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Realizing their inappropriate position, Jennie swiftly disengaged from Yoona and turned around, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Meanwhile, Yoona brushed off the awkward encounter with laughter, getting up and returning to the makeup chair as though nothing unusual had happened.


"Anyway, please do continue to cover these up," Yoona instructed, pointing at the still-noticeable hickeys. Getting no immediate response from Jennie, Yoona glanced at her reflection, puzzled by the lack of movement. Shaking her head, she found a crumpled piece of paper and playfully aimed it at Jennie's head, chuckling at the resulting glare. "What? I did say finish what you started."


The cat-eyed girl scoffed, walking up to Yoona and shoving her before grabbing her phone from beside the makeup kit, signaling her intention to leave. "Deal with it yourself, you damn douchebag," Jennie hissed before storming out of the room, leaving Yoona laughing before her reflection.


Her amusement dwindled as she still needed to conceal the hickeys. Glancing at her wristwatch, she knew she'd likely incur the teacher's wrath for being late to the first class. "I'm in trouble," she murmured to herself, mentally preparing as she made her entrance into the classroom.


All eyes turned to her, observing her every move. She could feel her professor's gaze burning into the back of her head. "Why are you late?" his voice questioned as she settled into her seat. She scanned the classroom, seeking out a familiar figure, and a small smile graced her lips when she noticed the cat-eyed girl deliberately avoiding her gaze.


"LIM YOONA!" The sudden shout from her professor snapped Yoona's attention forward, his stern look cutting through the classroom haze. His eyes, sharp and expecting, seemed to drill into her for a moment of accountability.


"Heavy traffic," Yoona replied with a casual shrug, sinking a little further into her chair, her demeanor as laid-back as ever.


The professor, taken aback by such bold indifference, crossed his arms, his displeasure evident. "Is that my fault?"


Without missing a beat, Yoona countered with a yawn, her eyes still locked on his. "Did I say it was?" Her retort, quick and unapologetic, sent a ripple of reactions through the room. Some students tried to hide their laughter, others gasped, and a few simply looked on, unmoved.


"Detention later!" The professor's anger escalated as he punished the entire class, imposing the task of copying ten pages from a book within a single hour.


Groans and complaints filled the classroom, with frustrated glances thrown Yoona's way. She remained unfazed, finding a certain humor in watching the teacher leave, carrying his belongings with him. How unprofessional.


With a brief moment of peace, Yoona fished her phone out of her bag, curiosity piqued by a message notification. Opening it, she leaned in, intrigued by what the woman from last night had to say.


From: Jessica

I already miss you, hit me up when you're free.


Shaking her head, she pocketed her phone. She hadn't anticipated that the woman named Jessica would turn out to be clingy. Unsure if she could tolerate it, she decided to brush off her concerns.


As the break bell rang, Yoona made her way to the canteen alone, hoping to catch up with her closest friends. Catching sight of Jennie by her locker, Yoona felt an impulse to engage, despite the visible storm clouds gathering over Jennie's head. "Hi, Jennie," she greeted with an optimism that was immediately met with a cold stare. Remembering Jennie's less-than-pleasant moods, Yoona kept her distance. A fuming Jennie was best approached with caution. "Why so glum? Technically, you're part of the reason I ended up in detention, you know."


Jennie scoffed, her disbelief evident. "Did you hear yourself just now? You brought that detention upon yourself. If you had just acted with a modicum of decency, Mr. Jang might have let it slide. Instead, your arrogance got the best of you," she retorted sharply.


Yoona couldn't deny the thrill she felt in provoking the brunette, finding a twisted satisfaction in Jennie's irritation. It was perhaps a bit crazy, but she couldn't help but enjoy it.


"Karma's coming for you after class, douchebag," Jennie spat, brushing past with a pointed shoulder bump.


"Is this about the kiss?" Jennie swiftly turned back, looking around cautiously before speaking in a hushed tone. A smirk graced Yoona's lips as her suspicion was confirmed. "Don't worry, our little secret won't be revealed to your little minion."


Amidst Jennie's display of frustration, Yoona burst into laughter, shaking her head in amusement before heading toward the canteen to find her two familiar friends.


"Yoona!" A familiar voice caught her attention, and she turned to see her friends waving at her. Returning the gesture with a smile, she made her way to them. To her surprise, there were others at their table too – Jisoo, Momo, and Dahyun, all part of their close-knit circle.


"What did you do to Jennie? She won't stop complaining about how annoying you are."


"Yeah, I just asked if she saw you, and she glared at me like she wanted to murder me. She's so scary~" Dahyun shivered, recalling her encounter with the irritated Jennie.


"Not surprised at all. She's known for that attitude," Momo chimed in between bites of her fries.


Yoona attempted to grab some fries from Momo's plate, only to have her hand slapped away. Arching an eyebrow, she questioned, "So you're going to be stingy with your fries now?" After a nervous chuckle, Momo reluctantly shared some fries.


Her friends' laughter filled the air, and Yoona couldn't help but smirk. "I'll just go order some food, and then I'll answer your questions." She winked playfully before heading toward the food area.


Perfect timing. A chuckle escaped her when she recognized who was in front of her. Leaning in close, she whispered into the person's ear, "Hi, hot stuff." A sharp nudge to her stomach elicited a groan. "Relax, woman. Drop the grumpy act, it doesn't suit your pretty face." Jennie simply rolled her eyes in response.


"What do you want this time?" Jennie's patience seemed to wear thin as she turned to face Yoona, her eyebrow arching in anticipation of yet another one of Yoona's antics. "If you're here to bug me, I'd rather you didn't. I'm not in the mood for it."


Yoona shifted her focus from the assortment of food available to Jennie, deciding to take a different approach. "What are you getting?" she asked, an innocent enough question that seemed to catch Jennie off guard. After a brief pause, Jennie mentioned she was considering a salad and a chicken sandwich. "Great, scoot over then. I need to order."


As Yoona nudged past Jennie to place her order, the latter's glare could have cut glass, but Yoona paid it no mind. "Could I get a salad, two chicken sandwiches, some mashed potatoes, and a couple of orange juices, please?" she requested, balancing her tray with care as she finished.


Once she had her order, Yoona made her way over to where Jennie had settled down with her group. The table was a who's who of campus notables: Bae Joohyun, known as Irene, the campus visual; Minazotaki Sana, the campus flirt; Chou Tzuyu, the campus beauty; Im Nayeon, the campus sweetheart; Park Chaeyoung, the campus fairy; and, of course, Jennie Kim, the head of the cheerleaders and the campus queen bee.


"Jennie." Jennie raised an eyebrow at Yoona's sudden appearance. Her friends also looked puzzled; Yoona usually came with her own group of friends. Did this mean Yoona was joining them? Their excitement bubbled beneath the surface – everyone adored Yoona. "You shouldn't disappear on someone treating you to food." Yoona set down the food she had ordered for Jennie.


"Why are you giving me this?" Jennie couldn't help but display her signature attitude. Yoona simply smiled at the display, unfazed. She had become accustomed to Jennie's behavior – perhaps because she was familiar with her mother's similar demeanor. She couldn't help but think that Jennie and her mother shared certain characteristics.


Jennie averted her gaze, cheeks flushed. Lately, Yoona had become adept at making her blush.


"It's my way of apologizing. Enjoy it all." Yoona shrugged and acknowledged the people at Jennie's table. "I'll be going now." She briefly glanced at Chaeyoung before returning to her friends.


"What's the score between you and Yoona?" Sana couldn't hide her curiosity, her eyes twinkling as she noted Chaeyoung's flushed cheeks. "Look at you, all red."


"Really?!" Chaeyoung was quick to pull out a mirror, her actions confirming Sana's teasing accusation.


They chuckled at Chaeyoung's reaction. They knew Chaeyoung had developed a crush on Yoona. Whenever Yoona visited their table, they would relentlessly about her puppy-like infatuation.


"She actually asked for my number," Chaeyoung blurted out, prompting gasps from her friends. She chuckled, gazing at their shocked expressions. "And yes, I gave it to her."


"Go for it, girl," Nayeon chimed in, wiggling her shoulders suggestively towards Chaeyoung, who laughed in response.


"You shouldn't have given your number to her," Jennie interjected, her attention seemingly focused on her salad. The group exchanged puzzled glances, confused by Jennie's unusual stance. 


"Why not? What's the harm in Chaeyoung giving Yoona her number?" Irene pressed, genuinely puzzled by Jennie's caution.


Jennie nonchalantly shrugged, adopting an innocent expression. "Yoona's intentions aren't as pure as you think, she just wants to get into your pants. I'm just giving you a warning." she explained, ignoring the disappointment her words stirred in Chaeyoung.


"If that were the case, she would've already gone after Chaeyoung in the first place," Tzuyu chimed in, receiving nods of agreement from their friends.


Jennie, however, didn't relent, her concern seemingly focused solely on Chaeyoung. "She's biding her time, and when she makes her move, it'll just be a fling to her," she warned, her gaze fixed on Chaeyoung. "You can do better, Chae. What about Chanyeol? He's interested," she suggested, trying to shift Chaeyoung's attention away from Yoona with a hopeful smile.


"Uh, Jen," Sana prompted, raising an eyebrow and urging her to elaborate. "We're all aware of that, but Chaeyoung here doesn't see Chanyeol the way she sees your roommate," Sana continued. "There's no spark with Chanyeol, but when she's around your roommate, she's got hearts in her eyes."


"Just let her be, I'm sure Chae knows what she's doing," Tzuyu chimed in, shooting a look at Jennie, who merely shrugged in response. "Right, Chae?"


Chaeyoung, cheeks aflame, didn't shy away from the conversation. "Honestly, if Yoona's intentions are what Jennie says, I'm okay with that. My feelings for her are real," she admitted, surprising her friends with her boldness and clarity.


The group, taken aback by Chaeyoung's openness, found themselves at a loss for words. They hadn't expected such a candid acknowledgment of her feelings. Jennie, on the other hand, seemed increasingly troubled, though the exact cause of her discomfort remained a mystery to her friends.



Meanwhile, Yoona was laughing heartily at her friends' tales. Tears welled in her eyes from the intensity of her amusement. "Man, that's just too good," she managed between laughs.


"Anyway, spill the beans, Lim. What did you do to Jennie?" Jisoo inquired, reminding everyone that she and Jennie were childhood cousins. She refused to let the topic go until she had a clear explanation. "Tell us now."


Yoona chuckled, knowing Jisoo wouldn't relent until she got to the bottom of things. "It's nothing scandalous," she reassured, downplaying the anticipation that hung in the air. She decided honesty was the best policy, realizing that the truth would eventually come out one way or another. "We kissed." The collective gasp from her friends didn't surprise her, but she waved off their reactions. "It was an accident, believe it or not. We tripped, and she ended up falling on top of me. That's the whole story."


"Damn! I thought you were finally getting a piece of her," Momo exclaimed with a huff, earning a light shove from Jisoo. "Yah! Quit being so aggressive, and stop acting like you're Jennie's lover."


A blush tinted Jisoo's cheeks, though she vehemently denied harboring any romantic feelings for her childhood cousin. She had been protective of Jennie for as long as she could remember, which explained her defensive stance.


"I heard you got detention after class," Lisa chimed in, concern etched across her features. It was rare for Yoona to receive detention unless she had done something truly significant. "You talked back to Mr. Jang, but why would you get detention for that? Usually, teachers just ask you to leave the classroom if you're being disrespectful."


"Yeah, it's quite unusual for you," Seulgi added, biting into her chocolate croissant. "Your parents might go ballistic when they find out about this detention."


Yoona froze momentarily at the mention of her parents, then quickly composed herself. The thought of her parents stripping away the privileges she enjoyed had been enough to cause her heart to race.


As if.


"You can't do that!" A voice echoed through the phone, belonging to the doe-eyed girl who had just endured an hour of detention with an elderly teacher. Following her release, she had received a call from her father, who had been contacted by the principal. The principal's report had triggered his anger, compelling him to halt his meeting and address his daughter with a tone b with frustration. Moreover, he had learned about Yoona's recent visit to a club. How he found out was one of the benefits of belonging to an affluent family. "What am I supposed to do if you cut off all my financial support?" she asked, the stress evident in her voice as she paced.


"You've brought this upon yourself, Yoona. How many times have I told you to act appropriately? You're not understanding the gravity of your actions." The disappointment in his voice was clear, his frustration at a boiling point.


Feeling the weight of her father's anger, Yoona knew she had crossed a line. He

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Chapter 13: the slow build up is too harsh for my liking knowing that this one is not yet finished
This one looks promising
reveluv316 814 streak #3
nice we got an update
Chapter 11: Okay okay... now I get to see bolder jennie omfg yoong wtf are u doing? Just do it lol she'll come to her senses too..no one can resist jennie for that long. Keke
Chapter 11: So funny if nini see Yoona and Chaeyoung .. woohoo drama drama hahahah
Chapter 11: Wow Confident and bolder Jennie is hot 🥵
reveluv316 814 streak #7
thanks for the update
oungie87 #8
Chapter 9: Why are you so dumb yoong hahaha. You scared of Jenny but her death glare, I can't handle it haha
Chapter 9: Dun dun duuuuuuuuun lol OMG next chap will be a treat. Jennie, chaeng, yoona hmmmm. YoonJen FTW always lol I cant wait now that jennie hhas gotten bolder lol