Chapter 18

Boy Friend or Boyfriend
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"Alright, what is it? Spit it out!" commanded Soyeon after one hour talking about random things. 

"What?" Yuqi asked her, sipping her ice lemon tea, pretending to be oblivious at her question. Of course, she called Soyeon today to have a girl-talk about yesterday's event. Though so far she had no guts to bring up the 'Lucas' topic. Not ready for Soyeon's endless teasing.

Soyeon scoffed loudly, not buying her pretense act. "So, what happened between you and Xuxi?" she asked afterward in a nonchalant tone.

Yuqi choked on her drink. "What? No...nothing of sorts..." she let out a nervous giggle, waving her arm frantically at Soyeon who gave her unimpressed stare.

"We won't be having this conversation if nothing happened between you two..." retorted Soyeon. Yuqi groaned, sometimes she hated how quickwitted her best friend was. "So, why don't you stop beating around the bush and tell me what's going on!" Soyeon added again, looking curious and impatient.

Yuqi took a deep breath and cleared before mused, "Well, there's nothing out of the ordinary happened. I just a little con—"

"For God's sake, Yuqi! If I heard the word 'nothing' once more, I'm calling Xuxi myself..." Soyeon interrupted her stalling excuses.

"NOOO! You can't!" Yuqi exclaimed rather loudly but then immediately covered , glancing cautiously at her bedroom door. It would be very awkward if Lucas suddenly emerged on her bedroom door at this moment and started interrogating her too. "Promise me you will never breathe a word to him!" she added again, lowering her tone.

"I won't..." mused Soyeon lazily.

"Promise me!" She whined.

"I promise, good lord!" Soyeon rolled her eyes at her stubbornness.

She hesitated for a moment, glancing at the door once again, " Wait a minute..." she said to Soyeon and left the phone on the bed before strolling outside her room, tip-toeing toward Lucas's room, making sure he still engrossed in his game. She uttered a barely audible sigh when she spotted Lucas still sitting in front of the PC in his room, wearing a black-colored headphone, playing PUBG. He has been at it since this morning, one of the reasons why she had an opportunity to call Soyeon.

"Ok, the coast is clear..." Yuqi said to Soyeon once she got back to her room. Soyeon shook her head after muttering something like, 'You're weird!'. She didn't really pay much attention to what she said just now, too busy calming down her nerve. Ignoring her growing anxiety, she began to recount what happened yesterday afternoon to Soyeon in chronological order, after skipping some small intimate details, she expressed her confusion over the matter.

" attack him first huh?" That was Soyeon's first reaction to her story, lowkey expecting this kind of reaction from her playful best friend. Just like Lucas, she loved teasing her. "I'm impressed!" she gave her two thumbs up then laughing her heart out.

"Yah! What do you mean 'I attack him first'??! I'm not doing anything weird, I just went over to show him some interesting pictures..." she exclaimed, defending herself.

"Are you sure that's it?" Soyeon asked, playfully wiggling her eyebrows at her. She nodded vigorously. "And you have to show him in such early morning?" The latter continued again in a scandalous tone. "In his bed? While snuggling with him?" She blinked. Now that she heard Soyeon mentioned it word per word like that, the whole affair did sound so wrong on so many levels.

"I'm not sneaking around, he's awake when I entered the room. Well, sort of..." she argued, blushing slightly at the flashback scene of herself, in short sleepwear, crawling into his bed and slipping into his arms. Now she got it why Lucas was reacting like that. "But it was Xuxi after all, so it doesn't really matter..." she mused again, trying to brush it off, pretending to be casual about it while trying so hard to get rid of those provocative images from her head. She must be crazy.

Yeah, she remembered most of the things now. To the smallest details. Not only the words he said but also the gesture he did. Those small details have been torturing her all night long and she couldn't possibly ask Lucas to stay with her like before because she was so conscious of him at the moment. Of course, she didn't share those particular and intimate details with Soyeon. She could already picture Soyeon's exact reaction and she would never hear the end of it.

"You do realize that Xuxi is a guy, right?" Soyeon continued again in a rather serious tone this time.

Yuqi snorted. "Of course, I do. What kind of question is that?" she responded, giving Soyeon an are-you-kidding-me expression.

Soyeon let out an exasperated sigh and stared at her in silence for a couple of seconds, looking conflicted. "Ok. Lemme ask you this one thing, what do you think of Xuxi?" she asked her point-blank.

She was taken aback for a moment but managed to answer her. "A friend..." Soyeon eyeing her closely. "A very close friend..." she added quickly.

"That's it?"

"Ye...ah" she mumbled, unsure.

"Then why do you keep putting him on the pedestal?"

Yuqi furrowed her eyebrows, trying to comprehend what Soyeon just said. "What pedestal? I... I never did such things..." she continued, getting more and more unsure of her answer as the words tumbled down from her lips.

"Really? Then how do you explain all of those Xuxi's privileges?"

She blinked, confused. "Sorry what? Xuxi privilege?"

"Yeah! That's what I said!"

"I don't follow you..." she mumbled low, starting to feel anxious about the progress of this conversation.

Soyeon star

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Chapter 32: oh i just see this- aaaaaa time to go to wattpad!
I just wanted you to know that I REALLY LOVE READING THIS TuT
Chapter 27: FINALLY!
Chapter 30: I was so caught up with things the past month that I haven't read the last update.
Omg. So thank you for the update.
Why are they still talking about the Jaehyun situation? I mean they really should just make it official. How dunce can Yuqi be? But then again, Lucas is her confidante, also her home. He has to know even if he doesn't like hearing it.
I guess Lucas should just go outright ask Yuqi to be his girlfriend just to be on the safe side. Lol
unicornzxc_ #5
Chapter 29: awaiting a new update !!
Chapter 28: I sort of forgot that Yuqi still has to settle things with Jaehyun. Would she get swayed by the sudden confession though? I wish Lucas and Yuqi would already let everyone know that well they belong to each other
angrypig #7
Chapter 27: ??? it's getting more and more excited
Chapter 28: Hnngggg leave her alone jaehyun
blaxkjaxk #9
Chapter 27: wOW FINALLY! it takes lucas one year to kiss her hahaha btw i sincerely want to thank you for this beautiful story! stay healthy and keep this up! love <3
Chapter 27: Happy one year! Thank you for diligently writing the story. I love reading it, what a way to celebrate the story's anniversary!
What are we to expect their friends' reactions once they knew of Xuxi and Yuqi's kiss? And Jaehyun... hmmm ~
Are the two about to proclaim it to everyone? Or they'll just get extra clingy to each other?