Break It With Your Boyfriend
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more background music cause i love you


Your mind was buzzing, not sure on how many drinks you had taken but all you knew was that Jennie was sitting down on Jongin’s lap making out with him, Yuqi and Soyeon had already left just like a lot of other people meanwhile Jisoo and Lisa were talking outside.

You gulped down another mixture of whatever the you could grab, wincing at the taste as it burned down your throat. Chaeyoung still stuck in conversation with someone… hell, you didn’t know most of the people that were here that night.

You wiped your lips, turning to the backyard as you saw Lisa holding Jisoo’s hands, smiles growing on both of their faces making one grow on your own, atleast someone was happy.

You stalked over, stumbling in your steps before you fell against the door, both of them turning towards you as you rubbed your head, “Y/N?” “LOOK AT MY TWO GIRLS!” You smiled at them, moving closer to wrap your arms around them, “Psttt Lisa! How’d it go?” Jisoo raised a brow at her, smiling once she saw the blush that crossed Lisa’s cheeks, “I can say I have a girlfriend now…”

Your mouth fell open, eyes shooting between them comically before letting out a scream, pulling them tight, “I’m so happy for you two idiots… I love you guys.” You leaned back, smiling at them making them giggle, “If you don’t mind, me and my new girlfriend are gonna head to my house and have a sleepover.” You smirked at Jisoo, nodding your head, “Atleast take the poor girl to dinner first Jisoo!” She smacked you, grabbing Lisa’s hands, “Wait what about Jennie? Wasn’t she staying at your place?!” “She told me she’s heading home with Jongin, guess he passed the test?” You nodded slowly, waving to them as they passed through the crowd.

You headed back in, Jennie and Jongin standing up, the boy obviously stuck in a daze while Jennie smirked, fixing her smudged lipstick, “Y/N/N we’re gonna head out now…” You lazily smiled while moving to her, pulling her in a tight hug, “Be safe…” “Don’t worry I know.” You leaned back, ruffling her already messed hair a bit before turning to him, face immediately falling as a glare set in place, “You better take care of her or I’ll beat your …”

He nodded, coming back to his senses before leading her out, Jennie giggling as she waved from the door.

You moved back to the island, grabbing the almost empty bottle of vodka and a can of coke, chugging straight from the bottle before you took a few sips from the can, letting out a hiss as it went down your throat, almost feeling the numbness you craved before it came bubbling back up, eyes widening as you shot upstairs.

Running to your bedroom before pushing against the lock, fingers fumbling before the door finally gave in, falling quickly onto your bathroom floor as the hurl came up, retching your guts empty before leaning back, his pale face coming into view making you throw up again, gripping onto the toilet seat before feeling your hair pulled back, a soothing hand on your back rubbing circles. Slightly sobering up as you groaned, “You ok?”

You nodded, still not wanting to meet her eyes but the stench of your own vomit burned your eyes, forcing you to move back as his face came into view again, nausea filling your body but there was nothing left to throw up, “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up…”

She lifted you up, helping you to the sinks as you grabbed your toothbrush and got to work on getting that disgusting taste out of your mouth, “I’ll go get you some water…” She rubbed your shoulder, sending you a small smile as you nodded at her, continuing to scrub the brush against your teeth before cleaning your tongue, spitting everything out before rinsing your mouth clean of foam, washing your face too as you tried to collect yourself, grabbing a towel to pat your face dry, looking into the mirror as your eyes shifted to his body laying there.

A shiver running down your spine before you quickly walked out, almost bumping into Chaeyoung before the both of you froze in your steps, she giggled a bit, covering , “Here you go…” You thanked her, taking it before gulping it down in one go, Chaeyoung staring at the way your throat bobbed before her eyes followed the few drops that escaped your lips, watching it trail down your neck onto your chest before it slipped into the V-neck crop top you were wearing.

You let out a sigh, wiping your lips while setting the glass down on your desk, slowly moving to your bed as you plopped down, still stuck in thought while Chaeyoung followed your movements. Sitting down next to you, awkwardness taking over, ofcourse oblivious to Chaeyoung as all she could focus on was you.

She inched closer, slowly moving her hand to grasp yours as she slipped her fingers between your own, not feeling you grip back like you usually did making her shoot her head to you, face unreadable while staring at the wooden floors of your room.

“Baby?” You hummed, still not meeting her eyes making her turn her body to face you, her other hand moving to rest on your thigh as she gave it a subtle squeeze, “What’s going on?”

You didn’t speak, silence looming over the both of you for a minute before you let out a chuckle, “How are you doing it?” “Doing what?” “Why are you acting completely normal Chaeyoung!?”

She flinched at the sound of your raised voice, a whimper coming out of her making you immediately  feel guilt, “No don’t cry… - I’m sorry… I’m sorry Chae…” You wrapped your arms around her, her hair softly to calm her down, “It’s ok… just… please don’t… don’t shout at me please…”

You nodded, leaning back while frowning at her, “I know… I’m sorry I’m just a bit… on edge…” “Yeah I get it…” You sighed, moving away from her to run a hand through your hair, holding your head in your hands as you doubled over, elbows resting on your knees, “Chae what the have we done..?” She leaned on you, her fingers drawing patterns on your back as she peppered kisses on the edge of your shoulder, “We did what had to be done… He was going to you Y/N…” Your heart dropped, a shiver running over your spine at the thought, fear building in you, “But I was there… and it’s all ok now. I promised you right? We both promised eachother we wouldn’t let anyone hurt eachother…” You nodded again, “So I just kept my promise… everything’s gonna be fine…”

“What’re we gonna do..?” “I got a plan.” She smiled at you, fear running through your body as you sent a tight-lipped smile back, nodding at her as she stood up. She left you again, your heart beating fast while trying to prepare yourself for what was about to happen.

She came back hammer in hand, “Do you have any gloves?” “Uhh- Yeah one sec…”

You ran down to the kitchen, grabbing the gloves your mom used to wash the dishes before heading back upstairs, “Here you go…”

She tossed the hammer on your bed, putting on the gloves before moving to the toilet, growing weary about what was about to happen, “You coming?” You didn’t move, Chaeyoung sighing, “Just get like, a trash bag please?”

You nodded stiffly, swallowing the lump in your throat as you moved to grab some supplies, running down and up, stopping at the doorway as you saw her sitting on the edge of the tub, staring at him in pure wonder.

You shook you head, probably just imagining it before moving into the bathroom, “I got it.” She turned to you quickly, smiling before leaning up to kiss you on your cheek, “Thank you…” You nodded, leaning against your sink, crossing your arms as you watched with a sick stomach.

Chaeyoung moved forward, leaning against the tub on her knees as she held his jaw, the hammer in her other hand as she took in a breath, “What’re you gonna do…?” She hummed, thumb caressing over his jaw before turning to look at you, “Teeth are a way for investigators to identify the body…” “You know we could just call the police and name this as self-defense…” “Well it’s been hours, there’s alcohol in the house and we’re all underage and do they ever actually believe the victim?” You stayed silent, not meeting her eyes, “I’ll burn his fingerprints off next…”

That familiar feeling of your stomach dropping filled you, imagining the scenario in your head making you shudder.

Without a warning, you heard the hammer hit something, flinching at the squeamish thud as you froze in fear, not daring to look in her direction as it continued, eye twitching until it finally stopped, Chaeyoung sighing before the ruffling of the bag could be heard.

You turned as she stood up, immediately gagging at the mutilated face, unrecognizable as the smell of blood filled your nostrils, his jaw completely unlatched, the lower area of his face inhumane. You felt something coming up, quickly getting on your knees and puking again, your throat burning making your eyes tear up as Chaeyoung sighed, holding your hair back again as you let out more fluids.

“You know if you keep throwing up you’re gonna run dry of any moisture in your body.” She giggled, grabbing a tissue to wipe the vomit that was stuck to the side of your lip, grimacing slightly before throwing it away and flushing the toilet.

You were heaving, leaning against the cabinet as you closed your eyes, body shaky.

She filled up the glass that was sitting on your counter, bringing it to your lips, “Just rinse your mouth… come on…” You took a few sips, shaking the water around your mouth to get rid of the disgusting taste before spitting it back into the cup.

She drained it into the sink, cleaning the cup before squatting down next to you, “Do you have like a lighter or something?” You nodded, eyes still closed as you stood up shakily, stumbling out of the room to go get what she needed.

She let out a sigh, taking your place as she leaned against the cabinet, “You just had to ruin our night didn’t you…” She looked at him, receiving no answer making her shake her head as she ran her hands through her hair, tying it up in a messy low bun.

You came back, handing it to her as she stood up, “Chae I’m gonna… I’m just gonna go sit downstairs for a bit…” Her face fell but she nodded, watching you leave the room before flickering the lighter on and off.

She grabbed his long fingers, flicking the lighter on before placing it right at the tip of his finger, the smell of burning flesh filling her nostrils making her grimace. She watched as it spread, making sure to set each on fire before turning on the shower, the fire subsiding and revealing slimy skin.

She sighed, tossing the lighter away before her hands fell on her hips, letting out a grunt as she stretched, “What to do… what to do…?” She tapped her finger on her chin, gasping before running downstairs, not even noticing you with a bottle in your hand as you sat lifelessly on the couch, quite ironic….

She grabbed a knife, running back upstairs before forcing one of his eyes open, taking a deep breath before gouging it into his socket, blood splattering on her hands and face, twisting it and shoving it deeper, the squeamish sound replacing the silence as she continued to make sure he was unrecognizable, doing the same with the other eye. Letting out a grunt as she stood up, running the knife underneath the faucet as the blood flowed into the drain.

She turned back, eyes leaking blood down his face, almost as if he was crying, body slouched against the side, jaw basically dislocated, only being held together by the skin of his face, one side completely open as it revealed his gums, blood covering his shirt as it slowly continued to drip down from his mouth, drawing down to his hands, now completely scarred, a pinkish colour as the tissue revealed itself, lines of red slowly coming out as blood seeped through.

She stretched her arms tiredly, not hearing you come in until your voice rang through, “Chae…” You froze, eyes moving from her bloodied face to his discombobulated body, your mouth falling open as your heart started beating in your chest, knees buckling under you at the sight as you fell down.

“Y/N?” You scrambled back, breathing hard as you began to sweat, trying to calm yourself as tears pricked at your eyes, completely helpless. She was the only thing in your vision, feeling her wet hands on your cheek again, “Hey Y/N… it’s ok, I’m here!” You flinched away from her, holding your knees close to you as you tucked your head into your chin, rocking yourself back and forth, “Y/N?”

She felt hurt, seeing you react to her, the same way she did with him. “I won’t hurt you… I love you Y/N…”

You kept mumbling to yourself, completely out of it while trying to focus on breathing, your body shuddering in place as you held yourself, not processing anything else as memories of your father and sister ran through your mind, the images of the flipped over car, their wide lifeless eyes staring back at you as blood dripped all over their faces, mother crying by your side. Being completely transported back into your thirteen year old self at the sight of blood.

You felt warm arms wrap around you, immediately cuddling into her as she held you close, “It’s just me and you, we’re in your bedroom, nothing bad is happening, it’s safe here…” You listened to her heartbeat, matching your breathing to her resting rate.

You came back to Earth after a few minutes, listening to her voice as she guided you, “Inhale… exhale…” moving away as you blinked your tears away, “So this is what you look like when you cry huh..?” She giggled, wiping your tears away, covering your cheeks in his blood, feeling numb as you looked at her, a small smile on her face, eyes full of love.

“Can you help me with the last part..?” Your lips were set in a thin line, eyes hooded, no emotion left in you as you nodded slowly, “We just need to cover him up ok?” “Mhmm…” “I’ll get rid of some things, you go get another trash bag and some duct tape…”

You got up, moving away from her, arms limp as you scraped your feet across the floor, heading down to get the things she asked for as Chaeyoung moved to get a plastic bag, using the gloves that were tossed aside to pick up his teeth, dropping them with a disgusted look on her face before moving it to the side.

Using the trash bag you brought, she huffed as she lifted his legs, shimmying them up to his waist before slipping her hands into his pockets, searching around before she found what she was looking for, slipping out his keys and setting them on your sink counter, waiting for you to comeback and soon enough you did, standing there as you handed it to her, almost robotically, eyes stuck to the floor as she quietly thanked you, opening up the duct tape to cover his face, biting the tape apart after making sure every crevice was covered with the sticky gray band. She covered his top half next, taping up the bags together before letting out a sigh.

“Ok… let’s get cleaned up and then we can finally be done with this.” You walked away, heading into the guest room, Chae watching with sad eyes as she stared at your retreating figure. She got the gloves off, washing her hands and face before moving into the guest room herself, stripping off her clothes as she entered the bathroom, seeing you underneath the shower as the water pounded down on your head, watching the blood drip off your body, painting the water red.

Chaeyoung stepped in behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist while holding you close, feeling her front press to your back, gripping onto you, finally getting that familiar feeling of your heart skipping a beat, raising your hand to rest on top of her own, slipping your fingers between hers.




You both were dressed in your clothes, wearing some sweats and hoodies as you stared at the taped up bodybag laying there, Chaeyoung already getting rid of other evidence, using the garbage disposal for the teeth, and cleaning up the knife, setting it back into its place inside the kitchen drawer, the gloves left in a plastic bag after being washed clean, thrown into the trash outside.

“Now what..?” “Where could we bury a body…” “Why don’t we just dump it into the ocean or something?” Chaeyoung shook her head at you, biting her nail, “What about the forest near the orphanage?” “No.”

She finally looked away, staring at the way your jaw clenched, eyes narrowed, “Why not?” “I’m not hiding a dead body within the vicinity of children Chaeyoung.” “Well do you have any better ideas?”

You bit your lip, eye twitching unconsciously, “Listen, we’re in this together, but that means we need to do things we usually wouldn’t wanna do ok?” Your nostrils flared, rolling up your sleeves, “I’m not doing it Chaeyoung and don’t you dare suggest that every again…”

She grew quiet, seeing the vein in your neck pop out.

“We need to get rid of the car right?” She hummed as an answer, “We’ll take it to the junkyard, take off the license plates before we leave it, it’ll get crushed and we’ll be done with this…”

She sighed, moving to his feet as you picked him up, thankful that there was no blood on the bags covering him.

You both shuffled, keys jingling in her hand as you moved the body outside, stopping for a second as she opened up the trunk, making sure the street was empty before tossing his body inside. Quickly shutting it as the both of you got in the front seat, Chaeyoung changing the gear to drive, pulling away from the house while you stared at the passing street lights, stuck in thought.

She turned to look at you for a second, moving to put her hand on your thigh, not missing the way you flinched before going back to normal, Chaeyoung biting her tongue at your action before feeling your hand grab hers, moving it back to the console, holding onto it lightly. She looked at you again, still not meeting her eyes, stuck to staring outside the window.




You stood

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I know it's been three years (I apologize profusely) but I'm currently reworking break it with your boyfriend, not changing the overall plot but cleaning up confusing details/plot holes and changing a few things up to try and make it better before continuing to upload newer chapters.


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Chapter 14: WICKED cliffhanger...i gtg so i cant finish the rest of the story just yet and its killing mee
83 streak #2
Chapter 30: I wonde whats gonna happen next 🤔.. I hope that part never happened huhuhu .. is it reality or just a bad dream uwah can't wait for the next chapp
Chapter 30: It's taken me a while to come back to catch up on this story but wow....what a few chapters to come back to...

So much to unpack and process.

I knew the murder was coming, all that foreshadowing. But the way chae responded to everything, that was unexpected. I have to admit that I'd be scared of her in that moment as well. She was way to calm and collected. But it was interesting to see chae do a 180 from how she was at the start of the story. (Also as a side note I still want to know how they started hooking up. Been wondering since she was in a relationship to begin with and we were antisocial.)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to how the story is going to proceed, especially now that they are having some serious problems with each other and their coping. A bit worried about Nauen and Jennie though...especially Jennie now that chae seems much more possessive.

Is it wrong that I might be rooting for team Jennie now though???
Chapter 30: this story got me hooked!! looking forward for the next update :D
Adatchma #5
Chapter 30: Please update more
Bluesapphire17 #6
Chapter 30: OH MY GOSH YOU'RE BACK. my emotions when i read the last chapter came back when i read this chapter. im SHOOKT. Chaeyoung im scared of you.
soshow_29 #7
Chapter 30: Also, is rosie a psychopath????? Hot hot
soshow_29 #8
Chapter 30: Ayyyy welcome back!
Abt this chapter.... Idk. I feel like rosie kind of possessive of y/n and why i feel like rosie will kill naeun next .... IDK! but thanks for coming back!
Girlgroupsonly4ever #9
Chapter 4: Yes aliceee
Girlgroupsonly4ever #10
Chapter 3: omg alice 😂