
I hate that you're happy (NCT Ten Fanfiction)
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"I knew it..."


Gong Jinsil doesn't need to look up to see who was speaking, she already knew who it was. 


So with guilt and remorse running up to every fiber of her body, she kept her head hung low, walking past her current boyfriend whose face broke the moment she resisted looking up at him. 


"Jinsil!" He called after recovering from the pain if her rejection, turning around to look at her when she was a few meters away from him. 


Nonetheless, she stopped walking, her head still hanging low. He was looking at her worriedly but she couldn't see that because she was busy feeling guilty and stupid. 


"Let's talk, okay?" He said in his deep voice that brought tears to her eyes. Sighing deeply, she forced the tears back but it only did otherwise, allowing warm droplets of her tears to run down the supple skin of her cheeks. 


"I'm not mad at you..." He added. "I don't have the right too," whispering the last sentence in an undertone. 


He smiled in relief seeing how she nodded slightly. She didn't look at him while doing that, but he was thankful that she finally gave him something other than the cold shoulder. 




Soon, the pair found themselves at Jaehyun's apartment, where Jinsil is currently staying after breaking up with Ten. 


Sitting beside him on the couch, she felt suffocated all of a sudden, the realization that she doesn't have her own house to stay mocking her.


"You left the other guy and moved in to someone's you only knew for a few months," a voice inside her head mocked and she felt even more guilty.


She was brought back to reality, however, when she felt Jaehyun's warm hands enveloping her cold and trembling ones. 


Instantly, she saw Jaehyun smiling at her as he transferred some of his warmth on hers. Her tears doubled and just then, she realized how much of a great person Jung Jaehyun was and she wasn't deserving of his love or any of him. 


So, she shook her head. 


"What are you crying? It's alright." He but he was using his most affectionate tone on her. 


She sniffed. ""I-i-I need time t-t-to think..." She gasped through her tears and she looked down in guilt seeing how Jaehyun's brows contorted in pain in her response. She retracted her hands away from his hold, resting it on both sides of her body. 


"What?" He asked, obviously surprised. "I-i-it's alright, y-you can use me to forget him..." He was downright begging by now, but he doesn't care. All he cares about is to make this woman that was so precious to him stay. 


The woman feebly shook her head. "N-no," she whispered, another tear falling. "Y-you don't d-deserve that..."


"It's alright," he cried coaxing her but she has already made her mind.


"I want to go home, Jaehyun..." She pleaded, the tears causing her face to redden as she sniffles in an attempt to regulate her breathing. "W-who in her right mind would be living with a guy she knew for a few months? That's downright a taboo..."


"N-no, it wasn't!" The guy argued. "You know I wasn't thinking of that! You and Ten broke up, and that house belong to the both of you, of course it would be awkward to still stay there, right?"




"With Ten? Jinsil that doesn't make sense. You don't have your own flat, because you left the house you two were sharing, you know that."


She shook her head once more. 


"I-i-want to g-go h-home to my parents, please. " She looked down, finally loosing the battle to keeping her tears at bay as she broke down in ugly tears and loud sobs, her hands covering her face, as her shoulders shook tremendously. 


Looking at her right now, Jung Jaehyun wised he could take some of the pain she's feeling right now.


Sadly, he can't. Because he knows that she was in an internal chaos right now, and he doesn't wish to bring more damage than what was done. 


"I-I n-need s-s-some space..."


If she wants some space, if it will help in her well being, then he will gladly do so.


Even if it will hurt him so much.


Because that's how much he loves her.


"At least let me take you home." He proposed quietly. 


He was more than glad when she responded with a Curt nod.




"Will you be fine walking on from here?" Jaehyun asked the girl on the passenger seat as he eyed the ascending road in front of them.


She nodded, her gaze fixated on her fingers that was playing with each other on her lap. The crying has long stopped because she doesn't want to worry her family when they see her with swollen eyes. However, the silent treatment had been going on for the whole ride. 


"The two storey house in front is our house, I'll be fine from here." She whispered softly and Jaehyun was more than glad to get something out from her. 


She started unbuckling her seatbelt and Jaehyun observed her every move, and just in time when she was pushing the door open, Jaehyun spoke. 


"Jinsil." No sweetheart, no jagi, no anything. Just Jinsil, because he knows he never has the right to label her. The woman paused from her ministrations, just waiting for him to tell her anything. 


She was never his.


Not her body, not her heart, and most definitely not her soul. Because he knows that everything about her belongs to Ten and only him. 


"Please let me be the first one to know once you've figured everything out." He pleaded and Jinsil slowly turned her head to look at him. She blinked several times as her gaze lowered down to her pencil skirt before she nodded a few times. 


His face finally break to a grin.


"Take care, Jaehyun."


He nodded. 


The moment she stepped out of his car, the same car he used to bring her home to her shared apartment months ago, Jung Jaehyun knew that he lost the most precious one to him these past few months. And he knew, he will never love someone as much as he loves Gong Jinsil, just like how she would be able to love him as much as she loves her ex-boyfriend.


With one last look on her disappearing figure, Jaehyun welcomed the bitterness in his system, wanting nothing else but to drown his self in alcohol.


With these thoughts running up his mind, he maneuvered and sped away. 




Jinsil nervously looked up the front door to their house as she rang the door bell once, twice...


And then thrice. 

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I'm torm whether to give this ending or that ending uwu. Enlighten me juseyoooo TT^TT


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Chapter 8: Guess I'm sad too :(
Tnx for updating , actually i've been waiting for you quite patiently . And the chapter was beautiful , thank you .
Chapter 6: . oh no , oh no , oh no no NO nO . i don't wanna believe my eyes , did jinsil just_
what the actual hell??? i wasn't at all ready for this ....=I
Chapter 5: This is so heart wrenching
blue_izce8 #4
Chapter 4: Done with all chaps with smile on my face. Thank you for sharing this story with us. I hope youll update soon. I cant wait to see the jealous side of Ten and what will happen to our love triangle. Stay safe
blue_izce8 #5
Wow! A ten ff! Im happy to have found this story (^.~)
Chapter 4: Just because some people haven't found your story yet , doesn't mean it's not good.
Diamonds are buried really deep inside the earth , and practically unreachable , but that doesn't make them any less precious !
Chapter 4: Hey?? This is really good !! Have some confidence in your work , dude?
You always ask if it's good enough , but now , you had the audacity to say that you don't feel good!!
Damn it .
You are always fine .
Chapter 3: And I really loved this chapter too , you even introduced a new character too. Jaehyun . It's always a great experience to get more into your stories.