Take Care

Seven Days with iKON (iKON Fan Fiction)
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Chapter 35: Take Care


*Notes: Listening to Demo Song of Kim Hanbin with title '살 있 어 (Take Care)' will enhance and support the mood while reading this story. Please click the video link here!*

Irina's POV

My sister called me. After all these times.

I knew from the start when I saw my sister's caller ID on my phone, it wouldn't be a good news. But I wasn't expecting that would be a really, really bad news.

"Mom has been sick, and it getting worse. She's in hospital now." said my sister. Her voice was echoing and suddenly I felt numb.

"How?" I asked in disbelief.

"She's old, Irina. What'd you expect?" she asked with sarcasm. I gasped because I never knew my sister could giving sarcasms to anyone.

"But... I mean... How long--"

"6 months after your departure to South Korea, she's been whining about how weak she becomes. She's easily out of breath every time she does some house chores, and the first time of her worst condition was 3 months ago: she fainted in house's bathroom."

I remained silent, still processing all of the sudden information.

"And..." I managed to let out my voice, "What's her disease?" I asked in whispering voice.

 There was 3 seconds of her silence. Then,

"Kidney failure," she answered in the same whispering voice.

It was worse than my expectation.

"And why did you let me know now? Why did not earlier?" I asked her hastily.

"Mom didn't want to let you know," she hissed, "she's that angry to you! But now, with her worse condition, she suddenly asked me to tell you and ask you to come back here."

"Why?" I asked in disbelief. "She never cares and wants my attention for her."

"Irina, for a God's sake-- our mother still loves you. Maybe you interpreted all of her actions to you as a negative things, but she never meant it that way. She just want you the best--"

"Easy for you to say!" I shouted angrily to her. "You never been the one who received all of Mom's despicable behaviour! You never been the one who feel belittle because of Mom's underestimation judgement! Because... you always been the golden daughter of her, and I will not be the one for her. I won't. Ever."

There was a silence again. This time, it was much longer. I used the silence to calm me down and took a breath slowly.

"You're right." she began to spoke, "I will never know. Because Mom alway

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