Chapter 5

The Past Is Always Present
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Today was a day like any other for Jeongyeon. She woke up, got ready and left her apartment to head to work. Jeongyeon loved walking to work as it enabled her to drift off into her own little world and she could zone out from life's problems for the duration. Today was no different. She arrived at the Chou Entertainment headquarters at her usual eight o’clock arrival time and signed into work.


“Good morning Mina” Jeongyeon nodded her head to the girl at the desk.


“Good morning Jeongyeon, how was your night out last night?” Mina asked.


“Not too bad thank you for asking,” Jeongyeon replied, “Sana was playing another of her small bars and pubs so I thought I’d tag along and be supportive of her and the band.”


“Sana is lucky to have a supportive friend like yourself,” Mina smiled softly at Jeongyeon. “Now you better start work before Tzuyu comes down here.”


“Did last night not go well for you?” Jeongyeon walked over to the desk ignoring Mina’s statement about working. Jeongyeon knew she could spare another five minutes before Tzuyu would even think about coming from her office downstairs.


“Last night was great, food was lovely and the company was even better,” Mina’s smile started to drop “But when we got back to her penthouse, things started great, but in the end we talked and ended the night hugging and kissing.”


“Mina, you know how much Tzuyu loves you,” Jeongyeon smiled at Mina “you just have to allow yourself to talk to her about things before it gets to something like last night where it could ruin an otherwise great night for you.”


“Thank you Jeongyeon, I should come to you more often if I need advice” Mina giggled.


Just as Jeongyeon was about to turn away from Mina’s desk, Tzuyu entered. “Are you trying to steal my girlfriend Jeongyeon?” Tzuyu walked over to the pair.


“Not at all boss, i wouldn’t be able to steal your girlfriend even if I tried” Jeongyeon smirked “Besides she’s that whipped for you, I’d be fighting a losing battle trying to get her to leave your side.” Mina glared at Jeongyeon. She couldn’t believe that Jeongyeon had just told Tzuyu how whipped she was for her.


Tzuyu glanced over to a slightly panicked Mina. She chuckled to herself before looking back to Jeongyeon. “That's good to know then, I like to leave a good impression on my girlfriends,” Tzuyu looked at Mina seductively “It always keeps them wanting more” she smiled before turning on her heels and heading towards the lift. “Now, get to work you pair.”


“Yes boss.” The pair called back as Tzuyu entered the lift.


“Well, I guess I'll speak to you later on then” Jeongyeon awkwardly tapped her fingers on the end of Mina’s desk before turning away and walking towards the door. Once she exited the building, she let out a deep sigh. ‘I try to help them even though it hurts my heart. Life would be so much better if I was in that position’ Jeongyeon was snapped out of her thoughts by her trainee.


“Jeongyeon, I called you 3 times, is everything okay.” Momo was concerned.


“Yes Momo, everything’s fine, thank you for checking up on me though.” Jeongyeon gave a soft smile back to Momo. Momo knew there wa

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ChouTzu14 #1
Chapter 8: Mitzu end game?