
I hate that you're happy (NCT Ten Fanfiction)
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Gong Jinsil woke up on her side of the bed, feeling unusually heavy. The things that happened last night made its way to her mind and she clenches her pillow tightly, her body facing the wall.


She heard the front door clicking and she knew immediately that he was home. She could feel her whole being fuming in madness but she restrained herself. She was a little drunk and she knows detonating on him wouldn't do her any good. 


So, instead, she sat on the couch, unmoving, gritting her teeth as she stared on ahead. 


"Sil-ah?" Came Ten's soft voice and her eyes twitched in annoyance. The nerve of the guy to call her as if he hasn't done anything wrong. 


"Are you home?" The guy scanned the living room that was strangely dark. She couldn't possibly still be out and partying, right? 


It's already one in the morning. He frowned at this thought.


Flicking the lights on by the side of the door, the guy jumped slightly in surprise seeing her backside, sitting on the couch. 


"Oh, you're already here." He smiled as he trotted towards her place. Once close, he motioned to cage in a hug which she violently refused, moving away from him. 


Ten's brows knitted together. "What's wrong?" he asked her as he take a seat beside her. 


The female scoffed before finally sending a glare his way. "What's wrong?" she turned to face his confused face. "You know very well how much I hated crowd and attention!" She stood up harshly, catching the guy by surprise.


"But what did you do?!" She pointed an accusing finger towards him. "You left me with them! Do you even know how much I loathed being with a lot of people?! You of all people should know that!" She was huffing in anger as tears pricked her eyes, threatening to fall. 


"But," The guy stood up in panic after seeing tears b on her eyes. If there was one thing he hated the most, it was seeing his hirl crying, espevially if the root cause is him.


Once again, he tried to hug her as he apologized. "I'm sorry, I was just worried you might get in trouble going home alone." 


Just like his earlier attempts, the action was refused by the girl, "Don't touch me!" She screeched and that caused the male to halt all his actions. 


"I hate you," She said that with all hatred running through every fiber of her body as she glared at him hard before finally walking to their room to cry until the feeling of betrayal lessened, a dreamless sleep engulfing her. 


She shifted to lay on her back so she could run her fingers on his side of the bed which was by now, empty. And feeling that it was cold told her that he was already up and most probably preparing for work if the clanking of utensils in the kitchen is anything to go by. 


She sighed. It wasn't until 4 o' clock in the morning when he decided to finally go inside their room and lay beside her. And now, seeing how the digital clock on their bedside table reads  6:30, she was sure that he woke up by 6 o'clock.


 She sat up slowly, now feeling a little guilty for pointing an accusing finger towards him. Must be the reason why he ended up sleeping at four in the morning. 


Ten heard foot steps coming towards the kitchen and he was sure by now that she has woken up already. Well, her work starts at eight so she must prepare herself as early as now. 


Nevertheless, he didn't made any efforts to look at her, even after feeling her presence with him. Well, don't get him wrong, he did let her go with her work mates because he was worried she'd go home alone. 


And now, she misunderstood everything. So, he felt wronged. 


Unconsciously, Jinsil's heart ached. He was the one at fault and yet he was acting like the victim. And now, here she was, feeling worried that he 'obviously' did not get enough rest (probably because of her) to be working early in the morning. 


Well, two can play this game.



"Do you want me to cook?" 


She was supposed to ask him that but he has beaten her to it. He let out the words quietly which hinted the woman that he wasn't fond of talking to her right now. Awkwardly, she stood there like a log, just eyeing him. 


Ten, who had asked the question, swiftly glance at her before returning to cleaning the table. 


Thousands of invisible needles pricked that fist like organ inside her chest but her pride got on her way. 


"I'll do it my self." She replied pridefully, looking away from him, not wanting to lose this battle, before she approached the refrigerator and grabbed a pitcher of orange juice. 


The boyfriend nodded. "I'll be late, don't wait up for me anymore." He announced monotonously, one thing she ignored before he finally went out the kitchen, grabbing his bag along the way. 


"I won't," she rebutted plainly, eyeing every movements coming from him.


Only when the door shut close did Jinsil let the ugly tears race down her cheeks one after the other.




"Why the long face?" Jinsil looked up from her plate of pasta to the guy who unceremoniously sat on the chair across hers.


Just like yesterday, he had that obnoxiously cocky smirk plastered on his lips as he raised one brow at her. 


The female rolled her eyes swiftly before turning her attention back on her food once more. 


"Why are you stabbing your food like that?"


"What is it that you want?" She countered grumpily, glaring at Jaehyun. The said name shrugged his shoulders with a lopsided smile and she rolled her eyes. 


"I thought were closer now, after last night." He said after a while. 


Jinsil sighed. "Just eat." She grumbled, scanning the almost empty cafeteria. "Our break's almost over."


"Ah, but I've eaten already," he stated, as a matter of fact. "In fact, I was on my way to the office when I saw you murdering the poor pasta."


She glared at him but he was just smiling charmingly at her. After a while, she sighed, finally giving up. This Jaehyun guy obnoxiously is a shameless person. 


"What do you want?" She exasperated and he relaxed finally. 


"Rough day?" He asked her, this time genuinely curious. "You've been in a sour mood since earlier."


"That's none of your business." she hisses and Jaehyun stiffened. 




Jinsil was staring at her phone for quite some time now, her face streaked with tears. It's already one in the morning but still no calls or any messages coming from him. 


She tried calling him several times however his number cannot be reached. 


"Why?" She asked nobody in particular, sniffs coming from her nose and sobs wrecking . 


"Why aren't you picking up your phone?" She whisper. 


She tried calling him again one last time but just like earlier attempts, his number cannot be reached so she ended giving up. 


Lying down on the bed, she clutched the sheets as more tears flowed, the pain in her chest becoming worse. And soon, she fell into a dreamless sleep. 


Hours later, Jinsil stir from her sleep and the first thing she saw was Ten's backside that was facing her and a light illuminating coming from the front of his body. 


Her lips formed a thin line. 


She knows him so well she was sure he was busying his self playing with his phone. One thing he always does when he needed something to vent his frustration on. 


She took her time studying the sky just outside the windows which hinted her of the time. It's still dark so that must mean that he just arrived home.


Drawing closer to his back, Jinsil carefully  wounded her arms on his torso and she felt him stiffened just a little. 


She rested her forehead on his back when she felt another wave of tears coming as she tightened her grip on his body. 


"I'm sorry," she mumbled. 


Ten lowered his phone on his bed before he turned around to see her, her face red with tears. His heart clenched at the view of her crying, moreover that is was because of him. "It's not your fault," he mumbled as he ran the pad of his thumb on the apple of her cheek. 


"I'm sorry," he added as he swooped down to plant a chaste kiss on her lips. "I won't do it again." 


She shook her head lightly, causing the tears that was b the side of her eyes to stream down her face. "No, I'm sorry for not understanding." she whispered before burying her face onto his shirt, hugging him closer. 


"Eii~" Ten teased before hugging her back, a little bit tighter than usual before planting soft kisses on her crown repeatedly. 


That night, as the two made up as easy as one, two, three, Going Jinsil slept with half of her body on top of her boyfriend, feeling the warmest.




"You'll stop following me after I counted one to three, I mean it." Jinsil swung around to glare at the annoying Jung Jaehyun who has been following her wherever she went since earlier. 


"What If I don't?" He cockily asked and she swore she would loose her mind any minute now.


She stomped her feet's towards his place. "Don't you have anything better to do than pestering me?!" she snarled one of knuckles landing on his clothed chest to punch him. 


Jaehyun eyed the spot she hit. "Well, I'm supposed to pester you " he answered after a while. 


She rolled her eyes. "You're here to work as the HR officer, right?" She glared at him from head to toe. "If you dont stop whatever it is you're doing right now, I'm going to report you to the chairman." She threatened. 


Jaehyun's eyes twinkled. "Why? what is it that I do for you to report me?" He tilted his head to the side as he crossed his arms, glaring at her playfully. 


Jinsil raised her head up haughtily. "You're hitting on me!" The guy arched one brow at her statement, his eyes trained on the floor. "Well, guess what? I already have a boyfriend, and you're not my type so stop following me wherever I go, okay?" 


Chuckles after chuckles left Jaehyun's lips, causing his colleague to frown at him. "

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I'm torm whether to give this ending or that ending uwu. Enlighten me juseyoooo TT^TT


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Chapter 8: Guess I'm sad too :(
Tnx for updating , actually i've been waiting for you quite patiently . And the chapter was beautiful , thank you .
Chapter 6: . oh no , oh no , oh no no NO nO . i don't wanna believe my eyes , did jinsil just_
what the actual hell??? i wasn't at all ready for this ....=I
Chapter 5: This is so heart wrenching
blue_izce8 #4
Chapter 4: Done with all chaps with smile on my face. Thank you for sharing this story with us. I hope youll update soon. I cant wait to see the jealous side of Ten and what will happen to our love triangle. Stay safe
blue_izce8 #5
Wow! A ten ff! Im happy to have found this story (^.~)
Chapter 4: Just because some people haven't found your story yet , doesn't mean it's not good.
Diamonds are buried really deep inside the earth , and practically unreachable , but that doesn't make them any less precious !
Chapter 4: Hey?? This is really good !! Have some confidence in your work , dude?
You always ask if it's good enough , but now , you had the audacity to say that you don't feel good!!
Damn it .
You are always fine .
Chapter 3: And I really loved this chapter too , you even introduced a new character too. Jaehyun . It's always a great experience to get more into your stories.