indignantly yelled at them, reminding Joohyun and Seulgi of her existence in their apartment.


Right. She now needs to kick her neighbour out. 


Seulgi stood up, patting down her suit. Damn, she hopes it's not creased although what does it matter? The ride in the bus will ruin it anyway.


She pointed a stern finger at her neighbour, making her instructions very clear.


"Listen, I know what I am doing. I might not be a detective, but I am following their tactics to catch this stalker of yours." Seulgi crossed her arms over her chest defensively. "So please cooperate with me and try to avoid places where you can be kidnapped. Stay in public spaces for safety." 


Yongsun looked like she would say something snarky again, but Joohyun gave her deathglare™, making Seulgi's life much easier.


"I promise you, Yong." Joohyun smiled very sweetly at a nervous Seulgi, "As soon as we get your stalker, you can throw away that location chip. Seulgi will never even look at you." 


The lawyer didn't know why, but she wanted to for some reason fall down to her knees and beg for forgiveness in front of this angry Goddess.


"Why would I even look at Yongsun? She's not even cute to look at."


"Hey, that's rude!" 


Seulgi rubbed her head. She will get a headache now if she stays in this room with these two ladies any longer. It feels like there is too much threatening estrogen going around here.


"Alright, now that you know what to do, shoo away Yongsun." Seulgi swatted with her hand, "I'll try to get my computer specialist friend to look up some details too. Stay out of trouble and keep me updated about that sixth sense feeling you get. Now shop." 


Their neighbour glared at the lawyer, stomping out of the apartment. Seulgi breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God, she's out of her hair. Ughh, but that woman has left even more trouble in her hair now.


"Who's this computer specialist friend of yours?" Seulgi heard her roommate ask, but this time with genuine curiosity. Good, at least Joohyun now doesn't suspect she will get cameras installed in Yongsun's room.


Speaking of which, she should actually check for any cameras in her neighbour's room. And their own too. Their plan will be moot if the stalker hears it loud and clear. 


"You already met her." Seulgi said with a smile. Talking about her friends always makes her happy, unless they are being their annoying selves. "Wendy's girlfriend Sooyoung is techie. She can look up people's profiles for us, and maybe install cameras for supervision."


Seulgi laughed nervously at Joohyun's expected glare at the word camera. "I swear, we'll do nothing that is illegal!" 


This whole thing is illegal, not that she'll say it. She's on thin ice as it is.


Joohyun sighed, looking up with a soft frown. It melted Seulgi immediately.


"I just don't want you to get in trouble, Seulgi."


Seulgi looked to her side. "Well, you should have thought that before you got me involved in this." 


"Hmm, did you say something, Seulgi?"


"Nothing!" The lawyer laughed loudly, looking for her suitcase. She needs to get going soon. She looked at her wristwatch. It's about to be the time of her hearing soon. 


Aww. She wanted to spend a little more time with Joohyun. Even if it consisted of awkward conversations.


"I need to go now, Joohyun. Have my hearing soon." Seulgi informed her roommate, who held up her hand, asking for her to wait for a minute. 


Hmm? Did she forget something? She has everything she needs for the Court. Oh, is it an umbrella? But the weather forecast said it would be a sunny day today. 


And why would Joohyun go to the Kitchen to get an umbrella? Their umbrellas are hanging on the hook attached to their door. 


Oh, that's why she went to the kitchen, Seulgi thought as her roommate came out with a cloth wrapped box in her hand. 


Is that a lunchbox, Seulgi thought with emotions clogging up . When was the time she was given even a packed sandwich cooked from home? 


She was always given a credit card to go buy whatever she wanted. 


Yeah, she is the cliché lonely rich kid. But she is a lonely rich kid. Or she used to be. Even Wendy with her years of loyalty was never able to make her feel the warmth Joohyun gives her with just a smile.


With wavering eyes, she watched her Mother Teresa of a roommate hand over the box to her quivering, begged hands. 


"Here, eat this when it's lunch time, okay? I know you skip your meals during work, Seulgi." 


The lawyer nodded quietly, obedient to her roommate as if she's her mom. 


"And since I'll not be back until tomorrow morning, I've already made dinner for you. Heat it up and eat it later, alright?"


Seulgi now rolled her eyes. Jeez, sometimes Joohyun is really a mom.


She dared not say it though. Her roommate has a mighty age complex. 


Instead, she sang a "Yes ma'am." 


Satisfied, Joohyun bid her a nice day at work, waving bye to her. But Seulgi was about to step out of the door, she turned around with her own concern towards her roommate.


"Joohyun, you'll keep me updated about your flight too, right?" 


Her roommate was taken aback by her question, not expecting Seulgi to cling to this issue for so long. But for the lawyer it's not just an issue. 


It's about Joohyun's wellbeing. There's no way Seulgi will let that slide, even if her roommate has herself never cared for it.


Joohyun blushed a little, looking to her side nervously before beaming back at her brightly. 


Ahh, no. Seulgi knew what her sneaky roommate would do.


"Thank you, Seulgi. I'll make sure to remember it." Joohyun waved back at the exasperated lawyer. "You should by the way really rush now. Your bus is about to arrive soon."


Seulgi gave Joohyun one last stern look before finally going her way. She was so angry that she easily climbed down the six storeys of stairs and even jogged to the bus stop to relieve this excess energy inside her chest. 


By saying she'll remember it, it doesn't necessarily mean Joohyun will actually say anything. Sneaky little fox.


Seulgi pouted, banging her forehead against the wall of the bus she was riding, ignoring her fellow passengers who stared at her lonely pouting figure. 


Seriously, have they never seen a woman sulking? Go away!


By the time she got off the bus, she was just too exhausted to worry about anyone, let alone about her dying feet. It's been weeks of doing this exact same cycle and she is still not used to it.


God, she really wants Moonbyul to be the stalker so that she can blackmail her into buying a bike for her. 


And speaking of the devil, a white Mercedes Benz halted right beside her. Seulgi cursed this car. It has haunted her so much. Why can't Yongsun's stalker stalk her with this car?!


Would make her job finding that rascal much easier. 




"Oye, Kang! Want a ride to the Court!?" The older lawyer asked, sliding the window down. "I can give you a ride to save the others seeing your sad little face on the streets." 


Seulgi had an insult right on the tip of her tongue before swallowing it back. This is an opportunity to poke the tigress!


She can milk this. 


The young lawyer shrugged her shoulders, going around the fancy car to get inside. Moonbyul unlocked the door and Seulgi slid in the shotgun seat.


And much to her surprise, she saw Moonbyul's assistant sitting in the backseat? 


Hmm? Do lawyers and their assistants travel together as well? 


Seulgi decided to keep quiet though. She instead waited for the other woman to send her a bait. 


And of course, when you put two rival lawyers in closed spaces, someone will pull the trigger.


"So, Seulgi. Didn't know Kangs went so broke that their crown jewel would be walking to the Court like a hobo."


The Kang woman closed her eyes in pain. That's a low blow, Moonbyul. But it's not her fault. She herself had kept the finer details of her life under the wraps. Yes, the world knows Seulgi Kang wants to be more than just a Kang, but they don't know that she's too broke to do it. 


So Seulgi just shrugged, finding the first excuse that came to her head. Hmm, wait a second. What if this is Moonbyul's way of gleaming certain information? 


This is it, Seulgi! Grab your bait! 


"I lost a bet to my stupid neighbor some time ago, so am being punished for it." Seulgi said, leaving the time unspecified. Very important to mess around with time to confuse your opponent. 


Basically, lie a lot to be a good lawyer. 


"Never bet against a journalist, I'd say. I've learned my lesson." 


There was just the slightest of a twitch on her rival's face, and Seulgi smirked. 


Hohohoho, she caught onto something here, hmm? 


The assistant sitting behind them seemed to be busy on her phone, not paying heed to the chess game that was happening live in front of her.


"Your neighbor seems quite interesting. Journalist you say?" 


Haah, just the fact that Moonbyul seems so docile now at the mention of this journalist neighbor is enough for Seulgi to scream Eureka! Eureka! inside this car. 


"Oh, but I am careful of my journalist neighbor." Seulgi laughed, trying to again bait the very interested idiot-in-crush lawyer, "You know, these journalists keep track of us honest lawyers to get their new leads. That's a violation of privacy on so many levels!"


Moonbyul though, didn't find any violation at all. How could she, when she herself doesn't understand the concept of privacy?


"Really? I think that's actually very smart of her."


Oh? How does Moonbyul know her journalist neighbor is a she? She was careful to leave that detail out. 


Seulgi shook her head to herself as her idiot-in-crush rival rambled on. Good lord, infatuation surely dumbs people. The straight-laced lawyer Moonbyul would never give herself away so easily.


But Moonbyul isn't so straight-laced now, is she? Seulgi snickered at her own joke, with Moonbyul ignoring her amused passenger, just lost in her own little love bubble.


"---I actually think it's necessary for journalists and lawyers to have a very intimate relationship between each other, as then they can communicate better and expose the---"


Seulgi tuned out. She doesn't want to hear that her rival is a closet exhibitionist too. Her being a closet stalker is enough.


The assistant meanwhile scrolled leisurely on her Instagram, checking out her favourite kpop group's latest MV.


Seulgi smiled, closing her eyes as she leaned against the window. Now, she just needs to catch Moonbyul red-handed. 


That way, she could blackmail her rival.


How hard can it be?




Actually, very hard. 


It's been what, almost two weeks now? 


Seulgi slumped back against the wall, her second-hand laptop on the folding table as she and Joohyun together chatted with Wendy and Sooyoung over video call. 


The lawyer clasped her hand against her face, groaning loudly in frustration. Just how is Moonbyul able to stalk Yongsun like a pro stalker!? She can't even find her shadow and she has cameras installed all around the apartment building now!


Good thing she had the tracker on Yonsung. Moonbyul now seems like the psycho who can actually kidnap her to confess her whatever love to her.


She heard her roommate laugh beside her at some corny joke Wendy made. She switched off her angry mind, turning it into a happy one as she turned to the beautiful woman beside her.


At least, out of all this mess Joohyun made two new friends. Sooyoung and Wendy are the most loyal people Seulgi knows. She is glad Joohyun now has them too. 


It almost feels like Seulgi has her own family now. With her as the deadbeat parent, Joohyun as the nagging parent, and Sooyoung and Wendy as the hormonal teenagers.


The lawyer rolled her eyes at her own absurd thoughts, finally thinking that okay, maybe Joohyun is enjoying Wendy's corny jokes way too much. She is here too! Joohyun can enjoy her lame jokes instead!


"Oye, Wendy. Why don't you make your girlfriend laugh at your lame-o jokes too, huh?"


Her best friend glared at her through the screen as Sooyoung cackled beside her. Seulgi looked at them with envious eyes. Look at them, all cuddled up together while she and Joohyun are sitting with one whole feet apart.


As roommates should be, she sadly reminded herself. Still, she inched a little closer to Joohyun.


She ignored the curious look her roommate is now giving her. 


"Joohyun get a little closer, we both are not coming together in the frame." 


Okay, maybe Seulgi made a mistake inviting Joohyun like that. The air hostess is looking at her right now like the cat that ate the canary. 


Hippity hoppity, Seulgi's lap is now Joohyun's property. 


Both the women on the other side dropped their jaws on the floor at what they are seeing going on in front of them.


Joohyun on the lap of a very red-faced Seulgi. Oh God, Seulgi prayed, please just take her away. This is the best time to die! She's sure she will ascend heaven. 


Heh, she's already in heaven, as she felt Joohyun moving around *cough* grinding *cough* on her lap. 


Seulgi can now proudly say that her lap-dance ity has been taken away by her dream crush. 


Right in front of her open mouthed friends.


The proud Kang woman immediately sat up, pulling her arms around Joohyun's waist as she acted like this is a completely normal thing to do.


Girls sitting on other girl's laps is the most common thing in the world. No sweat!


Seulgi was sweating by the buckets right now.


Keep cool! Keep cool! You've faced bloody serial killers! A tiny woman on your lap is nothing!


Seulgi cleared , shifting her face forward to smile at an amused looking Joohyun. Humph, now she definitely can't lose her cool. Joohyun is enjoying her embarrassment.


"Yes, you're now perfectly in frame with me." Seulgi whispered in a raspy voice, dry because of this beautiful woman. It made her voice low, almost too sensual for the situation.


Joohyun blushed. Joohyun ing blushed at Seulgi. 


Hmm? The air hostess likes smoky low voices? Seulgi smirked, noting it down.


With her cool back, she turned towards the laptop screen, grinning at her dumbstruck friends as if they didn't just watch clothed right on their screen that too live. 


"So, let's talk about the status quo, shall we?" The lawyer asked, getting serious. The quicker she finds that Moonbyul in her natural habitat, the quicker she can enjoy Joohyun in her natural habitat.


"Sooyoung, any luck with your search?" 


The redhead shook her head, her coffee eyes bitter with frustration at her failure. Sooyoung is good at what she does, so this must be a real blow to her techie ego.


"Nope, Seulgi unnie. Whoever this person is, they cover their tracks way too efficiently. I've been keeping an eye on the camera feed around the apartment building, and there was no suspicious movement or loitering outside it. I checked around Yongsun unnie's office too, and found the same results and yes, unnie, I checked for the Mercedes Benz too. So the person is not from the office."


Damn, Sooyoung has to actually hack into the office's cameras too? This is getting way out of hand. Think, Seulgi! Before they all get caught for illegal trespassing!


Hmm, the cameras they had installed were quite small ones, to avoid detection. And they had done it on a weekday, in the middle of afternoon, the time when Yongsun claims she is left alone by the eyes she feels on her. 


So, the stalker should still be in their false sense of security that they don't know about her existence.


And Moonbyul kind of seemed too lost in her bubble anyway. But damn she is sneaky! Come on, get caught Moonbyul, Seulgi begged. So that she can blackmail her! 


"Hmm, this can also mean that the stalker is keeping an eye on Yongsun going in and out of the apartment from far away." Joohyun casually noted, making the wheels of Seulgi's Cambridge educated brain turn. Which is a surprise because Joohyun is on her lap. 


No, focus! Seulgi, you have gone through so many criminal case files! Think like a stalker right now! 


What will she do if she wants to stalk Joohyun but can't be in the same place she lives in? She can't use cameras, or tap Joohyun's phone. 


That leaves binoculars and a tall place to camp---Oh.


Could it be?


"Sooyoung, look up right now what are the buildings in the direct eyesight of Yongsun's apartment."


The techie nodded, opening her phone to open up Google maps. 


"Uhh, there's one hotel, and two residential buildings."


Residential buildings are a nope. Moonbyul can't just move in at such a short notice.


But she can definitely book a hotel room, Seulgi smirked.


Alright, just one more illegal trespassing, and she should have her sweet, sweet blackmail material in her hands.


"Sooyoung, look up the customers of that hotel that booked in over the last three weeks, will you?"


Joohyun moved again on Seulgi's lap, turning to look at the blushing lawyer in the eyes. There was a proud smile on the air hostess's face. 


"You can open a detective agency if this law thing doesn't work out for you, Seulgi."


The lawyer laughed, but maybe she should actually consider it. She needs all the extra buck she can make.


"Will you be my Watson to my Sherlock then?" Seulgi asked her roommate, who smiled mischievously at her. 


"I'll be your Hyunie to your Seulgom."


Seulgi burst into fifty shades of red. Hyunie? How did Joohyun know she calls her that in her mind?! 


Ugh, she really should stay away from alcohol now. And especially her two friends who are so good at ratting out to Joohyun!


Speaking of them, she turned to the laptop screen to scream their heads off, only to find that the screen is now showing that the two ladies have left.


Humph. Next time, she is spiking the both of them with soju and tequila. 






Sweet blackmail material, here she comes! 


"I can't believe it was your lawyer friend all along. And you knew it!" Joohyun whispered at her side, her mood now relaxed that she knows the stalker they are catching is a harmless fly. 


Seulgi scoffed, turning the key she got from the reception slowly into the hole, as she quickly replied back to her misunderstanding roommate. 


"She's my professional rival! Not friends!"


Joohyun arched her brow. "That seems more dangerous. People are more attached to their rivals then their friends." 


Huh? Why does Joohyun look so worried now? Eh, nevermind! It's time to net the fish! 


She motioned for her roommate to get quiet, opening the hotel door slowly. She has seen enough detective shows to know the ropes by now.


Get in. Nab them. Job done.


The hotel room was really quite small. Heh, this whole neighborhood was trash, to be honest. Which is why it was so cheap! Moonbyul must be happy about it, she got her stalking kicks for cheap.


And there was the devil. Sitting on her revolving chair, her legs propped up as she peered through her telescope fixed near the curtained window. Which Seulgi knows is fixed right on Yongsun's door to see when the journalist goes in and out. 


At least, thank God, Moonbyul has enough integrity to keep her telescope out of the apartment.


Otherwise, even Seulgi would have happily handed Moonbyul over to the authorities. She might not like Yongsun all that much, but damn it, she'll get a good match for her!


In return of something, of course. She's a lawyer in the end. Bartering is her middle name.


Moonbyul was so preoccupied in muttering angrily to herself that she didn't notice the two ladies standing behind her like the spectors of doom. 


"Damn it, Yongsun! How will I introduce myself to you if you don't get out of that ty building?! It's been three weeks now of this! I am sick of it!"


Seulgi agreed to the first part. That building is indeed ty.


Joohyun was in no mood to play around though. She cleared loudly, alerting the other lawyer to her incoming doom as the lady in ice set her artic cold gaze on her.


"You had three weeks of time to introduce yourself instead of stalking her like a creep, Miss Byulyi." 


Ouch. Joohyun didn't hold back, huh.


Seulgi's rival flinched in her place, slowly spinning her chair to face towards them, a panic-stricken expression on her very pale face. 


Wow. Moonbyul looks like she has been thrown into the den with serial killers in it. But Joohyun with her love for knives is pretty close. 


"Seulgi, call the police."


Moonbyul practically fell over her chair, begging on her knees with folded hands. Oh lord, Seulgi is enjoying this way too much. 


"Wait! I can explain! Don't call the police!"


Seulgi decided she wants to see her rival beg some more. 


"Oh, no you don't! I've been waiting for two weeks for this!"


Understanding clicked on Moonbyul's face as to why Seulgi is here catching her red-handed. She might not be Cambridge educated, but she is Seoul university topper. 


Joohyun shook her head, ashamed at this whole situation. It was just so unnecessary. 


"I can't believe that you've been right under our nose all along."


Moonbyul looked at the two of them helplessly, knowing there's no way out. She kicked the telescope away, standing up on her feet with a glare now fixed on a smirking Seulgi's face.


"You," The culprit Moonbyul seethed, "You knew this for two whole weeks, and yet you waited to catch me like this!" 


Now even Joohyun turned her sharp gaze on Seulgi, who shrugged her shoulders. 


"I needed evidence. You know out of all the people how important evidence is."


Moonbyul chuckled, shaking her head in total disbelief. "Oh no, what you needed was blackmail material over me! Well, fine! You win, damn it! Tell me what you want!" 


Seulgi was impressed. When Moonbyul is not being an idiot-in-crush, she's actually smart.


Still, just look at her. She looks like a kicked puppy. Even Joohyun seemed to take a little pity on her. Maybe.


Seulgi huffed. Her roommate's Mother Teresa complex is rubbing on her. 


"Okay, listen. While it's true that I want something from you, I can give you something in return as well. We can make this beneficial for the both of us."


Seulgi suddenly felt a very cold presence beside her. She slowly craned her neck to her side, only to find her very pissed off roommate smiling at her.


Uh-oh. Of course the moral beacon comparable to Mother Teresa, Joohyun won't be too accepting of this proposition of using Yongsun as a blackmail chip. 


The young lawyer gulped, looking at a very hopeful Moonbyul with a more cautious expression. 


"But first! You have to explain why you were stalking our neighbor for three weeks!"


Moonbyul threw her hands up in frustration. "That's not what I wanted to do in the first place! And no! Now you shut up you noobie and listen to me!"


Excuse me? This noobie caught you red handed doing a punishable crime just now.


Seulgi scowled at the insult, but kept quiet. She just really wanted to diffuse her very mad roommate first. 


"So, I met Yonsung at a club. I have been after her for a few days, because she has been keeping tabs on my client. I just wanted to meet her and ask her to respect my client's privacy if she wants to publish the news. I was handling a very sensitive case."


Seulgi nodded at that. It was a ual assault case on a minor. Moonbyul did no wrong till now.


"But then, I saw her dancing at the club with her hair all wild--"


Uh-oh. Here it comes.


"And before I knew it, I was quite head over heels for her." Moonbyul quietly admitted.


Joohyun sighed, rubbing at her forehead like she's dealing with a stupid child right now. "Miss Byulyi, you had the perfect chance of making a good impression when you rescued Yongsun from the club and brought her safely to her home. And left her quite like a gentlewoman too. You could have left a note behind with your number. That would have been enough and perfectly respectable."


Moonbyul stared at them with a gaping mouth. 


"You knew I was the one who brought her home? Then you know I am not a bad person!"


Joohyun narrowed her eyes at the lawyer, while Seulgi ate imaginary popcorn from the side.


"No, you aren't a bad person, but you definitely are a creepy person. Stupid too. Please continue on, Miss Byulyi."


The lawyer winced at the harsh words, but accepted them, continuing on with her confession.


"As you know, I didn't leave any contact information. I was just---too much of an idiot." Moonbyul facepalmed herself over her own idiocy. "Neither did I have the courage to introduce myself to her for no reason. I mean, the reason, hey I rescued you from erts at the club that one time, think you can grab a coffee with me, seemed just too creepy."


Seulgi snorted with laughter on the sidelines. "And stalking your crush was not creepy!?"


The older lawyer glared at her smug rival. "Yes! Because I thought that if I just get one more chance to play the white knight, if I rescue Yongsun from one last sticky situation, I'll get an excuse to introduce myself! So I followed her for three weeks from this hotel room and out when I could!" 


Joohyun held up her hands, confusion apparent on her face.


"Wait, wait. So you stalked Yongsun because you wanted her to get in trouble so that you can sweep in and set a good impression on her?"


Moonbyul squirmed in her place. "Yes, but she didn't get in any trouble at all for the three weeks." 


Joohyun now laughed at what she was hearing. "Wow. Wanting people to be in trouble so that you can profit off it. That's such a lawyer thing to say."


Seulgi pouted at the insult of her profession.

"That's rude." She paused for a beat. "But kind of true too."


The air hostess just crossed her arms over her chest, going to sit on the lone bed in the room. Her expression clearly said she just wanted this to be over with and go home to sleep.


But Seulgi was not done yet. She turned to her rival with a question that has been bugging her for days now.


"How were you still able to show up at the Court with your Mercedes when you don't have it here?" She asked, having checked that Moonbyul didn't have her fancy car standing in this hotel. It had made her doubt for a second when Sooyoung gave her the details on what she found. 


Moonbyul blinked up at the strange question, but answered anyway. "I wasn't always here in this hotel, if that's some assurance. I just used to be here during the hours I knew Yongsun would be coming in and going out." She winced at how creepy it sounded even to her own stalkery ears. 


"I had my assistant use my car to pick me up from checkpoints, as I used to follow Yongsun on foot. Using a Mercedes would have been suspicious too. Also because I realized you're Yongsun's neighbor."


Hmm, so that time in the car Moonbyul was actually trying to get more information about Yongsun from her. Clever, but stupid. Of course the genius Cambridge educated Seulgi would see through it! 


But Seulgi was not able to see the next thing coming.


"Seulgi, I know you are living in that dumpster for weeks now. Imagine what I can do with this information." Seulgi's rival's eyes gleamed with pure evil, "Just imagine the gossip circles finding out that the great prodigy Kang lives in a ten by ten feet apartment!"


The Kang woman's mouth dropped open in horror. Oh God! She can't let this happen! Her reputation is already in tatters! And surely her parents would drag her home by the collar if they get to know her living circumstances! 


From the sidelines, Joohyun snorted in amusement.


"It seems like blackmailing is your lawyer's time pass, huh?" 


"When you fight the criminals, you have to think like them." Moonbyul said with a smirk, not realising that she has unwittingly confessed to her own crimes. 


Seulgi grinned like a Cheshire cat, knowing that she still has the upper hand over her rival.


"Actually, you know what? Go ahead and beat it all over with a drum for all I care, Moonbyul." Seulgi's grin stretched even more on her evil face as her rival saw what she had found herself in, "Because I didn't do anything illegal unlike you."


The defeated lawyer closed her eyes, probably cursing the younger lawyer in all the Korean curses she knew in her mind. She opened her eyes, the gloom of her coming humiliation clear on them.


Now Seulgi wanted to beat the drum like those old wartime generals over her triumph!


"You said you have a deal for us. Let's talk about it, please?" Moonbyul stressed on please, her head bent with her knees on the floor. 


Joohyun at this point stood up, her face absolutely against this dealing under the table. "Seulgi, you really should not use Yongsun like this--!"


Oh, but she will! Seulgi rushed out with her demand, ignoring her roommate. She'll make it up to Joohyun later!


"I will introduce you to Yongsun, keep quiet about all your stalking habits, if you join my firm!" 


Seulgi thought this over again, and added one more thing. "And share your assistant with me."


Now even Moonbyul looked disgusted at her rival. And Joohyun looked like she would just bite off Seulgi's head from her shoulders!


The Kang woman raised her hands nervously over her head, a nervous smile on her face as she saw Joohyun stomping over to her with murder on her face. Really, where did her angelic Mother Teresa of a roommate go? It seems like she is replaced by the evil nun from that movie Nun!




"Listen, I'll just introduce her. Whether Yongsun wants to keep Moonbyul or not is totally her prerogative!"


She whipped her head to Moonbyul, who seemed to be pondering over the blackmail, no, the offer that is offered to her. 


"You'll off if Yongsun says no, right?!" 


Moonbyul stared at her rival like she had grown two heads. "I am perfectly able to understand the concept of consent, dear lawyer. If Yongsun doesn't want me, I'll just lock myself in my house and watch reruns of K-dramas while I cry over ice-cream."


Joohyun seemed a little more receptive now. Or maybe she just grew a little bit of sympathy for the poor woman. "But if Yongsun does grow to like you, for whatever reason, you have to promise me to tell her everything. And by that, I mean everything."


Moonbyul paled hearing this, even Seulgi paled a little. Because she's an accomplice in this now as well. 


But the lawyer nodded in sad agreement, and Seulgi knew she made the right choice. Moonbyul is honourable, despite some of her creepy knacks. Which is what she needs for her law firm.


"I agree to this. And I also agree to your offer, Seulgi. I'll join your firm. Not just because of Yongsun." Moonbyul smiled a bit, "But also because you've beaten me. Fair and square." 


The Kang woman lawyer walked over to her rival, sitting down in front of the older woman. Her expression was serious now. Her law firm, her dream of fighting for the people who can't get justice is not a joke for her.


She needs good people in her firm. She needs people like Moonbyul. 


"Byulyi," Seulgi called out with a tone of respect. "I call you my rival because somewhere down within me I admire you a lot too. You were the only person who stood up to me and didn't treat me like I am some spoiled Kang playing around with law. You took me seriously, even if you called me a noobie."


The young lawyer extended her hand to her senior, willing to put the first brick for their very solid friendship in future. 


"It'll be a privilege to work with you, Moonbyul unnie."


The older lawyer worked , clearly not expecting such humility from the person who has always shown herself as an arrogant, self-contained Cambridge educated brat.


Slowly, she shook Seulgi's hand, a shy smile on her face. Before it turned into a scowl.


"I still won't share my assistant with you."


"What the hell!?" 


Moonbyul immediately shushed the petulant woman, pointing at the quiet bystander with worried eyes.


It was as if the temperature of this room had dropped by a few degrees. Both the lawyers shivered on the floor before the silent ice goddess. 


What has Seulgi done wrong now? But Moonbyul seemed to know exactly what she had done. 


"You should be careful, Seulgi. Your friend looks like she is the jealous type."






"Seulgi, tomorrow is the day."


"Huh, what day? Wait, is it your birthday? I am so sorry-!"


"No! It's in March! Tomorrow the landlord is coming to collect the rent!"


Author's Notes: 


Greetings! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I also hope you are enjoying streaming the Monster MV. It's a total bomb of a song and album. :)


Please let me know how you found this chapter in the comments. Comment in your native language if that's more comfortable for you all! Google translate is very handy! ;)


I read each and every comment and take them very seriously. Your feedback is very important to me. So please don't forget to comment! :)


Share this fanfic and spread some laughter! See ya in the next update! :) 

Psssst, follow me on twitter @Blackfeather_2


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okay54321 #1
i miss this story
pls update this story i really love the plot a lot 🥹🥹🥹
1059 streak #3
Chapter 11: come back pls authornim🤧
Chapter 11: i can't wait for the next chapter
ramborambo #5
Chapter 11: authooorr this is so goood i ready it in one sitting please update! i love ur story!
tuesidiot #6
Chapter 11: Author please update! I like Seulgi's team, they work together to conquer this case. They're a great team!
brdfillet #8
Chapter 11: just the first chapter and the atmosphere you created for this, im craving, it's fantastic all the way! hoping for an update soon, authornim!
runner300 #9
Chapter 11: Hi author, I love this story. I just found it recently. Will you be updating soon? Its really good
Zabrinax #10
Chapter 11: This is soo good, i hope it updates soon :'< Btw congrats on the feature authornim! <3