
Secret Contract
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A/N: So the title of this chapter is the OST of this story if it were have one. Every time the two of them will have a moment just listen to this song haha ^^ D&E "Change" is such a fitting song for what this whole story is about. I started the video at 2:55 because it's the main idea of this chapter but please listen to the whole thing if you haven't!  My fave line in the whole song is the beginning of the chorus when HJ sings "A small change that came to me, I've been different since I met you"
followed by Donghae singing "You're all I have"

Donghae sat across Hyukjae with his arms crossed against his chest while glaring daggers at Heechul who was blissfully ignoring him as he focused his entire attention on Hyukjae who shifted uncomfortably in his seat and scooted a little to his right when Heechul moved closer to him, invading his personal space, and sending him an all knowing look accented only with his trademarked amused side smirk. Donghae glowered at their closeness but kept himself in check just enough to not go over there and push Heechul away from Hyukjae. 

"So, I'm guessing the blessing at the temple went well if you're here a day early." Heechul commented and chuckled to himself before giving Hyukjae a break and looking towards Donghae. "How'd it go with your Grandma?"

Donghae rolled his eyes and did a light shake of his head. "She hasn't changed, Chul."

"Ah. So the usual wicked witch routine?" 

Hearing their inner joke come out of Heechul's mouth made Donghae laugh a little. He shifted his eyes from Heechul to Hyukjae who still had not looked at him once since coming out of the elevator and it was starting to frustrate him a little. Was he that bad to look at?

"I'm glad things worked out in the end." Siwon said capturing Donghae's attention. "Your mother called us and told us to make sure we don't mess up the wedding preparations. She wants us to go all out."

"Which is the reason why I'm here." Heechul continued and crossed his legs to give Donghae an all knowing look. "Quit your grouching and go try on the suits I made for you two. it's in your bedroom." 

Donghae caught the look of surprise on Hyukjae's face and thought it was the perfect excuse to finally get him alone 

Hyukjae didn't share the same idea as Donghae and tried to make up an excuse to get out of it. "Um, Actually, I'm not feeling that well. I think I'll-"

"We'll go." Donghae cut Hyukjae off and stood up and grabbed Hyukjae's wrist to drag him upstairs. "Be right back!"

Hyukjae was stunned at Donghae's sudden hyper interest but when he looked towards Heechul and Siwon for help, all he got in return were amused chuckles and a much too obvious happy nod with a sway of their hand. It was obvious he was not getting help there.

Donghae dragged Hyukjae to his bedroom which was the very last thing Hyukjae wanted to do right now. Once they reached Donghae's bedroom door, Hyukjae managed to stop in his heel and keep Donghae from dragging him inside.

"Donghae, I'm not doing this." He said firmly and tried to get his hand back to turn around and go to his own room but Donghae didn't let him. Instead, the latter squeezed Hyukjae's hand and exerted just enough force to drag Hyukjae inside his room and only let him go once he was able to close the door after them.

"Donghae!" Hyukjae yelled, a little frustrated.

"Listen." He turned to Hyukjae and tried to use the few precious seconds he had with him to quickly explain himself. "I just need you to hear me out and if you still want to walk out that door afterwards, fine. I'm not going to stop you."

Hyukjae's brows were crossed and so was his arms, but seeing Donghae's puppy dog eyes looking at him like that, he couldn't find the strength to walk away. Knowing there was no way out, Hyukjae let out a quick huff before giving in. 

"What do you want?"

"Hyukjae, I like you." Donghae confessed right away, not bothering to beat around the bush. His heart was beating like crazy because, for the first time in his life, he's never felt so nervous and unsure of what the outcome would be for what he was about to do, but missing his chance with Hyukjae was something he wasn't going to gamble on.

Hyukjae, on his end, was pretty much feeling all the same crazy mess of mixed feelings Donghae was feeling but his need for self-preservation was winning over his heart's desire to just jump in Donghae's arms and tell him that he likes him as well -- heck, he already admitted to himself that he was in love with him. 

"No, Donghae. You don't." Hyukjae ignored the hard ache he felt in his chest and tried to walk past Donghae but the other stepped in front of him and blocked him. 

"Yes, I do." Donghae repeated firmly and looked straight into Hyukjae's eyes to show him just how serious he was about his confession. "Hyukjae, I-...I don't care about the contract. If you want, we can slow things down. I'll- I'll cancel the wedding and do things right with you."

Hyukjae furrowed his brows together and only processed the latter part of Donghae's sentence. "Are you crazy!? That will break your mother's heart!"

"W-What?" Donghae was confused why Hyukjae will bring up his mother when he was the one pouring his feelings out for the other. 

"We can't cancel the wedding now, Donghae. You'll make things worst! Just-..." Hyukjae paused to breathe and tried to make a neutral face so Donghae didn't have to see how much it pained him to say the next words. "We'll keep the contract as is and this time next year, I'll be out of your life."

Donghae's eyes wavered but his determination did not. "Hyukjae, are you listening to me? I just told you that I like you."

"Donghae, you're confused."

"No. I'm not."

Hyukjae sighed and turned away from Donghae before he starts crying in front of him again. "What is there for you to gain from liking someone like me?"

Donghae took a deep silent breath to calm the rising frustration inside him. How could Hyukjae ask him such an incredilous question!? 

"I don't need to gain anything from liking you." Donghae told him seriously. "And if you're so worried about that, what about the things you told my grandmother? Are you telling me those things were a lie?" Hyukjae closed his eyes and grinded his teeth together to keep himself together. "Were you just acting then or are you acting now, which one is it?"

Hyukjae turned around to face Donghae after hearing the hurt in his voice and felt his heart ache more hearing such a confused pained expression on his face. 

"You told me you like me." Donghae reminded and bravely took a step forward to close the gap between the two of them one step at a time. "Was that a lie too?" Donghae maintained eye contact with Hyukjae and could tell that he was starting to break through his walls a little. 

"Donghae, I-..." Hyukjae paused and debated internally what he should say at the moment. "I wish it was that simple but it's not." 

"Why not?"

Hearing such a simple counter from Donghae made Hyukjae chortle at the memory of their first meeting. The handsome stranger who proposed marriage to him out of nowhere and now, that very same stranger was proposing him for a real relationship and his stupid brain won't stop coming up with the thousands of reasons why they couldn't be together. 

"You and I...we just don't match." Hyukjae relented once more. "Let's just stick to the contract and not confuse each other anymore."

A knock on the door cut through their moment and Heechul's familiar voice came through. 

"Yah! You two better not be ripping those suits I made. I'm not making you another one!" 

Donghae groaned at getting interrupted again and without thinking shouted back, "Hyung! Go away!"

Hyukjae's eyes widened at Donghae's sudden rude outburts and pulled on his arm and away from the door. "What are you doing?" He whispered a little scandalized before turning towards the door and smoothing things over with Heechul before it got out of hand. "He's just kidding, Hyung! We'll be out in a minute!"

A faint annoyed " brat" comment was heard and the two waited several seconds to make sure Heechul had gone before Hyukjae let Donghae go and grabbed the dark suit that had his name on it. Donghae wasn't quite done with Hyukjae though and tried to pick up where they left off but Hyukjae was done talking about it. Without saying another word, he left Donghae's room to go get changed on his own in his room. The latter was left to watch after him quietly before sitting down at the edge of his bed, dejected. 

Donghae was lost and felt a heavy feeling start to weigh him down. His mind and heart battled against each other trying to make sense of Hyukjae's words and actions. The other didn't reject him outright but also didn't give him any sense that he would reciprocate Donghae's feelings any time soon. Hyukjae just wanted to keep things between them the same, but how could he act like the simple thought of losing Hyukjae in a year doesn't prick his heart with a million needles? Donghae groaned and covered his face with both hands before falling backwards on his bed. 

He took a deep inhale followed by a slow exhale before just aimlessly staring at the ceiling. His eyes started to water from the pain of rejection and he could only think about Hyukjae and how the other refused to believe him.

Donghae's mind echoed the advice Donghwa gave him in the plane which caused him to close h

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In less than 24 hours, we enter a new year! Yaayyy~
Thank you again to everyone who read this story and I hope you like this chapter. ^^;
I bet you guys weren't expecting the toys to be used on Donghae like that lmao XD


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Lavender05 #1
Chapter 36: January 1, 2024 and here I am rereading it again 💙💙
EunHaeLove42 #2
Chapter 36: Wow lmao. This story was wow.
It was funny, frustrating, and a wonderful read.
And that little monster Den, killed me with that Baby Shark, song. Lmao plus that tackle and all out fight with Pao, hope i spelled her name right.
It was a little hard reading Dongwha as Donghae's father though. But i got over it as the story carried on.

Anyway, thanks for sharing!
16 streak #3
Back in 2023 👓📖
misshae227 #4
Chapter 29: This still gets me 😭 as I get invited and ‘witnessed’ the union of these two wonderful characters💙💙 Haha rereading your story for the nth time🥰🥰
Chapter 6: Wait.. didn't sora run from home???
Actually I want to read "Burn" but... I'm not ready for angst yet, so i look up your account and find this! Gonna give it a try!
16 streak #7
randomly saw on my wall while searching another fic to read, then i said why not, i miss them so let's reminisce and reread this again 💙💙💙
Chapter 35: Hyukjae, I didn't know that you are more romantic than Donghae. Your opening words were hilarious, but you wrapped it up very nicely
Chapter 31: Donghae you are so dramatic😂😂
Chapter 30: Sehyun and Heechul are so extra😂😂