Chapter 11: Schools Out For Summer

Walking On Sunshine

Byul tapped her pencil on the table. It was the final minutes of her final exam, she didn’t want to get up and leave just yet, she wanted to look over her answers a few more times. The last few weeks of intense studying left her prepare for the exams but also depleted of energy completely. She had barely seen anyone but the customers at her store between pages of exam review. It had been a solid seven days since she had even seen her girlfriend’s face as she too was busy with exams. They kept up their relationship these days fully over text, during the previous week they did have a few chances to meet, even if it was just YongSun coming to visit her at the store late at night. Even in their shared class the professor had separated them around the room during that morning’s exam.  
The bell finally rang and all the students left in the class rushed to the front in an orderly manner to hand in thier test. Byul was one of the last ones, not wanting to get caught in the sea of students rushing for the front door. She handed her exam off to the teacher and made her way into the hall. She still had a few things to collect from her locker before going to meet YongSun in the courtyard, they had managed to squeeze in time before Byul’s end of the year party with her program, YongSun also had one tonight so they would have to wait yet again to see each other. 
Byul made it to the courtyard before YongSun did, she must be running behind. Byul couldn’t help but check the time, counting down the seconds left they would have together today. She supposed they’d have a lot of time this summer to see each other, however, Byul already knew her schedule would be full of work, trying to save money for next year so she wouldn’t have to work so much. YongSun would be doing work experience in her field over the summer for extra credit so that would have to be worked around as well. She imagined they would have both of their schedules side by side, marking days on the calendar when they could see each other. “ByulAh!” Byul turned to see YongSun making her way to her, she couldn’t help but smile as YongSun waved enthusiastically with both hands. Byul started making her way over to YongSun when the girl started to run, a second later YongSun had crashed herself into Byul, arms wrapped tightly around her as if they hadn’t seen each other in months rather than days. Byul s her arms around YongSun as well and held her close, taking in the familiar scent of her perfume. YongSun had become a bit more brazen with her interactions since the night of their dare kiss, she would have never hugged her this intemently before, especially not with this many people around who could misunderstand. “I missed you so much.” She mumbled into Byul’s hair. 
Byul laughed and pulled away. “I missed you too Unnie.” She smoothed out a part of YongSun’s hair for her. 
YongSun made a face at her. “Have you been missing meals? You feel thinner than last week.” 
They finally let their arms drop but they stayed close. “I’ve been living on Unnie’s love.” She said making a heart with her fingers. 
Byul got the response she wanted when YongSun scrunched up her face and hit her in the arm. Which only caused Byul to laugh at her. “Don’t be greasy.” 
“Sorry,” She said and didn’t mean, she looped her arm with YongSun as they began to walk. “Perhaps you should feed me, then maybe I’ll eat more food.” YongSun knocked into her side causing her to stumble a bit. “So lunch on me then.” She said guiding her to the front of the school.

Byul was sad to see YongSun go again. They were able to grab a quick lunch together, followed by a long makeout session at Byul’s place that use up more time than she cared to admit, especially since she wished they could have gone on longer. YongSun had to leave to drop her stuff off at home and get ready for her year end party and Byul had to get ready for her’s. She suggested they both skip the parties and just have a date night at Byul’s, she wasn’t going to see these kids next year anyway since she was switching programs but YongSun said she really needed to go to hers but promised that they could meet up later that night and YongSun would stay over since neither of them had to get up early the next day. 
It kind of scared Byul how much she liked YongSun. They’d known each other for about five months, been dating for about four of those but she felt like she has known her for her whole life, like the missing half to her whole. Perhaps she more than just really liked her but that was a conversation for another time. 
She dressed in her normal casual clothes but only slightly more dressier than normal because it was supposed to be a special occasion. On her way to the bar she really wished she didn’t have to go. It is not like she didn’t like these guys, or that she wouldn’t miss them but she wasn’t much of a party girl, and she would have rather be spending her night with a different girl.  
Byul met a few of her classmates at the entrance, they all walked in together and grabbed a table for themselves. The oldest of the group orderer a round of beer for all of them and a few bottle of soju for them to split. They kept the conversation light, talking about grades on final project, stupid teachers and other thing about school just to break the ice. Not even an hour into the party Byul got a message from YongSun, it was a picture of her, red faced and cheersing Byul with the glass in her hand. Byul let out a short laugh and sent back a quick picture of her own, with a message warning YongSun not to go overboard on the drinks.  
“Who are you messaging?” The girl next to Byul was trying to get a look at her screen but she expertly hid it from her in time. 
Byul tipped her glass back and finished off the beer before she answered. “Just my friend.” 
The girl gave Byul a playful push. “By the look on your face I’d say it was your boyfriend.”
Byul didn’t answer but this caught the attention of the boy across from Byul. “You have a boyfriend ByulAh?” 
Byul didn’t make eye contact as she downed the shot her placed in front of her. “No I don’t have a boyfriend.” She so badly wanted to finish her sentence, to correct them, that she had a girlfriend but that would not make their lives easier next year.  
“Has he not asked you out yet?” 
Byul just shook her head. “I was texting my friend YongSun.” YongSun sent her another message, two crying faces and a message saying she will slow down on the drinks, followed by a heart. Again she made sure no one could see the message. “She is at her end of the year party a few blocks over.” She noticed the few suspicious looks from the others but they dropped the subject. 
Byul managed to last another hour and a half before she left the party. She had reached her limit for the night of drinks and social interactions with very drunk people. Byul stepped outside of the bar and breathed in the fresh night air, after hours of cramped hot air, it felt very refreshing. She shot a text to YongSun telling her that she was done with her party and to let her know when she was done with hers, and she would come meet her. She knew YongSun had, had a few too many when they next thing she sent was a photo of herself again, in the bathroom this time, camera angled so Byul could see a good portion of her chest and YongSun was winking at her. Byul shook her head and laughed a bit, but she figured she should go collect her girlfriend before one of the nice boys in her program decided to send her home for the night, or worse. 

Byul was outside the bar ten minutes later with a bag in her hand. She stopped off at a store to get some drinks to help YongSun sober up and hopefully not be hungover in the morning. She made her way in the bar, not missing the looks from the students who clearly knew she was not from their classes but none of them stopped her. It was more crowded in this car then the one she was just at. She thought it would take her longer to find YongSun than it did. She was in the middle of the dance floor, dance in the middle of a bunch of girls, all of them dancing very seductively. It wasn’t the girls that Byul was jealous about, it was the boys the stood nearby basically drooling over them, over YongSun. It only took YongSun a minute to notice that Byul had entered the room, which made her feel so much better, as if she had eyes for no one but her. “ByulAh!” She called, face lighting up like a kid on Christmas. Byul didn’t miss the looks from the other students as YongSun called to her, she just hoped it was dark enough that they wouldn’t see the blush on her face. YongSun danced over to her very excitedly, Byul intercepted her so she didn’t collide with her, pulling her into a hug. YongSun tucked her head into Byul’s neck and she swayed the both of them to the music. Now Byul was becoming very aware that a lot of the students were looking at them. “I missed you.” She said thankfully quiet enough that only Byul could hear her. Byul wasn’t prepared for the next second when she could now feel YongSun kissing the side of her neck, which made her instantly freeze and just hope enough of her hair was obscuring it. She was slightly disappointed that she had to stop her because another part of her was really enjoying the feeling of it but this was not the place or the way they needed to come out as a couple.  
Byul gently and carefully pulled her away so it only looked like she was resting her head on Byul’s shoulder instead of making out with her neck. “Unnie, you’re drunk.” She said loud enough for everyone to hear. “You asked me to come and pick you up, so let’s get you home.” She adjusted their position so YongSun was beside her, her arms still wrapped around Byul’s waist, head now resting on Byul’s shoulder as they walked, which made getting her out of the bar that more difficult.  
As she got her to the curb where the taxi’s were waiting, someone called after them. “Wait!” A boy she had never seen before was making his way over to her, purse in hand. She managed to sit YongSun down in the cab before he reached her “This is her bag.” He said passing Byul the pink bag, she took it with a dip of her head. “You must be MoonByul,” he said casually slipping his hands into his pockets. “She talks a lot about you.”  
Byul could feel heat creeping up her face. “Oh?”  
She read it in his face, he knew, she swallowed hard waiting for his next words. “I am glad she had someone looking out for her.” She read that look as well when he looked over her shoulder to YongSun sitting in the cab, he liked her. 
Byul dipped her head again. “Thank you…”  
“JaeYoung, Lee JaeYoung.” He said putting out his hand.  
Byul shook it. “Thank you Lee JaeYoung.” She watched him turn and walk back into the bar before she slid into the cab with YongSun. YongSun resumed her position, using Byul’s shoulder as her pillow. She patted her head gently and gave the driver her address.

Getting your drunk girlfriend up to a rooftop apartment was more work than Byul wanted. Once the reached to top she helped YongSun on the wood square in the middle of the rooftop. She put the drink she bought her in her hand and watched as she drank it. YongSun laid back on the wood and stared at the sky. Byul tried to pull her up. “Come on YongSunAh, let’s get you to bed.”
YongSun fought her, shaking her head. “I want to look at beautiful Byul.” She said, she pointed to the sky. “Byul,” She point to Byul. “Byul.” She giggled. 
Byul shook her head and laughed. “I’ll let you stay here for a bit longer but you will catch a cold if you sleep out here all night.” 
YongSun patted the spot next to her. “Come lay down.” It was the way she said it that made Byul change her mind about it, not trusting herself not to give in to the drunk girl. 
Byul shook her head at her. “I am going to get changed, I will come get you in ten minutes.” She said grabbing YongSun’s bag and dashing into her house. 
She spent more time than she needed to getting ready for bed, she ran some cold water over herself in the bathroom, it was then she noticed the small mark on her neck where YongSun had been kissing her, the dam girl gave her a hickey, she’d have to remember to cover it in the morning. Byul sent a quick message to YongSun’s mother, telling her that YongSun asked her to pick her up because she was drunk so she was going to let her stay over, it was their original plan except YongSun actually got drunk. 
Byul went back to collect YongSun a few moments later and the girl was passed out cold. It took a lot more effort getting her in the house then it did getting her up the stairs but she finally got YongSun into bed, still in her party clothes. The second Byul slid in next to her, YongSun latched onto her and snuggled into her chest. Byul smiled. She smoothed YongSun’s hair until they both fell asleep. 

YongSun started to grumble the second Byul started moving in the morning. Byul had been trying to move for the last half hour but everytime she did, YongSun somehow grabbed onto her tighter. “Are you finally awake?” 
She watched as YongSun’s eyes slowly opened. “Why does it feel like a bunch of people are jackhammering in my head?” 
Byul laughed and moved the hair off YongSun’s face. “Probably because you drank way too much last night.” Byul wasn’t going to lie,she got a bit of pleasure out of telling YongSun everything she did last night. 
YongSun put her hand over then she got o the kiss on the dance floor. “I did not!” She said so shocked, Byul moved her hair out of the way so YongSun could see her work on Byul’s neck. “Byul I am so sorry.”  
Byul shrugged. “I thought it was cute. You’ve now marked me as yours.” She teases and YongSun cover her face. 
“That is not how I wanted last night to go.” She groaned. “I had a plan.” 
“Oh?” Byul said teasing her more. “Why don’t you tell me about this plan YongSun ssi.” 
YongSun sat up, hands going to her head immediately as she tried to steady her hangover. Byul sat up with her and rubbed her shoulders a bit, hoping she wasn’t going to puke. YongSun crawled over to her purse that Byul left on the floor last night and grabbed for it. She shuffled some stuff around before she pulled out a small rectangle box that was topped with a ribbon. She shuffled back to the bed, climbed as close to Byul as she could and handed it to her. “An end of the year gift. I wanted to give it to you in better spirits.” Byul took the box, mouth going dry. She slowly pulled the top off of it, revealing two small rectangle pieces of paper. Tickets, she was holding a set of tickets… train tickets… to Byul’s hometown. Her mind started reeling. “They are for next weekend. I talked to your co-workers at both jobs and found people to take your shifts, you’ve been working so hard all year it wasn’t fair you couldn’t see your family. I hope you don’t mind I bought one for myself as well…” She trailed off, mistaking Byul’s silence. “It that weekend doesn’t work they are exchangeable, or refundable if you don’t want me to go, or maybe if you don’t like it…” Byul dropped the tickets and grabbed YongSun’s face and kissing her. She kissed her until both girls were out of breath. “So… good gift?” 
“This is the best gift I’ve ever received.” She kissed YongSun again, a small one this time. “I love you Kim YongSun.” She had said it, she had finally said the words she had been feeling for months. 
YongSun looked shocked but it faded into a smile fast. “I love you too Moon ByulYi.” She leaned in again and Byul showed her just how much she loved her.


A/N: They are just makingout in that last bit, just to clerify.

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svela2233 #1
Chapter 16: Naaaawwwwwww 🥲🥲🥲
sadandlonely #2
sadandlonely #3
Chapter 16: I just saw this fic now. It was such a treasure to have come across this story, thank you for writing this ❤️
Chapter 16: Wahhh thank you for this amazing story💖
La_Joke26 #6
Chapter 13: This story is so adorable. I know I haven’t finished reading yet, but I just want to comment now. Their interactions are cute and what Yong did for Byul is just so sweet. Keep up the great work author! 😊
Chapter 16: wow! it is really a heart-warming love story <3
RubiaAO #8
Chapter 16: É uma história incrível, obrigada!!!

Fique bem!
Chapter 16: I really love this story ♥️ thx author-nim
I cannot stress how much I loved the way in which you told the story of Byul and Yong‘s love ❤️ Thank you for writing such a heartwarming story