
Secret Contract
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A/N: I've been getting so many awesome comments from everyone, I thought maybe I'd feature one of my favorites to show how much appreciate you all~ Specially since this is really the only way I could tell how much you're all enjoying this story! Lol! Today's chosen best commenter iiissss....*drum rolls*

It's so accurate and it just really made me love writing even more! hahahah <3 Also, to my shy silent readers, you can just DM me too and let me know your thoughts. I promise I'm nice and I won't bite ^_^ [I dedicate this update to you ;)]


It was late at night but the lights in Donghae's house was still on at full bright. Donghae was his desk, his computer screen open on a blank new page with his cursor blinking rapidly waiting for him to start typing away, and an eager smile on his face. He and Hyukjae agreed to meet up again by midnight to sign the new terms of their contract and they both agreed that anything was fair game. All sorts of thoughts went through Donghae's mind then when Hyukjae said that but as soon as the latter disappeared behind his bedroom door, he dismissed those thoughts away and walked back to his room to think. 

It's been a while since he had truly courted anyone but he felt pretty confident that his skills remained the same. His charms and good looks had not withered and Hyukjae showed genuine interest back at him so it made him all that more confident that his plan would work. Donghae took a deep breathe before he started typing the first line of his new and improved contract. 

First part -- his statement of intent. 

Donghae smirked to himself as he pictured Hyukjae's reaction in his head with what he intended to write. Just seeing him flush and flustered already filled him with giddy and Donghae has never typed anything so fast in his life. 

I, Lee Donghae, intend to make the intended party, Lee Hyukjae, to fall in love with me within the agreed upon time frame of period. Upon completion of contract, an honest evaulation will be done at the end of each of period in which it will then be determined whether or not Lee Donghae has succeeded in winning the other party's heart. 

If so, the other party (Lee Hyukjae) agrees to stay by my side for the rest of our lives. In return, I (Lee Donghae) promise to love and support the mentioned party with all and everything that I am. This contract remains binding and both parties agree to its content. 

Donghae read over what he wrote one more time before pressing enter twice on his keyboard and started listing down the new rules for his contract. 


1. Hyukjae must eat all meals with Donghae no matter what. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner must be spent together. 

2. Whenever we are outside, Hyukjae must hold Donghae's hand and not let go. 

3. One kiss a day is a must. (I'd let you choose but at least one!)

4. Must give one special present each month to each other. 

5. Hyukjae must call Donghae by a nickname. (Calling me an idiot is not a nickname.)

6. Let me tell you I love you and believe me when I say it. 

7. Any confessions from here on forth cannot be rescinded.

8. Share one thing you like about me a day. 

9. Let me call you mine. 

10. Let me love you. 


Hyukjae, on his end, was struggling to find out what he should write for his version of the contract. Even though it was his idea to make a new contract for each other, his mind was drawing on a blank what he should put down for his expectations with Donghae. Did he even expect anything from the other? No...not really. 

He stared at the white blank sheet in front of him and tapped the pen he was holding against the table trying to come up with something -- anything to write on it but nothing came out. Hyukjae straightened his back and took a deep breathe followed by a slowl exhale, trying to calm and relax his mind. He readied the point of his pen on the piece of paper waiting for it to start writing words but after a few minutes of still looking at a blank paper, Hyukjae threw the pen across the room and yelled out his frustration. 

"Agh! What the hell!?" He yelled to no one in particular while ruffling his hair. "Why is this so hard?"

Hyukjae scowled and slowly fell on his side on the floor before flipping on his back and staring blankly up at  the ceiling. The bright lights hitting his eye but he didn't care. His head hurt from too much thinking while his chest ached from wanting and not wanting to be with Donghae. Of all things to get insight on, why did he have to realize that he was in love with the other?!

Hyukjae sighed and covered his eyes with his right arm hoping that the darkness would somehow give his mind some sense of clarity. He knows his feelings for Donghae and the other has made his feelings perfectly clear and known to him, but there was just something in Hyukjae that was stopping him from jumping in and enjoying the wonderful feeling of the person you love reciprocating your love.

He was scared. 

There. It's been said. 

He wasn't scared that Donghae would hurt him but, rather that he would end up hurting Donghae and his family in the end. His Grandmother, no matter how evil and crass she may have sounded pointing out his shortcomings like that, made a very valid point. There really wasn't anything for him to offer Donghae. He was just a cog in his company who ended up getting fired and a struggling part-time trying to make ends meet from paycheck to paycheck. Donghae could definitely do a lot better than him. Probably already has. It didn't make sense to him why Donghae would suddenly profess his love for him like that out of nowhere. 

Hyukjae wanted to blame the temple. Stupid Temple of Love. If it was so magical, why doesn't every person in the world go to that temple and fall in love? How selfish was Donghae's family that they would hide such a thing from the world?!

Hyukjae blinked and took his arms off his eyes -- briefly wincing from the sudden brightness of the lights when it hit his eyes, and sat up. He was getting side tracked. 

Hyukjae slapped both sides of his face with his hands to get his

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In less than 24 hours, we enter a new year! Yaayyy~
Thank you again to everyone who read this story and I hope you like this chapter. ^^;
I bet you guys weren't expecting the toys to be used on Donghae like that lmao XD


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Lavender05 #1
Chapter 36: January 1, 2024 and here I am rereading it again 💙💙
EunHaeLove42 #2
Chapter 36: Wow lmao. This story was wow.
It was funny, frustrating, and a wonderful read.
And that little monster Den, killed me with that Baby Shark, song. Lmao plus that tackle and all out fight with Pao, hope i spelled her name right.
It was a little hard reading Dongwha as Donghae's father though. But i got over it as the story carried on.

Anyway, thanks for sharing!
16 streak #3
Back in 2023 👓📖
misshae227 #4
Chapter 29: This still gets me 😭 as I get invited and ‘witnessed’ the union of these two wonderful characters💙💙 Haha rereading your story for the nth time🥰🥰
Chapter 6: Wait.. didn't sora run from home???
Actually I want to read "Burn" but... I'm not ready for angst yet, so i look up your account and find this! Gonna give it a try!
16 streak #7
randomly saw on my wall while searching another fic to read, then i said why not, i miss them so let's reminisce and reread this again 💙💙💙
Chapter 35: Hyukjae, I didn't know that you are more romantic than Donghae. Your opening words were hilarious, but you wrapped it up very nicely
Chapter 31: Donghae you are so dramatic😂😂
Chapter 30: Sehyun and Heechul are so extra😂😂