Reveals and Revelations

Break It With Your Boyfriend
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You knocked on her door, heart beating fast as you shifted back and forth while you waited for her to open her door. Hearing the familiar sound of the door unlocking, you looked up and met her eyes, “Hi?” “Come in.”

You gave her a small smile while following her into her home, “Are your parents’ home?” “They’re out but Alice is home…” “I’ll just say hi to her and I’ll meet you in your room?” She nodded wordlessly the both of you heading upstairs, she walked into her bedroom while you knocked on Alice’s door, hearing a come in before you peeked your head through the door, greeting Alice with a smile, “Y/N!” She got up from her desk, engulfing you in a hug, “I just came to say hi.” “I miss you.” She moved away, looking at you with a pout, “What’s up?” “I’ll catch you up but Chaeyoung’s mad so I’m gonna go fix stuff up with her.” “Ok but we better hang out soon.”

You gave her one last smile before shuffling towards Chaeyoung’s door, hesitating for a second before walking in. She was sat on her bed staring at her phone while you silently walked in, clearing your throat to catch her attention before sitting on her desk chair, “So…” “So…”

You fumbled with your hands again, a tense silence taking over the room, “Uhhmmm… Chae… you know I’m sorry, like very sorry and I wanna fix this so please talk to me.” You scratched your nape out of awkwardness, trying your best to convey some sort of emotion.

Chaeyoung sighed, pursing her lips in thought before speaking, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was honestly going too, I was just trying to figure out when and… yea…”

“I just don’t want secrets between us… please…” You move to sit next to her on the bed, grabbing her hand with yours, “I love you and I’m willing to tell you anything you want to know…”

Chaeyoung’s heart fluttered, hearing you say those three words, “So how long has Jisoo known?” “Remember when I tagged along to that café place with you guys? When I picked Lisa to ride with me?” She nodded, rolling her eyes making you smile, “So she talked to me right before we saw you guys and then I didn’t know what to do when Jennie asked if we were friends, so I just went with what Jisoo said.”

“Who else knows?” “Us, Jisoo and Lisa now…”

“What should we do about Jennie?”

You thought for a second, “Well at the end of the day she’s your bestfriend and I want whatever we do to not ruin that but I think the earlier we tell her the better you know? It’s like, we’ll be at our one year anniversary and she wouldn’t know…”

Chaeyoung couldn’t help but blush at the mention of the two of you together for a long time, “Chaeyoung?”

She snapped out of it, blinking a few times before looking at your connected hands, “I agree but how should we break it to her…” “You and I can meet up with her like afterschool or on the weekend and I think that would be the best situation or if you don’t want me there you can do it or I can do it by myself or-” “Y/N.”

You stopped rambling, a chuckle leaving her lips, “Sorry.” Chaeyoung moved closer, grabbing your face in her hands, “We will figure this out together ok?” You nodded, smiling at her before feeling her pull your face closer, closing your eyes as she kissed you, a smile growing on your lips.

She layed down, a dramatic breath falling from her lips, you followed, kissing up her neck to her lips before laying beside her, “I love you.” She smiled, cuddling up to you, “I love you too Y/N.”

She used your arm as a pillow, her arm wrapped around your waist. Looking down at her face, you pursed your lips with furrowed eyebrows, “Gimme a kiss!” She laughed, her hand moving to your cheek before leaning up.

You smiled, feeling her deepen the kiss as she straddled you, a laugh leaving your lips as your hands moved to her hips, thumbs digging into her as her hands moved under your shirt, you split apart for air, having your usual lazy smile on your face, one that Chaeyoung thought of on late nights by herself…

“What?” “You’re just really hot.”

You smiled leaning up to meet Chaeyoung’s lips again, “And you are extra hot.” Chaeyoung giggled at your lame line, connecting your lips again, “Are we good now?”  “I think we’re good Y/N…” You smiled pecking her, “Good.”




A week had passed since that night and the both of you had made no progress in operation: tell Jennie, a complex and secretive title that only the great mind of Chaeyoung could come up with.

You leaned against the railing, scrolling through your phone while sipping on the juice bottle you picked up from the school cafeteria. The creak of the door caught your attention, eyes shooting up to make sure it wasn’t a teacher or security guard.

A breath left your lips as you relaxed, realizing it was just Chaeyoung, “Hi.” She had a cute smile on her face, coyly closing the door before facing you. Your eyebrows raised in amusement, a confused smile growing on your face, “Hello?”

She wrapped her arms around your neck, connecting your lips while your arms unconsciously went around her waist, you split apart due to air but she still left a few pecks before finally moving away a bit, your smile splitting your face in half at this point, “And what’s got you in such a good mood?” “I just haven’t seen you that much and I missed you.” You smile at her, kissing her head, “Where’s the other girls?” “Lisa needed to talk to Bambam about some dance thing, Jennie got detention for sleeping in class and no idea where Jisoo is.”

“So it’s just us?” “Just us.” She pulls you closer, your lips connecting once again, moving in sync with eachother until another smile erupts on your face along with hers, teeth clashing slightly.

“Have you eaten?” “No not yet.” “Then come here idiot.”

You pull her to the slightly shaded area where you kept your bag, placing your jacket on the floor so she had a place to sit before bringing out a sandwich, “I had a feeling you would finish your food in break so I grabbed you this.”


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I know it's been three years (I apologize profusely) but I'm currently reworking break it with your boyfriend, not changing the overall plot but cleaning up confusing details/plot holes and changing a few things up to try and make it better before continuing to upload newer chapters.


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Chapter 14: WICKED cliffhanger...i gtg so i cant finish the rest of the story just yet and its killing mee
83 streak #2
Chapter 30: I wonde whats gonna happen next 🤔.. I hope that part never happened huhuhu .. is it reality or just a bad dream uwah can't wait for the next chapp
Chapter 30: It's taken me a while to come back to catch up on this story but wow....what a few chapters to come back to...

So much to unpack and process.

I knew the murder was coming, all that foreshadowing. But the way chae responded to everything, that was unexpected. I have to admit that I'd be scared of her in that moment as well. She was way to calm and collected. But it was interesting to see chae do a 180 from how she was at the start of the story. (Also as a side note I still want to know how they started hooking up. Been wondering since she was in a relationship to begin with and we were antisocial.)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to how the story is going to proceed, especially now that they are having some serious problems with each other and their coping. A bit worried about Nauen and Jennie though...especially Jennie now that chae seems much more possessive.

Is it wrong that I might be rooting for team Jennie now though???
Chapter 30: this story got me hooked!! looking forward for the next update :D
Adatchma #5
Chapter 30: Please update more
Bluesapphire17 #6
Chapter 30: OH MY GOSH YOU'RE BACK. my emotions when i read the last chapter came back when i read this chapter. im SHOOKT. Chaeyoung im scared of you.
soshow_29 #7
Chapter 30: Also, is rosie a psychopath????? Hot hot
soshow_29 #8
Chapter 30: Ayyyy welcome back!
Abt this chapter.... Idk. I feel like rosie kind of possessive of y/n and why i feel like rosie will kill naeun next .... IDK! but thanks for coming back!
Girlgroupsonly4ever #9
Chapter 4: Yes aliceee
Girlgroupsonly4ever #10
Chapter 3: omg alice 😂