Saturday Nights and Sisters

Break It With Your Boyfriend
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You here a bing from your phone, sighing as you turn in your bed, moving hair out of your face when you see a text, saving the number, you smile before opening up the chat.

Ella: It’s Ella :)))

Ella: Can you come at like 4 if you’re free???

Ella: I’ll send you my address :)))))

Yea I’m free, be there at four kid :Y/N

Ella: Can’t wait :))))

You turn off your phone after seeing the clock read two-thirty, sighing before covering your eyes and laying back.

“Y/N! Get your up it’s the afternoon!” You sigh, slipping on a tshirt from the floor as you head downstairs. Sitting down at your kitchen table, you smile once you feel your mom kiss your cheek, “I’m gonna go into work today so I won’t be home, I’ll try making it for dinner though.” “It’s no problem mom, plus I’m heading to someone’s house for tutoring.” “Alright have fun sweetie.”

She waved bye as she went out the door, silence filling the house making you get up. You turn on some music before getting out some ingredients for pancakes.

You mix the batter, head bopping to the music while pouring it onto the pan with a ladle. You start flipping the pancake, spinning around a bit before you jump out of fear, your phone ringing loudly.

You move towards it, grabbing it before heading back to the stove, “Hello?” “Y/N it’s me…” You sigh flipping the pancake over, “Yes Chaeyoung?”

“I was hoping we could meet up..? I just wanna talk.” “Can’t today. I’m busy.” “What about tomorrow?” “Have to study.” “Y/N I really just want to see you…” “Well sorry Chae I’m busy these days.” “Y/N but-” “Chae I gotta go now.”

You close the call, sighing. You flip the pancake, seeing it covered in black.

You let out a groan, pouting before turning off the fire.

You move the batter to the fridge after covering it with cling wrap.

Moving to get milk and cereal, pouring cereal into the bowl before adding the milk, chomping on it.

Finishing up your cereal, you wash it before checking the time on your phone, sighing once you see it was already three.

You quickly head upstairs to your room, wearing some jeans and a white shirt before taking out your black zip up hoodie and black vans, quickly wearing some silver chains and some rings before wearing your beanie on top.

You grab your keys and wallet, heading out to your bike before stuffing your helmet on and checking for Ella’s address.




Rolling up to the house, you quickly dial Ella’s number while taking your helmet off and fixing your hair before putting the beanie back on, “Hey kid I’m outside.” “Okay I’ll come out in a sec!” You let out a soft laugh. Getting off your bike before stuffing your keys in your pocket and hanging your helmet on your bike, “Unnie!”

You turn around, a smile on your face before letting out a groan when you feel her body push you back, you lean back against your bike, laughing before putting your arms around her, “Hey kid.” “Hey Y/N…”

You look up, meeting Jennie’s eyes, a small smile on her face while she gives you a slight wave, “Oh, sup Jennie.” You give her a small smile too, waving back.




Sitting on Ella’s tiny table you continue to help her out while Jennie sits on the little girl’s bed, “By the way, where’s your mom kid?” Jennie answers instead making you turn your head to her, “She went out to get groceries.” “Oh, do you when she’ll be back, I don’t wanna be rude and not say hi to her…” You rub your neck nervously while a chuckle leaves your lips, “Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure my dad and her are gonna be back soon.” “Alright…”

The both of you stare at eachother, your eyes going over her features, drawing down to her lips- “Unnie I don’t get this!”

You snap back to her, “Hmm, which one?” She points at the simple equation, slowly starting to explain BIDMAS to her while Jennie goes back to her phone. What you do realize is how Jennie turned to her side and how her shirts neckline went lower but not at how she’s pointing her phone directly at you, sending the small video recorded to the groupchat.

ChiChu: IS THAT Y/N??


Chipmunk: What the ??



ChiChu: Your dreams are coming true sis




Jennie shut off her phone, turning towards the ceiling while a groan left , “You good?” Her eyes widened before she gulped the small lump in , “Mhmmm, just kinda bored…”

“Come here…”

Mother of god, so help Jennie and may she not straddle you right there and then in front of her little sister.

She gets off the bed, joining the both of you on Ella’s tiny table, “So Ella you get this stuff now?” She nods, smiling at you before finishing up her questions.

You look over her worksheet, checking all her answers before looking up with a proud smile, “Well kid you got them all right, I’m proud of you.” She blushed while looking down, you ruffled her hair a bit making her pout and fix it before you shuffle out of your chair, “Well, since you get it, I’ll get outta your hair and head back home.”


You turn to Jennie, confused, “Uhhhh… I was just thinking, since it’s just me and Ella, maybe you could join our movie night?” “We’re having a movie night?” Jennie kicks Ella lightly, “Yea don’t you remember sis?” “Oh- OHHH YEAAAA! You said we were gonna watch that scary movie right?”

Ella smirked at her while Jennie sent a small glare, “Mhmmm, yep, but you might get too scared…”

You just watched the whole conversation with confusion in your eyes, seeing the back and forth between both sisters, “No I think I’ll be fine Jennie unnie…”

Jennie gulped, smiling uncomfortably, “Then it’s settled…” Both girls look at you, one with a very unsure look on her face and one looking gleeful as ever.

“Uhh… sure I’ll stay.”




You didn’t really expect to spend your Saturday night inbetween two sisters but here you were.

You held the popcorn bowl on your lap, Jennie snuggled up against you, hiding her face in your shoulder while Ella chomped on some popcorn, “You know you’re gonna leave bruises if you grip my arm that hard.”

Jennie blushes, mumbling a sorry as she turns to move away before screaming once again, hiding her face in your neck while she grips your arm again, “It’ll be over soon don’t worry.”

You missed the slight blush on her cheeks, too occupied by the feeling of her breath on your neck or the way her hands gripped your arm so tightly you were pretty sure if you weren’t wearing your jacket you would have nail marks by now.

The movie soon ended, tapping Jennie on her arm making her slowly pull away, your faces inches apart. You gave her a small smile, stifling your laughter as your thumb went to wipe a leftover tear, “Did you cry?” “Nuh-uh…” Y

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I know it's been three years (I apologize profusely) but I'm currently reworking break it with your boyfriend, not changing the overall plot but cleaning up confusing details/plot holes and changing a few things up to try and make it better before continuing to upload newer chapters.


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Chapter 14: WICKED cliffhanger...i gtg so i cant finish the rest of the story just yet and its killing mee
83 streak #2
Chapter 30: I wonde whats gonna happen next 🤔.. I hope that part never happened huhuhu .. is it reality or just a bad dream uwah can't wait for the next chapp
Chapter 30: It's taken me a while to come back to catch up on this story but wow....what a few chapters to come back to...

So much to unpack and process.

I knew the murder was coming, all that foreshadowing. But the way chae responded to everything, that was unexpected. I have to admit that I'd be scared of her in that moment as well. She was way to calm and collected. But it was interesting to see chae do a 180 from how she was at the start of the story. (Also as a side note I still want to know how they started hooking up. Been wondering since she was in a relationship to begin with and we were antisocial.)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to how the story is going to proceed, especially now that they are having some serious problems with each other and their coping. A bit worried about Nauen and Jennie though...especially Jennie now that chae seems much more possessive.

Is it wrong that I might be rooting for team Jennie now though???
Chapter 30: this story got me hooked!! looking forward for the next update :D
Adatchma #5
Chapter 30: Please update more
Bluesapphire17 #6
Chapter 30: OH MY GOSH YOU'RE BACK. my emotions when i read the last chapter came back when i read this chapter. im SHOOKT. Chaeyoung im scared of you.
soshow_29 #7
Chapter 30: Also, is rosie a psychopath????? Hot hot
soshow_29 #8
Chapter 30: Ayyyy welcome back!
Abt this chapter.... Idk. I feel like rosie kind of possessive of y/n and why i feel like rosie will kill naeun next .... IDK! but thanks for coming back!
Girlgroupsonly4ever #9
Chapter 4: Yes aliceee
Girlgroupsonly4ever #10
Chapter 3: omg alice 😂