The truth pt.3


They all sat in the living room in couches and chairs. It took both Wooyoung and Yeosang to get San on the couch since he was exhausted and still slightly wounded though he was healing.

"So," Yeosang turned to Mingi. "Are you gonna talk or are we gonna sit here all night? Cause I know I'm dying for an explanation."

Mingi was sitting next to Yunho who placed an encouraging hand on his thigh, smiling at him softly.

"Alright, as you all probably guessed, I'm an assassin-"

"How do you know anything about demons and angels?" Yeosang asked, not waiting for Mingi to finish his explanation.

"Right, well I know so much about them because my mom was an angel." He watched as they all stared at him stunned. "My hair color? The highlights in purple and blue? They're natural, I've never dyed my hair. Couldn't even if I wanted. My hair is all that's left from my mother. From both my parents really." Yunho rubbed his thigh in a comforting matter.

"Does that mean-" Seonghwa asked.

"Yes both my parents have died." Mingi took a deep breath. "When I was a kid, I didn't know me and my mom were different. You see, my mom gave up her halo to be with my father, he was a human. And so I was raised here, as a human. That's how I met Yunho, we were neighbors and our moms were friends. Anyway, we had a very peaceful life, we were happy. Truly. On one of the many times that I stayed over at Yunho's house, his mom got a call asking if I was with them. A few minutes later, the police were at the front of their house telling a seven year old that he lost both his parents." He sighed. "To what? They couldn't tell me. They said it was a wild animal, probably a lion. At first I believed them. But after a while, when I went over all of my parents' things, I found her halo. Her lightless halo with a book. That book explained everything there is to know about the angels and demons. Later I found out she was a combat angel which is why she had that book to begin with." He turned to Jongho who nodded in confirmation. "I was so confused until I saw the last page of the book where she explained that I was half an angel." He laughed a humorless laugh. "As a seven year old who just lost his parents you must guess how I felt. I was so confused and hurt. I thought she was messing with me so I put it away and didn't look at it until I turned sixteen. When I found the halo again, by accident, and touched it, it lit up for a second. I guess it felt the angel blood running in my veins. That's when I realized that this is true, I am partially an angel." He looked at everyone making sure they were listening. "So I started learning everything there was to learn about it. What angels and demons looked like, the different kinds and how to kill both of them. When I looked at the autopsy of my parents' death, I discovered that it wasn't no wild animal that did that. It was a demon." He said with venom in his voice. "So I started hunting them, with the right weapons of course. That's how I became quite a famous assassin. I became 'Fallen angel'."

"YOU are 'fallen angel'?? The one going around killing demons??" Yeosang asked in shock.

Mingi nodded as everyone stared at him speechlessly. 'Fallen angel' was known as a fearless creature. Not many people have seen him, so many rumors started about who he was and what was his goal. The demons despised him, wanting to tear him to pieces since he killed so many of their own. The angels on the other hand were quite grateful though they didn't like him not even one bit. They didn't like outsiders dealing with their problems. If they were to get their hands on him, it wouldn't be pretty.

"You must understand how much I'm risking just telling you that. Half of the world wants to kill me, both angels and demons." He looked terrified. "I never meant for things to turn out like that, trust me. My original plan was to live my life with my one true love. To start a family, get a job, travel the world. I never thought I'd end up as an assassin who shoots his own friends. But after I found out what happened to my parents was done by a demon, a killing demon, I lost it. I figured the world will be better without demons in it at all. So when Jongho came to me saying a demon was cornering his angelic friend, I had to help." He turned to Wooyoung and San. "You must understand I thought he was gonna kill you! I had no idea you guys were in love. I could have never guessed that you're soulmates, true mates. And I'm so, so sorry for what I did, I truly am. I hope you could find it in your heart to forgive me, cause I never wanted to hurt you." He looked at San. "You're my friend and I know I'm not much of a friend for shooting you, but I thought you were gonna kill Wooyoung. I'm honestly so sorry. If I could ever make it up to you just tell me how and I will!" He said honestly, looking like he was gonna cry at any given moment.

San took a deep breath, still getting over the effect his demon's death had on him. And looked not at Mingi but at Yunho.

"Do you trust me?" He asked worriedly.

"Yes of course!" Yunho said without a second thought.

"Even though I tried to kill you?" 

"Well, you didn't mean to. And you said it yourself that you didn't want to. Plus, you apologized and you're my friend," he looked at Wooyoung. "And apparently my best friend's soulmate." He giggled, making everyone chuckle. "I believe in second chances Sanie."

San nodded, turning to look at Mingi.

"I guess I believe in second chances too." He said slowly. " He extended his hand to Mingi. "Besides, you won't be the first friend who tried to kill me so that's okay." They all chuckled, feeling relieved and happy. 

They talked for a while, really getting to know each other. They laughed and teared up, peacefully enjoying each other's company. Becoming real friends.

"Wait a second," Wooyoung said after a while, turning to Joong and Hwa. "How do you two know each other?"

Hongjoong smiled, placing his hand on Seonghwa's thigh. Seonghwa put his hand on Hongjoong's.

"It's a really long story, but you could say we met through work, way before we knew you guys. I knew he was an angel and tried to stay away. But, as you can see that didn't work very well." He smiled sheepishly and mischievously at Seonghwa.

"The reason we knew about you being soulmates was because we're soulmates as well." Seonghwa said, laying his head on Hongjoong's shoulder.

"But, I thought soulmates are only between angels?" Wooyoung said.

"Technically that's correct. But sometimes an angel's soulmate is a demon or even a human. Same goes to demons, sometimes their true mate isn't a demon." Seonghwa calmly explained.

"Isn't that beautiful that I'm surrounded by disgustingly cute and romantic couples? I think I'm gonna be sick." Yeosang mumbled to himself.

He turned to his right, where Jongho sat, and noticed the little angel was gone. He got up quietly and went to the balcony. In the early morning light Jongho looked ethereal and glowing. Since they all knew about each other, they dropped their glamour. And now, Yeosang took the time to admire Jongho's angelic colors and form.


Jongho turned around, fast. When he saw it was Yeosang, he turned his head back to the view.

"Did you say something?" He asked.

"No, not really. I just noticed you dissapeared so I came to see what happened." Yeosang came to stand next to him.

Jongho sighed, still facing the horizon. 

"I just felt a little suffocating in there. I don't understand how could they have forgiven us so fast." He turned to Yeosang with tears in his eyes. "We almost killed Sanie." He whispered.

Yeosang wasn't very good at comforting people. Truthfully? He was very bad at comforting people. He was a demon, it wasn't in his nature to comfort people. But, when he saw Jongho looking all vulnerable and sad, with his little pouty lips, he just had to at least try. He slowly put a hand around Jongho's shoulders, shocked when Jongho cuddled into him. 'he's like a cute little puppy,' he thought to himself as he his hair.

"You did something wrong," he started. "Both of you. But, you are forgiven. You're given a second chance so don't waste it." He felt Jongho's arms circle his waist. "Besides, these two love birds are too pure to stay mad at anyone. They're too full of kindness and warmth and other disgusting like that." 

Jongho lifted his head, laughing. Yeosang was stunned into silence. That was the most beautiful smile he's ever seen in his life. 'what the hell is this?' he thought to himself as he felt his cheeks warm up.

"Are you okay? You're a little red." Jongho said, touching Yeosang's forehead.

"Y-yes I'm fine, it's just really hot in here."

Jongho looked at him.

"It's the middle of winter?"

"Yes, well I'm hot." Jongho raised his eyebrows at that. 

"Well I couldn't agree more." Jongho said with a little smirk, making Yeosang blush.

"Smooth mother*cker." He mumbled.


Wooyoung was in the living room, Sanie's head on his lap sleeping peacefully. After everything that happened Wooyoung was surprised any of them were still awake. But they were, and they were okay. Everything was finally turning out right. He saw Yeosang and Jongho out on the balcony. And he could have swore he heard Jongho giggle. He giggled quietly, locking eyes with Yunho who was half sitting on Mingi.

"Oh Woo," Wooyoung raised his eyebrows in question. "You never told us how did you know Sanie was a demon."

Everyone turned towards his direction.

"I guess sometimes you just know." He said mysteriously.

They all looked at him expectantly. After a while they figured he won't tell them so they gave up and got back to talking. And Wooyoung looked at them as they talked, slowly caressing Sanie's hair. The sun rising in the horizon, shedding light on the world.


To be continued…

(Ps. Next chapter is the last one:"))

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Chapter 16: Ever since Mingi's accident, I had a feeling that he knew it was San who attacked him, so that was going to come out sooner or later. But, I wasn't expecting Mingi to get back at him like that, even less in Wooyoung's birthday. Life is unfair. This went downhill.
Chapter 16: Aahhhh whyy u left me here hanging?
Please let them be together in the end ??
Chapter 14: Is it wrong for me to just focus on the two lovebirds? :( I hope it isn't THAT against the universe for a demon to fall for an angel. I don't know what's gonna happen, but please let them be okay
Chapter 13: Are we getting some Seongjoong in the mix?
Chapter 11: Yes, I was waiting for this. Thank you for the update, I enjoyed this chapter.
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update, this was good. I'm guessing Jongho saw them. Things are about to get complicated.
celestemoon #7
Chapter 10: Oof has Jongho seen them, things are about to get awkward
celestemoon #8
Chapter 9: Can't wait to see what happens next!!
celestemoon #9
Chapter 8: oooh I love this story!!
zaprilbabyy #10
Chapter 7: I loved this chapter so much!!! But wooyoung is putting himself and the others in trouble. Now San knows that the cookie and Vanilla sent came from him!