Kang family: mommy

Book of Visual Couple
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“Good morning daddy!” 5 years old Yerim greet her dad at dining table

Seulgi gives his daughter a morning kiss on her chubby cheeks then helps the girl to sit on the chair “Good morning baby. Do you brush your teeth already?”

“Yes dad” Yerim takes a sip of her milk “Where is mommy?”

Seulgi let out soft sigh then he smile shortly “Mommy is working”

“Today is Sunday, dad” Yerim said quietly

“I know but your mom said she has urgent work to do. She leave home early in the morning”

Yerim's face turned sad “When can we hang out together again? I want to play with mommy”

Seulgi understands his daughter's feelings. Since early this year, Irene rarely spends time with both of them. She is too busy with her work. She comes home late at night, leaving early in the morning and sometimes during the weekend she also has to go to the office. Seulgi doesn't want to think negatively about his wife. He tried to understand her career. She just got promoted as executive director in one of the famous cosmetic companies and her current position demands her to work extra hard. Seulgi doesn't want to bring up the issue because he doesn't want Irene to think that he is a possessive husband. Luckily his work does not demand him to work overtime or travel so he can spend maximum time with his daughter. He will do his best to make time for little Yerim even he know he can’t fill the gap that supposed to fill by her mother

“Baby, listen to daddy, okay?” Yerim slowly looked at her dad with teary eyes. “Mommy is working hard so that you can buy a lot of books, toys, dresses and delicious foods. She doesn't mean to abandon you. One day, she will spend time with us like before. When that day comes, you can do whatever you want with mommy, alright?”

“But daddy, you also working yet you still can play with me” Yerim frown

“We’re not working at the same place, that's why we’re different. You remember mommy working at a big office, isn’t it?” Yerim nods her head “Good, for now you will only play with daddy while mommy is working. Not only daddy…Uncle Byul, aunty Jennie, Uncle Jisoo, Aunty Lisa and Aunty Sunmi are there for you. They will play together with you anytime you wanted”

“Okay daddy”

“Good girl” Seulgi pats Yerim head softly “Now continue our breakfast. Daddy makes tuna mayo sandwich for you. After that, we wash our car”

“Daddy, can we go to Aunty Jennie house? I want to play with her”

“Sure, daddy will call her later so she not go anywhere”

“Okay daddy”


As Yerim requested, she and her dad go to Jennie and Jisoo's house. Jisoo is Seulgi’s cousin and they are close to each other. When Seulgi is working, Jisoo’s wife, Kim Jennie, will babysit the little girl. Jennie is a teacher at kindergarten where Yerim studies so it is easy for her to keep her eyes on Yerim. Seulgi will drive Yerim to their house in the morning then he will pick her up in the evening or whenever he goes home. Their house is just a few blocks away from each other. Since the couple haven’t had a child yet, they spoil Yerim like their own daughter.

“Aunty Jennie!” Yerim run to Jennie soon as she enter the house while Seulgi and Jisoo walk behind her

“My baby!” Jennie opens her arms widely then the little girl throws herself to Jennie warm embrace. She carries Yerim to the living room “How are you today, sweetheart?”

“I’m fine aunty” Yerim squishing Jennie’s cheeks with her small hands

“What do you eat for breakfast?”

“Tuna mayo sandwich”

“Does it taste good?” Jennie whisper a bit but Seulgi and Jisoo still can hear it

Yerim nods her head “At least not salty like fried rice last time” both of them cackle after that while Seulgi throws an annoying glare. He know his daughter always complain to Jennie about foods that he made since his cooking skill is still bad even he tried hard to learn cooking

Jisoo pats Seulgi shoulder “Hyung, is noona working again today?”

“Yes, she said she have meeting with client at other city so she go out early” Seulgi sound disappointed

“She just arrived from an overseas trip a few days ago, didn't she?”

“Yeah but she never gets tired. Lately she has been spending less and less time at home. I barely see her at home with us. She go out early and come back when we already sleeping”

“You never talk about this issue? You should do something before situation getting bad”

Jennie interrupts “Jisoo is right. Unnie is getting far away from you and Yerim. It is not a good thing, oppa. Remember, you two have daughters that need your attention. Don’t make her lack love for both of you. I know your intention is you want to be a tolerant husband but it will only make her drift farther than you. Over a year all of you are so close yet so far from each other. Please oppa, don’t be a weak husband. Remember your little girl”

Seulgi stared at his daughter sadly. Currently she is watching cartoons on Jennie’s phone so she does not focus on the older conversation. He knows what Jennie said is true. He is really weak when it comes to his wife. He always tolerate in whatever she do even he also hurting as well as his daughter

“Hyung, don’t forget what we saw before. She is really working but at the same time, she also uses it as an excuse to hang out with Park Bogum. Never in history has an employee gone to the mall with their boss, shopping, holding hands, whispering so intimately, holding her waist and pecking on cheeks. We never do that. No one ever does that, hyung. You know what does that mean, isn’t it?” Jisoo said deeply

“I don’t mean to accuse her but I don’t think she goes out for work today” Jennie said

Seulgi rubbed his face roughly “I’m weak when I face her. I don’t know why I can’t say anything even that time I’m angry at her”

“We know that you love her more than anything. However, you must be strict when needed. If you continue being weak, nothing will be better but worse, you and Yerim might lose her. Remember, Park Bogum has everything that can make women fall for him. He has a big company, fame, money and many assets. Who are we compared to him? Before he takes noona away, you should fight for her. Don’t wait until you regret being careless. Now it still early to take action”

“Both of us and our friends are holding your back. I believe Seungwan oppa and Joy also want the best for your family. If you need help, we always lend our hand. We don’t want our baby Yerim to sad” Jennie added

Seulgi pull short smile “Okay, I will do my best to protect what is mine…for Kang Yerim”

“Yes, for Kang Yerim” Jennie say after Seulgi

“Also for his future sibling” Jisoo said innocently then they laughing


“Hi mommy!” Yerim run to her mom when she saw her mother enter the front door

“Hi baby” Irene crouch to give a kiss for her daughter

Both of them holding hands as they walk to the living room “Mommy, let’s eat dinner together. Daddy cooked bulgogi for dinner”

Seulgi only stares at their interaction from the kitchen “Baby, mommy is already eating with friends before going home. You eat with daddy, okay? Mommy promise, next time we will eat together”

Yerim smile when her mom promise to eat with her “Okay mommy~”

Then Irene carried her daughter to the dining table and sat her on the chair “You sit here properly while waiting for daddy to serve dinner. Mommy buys chocolate milk for you. Do you want to drink it now?” she show the small milk carton in plastic bag that she bring

“Yes mommy, I want it now”

“Mommy will get one for you. The rest will be in the fridge”

“Alright mommy” Yerim squeal when she saw her favorite chocolate milk that her mom and dad always buy for her

“Good girl” Irene kiss Yerim scalp before she go to kitchen “Seulgi-ah” she hugging her husband from behind

Seulgi turns off the stove then turns around “Welcome home” he leans forward to kiss her lips but she avoids. He kissed her cheek instead. He took a few seconds before pulling away and his heart was broken when he smelled an unfamiliar fragrance on his wife's dress. It smells like men’s perfume!

“What do you cook?”

“Bulgogi, Yerim want to eat bulgogi”


“You don't join us?”

“No, I already have dinner with my friends”

“Alright” Seulgi said quietly

“Have a nice dinner. I go upstairs first”


Irene not forget to kiss her daughter again before she go to bedroom


Seulgi, Jisoo and Moonbyul on their way back to the office after meeting with their client. However, they got stuck in a traffic jam because of an accident. The traffic moving slowly since 20 minutes ago and they are still at the same spot right now

“My hurt already” Moonbyul from backseat complaining every now and then

“You’re getting old, hyung” Jisoo and Seulgi giggle

As they moved forward, Jisoo noticed a familiar car “Why did that car look familiar? I guess we used to see it somewhere”

All of them thought then Seulgi snapped his finger “Park Bogum. That is his car”

“Oh, the ert that hanging out with your wife” said Moonbyul

“Yes, he is”

“Jisoo-ah, grab a chance to move forward. Let see if Joohyun is there with him” Seulgi trust his hunch that his wife is in that car

“Seul, don’t do something when we’re in the middle of the road” Moonbyul said

“Don’t worry, hyung. I will calm myself”

“Good, that’s my boy”

After a few minutes, cars in their line move forward then stop right beside the suspect car. Since Jisoo's car window is tinted, no one can see them. Irene also doesn't know that it is Jisoo's car. All of them turn their head to the right to see who is inside that car. Since Bogum car tint not dark like Jisoo’s, they still can see the passengers inside

“Oh !” Jisoo and Moonbyul gasped

Their eyes widened when they witnessed Irene and Bogum kissing in the car. Seulgi's expression is unreadable while Jisoo and Moonbyul are already angry. Fortunately they are on the place where they unable to do something or else, they are already pull Bogum out and break his face

“Seul…” Moonbyul said quietly

“Animal” Seulgi mumble

“What are you going to do to her? Don’t tell me you still keep your mouth shut” said Jisoo

“I already plan everything perfectly and I will drop the bomb”

“We always support your decision. We trust that you will do the best for your daughter” said Moonbyul

“Thank hyung and Jisoo”


As usual, Irene arrives at home when her husband and daughter are already sleeping. She checks her phone and the time is 11:20 PM. She slowly entered the bedroom to avoid making noise that could wake Seulgi up. She discarded her clothes then washed up. After 15 minutes, she dresses up in pajamas and joins her husband on the bed. Since her body is really tired, she go into deep sleep in no time

Little did she know, Seulgi is still wide awake. He only pretends to sleep and purposely back facing his wife. When he heard a soft snore from her, he quietly left the bed then went to the bathroom. He did not forget to lock the door. His mission is to find Irene clothes that she wore today and as expected, it is in the laundry basket. He took her blouse and sniffed. It smells like the man's perfume that he smelled last time. He tossed the clothes back to the basket then go to bed again to sleep


This morning, Seulgi woke up earlier than Irene. His wife is still sleeping soundly when he wakes up, then he does his morning routine and showering. When he finishes dressing up, Irene stirs from her sleep. She shock seeing Seulgi wake up early than usual

“Good morning” said Irene after she sit up and lean against the headboard

“Morning” Seulgi answer while fixing his hair

The husband sit on the bed edge after he done with his hair “What time do you arrive last night?” he ask

Irene hesitant to answer “Em…11”

Seulgi nods his head slowly. He shift his body and facing his wife “I want to talk with you…about us…about our family”

Irene feels like something is not right. “What is it?”

Seulgi stares deeply into Irene's eyes then he sighs “You and me…we have been attached to each other since high school then we get married and you have Yerim at a really young age. In those periods, we never split. If there is Irene and Seulgi also will be there too. People label us as the inseparable couple. You never have freedom. You never enjoy your teen time to the fullest like other people our age. You literally never stay apart from me. I'm always there wherever you goes” he held Irene hand on her laps “Hyun, I realize that I never give you the freedom that you deserve. I never shower you with every stuff that you deserve. You rarely have time for yourself ever since we have Yerim. I know, Hyun. You are getting tied since we have a daughter. I also remember that you are not ready to have a daughter because you want to focus on your career. However, I forced you to get pregnant. I am selfish, Hyun. I only think of myself instead of understand your feeling”

Irene gets puzzled as she listens to Seulgi complaints “What do you mean? I don’t understand”

Seulgi flashing short smile “Hyun, we better take a break”

“What?” Irene furrowed her eyebrows

“We need some time to reflect on ourselves. Let’s take a break from each other for a while”

Irene is still confused with what Seulgi said to her. She really doesn't understand the situation right now “Seul…”

“Just this time, let's do what is right for us” Seulgi stands up then he caresses Irene's hair tenderly. He lean down and kiss her forehead then he leave her alone spacing out in the bedroom


Irene arrived at home earlier than usual. She wondered why the car porch is still empty. Usually, Seulgi is already at home at this time. While waiting for her husband and daughter, she decide to shower first

It has been one hour but Seulgi and Yerim still have not come back. She tried to call Seulgi's phone but his phone is not active. She is getting worry

Suddenly, her phone rang. The caller is not her husband but Bogum

“Hello oppa”

“Hello Rene, what are you doing now?”

“I’m at home. Why do you call me, oppa?”

“I’m in front of your house now”

“Really?” Irene ran to the front door then she saw a familiar car park outside. She hung up then ran to open the gate. She enter the car

“Oppa, what are you doing here? What if my husband sees you?” Irene ask quickly

“I just want to see you. I not take too long” Bogum smile then he pull Irene closer “I miss you” he whisper

Their lips slowly touched and kissed each other deeply. Irene circles her arms around Bogum's neck and he pulls her closer to deepen their kiss. Irene moans softly when Bogum tongue enters . Both of them are so into their makeout. Without Irene realizing, her pajama almost slipped down her shoulder. She don’t know when Bogum it but now the fabric barely hang on her shoulder

Bogum moves down to her neck and kisses her. He also leave hickey on her neck and chest

“Oppa~” Irene moan when Bogum attempt to push up her bra

“Yes honey” Bogum stop for a while

“We better stop here” Irene fix her shirt

“Rene, we are almost there. Why do we always stop in the middle?” Bogum frustrated

“I can’t do it. I already have husband and daughter”

“Do you think about my request already?” Bogum staring at Irene


“Leave your husband and daughter. Marry me. I can give you a better life. You will stay at bigger house than this” Bogum said arrogantly

Irene say “No, I will never leave them”

“It’s up to you but don’t regret if one day your husband know that his beloved wife cheating with her boss”

“I told you, I never love you”

“But you let me kiss you and touch you. We only never each other yet. What does that mean, Rene? Hm? Don’t act innocent when you already make yourself a sinful wife. A good wife will never make out with another guy, never let another gu

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1233 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
262 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 814 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
262 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1233 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute