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"I’m going to be completely honest with you," Yoona began, her voice heavy with sincerity.


She hesitated, knowing that explaining herself to Jennie, especially in her current mood, would be challenging. Nevertheless, she was determined to make her point clear.


"Don’t misunderstand me," she continued, her tone calm but cautious. "You’re irresistible, and I do like you, but..." She paused, discomfort rising as Jennie’s intense gaze bore into her. Scratching the back of her neck, she searched for the right words.


"I don’t see you in that way," Yoona finally admitted. "I want you to know that your feelings are valid, and I won’t question why you feel this way. But if you’re asking for more, my answer will still be the same. I hope you can understand that."


Yoona anxiously waited for Jennie's response to her explanation, and she was surprised by how calm Jennie appeared. The tension in the room was visible, and Yoona wished she could vanish from Jennie's sight right then. No one dared to speak, and Yoona desperately wanted to get her magazine back.


"Um...can I have my beloved magazine back?"


Nervously, she scratched her neck, watching Jennie slowly rise from her chair. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the magazine, fearing it might become a target for her frustration.


But Jennie’s actions left Yoona bewildered. Instead of reacting angrily, she calmly handed the magazine back, her expression unreadable. The unexpected response kept Yoona on edge.


Then, in a surprising twist, Jennie closed the distance between them. She grabbed Yoona’s belt loop, pulling her closer until they were almost touching. Yoona’s heart raced, her breath catching in as Jennie’s warmth enveloped her.


"Sooner or later you'll kneel and worship me, just like everyone else, mark my words." 


Yoona struggled to catch her breath because of Jennie Kim. She shook her head in disappointment, not liking the fact that Jennie had started to develop feelings for her.


With a seductive smile, Jennie sauntered toward the bathroom, leaving Yoona breathless in her wake.


"Damn, Jennie Kim is so ing hot." 


Yoona couldn't deny that when Jennie tugged on her belt loop, it sent shivers down her spine. She shook her head and slapped her own face, Remember, Jennie is Jisoo's childhood cousin. Don't mess with her. She groaned, realizing she couldn't playfully flirt with Jennie anymore.


The next morning...


The shrill sound of Yoona's alarm jolted her awake from a blissful dream. She groaned, burying her head under the pillow, longing for more sleep. Yet, the impending law quiz hung over her like a dark cloud, forcing her to surrender to the relentless beeping of her phone.


Reluctantly, she sat up and rubbed her tired eyes, her gaze drifting to her roommate, Jennie Kim, who was meticulously applying makeup at her vanity. As the morning sunlight filtered through the window, it seemed to caress Jennie's features, making her glow like an ethereal being.


Yoona couldn't help but admire Jennie's beauty as she watched her roommate's skilled hands work their magic. However, something felt different today. There was an aura of confidence radiating from Jennie, a subtle change that caught Yoona's attention.


As Jennie finished her makeup, she stood up from her chair, and Yoona had a chance to scrutinize her outfit. She was used to seeing Jennie in her school uniform, and while she always looked beautiful, something was off today. The skirt she was wearing seemed noticeably shorter than usual, and Yoona couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in surprise.


Without thinking, Yoona stood up and reached over to measure the length of Jennie's skirt, her fingers brushing the fabric. This sudden intrusion startled Jennie, who let out a yelp and slapped Yoona's shoulder hard.


"What the hell are you doing?!"


Yoona couldn't hide her frown after hearing Jennie's yelp. "Your morning scream is very unpleasant. It makes me wonder how you'd scream if you were beneath me," She whispered the last part mischievously, earning a raised eyebrow from Jennie. "Anyway, your skirt is shorter than usual today. You might want to change into something longer unless you want all the y people, especially the boys, to fawn over you."


Always the stubborn one, Jennie looked at Yoona with innocence in her eyes as she batted her eyelashes. "I choose to wear what's comfortable, and you should mind your own business, ."


Exasperated, Yoona sighed and shook her head as she watched Jennie grab her Chanel bag. As Jennie passed by, she bumped Yoona's shoulder with considerable force, causing Yoona to groan in pain.


"!" Yoona exclaimed, but her words trailed off when she noticed just how obvious Jennie's short skirt made her figure look. "Such a pain," shaking her head, she reluctantly continued her morning routine, still wondering why Jennie had suddenly changed her outfit.



The early morning air was crisp as Yoona stood at the bus stop, clutching her bag tightly. She checked her watch impatiently, eager to get to school for the quiz.


"Yeah, things are going well, and I have to admit, I miss your cooking," Yoona replied while talking to Jessica on the phone. "I have a quiz today for my major, and I stayed up late last night to review, so I think I'll do great."


"I know you'll do amazing, Yoona. You always do, and I believe in you," 


"Thanks, Jess. That means a lot, you know?" 


Jessica chuckled on the other end of the line. "Gosh, I miss holding you in my arms."


"Don't worry, we'll see each other soon."


"In my after-party, maybe?" 


Yoona awkwardly chuckled, not giving Jessica a clear answer about attending her after-party. "I'll check up on you soon, okay? Gotta go, the bus is here," 


"Alright, have a great day and try not to stir up any trouble," 


Yoona chuckled, recognizing Jessica’s playful teasing. Determined to avoid any trouble, especially her parents' potential wrath, she let it slide.


She stepped onto the bus and recognized a group of familiar faces from her school. They were the soccer players, chattering away like a flock of gossiping birds, their voices high-pitched and grating. It grated on her nerves, sounding more like a clique of chatty girls than athletes.


The incessant prattle was already irritating, but then she heard something that made her blood boil. They were talking about Jennie, making crude remarks about her appearance and degrading her with lewd comments about the length of her skirt. It was a form of verbal harassment that Yoona couldn't simply ignore.


One of them eagerly brandished his phone, displaying a picture. "Look at this picture our leader sent me, damn Jennie and her , I wanna squeeze!"


Yoona's hands clenched into fists, trembling with suppressed anger. She knew she couldn't afford to lose her temper. Remember, acting out would only lead to trouble. She forced herself to take a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions swirling inside her.


For now, she decided to put aside the hurtful comments about Jennie and focus on the bus ride to the university. She knew that addressing the issue with a clear mind and a level head would be more effective in the long run.


But I spoke too soon, didn't I?

Yoona's temper flared as she stepped off the bus behind them, still hearing their crude remarks about Jennie's picture. Without thinking straight, she snatched the phone from the offending player's hand and hurled it to the ground. Her foot came down on it with unrelenting force, shattering the device into pieces.


The soccer players stood in stunned disbelief, their mouths agape. "What's your problem?" one of them finally managed to sputter out.


"I won't tolerate your behavior."


Then, the guy's smirk cut through the air like a knife. "Can't wait to Jennie," he jeered.


That was it. Yoona saw red. She lunged at him, her fist connecting with his jaw. She landed punch after punch, her fury driving her forward. The other two players scrambled to pull her off their friend, their blows landing on her lips and nose, but she didn’t back down. Blood dripped from her nose, mixing with the sweat on her face as she fought back with fierce resolve.


Yoona’s movements were fueled by a mix of anger and adrenaline. She kicked one of the guys in the stomach, sending him staggering backward. Another tried to grab her arms, but she twisted free, delivering a swift elbow to his ribs. The guy she originally attacked managed to get back up, but Yoona was ready, meeting his advance with a brutal uppercut that sent him sprawling to the ground again.


Minutes later, Yoona stood panting, looking down at the three groaning figures, one of them knocked out cold. Her knuckles were bruised and bloody, but she chuckled darkly, satisfaction mingling with the pain. The altercation had caused a commotion, drawing the attention of onlookers who now stared in shock at the scene.


She wiped the blood from her split lip, her breath ragged but steady. "Anyone else got something to say?" she challenged, her voice carrying over the hushed crowd. The silence that followed was her answer.


"Yoong, what in the world happened?!"


Yoona turned to see Seulgi rushing towards her, her face etched with worry.


"These guys can't stop gossiping about Jennie. I'm just warning them, that's all."


She casually picked up her bag and started to walk away, Seulgi quickly catching up. She could tell Seulgi understood the message, but the concern in her eyes didn't fade.


As they strolled down the hallway, they attracted a lot of attention. Students whispered and stared, curious about Yoona’s bruised face and bloodied knuckles.


"Hey, why are you going straight to class? We were supposed to take you to the clinic," Seulgi protested, blocking Yoona from entering her classroom. "Those bruises look pretty bad. If they don't get cleaned now, they could get worse."


Yoona sighed. "I'm fine. The frustration I feel inside is worse than the pain from my injuries right now."


"Listen to me just this once, dude," Seulgi's tone was firm, which was rare. "Come on, your quiz can wait, but your health can't."


"I'll go to the clinic after the quiz," Yoona replied, shrugging. "Prof said he won't accept late quizzes, so I have to go in now."


"He'll understand, and he'd probably tell you to go to the clinic right away."


Seulgi always struggled when Yoona was being stubborn. Yoona never seemed to think her injuries were a big deal. Seulgi couldn't understand why she wasn't concerned about potential scars or her own well-being. Maybe Yoona had just grown used to it, accepting her bruises and injuries in a way that Seulgi couldn't grasp.


"Plus, I have a feeling I'll be called to the principal's office later, so I've got to make sure I don't miss any quizzes! See you later, Deulgi!"


Yoona gave Seulgi a wink, assuring her she was okay. Seulgi could only sigh, understanding Yoona's point of view. While Yoona's reasons made sense, resorting to physical violence was never the solution.


She silently pushed open the classroom door and let out a sigh of relief. Their professor was still settling his laptop at the front, a sign that the quizzes hadn't started yet. Her entrance, however, didn't go unnoticed. Gasps rippled through the room as all eyes turned to her, taking in her disheveled appearance.


"Sorry, I'm late," Yoona murmured, making her way to her seat, which happened to be next to Jennie. She stole a quick glance at her roommate, but Jennie seemed engrossed in something on her desk, pointedly ignoring Yoona.


Her eyes trailed down to Jennie's skirt, still shorter than usual, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes She felt the weight of everyone's gaze on her, and it made her uncomfortable.


Their professor, clearly concerned, approached her. "Ms. Lim, are you alright?"


She shrugged, trying to downplay her injuries. "I'm okay."


The disbelief in the professor's eyes was evident. "How can you be okay with bruises and bleeding on your face? Come on, let me take you to the clinic."


His insistence finally drew Jennie's attention, and she turned to face Yoona, her eyes wide with concern.


Yoona hesitated, glancing at the professor and then back at Jennie. "I'd rather take the quiz first..."


The professor shook his head, deciding against it. "No, we can't risk your health. Stand up, Yoona. I'll accompany you to the clinic."


Yoona sighed, realizing she wasn't going to win this battle. She stood up, shooting a grateful glance at the professor. As they headed for the door, she couldn't help but notice Jennie's worried expression, and their eyes locked for a brief moment before she turned away, her heart pounding.


"Who did you have a fight with?" 


She looked away, her jaw set. "I'd rather not talk about it."


When they arrived at the clinic, they were met with a surprising sight. All of Yoona's friends were waiting for her, their expressions etched with worry. The professor raised an eyebrow. "Don't you all have classes?"


They exchanged quick glances, and Seulgi, offered a quick excuse that Yoona knew was a lie. She appreciated their support, though, and it warmed her heart.


The nurse ushered Yoona in, her eyes widening as she took in the extent of Yoona's injuries. "My goodness, this is the first time I've seen a woman with this many bruises," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with concern.


Yoona shrugged, trying to downplay it. "There's always a first time for everything."


After a thorough examination, the nurse began treating her wounds. She carefully applied bandages to Yoona's right knuckles, the fabric pressing gently but firmly against the bruised skin. As she tended to Yoona's swollen lip and the dark bruise under her eye, Yoona winced at the stinging antiseptic, but knew it was necessary.


"Now, you've got to be careful, okay?" the nurse cautioned, her tone serious. "Bruises and injuries don't look good and can get worse if not properly cared for."


"Thanks," Yoona replied, her voice subdued. She appreciated the nurse's concern but was eager to move past the fuss.


As the nurse finished, Yoona's friends piled into the room, their faces a mix of concern and curiosity. They bombarded her with questions, their voices overlapping in a chaotic symphony. Yoona rolled her eyes and motioned for them to quiet down, which they did without hesitation.


"By the way, can you give this to Jennie?" Yoona handed her varsity jacket to Jisoo, raising an eyebrow. "Just pass it on to her."


Jisoo blinked but nodded. "Seul told us what happened. Thanks, Yoona." She gave Yoona's arm a gentle squeeze. "I get why you were angry, but you should've let us know first. We could've planned together instead of you getting hurt."


"Chu's right, bro," Lisa chimed in. "We could've joined in and given those guys a taste of their own medicine."


Momo flashed a thumbs-up and smirked at Yoona. "You were a bit selfish in taking them all on. We could've joined in and given them a good kick too." Her playful scoff drew amused nods from everyone.


Dahyun winked at Yoona, earning an eye-roll from her. "What you did was brave, but you need to remember violence isn't something we endorse, okay?"


Seulgi give Yoona a pointed look. "I've always told you, you need to give us a heads-up before you jump into action, especially with students. Did you see what happened to Mingyu? He ended up in the hospital because no one recognized him."


Yoona rolled her eyes. "And have you all ended up in detention, or worse, expelled with me? I'd rather take it on alone."


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Chapter 13: the slow build up is too harsh for my liking knowing that this one is not yet finished
This one looks promising
reveluv316 814 streak #3
nice we got an update
Chapter 11: Okay okay... now I get to see bolder jennie omfg yoong wtf are u doing? Just do it lol she'll come to her senses too..no one can resist jennie for that long. Keke
Chapter 11: So funny if nini see Yoona and Chaeyoung .. woohoo drama drama hahahah
Chapter 11: Wow Confident and bolder Jennie is hot 🥵
reveluv316 814 streak #7
thanks for the update
oungie87 #8
Chapter 9: Why are you so dumb yoong hahaha. You scared of Jenny but her death glare, I can't handle it haha
Chapter 9: Dun dun duuuuuuuuun lol OMG next chap will be a treat. Jennie, chaeng, yoona hmmmm. YoonJen FTW always lol I cant wait now that jennie hhas gotten bolder lol