Harin and Irene [Part 2]

Book of Visual Couple
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Sorry for taking so long to update this story. I rested for a few days in honor of the passing of my uncle who died of Covid-19 recently. Again, I'm sorry. Stay safe everyone!

With love, Mulgokizary

Irene, Solar, Jennie and Joy just arrived at their accommodation. They wash up before eating their lunch. All of them are a medical team from Seoul who come to help the natural disaster victims in the outback. Irene and Joy are doctors while Solar and Jennie are both nurses. All of them share a room since there are four people per room.

“It’s time to eat~” Joy said happily as she open her food pack

“Aigoo, I’m so hungry” said Solar then she shove a spoonful of rice into

“Fortunately today we can rest early. Our patients also getting less unlike first three days we arrived” said Irene

Jennie nods in agreement “I’m grateful that none of them lost their family members. This situation is not as worse as the disaster three years ago”

“The damage is no joke. Yesterday I heard from the staff, lot of houses, shops and facilities were ruined. Some are totally damaged. It will take time to fix it again”

“How long will we stay here? I miss my bed already” Joy pouting. She already finished her foods due to starving

“You missed your bed or your brand new boyfriend?” the older girls wiggle their eyebrows

“Of course I miss both. You don’t know how it feels because Byul oppa is here. Irene unnie and Jennie also feel the same” Joy frowning

“No, I’m not” Irene shrugs her shoulder

“Me too” said Jennie

“Ayy these two are not helping” Joy rolled her eyes

Then Solar looked at Irene “Rene, are you okay now? I mean post-breakup with Seulgi”

Irene sigh “I don’t know if I feel better or not but since we’re busy here so it lessen my thought on them”

“We know that your decision to join us is because you want to distract yourself from thinking of Seulgi oppa and his daughter. Even if you don’t say it verbally, we can guess it. It obvious unnie” Jennie caress Irene back softly

“We’re always here to cheer you up. Don’t sad” Joy added

“Thanks” Irene smiled warmly to her friends. She feel lucky having friends who understand her and always cheer her up when she’s down

“Rene, why are you not dating again after your breakup with Seulgi a long time ago?” Solar asked curiously. Three of them know about Irene love history with Seulgi because she tell them the truth after she announce her dating with him two years ago

“At first I want to try my luck in a relationship again but I can’t open my heart. I’m scared to love again. Remember that I told you guys that I tried to develop feeling for Dr. Kim?”

“Dr. Kim Junmyeon, the neurosurgeon that owns JM Medical Center?”

“Yes, I met him when I finished my last semester that was postponed for 3 years. We met during my practical at Seoul National University Hospital. When I finished my practical, he confessed to me and asked permission to court me. However, after a few months I still don’t have any special feelings for him. In the end, I apologized to him because I can’t love him back. Fortunately he understood and we remain good friends. He’s married with two kids now”

“Oh, he’s a good man indeed. I used to meet him few times and he is very friendly”


“So what makes you accept Seulgi-ssi again, unnie? Does that feeling develop naturally?” ask Jennie

“Yup, the first time I met him again through Wendy, my heart beat faster than usual and our good memories played again in my mind. I denied my feelings for him as I remember what had happened to us in the past but I can’t. My heart and mind do not sync. When he proposed to me again, I accepted him since I thought there would be nothing in our way again. His wife died and his family did not interrupt his life anymore but I’m wrong. I forgot Harin. She never blesses her dad with me. However, I don’t blame her. Not all children are willing to see their parents married again even if one of them has passed away. Maybe we’re not meant for each other that’s why in second time of our relationship, we also fail to make it”

“Poor thing” the girls looking at Irene pathetically

“So, will you remain single forever?” Solar asked

Irene shrugs her shoulders “I guess so. Why would I settle down if I can’t give children to my husband?”

Jennie, Joy and Solar widened their eyes as they heard what Irene said “What does that mean, unnie?”

“After the tragic accident, I lost my unborn child” Irene stated

“What?! You used to be pregnant?” they gasped

“Yup, that is my child with Seulgi and according to Seulgi. The accident was masterminded by his late wife because they want to separate us. Police conclude that it was a self-accident because of brake malfunction but actually they bribed the officer so that they would not reveal the truth. My car was sabotaged by their people. It’s only me who was supposed to be involved in the accident but unfortunately, that day Seulgi sent me for a checkup and we rode my car so we ended up involved together. Aftereffect of the accident, I suffered miscarriage resulting I get into depression that make I postponed my last semester. I was totally not fine when I knew I lost my child and the doctor said that my chance to conceive is slim. I checked again last year because I’m not pregnant after I do it with Seulgi without taking contraceptive pills or protection. Doctor said I can't get pregnant anymore. As I’m getting old, my womb is not strong anymore to conceive. That make me decide to not get married after I breakup with Seulgi”

“Did Seulgi know it?”

“Yeah, he knows. He don’t mind that and understand my condition”

“I’m so sorry to hear that, unnie. You’ve gone through a lot. One day you will find your true happiness” said Jennie

“Thanks” said Irene to the girls


Irene and her friends have lunch at the dining hall during lunch time. Suddenly, the distracted by one of the medical staff

“Excuse me, Dr. Bae” the girls looking at the female staff who stand beside their table


“Dr. Song said someone is waiting for you at the medic tent”

The girls looked at each other then back to the staff “Do you know who that person is?”

“She said her name is Kang Harin and another one is an officer. If I’m not mistaken, Dr. Song called him Superintendent Jung”

Everyone are shocked hearing Harin name especially Irene “I will finish my food first then I will meet her” she said to the staff

“Okay doctor” the staff leaving their table

“Yah, I heard it right, isn’t it?” Irene asking her friends

“Yup, it is Harin but who is the officer that comes with her? Is she detained?” Joy asked innocently

“Nonsense question, Joy-ssi. Unnie, you better go quickly. Maybe something urgent. I don’t think Harin come that far without urgent reason” said Jennie

“Jennie is right. I suddenly feel uneasy, Rene” Solar added

“Alright, I will go now” said Irene after finish the leftover foods on her tray then she quickly go to the tent where Harin waiting for her


As she entered the big tent, Irene saw Harin sit on the chair and beside her was a man that she knew as Jung Eunji. Harin obviously looked anxious and nervous from the way she fidgeting her fingers

“Harin?” Irene voice caught Harin and Eunji attention

Both of them quickly stand up “Dr. Bae” Eunji bow his head followed by Harin and Irene bow back to them

“Sorry if our presence is disturbing you but we come here for an urgent matter. Harin will elaborate it to you after this. I will wait outside”

“Okay Mr. Jung”

Eunji leaves both of them then Irene walks closer to Harin who still hangs her head low “Harin, is everything okay?” she ask with soft voice

Harin broke down as soon as she heard the soft voice that she used to hear. She expects that Irene will be cold to her but she’s wrong. Irene never changes. She still the loving and caring woman that she used to meet

“Baby, tell me what makes you cry? I’m getting worry” Irene panic seeing Harin suddenly cry in front of her without saying anything yet

The younger hugged Irene tightly and cried on her shoulder. Irene caressing her back to calm her down

“Aunty…I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…I’m hurting you…I made you and daddy breakup…Please forgive me” Harin said under her cry

Irene doesn't know when but she is crying right now while tightening her embrace on Harin “You don’t have to say sorry. It is not your fault. Maybe your dad and I are not meant for each other so we breakup”

Harin pull back from the emotional hug then she wipe her tears “Aunty, daddy involved in accident” she stated

“What?!” Irene was shocked to death “How is he now? Is it serious?”

“Daddy is still admitted at the hospital and his condition is pretty serious. He already woke up from a coma last week. He doesn't want to eat properly even though me and Aunt Wendy force him. Every day he asked when you would come back. Sometimes he calls your name in his sleep and cries. Doctor is worried about his condition. They worry if it will affect his recovery” Harin paused “I come here to bring you back to Seoul. Daddy needs you so much. Please aunty, I begged”

Irene wipe her tears again “I want to go back too but my team still need me”

“I already talked with Dr. Song and she give permission”


“Yes” Harin nods her head

A female doctor in her 40s approaches them followed by Eunji. She smile tenderly to Irene and Harin

“Irene-ah, you can go back with Harin. She needs you the most right now. I already heard from her and Officer Jung and I don’t have a problem allowing you to return earlier than scheduled. Besides, our team will return to Seoul this Saturday so three days early is not a problem”

“Aigoo, thank you so much, Dr. Song” Irene bow her head to her senior

“You’re welcome”

“I will bid goodbye to my friends then we go to accommodation to get my stuff” said Irene

“Alright aunty, we wait at the parking lot. After you pack your stuff, we go to helipad” said Harin

“You two come with a helicopter?”

“Of course, it is the fastest way to come. I told daddy that I will return before nighttime so we came with his helicopter. Daddy don’t know that I come to pick you up”

“Okay then, I go to my friends now”



“Unnie, what’s up?” Joy asking soon as Irene come back to their place

“I need to return to Seoul right now”


“Seulgi was admitted to hospital and he was injured badly in an accident last week. Harin come here to bring me back with her”

“Aigoo, sad to hear that”

“Speedy recovery to Seulgi-ssi”

“Thanks girls. Got to go now. See you all in Seoul”

“Alright, bye Rene”


“Harin, what made your dad get involved in an accident? He is a safe driver and not an alcoholic. Is it self-accident or something?” Irene asking the younger girl beside her as they walk down the hospital hallway to Seulgi’s room

“He drove over the speed limit and lost control then hit the road divider and crashed into a car coming from the opposite direction. His car totally damaged and unable to save anymore”

“What about the other victim? Are they injured badly too?”

“That ahjussi was also injured but not as bad as dad’s. He only suffered minor injury and was discharged two days ago. Luckily he is not taking law action on daddy. As apology, I pay for his hospital bill and fixing his car too”

Irene sigh sadly “I’m sorry for not coming early”

“Don’t be sorry. It's not like you know the news but no intention to come. You come back with me today is good enough”

“Did he know that you were going to see me?”

“No, I don’t tell him. I don’t want to give him hope just in case you are not allowed to come back earlier than scheduled because your schedule is a little bit busy. Since you’re here, I hope you can help to force him to eat and calm him down. He’s a little bit stress because of his condition” said Harin

“I will do my best”

“Thanks aunty”

“No problem, baby” Irene caressing Harin’s hair softly

They stopped in front of the VIP room where Seulgi was admitted. Before Irene enter, Harin hold her hand

“Aunty, wait”


“Before you meet with daddy, I have something to say”

“Sure, go ahead”

Harin took a deep breath then exhaled softly “I’m sorry for my bad behavior, rudeness and resentment to you before this. I regret it aunty. Aunty Wendy already told me everything about you, daddy and my late mom. I put the blame on the wrong person without knowing the truth. If only daddy told me what actually happened between you guys, I would never treat you that bad, aunty. I will apologize on behalf of my big family instead. So now that I discovered the truth, I beg for your forgiveness for what I had done, what my mom and my grandparents did to you and for the loss of your unborn child. I’m willing to take the blame and punishment for them” she apology follow by soft sobs

Irene is practically taken aback by Harin’s words. She cupped Harin's face then wiped her tears. After that she engulf Harin to her warm embrace

“Sweetie, don’t be sorry. It is not your fault. Things happened too long already and aunty already forgot it. Aunty doesn't want to hold a grudge against them. As for what happened recently, there is no way for me to not forgive you. I love you like my own child. Don’t feel guilty anymore. From now on, let's open a new book together, okay? Aunty doesn't want to see you crying. You’re prettiest when you smile” Irene give a peck on Harin head

This is the first time Harin is hugged by Irene and she admits that her embrace feels so comfortable. It feels like the safest place in the world. She don’t want to let go of Irene due to the comfortable and warm feeling that she gave

“Thank you very much, mom” said Harin as she look up to see Irene face then their eyes meet

“Mom?” Irene furrowed her eyebrows

“Can I call you mom? I don’t have mom” she pouting cutely

Irene smile warmly then she kiss Harin’s nose tip “Anything for you, my baby” both of them giggle

Harin pulled back from the warm hug “Now go to meet daddy. I want to buy our foods at the café at the front then call Aunty Wendy to inform her that you arrived”

“Okay baby, take care”

“Alright mom” Harin wink then both of them separate


Irene slowly opens the door so that she does not disturb Seulgi just in case he is sleeping. As the door opened wide, she saw Seulgi sit on the bed and lean against the headboard. Their eyes meet and Seulgi eyes teary as soon as he saw the person that he missed so much


Irene walks to the bed without turning her sight from Seulgi “Kang Seulgi, what makes you like this?” she asking

“Hyun, I’m sorry” Seulgi say quietly

“Why? Hm? Why do you hurt yourself like this? What if you can’t make it? What if…?” tears rolled down Irene eyes as she bombard Seulgi with questions

Seulgi also cried “I’m sorry, Hyun. I’m careless. I only think about myself without caring about the people around me, especially you and Harin. I’m ego and letting my emotion take over me”

“Tell me what made you get into an accident. I bet you will not speed up for no reason. There must be something that make you emotional” Irene sit on the bed edge facing Seulgi

“That night, I went to your apartment to apologize for my outburst. I planned to wait for you at the parking lot but then I saw your car there so I decided to go to your unit. I pressed the bell but did not respond. I also called your phone but it was not active. I’m waiting almost three hours at your unit. I asked Seungwan if she knows where you are but she said you don’t contact her after your last lunch with her. After that, I conclude that you don’t want to see me anymore because I hurt you. I leave with regret and guilt towards you. I drove my car aimlessly and I don’t know how fast I drive. Last thing I remember is I lost control of the steering and hit the road divider. Few days later I woke up in this room with Harin beside me. I saw Eunji hyung and Seungwan but not you”

“Harin told me that you will join the medical team in the outback that is far away from here and don’t know when you will return. Every day I’m waiting for you to show up at the door but in the end, I sleep with disappointment. I’m getting angry at myself after Seungwan told me the truth about our issue. It make me desperate to see you and apology to you”

Seulgi took Irene's hand then squeezed it softly “Hyun, please forgive me for not trusting you and for leaving you for the second time. I seriously regret making you cry another time because of me. I should wipe those tears but I am the reason for your tears instead. I’m sorry, Joohyun”

“I forgive you. No reason for me to not forgive you. I don’t want to hold grudge on anyone”

“Thanks, Hyun” Seulgi smile tearfully “Hyun”

“Em?” Irene stares right into Seulgi's eyes “Can we start again? I don’t want to lose you. Harin also accepts you as a part of us. This time is not as romantic as the first and second proposal but kind of special so can we?”

Irene pulls a familiar loving smile “This is the last time I accept you. If we fail again after this one then there will be no more us no matter what come in future”

“So, I am accepted?” Seulgi excited

“Yes, you accepted”

Seulgi pulls Irene to his embrace and hugs her tightly “Thank you very much, Hyun. Thank you for another chance you gave me. I promise I will not disappoint you. I will use this chance properly. There will be another proposing after this and it wi

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1233 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
262 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 814 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
262 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1233 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute