Chapter 10: Double Date

Walking On Sunshine

It took Byul a second to remember where she was. It was very early in the morning, so early that the sun was only just starting to rise. She knew who she was with, YongSun was snuggled up against her, face buried in Byul’s shoulder. Byul had her arms wrapped around YongSun, keeping her close.
She now knew she was still at YongSun's house, her family asleep and the house quiet. Byul didn't want YongSun to know that seeing her with her family made her miss her family even more, she was glad to see them all so happy but it brought on more pain. Byul needed to cheer herself up. She pulled back a little so she could see YongSun's sleeping face, her face was so smushed into her pillow that it made her cheeks look even more chubby. A smile instantly formed on Byul's face, she looked so cute. Continuing her amusement, Byul poked YongSun's cheek as if she could pop it. YongSun's face scrunched up and turned pouty. This just made Byul snicker. Byul repeated the motion, this time earning a long whine from YongSun as she batted Byul’s hand away. Byul was having way too much fun to stop, so this time she popped both of YongSun's cheeks. YongSun smacked Byul in the shoulder. “Byul-Ah.” She whined and Byul cracked up.
YongSun opened her eyes, looking equally pouty and angry, making Byul smile deeper. After YongSun smacked her again Byul collected her back up into her arms and held her close. “Sorry, YongSun-Ah, go back to sleep.”
YongSun didn't argue as she nestled her head back into Byul's shoulder. They laid like that for a few more minutes before YongSun let out a large sigh and started to push Byul away. Eyes now open and alert, making Byul laugh. YongSun looked at her clock. “It isn't even six thirty yet.” She whined.
Byul shrugged. “Sorry I'm an early riser.” She still had her arms wrapped around YongSun, drawing small lines up her back.
YongSun moved an arm to prop up her head a bit off the pillow. “What are we going to do today?”
This was a good question. Byul had no work today, it was getting to the very end on the school semester so she only had projects to work on, so attending class wasn't exactly a priority. “HyeJin keeps asking to meet you.” She suggested.
YongSun nodded. “Yeah, WheeIn too.”
Something clicked in Byul's head, which was surprising given the early hour. “WheeIn, as in Jung WheeIn?” The girl she met, HyeJin’s girlfriend was named that. YongSun confirmed with a sound and Byul laughed a bit. “I can't believe I didn't put that together sooner.”
YongSun looked confused. “What do you mean?”
“Ahn HyeJin, my friend, is dating a girl named Jung WheeIn, your friend.”
It took her a second but Byul could see the thoughts turning. “Oh.” She said sounding as dumb as Byul felt for not having put it together. “Do you think they knew?”
“Well Moon ByulYi and Kim YongSun are not very common names, I am almost certain they have.” It would explain a lot of the knowing looks HyeJin would give her. “Well I guess that makes it easier, only one meeting instead of two.” YongSun reached for her phone and shot a text to WheeIn, asking about their plans for the day. Neither of them were expecting a response anytime soon since it was so early.
Byul had a thought, a sly grin starting on her face. “Speaking of HyeJin.” She started. Byul was still wearing the clothes she had on the night before, both of them had gone to bed wearing them. YongSun must have changed during the night because she was wearing the pajamas that Byul lent her. “She helped me pick something out for you.” She wasn't sure where this bravery came from, perhaps it was because she knew the rest of the house was asleep.
She started very slowly ing her shirt, YongSun's eyes went wide, mouth opening to say something but Byul held a finger to her lips. She didn't undo her whole shirt, she wasn't brazen enough. She made it about half way and slipped it open slightly so YongSun could see the tip of the black lace bra she was wearing. She got the response she wanted when YongSun swallowed hard and her eyes kept darting to Byul's so she wasn't looking. She didn't say anything as she leaned in and kissed YongSun, it started how it had last night, slow and tentative but soon picked up speed. YongSun was hold the sides of Byul's shirt, where it parted as if she was debating to pull the rest apart. Byul's hands were now working their way up YongSun's stomach, savoring the feel of her skin under Byul's fingers. Byul moved down YongSun's face, kissing her cheek, her jaw, then down to her neck. When Byul kissed the spot just between her shoulder and neck YongSun let out a little noise that sent fire down Byul's veins.
Someone's door opened in the hall and both girl jumped apart like they had yesterday. Byul could feel her heart in and it took the a moment to realize that it was not YongSun's door that had opened. Byul raked a hand through her hair and she laughed with relief. She could still see YongSun taking breaths to calm herself down. Byul did up her shirt and rolled back over to face YongSun. “We really have to stop doing this when others are around.”
YongSun looked more frustrated than scared when she replied. “Agreed.” Byul gave her another quick kiss before she sat up and removed herself from the temptation, ready to face the day.

YongSun sat on Byul’s small bed while Byul dug up an outfit to wear. HyeJin and WheeIn were bothe free this afternoon to hang out as a group. WheeIn laughed a bit at YongSun over the phone when she admitted it took them until that morning to realize that they were all connected. The girls had left YongSun’s house after a quick breakfast and for YongSun to change into a general shirt and jeans to wear on their group outing. The same thing Byul was doing right now.
YongSun was trying hard to pretend she wasn’t watching Byul’s every move. Many parts of her were still on fire from their morning adventure, she was getting red just thinking about it. YongSun had been in relationships before, mostly with boys, but she had been out with a few girls, but none of them made her feel the way Byul did. Everything was so different, everything felt new, and she wanted to go places with Byul that she had never been before with anyone else, in many different way, not all physical.
Byul threw a shirt at YongSun to snap her out of her mind wander. “You ready to go?” Byul asked her. YongSun rose from the bed and nodded. “Then let’s go.” She said grabbing YongSun’s hand and leading her out the door.

YongSun was less than enthused when the others had settled on mini golf. She was never one for sports, even on a miniature level. All the other girls were super excited over it though so she didn’t complain much about it. The more off putting thing about it was that HyeJin and WheeIn were not shy to show their feelings for each other, they were still cautious as they had to be but for the most part they held hands, flirted with each other, and even kissed a few times. YongSun felt herself feeling very jealous, not that Byul wasn’t doing those things to her, she did, especially holding YongSun’s hand and resting her head on YongSun’s shoulder, she was jealous that she still could not bring herself to do those things to Byul. Too much of their society has told her that it was not okay for them to be doing these things, it was like her mind was fighting her, a conditioned response. She however, was proud of herself for not pulling away from Byul once, trying to retrain herself.
It was no shock that Byul won the game, HyeJin came in second, and YongSun and WheeIn tied for last. The girls have since relocated to a nearby bar, where YongSun and WheeIn paid for the first two rounds of drinks since they had lost the golf game. YongSun was surprised how quickly they all seemed to fit into place, as if they were meant to be a group of four friends. They played a few games and ordered so much food that they were sure the waiter thought they were going to run out of money. The real trouble started when HyeJin suggested truth or dare, all the girls had a good buzz going, especially YongSun who was a lightweight, Byul got a good laugh out of that, poking fun at her red face.
YongSun got to go first because she won rock, paper, scissors. The rules were that they got to pick who they asked, each had to pick either truth or dare and was not allowed to change, and if you didn’t want to do it, you had to take a shot. YongSun picked WheeIn first, she chose dare, so YoungSun dared her to cluck like a chicken until the server finished dropping off the next round of drinks, he did not seem impressed when she did. WheeIn asked Byul who picked truth.
“What was the first thing about YongSun that you noticed?” She and HyeJin leaned in intently.
Byul gave YongSun a once over and chuckled. “Her chubby cheeks.” She giggled. YongSun could feel her face go more red as the other girls laughed along with her. Byul asked HyeJin who also picked truth. “What is something about WheeIn that makes you cringe?”
WheeIn looked at her girlfriend through the side of her eye as she answered. “When she tried to act cute.” WheeIn looked offended, HyeJin waved her off. “You are cute when you are not trying, it is when you are trying, it is just scary.” WheeIn backed it up with a very long, scary, cute voice, aimed at HyeJin, who just shook her head.
The rounds when on like this for a while, Byul was dared to act as greasy as possible, which had them all cringing. HyeJin confidently telling everyone what she thought made WheeIn y. YongSun braved a shot when WheeIn dared her to ask for the server’s number. Byul told HyeJin when they finally met in person, she thought she was older than her with all the makeup she wore. The night at the bar was coming to a close, the girls divided the total and agreed to do this again really soon. 

After they parted ways, Byul told YongSun she was going to walk her home. Both girls were more than tipsy, fingers interlaced, swinging as they walked down the dark streets. YongSun was feeling lighter than air as they walked together, she couldn’t remember the last time she was ever this happy. “YongSun-Ah.” Byul called to her, she looked over. “Truth or dare?”
YongSun smiled. “Truth.”
“Did you have a good time tonight?”
“A very good time.” They walked a few more feet. “Byul-Ah, truth or dare?”
Byul laughed. “Truth.”
“Are you happy?” She didn’t look at Byul when she asked, but they had stopped walking now.
Byul took her time thinking about it. “Most of the time, when I am with you I am.”
YongSun felt mixed feelings, happy at what she said, but sad at the underlying message. “What makes you sad?”
“I thought it was my turn.” She said trying to laugh it off, when YongSun didn’t continue she answered. “I miss my family a lot lately, it doesn’t seem like I will be able to see them this summer. It had almost been a year since I’ve seen them.” YongSun stepped in and wrapped Byul up in her arms, it took her a moment but Byul rested her head on Yongun’s shoulder and let out a huge sigh. They did nothing but stand there for a few minutes enjoying each other’s embrace. When they finally pulled away she noticed Byul whip the corners of her eyes, she cleared and smiled at YongSun. “Truth or dare?”
YongSun rolled her eyes but answered. “Dare.”
Byul stepped in close. “I dare you to kiss me.” She said almost like a challenge. So YongSun took another step closer to Byul, and in the middle of the road, where other people could see them, and she kissed her with all the feelings she kept bottled up all night. It was the best dare ever.

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svela2233 #1
Chapter 16: Naaaawwwwwww 🥲🥲🥲
sadandlonely #2
sadandlonely #3
Chapter 16: I just saw this fic now. It was such a treasure to have come across this story, thank you for writing this ❤️
Chapter 16: Wahhh thank you for this amazing story💖
La_Joke26 #6
Chapter 13: This story is so adorable. I know I haven’t finished reading yet, but I just want to comment now. Their interactions are cute and what Yong did for Byul is just so sweet. Keep up the great work author! 😊
Chapter 16: wow! it is really a heart-warming love story <3
RubiaAO #8
Chapter 16: É uma história incrível, obrigada!!!

Fique bem!
Chapter 16: I really love this story ♥️ thx author-nim
I cannot stress how much I loved the way in which you told the story of Byul and Yong‘s love ❤️ Thank you for writing such a heartwarming story