ᴘᴀᴛɪᴇɴᴄᴇ & ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴜʀᴇ

ɪ ʜᴀᴅ ꜱᴇx ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜱᴛᴇᴘ ᴍᴏᴍ
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"If you weren't really Chu's cousin, I'd have slapped you already," Yoona hissed, clutching her midsection, her voice laced with an attempt at intimidation. "I should sue you for violence!" she added, shooting a glare at Jennie.


Jennie scoffed, raising an eyebrow at Yoona, thoroughly unimpressed. "You talk a big game, but you never follow through," she said firmly, rolling her eyes. "Now leave me alone, I have a date waiting for me."


Yoona was forcefully pushed aside, still groaning in pain, but her eyes tracked Jennie's movements. The cat-eyed girl was about to take another step forward when Yoona swiftly scooped her up, carrying her over her shoulder like a bag of rice.




", that really hurt, Jennie! Stop hitting the back of my head!"


Yoona pushed through the pain from Jennie's relentless hits as she carried her inside their dorm. She locked the door behind her and gently set Jennie down on their long couch.


"You're going to give me a bruise on my head. Why do you always resort to violence with me?"


Jennie crossed her arms and huffed, glaring up at Yoona. "If you'd stop being an , maybe I would, you jerk."


Yoona found herself inadvertently noticing Jennie's chest, exposed as Jennie pushed through her crossed arms without realizing it. She couldn't help but notice how Jennie's breath quickened in anger, making it even harder for her to divert her gaze from the rhythmic rise and fall of Jennie's chest.


"My eyes are up here, Yoona, you ing ert," Jennie growled, never taking her gaze away from Yoona's doe-eyes.


Yoona cast an appraising glance over Jennie once more, unable to deny how striking and attractive she looked. "Is that the outfit you plan to impress him with? Quite revealing," she remarked with a touch of sarcasm.


Jennie bristled with offense, rising to her full height and gritting her teeth. She took a bold step forward, stopping just a few inches away from Yoona. Closing her eyes momentarily to regain composure, she opened them again, a smirk playing on her lips, leaving Yoona taken aback by the sudden shift in Jennie's demeanor.


"Well... it would be easy for him to take this off me later when he decides to take me to his place," she taunted, relishing the way Yoona's jaw clenched at her provocative words. "He genuinely likes me and seems to care for me, so why not give him a chance?"


Yoona couldn't help but roll her eyes, scoffing, "He's not your type, Jennie. You could've fooled me."


Yet, Jennie's smirk remained firmly in place, further irritating Yoona. In that moment, she felt a surge of desire to take control, but not in a painful way, but rather in a pleasurable, passionate manner.


Jennie let out a soft hum, biting her lip, fully aware of Yoona's intense gaze on her. The effect was like a dream, making her feel as though she were melting under Yoona's watchful eyes. She relished in getting under Yoona's skin, hoping that by pushing her boundaries, she could spark a craving for her and only her.


"He could be my type... in bed," Jennie teased, her voice laced with a daring allure. 


Yoona suppressed the rising anger, purposefully ignoring the bubbling frustration. She walked past Jennie, setting down her bag before taking a seat on the couch. She knew Jennie's eyes were fixed on her every move as she started to remove her shoes.


"You wish, Chu's going to bury him alive," Yoona remarked, her tone sharp.


"As if she has the rights and control in my life, not even you, you ," Jennie shot back, growing impatient with Yoona's behavior.


Jennie couldn't understand why Yoona seemed so opposed to her dating. If Yoona didn't want her to date, it should mean that Yoona wanted her for herself, but Yoona never acted on it. She was puzzled by what was holding Yoona back, and the frustration was evident in her expression.


"I know," Yoona said, giving Jennie a fake sweet smile. "Anyway, instead of standing there looking pretty, go change into something comfortable." Her tone was calm and measured as she headed to their room to fetch her laptop, with Jennie following closely.


"Why should I?" Jennie challenged.


Yoona clicked her tongue, not wanting to engage in an argument. She turned to face Jennie, holding her laptop.


"You want us to pass our project, right? Newsflash, so do I, Jennie. Now go, or I might decide we're better off working separately. I'm sure you wouldn't want to disappoint your dear daddy, would you?" 


" you," Jennie hissed, giving Yoona's shoulder a sharp bump before heading to her closet to change.


"You wish I would, Jennie, you wish I would," Yoona sing-songed in mockery. Suddenly, she felt a force pushing her outside the door, followed by a loud slam.


"You almost hit my face with the door, !"


"THAT'S WHAT I INTEND TO!" Jennie's voice resonated loudly through the door.


Yoona huffed and returned to the living room to settle down with her laptop. She couldn't help but smile like a fool, knowing that Jennie wouldn't be going on her date with V tonight.


As she leaned back comfortably, Yoona gazed up at the ceiling, her mind beginning to churn with thoughts. "What in the world did I do that for?" she mused aloud, directing the question to no one but herself. She found herself reflecting on the recent actions she'd taken over the past few days.


Realizing she didn't want to delve too deeply into her thoughts, she shook them away and took off her top, leaving her in just a white tank top.


"Does that hurt?" Jennie asked, looking at Yoona with a curious expression. She dared to sit close to her, closer than Yoona was entirely comfortable with.


What caught Yoona's attention once again was the red silk nightgown Jennie was wearing. She couldn't help but wonder why Jennie insisted on wearing these nightgowns when it wasn't even bedtime yet. Nevertheless, Yoona found herself enjoying the sight.


Don't blame me, she's deliberately wearing them just to rile me up. But I won't back down so easily. Jennie will be the one begging me, just like everyone else does.


"What hurt?" Yoona asked instead.


"When you get a tattoo," Jennie murmured, her eyes fixed on Yoona's inked skin.


It had been a bold move for Yoona to remove her top and reveal all her tattoos. She knew by now that Jennie had a weakness for tattoos. Jennie didn't date people with tattoos, but Yoona was an exception and would always be.


"Well, it varies from person to person," Yoona explained, flexing her tattoos a bit so Jennie could see them more clearly up close. "Some describe it as mildly uncomfortable, others find it more painful. At first, that's how I felt, but I got used to the pain, so it didn't hurt like the first time anymore. Besides—"


"Can I touch it?"




Yoona's heart began to beat faster than usual. She took a deep breath, looking into Jennie's cat-like eyes, which were now filled with a puppy-like innocence, like a child wanting a piece of candy.


"May I touch it?"


Jennie's request caught Yoona off guard. She hesitated, unsure if granting permission was the right move.


. "Go ahead," Yoona finally conceded, her voice low with uncertainty.


Jennie's touch was delicate, fingers approaching the bold lion inked on Yoona's right arm with care. Each caress was tender, as if she held something fragile and precious.


But suddenly, a strange sensation tingled down Yoona's arm, not unpleasant, but unexpected. It was warmth, spreading from where Jennie's fingers touched her skin, and it took Yoona by surprise. She pulled her arm away abruptly, a bewildered expression crossing her features.


"Ah, my arm's cramping up," Yoona stammered, her excuse sounding flimsy even to her own ears. She scratched her arm awkwardly, hoping it would cover up her sudden retreat. She glanced at Jennie, who rolled her eyes in exasperation.


With a subtle clearing of , Yoona redirected their focus back to the task at hand. "Alright, let's get started on this project. We need to analyze the recent case of 'Harper v. Roberts.' This landmark case revolves around a legal battle between two women, Emily Harper and Sarah Roberts, who were in a committed same- relationship. The court's decision has significant implications for LGBTQ+ rights and the recognition of same- partnerships. We'll need to delve into the legal precedents, arguments presented, and ultimately, the societal impact of the ruling."


Jennie's eyes sparkled with a mix of determination and intellectual curiosity. She nodded, fully engaged. "I've gathered some extensive notes on this. We should start with the historical context surrounding LGBTQ+ rights and the legal battles that have shaped the landscape."


As they work on their project, Yoona couldn't help but be impressed by the meticulous way Jennie approached the task. The case they were delving into involved a complex legal situation surrounding two women deeply in love, and the implications it had on their rights and societal acceptance.


Jennie's focus was unwavering, her eyes scanning through pages of legal documents and textbooks with precision. She seemed to absorb information effortlessly, dissecting the intricacies of the case with a keen legal mind. Yoona was genuinely intrigued, not just by the case, but by the way Jennie's intellect shone through.


"You really know your stuff, don't you?" Yoona couldn't help but admire Jennie's dedication.


Jennie glanced up from her notes, a faint blush dusting her cheeks at the compliment. "Well, it's my major. I have to be good at it."


"No, it's more than that," Yoona insisted. "You approach this with a passion and depth of understanding that's really admirable."


Jennie's gaze briefly met Yoona's, a mixture of gratitude and shyness in her eyes. "Thanks. You're not so bad yourself, you know. Your insights into this case are really valuable."


Yoona felt a warm surge of pride at Jennie's words. They worked together seamlessly, bouncing ideas off each other, analyzing legal precedents, and discussing potential arguments for their presentation.


As the hours passed, the room filled with an air of focused determination. It was an odd contrast to their earlier banter, but it was a side of Jennie that Yoona found herself drawn to. This serious, studious Jennie was a force to be reckoned with, and Yoona couldn't help but be grateful for the opportunity to work alongside her.


Eventually, they completed their project, each detail meticulously reviewed and perfected. They compiled their findings into a comprehensive report, ready to be presented in class.


Yoona sunk into the couch, fatigue washing over her as if she'd just poured every ounce of her brainpower into their project. She hadn't expected to finish it all in one day, especially considering her and Jennie's usual tendency to argue when left alone together. She was grateful it had gone so smoothly and turned out so well.


Securing a top grade in her major was crucial for her future as a lawyer after graduation. She was aware of her parents' wealth and connections, particularly her father's, but she was determined to prove herself through hard work and perseverance.


Just as she was about to drift off for a quick nap, Yoona's eyes snapped open at the sound of Jennie's voice.


"I'm starving. V keeps calling me. Maybe I should go out and grab dinner with him." Jennie began to head towards their room to change, but she felt a firm grip on her wrist. "If you're so set on not wanting me to date him, you better step up and make a move before he sweeps me off my feet."


Yoona blinked, surprised. "That's absurd. Stay here. I've already ordered Chinese takeout, and it'll just go to waste if you don't join me."


Jennie scoffed and shook her head, pulling Yoona's hand away with a pointed look. "Go eat with your cheap es, or better yet, with your sugar mama."


A sly grin tugged at Yoona's lips. "You're sounding a lot like a jealous girlfriend. Be careful, Jen, green isn't really your color."


Jennie was on the verge of a retort, but she held her tongue. "You better behave if you want me to share those Chinese takeouts with you. I'm not in the mood for your crappy attitude," she warned.


Yoona playfully feigned injury, placing a hand dramatically over her heart. "So harsh, woman." Then, she remembered something. Fishing into her pocket, she pulled out a small blue box with a dainty ribbon on it and handed it to Jennie.


Jennie gave her a curious look. "What's this for?"


"My mom insisted on buying you a present. I have no idea why. I even told her not to, but she's as stubborn as you... so, here it is," Yoona explained, her tone slightly awkward.


Jennie looked up, surprise knitting her brows. "She really didn't have to do that."


Yoona shrugged, a small smile tugging at her lips. "You know how moms are. Here, open it."


Intrigued, Jennie took the box from Yoona's hand. She carefully untied the ribbon and lifted the lid. Inside, nestled on a bed of velvet, was a delicate gold bracelet with a small 'Jennie' charm hanging from it. Jennie's eyes sparkled, a genuine smile spreading across her face.


"Oh, this is beautiful," Jennie murmured, delicately picking up the bracelet. "Your mom has great taste."


"Yeah, she does," Yoona agreed, her gaze softening as she watched Jennie. "I'm glad you like it."


"Too bad you didn't inherit your mom's attitude," Jennie teased, looking up at Yoona. "You didn't even get me a gift."


Yoona chuckled, their eyes locked. She was about to respond when the doorbell chimed, announcing the arrival of their Chinese takeout.


"That's our order. I'll go get it!"


With that, Yoona dashed to the front door, leaving Jennie to admire the bracelet. Jennie couldn't help but feel a warmth in her heart. It was a thoughtful gesture, and she genuinely appreciated the sentiment behind it.



Seoul Hwang Dong (Sooyeon's Fashion Event) 6pm...


The grand ballroom glittered with the shimmering lights, a chandelier hun

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Chapter 13: the slow build up is too harsh for my liking knowing that this one is not yet finished
This one looks promising
reveluv316 814 streak #3
nice we got an update
Chapter 11: Okay okay... now I get to see bolder jennie omfg yoong wtf are u doing? Just do it lol she'll come to her senses too..no one can resist jennie for that long. Keke
Chapter 11: So funny if nini see Yoona and Chaeyoung .. woohoo drama drama hahahah
Chapter 11: Wow Confident and bolder Jennie is hot 🥵
reveluv316 814 streak #7
thanks for the update
oungie87 #8
Chapter 9: Why are you so dumb yoong hahaha. You scared of Jenny but her death glare, I can't handle it haha
Chapter 9: Dun dun duuuuuuuuun lol OMG next chap will be a treat. Jennie, chaeng, yoona hmmmm. YoonJen FTW always lol I cant wait now that jennie hhas gotten bolder lol