Kang family: Almost [Part 2]

Book of Visual Couple
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Seulgi changed a lot after she was left alone by her family. She is still unable to contact her wife and daughters. She used to ask Yongsun but she end up received murderous glare from her. Starting from that moment, she never asks again. She also stopped going out with her flings. She only focuses on her work and searching for her family. She not giving up on them

“Seul, you’re zoning out. Something wrong somewhere?” Moonbyul sit across to Seulgi at the cafeteria

“Nothing wrong, unnie”

“Still thinking about your family?”


Moonbyul folded her arms on the table “I don’t know where they are now but they are fine. I tried to ask my wife about them but she is not telling me. I just heard a bit from Eunbi since she often meet with Wendy”

“What should I do to bring them back, unnie? I feel hopeless now” Seulgi said weakly

“Hold on for a while okay? Soon you will find a way to settle your problem”

“I don’t know if I have a chance to meet them. Sooyoung obviously hates me, not to mention their mother. I worry about Yerim. Usually she will get sick if we are apart from each other for too long. I miss my family” Seulgi vision blurred by tears

“Don’t lose hope. Sooner or later you will meet them” Moonbyul paused “If you want them back, make sure you are not repeating the same mistake. No playing around anymore. If only they give you chance but you still the old Seulgi, I bet it will be the last time you see them”

Seulgi remains silent as she registers what Moonbyul just said to her. Moonbyul continued after no response from her friend “You’re silent, do you not agree with me? You don’t want to quit cheating? If you still want to enjoy your life then just continue but don’t expect your family to return to you. You’re greedy, don’t you realize it? You want to enjoy yourself with random women and at the same time you want to keep your family. If there is no more love for them, set them free. Irene unnie and the girls deserve someone who can protect them. Someone that they can rely on and always be there whenever they need. If you can’t do that then it’s better to stop looking for them”

Moonbyul sighs heavily “We’re not getting young, Seul. We will need our kids to take care of us. We’re not always on top. Now you might not need your daughters but when you need them, you will see the value of your family. Remember the day you took Irene unnie as your wife. You do not marry her just because she is pretty and smart but you want to start a family with her. You vow to protect her until you die but what happens now? All you do is break her heart. Not only hers but 4 hearts in total. Imagine if that thing happened to your daughters? Would you like it if their husband or wife were cheating on them every now and then? Remember that no one protects the girls if not you. You don’t have a son. No one is replacing you to lead the family. Unnie can protect the girls but how much she can do compared to you? You are the husband in your marriage so it is your responsibility to protect them. You’re lucky that Irene unnie did not cheat back. If she does, I bet she will find a better person than you. Believe me, she has everything that men want in their wife. While you’re not appreciating your wife, there are a bunch of men queuing up to replace you. You’re a loser, Seul”

“I regret it, unnie” Seulgi shed tears

“You always said that when things turn upside down but see what happens now?”

“I really regret it. I want my family back” Seulgi wiping her tears with tissue

“Don’t stop searching for them and beg for their forgiveness. Unnie not sending divorce papers, right?”


“That means you still have a chance. Don’t give up” Moonbyul tapping Seulgi hand “Let’s go back to work”


Meanwhile Seulgi’s daughters are getting fond of Suho. They are very happy whenever Suho visits them and brings a lot of food. The girls also often go out with Suho either to the mall or just to a convenient store to buy snacks. Suho spoiling them like his own daughters

Wendy arrived at home but she didn’t see her sisters around. Only her mother lounge at living room watching TV

“Mom, where are Yerim and Sooyoung?” Wendy sit beside her mom

“They are going out with uncle Suho”

“Ohh” Wendy said “Mom, do you think Uncle Suho likes you romantically?”

“Ayy, why would you think like that?”

“Who knows if only he falls for you…will you accept him?”

“I am too old to date”

“You still look young though” Wendy nudging her mother lightly

“I do look young but dating again, I don’t want to. I’m tired thinking about love”

“What about you and daddy?”

“I don’t know yet, sweetie. I still can’t make a decision. I don’t want to separate all of you from your dad but at the same time I am so sick of her. She has not changed since before. I will consider if this is her first time cheating but she did it before you were born. You’re 24 years old now but she still acts like she is single. I don’t think her parents make mistake when they register her birth”

“I do not encourage you to divorce with daddy. She is my father and I love her. I love both of you. Whatever your decision is, we will support you. If you decide to stay then we will make things right together but if you choose to part ways then we will go far away. You hurt enough mommy. I and Sooyoung know it even though you try hard to hide from us. We’re really worried about you. You deserve someone who can make you happy. Either you choose daddy or not, we don’t mind as long as you are happy”

“Thanks darling” Irene hugged her older daughter and kissed her temple “Whatever happens in future, my first choice is 3 of you. No one will ever take your place in my heart. Having you and your sisters is enough for me. All I want now is seeing my babies live happily without stress about family problems. You just focus on your work while your sisters focus on studying hard. The other matter let mommy handle it”

“Okay mom” said Wendy “But mom as long as you can work things out with daddy, please do it. Please mom…for all of us” her mother just answered with short nods. After that she excuse herself to her room


Joy and Yerim arrive at home when Wendy returns to the living room after showering. Yerim sit on her mom laps while Joy sit on the beanbag

“Unnie!” Yerim squeal seeing her unnie show up at living room

“Hi baby, where are you going earlier?” Wendy squish Yerim cheeks

“I go out with Uncle Suho and Sooyoung unnie. We buy pizza for dinner” the maknae pointing at 2 box of pizza on coffee table

“Unnie, Eunbi unnie buy sushi for you” Joy pointing at plastic bag beside pizza box

“Did you all meet her earlier?”

“Yes, we bump into him and Jisoo unnie. They buy sushi so she buy for you too”

“Okay” Wendy said happily

“Girls, let’s eat now. You two still need to do your homework after this” Irene said to her daughters

“Okay mommy”


Seulgi goes to the mall to buy something. When she exited the store, she saw Irene in front of the ice cream shop. Without thinking twice, she run to her wife

“Bae Joohyun!”

The said woman tilted her head looking at Seulgi blankly “What do you want?”

“Hyun, where are you going all these times? Where do you bring our daughters?” asked Seulgi

“It none of your business”

“Please Hyun, bring them back to our house” Seulgi begging

“No way, just bring your mistress to stay with you. No one stopping you anymore”

Suddenly Yerim ran out of the shop with ice cream “Mommy!” she grinned, then she looked to her side “Daddy!” she throw up her arms asking her dad to carry her where Seulgi quickly do it

She showered Yerim with kisses and hugged the little girl tightly. She miss the little one so much “Baby, daddy miss you”

“I miss you too daddy” Yerim kisses her dad cheek “When can I go home with you?”

“Yerim” Irene called her daughter sternly “We’re going home now. Uncle Suho is waiting”

Seulgi noticed that a man was standing beside Irene. It makes her heartbroken more. She was startled by Yerim's voice “Daddy, I will go home now. We will meet again, right?” the girl voice shaking

“Yes baby, we will meet again. Be a good girl, okay? Say hi to your unnie. Daddy miss them”

“Okay daddy, I love you” Yerim hugging her dad tightly

“Daddy loves you too” Seulgi caresses Yerim back, not minding Irene's cold stare. She put Yerim down after that and Irene quickly grab Yerim hand “Don’t be too harsh on her”

“Not your business!”

“Bye daddy” Yerim looking at her dad sadly

“Bye baby” Seulgi send her daughter off with teary eyes

Since she already bought what she needed, Seulgi decided to go home. She not in mood to walk around anymore


Meanwhile at Suho car, the ride is silent. Yerim abandons her ice cream and lets it melt in a plastic bag. Irene also not saying anything

“Irene, are you okay?” Suho asking softly

“I’m good”

“Emm, that woman earlier…is she their father?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“Yeah, right” Suho stop asking more before he make Irene more upset


Seulgi has a meeting around Wendy's workplace so she uses that chance to meet her daughter. Right after office hours ended, she rushed to the building to wait for Wendy. As soon as she saw her daughter, she hurriedly approached the girl. Without any complain, Wendy following her dad to nearby park

“How’s life now?” Seulgi start their conversation

“Everything is fine, dad”

“Do you hate me?” Seulgi ask hesitantly

Wendy shaking her head slowly “No…never in my wild imagination hating my own father. If not because of you, I won’t be who I am now. Your behavior may be bad but you’re the best dad. I never hate you dad, believe me but I can’t disobey mommy” she confess while look straight to her dad eyes

“Thank you for not hating daddy. Daddy also loves all of you so much. I’m very sorry for hurting your mother and all of you too. Maybe daddy is too late but daddy will never stop begging for an apology. Daddy regrets everything. Even if we’re not allowed to meet each other, daddy is always waiting for you guys to come back to our house. Daddy never stops waiting. Daddy never stop loving all of you”

Wendy tears slowly dropping down her cheek when she saw her dad holding her tears. She is not strong, seeing her dad on the verge of crying and looking weak “Daddy, we will be back. Let mommy calm down first, okay?”

“No honey, you mom hates me so much. She will never forgive me. I have hurt her a lot since back then. Daddy deserve resentment from her”

“Daddy” Wendy holding her dad's hands “Whatever happens, we are always a family. We love you, never hating you. No one will break us until death do us apart. If everyone resents you, remember that I always hold your back. I never leave you, dad. I am always updated about you. I know everything happens to you daily. Eunbi keeps me updated. Please daddy, be strong for us”

“I don’t know how long I can be strong. I commit a lot of sins to my own family. I’m really a jerk”

“Daddy, don’t say that”

“Wannie, promise to daddy…if in the future we’re not together anymore, please take care of your sisters and your mom. Be a good daughter to your mommy. Lead your sisters to a good path. Daddy know you can make it”

“Dad, are you leaving us?” Wendy worry

“No, daddy always here but daddy need you to promise”

“I promise dad”

“Thank you sweetie” Seulgi smiling weakly “Tell Sooyoung that daddy apology. Daddy miss her so much”

“Dad, she doesn't hate you. She was just upset because of what you had done. She will forgive you though”

“I hope so”

Wendy stares at her dad softly “Please dad, change to a better person if you want mommy to forgive you. Show her that you’re not the old version of yourself. Make her believe that you are able to be a good husband and father. There is still a chance for you to win her heart. She is not hating you completely. I’m with her every day so I know her well. If she hates you, she is already sending divorce papers but nothing comes, right?”

“Yup” Seulgi nods his head

“Believe me that she is giving you a chance to change. She may not be saying anything but her actions can tell. It has been a month yet she is not doing anything. Why would she leave you hanging if she really doesn't want you anymore in her life? Do the best for us, okay daddy? We need you”

“Who is the man with her? I bumped into them last weekend. She and Yerim are with someone”

“That is Uncle Suho. He is our neighbor”

Seulgi frowned “Do you think your mom likes him?”

“That’s why I want you to work hard to win mommy again. It is not possible if mommy falls for him because he treats us kindly. Don’t lose to anyone, dad. She is still your legal wife. Do you dare to see him with mommy or we call her dad?” asked Wendy

“Of course not” Seulgi deny “I will do my best even your mom is hard to break”

“Yeah, work extra hard. Maybe it easy for you to woo her before but now it very hard”

“Hmm” Seulgi sighs

“Dad, I have to go now. It’s getting late. I don’t want mommy to worry” Wendy stand up from the bench

“Okay, drive carefully” Seulgi hugging his daughter then kiss her forehead “Please unblock me from your number so we can keep in touch”

Wendy scratched her head “Emm, can you buy a new number to make it safe? I still use my number so contact me after you get new one”

“Alright” Seulgi agree “Kiss everyone for me”

“Sure thing” Seulgi walk Wendy to parking lot then he also leave after make sure Wendy leaving safely


Seulgi walks lazily to the door. Someone rang the bell disturbing her rest day on the weekend. She did not expect any guests to come. As she open the door, her eyes turn wide when she saw her parents outside

“Appa, eomma…why do you come without informing me?” she said while inviting them in

“Do we need to make an appointment if we want to visit our daughter?” Mdm. Kang ask sarcastically

“Why does your house look empty? Where are my granddaughters?” Mr. Kang asking

The question makes Seulgi nervous to death “Hey, why are you not answering your appa? Is that question too hard?” her mother ask

“Umma, appa…actually…there is something happen and they…moved out” Seulgi stutter badly

“WHAT?” the elders shout

“What happened to Kang Seulgi? Why would your family leave you?” Mrs. Kang ask firmly

Seulgi hand shaking in fear “I…I'm cheating and Irene finds out. She is really angry then she makes the girls run away. We are not together for a month now”

As expected, Seulgi got a hard smack from her father “What a shameless daughter? No wonder your family is leaving you. You deserve it” said Mr. Kang

Seulgi cried in pain while rubbing her cheek. Then her mother said “Do you divorce?”

“No…we just live separately”

“Irene should just divorce you. She should find a woman better than you” Mr. Kang sternly said

“Call her to come here. I want to talk to her” Mrs. Kang stated

“U…umma, she block my number” Seulgi quietly said

His mother rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone. She dialed Irene's number. After few beeps, the line connected

Mrs. Kang: Hello sweetie

Irene: Hello umma

Mrs. Kang: Hyun, umma and appa at your house now but we were shocked that you moved out already. We heard from Seulgi already but it is better if we hear from your side too. Can you come here and we can discuss the problem? According to Seulgi, it has been a month since the chaos happen so it not nice it we left it hanging for too long

Irene: Oh…okay umma. I will be there in an hour

Mrs. Kang: Alright sweetie

They hang up then Mrs. Kang glares at Seulgi again “You are very disappointing” she said to her daughter. Seulgi just sit silently, nervous at what going to happen later

Irene arrived an hour later as she promised. She only comes alone without the girls. They settle in the living room and Seulgi's parents start their interrogation. Irene tells them about their daughter's behavior even though the elder already knows that Seulgi never quit from being a player. Seulgi didn't say anything regarding the issue. Her parents gave her a dirty look. They are really ashamed of her.

“So…what are you two going to do now?” Mr. Kang looking at the couple

“I choose to separate for a while. I need to calm my mind” Irene stated firmly

Seulgi look at her wife “I don’t mind if you want to stay away but please let me meet the girls”


“How long will you guys stay at different places? There are pros and cons if you choose this way. You can’t just choose to leave your relationship hanging by staying separately for years. You have to make a closing. Remember that you two have 3 daughters that need your attention. It may be comfortable to stay separately but what about in future? Don’t delay it. Either you cut it off or start again? Both choices are not wrong. You can start fresh with the girls or you can divorce but still meet them whenever you two are free. The choice is in your hand now” Mrs. Kang looking at Seulgi and Irene

“I don’t want divorce. My decision is final” said Seulgi

“Don’t make decision as you pleased” Irene glare at her husband

“Give me one more chance to make it right”

“I always give you a chance before this but you take it for granted. I know you will do the same thing again next time. You used to promise too but look what happened now? All you could do is ask for forgiveness, want a chance then repeat the same mistake. I’m so sick of lies!”

“This is last chance I want from you” Seulgi begging with teary eyes


Seulgi slumping her shoulder “I will not give up. If we divorce, the girls will stay with me”

“I am also not giving up fighting for my daughters. They will abandon their child because you will not take care of them!” Irene balled her fist. If not for her parent-in-law, she already slap Seulgi face

“Calm down will you two?” Mr. Kang stopped the couple bickering “You haven’t divorce yet but already this is chaotic. What if your daughter witnessed this scene? Both of you will end up hurting them. Please discuss properly like an adult. You shouting at each other only makes the situation worse. Don’t you be embarrassed if your neighbor hears it?” he looked at them sternly “I give you 1 month to make a decision. If you can’t give me an answer when I come back exactly a month from now, I will take your children with me and your umma. I mean my words Seulgi, Irene. This is important decision so don’t take it for granted”

Mrs. Kang added “Irene, please move back to this house. Staying separately will not solve the problem. It is no different like you running away from your problem. Bring your kids back soon as possible”

“Okay umma” Irene answered quietly. None of them dare to lift up their face to look at the elder

“Good, we want to meet our granddaughters. Bring us to your place”

“Alright, are we going now?”


Seulgi asking quickly “Appa umma, I want to go too”

“Go change your clothes”

“Okay” Seulgi ran to the bedroom to change. He is so excited to meet his daughters


In the evening, Irene brings Yerim to the playground. Joy also joins them while Wendy goes out for a date with Eunbi. Irene sat on the bench watching her daughters playing happily. Joy is 19 years old but she still wanted to play around with the kids in Yerim age

Suho also joined them. He sat with Irene on the bench. Sometimes he laughs seeing the kids’ antics. It make Irene wondering why he not married yet since he love kids so much

“Oppa, can I ask something?”

“Go ahead”

“I see…you love kids but why do you not marry yet?” Irene looking at the guy beside her

Suho chuckle lightly “I have 2 sons but they stayed with my parents” he show his sons picture to Irene “This one is Kim Jongin and this little one is Kim Sehun”

“They are really handsome” Irene commented

“You’re right” Suho giggle

Irene looking at Suho with frowning face “You said you’re single”

“I do but I adopt my boys”


“Yes” Suho admitted “I used to have a fiancé before but we call off our engagement”

“Why?” Irene eyebrows knitted

“I am barren. I can’t give her a child so I decide to let her go. She does not agree with the break up but I want her to have a complete family with a husband and kids. I can’t do that for her so I choose to set her free”

“It’s hurt to hear” Irene clutching her shirt

“It really hurt. It took years for me to get over her. Letting her go is not easy because I love her so much but I don’t want to be selfish. Her happiness is a matter for me. I let her go completely during her wedding day. My heart is broken into pieces when I witness a woman that I love so much stand in front of the altar with another man. Moving on is the hardest process when you really love that person”

“You’re amazing that you can go through it alone”

Suho turned his body to face Irene “I don’t know what happened in your marriage but I advise you, as long as you can find a way out of your problem please don’t choose to divorce. It’s hard, believe me. I had been there before. I know I'm just a stranger and I don’t have the right to get involved in your personal affairs but as your friend, I don’t want to see you and your daughters hurt. Your girls need their dad and you need your husband too. You can be selfish but what about the girls? Will they be fine if you divorce? I don’t think they will be okay, especially Yerim. She doesn't know anything. They miss their daddy. Joy and Yerim used to confess when they went out with me. I feel sorry for them but I can’t do anything. I am just able to say everything will be fine soon. Their father may be bad but his daughters still need him. I can see how much she misses Yerim when we bump into her before. Think carefully, okay?”

“Thanks oppa for the advice”

“My pleasure” Suho smile


Eunbi and her family lounge in the living room. She just come from the terrace after spending time playing mobile game

“Appa, I noticed that I didn't see Uncle Seul today. Her car is there but he is nowhere. Usually she will sit outside” said Eunbi

“Hmm, I don’t see her since yesterday” said Moonbyul

“This morning I saw uncle Seul arrive from somewhere. She wears a hoodie and looks slightly pale. I want to ask her but my phone ringing so I rush to answer the call” Jisoo said

“Could it be that she is sick?” Eunbi exchange glance with her father

“I think so”

“Let's check on her. I have their key” Eunbi said

Yongsun clear “No need, she know how to take care of herself”

Moonbyul and her daughter looked at each other again “Sorry honey but we will still go. If you want to scold us, save it for later. Seulgi is my friend, I won’t let her suffer alone” she stated “Come on” both of them run out quickly

Yongsun can’t believe Moonbyul saying such things. She was startled when Jisoo spoke beside her “Mom, I will go with them!” she run following her father and twin sister

Eunbi unlocked the gate and door with a spare key that Wendy gave her just in case of emergency. Wendy worries about her father staying alone so she asks Eunbi to keep her eyes on her dad. They enter the house and saw Seulgi balled on the couch, sleeping covered by thick blanket

“Appa, I think she really sick” Jisoo talk with low voice

“Let me check first,” said Moonbyul. She palm Seulgi's forehead and it was really hot. “She is burning” then she tapped Seulgi’s cheek to wake her up “Seul, wake up…hey…Seul…do you hear me?”

Seulgi opened her eyes slowly “Moonbyul hyung?”

“Yes, it’s me”

Eunbi helps Seulgi to sit down “What are you all doing here?” she asked weakly

“We come to check you. I haven't seen you since yesterday. We’re worried, you know”

“I'm not feeling well. Fever since yesterday”

“Uncle, have you gone to the clinic already?” Eunbi asked

“No, I just bought medicine from pharmacy this morning”

“Have you taken it again? Your temperature is a little too high now” Eunbi touching Seulgi forehead again

Seulgi shake her head “No, I sleep after take medicine this morning”

“Have you eat something?” asked Moonbyul

“I just eat bread this morning”

“Aigooooo” Moonbyul and her children shake their head

“Jisoo can cook something for you. What do you want to eat?”

“I don’t have appetite” Seulgi resist

“Uncle, I will cook for you. You need to eat before taking your medicine. You need energy too” Jisoo convincing “Do you want porridge?”

“Yes, sure” Seulgi nods weakly. She is touched seeing Moonbyul's daughter's kindness. He imagining his daughters attending him right now

“I will cook now” Jisoo skip to the kitchen

“Thank you for visiting me. Does your wife know that you all come here?” Seulgi asking

“She knows but we don’t care if she scolds us. We want to make sure you’re okay”

“You shouldn’t disobey her. Don’t end up like me. See what happens to me now. Alone, lonely, empty and miserable”

Moonbyul squeezing Seulgi's shoulder softly “Don’t say that. We are here for you. You’re not alone”

“Uncle, if you need company I will stay here with you tonight” Eunbi offering himself

“No sweetie, uncle is fine alone here. You come here now is good enough” Seulgi ruffle Eunbi hair “Don’t tell Seungwan that I am sick. I don’t want her to worry. Besides, my condition is not bad. I just catch fever”

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1233 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
262 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 813 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
262 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1233 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute