Coming Clean and Coming Out

Break It With Your Boyfriend
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Chaeyoung felt her breath leave her body, mind going blank as her face fell, “I’m so- sorry Chaeng… I’m so sorry…” You didn’t meet her eyes, elbows on your knees as you leaned over, eyes boring into the tile floor.

“What happened..?”

You could hear the insecurity ring through her voice, guilt piercing through your heart with every breath she took, “I- I went over there…  I wanted to check up on her after everything… and so we talked and everything seemed fine… She said she found me attractive and that’s where it ended and to me that was her saying ok no real feelings… I thought everything was fine. I was leaving and she said she’d walk me out. I was so close to leaving… Literally on my bike… and then she kissed me.”


“Uhm… Uh… I- I pushed her away and she started saying sorry again and again until she ran in…”

You felt her shaky fingers on your jaw, finally being forced to meet her eyes, “I’m sorry Chaeyoung…I’m so sorry…” She heard your voice crack, bringing you into her arms as you shook against her, “I don’t wanna hurt you… ever.”

“You didn’t hurt me… It’ll be ok…” She pulled you back a bit, staring at you while she rubbed fallen tears from your cheek, Bringing your face close to hers as she connected your lips slowly, breaking apart to rest your forehead against hers as a deep breathe left your lips, “I love you ok?” You nodded against her, closing your eyes as you tried to calm your breathing.

“I love you too… so much.”

“Come on, we’ll go to bed…”

You slowly got up, following Chaeyoung after she changed your clothes, your mind still hazy from the alcohol you drank. She slowly tucked you into her bed, laying beside you while you snuggled up to her, legs tangling against eachother, while her arm wrapped around your waist.




“Y/N… Y/N…” She pouted, staring at your sleeping face, hair tousled messily while you let out slow breaths through your lips. She wanted to wake you up but she also just wanted to enjoy seeing you like this. Trying her best not to giggle, she picked up her phone and quickly snapped a photo, the flash going off making her eyes widen.

You groaned, stuffing your face into her pillow, until you smelt the familiar scent of roses and vanilla fill your sense. You shot up, eyes wide and blinking while trying to figure out where you were, “You good?” You turned to her, confusion evident in your face making Chaeyoung smile sweetly, one of your cheeks slightly chubbier than one due to sleeping on it, lips pursed into a pout while your eyes were hooded and hair was messy.

“Chaeyoung?” Don’t even get her started on your raspy morning voice, her heart beating fast just from hearing her name slipping from your lips.

“Morning sleepy head…” You layed down again, leaning on your elbow as you made eye level with her, “I don’t wanna ruin the mood or anything but uh… how did I end up here?” Chaeyoung rolled her eyes, moving closer to you while her finger drew patterns on your arm, “You came here at like one in the morning after the thing with Jennie and you were drunk so I took care of you.”

At the mention of last night’s events, you sighed, dropping your face onto the pillow dramatically, “Hey it’s ok, I told you I’m not mad, we’ll figure it out together…” “That’s not the problem… I need to call my mom, give me a second.” “She called earlier asking where you were, I told her you slept over and stuff…” “She didn’t ask questions?” “She was confused on who I was, told her I’m your girlfriend and she just said ok and hung up…”


You shot up, staring at her with wide eyes, “What? She asked who I was and said I’m Chaeyoung her girlfriend?”

“She doesn’t know I’m into girls!”





Your mom, sat at her kitchen island, deep breaths being taken in while the phone layed in her hand.

She shot up from her table, grabbing her phone before opening up her chat with you, fully focusing on the keyboard as her finger tapped away at letters, “Please get home… so we can talk...” She slowly spoke the words as they appeared on screen, sending it after reading it over. Hearing a knock on the sliding door, your mom moved to the lounge, seeing Jisoo’s confused face.

Quickly opening it, she invited Jisoo in, the short girl thanking her, “Oh auntie, is Y/N still asleep?” “No she’s not here right now… what did you need her for?” Does she know?

“Ah I wanted to hang out since it’s the weekend and I have no plans today… I’ll be off then, have a nice day auntie!”

“Ah wait Jisoo!” The girl turned around, curiosity evident in her face, “If you’re free come in, I wanted to ask you something about Y/N?” “She doesn’t do drugs don’t worry.”

Your mom’s face paled, while Jisoo had the sweetest smile, “Ah no- Uhmm… that’s not what I wanted to ask sweetie.” “Oh. Then what was it?” God this girl really has the spirit of a child, bless her

“Did you.. did you know that Y/N is into girls?” “OH-”




 “What do you mean she doesn’t know you’re a lesbian!?” “I never told her!” “Oh god!”

Both of you flopped on her bed, a groan leaving your lips, “So now I have to tell her I’m into girls and I drank again… …”

Chaeyoung’s brows furrowed, “I mean you don’t have to tell her you drank, teenagers who drink hide it from their parents, it’s an unspoken rule.” You covered your eyes with your hands, a sigh leaving your lips while Chaeyoung leaned up her elbow to get a closer look at you, “No I have to…”

Taking away one of your hands, your eye peeked at hers, “And why is that, my lovely and honest girlfriend?” “I- uhh…”

You sat up, crossing your legs while facing her and grabbing her hands, “So not many people know this… only me and my mom… and you can’t tell Jisoo this or… anyone for that matter. Please don’t see me differently-” “Y/N will you just tell me.” “Ok ok! Basically around… three? Years go? I started drinking, a lot… like a lot a lot… My mom sent me to rehab for the summer and I got the help I needed, I started going to AA meetings too, met… weird people… like… not normal people, but at the end of the day we’re all alcoholics so it’s not like I’m better but yea...” A small smile grew on your face at the mention of those meetings, strange times those were.

“So… you’re an alcoholic?” “Yeah… I was sober for 2 years but I kinda slipped up a few weeks ago.” “Why’d you slip up?”

By now you were leaning against the headboard of her bed wh

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I know it's been three years (I apologize profusely) but I'm currently reworking break it with your boyfriend, not changing the overall plot but cleaning up confusing details/plot holes and changing a few things up to try and make it better before continuing to upload newer chapters.


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Chapter 14: WICKED cliffhanger...i gtg so i cant finish the rest of the story just yet and its killing mee
83 streak #2
Chapter 30: I wonde whats gonna happen next 🤔.. I hope that part never happened huhuhu .. is it reality or just a bad dream uwah can't wait for the next chapp
Chapter 30: It's taken me a while to come back to catch up on this story but wow....what a few chapters to come back to...

So much to unpack and process.

I knew the murder was coming, all that foreshadowing. But the way chae responded to everything, that was unexpected. I have to admit that I'd be scared of her in that moment as well. She was way to calm and collected. But it was interesting to see chae do a 180 from how she was at the start of the story. (Also as a side note I still want to know how they started hooking up. Been wondering since she was in a relationship to begin with and we were antisocial.)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to how the story is going to proceed, especially now that they are having some serious problems with each other and their coping. A bit worried about Nauen and Jennie though...especially Jennie now that chae seems much more possessive.

Is it wrong that I might be rooting for team Jennie now though???
Chapter 30: this story got me hooked!! looking forward for the next update :D
Adatchma #5
Chapter 30: Please update more
Bluesapphire17 #6
Chapter 30: OH MY GOSH YOU'RE BACK. my emotions when i read the last chapter came back when i read this chapter. im SHOOKT. Chaeyoung im scared of you.
soshow_29 #7
Chapter 30: Also, is rosie a psychopath????? Hot hot
soshow_29 #8
Chapter 30: Ayyyy welcome back!
Abt this chapter.... Idk. I feel like rosie kind of possessive of y/n and why i feel like rosie will kill naeun next .... IDK! but thanks for coming back!
Girlgroupsonly4ever #9
Chapter 4: Yes aliceee
Girlgroupsonly4ever #10
Chapter 3: omg alice 😂