The party


San woke up in his bed. His head hurt a lot and he didn't even remember getting home. He sat up kicking his blanket off of him while he got out of bed slowly, still feeling a little dizzy. 'What the happened' he thought to himself. He rubbed the back of his head on the way to the bathroom. When he was done showering and freshening up he walked to the living room, where Yeosang and Hongjoong were already waiting for him. As he came in they turned to him. 

"San, please sit down we need to talk." Hongjoong said. 

San wanted to joke how it sounded like Joong wanted to break up with him, but after looking at his and Yeosang's face, he decided it was not the right time for joking. 

"What's up?" he sat in front of them. 

"Yeosang told me what happened yesterday, but I'd like to hear your point of view." 

San told him about the project, about feeling really strange and finally about how he saw Mingi. 

"And when Yeosang didn't show up I couldn't take any longer, I just attacked him. The last thing I remember is my teeth against his neck and then blackness."

"If you really attacked him, how is he still alive? In the state you've been in, you should have killed him."

"I really don't know. It's as confusing to me as it is confusing to you." San looked at the clock seeing that if he wouldn't leave now he'd be late. "I have to go otherwise I'll be late. But we can keep talking about it more when I get back?"

Hongjoong seemed to be in deep thoughts. The room was quiet for a few moments. Finally, he spoke. 

"There's nothing more to talk about really, you told us everything you remembered. I'm gonna see what I can find about your condition so you should be extra careful around humans got it?"

"Yes." he took two steps towards the door, then stopped turning around. "I'm sorry for all the troubles I always cause you guys. You don't deserve this, I feel like you're babysitting me." he looked at the ground. 

"Sanie, we're not mad at you." Yeosang said. 

"Yeah, if you were walking around killing people at random, then I'd be mad and possibly even turn you in. But since what happened wasn't your fault, and you're usually very well behaved, not to mention you're like a little brother to me, everything is okay. I'll see what I can find about it and as soon as I'll have an answer I'll let you know okay?" Hongjoong smiled at him kindly. 

"Okay, I'm gonna go now. Make sure you get some rest Joong." he was out the door in a heartbeat. 

Yeosang turned to Hongjoong. "So now that he's gone, you're gonna tell me what's wrong with him?"

"We have a bigger problem than I first thought Yeo, and I'm not sure what to do." Hongjoong sighed and told Yeosang everything he knew. 


"Mingi! What are you doing here? I thought you'd stay at home." Yunho asked as soon as Mingi entered the classroom. 

Wooyoung turned to him with a new found suspicion. He wasn't sure he trusted Mingi entirely after last night. He didn't know what Mingi was hiding, but his instincts were telling him that it's something big. 

"Yeah and you're early for a change. Did you finally fix your alarm clock?" Wooyoung asked. 

"I've only been telling him to do that for two years." Yunho said laughing. 

"YA don't be mean." Mingi pouted. "And for your information no, I didn't fix the alarm clock I-"

"What did I tell you? He's never gonna fix it and he'll forever be late." Yunho said laughing along with Wooyoung. 

"Listen to me when I speak!" Mingi whined. 

"Yes I'm sorry what were you going to say?" Yunho asked. 

"I've had some problems sleeping because of the cuts so I barely slept and was awake on time! Maybe I should get attacked more often if it's means I'll get to class on time." he joked. 

"That's not even funny Gi! I almost fainted when I heard you were in the hospital, so don't say stupid things!" Yunho was upset staring Mingi down. 


"Hello what's the commotion? I heard you from the other side of the room." 

The three turned to see San standing there. His leather jacket half off, showing strong arms and Wooyoung had to remind himself to breathe. He shook his head, confused by his own thoughts. 


Wooyoung was cut short when the professor came in, asking everyone to sit down. They took their seats, taking notebooks and pens out of their bags. Wooyoung was looking at the professor when he suddenly saw a note on his table. He turned to San and the latter just motioned to it with his head. Wooyoung picked up the note hiding it from the professor. 

'what happened between them?  I can literally feel the tension and it's making me annoyed and uncomfortable.'

Wooyoung rolled his eyes grabbing a pen.

'Mingi was attacked and had to go to the hospital. he made a joke about being attacked again cause that way he can get to class on time and well...Yunho got really upset.'

He threw the note at San, watching as he read it. He had taken his jacket off entirely and the black shirt he was wearing underneath it did not leave much for the imagination. It was tight in all the right places and almost see-through. Wooyoung didn't realize he was starting until the note landed on his face, pulling him out of his thoughts. He looked confused for a second before he blushed and took the note to his hand, deciding to ignore San's smirk. 

'He got attacked last night?! What attacked him?'

When he was done answering, Wooyoung threw the note at San's still smirking face. That, of course, didn't stop San from smirking as he read the note. 

'the doctors weren't sure. They thought it was a lion, but unless one escaped from the zoo, there's no way it was a lion.'

San hummed when the professor spoke up. 

"Am I disturbing something up there sir Choi?"

San straighten up as professor Kim raised an eyebrow in question.

"No sir I'm sorry. I was just asking Woo to lend me a pen."

"Please do it quietly next time, or I don't know bring your own pen?" not wanting for an answer he continued with the lesson. 

San motioned to Wooyoung that they'll talk about it later and Wooyoung nodded. 


When it was lunch time, Mingi asked to eat alone with Yunho and both Wooyoung and San agreed understanding that he wanted to apologize. They decided to eat outside again since the weather was lovely. They were sitting side by side eating their sandwiches when San asked Wooyoung about Mingi again. 

"Yeah, they actually thought it was a lion. I don't know whether to be worried cause a lion might be going around town or be concerned about the people who are suppose to save our lives." Wooyoung joked. 

"That's crazy. Is he okay now?" he felt guilty. 

"He seems to be. I think he will insist on going to the party tomorrow." he rolled his eyes. 

"Well what do you expect from Mingi?" they both chuckled. "Are you still going to the party?" he watched as Wooyoung munched on his sandwich. 

"I did promise Yunho so I guess I am." he sighed. 

"You don't look to please about it." San chuckled making Wooyoung giggle. 

"I just, I'm not a party person that's all. I don't think I'll enjoy it especially since Yunho will be glued to Mingi."

San was quiet for a few minutes.

"I could stay with you if you want." Wooyoung's head shot up. 


"Yeah sure, I don't know anyone other than you and the lovely couple anyway." Wooyoung giggled at that making San smile softly. 

"I would love that." he could feel the blush slowly spreading across his cheeks. 

"Alright it's a date then." 

Wooyoung was about to ask what in the world did he mean by that when San looked at the clock telling him they should return to class. Wooyoung nodded and left with him, feeling confused but giddy at the same time. 


*the next day


"Woo we have to go! Yes I already told you three million times that you look really good. Now come out already!" Yunho was yelling to Wooyoung. 

They had just finished getting ready for the party, but Woo was feeling a little shy and didn't want to come out of the bathroom. After fifteen minutes of convincing and yelling on Yunho's behalf, he finally opened the door. Yunho's jaw dropped and he was left frozenly staring at him. 

"Is-is it okay?" Wooyoung asked shyly. 

"Are you kidding me?! IT'S PERFECT." Wooyoung giggled feeling more comfortable. "I can't wait to see how San will react to that." Yunho mumbled to himself.

 "Did you say something Yun?"

"No not at all. Now let's go." 

They took their keys and coats, heading to the main door. Seonghwa and Jongho were in the living room just chilling. They were still with their glamour on since Yunho was in the house. When they saw Wooyoung and Yunho walking out they smiled. 

"You look stunning, both of you." Seonghwa said. 

"You look hot guys, good luck to the people who're gonna see you." Jongho smirked making both of blush while Seonghwa hit his head. 

"Thanks, I'll be back really late." Wooyoung said. "So don't wait up."

Seonghwa nodded. " Have fun you guys. And please be careful." he looked at Wooyoung with knowing eyes and the latter nodded. 

"You mean IF you come home at all." Jongho wiggled his eyebrows at him, making Wooyoung roll his eyes. 

"I'm ignoring you, goodbye." he said and they both left. 


When they got to Jackson's house there were way too many people in there, loud music was playing and there were empty cups and cans everywhere. Wooyoung was pretty sure you could hear the music in the whole neighborhood. Going to the living room they saw a bunch of people dancing in the middle of the room, bodies sweaty but that didn't seem to bother them as they were practically grinding on each other. Wooyoung shakes his head, turning to his right he saw that Yunho disappeared. He looked around frantically when he spotted him standing next to Mingi. He rolled his eyes walking towards them when a strong hand on his hip stopped him. He was about to kick whoever it was that thought he could lay his hand on him, in a very VERY painful place, when they person spoke up. 

"Going somewhere Woo?" the voice was low and it sent chills down Wooyoung's spine. 

He turned around, facing San. He regretted doing that. San was dressed in all black the jeans hugging his thighs and his hair was slicked back revealing powerful eyebrows. He looked hot, and Wooyoung was definitely staring.

 San didn't mind since he was shamelessly checking Wooyoung out too, his eyes roaming around his body. He wore tight black pants his dark blue shirt has a V-neck that was lower than San's grades and to top it off he had the most attractive choker San had ever seen in his very long life. San was pretty sure he was drooling at this point. He recognized Wooyoung because of the way he walked and his fluffy brown hair, but he almost choked when he looked down seeing his in those pants made San's mind come up with some very inappropriate ideas. He cleared his throat looking at Wooyoung who was as red as the cups of alcohol. He smirked, speaking. 

"You like what you see?"

Wooyoung blushed but didn't stay silent. "It seems to me like you appreciate what you see as well." he raised an eyebrow at him. 

San was stunned into silence for a moment, but then he came back to his senses. 

"I really do, and what about it?" Wooyoung blushed two shades darker. "You want to get a drink?"

"Yeah sure." Wooyoung answered and they both went to the kitchen. Wooyoung being hyper aware of San's hand around his waist. 


Way too many drinks and shots later, San and Wooyoung were sitting glued to each other on one of the couches. San's hand resting around a slight drunk Wooyoung who was busy telling him about that time Yunho thought it'd be hilarious to switch Mingi's pink body wash with pink paint and for the next couple of days Mingi was walking around pinkish. San laughed at that, shaking his head. He then noticed that both their cups were empty and Wooyoung was starting at the people who were dancing with intense eyes. He took his cup and placed them on the floor next to them getting up. Wooyoung looked at him confused and San smirked extending his hand to Wooyoung. 

"Dance with me, Woo." Wooyoung nodded and took his hand getting off the couch. 

As soon as they reached the middle of the room, the music changed into some slow beat setting the atmosphere. San and Wooyoung were dancing in front of each other, eyes glued to the way the others body was moving. Wooyoung, who was clearly drunk, wanted San's hands around him but he didn't know how to ask for that. As he felt someone behind him he got an idea. There was not a lot of place to dance, so people were squeezed together. Wooyoung felt someone come right behind him and gently placing his hands on his hips. It didn't feel the same way it felt when San was holding him, but for his plan to work, he went along with it. He was dancing with the other guy while San was watching him with intensity. He moved his hips to the beat throwing his head back, the guy was pulling him closer. As his face was getting closer to Wooyoung's neck, he felt strong arms get a hold of him, pulling him away from the guy and into a firm chest. Wooyoung didn't need to look at San to know that he was glaring at the guy he danced with. He smirked to San's chest. He felt San's hand hold his waist strongly but not painfully, as San pulled away to look at him. 

"Did he hurt you?" his gaze soften as he looked at Wooyoung. 

"No he didn't, but why did you pull me away I was just dancing." he said innocently but his dark eyes gave him away and San smirked. 

"Is that right? Well please don't let me bother you, you can dance with him."

Wooyoung felt his hands slowly loosen around his waist. Understanding he lost the game, he looked up at San lacing his hands around his neck. 

"You're so annoying." he pouted but was satisfied when he felt San's arms pull him closer once more. 

"But you love it." San's face was inches away from Wooyoung's, noses brushing. 

Wooyoung gasped quietly, but San heard it anyway due to the close proximity and smirked. 

"If you wanted me to hold you all you had to do was ask." he whispered on Wooyoung's lips. 

Wooyoung was quiet for a moment just enjoying the closeness. San was gently drawing circles on his hips with his thumb, slowly swaying them from side to side. Wooyoung lifted his head a bit so that his lips were almost touching San's. 

"Hold me." he whispered. 

And that was all the confirmation San needed. 

He pulled Wooyoung closer, if that was even possible, closing the distance between their lips and kissing Wooyoung passionately. Wooyoung kissed him back, pulling him down and closer. Their lips fit together perfectly, and they were lost in each other, not caring about everyone in the room. All they cared about was the others lips and body, focusing on themselves. San slowly lowered his hands and placed them on Wooyoung's squeezing lightly and making Wooyoung gasp. San took the opportunity to slide his tongue into Wooyoung's mouth, and tasting him. He tasted like vanilla and cookies, and San loved it. He the roof of Wooyoung's mouth hearing him let out a soft moan. He smirked on his lips, giving his a firm squeeze. Wooyoung whined a little louder and San could feel himself getting hotter. He could feel Wooyoung grinding on him, no longer caring about the music or anything else. San slowly pulled back making Wooyoung whine and chase his lips. 

"Woo, are you sure you want to do that? Are you sure you want to continue?" he was holding back because Wooyoung was drunk and he didn't want him to regret it in the morning. 

He had a high tolerance for alcohol so he was only slightly tipsy. Wooyoung on the other hand, could barely stand straight. Though at this point he wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol or the kissing.

Wooyoung bit his lip. "Yes I'm sure."

San looked him in the eyes for a few more moments to see if he'd back out and change his mind. But all Wooyoung did was look at him with eyes filled with lust and something else that he couldn't exactly name. He placed his hands under Wooyoung's thighs lifting him off the floor and carrying to an empty room. He found an empty room, dropped Wooyoung on the bed and went to lock the door. When he turned around he was met with a beautiful site. Wooyoung was half laying half sitting, his face flushed from dancing and alcohol and his lips were red and swollen from kissing. He made grabby hands at San and San came closer, climbing on the bed and hovering over Wooyoung's smaller body. San took a few moments to just look at Wooyoung. 

"Stop staring at me like that." Wooyoung whined covering his face with his hands. 

San chuckled darkly, and moved Wooyoung's hands away from his face. 

"I'm simply appreciating how beautiful you are, angle."

Wooyoung blushed, feeling warm at the nickname rather than tense at the mention of the word. He placed his hand around San's shoulder pulling him down for a kiss. They kissed slowly for a while until San pulled back a little, placing soft kisses on the side of Wooyoung's mouth, than his cheeks and jaw until he reached his neck. Neck kisses turned out to be Wooyoung's biggest weakness, as he couldn't stop and whining when San kissed his neck sometimes slowly grazing his teeth on his neck. He exposed his neck more to give San more access, his left hand gently pulling in the hair on the back of his neck. 

San was enjoying each and every sound Woo made. He sounded so good, San just wanted to eat him. He bit Woo's neck softly getting a high pitched moan in return. He smirked to Woo's neck, his hands slowly lifting Woo's shirt until he took it off completely. He looked at Woo's tan skin, it was so smooth and beautiful. Woo was beautiful. He felt Woo place his hands on San's shirt pulling it off without any warning, throwing it on the floor next to his shirt. He then proceeded to shamelessly stare at San's bare chest, hands running over his abs and strong chest. San smirked, feeling smug that he has Woo speechless and that effected by him. He pushed him back on the bed, hovering over him once again. 

"Have you done this before?" he asked Wooyoung. 

"Mm y-yes." Woo stuttered since San's face was in his neck, this time he was small marks on his neck. 

"Good, cause I won't hold back on you."

"I don't want you too." Woo whined, feeling San bite a little harder at that comment. 

They took their time, exploring each others bodies, and feeling more completely then they ever felt as they were focusing solely on each other. 

That night none of them got much rest, but it was okay since they shared the night together. 


To be continued…

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Chapter 16: Ever since Mingi's accident, I had a feeling that he knew it was San who attacked him, so that was going to come out sooner or later. But, I wasn't expecting Mingi to get back at him like that, even less in Wooyoung's birthday. Life is unfair. This went downhill.
Chapter 16: Aahhhh whyy u left me here hanging?
Please let them be together in the end ??
Chapter 14: Is it wrong for me to just focus on the two lovebirds? :( I hope it isn't THAT against the universe for a demon to fall for an angel. I don't know what's gonna happen, but please let them be okay
Chapter 13: Are we getting some Seongjoong in the mix?
Chapter 11: Yes, I was waiting for this. Thank you for the update, I enjoyed this chapter.
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update, this was good. I'm guessing Jongho saw them. Things are about to get complicated.
celestemoon #7
Chapter 10: Oof has Jongho seen them, things are about to get awkward
celestemoon #8
Chapter 9: Can't wait to see what happens next!!
celestemoon #9
Chapter 8: oooh I love this story!!
zaprilbabyy #10
Chapter 7: I loved this chapter so much!!! But wooyoung is putting himself and the others in trouble. Now San knows that the cookie and Vanilla sent came from him!