Chapter 7: Waking Up With The Sun

Walking On Sunshine

Byul’s arms tightened around her pillow, almost crushing it against her chest. She was trying to let the fog of the morning settle before she got up for the day. Slowly she started remembering the real world, dreams of the night fading away from her thoughts. There was a faint smell of strawberries floating in the air. Byul’s eyes snapped open. She wasn’t alone,and it wasn’t her pillow she was hugging, it was YongSun.
The events of the night before came rushing back to her, the rain,the dinner,the conversation. Byul’s cheeks started to burn, did she really admit to YongSun that she liked girls? Did YongSun really say that she only sometimes liked boys? She wanted so badly to shake the thoughts from her head but YongSun was still sleeping against her, her thin body wrapped up in the blanket Byul gave her, like a cacoon, so intricately folded into Byul’s body, face hidden in Byul’s neck. Byul could feel her soft breaths against her collar bone, she desperately did not want to move from the position she was in, but from the time displayed on the wall clock, if she didn’t start getting ready soon then she was going to be late.
Byul moved so delicately, inch by inch, removing YongSun from her arms and placing her head on the nearest pillow. She smiled to herself at the sight of the chubby cheeked girl sleeping, it was definitely something she could get use to waking up to. Byul shook the thought from her head, she shouldn’t think that way, it is not like they confessed to one another. She reluctantly removed herself from the warm bed and pulled herself into the bathroom to get ready for work.

When Byul emerged from the bathroom, YongSun was still asleep. Byul couldn’t bring herself to wake the girl just yet. She walked over to her fridge and looked for something to eat. She was slightly embarrassed now, she never really had time to shop so she just grabbed things from the store on her way out. The meal she prepared them last night was about the majority of the food she had to offer. She settled for egg rolls and kimchi.
Byul wasn’t sure if it was the smell of the eggs or time that woke YongSun, but just was she was about to finish the last roll, the girl sprung up in the bed. Her hair was a mess, Byul tried not to laugh. YongSun wore a cute grumpy face and she rubbed her eyes, she looked over at Byul, eyes widening as she remembered where she was. Byul was still trying not to smile as she waved at her. YongSun smoothed her hair down and put on a small smile.
Byul set their now finished breakfast on the small table and waved her over. “I hope egg rolls are okay.” She said as YongSun scooted over to the table. “I have to go shopping so I don’t have much more to offer.”
YongSun picked up her chopsticks and grabbed a piece, nibbling on it slowly. “I am not picky.” Her voice was a bit horse, not as deep as Byul’s in the morning. 
“Did you sleep well?” Byul asked feeling her face heat a bit again, remembering the way she had woken up that morning, hoping that YongSun had not noticed. YongSun nodded, she swallowed her roll and took a sip of the coffee Byul had prepared them. “I slept well thank you, what about you?”
Byul nodded back. There was an awkward tension that hung in the air. As if they were both wondering if their late night confession was heard by the other or if it was a dream. Byul cleared , she didn’t know what to say. “About last night,” YongSun looked up at her hopefully, hoping for what she wasn’t sure but if the cat was out of the bag there was no way she was going to stuff it back in. “I hope I didn’t weird you out with the whole liking girls thing.” Byul took a nervous sip of her coffee. “It is not something I admit to people… for obvious reasons.”
YongSun shook her head. “No, I understand.” She averted her eyes. “Well of course I understand.” Byul could see a bit of pink framing her face as she spoke. “I usually wait years before I tell anyone that my attraction goes beyond just boys, but for some reason it just popped out.”
Both girls sat silently for a minute before Byul spoke again. “Your secret is safe with me.” YongSun looked up at her and they both broke into a grin, awkward conversation over, tension gone. Both had finally admitted their true feelings, well a part of it, Byul wasn’t entirely convinced telling YongSun that she really liked her after only knowing her for a few weeks was going to do anything but make her run for the hills. 

YongSun helped Byul clean up after breakfast again. As they were drying the dishes YongSun looked Byul over. “What is your weekend job?”
Byul looked down at herself, she was dressed in normal clothes. She always wore regular clothes to work and changed into her uniform when she got there. “The Coffee House, the one near our school.”
“Oh, I am there all the time. I’ve never seen you there.”
“It is only my weekend job, I do the mid-afternoon shift.”
YongSun nodded. “Maybe I can come by later and do some homework. The library is always busy and I don’t work well at home because of all the distractions.” Byul thought she picked up on something in YongSun’s voice but she said nothing.
“I think that would be a good idea.” She checked her watch. “I always work eleven to seven, come anytime you want and I’ll give you snacks.” Byul smiled at her. She felt like she was trying a little too hard to be friendly to YongSun but she couldn’t help but want her in her life more, even if it was just as friends.
YongSun smiled back. “I’d love that.” She checked the time. “We should get going, I don’t want you to be late.” Byul hated to admit she was right, if they didn’t hit the road soon then Byul was going to be late and she couldn’t afford to lose this job.
The girls gathered their things and said their goodbyes as Byul hopped on the bus to work and YongSun walked off toward her house. Byul watched her out the window as they pulled away, she couldn’t help but think of the next time they would meet. Byul had to finally admit it to herself, she had it bad for YongSun and she really hoped the feeling would never go away.

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svela2233 #1
Chapter 16: Naaaawwwwwww 🥲🥲🥲
sadandlonely #2
sadandlonely #3
Chapter 16: I just saw this fic now. It was such a treasure to have come across this story, thank you for writing this ❤️
Chapter 16: Wahhh thank you for this amazing story💖
La_Joke26 #6
Chapter 13: This story is so adorable. I know I haven’t finished reading yet, but I just want to comment now. Their interactions are cute and what Yong did for Byul is just so sweet. Keep up the great work author! 😊
Chapter 16: wow! it is really a heart-warming love story <3
RubiaAO #8
Chapter 16: É uma história incrível, obrigada!!!

Fique bem!
Chapter 16: I really love this story ♥️ thx author-nim
I cannot stress how much I loved the way in which you told the story of Byul and Yong‘s love ❤️ Thank you for writing such a heartwarming story