

Yunho didn't really plan on leaving the house just like he said to Wooyoung. But after a while, he felt like going on a jog to have some fresh air and maybe buy some ice cream. He changed, put on his sports shoes and grabbed his phone and keys. Locking the door behind him, he put on his headphones and started jogging. After a few minutes the lights in the street went off and he was left jogging in the darkness. He was not a cowered or a paranoid, but he constantly had the feeling that someone was following him. And with the lights out, the feeling intensified. 

He stopped jogging and looked around him. Weirdly that main street that was usually crowded, was completely empty all of a sudden. There were no people or cars, just darkness and silence. At this point Yunho started freaking out, he felt like he was being watched. He turned to the right and saw something move near one of the buildings. Maybe stupidly, he decided to go and see what was moving there. He walked two steps towards the alley and saw a flash of a red eye looking right at him. He stared at the dark alley, contemplating whether he actually saw it or not, when he heard a low growl. It sounded similar to a wolf growling, Yunho thought, but then again what wolf had red eyes? He decided to come even closer to the alley, feeling as if something was drawing him into it. He saw movement in the corner of his eye, turning around he saw only darkness. He looked around when he thought he spotted a tail, but that tail was weird. It wasn't like wolf's tail, it was more like a lizard's tail. More correctly, a dinosaur's tail if that even made sense. Yunho was sure he was losing his mind, seeing things. He walked farther into the alley, suddenly feeling a presence right behind him. He turned around when he felt a hand on his shoulder. 


"Come on you guys, we have to hurry up." Wooyoung said to Seonghwa and Jongho. 

They were literally running at this point, they didn't know how much time they had so they decided running would probably be the smartest thing to do. 

"May I remind you again that I suggested that we'd fly instead of running?" Jongho said looking for Yunho. 

"We can't take the risk of someone seeing us flying." Seonghwa said. " That would be real bad and dangerous. What if they'd report it to the police?"

"And say what?" Jongho asked mockingly. ",Hello sir I just saw three people flying. They have wings and they carried weapons, I think they're here to kill us all?' who would believe them?"

"Jongho we are not taking the risk. Have I made myself clear?" Seonghwa said firmly. "All it takes is for one person to believe them, and then what? We could be thrown out of heaven forever and our halos can be taken, had the council of angels found out."

Jongho nodded quietly, not even wanting to imagine what it was like to be thrown out of heaven. The shame, the loneliness, the luck of ability to help, being exposed to the demons. 

Wooyoung on the other hand, was frantically running, knowing exactly where Yunho was and feeling his fear. Since he was Yunho's guardian angel, he knew where he was at all times, and was connected with him. That way he could literally feel when he was in danger, or whenever he was scared. He was desperate to reach Yunho, he had to protect him, he had to. He felt his eyes getting watery, taking a deep breath he tried to calm himself down. 

"GUYS WE'RE REALLY CLOSE I CAN FEEL IT." he yelled to his friends, and they all picked up their pace if that was even possible. 

They turned into a dark alley. They couldn't see anything, but Wooyoung knew Yunho was there somewhere. They kept looking around, hoping to see him. 

"Guys," Jongho said, drawing out his sword. "Something here is very very wrong. I can't put my finger on what exactly, but be careful." Seonghwa and Wooyoung nodded, trusting Jongho's instincts. They drew out their weapons as well. Wooyoung had a bow and arrows while Seonghwa had two daggers. Walking farther into the dark alley, they looked around, alarmed. Wooyoung saw movement to his left, and pointed it out to Jongho. Jongho nodded and went in that direction quickly and quietly, leaving Wooyoung and Seonghwa to keep looking for Yunho. Wooyoung looked to the right and suddenly spotted a body on the ground. He panicked, wishing that it wasn't Yunho. But coming closer he saw it was, in fact, yunho. He started running putting his weapon aside and crouching next to Yunho's body. He touched his face, feeling tears flowing down his cheeks. 

"Please, please be okay." he whispered. "Yunho, can you hear me?" he asked, gently touching his cheek. 

Yunho suddenly took a very loud breath, almost giving Seonghwa and Wooyoung a heart attack. Wooyoung felt himself relax, knowing that Yunho was alright. He and Seonghwa made sure that their weapons were hidden, and then turned to Yunho. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Wooyoung asked gently. 

"Um, yeah I think I am." Yunho said looking extremely confused. 

"Can you tell me what happened? How did you get here?"

"Well, I don't really remember if I'm being honest. All I remember is that I left my house for a jog. The last thing I remember is the lights turning off all of a sudden." Yunho said. 

Wooyoung looked at him, searching for any kind of injury. All he found was the slight mark of nails on Yunho's shoulder, where someone probably grabbed him. 

"So you don't remember anything else? Like why you came into the alley?" Seonghwa asked. 

"N-no I really don't remember." Yunho watched as Wooyoung and Seonghwa exchanged looks. "I, I'm sorry for asking, but who are you?" he looked at Seonghwa. "And what are you two doing here? How did you know I was here?"

"Yunho, this is my friend Seonghwa. We're, um, roommates and we were on our way to get some food when we suddenly heard a thud. When we came here we saw you laying on the ground." he looked at Yunho, gently rubbing his back. 

"Do you think you can stand?"  Seonghwa asked with a worried smile. 

"Yeah I think so."

Wooyoung helped him up and after a few seconds he saw Yunho can stand and walk alone, so he let go of his arm. They heard loud footsteps coming from within the alley. Seonghwa and Wooyoung looked alarmed and ready to fight, when they saw it was Jongho. He looked at both of them and shook his head slightly, Wooyoung nodded signaling that they'll talk about it at their apartment. 

"This is my other roommate, Jongho. Jongho this is Yunho. " Wooyoung introduced the two, even though Jongho knew exactly who Yunho was. 

"Hello there." he said with a smile. 

"Hii?" Yunho was getting really confused. 

"Okay," Seonghwa said, before Yunho could say anything else. "Since we were on our way to eat, how about you join us for dinner Yunho?" He smiled a friendly smile at him. 

"Oh yeah sure, if you don't mind of course."

"We literally asked you." Wooyoung giggled. 

"Yeah I know but still." Yunho smiled feeling more comfortable. "Oh shoot, I don't have my wallet on me."

"It's fine, it was gonna be on me anyway." Seonghwa smiled. 

"Can we go now? I'm really hungry." Jongho said. 

They were all hungry from the events of the night, so they all nodded and went together to get some food. 


San had just knocked Yunho down, he was laying on the ground Unconscious. He was reaching for his neck, getting desperate to bite him and taste his fear. He was so absorbed and focused on what he was doing, that he didn't hear people coming very fast and very loud. He just wanted to kill Yunho so much, and he was so close that nothing will stop him from doing it. At first, he wasn't sure that Yunho would be affected by his abilities, wouldn't feel drawn to come deeper into the dark alley. He blamed his insecurity in his powers on Wooyoung, since nothing seemed to affect him at all. 

He was getting closer and closer to Yunho's neck, one more inch and his teeth will sink in his neck and he could finish him off. He could practically feel the blood on his tongue, when he was very harshly pulled away from Yunho's body. He growled at whoever took him away from his meal, trying to attack. 

"Shut the up or they'll find us." San turned to see Yeosang holding him. 

"What the hell are you talking about?"  he asked, mad and frustrated that he had just lost his chance at finishing the human off. 

"Are you dumb?! There are people coming here."  just as Yeosang said it he saw three people entering the alley. 

Yeosang knew they were not ordinary people, and the knowledge of that made him swear under his breath. 

"We have to get the out of here." he whispered to San. 

"What why? They're just people."

"You're still a little off because of the smell of fear, it's making you high, but those are no ordinary people. They are angels."

"How do you know? I can't smell any angels, and I don't see any of the shine angles usually have." San said starting to stress. 

"They drew out their weapons when they came in, probably because they can smell you because you're in your demon form." he looked at San who still had his glamour down. 

"I can't concentrate enough to get the glamour to appear. Why don't we just kill them?"

"That's not how it works. Besides, I don't know why are they here in the first place. So we're not going to kill them and potentially start a war." he looked at San with a firm look. "You know as well as me that we don't just go around killing angles."

"I'm sorry, I know you're right I just can't think straight because of the smell." San said shaking his head.

Yeosang saw his red eye was more bloody colored than the usual red and his blue eye looked almost white. He had to find him someone else to feed on, without killing them. You couldn't kill humans other than the human you were assigned to, it was a rule. Yeosang never understood this rule, but he couldn't go against the demon king, unless he was looking for a punishment. A very serious and deadly punishment. They were allowed to feed off of humans, but not to kill them. He suddenly heard San almost growling. 

"Alright alright, let's go." he grabbed San's hand and they both made a run for it. 

The problem was, that San was too out of it, making a noise and unnecessary movement with his tail, drawing the angles' attention to them. Yeosang had enough time to see one of the angles coming their way before he hurried his steps, almost flying. 

"San we have to run faster." Yeosang said taking an unexpected turn. 

They ran into an alley and had a few seconds before the angle would catch up to them.

"San use your glamour right now, or I swear I'll kill you myself." Yeosang said his golden eyes shining with intensity, making San's head clearer. 

Clear enough to have his glamour up just in time for the angle to walk into the near alley. Yeosang watched as the angle looked around with his sword drawn. He saw him looking around for a few more moments before he turned around and left in the same way he came. Yeosang let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. 

"Let's get your stupid someone you can feed on." Yeosang said grabbing San by his collar and dragging him away quickly and quietly. 


"I'll see you tomorrow at class." Yunho said when they reached his house. 

They had a very good time eating together, and Yunho looked completely relaxed now. They decided to walk him home so they could keep an eye on him. Yunho didn't show any resistance, he was rather happy and relieved that they were walking him home. After what happened to him tonight, he was way too scared to walk alone at night. Ever. He looked relieved to finally be home. 

"Yeah, we have early classes tomorrow remember?" Wooyoung said smiling. 

"Oh right, I completely forgot about that." Yunho sighed looking exhausted. 

"Yeah, so I'll see you tomorrow at class. Goodnight." Wooyoung said smiling at Yunho. 

"Goodnight," he said to Wooyoung. "It was nice meeting you guys, and thank you again for the food Seonghwa." he looked at the other two. 

"Don't mention it. You are always welcome in our apartment Yunho." Seonghwa said with a smile. 

"Thank you anyway." Yunho said waving at them and walking to his door. 

The three watched him go, waiting for him to close the door. When he did they left to their apartment. They waited until they locked the door to their apartment before they talked about what happened. 

"So what do you think that was?" Wooyoung asked. 

They were sitting in the living room with cups of hot tea that Seonghwa made. 

"That was a demon, there's no doubt about it." Jongho said. 

"If it was a demon how did you lose him?" Seonghwa looked at Jongho confused. 

"I'll tell you why." Jongho said. "When we got to the alley, I could sense his scent and presence which meant that he was really close to feeding off of your human. He was probably completely out of it and was going around in his demon form. That made it easy to follow him at the beginning. But I don't think he was alone, there was someone with him, and when they got a bit ahead of me he made him put his glamour on and I couldn't sense him anymore. That's why I lost them."

"Hmm, I wonder if we should be worried because it's a stray demon feeding up on random people. Or if you should be worried because there's a demon assigned to kill your human." Seonghwa said looking at Wooyoung with a worried expression. 

Wooyoung thought about it. That would be extremely problematic if there was a demon assigned to kill his human. That would mean he'd need to kill that demon before he could kill him. He didn't know what to do. Never in all the years he'd lived, was he assigned to the same human as a demon and had to kill him. Wooyoung was a gentle soul, he was pure and never had to kill anyone, not even a demon. He wanted to keep it that way, he didn't want to kill anyone. 

"Yeah I know. I'd rather not think about it right now." he said putting his cup down and getting up. "I'm gonna go to bed now, today had been way too long and way too complicated. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Woo, sleep well."

"Sweet dreams Woo, we'll talk more about it in the morning. "

Wooyoung went to wash up before he went to sleep. He let the warm water relax him and his muscles. When he was done, he wore his pajama and dried his hair walking to his bedroom. Entering his room, he pulled his halo out of his backpack and placed it on top of his head. He felt a little better and more peaceful. For some reason he felt like it wasn't going to get easier. He sighed laying down on his bed and closing his eyes. After a short while he was asleep. 


"Where the hell have you two been?! You made me so worried." Hongjoon said as soon as San and Yeosang entered the apartment, slamming the door behind them. 

"We had a bit of a situation going on." Yeosang said looking at Hongjoon. 

San and Yeosang let their glamour fade and sighed. 

"Which was..?"

"There are angels here." San simply said. 

"Care to explain how on earth do you know that?" Hongjoon looked a little mad. 


"We accidentally ran into them when we followed San's human. Apparently San's human has a guardian angel, and he has some friends." Yeosang said before San could finish his sentence. 

"Were you discovered?"

"No we were not." San watched as Hongjoon rubbed his neck and forehead. 

He looked tired, way too tired. If San was right, Hongjoon hasn't slept in a few days. 

"Joongie, you should rest. It's not good for you to be awake for so long, please go get some sleep. Please."

"Yeah I know." Hongjoon sighed knowing San was right, he needed to sleep. "Alright, I'm going to sleep, please do the same. And very soon. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Joongie."


They watched as he went to his room and closed the door. 

"Thanks for not telling on me to Joong."

"It's nothing, but you should be more careful San. We can't risk the angles finding out we are demons."

"I'm sorry I'll be more careful." San looked at the floor, feeling bad for his reckless actions. 

"It's alright. We should go to bed now, goodnight Sanie." he said petting his head gently and going to his room. 


San went to his room after washing up. He laid down on his bed trying to relax. It was then that he realized that there was something oddly familiar about the angles. He didn't know what was it exactly, but there was definitely something familiar. His head started hurting from thinking too much and he decided to think about it in the morning. After a few more moments, he was fast asleep. 


The next day, Wooyoung came extra early so that he wouldn't have to deal with San sitting in his seat again. He was the first to reach the class and sat in his seat placing his head on his arms and quickly falling asleep. He was extremely tired and didn't get enough sleep the night before. A few moments later he heard someone drop to the chair right next to him. He turned around, opening only one of his eyes to see San looking tired as well.

"Hey, why do you look so tired?" San asked quietly even though there was no one in the room besides them. 

"I didn't get much sleep last night, so I'm really tired." Wooyoung said yawning. 

"Well if you want," San said after thinking. "You can sleep now and I'll wake you up when the professor will come in."

Wooyoung looked at him surprised by the offer. 

"that's really nice of you thanks."

"Sure, now go to sleep."

Wooyoung nodded and placed his head on his arms again. In a matter of seconds he was asleep. San was looking at him, not sure why he had suggested that Wooyoung should sleep and that he will wake him up, because he was super tired as well. But for some reason, San thought that if someone should get some rest, it should be Wooyoung. He was spacing out, half awake and half asleep until the professor came in. He didn't even notice Yunho and Mingi who came into the room together quietly talking about last night's events. San looked at Wooyoung who was sleeping peacefully with a small pout, and decided that waking him up would just be cruel. So he let him sleep while he took notes for both of them. Halfway through the lesson, he saw Wooyoung was slightly shaking in his sleep. So he did what he never thought he'd do, he took off his jacket and placed it on Wooyoung's shoulders like a blanket. Wooyoung smiled a tiny smile in his sleep, and after that he stopped shaking. San looked at him, and smiled without even noticing. When the lesson ended and they had a few minutes break, San slowly and gently woke Wooyoung up. Wooyoung was confused for a few moments, hair everywhere cheeks and eyes puffy and lips still pouty. He stretched like a cat and ruffled his hair. 

"What? Where is the professor?" he looked at San. 

"Oh he just left, class had ended a few seconds ago." Wooyoung looked upset and very much awake now. 

"What?? Why didn't you wake me up like you promised?" he whined loudly.

"First of all, I didn't promise anything." San said. "and second of all, I didn't want to wake you up because you looked so peaceful. So instead, I let you sleep and took notes for you." 

"Y-you did that f-for me?" he asked and San nodded. 

"Wow umm, thanks you, you didn't have to do that."

"I know but I wanted to." he said making eye contact with Wooyoung. "Oh, by the way, if you're still cold you can keep my jacket."

Only then did Wooyoung realize that he was wearing San's jacket. It smelled just like him, there was something familiar about it. 

"Uh, thanks, I'm actually still cold so I'll give you the jacket when we'll get back from the break." Wooyoung said, feeling his cheeks get warmer. 

"It's okay you can keep it until the end of the day. Now we should head out, cause Yunho and Mingi had abandoned us."

"Huh, traitors." Wooyoung huffed. "We should punish them for that." San saw the mischievous glow in Wooyoung's eyes and smirked. 

"I completely agree, we totally should. Any ideas?" he asked Wooyoung with a serious face making Wooyoung giggle. 

"I actually have some good ideas." 

"Ohh, I'd be happy to hear them."

And so they both talked about potential punishments for their friends, giggling and enjoying each others company. But they would never admit it. 


To be continued… 

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Chapter 16: Ever since Mingi's accident, I had a feeling that he knew it was San who attacked him, so that was going to come out sooner or later. But, I wasn't expecting Mingi to get back at him like that, even less in Wooyoung's birthday. Life is unfair. This went downhill.
Chapter 16: Aahhhh whyy u left me here hanging?
Please let them be together in the end ??
Chapter 14: Is it wrong for me to just focus on the two lovebirds? :( I hope it isn't THAT against the universe for a demon to fall for an angel. I don't know what's gonna happen, but please let them be okay
Chapter 13: Are we getting some Seongjoong in the mix?
Chapter 11: Yes, I was waiting for this. Thank you for the update, I enjoyed this chapter.
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update, this was good. I'm guessing Jongho saw them. Things are about to get complicated.
celestemoon #7
Chapter 10: Oof has Jongho seen them, things are about to get awkward
celestemoon #8
Chapter 9: Can't wait to see what happens next!!
celestemoon #9
Chapter 8: oooh I love this story!!
zaprilbabyy #10
Chapter 7: I loved this chapter so much!!! But wooyoung is putting himself and the others in trouble. Now San knows that the cookie and Vanilla sent came from him!