Relationships and Rendezvous

Break It With Your Boyfriend
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“Come on Y/N!” You rolled your eyes at Jennie, sipping on the juice box as the five of you hung around the rooftop, “I don’t even like parties though!” “But your house is literally perfect! And once you guys win the league it’s like a celebration.” “What happens if we don’t win though?” Jisoo rolled her eyes, “Oh my god YOU WILL!”

You pouted, rolling your eyes at her, “But like… how do you know people are gonna come?”  “Cause it’s you!” “What’s that mean?” Jisoo snickered, patting you on your head, “You have climbed the social ladder young padawan, get over it.” A grimace took over your face, laying against the wall, “Plus I can finally seal the deal with Jongin!” The both of you looked to Jennie, obviously not completely on board with the idea, “Are you sure?” “What? I told you me and him are talking and stuff, so like it’ll be perfect for a hookup!” “Yeah but… I don’t know maybe I’m overthinking it but out of nowhere he shows interest in you right after Chanyeol and I fight and he’s friends with him…” “Trust me, he’s a nice guy.”

You shrugged your shoulders, still not convinced, “Whatever, just be careful though…” Jennie smiled, snuggling into your arm, “Awww is Y/N worried about me?” You cringed at the baby voice she used, pushing her away, “Never.” “Awww! Y/N cares!” You acted like you were throwing up, gaining a smack from Jennie’s side while Jisoo giggled at the both of you, “I’ll tell him you’ll beat him up if he hurts me.” “What a lovely way to set the mood.” She smirked, rolling her eyes before leaning on your shoulder and scrolling through her phone.

On the other side, Lisa sat there interrogating Chaeyoung for answers, “What happened !” “Be quiet you idiot!” She turned her eyes to you, sat in between Jennie and Jisoo as the three of you fell into conversation.

“How was it? Like what happened!” Chaeyoung shushed her again, blush on her face, “So like… ok I stayed the night right?” Lisa got excited smiling as she tried not to squeal, “We got back to her place and… kinda took a shower together…” Lisa gasped, smacking Chaeyoung on the arm, “You !” “Stop it Lisa!” “Tell me more!” “Ok Ok! So after that, we were in the kitchen and like figuring out what to eat and her mom came home.” Lisa nodded, fully focused on the words Chaeyoung was saying beckoning her to continue, “So I tried starting a conversation, cause you know… I want her mom to like me… Y/N had gone upstairs cause she had to put her mom’s things away and I don’t know I think it went well? I asked about the whole fundraiser and activities and stuff and she told me embarrassing stuff about Y/N but then it got kinda deep? Like… God! She said she trusts me and she hasn’t seen Y/N this happy before and like… Yeah I guess?” “ it up Chaeyoung!” The girl blushed, her eyes going wide as she tried not to show her face.

“Then what?” “So we ate and we were up in her room and like…” Chaeyoung giggled, hiding her face underneath her hands, “Finish the story Chae!” “We watched a horror movie cause she wanted to and she was being really cute… and like-” She turned her away from embarrassment, her face red as her body heated up, “Like- Ohmygod! We were cuddling and she would like give me kisses everytime I got scared and I would like… hide in… her arms…” Lisa squealed covering as she jumped around, the both of them looking like little girls while giggling together, “Then what!” “We watched Cinderella next-” “Wait to kill the mood!” “Listen though! Ok so we were watching and… I guess she got bored and like... I hate this!” Lisa smacked Chaeyoung, “Say it!” “She… she like… She me…”

Lisa’s jaw went slack while her eyes went wide, a gasp being heard as she held onto Chae’s shoulder, “You guys ed in front of Cinderella!” “Shut the up!”

Chaeyoung covered Lisa’s mouth, turning to the three of you to meet your eyes, all of you with quirked brows, “You guys good over there?” She nodded at Jisoo quickly, sending an awkward smile, waiting for you to look away before glaring at Lisa, “Don’t forget who’s sitting next to Y/N .” Lisa smiled apologetically, scratching her head.

“Ok but was it good?” Chaeyoung blushed, eyes going wide as she looked at the floor, Lisa gasping once again, “Oh my god!” “Like! Ok listen… so… we’ve done it before right… but this time… I don’t know something was different? Like it was extra good… and it just… something changed. And we ended up talking about the future… and she says she wanted to marry me one day… and… yeah… I think we’re more… secure now?” Lisa looked like she was about to cry, pulling Chaeyoung into a tight hug, “Look at you two! Being perfect together!” Chaeyoung blushed, trying not to giggle, “You and a certain someone could be perfect too!” Lisa pinched the girls chubby cheeks, rolling her eyes at her making Chae pout, “I’m happy for you idiot but that ain’t gonna be me anytime soon...”

Chae nudged Lisa, whining at her before the bell rang, signifying end of lunch, “Alright let’s go ladies!” Jennie shot up with a smile while you groaned, lightly pushing the shorter girl, “What’s gotten into you?” “I have my next lesson sitting next to a certain someone.” You saw her lips turn into a smirk, fake gagging making her push you into the wall before you laughed at her, “ you!” You smirked, picking up your bag before turning to Chae, the girl with a blush on her face while Lisa looked like a psychopath with a smile that stretched across her face.

You quirked your brow, weirded out by their behavior, “Everything good?” Lisa nodded, smile still stuck on her face, “Do I wanna know?” She shook her head, making you slightly scared but you pushed it aside, opening up the door, “Come on, we’ll be late.”




After school rolled around soon enough, heading to the gym tiredly for practice as you wiped your face, entering the changing rooms and wearing your shorts with a baggy tshirt before tying up your hair, Soyeon coming in right after you, awkwardness rising as you swallowed the lump in your throat, sneaking glances her way.

“Ah… Soyeon… can I talk to you?” She sent a bored look your way, quirking a brow, “What?” You were never good at confrontation nor were you good at making friends, hence the many years of lonesomeness from your side but god just decided to put you in a situation that required you to do both.

You scratched your neck awkwardly, even if the girl was shorter than you, you felt like she was glaring down, “Oh… uh… I just wanted to ask if… you know like… did I do something wrong or… If I did I wanna apologize but… could you just help me out?” “I just don’t like you.” Your face paled, letting out an awkward cough before nodding, “Got it.”

You moved to tie up your shoes, eyes stuck wide. You heard a sigh, eyes shooting to Soyeon as she leaned against the wall, “Do you like Yuqi?” “…I mean sure, she’s super sweet.” You watched her roll her eyes, clicking her tongue, “No idiot, are you into her?” Your eyes went wide, mouth falling open, “Huh?”

“If you’re gonna ask her out do it now or something…” You shook your hands in the air, stuttering out a reply, “No no no! You got it all wrong! I- I have a girlfriend!” She grew confused while you internally cursed inside for letting slip, “Who?” “Oh… Uhm… you know Chaeyoung?” “The Australian one?” “Yep…”

She nodded at you, awkwardness coming from both sides now, “Ok then…” “Just- like… please don’t let people know? I rather keep it lowkey right now you know…” “Do you mind if I tell Yuqi?” You bit your lip, thinking it over, “I just don’t want her getting a crush on you when you’re dating someone else you know…” You nodded, unsure on what to say, “Do you like Yuqi?” She blushed, mumbling out a little “yeah…” A sigh escaping your lips, “Can I tell you something… but you can’t tell Yuqi I told you… please?”

She nodded at you, intimidating stature gone now as she clung to every word you said, “She wanted my help on how to ask you out… that’s why me and her got super close quick…” Soyeon’s eyes widened, mouth falling open as she processed the information sending her a smile, “So I suggest if you’re gonna ask her out, do it now or something…” She grew embarrassed as you repeated her words, chuckling a bit as you got up, “I’ll see you on the court.”

“Ah Y/N!” You turned back to her, hands on the door knob when laughter came reached your ears, “Can I talk to you after?” You smiled, nodding at her before opening up the door, scaring Gahyeon and Siyeon, making them smack you in your arms while you cackled.

“You’re lucky you can’t get injured or I’d beat you up.” You gasped while walking up the steps towards the court, a hand on your heart, “And I thought you loved me.” Siyeon stuck a tongue out before both of them closed the door to begin changing while you turned around to meet Coach Bora dragging the basketballs out, quickly running to help her.

“Hi miss!” You grabbed the bag, tossing it over your shoulder as you moved to the center of the court and dropped it, taking out a few balls before setting them down, “How you doing?” She smiled at you, picking up her clipboard, “Tired.” “For a PE teacher you have terrible stamina…” She hit you lightly with it while you giggled, “Shut up smartass or I’ll make you do extra laps.”

You grimaced, stretching your arms and legs, “I rather die.”

She rolled her eyes before scanning over the drills she scribbled down, “So what’s the plan for today?” “I’ll have you girls start with basic layups and a few more drills, and then we’ll practice defense and attack, run over a few plays for the game on Friday and if we still have time after that I’ll let you play one game against eachother.”

You nodded, passing the ball between your legs as the girls started to join the both of you, falling into training after warming up.

The girls sat around in Jisoo’s car, buckling up before Lisa spoke up, “Where’s Y/N?” “She has training.” Lisa pouted, huffing, “Man I wanted to annoy her.” The girls rolled their eyes before Chaeyoung noticed another missing member, “And Jennie?”

Jisoo smiled, nodding her head forward as Jongin opened the passenger door for her, both smiling before they rolled out of the parking lot.

“What’s with that?” “She said they started talking a few weeks ago, he asked if they could go out for some food after school.” They nodded while Jisoo shifted the gear into drive, moving to drop them home, “Jisoo can we get some food on the way home?”

Jisoo looked at Chaeyoung, the girl shrugging her shoulders, “You know I’m always down for food.” The older girl let out a huff, moving to one of the cafes nearby that they frequently visited.

They got there soon enough, entering the quaint place before sitting down on one of the tables while Jisoo moved to order their usuals.

Lisa sighed, stretching her back before Chae nudged her, “What is it Roseanne?” She just smiled making the Thai girl send her a weird look, “What!” “Are you gonna ask her?” “What are you talking about Chaeyoung?” “Jisoo you idiot!” “What about her?!” “Come on!” “What!”

“Take her out on a date weirdo!” She blushed, shaking her head, “Why would I do that?” “Cause you guys would be so cute together and you’re into her!” Lisa shot a look at the counter, Jisoo in her own world while scrolling through her phone, “Shut the up you’re too loud!” “Just do it !” “Chae shut the up!” “Lisa just-”

“What’s going on with you idiots?”

Jisoo stared down at them with a quirked brow, setting down both girls favourite drinks before crossing her arms while they stared at her with wide eyes and red faces, “Hello?” “Chae was telling me about Y/N her!”

Lisa pointed an accusing finger to the Aussie girl, Chaeyoung’s eye twitching as she stared at Lisa in unbelief, Jisoo eyes widening slightly before she giggled, sitting down next to Lisa and leaning her head on her shoulder, “I rather not know…”

Chae sipped on her iced coffee, sending a look to Lisa as the girl pleaded for help, hearing her heart patter in her chest, “What’s the time?” Jisoo turned her phone Chae, the screen blinking four, “Let me check up with Y/N….”

Chaeyoung pulled out her phone, dialing your number as her fingers tapped the table.




“All I’m saying is, you have a chance, just take her out to a nice café or something, you guys are friends!” “Yeah but that’s the problem! How do I make it obvious that it’s a date and not like! Just us hanging out!”

You sighed, slipping your bag on before looking around to make sure no one was there, “Listen, the whole point is that cause you guys are friends, you have a chance to kind of feel the vibe? You two aren’t

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I know it's been three years (I apologize profusely) but I'm currently reworking break it with your boyfriend, not changing the overall plot but cleaning up confusing details/plot holes and changing a few things up to try and make it better before continuing to upload newer chapters.


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Chapter 14: WICKED cliffhanger...i gtg so i cant finish the rest of the story just yet and its killing mee
83 streak #2
Chapter 30: I wonde whats gonna happen next 🤔.. I hope that part never happened huhuhu .. is it reality or just a bad dream uwah can't wait for the next chapp
Chapter 30: It's taken me a while to come back to catch up on this story but wow....what a few chapters to come back to...

So much to unpack and process.

I knew the murder was coming, all that foreshadowing. But the way chae responded to everything, that was unexpected. I have to admit that I'd be scared of her in that moment as well. She was way to calm and collected. But it was interesting to see chae do a 180 from how she was at the start of the story. (Also as a side note I still want to know how they started hooking up. Been wondering since she was in a relationship to begin with and we were antisocial.)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to how the story is going to proceed, especially now that they are having some serious problems with each other and their coping. A bit worried about Nauen and Jennie though...especially Jennie now that chae seems much more possessive.

Is it wrong that I might be rooting for team Jennie now though???
Chapter 30: this story got me hooked!! looking forward for the next update :D
Adatchma #5
Chapter 30: Please update more
Bluesapphire17 #6
Chapter 30: OH MY GOSH YOU'RE BACK. my emotions when i read the last chapter came back when i read this chapter. im SHOOKT. Chaeyoung im scared of you.
soshow_29 #7
Chapter 30: Also, is rosie a psychopath????? Hot hot
soshow_29 #8
Chapter 30: Ayyyy welcome back!
Abt this chapter.... Idk. I feel like rosie kind of possessive of y/n and why i feel like rosie will kill naeun next .... IDK! but thanks for coming back!
Girlgroupsonly4ever #9
Chapter 4: Yes aliceee
Girlgroupsonly4ever #10
Chapter 3: omg alice 😂