Kang family: Seulgi for Irene & Yerim

Book of Visual Couple
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Seulgi arrived at his parent house around 10 in the morning. However, the elder are not at home. He thought maybe his mother go to market with his dad so he not calling them. His parents don’t know about his arrival because he not informed them beforehand.

After putting his luggage in his room, he goes out again to meet with his beloved girlfriend. Her house is just few block away from him so he only take a walk since weather is good. 10 minutes walking leisurely, he arrived in front of her house and saw his dad car also there

“Ohh, mom and dad visiting their daughter-in-law” he cackle then skip to the front door and press the bell. He hope that his girlfriend will open the door so he can give her hug and kisses

Door open by a woman in her 40’s which is out of Seulgi expectation but he still happy because that is his future mother-in-law


“Hi mom” Seulgi smile and replied by cold stare from the woman. He just shrugs it off

“Come in”

When they arrived at living room, everyone are welcoming Seulgi with cold stare. Usually they will be very excited when he comes back

“What are you doing here?” his girlfriend asked dryly

“Visiting you, what else? I got a week holiday so I come back”

“Oh, you just remember me now. All this while, you’re enjoying yourself at Daegu”

Seulgi getting confuse seeing everyone reaction is not as cheerful as he expected “Of course I remember my girlfriend. Wait…what actually happen with you guys? What with these grave look?”

Mr. Kang stare at his son “Seulgi, Wendy is not your girlfriend anymore. She will get married soon”

“What?” Seulgi chuckle “Appa, today is not April fool. Don’t play around with this prank”

“No one prank you. My daughter is engaged to someone who deserve her” said Wendy’s mother

“Seungwan, is this true?”

“Yes, it’s true”

“Why? I thought you love me and will wait for me. How can this happen?”

“Why would I wait for you when you’re enjoying yourself with someone and that is pregnant? I’m not that fool to stay with someone who not serious wanted to have future with me”

“I don’t get you. I never have girlfriend other than you and I seriously want to marry you but wait until my saving is enough for us to settle down. I’m not cheating on you” Seulgi puzzle

“Stop acting innocent Kang Seulgi. You’re hurting my daughter. We thought you’re working but actually you just play around when you’re far from her. No wonder you desperately want to work at Daegu because you have mistress there!” said Mr. Son

“Shame on you” Mrs. Kang gritted her teeth

Seulgi slam his hand on the table and looking at the people at living room with flame of anger “I not accept it when someone accusing me doing something that I never do!”

“We have prove” Wendy retort

“What is you prove?”

Wendy grabbed her phone and search for something then shove her phone to Seulgi “This is your picture with your mistress walking around at Daegu and at the clinic”

“Now tell us which part we’re wrong” said Mr. Kang

Seulgi laughing hysterically “So you guys trust this picture and decide to marry her off with someone. How funny is these narrow-minded people” he stare sharply at Wendy

“You still not admit that you’re cheating and having baby with that woman?” Mrs. Kang asking

“Mom, I thought you will take my side”

“No way will I take your side this time”

“Huh, if mom already said that then dad also not believe me, isn’t it?” Seulgi looking at his parents dejectedly

“You better get out of here Seulgi. We don’t need you anymore” said Mrs. Son

“You don’t need to kick me out. I also don’t want to stay at the place that not supposed to be mine but I will enlighten you all and take back my property before I leave” Seulgi exchange sharp stare with Mrs. Son “This woman that you all saw here is daughter of my boss. She just lost her husband few months ago because of accident. We are friend and she is my superior. She knows that I want to marry Wendy. We never have relationship more than friend and she respects me as someone’s boyfriend. She taught me a lot about how to become a good husband. What you all saw at this picture is when we meeting with client from overseas. The scene at hospital is when I drive her to hospital for check-up because her assistant is busy. I’m not cheating like you all think. All this time I worked hard to save money for our wedding but you all misunderstand my intention. I never expect you never appreciate my sacrifice for you, Wendy. As for your accusation earlier Mr. Son, I choose to work at Daegu because that company offer me decent salary so that I can feed your daughter with good food, give her good shelter and buy expensive clothes for her. Sadly, no one see that include you!” he said while looking at Wendy

“All of you literally stupid!” Seulgi shout

“Seulgi, don’t you dare shout in front of us!” Mr. Kang pointing his finger to his son

“Why? Want to call me rude? You may do, I don’t mind if you call me rude. I can’t believe that all of you make decision without talking to me first. Am I not deserved a bit of respect?” Seulgi scowl “You know mom, dad, Wendy, you all successfully humiliating me. Thanks a lot for that. I hope your decision will make you all happy. This is what you want. I don’t want to know who gave you that picture but I hope that person will be happy on my sadness”

“Seulgi, sit down” said Mrs. Kang

“No mom, I want to go” Seulgi turn to Wendy “Give me the keys that I gave months ago, your Macbook and your phone”


“Just give me quickly!” Seulgi yell

Wendy go to her room and come back again with a bunch of key and her Macbook then give it to Seulgi along with her phone. He takes out SIM Card and tossed it to the table

“What are you doing?”

“These are my property because I bought it. If you want this stuff then ask your future husband to buy it for you. Last time I not telling you about these keys so…this is house key that I bought for you but you don’t deserve it anymore.” Seulgi smirk seeing everyone looked shock “I hope you will be happy with your future husband. Thanks for wasting my time loving you for nothing. Mr. Son and Mrs. Son please don’t treat your son-in-law like you do to me. Don’t easily trust rumor. I’m leaving!”

Seulgi walk faster to their house. He wants to cry but this is not right time. He needs to be strong for himself. There is no one comforting him anymore.

After packed some of his stuff, he drags his suitcase to living room. He decided to leave this house and don’t know when he will come back. At front door, he bump into his parents

“Where are you going Seulgi?” Mrs. Kang asking

“One more step, you don’t have to come back anymore” Mr. Kang said sternly

“I’m leaving mom. Don’t wait for me to come back. I not promise when I will return” he leaves to his car without turn back


Irene is cooking at her house distracted by sound of doorbell. She turned off the stove and walk to the door with her 7 month pregnant belly. Her eyes turn wide when she saw Seulgi outside looked messy

“Seulgi, aren’t you going home this morning? Why do you look messy?”

“I need hug”

“Aigooo” Irene open her arms then Seulgi hugging her “Hey, what happen to you?” she asked softly

“I will tell you later. I need hug first” Seulgi mumble

“Let go inside. It not nice if neighbors see us here”


“Now tell me what make you like this” said Irene

Seulgi voiced out the incident at his girlfriend house earlier. Irene knows Seulgi is holding his tears. She sympathy towards him because she is the reason Seulgi lost his girlfriend

“Seul, I’m sorry because of me you lost your lover. I’m very sorry”

“You’re not at fault. Don’t blame yourself”

“If you not accompany me to hospital, this will not happen. Do you want me to explain to her?”

“No need Rene. I explain to them already. It’s up to them to believe or not. They supposed to talk to me before make any decision but they choose to cut it off without telling me. Maybe we’re not meant for each other”

Irene squeeze Seulgi shoulder “Stay strong, okay?”

“Okay Rene”

“I will cook for dinner. You rest here”

“Do you need help?”


Seulgi follow Irene to the kitchen and get a glass of water for himself. He is looking at the pregnant woman who busy cooking. He admitted that Irene looked glowing when pregnant. Both of them know each other when Seulgi start working at Bae Engineering 4 years ago and he know Irene late husband too. Both of them treat Seulgi like their sibling and same as Irene family. He witnessed every hardship that Irene go through after her husband died in accident during her 2nd month’s pregnancy. She almost lost herself and Seulgi is one of the people who stay by her side supporting her to continue her life again. Now she back to normal and live happily waiting for her first born



“Your mom said you often exhausted these days and legs swollen”

“She told you?”

“Yes, I bump into her few days ago. She wants me to keep my eyes on you”

“Are you still learning to be a good husband now?”

Seulgi smile shortly “Yeah, who know if I need it, right?”

“Just do anything that makes you happy. You stay with me when I in my hardest time and I will be there for you too. Not only me but us” Irene caressed her belly

“Thank you Rene” Seulgi looking at Irene belly “Can I touch?”

“Touch what?”

“Your belly, if you not comfortable then it okay” Seulgi giggle awkwardly

Irene walk to Seulgi side and bring Seulgi hand to her belly “Fell it?”


“Do you feel movement?”

Seulgi gasped when he feel slight movement “Yes! Baby is moving…omo!” his eyes suddenly teary

“Yah, why do you crying?” Irene laughing

“I just…I don’t know…I feel touched”

“Emotional much”

“Emm” Seulgi caressed Irene belly again “I can’t wait to see you little man”

Irene smile warmly seeing Seulgi interaction with her baby “Please don’t leave us, okay?”

Seulgi looked into Irene eyes then he nods “I promise”

Irene continues cooking while talking about random topic with Seulgi. After 15 minutes, foods are done and they eating

“When you will go back to your mom house? You shouldn’t stay alone here” Seulgi start their topic

“I’m not alone. Sooyoung, Hayoung and Yerin are here with me” Irene talked about her cousins who stayed with her at her house since she’s 5 months pregnant because she don’t want to stay with her parents yet

“I still worry even the kids are here with you. If you hurt, do they know how to attend you?”

Irene giggles “You sound like mommy now, you know?”

Seulgi shrugged his shoulder “I think I’m often hangouts with her and your dad that’s why I’m infected”


“Hey, where are the girls now? I’m here almost 3 hours but not seeing them yet”

“I let them sleep at their parent house tonight. They must be missing their family”

“That’s mean you will be alone here?”

“Yup, they will come back tomorrow”

“Hmm, I will stay here tonight” Seulgi stated


“I don’t want to leave you alone. What if you’re suddenly hurt or something?”

“Okay, suit yourself”

Seulgi offer to wash dishes after their dinner and let Irene rest at living room. When he’s done cleaning, he goes to guest room to wash up. Irene also washed up as well

“Seul, your phone ringing earlier but it stop before I get it” Irene said after Seulgi come and join her at living room

He checking his phone to check the caller “Sunmi noona called” he called his sister back while Irene continue watching TV

“Hello noona”


“Oh, mom told you already?”


“I’m fine noona, don’t worry. I will be okay”


“I back to Daegu again. No reason for me to stay. No one needs me at home”


“You don’t have to come back noona. Just focus on your work”


“Okay, take care, noona. Miss you”



Seulgi tossed his phone to the table then sighs heavily “Your sister knows about your issue already?”

“Yes, mom told her this evening. She want to come back to accompany me but it not necessary. I don’t want to trouble her”

“Please move on, okay? Don’t think too much. You deserve better”

“Thank you Rene” Seulgi smile

“No problem. I know how it feels when you lost someone you love dearly and mine is worst. If I can go through that phase so why not you? You’re man and you will be fine. Don’t let this issue become the reason you lost yourself. All these years, you busy loving someone who doesn’t appreciate you and now is time for you to love yourself. One day, the right person will come to you. When that day comes, you don’t need to work hard to show your love because they will see without you saying or proving it. Patience is virtue”

“I will always remember your advice”

Suddenly, Irene whining “Seulgi~”


“I want to eat apple”

“Really? We just eat dinner around an hour ago”

“Baby craving for it” Irene caressed her belly

“Okay, I will get it” few minutes later, Seulgi come back with sliced apple “Here” he gives the plate to Irene

“Feed me”

“Okay ma’am” Seulgi feeding Irene with apple then he noticed Irene feet swollen “Your feet…it swollen”

Irene looking at her feet “You’re right”

“I will massage it later”

“Is it okay?”

“Yup, not a big problem”

“Okay then”

After washing his hands, Seulgi get massage oil and start massaging Irene feet. Irene is staring at Seulgi for a while now. She unconsciously smile as she saw him focus on massaging her

“You will be a good husband one day and will be good daddy too”

“I will practice hard to be a good daddy and husband” both of them cackle

“You really don’t mind doing this for me? I mean if people see us, they will think I am your wife. It will be difficult for you to get girlfriend”

“Let them think as they want. As long as I can keep you safe, it is not a problem to me”



“Sometimes I will crave at night or early in the morning. Sleep upstairs later, okay?”

“There is no more room up there”

“Sleep in my room”

Seulgi flinch “Seriously Rene? I mean…”

“I’m serious. We’re not going to do weird stuff”

“Err…I’m worry if I can’t control myself” Seulgi blushing

“Believe in yourself”

“I’m can’t believe myself” Seulgi scratch his head

“It’s okay”

“What is okay?” Seulgi confuse

“It’s okay if you can’t control yourself later. Everyone has their needs too” Irene said casually

Seulgi face turn red again “You will let me touch you? You’re pregnant now Rene”

“Pregnant woman have their time too”


“You accept my offer or not?”

“I accept”

Irene smile happily “Okay, let sleep. I’m sleepy already”

“Rene wait” Seulgi hold Irene wrist

“What?” Irene gasped when Seulgi carrying her on bridal style without warning “Yah!”

“Let us heal each other broken heart” Seulgi whisper while looking at Irene “Let me be the person that you need and want every day”

“Seulgi…” Irene eyes teary

“Don’t say anything Rene. Save it for next time. Right now…I need you and I want you. Call me desperate but I need someone to turn my attention from my current problem”

Irene exchange stares with Seulgi while caressing his cheek with her thumb “Make me feel the love again” she whisper

Seulgi close the gap between them. Their kiss start slow but getting deep and hot. Irene softly moans during their tongue battle. They pull back after needed oxygen

“Bedroom” Irene smile seductively. Seulgi carefully carrying Irene to her bedroom then they start undressing each other. Seulgi being careful with Irene and not to hurt her and baby


Morning come and Irene is the first one to wake up. She saw Seulgi sleeping peacefully beside her while his arm wrapped on her waist protectively. Both of them are from last night. It has been a while since she has after her husband die. Seulgi make her feel it again

“Seulgi” she tapping Seulgi cheek but Seulgi not responding “Seulgi, wake up”

“Emm” Seulgi groan and rubbing his eyes “I’m…sleepy”

“It’s 8 AM already. Wake up before the girls come back and see us”

Seulgi lazily open his eyes and yawn “I’m still tired Rene”

“Me too but we have to wake up”

“One more hour, okay?”

“No” Irene sit up slowly while covering her bare chest with blanket “Seulgi, I’m sore”

“Really?” Seulgi sit up immediately “Which part? Do you need massage?”

“My lower half and no massage, get bathrobe for me”

“Okay” Seulgi walk to bathroom without caring about Irene seeing him. He come back with towel wrapped on his lower half “Here, get up”

“Let me do it”

“Aishhh no, I will do it for you”

“But…” Seulgi cut her off before she said anything

“I saw everything last night so nothing to hide anymore” Seulgi get a punch on his chest

“Don’t say such thing” Irene stands up and wear bathrobe with Seulgi help “I want to wash up. Tidy up our bed, okay?”

“I want to join you”

“No Mr. Kang. I know what you think. Baby not allowing you to do it anymore for today”

Seulgi pouting “Okay”


Both of them cuddle at living room while watching TV. Irene rested her head on Seulgi bare chest since he is not wearing shirt while Seulgi caressing Irene belly. Both of them just makeout at living room

“Seul” Irene tracing the mark that she made on Seulgi chest


“Thank you”

“For what?”

“For taking care of me, for not hating me even I practically the reason why you break up with your girlfriend”

“No way will I hate you. You’re not the reason we’re break up. That is not your fault. It’s them who make judgment too soon so serve their right. Wendy and I don’t meant-to-be so we just stop until this stage”

“I still feel guilty” Irene said weakly

Seulgi kissed Irene crown “Don’t think about it anymore. Just continue with what we have now, okay? Just you and me”

“Don’t forget my baby”

“Yeah, right” Seulgi giggle then he kissed Irene belly “Hey, are you tired last night? You don’t see anything right? Papa will embarrassed if you see it”

Irene cackle then pinch Seulgi nose “Papa Seul”

“Can he call

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1233 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
262 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 813 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
262 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1233 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute