Forbidden love - ft. Winrina X Giselle [Part 3]

Book of Visual Couple
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Karina nervously leaves her last class this evening. Today she will meet with Winter to end their relationship. She already composed herself for their final meeting as girlfriend. Her sister and Giselle have been giving her support since yesterday. Now she is ready to face Winter

“Minjeong” Karina approaching Winter who stand facing the lake

Winter turned around when she heard Karina's voice. She welcome the older girl with smile and hug “I miss you”

“Hm, me too” Karina answer shortly

“Babe, let’s go to the usual café. We haven’t met for a week. I have a lot to talk with you”

“I’m sorry but we can’t”

“Why? Do you have any activity after this?”

“No, my schedule ended already”

Winter reactions change. She stares at Karina sharply “Are you meeting someone else that makes you don’t want to go out with me? Is it because of that new girl in your class?”

“Yaa Minjeong, don’t involve Giselle in our matter. Why do you always say her name whenever we meet? Do you like her?”

“I don’t like her. I don’t like her near you”

“Why? What makes you insecure? You never behave like that when I’m with my friends. What’s wrong with you actually?” Karina groan

“I don’t want her to take you away from me. I can see that she is aiming for you. She is a threat to our relationship”

“Don’t accuse blindly, Kim Minjeong. I don’t want to argue because of your jealousy” Karina massage her nose bridge “I have something to say to you. This is very important and I hope you accept it open-heartedly

“What is it?” Winter looking at Karina intensely

“Let’s break-up”

“What do you say?”

“We break-up. I cross my heart and this is final. After thinking carefully, I decide to obey to my mother”

Winter laughing “Aside from your mom’s wish, Giselle is also one of the reasons you want to break-up, don’t you?”

“Minjeong, please stop bringing Giselle to our problem. She have nothing to do with us”

“Remember how bad you don’t want us to break-up when your mom asks you to? You whining to me to bring you far away from your family so that we can be together. At the same time, Giselle appears out of nowhere. In less than two months, you declare a break-up” Winter smirk “Do you think I don’t know you have an affair with Giselle?”

“Please stop that nonsense thinking of yours!”

Winter scrolling through her phone then shove the gadget to Karina’s face

“These two photos were taken when I’m away. I know that the person in the second picture is Giselle. I don’t know where she takes you but you can’t lie that you’re hanging out with her. You’re enjoying yourself with her. That black phone is also not yours. How many lies have you kept from me since you know that bastard?!”

“Minjeong!” Karina shouted at Winter for the first time since they were dating “Our break-up has no involvement with her. This is my own decision and I do this because of my mother. I don’t want to hurt her. Hangouts with friends also do nothing wrong. I used to go out with my friends and so do you. Don’t make this thing an issue just because you don’t like her. Your dislike for her is also nonsense. You’re just overthinking!” she lost her patience because of Winter behavior. Her possessiveness and insecurity make Karina dizzy

“Don’t dare shout at me!” Winter lost control and she almost slap Karina

Seeing Winter raising hand to slap her, Karina tries to avoid it. She is ready to accept the slap but nothing happens. Then she realizes someone is hugging her. She thought Winter was hugging her like it was drama but the smell of perfume is different. She opens her eyes and realizes that person is Giselle. Winter slapping Giselle’s back head instead of Karina’s cheek

“Aww ” Giselle groans silently “You okay, Ji?” she checking Karina condition

“Yes” Karina nodded her head. Her eyes suddenly teary when she sees Giselle. She suddenly feels weak when she sees Giselle’s face. Giselle released Karina from her embrace and turn around facing fuming Winter

“Wow, your knight is shining finally coming” Winter asked is sarcasm

“Regardless of knight or not, I hate violence in every relationship” Giselle stated “Bro, I don’t mean to be involved in your problem with Karina but you’re too much. You can shout at her, point your finger but I can’t accept you slapping her. Imagine if you slap her hard earlier, she could fall to the ground and her head could bump into this marble bench. If that happen, regret will be meaningless”

“You’re acting like you care because you like her, don’t you?” Winter intimidating Giselle

“I do this as sense of humanity. I’ll do the same even if the person is not Karina. Stop cornering her with your false accuse. Grow up, bro. What you do now is showing how childish you are. It’s not a mature move”

Giselle looks at Karina who hides behind her “Ji, do you want me to slap her on your behalf?”

“No, don’t do that” Karina shake her head grip tightly on Giselle’s hoodie

Giselle moves close to Winter while Karina follows behind her. She grabs Winter’s shirt collar “Once again you try to hurt this woman, I’ll throw you to that lake. I’m not joking with my words. Take note! Let’s go, Ji” both of them leaving Winter alone


Now Karina and Giselle are in Giselle’s car at the parking lot. Karina is crying in Giselle embrace. She cries due to sadness and hurt because of her argument with Winter when she wants to end their relationship in the proper way. She doesn't want them to part ways in bad situations but the thing that happened earlier is out of her expectation. Thankfully Giselle came on time so Winter was not able to lay a hand on her. Her mom will notice the red mark on her face because her skin is very sensitive. She can see her mom explode when she find out her daughter slapped by Winter

“Done crying?” Giselle wiping Karina tears

“Em” Karina nods her head

“Did she hurt you before I came?”

“No, she only raises her voice. How do you know I’m there? I thought you already went home. You said you want to meet with your mom”

“I'm going to meet Mr. Park after our class ends. When I was on my way to the parking lot, I heard some whispers about you and Winter argue. I worry if she pushes you to the lake so I run as quickly as I can. Thankfully I come on time or she’ll hurt you for real. I don’t hear any of your talk, don’t worry”

“Are you doing that to other people if they are in the same shoes as me?”

“No, I only do that to you. No way will I interfere with someone else's business. That’s not my style”

“But you said you also will do the same if other people in the same situation” Karina pouting

Giselle chuckled “I said that because I don’t want her to feel suspicious over us. You said that she don’t like me”

Karina rolled her eyes “She is already overthinking and accuse that we break-up because of you. She also don’t like the face of us hanging out”

“She saw the pictures that you posted on your Instagram?” Karina nods “I told you don’t post pictures that have my trace. Look what happen now”

“Nothing wrong with those pictures. I also post a lot of pictures when I go out with my friends. It’s normal”


“Yaa, are you upset too?”

“No” Giselle shook her head “Are you two over already?”

“Yup, we don’t have any relationship anymore”


“Giselle, I want cuddle” Karina showed puppy eyes

Giselle shocked “Here? At the parking lot? Are you serious?”

“Gi, don’t tease me” Karina pinching Giselle’s arm

Giselle laughing “Alright, we go to my apartment. Don’t sulk. Let me kiss you first” she kissed Karina on lips and cheek

“Don’t tickle me” Karina laughing

“Let’s go to my apartment. We’ll not cuddle in the car”

“What about my car? I drive my own car this morning”

“I’ll ask my staff to bring your car to my apartment. This evening I’ll drive you home because I work the night shift tonight. I pick you up tomorrow”

“You’ll not sleepy tomorrow if you work tonight?”

“We only have tutor class after lunch so I can sleep in the evening”

“Okay then”


At Kim’s house

Tiffany noticed that her daughter was not in the mood since she arrived at home. Winter also does not talk to them during dinner. Usually she’s very talkative when they gather. Worry about her daughter condition, she decide to go to her bedroom

“Baby, can mommy come in?” Tiffany asked when she opened the door a bit. Winter is at her study table, staring at her laptop

“Yes mom”

Tiffany sat on the bed edge, looking at her daughter “I noticed that you’re not in the mood since you arrived at home. Is something wrong on campus?”

“No mom, everything is alright”

“You do not usually like this. Tell me”

Winter suddenly crying makes her mother worry “Baby, come sit here. Tell me what bothering your mind”

Winter sit beside her mom than hugging her “Karina, mom…Karina”

“What’s wrong with Karina?”

“She break-up with me. She doesn't love me anymore” Winter bawling. Her nose already red and stuffy

“Why so sudden, honey? Don’t you say that both of you love each other very much?”

“What’s happening here?” Taeyeon suddenly show up and joining her family on the bed

“Winter break-up with Karina” said Tiffany

“Seriously? What caused you to break-up?” Taeyeon asking her daughter

Winter tells her parents about her meeting with Karina’s family and about Karina’s mother wanting them to break-up. She also tells them that Karina suddenly announced their break-up. Her parents are shocked by that. They thought everything is going well with Karina and Winter because Winter acts like usual at home. She also looked happy talking about her day with Karina

“Boo, what should we do now?”

“Karina said break-up so nothing we can do. You can’t force her, baby” Taeyeon caressing her daughter hair

“Dad, I know this is not Karina's decision. It’s her mother who is forcing her to do so. We must go to their house to meet her parents. Let’s talk about this properly” said Winter

“Boo please, at least we try talking slowly with Karina’s parents” add Tiffany

“Okay, we’ll go this weekend”

“Alright dad”


Kim’s family is currently at Kang’s house. Yerim and Seulgi were already shaking when their maid said that Winter and her parents are coming. Irene still doesn't know that the person she hates the most came to her house because she’s in the bathroom when the family arrived. Now only Seulgi, Yerim and Karina sit at living room with Winter’s family

“May I know why your family came here all of a sudden?” Seulgi asking

“We came to discuss about Minjeong and Karina. My daughter said Karina suddenly wanted to break-up with her. She also mentioned that your wife does not approve of their relationship. We would like to know why she doesn’t like our daughter dating Karina. At least give us proper reason” said Taeyeon

Seulgi and her daughters looking at each other. They don’t know how to answer the critical question. Revealing Karina’s identity is a no because it’ll only make the situation become chaotic. Seulgi’s brain work harder than usual to find the answer for Taeyeon’s question

When Seulgi was busy thinking about the answer, a firm voice echoed in the living room. That is no other than Irene. She stares at Kim’s family with firm eyes. Taeyeon jolt on her seat and her eyes open wide when she see her ex wife

“It’s me who wants Karina to break-up with Winter” Irene said firmly. She gave a sharp glare at Taeyeon “What with that face Kim Taeyeon? Do you not expect that I am still alive?”

“Boo, do you know her?” Tiffany confused as she noticed that Taeyeon face pale when she see Irene

“Tell your family who I am, Kim Taeyeon. I bet you also know the answer of my dislike to your daughter” Irene cornering Taeyeon

“Tae?” Tiffany is waiting for the answer from Taeyeon. She is serious when she call Taeyeon by her name

“She…she is my…ex-wife” Taeyeon stutter

“Seriously daddy?” Winter asked in disbelief


Tiffany turns her face to Irene “So you don’t want Karina and Winter dating because she is the daughter of your ex-wife?”

“Your answer is right, Mrs. Kim but it’s not accurate. The accurate answer is…”

Karina shut her eyes as she didn't want to see Winter's reaction when she discovered their relationship. Winter and Tiffany also waiting for the real answer

“Karina is Kim Taeyeon’s biological daughter” Irene stated

“Seriously?” Tiffany gasped

“Yes, no reason for me to lie about that matter”

“Yah Joohyun…” Taeyeon protest

“It’s Irene for you, not Bae Joohyun. You don’t have rights to call me by my Korean name”

“Sorry but are you serious that Karina is my daughter?” asked Taeyeon

“Do I need to remind you that I am heavily pregnant with your child during the time you were thrashing me and you almost killed me and Karina? I believe that you’re not that old to forget that my tummy is big on the very last day I stay under the same roof with you”

Taeyeon hung her head low. She doesn't know how to react “Daddy, why are you doing this to me? Why are you not telling the truth that you have a child before me? How could you not recognize Karina when she came to our house before?” Winter retaliate as she still can’t accept the truth

“Maybe your father don’t want you to know how jerk she is back then” said Irene

“Aunty, please tell me this is just fabricated because you don’t want me to date Karina. I can’t believe this” said Winter

“I have many more important things to do than fabricating this kind of story. It is obvious that Karina is Kim Taeyeon’s daughter no matter how much I want to deny it. It’s up to you to believe me or not. Your father also not deny it” say Irene

“Daddy, why must Karina be born as your child?” Winter sighs loudly

“Mrs. Kang, can we make a paternal DNA test for Taeyeon and Karina?” Tiffany speak again after few minutes of silent

“Why? Still can’t believe that your husband has another child?”

“I just want confirmation regarding this matter. If the result is positive, I’ll make sure Winter accepts the break-up but if it’s negative, please let the girls date. I beg you to put aside the past for the girls happiness if only DNA test is negative” Tiffany talk softly

“Okay, let’s do the test” Irene answer confidently

“Thanks for the consideration, Mrs. Kang”

“You’re welcome”


“Mommy, what if the DNA test turns out negative?” Karina worriedly asking her mother while holding her mom’s hand tightly

They are going to meet the doctor to get the result of the DNA test. The test was made three days ago. The result is out quickly because it handle by Dr. Kim Jisoo

“Don’t worry, baby. The result is positive. I am your mother so I know all the truth about you” Irene answer confidently

“Mom, what if they demand Winter to date Jimin even if they are sisters?” now it’s Yerim who ask the question

“No baby, it’ll never happen. Mommy will not let it happen” said Irene

“Mom, appa will be there too, right?” Karina whines. She can’t relax until she meets her appa because only her appa can give her comfort. Sadly Seulgi has to leave early today because she has an appointment with her patient.

“Appa will be there. We’ll hear the result together” Irene calming her younger daughter

Kim's family arrived at the doctor’s office 10 minutes before Irene and her daughters. Seulgi was also there with them. When they enter the office, Karina immediately runs to her appa and hugs her. Seulgi showers Karina face with kisses while the younger girl whines at her appa. Taeyeon witnessed the scene with sad eyes. It’s her who is supposed to be there, pampering her daughter but because of her past mistake, now Karina is happy with someone else. She regretted what she had done but everything was too late. Irene hate her to death and it give impact to Winter too

“Shall we begin now?” Jisoo asking both parties

“Yes doctor”

Jisoo unseals the white envelope that contains the result of the DNA test between Taeyeon and Karina “As we know, this is the result of the test that we made last Monday. Whatever the result is, I hope both parties accept it open-mindedly. The result is accurate and no involvement from third party”

Jisoo takes out the paper then she checks the final result that is written on the paper “The result of DNA Paternity test, Kang Jimin is positive Kim Taeyeon’s biological daughter. The probability is 99.99%. There is no doubt that Kang Jimin and Kim Taeyeon are blood related. I hope both family are satisfy with the result and no more argument regarding this issue” she give each family a copy of the result so they can keep it

Irene speaks after reading the result “I hope your family is satisfied with the result and accepts the fact that Karina and Winter are paternal siblings. Don’t ever think that my family fabricating anything”

“Yes ma’am, we’re very satisfy and thanks for the consideration to do the DNA test” said Tiffany

“You’re welcome” Irene smiles at Tiffany. She have no problem with Taeyeon’s wife because Tiffany have nothing to do with her marriage issue with Taeyeon back then

“As for you Kim Taeyeon, even though you know that Karina is your biological daughter, you don’t have right to approach her in any circumstance” Irene stated firmly

“Why? I am her father so why can't I?” Taeyeon puzzle

Irene chuckled, “It’s funny that you call yourself her father. Her biological father was dead 22 years ago and now Kang Seulgi is her only father. Jimin is my daughter with Kang Seulgi. You have no rights over her. Don’t touch a strand of her hair. Don’t ever try to get custody of her because you’ll only bring shame on yourself. If you take unpleasant action, I’ll fight with you in court. I am not joking around, Kim. Back then, I’m a weak woman who you could control as you wanted but not now. Once you try to play with me, I’ll make sure you regret it”

“As for you, Kim Winter, don’t try to disturb my daughter anymore. Please stay away from her. I don’t want to harm you but if you’re stubborn like your father, I’ll not hesitate to take legal action. Don’t think I don’t know that you almost hit my daughter a few weeks ago. I have the CCTV footage. I never lay my hand on her but you dare to hurt her. I’m taking this matter seriously, Kim Winter” Winter not dare to look at Irene when she heard what Irene said

“Mom, is this woman that made Kim Taeyeon hurt you?” Yerim suddenly asking

“No, not her. That died in a plane crash several years ago. Karma doing job well”

Seulgi steps in when she thinks it’s enough for her wife to let out what’s in her mind. She doesn't want to prolong the argument “Since we already got the result, I hope this matter ends here. Please don’t bring up this topic anymore in future to avoid unwanted argument”

“Yerim, Jimin…please bring your mom to my office. Appa want to talk with Mrs. Kim and her family for a while”

“Okay appa” Irene and her daughters leave the office

“Taeyeon-ssi and Tiffany-ssi, I apologize for Irene’s words earlier. She is very sensitive when it comes to Karina and her past. This is good enough that her anxiety disorder and trauma do not come back when she meets Taeyeon-ssi. It is a good improvement. Back then she couldn't even hear Taeyeon-ssi's name. Her anxiety disorder will attack her if she heard that name”

“We understand her situation, Dr. Kang” say Tiffany

“Seulgi-ssi, can you help me to meet with Karina at least once. I really want to hug her and apology” Taeyeon pleading

“I’m sorry, Taeyeon-ssi. I can’t risk it. No matter how bad we try to hide, Irene will find out. It’ll hurt her if we go against her order. I can’t help you to meet Jimin, Taeyeon-ssi”

“It’s okay”

Seulgi holds Winter’s hand softly “Winter, I know you’re a good girl. Slowly accept the fact that you and Karina are not meant-to-be. She is your unnie. We can’t deny it. God will replace her with someone far better that will make you happy. As her mother wanted, please don’t come near Karina so that it’ll help you two move on from each other. For the case that you almost hit Karina, I forgive you. I know you’re too

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1233 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
261 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 813 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
261 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1233 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute