Chapter 12: Homeward Bound

Walking On Sunshine

“It’s cold.” Yongsun whined for the fifth time since they had arrived at the train station. The station was mostly deserted, but considering it was four in the morning Byul didn’t think it was going to be overly busy. 
Byul scooped Yongsun up in her arms and wrapped her jacket around YongSun as much as she could. YongSun rested her head on Byul’s shoulder. Byul was aware that the few people that were waiting for the same train were staring at them but she didn’t care. Both girls were dead tired, having to leave their homes around three to make it to the station. “The train should her here soon.” Byul was gently rocking them to keep their blood moving. 
“It’s too early.” She groaned, nuzzling into Byul’s neck. Byul tried not to jump at the cold touch of YongSun’s nose. 
Byul gave a look around, when she was sure no one was watching she gave YongSun a quick kiss on the head. “Well maybe if you bought tickets a little later in the day we wouldn’t have had to get up so early.” 
YongSun lifted her head. “But the next train isn’t for five more hours, if we get on this one, by the time we get to your hometown you will have almost three whole days with them.” Byul knew this, YongSun had explained it before and she was grateful for it. 
Byul didn’t get a chance to respond because the train began to arrive on the platform and they had to get on the train. 

The girls got settled in their seats, they put their bags overhead and slid into their seats. YongSun pulled a blanket out of her bag and spread it over their laps. She also pulled out a plastic bag. YongSun pulled out a series of foods, fruits, hard boiled eggs and a few drinks. “Breakfast, or at least the best I could find at the store.” Byul smiled and picked up an egg, she took a bite of it and passed the rest to YongSun, who ate it right from her hand. 
Byul picked a piece of egg from YongSun’s lip. “Such a thoughtful girlfriend.” She said as she pinched YongSun’s cheek. 
The girl batted her hand away. “Be quiet, you don’t know who is listening.”  
Byul gave a dramatic look around. “No one is even near us.” She leaned in, moving YongSun’s hair behind her ear, moving her face down to YongSun’s neck, pressing her lips to her skin. She could feel YongSun’s heart race with her own but she didn’t move. “Payback.” She whispered in YongSun’s ear. 
YongSun look shocked and her hand jumped to her neck, other hand searching for her mirror in her bag, Byul did nothing but laugh the whole time while YongSun realized Byul didn’t give her a hickey. How would that look to her family. YongSun punched her in the shoulder. Byul laughed again and pulled YongSun in, laying her head on her shoulder. “Let’s get some rest.” YongSun rested her head atop of Byul’s and they let the rocking of the train lull them to sleep. 

A few hours later Byul and YongSun hopped off the train and into the morning light. They’d managed to sleep for the entire trip but Byul wasn’t surprised. They began to walk off of the platform, Byul laced her arm with YongSun’s, she wanted to hold hands but they weren’t in the city anymore. 
Byul knew her mother would be waiting for them in the parking lot of the station, she promised to be there when they arrived, now all they had to do was find her. Byul gave a quick look about the lot, there were a lot of people coming in, she assumed to go to the city for the weekend. Over in the corner of the lot she saw her mother’s tiny car. It took everything for Byul to not dash over there and leave YongSun to follow her, but she slowly lead them over to the car. Only when her mother was visible did Byul let go of YongSun and run to hug her mother. 
Byul’s mother had the largest grin on her face when she saw Byul coming for her. She opened her arms up wide and Byul ran into them, the smell of their home fulling her nose, as well as her mother’s perfume. “ByulYi.” Her mother said pulling back far enough to see her daughter’s face. “You’ve lost more weight.” She scolded her. 
Byul gave her another quick hug, both Moon woman wiping the tears b their eyes. “The city doesn’t have your cooking.” She joked. Out of the corner of her eye she could see YongSun lingering awkwardly by herself, she almost forgot. “Eomma,” She stepped out so YongSun was in view. “This is Kim YongSun.” 
YongSun stepped up, clearly nervous, she gave a quick bow. “It is nice to…” 
Before she could finish, Byul’s mother had scooped her up in her arms and gave her a strong hug. “You’re the girl who has been taking care of my Byul.” 
Byul could see YongSun’s face begin to flush and she couldn’t help but smile at that. “We take care of each other.” YongSun added with a smile pointed at Byul.  
“Yes we do.” Byul agreed while slipping an arm around YongSun’s waist, giving her a side hug. She could see it was making her girlfriend uncomfortable so she didn’t hold on for long. 
“I’m just glad ByulYi has someone.” Byul’s mother knew what YongSun was, she refused to hide it from her family. So this was very much, YongSun meeting her mother as her girlfriend. Which probably only made YongSun more nervous. 
“We should get going.” Byul said, putting her hand on YongSun’s lower back, guiding her to the car. They shoved their bags in the trunk and Byul took up the front seat and let YongSun relax in the back, though she was sure she wasn’t going to relax at all. 
Byul didn’t stop telling her mother everything that had happened over the last eight months for the entire ride back to the farm. 

YongSun was beyond nervous. She was now standing on Byul’s family farm, waiting for Byul to get their bags out of the trunk. It had been a twenty minute drive from the station to the farm and Byul had kept her mother’s attention for the entire trip, to which YongSun was extremely thankful. Now on the farm YongSun’s nervousness creeped up on her once again. She made it through meeting Byul’s mom but she still had to meet both of Byul’s sisters. 
Byul pulled her out of her spiraling thoughts when she tugged on her shirt sleeve in the direction of the main house. It took a lot for YongSun to not just attach herself to Byul’s arm and not let go. 
The house itself was not very large. It did have two stories but the bottom floor was big enough for a small kitchen and a medium sized living room and the second floor had a total of three rooms and a shared bathroom. Byul’s room being the smallest because her sisters had to share the larger one. When YongSun stepped into Byul’s room for the first time, she had to smile. All of her walls were covered in photos, all very different from one another, some were even polaroid. Every inch of this room looked like it belonged to Byul, her apartment back in Seoul was bare. She had a desk full of more pictures but these ones were in frames, as well as a small shelf above it with three cameras on it. There was a bookshelf to one side filled to the brim with many different titles. Her bed was in the far corner, like it mattered the least to her. 
She continued to look around while Byul tossed their bags on her bed. “It is small but it should fit us both.” Byul said to her as she began unpacking some of her stuff. YongSun gave it another look, it was smaller than her own at home but considering they usually sleep wrapped up in each other’s arms, then they should fit fine. 
YongSun turned her attention back to the photos that Byul had framed on her desk. The first few were of her family, her mom and her father, one with both of her sister, one with all three of the Moon daughters, the final picture was of Byul in high school. She didn’t look much different then she did now, but it was odd to see her in a skirt, even if it was a school uniform. Byul had her arm looped around the waist of another girl, both looking like they were in the middle of laughing, Byul was even bent over a little. This other girl had her arm around Byul’s shoulder, and her other hand was doing a V pose. “Who is this?” She asked picking up the frame to get a better look at the girl. 
Byul glanced over. “That’s SeulGi.” 
YongSun tilted her head a bit. “Your sister?” Byul’s sisters were SeulGi and YeSol. 
Byul shook her head. “Kang SeulGi, we went to school together.” 
They looked like they were closer than just school friends, YongSun would have guessed best friends, or maybe more. Which is odd considering she had never heard of this girl before. “How come you never mentioned her?” 
Byul took the frame from her and set it down. “I have, you must have thought I was talking about my sister. Understandable because of the name.” Byul grabbed onto the hem of YongSun’s shirt and pulled her in, YongSun felt herself heat up when Byul bit her lip a bit. “You can ask me all the questions you want before my sisters get home.” Byul’s sisters were still in school, both of them still in highschool. Byul gave her a quick peck, teasily. “Or we could do something else.” 
YongSun allowed herself to be pulled to Byul’s bed. Byul fell back so she was sitting on the bed and she dragged YongSun on top of her so she was straddling her. Byul’s hands moved to YongSun’s hips and YongSun rested her hands around Byul’s neck. Byul started gently, YongSun noticed that was her thing, gentle, like she was afraid that she was going break YongSun. There was very little YongSun wanted to do gently with Byul but she usually let her take the lead. The other thing about Byul was that even though she started gently, she never stayed there for long. Soon Byul had her hands on YongSun’s back, pressing her forward. While YongSun had her hands wrapped up in Byul’s hair. 
A large bang had the girl’s jumping apart. Though Byul kept YongSun steady so she was till on her lap. Byul looked toward the door of her room, a few muffled sounds made their way through. “I guess it is time to meet my sisters..” Byul sighed, helping YongSun off of her like she was reluctant to let her go. Byul stood first and smoothed out her hair, she went to the door and cracked it a bit. After listening for a second she reached her hand out to YongSun. “Let’s go.” YongSun took a deep breath and grabbed Byul’s hand, holding tight as she let her lead her out onto the hall. To the girls waiting for her on the floor below.

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svela2233 #1
Chapter 16: Naaaawwwwwww 🥲🥲🥲
sadandlonely #2
sadandlonely #3
Chapter 16: I just saw this fic now. It was such a treasure to have come across this story, thank you for writing this ❤️
Chapter 16: Wahhh thank you for this amazing story💖
La_Joke26 #6
Chapter 13: This story is so adorable. I know I haven’t finished reading yet, but I just want to comment now. Their interactions are cute and what Yong did for Byul is just so sweet. Keep up the great work author! 😊
Chapter 16: wow! it is really a heart-warming love story <3
RubiaAO #8
Chapter 16: É uma história incrível, obrigada!!!

Fique bem!
Chapter 16: I really love this story ♥️ thx author-nim
I cannot stress how much I loved the way in which you told the story of Byul and Yong‘s love ❤️ Thank you for writing such a heartwarming story