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"Like my new lingerie?" 


Yoona couldn't speak. Her gaze was fixed on her roommate, Jennie, who approached with confidence.


Jennie's smooth legs glided toward her, and suddenly, Yoona found herself gently pushed to the floor. This cleared the path for Jennie to take her place before the freestanding mirror, where she intently regarded her reflection.


From her vantage point on the floor, Yoona clutched her garments tightly, unable to tear her eyes away from Jennie's captivating silhouette. She could see both the front and the back of Jennie, and she was certain that Jennie was acutely aware of her watchful gaze.


"I picked these up at the VS store the other day, with Irene and the others. They make me feel irresistibly y." Jennie struck a series of enticing poses, clearly intent on captivating her roommate, Yoona. It was working like a charm, but Yoona couldn't bring herself to act on it.  "Do you think I look y?"


Oh , does she really need to remove her nightgown? Jennie casually tossed her nightgown onto her bed, revealing a sultry black ensemble – a corset top and matching . The outfit hugged her curves perfectly, accentuating her figure in a way that made Yoona's heart race. With a sly smile, Jennie struck another pose, flaunting her allure.


"Cat got your tongue?" Jennie teased, noticing how flustered Yoona seemed. She couldn't help but smirk as she watched Yoona struggle to contain herself. "Tell me you find me y."


Her voice was sultry and commanding, and as she turned to gaze down at Yoona, the heat in the room seemed to rise.


Something inside Yoona snapped, and she could feel herself growing warm, almost too warm. The only escape from these feelings was to flee, to put some distance between herself and Jennie, her roommate. She needed to regain her composure before she did something she might regret later.


Rubbing her temples, she tore her gaze away from Jennie, resumed packing, and zipped up her small suitcase. She stood up, avoiding eye contact with Jennie, and grabbed her hoodie from the cabinet, slipping it on.


Once she felt ready to go, she turned and left the room, relieved that Jennie hadn't called out to her. But as she reached the front door, a hand grasped her wrist, spinning her around.


She met Jennie's intense, almost seductive gaze, resembling a cat's eyes filled with hidden desire. After giving Jennie a thorough once-over, top to bottom, and then bottom to top, she let out a heavy sigh that she hadn't realized she'd been holding.


Jennie Kim embodied iness effortlessly, whether she was doing something or nothing at all. Yoona couldn't deny it. Having Jennie as her roommate made it incredibly challenging for her to resist temptations and refrain from acting on impulses she shouldn't.


I mean, I could actually make a move on her, but her feelings for me get in the way of my advances and flirtatious gestures. Damn it Jennie! Why do you have to harbor feelings.


Yoona shook her head, trying to clear away the inappropriate thoughts flooding her mind. "What?"


"You're not leaving until you admit you find me y."


"Why do you need my approval so badly?" Yoona raised an eyebrow, arms crossed. She quickly glanced at Jennie's chest, a detail that went unnoticed by Jennie, who seemed momentarily at a loss for words. "I'm going," she declared.


"Fine," Jennie muttered, just loud enough for Yoona to hear, earning a puzzled look from her. "I shouldn't have asked you, you clearly don't care."


Yoona frowned at the remark, watching as Jennie released her wrist. "You should go, I have someone coming over."


That halted Yoona in her tracks, her insides boiling with a sudden surge of jealousy. "You can't bring guys here."


"You bring random girls here all the time, why can't I?" countered Jennie.


Yoona clicked her tongue, irritated by Jennie's sudden attitude. "We talked about this before, Jennie. Don't be a and stand by your words."


"You're leaving," Jennie stated, her gaze locked onto Yoona's doe-like eyes. "and you haven't even told me where you're going."


Yoona sighed, detecting a hint of vulnerability in Jennie's voice that she wanted to ignore forever. "I'm going home and staying there until my suspension is over. But I'll come back for our group project."


Jennie hummed, nibbling her lip in contemplation. The motion drew Yoona's attention, and she fought the urge to react.


"Alright, then I'll have V come over to keep me company while you're away."


Yoona's blood began to boil, Jennie knew just how to push her buttons. "Listen closely, Jennie," she stated firmly, taking a step forward and gripping Jennie's smooth shoulder tightly, eliciting a subtle purr from her. Ignoring the reaction, she continued, "If I find out he's been here while I'm away, you won't like what I'll do."


"And what exactly do you plan to do? Treat me like those low-class girls? I'm not one of them," Jennie wet her lips and gazed up through her lashes, feigning innocence.


Yoona withdrew her hands, earning a frown from Jennie. Then, she traced her fingers along the strap of Jennie's top, her touch deliberate. "You'll never be like them, Jennie. You're in a league of your own. Remember that."


"You'd better take action before someone beats you to it," Jennie taunted.


Jennie's smile turned sinister, and Yoona had never wanted so badly to wrap her hands around someone's neck. "The only reason I'm holding back is because you're Chu's childhood cousin," Yoona admitted, her fingers gently caressing Jennie's collarbone, which drew a moan from her.


A forced smile appeared, but Yoona saw through it. "You're Lim Yoona, and nothing should hold you back. Time is ticking, baby," Jennie cooed, gripping the hoop of Yoona's belt and pulling her closer. This gesture had become Yoona's favorite, sending a rush of emotions through her. "You wouldn't want anyone else to and have me but you."


Fighting the urge to press her lips to Jennie's, Yoona closed her eyes briefly to steady herself. She had to leave, now. It was now or regret it later. When she opened her eyes, she gave Jennie a smug look. "You don't want to test me, Jennie. You really don't, babe."


With a bold move, Yoona gently traced Jennie's lips with her thumb, knowing how it would affect her. Get a grip! She shook her head, then turned and left without looking back, leaving a speechless Jennie Kim cursing quietly in the dorm.



"To what do we owe the pleasure of our hero, Yoong?"


Yoona sat in the back seat of her family's car, accidentally slamming the door so loudly that it startled their driver, who had already noticed that Yoona was in a bad mood.


She was in a video call with her friends, who appeared to be gathered at Jisoo's house, watching a football game.


"I'm on my way back home, but I'd like to ask a favor from all of you, especially you, Chu."


Jisoo's eyes brightened as she playfully pushed aside Momo, who was in the center of the screen, earning a mockingly annoyed scoff from Momo.


"Why do you need my assistance, Yoong? And just so you know, nothing in this world comes for free."


Yoona hesitated, debating whether to share her request with her friends, fully aware that she'd likely become the target of their teasing. But it was the only solution she could think of at the moment.


"This is a pretty serious matter, and I'd rather not become the subject of jokes. So, Chu, why don't you step away from the others? You're going to be my only ally in this."


Everyone fell silent and asked Dahyun to turn off the television so they could all focus on what Yoona was about to reveal.


"Don't be such an , Yoong. We're your allies too, trust us, have faith!" Lisa interjected.


"She's already an , Lis," Seulgi added nonchalantly as Yoona responded with a middle finger. "You were playing with fire with Jennie when she was in a relationship, and you didn't even tell us you had a sugar mommy."


Yoona's eyes widened, and she burst into laughter. "Come on, I was just waiting for the right time to open up to all of you."


"When? When you got caught ing the older woman?" Momo teased, earning more laughter from the group. "But it's your private life, so we're not going to pressure you to share something you're not ready for."


"What did you do to Momorim?" Jisoo grabbed Momo's shoulder, playfully shaking it. "Give us back our Momorim. But then again, we'd rather have this Momo like this, not getting on our nerves as she usually does," Jisoo added, hamming it up like an actress.


"Anyway, back to the main topic, why do you need Chu's help, Yoong?" Dahyun asked, looking puzzled. "Why aren't you including us? We're you, and you are us, we're all in this together."


Yoona looked at her friends and contemplated whether she'd made the right choice in befriending them. "I guess Sana didn't give you enough attention today, huh, Dubu?" Yoona teased.


"Come on, don't be a buzzkill. Spit it out," Momo encouraged.


"Fine," Yoona grumbled, "I want Chu to stay over in my and Jennie's dorm while I'm gone to keep an eye on her childhood cousin."


"Why do you need someone to watch over her? She's old enough to take care of herself," Jisoo pointed out.


"You sure seem to care a lot about Jennie," Lisa chuckled at Jisoo's sarcasm. "No wonder she gives you a hard time."


"Don't get me wrong, guys. I love my cousin Mandu, but I just can't share a roof with her."


"Why not?"


"Are you all blind?" Jisoo exclaimed dramatically. "If she can throw a punch at Yoong, what do you think she'd do to me?"


"You don't flirt with Jennie the way Yoong does, so why the concern?"


"I'm just not prepared to dive into the depths of Hell, that's what I'm saying."


"How about one of you? Can someone sub in for Chu?"


"Nope, not me."


"Absolutely not."


"I'm out."


"I've still got dreams to chase."


"Well, too bad, I'm giving up my collection of Joe Dimaggio bats. Maybe I should've asked someone else, like Wook and the others—"


"I'll take it!"


"You know we're just joking,"


"We're clowns, you should know that by now."


"We never turn down your offer, you know."


"But wait, before we sign up to be your minions, why do we need to watch over Jennie?"


Yoona scoffed, recalling her conversation with Jennie earlier. "That V guy is going to make a move on her while I'm gone, so you all better stop him from getting too close to Jennie."


There was a moment of silence before Seulgi decided to speak up, raising her hand for Yoona to acknowledge. "You're in love with her," she stated.


Yoona rolled her eyes, brushing off the comment, already tired of hearing it from them. "So, are you all in or not?"


"Count us in!" they chorused. 



Yoona stepped into their sprawling mansion, the aroma of her favorite Italian dishes wafted through the air, welcoming her home. Her parents, sitting at the kitchen island, turned to greet her, their faces lighting up with warmth.


Her father, with a grin stretching across his face, rose from his seat and enveloped her in a tight embrace. "Missed you, my deer rascal," he admitted, his voice tinged with genuine affection.


Yoona chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Could I maybe get my credit cards and cars back then?" 


Her father paused for a moment, wearing a thoughtful expression. Then, he nodded with a sly smile, "Well, I suppose we could discuss it."


Yoona's smile widened, her tongue peeking out in playful triumph as she exchanged a mischievous look with her mother, who playfully rolled her eyes in response.


Seated comfortably, she eagerly took her fork, expertly skewering a piece of her beloved dish, gnocchi—Italian dumplings. A satisfied moan escaped her lips as the delectable flavor washed over her.


"You seem different today, Yoong. More mature," her father remarked, sipping his brunello di montalcino wine. His eyes softened as they rested on his daughter. "I must say, I like what I'm seeing."


Stacy, smiling, joined in, her gaze fixed on Yoona. "Cutting off the cards and having her use public transport did wonders for her maturity. I hope you've learned your lesson, baby," she chided, a playful glint in her eye. This earned an indignant scoff from Yoona.


"Mom, stop calling me baby."


Stacy raised an eyebrow. "What? You'll always be my one and only baby, Yoong. It's just a mother's privilege, and face it, you'd be lost without it."


"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Yoona dismissed, choosing to ignore the mock glare from her mother. She turned her attention to her father, feeling a touch of nervousness about what she was about to ask. "Dad, you know how much it bothers me when you don't keep your promises. Can I have my cards and cars back?"


Her father chuckled at her request. "Of course, dear. I'm sure you knew we were keeping an eye on you, right?" Yoona eagerly nodded, urging him to continue. "Your professor and I have been in touch about your academics, and I can't help but grin like an idiot every time he praises you."


Yoona suddenly realized that her Law professor and her father were friends from before. She must have forgotten when her father mentioned his connections e

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Chapter 13: the slow build up is too harsh for my liking knowing that this one is not yet finished
This one looks promising
reveluv316 814 streak #3
nice we got an update
Chapter 11: Okay okay... now I get to see bolder jennie omfg yoong wtf are u doing? Just do it lol she'll come to her senses too..no one can resist jennie for that long. Keke
Chapter 11: So funny if nini see Yoona and Chaeyoung .. woohoo drama drama hahahah
Chapter 11: Wow Confident and bolder Jennie is hot 🥵
reveluv316 814 streak #7
thanks for the update
oungie87 #8
Chapter 9: Why are you so dumb yoong hahaha. You scared of Jenny but her death glare, I can't handle it haha
Chapter 9: Dun dun duuuuuuuuun lol OMG next chap will be a treat. Jennie, chaeng, yoona hmmmm. YoonJen FTW always lol I cant wait now that jennie hhas gotten bolder lol