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Kai's disappointment hung heavy in the air, his eyes glaring at Yoona with frustration. But she remained unfazed, meeting his gaze with a cool indifference. With a sharp turn, he stormed out, leaving the room thick with tension.


As the door slammed shut, Jennie's face twisted with a mix of emotions. Yoona, however, seemed oddly amused by the situation. "You're not going to chase after him?"


Rolling her eyes, Jennie scoffed, "You expect me to go and chase him with this outfit?" 


Yoona's shameless gaze lingered on her, igniting a spark of desire within Jennie. She couldn't help but wonder why Yoona didn't just take her right then and there, beneath her.


"That's your boyfriend, I'm pretty sure you don't mind chasing him even without clothes on --" Yoona's frustrated sigh filled the room as she landed hard on the floor, courtesy of Jennie's forceful shove. "Go ahead and chase after your precious baby before he starts crying for his lost mama and regret leaving his small junior." she taunted, dusting herself off.


"He satisfies me just fine, thank you very much. And why are you always so judgmental?"


"We all have our judgments, don't we? But let's be real, sometimes they're just painfully accurate observations." Yoona shot back, getting to her feet and heading towards their room, Jennie trailing behind. "If only your boyfriend were as mature as you."


Jennie scoffed. "Coming from the woman who prefers women and isn't a fan of 'juniors'. Did he flash you or something?"


Yoona look at her as if she had grown three heads. "Are you out of your mind?" The stern glare sent her way only made Yoona chuckle. "You're seriously losing it, Kim. Your questions are beyond absurd. The mere thought of it makes me want to hurl. Move aside, I need a shower."


"Oh and Kim,"


When Yoona addressed Jennie by her surname, the cat-eyed girl turned around, uncertainty clouding her expression. She wished she could return the endearments in the same manner they were exchanged, but the thought alone made her want to facepalm in embarrassment. Sensing the tension, she decided to make a swift exit before things escalated further.


However, before Jennie could make her escape, Yoona's hand shot out and grasped the nape of her neck, pulling her closer until their bodies were pressed together. A shiver coursed down Jennie's spine as she felt the proximity, her knees growing weak as she entertained the forbidden idea of submission.


"There are a lot of things I want to do with you, and all it takes is one word from you for me to make them a reality," Yoona's smile grew wider, delighting in the sight of Jennie's priceless reaction. She reveled in teasing the woman, savoring every moment of it. She knew, however, that Jennie would never yield to her demands. After all, there was her boyfriend to consider, and as far as she knew, Jennie identified as straight. "So, Jennie, what's your desire?" she inquired, a wicked gleam dancing in her doe-like eyes as she awaited Jennie's response.


A tense silence hung between them, an unspoken challenge in the air. Jennie mustered her courage and forced a strained smile. She leaned in, their lips nearly touching. Just one more inch, and they could kiss. But Jennie remembered Yoona's love for control. She refused to let Yoona always take the lead. This time, it was Yoona's turn to grasp the message that Jennie Kim wasn't one to beg for attention. And she was prepared to ensure Yoona got that message one way or another.


"Are you afraid?" Jennie exhaled, her smile genuine this time, radiating confidence. "Why don't you for once skip the TED talk, just shut up, and kiss me? Is it really so challenging?"


It was an intriguing question. Yoona hadn't expected Jennie to be so bold. The answer lay in two possibilities.


First, Yoona respected Jennie and her relationship with her boyfriend. She didn't want to be the reason for their breakup. But that didn't stop her from teasing Jennie. Her ego and arrogance overshadowed any consideration for the boyfriend's feelings. Deep down, Yoona wanted them to break up, convinced he wasn't right for Jennie.


Secondly, Yoona needed Jennie to be the one to give in. If she were the one seeking attention, she couldn't maintain her image as the charismatic Yoong. Jennie wouldn't be an exception, just like no one else was.


Jennie sensed her provocations had missed the mark and scoffed, fixing a smug gaze on Yoona. "This isn't like you at all," she said, her voice rolling in a way that sent shivers down Yoona's spine. Before leaving, Jennie gave her a glance that held a hidden meaning, something Yoona couldn't quite decipher. "Maybe...no, not maybe, the truth is, you're just scared," she teased, her hips swaying as she clearly enjoyed getting under Yoona's skin.


Yoona could only scoff at Jennie's parting words, frustration evident in her voice. "Scared my ," she muttered, watching Jennie walk away with a mixture of irritation and desire.



"Proposition?" Yoona's brows furrowed in confusion. She had just stepped out of the shower with Jessica, and they were supposed to discuss the message from the previous night. "Are you serious about this?"

With a teasing smile, Jessica prepared plates of food. "Do I look like I'm joking?" She chuckled softly, pouring wine into glasses. "Was it too forward? Let me know, and I'll come up with another approach for you to consider."


Deep in thought, Yoona bit her lower lip, her gaze fixed on Jessica as the older woman moved around the kitchen. A spread of steak, mashed potatoes, and asparagus adorned the plates. "From a different perspective, maybe it was a bit much," she admitted honestly, eliciting a chuckle from Jessica. "Did you really have to label yourself as my sugar mommy? Are you serious about this?"


"My name in your contacts already carries that label," Jessica responded nonchalantly. Her laughter filled the air as she observed the slight discomfort on Yoona's face. "You've already shared that your parents, particularly your father, have cut off your financial support. Is your café job sufficient to cover your expenses? Or am I mistaken? There are numerous ways for you to earn money, but I'm suggesting one that might be more convenient. The decision is yours."

"So, basically, you're my sugar mommy?"

"Yeah, I did mention that a minute ago," Jessica replied with a shrug. 


"If you don't mind me asking, what made you want to do this? Unless I'm your last resort because your previous sugar babies didn't meet your expectations or didn't work out." Yoona spoke with a hint of humor, though her expression turned serious when she realized that Jessica wasn't responding to her playful comment. She let out a sigh and began to focus on her meal.


"I'd like to have more of your attention, Yoona."


Isn't that what we're doing right now? Jessica should feel special, she thought, reflecting on the fact that she never spent extended periods of time with the women she'd been involved with before. She never entertained thoughts of returning to them, even if they persisted in trying to contact her. On weekends, she was usually with her family or her friends from her circle. Simple and straightforward.


"You intrigue me for reasons I can't quite comprehend," Jessica began, locking eyes with Yoona. "Maybe it's the way you displayed so many red flags." A chuckle escaped her lips as Yoona looked a bit taken aback but didn't argue. "You're significantly younger than me. We're worlds apart in many respects, and we seem to simultaneously despise and adore various things. You emit a sense of trouble, something I wouldn't typically engage with at my stage of life. But what I do know is that I'm drawn to you, and I want more of you."


Jessica paused, biting her lip before flashing a warm smile. She moved closer, standing beside Yoona, and tenderly cupped her face in both hands. "I want you there when I reach out. This confession might scare you off, but isn't it a win-win situation for us both? You'd be there for me when I need you, and you'd receive what you desire."


For the first time in her life, Yoona found herself utterly speechless. There was so much to process, and she wasn't sure if this confession could truly be labeled as love. She hoped Jessica wouldn't press the matter further, as that's something she would likely brush off and evade. She wasn't prepared for this, but if this was simply about giving and taking without any emotional strings attached, then so be it. After all, Jessica was right – it seemed like a mutually beneficial arrangement.


"Are there strings attached?" Yoona's question carried a note of skepticism. She hoped that Jessica's intentions weren't solely based on her being a fallback option due to disappointments with her ex-husband and previous ual partners. "I'm not into that kind of thing." Her tone was firm, indicating her stance on such matters.


Jessica straightened up and returned to her seat, leaving a gentle kiss on Yoona's cheek. "I'm open to that," she replied. Yoona let out an awkward cough and reached for her glass of red wine. "If you're not interested in that kind of arrangement, that's perfectly fine. I only mentioned it as a possibility if you were interested."


A sigh of relief escaped, as if a weight had been lifted. It would be a shame to let things end with Jessica because she ticked off all the boxes – she was Yoona's type, a great cook, had an excellent fashion sense, and, as Yoona put it, was skilled in bed. To put it simply, Jessica was the whole package.


"Do I get financial support from you?" 


"Would you like that?"


A moment of pondering followed. "The offer is tempting, but if I agree, I'll feel like I'm turning into a call girl or a e. Frankly, it doesn't sit well with me right now."


Jessica giggled. "You're neither of those, so no need to worry." She bit her lower lip, watching Yoona enjoy the food she had prepared. Just seeing Yoona like that made her feel content. Unbeknownst to Yoona, Jessica was slowly developing feelings for her. "Or consider it a way to make you more comfortable about receiving financial assistance. If you ever find yourself short on funds or want to buy something, just let me know. Send me a text with what you need, and I'll be more than happy to provide it."


"That sounds like a reasonable idea, but I'm curious why you want to be my 'sugar mommy'."


"Isn't it obvious? I don't want this to be a one-time thing. I want it to continue. I'd like you to be available for me when I need you ually. I want you to be there when I message you. Just keep doing what we're doing, and I wanted to ensure that this arrangement lasts as long as possible. That's all I'm asking. Does everything make sense now, or would you like me to elaborate further?"


Yoona chuckled and shook her head, "That's enough explanation." She also playfully apologized for needing time to grasp the situation and for processing everything in just a few minutes, suggesting that her hunger might be the reason for the confusion.


She remained unaware of Jessica's plans to win her heart. Jessica was ready to go to great lengths to make Yoona hers. This determination was the reason Jessica had been so drawn to her in the first place.


"It's too bad you're leaving already, my friends are on their way here." Jessica mentioned casually.


This revelation took Yoona by surprise. She had no idea that meeting Jessica's friends was on the agenda. Today, she had planned to watch a movie with her own friends in the dorm. The conversation had been overwhelming, and given the choice, she would prioritize her friends over meeting Jessica's. After all, she didn't see Jessica as significant enough to change her plans. She needed to step away and think things over. With Jessica's friends on their way, it was the perfect moment to leave.


"I've got a Gang Emergency," Yoona quickly excused herself. As she was about to leave, Jessica suddenly grabbed her face and pressed her lips against Yoona's.  "I'll head out now." With a wave, she left, leaving a smiling Jessica behind.



"This is the second time we've seen Jessi this worried. The first time was when she was afraid her stepdaughter wouldn't like her, but that all worked out. So why are you so tense?" Tiffany, one of Jessica's best friends, asked.


"This is different, Tiff. A stepdaughter and someone I'm interested in are not the same," Jessica argued, pouring herself a glass of red wine and settling onto the couch between her two best friends.


"As always, Jess, your charm will solve this. Did you forget that in the first place?" Minyoung, her other friend, chimed in.


Jessica rolled her eyes. "If that were the case, I should have her wrapped around my finger by now." Her friends laughed, and she sighed dramatically. "You're all so heartless for laughing at my predicament. Why did I even become friends with you two?"


"Because if it weren't for us, your foolish self would've been kicked to the curb a long time ago, girl," Tiffany teased. She was right, these were the friends who always had her back. "And seriously, why wouldn't it be entertaining? Our dearest Jessi is struggling to charm her young lady. That's something we've never seen happen to you before, girl."


"I know, I know. It seems like the roles have reversed. I won't deny it, she already has me wrapped around her little finger. But have you seen her? She's the epitome of the whole package. Gorgeous, kind, amazing in bed, incredibly sweet, and let's not forget she's a law student.

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Chapter 13: the slow build up is too harsh for my liking knowing that this one is not yet finished
This one looks promising
reveluv316 813 streak #3
nice we got an update
Chapter 11: Okay okay... now I get to see bolder jennie omfg yoong wtf are u doing? Just do it lol she'll come to her senses too..no one can resist jennie for that long. Keke
Chapter 11: So funny if nini see Yoona and Chaeyoung .. woohoo drama drama hahahah
Chapter 11: Wow Confident and bolder Jennie is hot 🥵
reveluv316 813 streak #7
thanks for the update
oungie87 #8
Chapter 9: Why are you so dumb yoong hahaha. You scared of Jenny but her death glare, I can't handle it haha
Chapter 9: Dun dun duuuuuuuuun lol OMG next chap will be a treat. Jennie, chaeng, yoona hmmmm. YoonJen FTW always lol I cant wait now that jennie hhas gotten bolder lol