

"San wake up! Wake the up we have to go!" 

Yeosang was shaking San hard with urgency. He didn't know what the happened. All he knew is that now was that he had a human who didn't smell right passed out on the floor with slight teeth marks on his neck and his shirt looked ripped and was bloody since San probably cut him with his nails and tail. What he couldn't understand was why did San pass out. If he was about to feed off of this human why hasn't he? There were no people around, he did everything right so why didnt he feed off of him? And why in the name of all s did he pass out? It didn't make any sense. What worried Yeosang the most though, was the fact that even after ten minutes of shaking San hasn't woken up. He considered calling Hongjoong since he would know what to do. But he knew San wouldn't want to worry Hongjoong, so he decided to just deal with it by himself. He looked at San and his eyes glowed in gold letting his demon out a little he almost yelled at San. 


San suddenly opened his eyes and sat up abruptly. There was a sharp pain in the back of his head and his back was aching, probably from falling on the floor. He looked to his right and saw Yeosang's eyes glowing  in dangerous gold. 

"You are by far the dumbest demon I've ever seen in my life and I hate you!" 

San could detect the worry hidden behind his anger. "I'm sorry for making you worry I have no idea why did that happen. I swear."

Yeosang looked at him for another second and extended his hand to help San off the floor and onto his feet. When San stood up, a little shakily, Yeosang motioned with his head towards Mingi who was still passed out on the floor. San turned around and when his eyes landed on Ming,i he rushed to him. He could tell that Mingi had passed out but there was a lot of blood everywhere and the thought of him dying did not settle well for him and it didn't matter that he was a demon. 

"We need to call an ambulance. Like right now." he said, searching for his phone. 

"What we need to do is understand what the hell is wrong with you. Why did you pass out?"

San didn't understand why he passed out either. He didn't even remember passing out, the last thing he remembered was his teeth against Mingi's neck. After that things went black. 

"I..I don't know but the more important thing right now is to call an ambulance."





"FINE" Yeosang yelled pulling out his phone. 

He called placing the phone by his ear. After a second they answered. 

"Yes hello we found a wounded person here and he needs treatment like right now!"

"No I don't know what happened I just told you that we found him like that."

"What does it matter what my name is? Get your asses here RIGHT NOW"

San watched as Yeosang gave them the address and hung up. He looked at San and San didn't need him to talk in order to know he's angry. Furious even. He could smell it all over him. 

"We are leaving. Now. I called an ambulance like you asked me too but we're leaving. We can't be here when they come."

He didn't leave any room for argument ,and San didn't mean to argue anyway. He nodded and got up. Suddenly he was dizzy, the world spinning making it hard for him to walk, or even stand. Yeosang who was watching him silently, noticed something was wrong and was by his side in two seconds. He held him up. Hearing the sirens he hurriedly helped walk and they were gone before the ambulance came. 

"I don't know what the hell is wrong with you, and I don't give a damn too but we're telling Joong." he said pulling San away. 

San was too tired to argue so he just nodded. He did his best to try and stay awake, but the lack of sleep and the stress he had took a serious toll on him and he found himself passing out again. The last thing he remembered was slipping from Yeosang's hold and then everything turned black. 


Wooyoung woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. Looking at the time he groaned, who could possibly call him at two am?! When he looked at the caller ID he saw Yunho's name and immediately sat up in his bed. He answered and placed the phone next to his ear. 

"Yunho hey is everything o-" 

He stopped talking as soon as he heard Yunho's sobs.

"Yunho what's wrong?!" he asked while throwing on a hoodie and putting on his shoes. 

"I-it M-m-mingi, his a-at the h-hospital Woo. A-and I d-dont kn-now what to do... "

"What? What hospital?"

Yunho told him and Wooyoung hung up promising to be there in two minutes. He went to Seonghwa's room shaking him gently. Seonghwa woke up straight away looking at Wooyoung with a concerned face. 

"Is something wrong? Why are you up so late? And where are you going?" He asked when he saw Wooyoung had his shoes on. 

"Yunho needs me. Turns out Mingi is in the hospital. So I'm gonna go and probably return in the morning okay?"

Seonghwa nodded, there wasn't much he could do anyway. If Woo needed to go then he needed to go. 

"Take weapons with you and be careful. There are demons around."

Wooyoung nodded and left the room, stopping by the door to get his bow and arrows, quickly placing his halo in his backpack and running out the door. He decided to take the car and drove way too fast for it to be safe. When he reached the hospital he flung himself out of the car and ran inside. As soon as he entered he saw Yunho sitting on a chair in the corner, his eyes puffy from crying. He ran to him placing a hand on his back. Yunho looked up and as soon as he saw Wooyoung's worried face he hugged him, sobbing into his chest. 

"Shshsh, it's gonna be alright I promise. Please don't cry, I'm sure Mingi wouldn't have wanted you to cry so much." he rubbed Yunho's back, trying to calm him down. 

He let Yunho cry to his chest for a while until a doctor came to them. 

"Are you Mingi's family?" he looked confused. 

"Mingi's parents have died a long time ago and my phone is the one you call when there's an emergency." Yunho said slowly. " We've been best friends since we were little. So we're kinda like a family "

"Oh I understand. Well, Mingi is well." they both let out a breath of relief. "He has a few cuts but we stitched him up and he is good to go home."

"Thank you doctor." Yunho said with tears in his eyes. 

"It's my job, but we couldn't figure out  what attacked him. It looks like lion claws which is absolutely impossible." the doctor was confused. 

"That's weird." Yunho said. 

"Well what matters right now is that he is okay." Wooyoung directed the conversation to another direction. 

"That is right." the doctor said. "You can go see him right now."

Yunho didn't wait for him to finish the sentence, running to Mingi's room. Wooyoung following right behind him. When they reached Mingi's room, they saw him sitting on the bed, halfway through putting his shirt on. Yunho ran to him hugging him tightly and started crying again. In the meantime, Wooyoung was standing at the entrance, silently observing the cuts on Mingi's back. He didn't need look too much to see that it was definitely a demon. 'But why would a demon attack him? And so close after he attacked Yunho too," Wooyoung thought 'it didn't make any sense'. After a while Yunho let go of Mingi, but still sat close to him gently holding his hand. Wooyoung came closer to them. 

"Hey Gi, you gave us quite a scare there."

"Yeah, I'm sorry for that." he chuckled a little. 

"What happened?" Wooyoung asked carefully. 

"I'm not really sure. The doctors asked me what did that as well but all I remember was walking into an alley and then blackness."

Wooyoung looked at him for a second before he spoke. "Why did you go into the alley Gi?"

Mingi looked confused at the question. "I- I don't know. I'm just so confused, I really don't remember Woo. It's all very strange."

Yunho put his head on Mingi's shoulder gently, trying not to hurt him more. 

"What does it matter Woo? Like you said, he is okay and that all that matters."

Wooyoung smiled a faint smile. "You're right Yun. So, I have my car here, do you want to get the hell out of here?" 

Yunho and Mingi nodded. 

"Yes please, I hate the smell here." Mingi joked making Yunho laugh. 

Wooyoung, however couldn't laugh. He was concerned. Concerned and confused. Cause he could tell Mingi was lying about remembering, but he didn't know why, or rather what he had to hide. And that was concerning, cause Mingi could hide a secret that would endanger them all. And possibly bring them to their death. 


To be continued…

Ps. Ik it's short but I hope you like it anyway:)

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Chapter 16: Ever since Mingi's accident, I had a feeling that he knew it was San who attacked him, so that was going to come out sooner or later. But, I wasn't expecting Mingi to get back at him like that, even less in Wooyoung's birthday. Life is unfair. This went downhill.
Chapter 16: Aahhhh whyy u left me here hanging?
Please let them be together in the end ??
Chapter 14: Is it wrong for me to just focus on the two lovebirds? :( I hope it isn't THAT against the universe for a demon to fall for an angel. I don't know what's gonna happen, but please let them be okay
Chapter 13: Are we getting some Seongjoong in the mix?
Chapter 11: Yes, I was waiting for this. Thank you for the update, I enjoyed this chapter.
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update, this was good. I'm guessing Jongho saw them. Things are about to get complicated.
celestemoon #7
Chapter 10: Oof has Jongho seen them, things are about to get awkward
celestemoon #8
Chapter 9: Can't wait to see what happens next!!
celestemoon #9
Chapter 8: oooh I love this story!!
zaprilbabyy #10
Chapter 7: I loved this chapter so much!!! But wooyoung is putting himself and the others in trouble. Now San knows that the cookie and Vanilla sent came from him!