
I hate that you're happy (NCT Ten Fanfiction)
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"Mr. Song?"


She tried, and true enough, the man waiting for her at the lobby was their school keeper at high school. 


He turned around slowly before a huge smile graced his lips upon landing his sight on her.


"Jinsil-ah!" He exclaimed and she copied the intensity of his smile. 


"Mr. Song," She bowed as a greeting and the middle aged man followed. 


"What brings you here?" she asked as she directed the man to have a seat at the chair by the side of the lobby. "Take a sit, what would like to have, I'll order quickly, do you want to go to the cafeteria?"


The man waved his hands frantically, a little bit overwhelmed by the attention from the female, but thankful regardless. 


"It's alright, it's alright." He smiled. "I'm actually in a hurry." He patted her shoulder good naturedly when Jinsil looked like she couldn't quite get his sentence. 


"Then, are you..." She trailed off, eyeing Mr. Song curiously. "In need of something?"


Again the male smiled. "Actually..."




"Actually I wasn't planning to call you guys just yet, because I was amazed with the plan. But then, second semester is starting now and I need to clean the classrooms for future use so I had no choice but to reach out to you. By the way, I've sent Ten a message about this first but got no response so I decided to go to you instead. I know how busy he is, anyways."


Jinsil followed behind their high school caretaker as they walk through the old hallways of their school and at the mention of her ex boyfriend's name, she turned to mutter an "eh?" the same moment Mr. Song turned around to smile at her.


"I-is he coming here too?"


She didn't mention about this, but if he is to attend too, then she would feel very much awkward moving around with him. 



She unconsciously rubbed her palms on her arms.


The man shrugged. "Not sure, but I contacted him too just in case. Whoever comes first, right? Congratulations, by the way."


The woman frowned because she couldn't get what the man was congratulating her for, just in time when they arrived in front of a deserted classroom. 


From outside, everyone could see the decorations inside the room—some were dangling from the ceiling, others were pasted on the wall, while there are also some that was displayed on a stand. 


And it wasn't just any decorations...


It was the kind of decorations you prepare for—


Her heart throbbed the moment her eyes focused on a dangling decoration, with a photo on the bottom end of it. She glanced back at the school caretaker, teary eyed  and he smiled back at her, not knowing what exactly happened just a few months back. 


Her heart thumped wildly with nervousness against her when Mr. Song opened the locks of the door and the scenery inside greeted her, at the same time breaking her heart into million pieces. 


Instantly, the tears that was b on the side of her eyes fell just like a dam breaking, and she seeked strength from the door frame beside her, gripping on it as she cried like a child. She was losing strength in her knees so she opted to slid down on the floor slowly.


"What's wrong, child?" Mr. Song who was unaware of everything rushed to her crying figure in a rattle, hugging her tightly. 


However, she shook her head harshly, refusing the embrace. 


No, she doesn't deserve the comfort Mr. Song is offering her. 


"Please, Jinsil. Tell me what's wrong?" The middle aged man was frowning with worry as he crouched down to be on the same level with her, when she slumped down to the floor, breaking down in tears.


Jinsil shook her head. "It's my fault. I'm selfish..." She sobbed. 


All along, she never once thought that Ten was planning to propose to her, and she threw all that in the window because she felt neglected. 


"I-i don't understand—"


"I'm sorry..."


"I'm sorry for not responding—"


Just then, an achingly familiar voice rang through the female's ears, and caught Mr. Song's attention, prompting him to look at the newcomer. 


At the sight of the female on the floor, Ten's whole body froze, and the pain and anger he felt was immeasurable. Specially now that she had discovered his earlier plan. 

Forgetting that Mr. Song was present at the venue too.


Yes, he asked the help of Mr. Song, their high school's caretaker to borrow one of their homeroom during their freshman year—while the students were on a semestral break—because he knows how many great memories Gong Jinsil has this room.


And yes, he was planning to marry Gong Jinsil and propose to her on their Eight year anniversary together. 


Unfortunately, Jinsil broke up with him right after he finished the decorations, never getting the chance to actually do the deed. 


And because he was broken hearted, he buried the idea that he had a room to tidy up for the incoming semester. 


And now two months later, he never would have thought that he will be able to come here face to face with the woman he's supposed to surprised with this venue.


"Why didn't you tell me?" Jinsil asked, her voice nasal and sounding obviously betrayed. 


Ten's fists clenched tightly. He didn't like how her sentence seems like she was guilt tripping him. "What for?" He countered. One thing that add up to his hatred to the woman was the fact that she wasn't looking at him all the while she was talking to him.


At his response, Jinsil snapped her head towards him. "What for?!" She huffed before standing up immediately. 


Mr. Song, who was crouching down on the floor looked up at the two in alarm, switching from the male tot he female and back again.


"I left because I thought this relationship wasn't going anywhere!" She shifted to face him and more tears fell. 


Instantly, the look on her face broke the male's heart but he was hurt too. 


Meanwhile, Mr. Song was long forgotten, confusion all over his face, however witnessing how each cried, he already had an inkling to what happened two months ago. 

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I'm torm whether to give this ending or that ending uwu. Enlighten me juseyoooo TT^TT


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Chapter 8: Guess I'm sad too :(
Tnx for updating , actually i've been waiting for you quite patiently . And the chapter was beautiful , thank you .
Chapter 6: . oh no , oh no , oh no no NO nO . i don't wanna believe my eyes , did jinsil just_
what the actual hell??? i wasn't at all ready for this ....=I
Chapter 5: This is so heart wrenching
blue_izce8 #4
Chapter 4: Done with all chaps with smile on my face. Thank you for sharing this story with us. I hope youll update soon. I cant wait to see the jealous side of Ten and what will happen to our love triangle. Stay safe
blue_izce8 #5
Wow! A ten ff! Im happy to have found this story (^.~)
Chapter 4: Just because some people haven't found your story yet , doesn't mean it's not good.
Diamonds are buried really deep inside the earth , and practically unreachable , but that doesn't make them any less precious !
Chapter 4: Hey?? This is really good !! Have some confidence in your work , dude?
You always ask if it's good enough , but now , you had the audacity to say that you don't feel good!!
Damn it .
You are always fine .
Chapter 3: And I really loved this chapter too , you even introduced a new character too. Jaehyun . It's always a great experience to get more into your stories.